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Why Chinese Is So Damn Hard

by David Moser

University of Michigan Center for Chinese Studies

The first question any thoughtful person might ask when reading the title of this essay is, "Hard for whom?" A reasonable question. After all, Chinese people seem to learn it just fine. When little Chinese kids go through the "terrible twos", it's Chinese they use to drive their parents crazy, and in a few years the same kids are actually using those impossibly complicated Chinese characters to scribble love notes and shopping lists. So what do I mean by "hard"? Since I know at the outset that the whole tone of this document is going to involve a lot of whining and complaining, I may as well come right out and say exactly what I mean. I mean hard for me, a native English speaker trying to learn Chinese as an adult, going through the whole process with the textbooks, the tapes, the conversation partners, etc., the whole torturous rigmarole. I mean hard for me -- and, of course, for the many other Westerners who have spent years of their lives bashing their heads against the Great Wall of Chinese.


作者:David Moser

看到这篇文章的标题,任何有头脑的人第一个问题都会是“难,是对谁而言?”问的有理。说到底,中国人看起来学的还挺顺当的。当中国小孩儿经历那“狗 都嫌的两岁”时,他们用的是中文来把父母们逼疯。几年之后,同样这些孩子就已经在用复杂得不可思议的汉字来歪歪斜斜地写情书和购物清单了。所以我说的 “难”到底是什么意思?既然我早就知道本文的语调将充满牢骚和抱怨,那我最好还是说清楚自己到底是什么意思。我的意思是,对我来说很难,一个以英语为母 语,试图学习中文的成年人。他会经历教科书、磁带、语伴等等这一整套折磨人的繁琐过程。我的“难”是说的对我自己,呃——当然还对很多其他西方人,那些花 费了经年累月,在中文的长城上撞到头大的人们(译者:原文“Chinese”同时表示“中文”和“中国的”)。

If this were as far as I went, my statement would be a pretty empty one. Of course Chinese is hard for me. After all, any foreign language is hard for a non-native, right? Well, sort of. Not all foreign languages are equally difficult for any learner. It depends on which language you're coming from. A French person can usually learn Italian faster than an American, and an average American could probably master German a lot faster than an average Japanese, and so on. So part of what I'm contending is that Chinese is hard compared to ... well, compared to almost any other language you might care to tackle. What I mean is that Chinese is not only hard for us (English speakers), but it's also hard in absolute terms. Which means that Chinese is also hard for them, for Chinese people.

如果我要说的只有这些,那这些话相当空洞。中文对我来说当然难喽。毕竟,任何外语对非母语人士都很难,对不对?这个嘛,差不多是这样。不过不是所有的外语 对任何学生的难度都是一样的。它取决于你自己的母语。一个法国人学意大利语往往比美国人快,而一个普通美国人掌握德语则多半比一个普通日本人快得多,如此 而已。所以我所谈论的部分观点是指中文很难,相对于??反正相对于你有可能想学的几乎其他任何语言。我的意思是中文不但对我们(英语人士)来说难,它在绝 对意义上也是难的。这意味着对于中国人来说,中文也很难。

If you don't believe this, just ask a Chinese person. Most Chinese people will cheerfully acknowledge that their language is hard, maybe the hardest on earth. (Many are even proud of this, in the same way some New Yorkers are actually proud of living in the most unlivable city in America.) Maybe all Chinese people deserve a medal just for being born Chinese. At any rate, they generally become aware at some point of the Everest-like status of their native language, as they, from their privileged vantage point on the summit, observe foolhardy foreigners huffing and puffing up the steep slopes.

如果你不信,随便问个中国人。绝大多数中国人都会高兴地承认他们的语言很难,可能是地球上最难的。(实际上很多人以此为傲,就好象实际上有些纽约人以居住 在美国最不宜居的城市为傲一样。)可能所有中国人都该因为生为中国人而获得一枚奖牌才是。不管怎样,基本上他们早晚都会意识到他们母语那种珠穆朗玛峰一样 的地位的,当他们站在那至高无上的山峰上,优越地俯视着那些有勇无谋的外国人们在陡峭的山崖上气喘吁吁的时候。

Everyone's heard the supposed fact that if you take the English idiom "It's Greek to me" and search for equivalent idioms in all the world's languages to arrive at a consensus as to which language is the hardest, the results of such a linguistic survey is that Chinese easily wins as the canonical incomprehensible language. (For example, the French have the expression "C'est du chinois", "It's Chinese", i.e., "It's incomprehensible". Other languages have similar sayings.) So then the question arises: What do the Chinese themselves consider to be an impossibly hard language? You then look for the corresponding phrase in Chinese, and you find Gēn tiānshū yíyàng 跟天书一样 meaning "It's like heavenly script." 大家都听过这个公认的说法,那就是如果你考虑英语中的“It's Greek to me”(译者注:原意是“这对我就像希腊文”,引申为“难以理解”。),然后在全世界的语言中寻找一个与之相对应的习语,从而得到一个关于哪个语言最难的 共识。那这样一个语言调查的结果将是中文轻松获得最难解语言的称号。(比如,法语就有这种表达“C'est du chinois”,意为“这是中文”,亦即“这是神马我不懂”。其他语言有类似说法。)那么问题来了,中国人自己认为什么才是最不可能学会的困难语言呢? 你在中文中寻找类似的习语,然后你找到了——“跟天书一样”

There is truth in this linguistic yarn; Chinese does deserve its reputation for heartbreaking difficulty. Those who undertake to study the language for any other reason than the sheer joy of it will always be frustrated by the abysmal ratio of effort to effect. Those who are actually attracted to the language precisely because of its daunting complexity and difficulty will never be disappointed. Whatever the reason they started, every single person who has undertaken to study Chinese sooner or later asks themselves "Why in the world am I doing this?" Those who can still remember their original goals will wisely abandon the attempt then and there, since nothing could be worth all that tedious struggle. Those who merely say "I've come this far -- I can't stop now" will have some chance of succeeding, since they have the kind of mindless doggedness and lack of sensible overall perspective that it takes.

Okay, having explained a bit of what I mean by the word, I return to my original question: Why is Chinese so damn hard?

这些可不完全是在说笑话,中文那令人心痛的难度是名副其实的。所有那些试图学习这门语言的人们,除了纯粹以此为乐的,都会对学习中极低的投入产出比感到沮 丧。那些实际上

正是被这门语言吓人的复杂和难度吸引的家伙,则绝不会失望。不管原因为何,所有中文学习者早晚都会问自己这个问题“我到底为啥在干这个?” 还能记着自己初衷的人会明智的选择立刻放弃,因为没有什么值得付出如此多的痛苦挣扎。而对自己回答说“事已至此,无路可退”的人呢,则有机会成功,因为他 们拥有学习中文必需的素质——不见黄河不死心的死钻牛角尖精神。


1. Because the writing system is ridiculous.

Beautiful, complex, mysterious -- but ridiculous. I, like many students of Chinese, was first attracted to Chinese because of the writing system, which is surely one of the most fascinating scripts in the world. The more you learn about Chinese characters the more intriguing and addicting they become. The study of Chinese characters can become a lifelong obsession, and you soon find yourself engaged in the daily task of accumulating them, drop by drop from the vast sea of characters, in a vain attempt to hoard them in the leaky bucket of long-term memory.

1. 因为书写系统很不合理

优美,复杂,神秘??但是莫名其妙。像很多中文学习者一样,我一开始就是被这些汉字所吸引的,它们肯定是世界上最迷人的字符之一。你学中文越多就就 越发现汉字的让人上瘾的魅力。中文汉字的学习可以令人痴迷一生,很快你就每天一滴滴地从汉字的海洋中积累成癖,徒劳地试图建立一点储备,靠着那漏水桶一般 的长期记忆能力。

The beauty of the characters is indisputable, but as the Chinese people began to realize the importance of universal literacy, it became clear that these ideograms were sort of like bound feet -- some fetishists may have liked the way they looked, but they weren't too practical for daily use.

For one thing, it is simply unreasonably hard to learn enough characters to become functionally literate. Again, someone may ask "Hard in comparison to what?" And the answer is easy: Hard in comparison to Spanish, Greek, Russian, Hindi, or any other sane, "normal" language that requires at most a few dozen symbols to write anything in the language. John DeFrancis, in his book The Chinese Language: Fact and Fantasy, reports that his Chinese colleagues estimate it takes seven to eight years for a Mandarin speaker to learn to read and write three thousand characters, whereas his French and Spanish colleagues estimate that students in their respective countries achieve comparable levels in half that time. Naturally, this estimate is rather crude and impressionistic (it's unclear what "comparable levels" means here), but the overall implications are obvious: the Chinese writing system is harder to learn, in absolute terms, than an alphabetic writing system. Even Chinese kids, whose minds are at their peak absorptive power, have more trouble with Chinese characters than their little counterparts in other countries have with their respective scripts. Just imagine the difficulties experienced by relatively sluggish post-pubescent foreign learners such as myself.

Everyone has heard that Chinese is hard because of the huge number of characters one has to learn, and this is absolutely true. There are a lot of popular books and articles that downplay this difficulty, saying things like "Despite the fact that Chinese has [10,000,

25,000, 50,000, take your pick] separate characters you really only need 2,000 or so to read a newspaper". Poppycock. I couldn't comfortably read a newspaper when I had 2,000 characters under my belt. I often had to look up several characters per line, and even after that I had trouble pulling the meaning out of the article. (I take it as a given that what is meant by "read" in this context is "read and basically comprehend the text without having to look up dozens of characters"; otherwise the claim is rather empty.)

汉字的优美是不容置疑的,不过当中国人意识到普及识字的重要性时,有一点就很明显了,这些表意文字有些像裹足小脚——可能有些恋物癖喜欢这些小脚, 可是它们在日常中并不实用。首先,要学会基本识字要求的汉字就已经是不可理喻的难了。“相对什么而难?”有人可能会再次发问。答案很简单:相对西班牙语, 希腊语,俄语,印地语,或者任何只需要最多几十个符号就能完成书写的“正常而理智”的语言。 John DeFrancis在他的书The Chinese Language: Fact and Fantasy中提到,他的中国同事估计让一个说普通话的人学会读写三千个汉字需要七到八年,而他的法国和西班牙同事估计他们的母语要达到类似水平则是只 需一半时间。自然的,这些估计很粗糙,凭印象而已(比如什么算“类似水平”就没说清楚),不过其中寓意是显然的:中文书写系统在绝对程度上比字母书写系统 更难学习。在中国,就算是吸收能力处于顶峰的小孩子,他们学起汉字来也比其他国家小孩学习其他文字更费劲。所以想象一下已过青春期的,学习相对缓慢的外国 人学习者(比如我)经历的困难吧!

大家都听说过中文很难是因为需要掌握巨量的汉字,这一点千真万确。好多畅销书和文章中淡化了这一困难,说什么“尽管中文拥有 (10000,25000,或者50000。来,您选个数字)个不同的汉字,你其实只需要学习大约2000个就能读报了”。这是瞎掰。我学习了2000个 汉字的时候并不能顺利地读报。我常常每看一行就得查几个字,之后还得冥思苦想文章的意思。(我假定读报中“读”的意思是“阅读并且能基本理解文章意思,而 不需要查几十个字先”,不然的话这个说法就没什么好讨论的了。)

This fairy tale is promulgated because of the fact that, when you look at the character frequencies, over 95% of the characters in any newspaper are easily among the first 2,000 most common ones. But what such accounts don't tell you is that there will still be plenty of unfamiliar words made up of those familiar characters. (To illustrate this problem, note that in English, knowing the words "up" and "tight" doesn't mean you know the word "uptight".) Plus, as anyone who has studied any language knows, you can often be familiar with every single word in a text and still not be able to grasp the meaning. Reading comprehension is not simply a matter of knowing a lot of words; one has to get a feeling for how those words combine with other words in a multitude of different contexts. In addition, there is the obvious fact that even though you may know 95% of the characters in a given text, the remaining 5% are often the very characters that are crucial for understanding the main point of the text. A non-native speaker of English reading an article with the headline "JACUZZIS FOUND EFFECTIVE IN TREATING PHLEBITIS" is not going to get very far if they don't know the words "jacuzzi" or "phlebitis".

The problem of reading is often a touchy one for those in the China field. How many of us would dare stand up in front of a group of colleagues and read a randomly-selected passage out loud? Yet inferiority complexes or fear of losing face causes many teachers and students to become unwitting cooperators in a kind of conspiracy of silence wherein

everyone pretends that after four years of Chinese the diligent student should be whizzing through anything from Confucius to Lu Xun, pausing only occasionally to look up some pesky low-frequency character (in their Chinese-Chinese dictionary, of course). Others, of course, are more honest about the difficulties. The other day one of my fellow graduate students, someone who has been studying Chinese for ten years or more, said to me "My research is really hampered by the fact that I still just can't read Chinese. It takes me hours to get through two or three pages, and I can't skim to save my life." This would be an astonishing admission for a tenth-year student of, say, French literature, yet it is a comment I hear all the time among my peers (at least in those unguarded moments when one has had a few too many Tsingtao beers and has begun to lament how slowly work on the thesis is coming).

A teacher of mine once told me of a game he and a colleague would sometimes play: The contest involved pulling a book at random from the shelves of the Chinese section of the Asia Library and then seeing who could be the first to figure out what the book was about. Anyone who has spent time working in an East Asia collection can verify that this can indeed be a difficult enough task -- never mind reading the book in question. This state of affairs is very disheartening for the student who is impatient to begin feasting on the vast riches of Chinese literature, but must subsist on a bland diet of canned handouts, textbook examples, and carefully edited appetizers for the first few years.

这个神话广泛流传,主要因为当考虑出现频率时,任何报纸中超过95%的汉字都是在最常用的2000个汉字之中。但这样的数字并没告诉你其实还有非常 多的由这些熟悉的汉字组成的陌生词汇。(比如说,在英文中知道“up”和“tight”并不意味着你也知道“uptight”的意思。)(译者注:猜猜看 uptight什么意思?)而且,所有学过任何语言的人都知道,你常常明白每个词儿的意思,但就是不懂整段文字的含义。阅读理解可不是整明白一大堆词儿的 意思就行了,你还得搞清楚这些词儿和其他词汇在很多不同语境中如何结合使用。此外,很明显,即使你认识一段话里95%的汉字,剩下的5%也常常恰好是理解 文章最需要的部分。一个非英语母语的人读到“JACUZZIS FOUND EFFECTIVE IN TREATING PHLEBITIS”这条新闻标题时如果不知道什么是“Jacuzzi”或“phlebitis”,那他也基本上搞不清这句话什么意思。(译 者:jacuzzi是一种按摩式浴缸;phlebitis则是静脉炎。)

阅读的困难在学习中国的圈子里是个恼人的问题。我们汉学家们中有多少人敢在大家面前站出来,大声阅读一段随机挑选的文字呢?然而自卑情结或是怕丢脸 的心理让很多教师和学生不自觉的变成了某种无言的共犯:每个人都假装好像学习四年中文之后,勤奋的学生就应该能飕飕地阅读从孔子到鲁迅的任何作品,只是偶 尔停下来查一些烦人的低频率汉字(当然,用的还得是中中字典)。其他一些人呢,当然对困难的存在就更诚实些。有一天一个学了中文十年以上的同学跟我说, “我的研究被一个问题阻碍着,那就是我还是不能阅读中文。读两三页书要花掉我好几个小时,而我甚至不能略读来节省些时间。”要是一个学了十年,比如说,法 国文学的学生这么承认,那可真是令人惊讶。然而我在同侪中常听到此类评论(至少在那些放松的时候是这样,比如喝了太多青岛啤酒,开始哀叹论文的工作进度多 么缓慢??)

我一个老师曾经跟我说了个他和一个同事会玩的游戏:他们在亚洲图书馆的中国区里随机从书架上抽一本书,看谁先搞懂这本书在讲什么。所有在东亚文学作 品集上花过工夫的人都可以证明,这个游戏的确相当难,更不必提真正阅读整本书。这样的状况真是令那些迫不及


If greenhouse-gas emissions1 continue to rise, glaciers3 in the Everest region of the Himalayas could experience dramatic change in the decades to come. A team of researchers in Nepal, France and the Netherlands have found Everest glaciers could be very sensitive to future warming, and that sustained ice loss through the 21st century is likely. The research is published today (27 May) in The Cryosphere, an open access journal of the European Geosciences Union (EGU). "The signal of future glacier2 change in the region is clear: continued and possibly accelerated mass loss from glaciers is likely given the projected increase in temperatures," says Joseph Shea, a glacier hydrologist at the International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD), Kathmandu, Nepal, and leader of the study.

The glacier model used by Shea and his team shows that glacier volume could be reduced between 70% and 99% by 2100. The results depend on how much

greenhouse-gas emissions continue to rise, and on how this will affect temperature, snowfall and rainfall in the area."Our results indicate that these glaciers may be highly sensitive to changes in temperature, and that increases in precipitation are not enough to offset4 the increased melt," says Shea. Increased temperatures will not only increase the rates of snow and ice melt, but can also result in a change of precipitation from snow to rain at critical elevations5, where glaciers are concentrated. Together, these act to reduce glacier growth and increase the area exposed to melt.

Glaciers in High Mountain Asia, a region that includes the Himalayas, contain the largest volume of ice outside the polar regions. The team studied glaciers in the Dudh Kosi basin in the Nepal Himalaya, which is home to some of the world's highest mountain peaks, including Mt Everest, and to over 400 square kilometres of glacier area. "Apart from the significance of the region, glaciers in the Dudh Kosi basin contribute meltwater to the Kosi River, and glacier changes will affect river flows downstream," says Shea.

1 emissions

排放物( emission的名词复数 ); 散发物(尤指气体)


Most scientists accept that climate change is linked to carbon emissions. 大多数科学家都相信气候变化与排放的含碳气体有关。

Dangerous emissions radiate from plutonium. 危险的辐射物从钚放散出来。 2 glacier



The glacier calved a large iceberg.冰河崩解而形成一个大冰山。

The upper surface of glacier is riven by crevasses.冰川的上表面已裂成冰隙。 3 glaciers

冰河,冰川( glacier的名词复数 )


Glaciers gouged out valleys from the hills. 冰川把丘陵地带冲出一条条山谷。

It has ice and snow glaciers, rainforests and beautiful mountains. 既有冰川,又有雨林和秀丽的山峰。 来自英语晨读30分(高一)

4 offset



Their wage increases would be offset by higher prices.他们增加的工资会被物价上涨所抵消。

He put up his prices to offset the increased cost of materials.他提高了售价以补偿材料成本的增加。

5 elevations

(水平或数量)提高( elevation的名词复数 ); 高地; 海拔; 提升


Weight of the crust changes as elevations are eroded and materials are deposited elsewhere. 当高地受到侵蚀,物质沉积到别的地方时,地壳的重量就改变。

All deck elevations are on the top of structural beams. 所有甲板标高线均指结构梁顶线。





0407 1540



整个登山过程中,那名呼声最高的队员身兼数职,他要接受记者采访,每天还要抽空上网,关注网友发的帖子,回复人们的关心和祝福。他还要全程拍摄登山过程,并把一些相关图片,按时发给家乡的电视台。王石表现得极为低调,事先约定不接受记者采访,不面对摄像机,专心登山。在海拔 8000米营地宿营时,风景异常绚丽,队友们兴奋异常,纷纷跑出去欣赏美景,只有王石不为所动。到达海拔8300米的高度,那名呼声最高的队友不得不放弃登顶,此时,他的体力已消耗殆尽。最终,只有4人成功登顶,其中包括王石。







第一步 立意



2、低调做人 (从王石的成功看他的品质低调)



(如果学生写努力,远大目标,坚持,执著 谦虚,身体素质、体力或者学会欣赏等,视为偏离题意)











《心无旁骛 只为登顶》


? 1.扬专注之帆,济成功之海 2.插专心羽翼,助成功飞翔















? 3.荡起专注的双桨4.立志凌绝顶,专注塑辉煌5.《专注来源于责任》6.《成功的秘诀》 7.《专注是一种力量》8.专注,铺就成功的基石9.专注成就满路花香10.成功之花开在专注枝头11.我的眼中只有你没有他12.只为一件事凝眸13.咬定目标不放松14.庖丁眼中只有牛15.不为外物遮望眼16.心无旁骛才是成功之道17.莫让乱花迷住眼




3.哲人曾说,在任何行业中,走向成功的第一步就是专注。王石的登顶成功 和呼声最高的队员的失败显示:唯有专注方能成功。


第二步 事例(材料)








4.居里夫人十几年如一日专注于从小山似的矿石中提炼放射性元素,两次获得诺贝尔奖金; 陈景润专注于数论,终于攀登上了数学的高峰; 爱因斯坦专注于实验,忘记了家在哪里最终成为举世闻名的科学巨匠。



7. 专注,为了更好地生存。百度能有今天如此的成就,就是因为多年专注于搜索服务,专注于搜索引擎技术,百度才能不断更新技术,才能为客户提供更好的服务。反过来,过硬的技术实力赢得许多客户的支持,让百度把这块蛋糕做得更大。






3、一切艺术与伟大事业必需的本领——专注,一种无论眼前的工作或大或小,都能将意志贯注其中的本领。除了专注,成就伟业没有别的秘诀。4、逐鹿者不顾兔。 ——《淮南子》



6、用志不分,乃凝于神。 ——《庄子》


味。 ——《礼记.大学》




——宋 程颢、程颐《二程全书.畅潜道录》


—— 鲁迅

11、蚓无爪牙之利, 筋骨之强,上食埃土,下饮黄泉,用心一也。

——《荀子 .劝学》





篇四:初中英语作文精选 (11)

? 给珍妮的一封信 A Letter To Jeanne

? 给朋友的一封信 A Letter to a Friend

? 我理想的一天 My Perfect Day

? The Rules in Our School 我们的校规

? 徒步旅行 Travel on Foot

? 无聊的一天 A Boring Day

? 邀请信 invitation letters

? 请假条 Ask for Leave

? 写给麦克的信 A Letter to Mike

? 请假条 Asking for Leave

? 通知与确认 Acknowledgments & Confirmations

? 请假条 Ask for Leave

? 忙碌的一天(生活) A Busy Day(life)

? 减肥之法 The Way of Losing Weight

? 我登上了泰山 I Climbed Mount Tai

? 《假如给我三天光明》读后感 Impression on "Three Days to Light"

? 两件生日礼物 Two Birthday Gifts

? 大开眼界的一天 An Eye-opening Day

? 产品包装 Package Design


地球——我们的母亲 The Earth——Our Mother


A Letter To Jeanne



Dear Jenny,























How are you getting along these days? I hope everything is all right.But I am upset these days because of my parents. I

think they take care too much about me and too overvalue my grades.I have to tell them my every exam and my grades.If I do well, they are happy. If I don't, they would be every sad and nervous, especially my mother.My mother even makes a detailed plan for my future.In her plan, I will go the best senior school of my city and then go to a top university of our country.She wants me to be a civil servant in the future, because this job is steady and well-paid.But I don't like it; I want to be a journalist.I feel so upset about her plan.I told them my feelings before, but they never listened to me and said what they doing are good for me.What should I do?

最近怎么样?希望你一切都好。最近我很烦恼,因为我觉得我的父母太过关心我了,并且过度重视我的学习成绩。每次考试我都要告诉他们,考完还要汇报成绩。如果我考得好,他们会很高兴,如果考得不好,他们会很难过,很忧虑,特别是我的妈妈。她为我的未来制定了一个详细的计划。在她的计划里,我要考上我们 这里最好的高中然后是国内一流的大学。她想我以后当一名公务员,因为这份工作既稳定又高薪。但我并不喜欢当一名公务员,我想成为一名记者。我很反感她的计 划。我之前曾告诉过他们我的感受,但他们从来不听我说,并声称他们所做的都是为了我好。我应该怎么办?

? ? ?


I think I need someone to talk to and look forward to your reply.


Lovely yours,




? ?

Dear Robert,

A Letter to a Friend



I'm glad to receive your letter.Now I will tell you something about my plan for summer vacation after the final exam.Firstly, I

will learn to drive.I think driving can be useful.Secondly, I will take some English courses.Thirdly, I will visit some tourist attractions.It must be very exciting.Last, I will do some reading in the vacation.What about you?I hope you can have a pretty vacation.






? ?

My Perfect Day


First, I would have breakfast with Queen Elizabeth II in Buckingham Palace.


Then I would go to the moon with Heller Borry in my own plane.On the moon I would take photos and sing a song with a


然后我会和Heller Borry用我自己的飞机一起飞向月球。在月球上我会拍照片,用麦克风唱歌。

? ? ?

After that, I would come back to the earth and show my photos of the moon to my friends.


I like adventures, so I would go to Egypt to see the great pyramids.


I would go into the pyramids to see the mummies.Then I would go to the South Pole with an exploration and learn




After that I would climb up the Qomolangma and see the sights.



Next I would go to London to make some new English friends.At last, I would go home and sleep for a long time.





The Rules in Our School

There are many rules in our school.Firstly, we must wear our school uniform, and we are not aloud to have our lunch at

home in the afternoon.Then, we cannot go out at night and not aloud to watch television shows.Besides, we cannot eat in the classroom and must clean the room everyday.Lastly, we must not be late for class and surely cannot fight with each other.




Travel on Foot


I like traveling on foot With my brother in holidays.At the very beginning, I felt very tired. I got out of breath so easily.Then

my brother started to tell me some interesting stories.We walked and walked while he didn't stop telling stories. We walked a long way without knowing.Then my brother asked me, "Are you still feeling tired?" The feelings of tiredness were already out of my mind. 我喜欢在假期跟哥哥一起徒步旅行。刚开始的时候,我还真有点吃不消,没走多远就累得上气不接下气。于是哥哥就给我讲动听的故事。他一边讲我们一边走,不知不觉走了很远。哥哥问我:“你还累吗?”呵呵,我早把“累”这回事忘到九霄云外去了。




A Boring Day


Today is a hot day, so that I stay at home.I planned to go out with my friends, but we did not go out because of the hot

weather.I finished my homework in the morning and then I wanted to play computer games.But after I played for a while,the power was off suddenly.I was so down, because I was going to win the game. How unlucky it was.Because of the power off, I have nothing to do at home. But it's too hot to go outside, so all I can do is staying at home.In order to kill the tough time, I did some previews, but after a while, I could not do it anymore.Therefore, I decided to find some books to read.Finally, I chose the Harry Potter.It was interesting book that could make me calm down.I read it for the whole afternoon until the power restored.



? ?

Dear Monica,

invitation letters 邀请信


This Saturday is my birthday and I’m going to hold a party in my house.As my best friend, I hope you will come.I think you

will be free at that day.There will be cake, cookies, candies, pie and so on in the party.Lily said she will dance for me at that night.It must be very interesting and exciting.By the way, the party begins at seven o’clock, but I hope you can come a litter earlier to help me prepare something about the party.I am looking forward to your reply.








Ask for Leave

? ?

Dear Ms Ma,


I am sorry to tell you that I can't go to school today.Last night my mother had a high fever and a bad cough. Perhaps she

has caught flu.I will take my mother to Tiantan Hospital and then look after her at home, so I couldn't go to school today.So I would like to ask for one day's leave.I will be very grateful if you grant my leave.







Li Li


? ?

Dear Mike,

A Letter to Mike



I’m glad to know that you are coming to China with your parents and will spend the Mid-autumn Day here.It is my honor to

introduce this festival to you.First of all, Mid-Autumn Festival is on the 15th, August of the lunar year.Mid-autumn Day has a long history.It exists in the ancient time.It is the Chinese traditional festival.People celebrate it to express their thanks for harvest and mainly for family reunion.Our Chinese will have a big dinner with our families on that day.people will enjoy the full moon and eat moon cakes on that day.I’m sure you will enjoy yourselves on Mid-autumn Day.




Best wishes,



Li Hua


? ?


March 6th, 2013

Asking for Leave 请假条


Dear Mr Li,


I’m sorry to tell you that I have to ask for sick leave for the whole afternoon class.Because I have a heavy headache now

and feel very sick.I think I have to ask for sick leave to go to hospital for medicine.I will attend the next day classes on time.




Yours repectful,





Acknowledgments & Confirmations

? ?

Dear Mr. / Ms,


Thank you for your letter No. A-3 of 6th May, offering us 6 UI-4 Viewdatas.We have passed it on to our Technical

Department for their consideration.

谢谢您五月六日标号为A-3的来信,该信向我们提供6 UI-4 图像数据。我们已把该信转给了技术部,备他们考虑。

? ?


We shall reply as soon as possible.


Yours faithfully


? ?

Dear Ms Ma,

Ask for Leave



I apologize that I cannot go to school today.Last night my mother had a high fever and coughed badly. I think that she has

got flu.She didn't have a good sleep and is very weak today, so I will go to Tiantan Hospital with my mother, and then stay at home to attend her.Because of this I have to ask for leave.I will appreciate you very much if you can allow my leave.







Li Li



A Busy Day(life)


Yesterday was Saturday. It should be a leisurely day, but I was busy yesterday.I got up at eight o'clock and then I ate

breakfast.After breakfast, my mother and I went to the downtown to do some shopping.We went to the departmen store, because my mother wanted to buy clothes for my father.And then we went to supermarket.I like going to supermaket because I can buy many snacks there.However, when we were in supermarket, my father called my mother suddenly. My aunt visited us!Then, we just bought some foods and went home by a taxi.When we got home, it was already four o'clock.Therefore, we had to started to prepare for the dinner.My aunt said that she would stay in my home for several days.I was very happy,because I like to stay with my aunt and I did not see her for a long time.Although I was busy yesterday, I was very happy.




The Way of Losing Weight


Henry is a little fatter than he wants to be. He is a bit worried. He decides to lose weight.He eats only a little food for

breakfast and supper, and has some fruit.He doesn't eat much sugar because he thinks it makes him fatter.



Besides having only a little food, he keeps doing exercises every day.He swims very often and runs every day.Some time

later, he becomes stronger.




2013-10-29 1235


来源《作文与考试》杂志(高中版) 吴国梁



























河北唐山一中 刘鸣赫











