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一、Warm-up T:Hi,everyone!Nice to see you again.What grade are you in now?

Ss:We’re in Grade 5.

2、提问简单的问题帮助学生复习旧知,并引出相关教学内容。 T: (拿着英语书)What’s this in English?

S: English book.

T: Yes. I will teach you English ,so I will be your …

S: English teacher.

T:Do you like your new English books(new classroom, new teacher)?


3、单词卡出示English teacher,并带读。

4、T:Now you are in Grade Five. You will have some new teachers.( 单词卡出示new teacher 生跟读 ) Today, we are going to learn Unit 1 My new teachers(课件出示课题)

二、 Presentation

活动一:学习Do you have new teachers?并作出回答。

1、 生读题后,师指着自己示意学生T: Do you have new teachers?生作出回答。

2、 出示Do you have new teachers? Yes. 带读,分小组读,并作出评价。

活动:教学tall 、short、strong、 thin、 kind、 strict。


(1)Dairy Report

T:Hello。boys and girls.Welcome back to

school!Long time no see.How are you going?


T:Niee to see you!

S:Nice to see you,too!

teachers?引导学生说说新老师,从而为本课学习奠定基础,接着教师可以鼓励同学们谈论新鲜事物,如新课本、新书包、新衣服、复习old,new,long,short等描述性形容词和Do you have…?I have…What d0 you like?I like…等已学句型,并可以引出What is the bag like?句型,为本课新句型教学铺垫。)

(2)Quick Response






(1)Look and say


T:What is Yao Ming like?Is he old?

S:No,he is young.

T:Is he strong?

S:yes ,he is.



T:Do you like him?


T:I like him.too.Because he often makes me happy.He is funny. ②T:×× is funny?Can you show us?


T:What is she like?

S:She is beautiful_.

T:She is kind to the animals.

(引出单词kind,同上方法练习,并引导学生谈论自己的老师,从而引出A Let’S learn部分的句型练习。)

(5)T:Oh,your math teacher is kind,but who is your math teacher?


T:Who’s your art teacher?

S:Miss Cai.

T:What’s she like?

S:She’s young and beautiful.


(6)Presentation of the dialogue of Let’s Learn

T:Do you want to know about Sarah’s teacher?Let’s look and listen.

【板书设计】多媒体课件上出示单词的幻灯片,教师并板书在黑板上。如:tall, short, strong thin, kind,等,并教学生练习发音。


1、 抄写本课所讲的四会单词,巩固单词的含义及书写。

2、 用所学的单词和句子简单描述一下自己最熟悉的老师的性格特征,因为我是他们的新英语老师,所以用所学知识描述一下我。



篇二:My new teachers课堂记录

Unit 1 My new teachers


篇三:Unit 1 My new teachers教案设计


PEP Primary English Book 5

Unit 1 My new teachers

Part A Read and write






人教版小学英语五年级上册Unit 1 My new teachers Part A Read and write Zhang: I have three new teachers.

Tim: Who are they?

Zhang: A science teacher, an art teacher and an English teacher.

Tim: Who's your English teacher?

Zhang: Mr. Carter. He's from Canada.

Tim: What's he like?

Zhang: He's tall and strong. He's very funny.

Tim: I know. He's my father.

Zhang: Really?!








本篇Read and write是以教师为讨论话题的五年级上册第一单元My new teachers.的第三课时,词汇方面融入了四年级所学的学科名词、本单元第一课时的描述人物外貌与特征的形容词,句型方面除了第一、二课时的主句型What's he like?外,还与三年级下册Who's ...? He's/She's ....句型相结合。同时,通过听、说、读、写等语言实践活动,帮助学生获得初步的语感和用英语进行简单的日常交流的能力。本课主要学习Who's your ... teacher? What's he/she like? 等句型进行简单表述,让学生能够将所学内容与生活联系起来,真正运用到生活中去,加大拓展练习以增强学生的综合运用英语的能力。






3、能够根据图片或提示书写四会句子:Who's your English teacher? Mr. Carter. What's he like? He's tall and strong.


















3、学生自制两套卡片。(math teacher等名词短语卡片和tall, strong等形容词卡片。)


1、学习并掌握四会句子:Who's your English teacher? Mr. Carter. What's he like? He's tall and strong.能在真实情景中正确使用以上句型。




能够听、说、读、写四会掌握:Who's your English teacher? Mr. Carter. What's he like? He's tall and strong.


Step 1: Warm-up & Lead in

1、Sing the song: Happy Teachers' Day.

(设计意图:该歌曲比较简单、易唱,学生喜欢,可以活跃课堂气氛,调动学生学习的积极性,还能对学生渗透情感教育,因为本单元学习的主题就是My new teachers.)

2、Let's say

T: Who's your English teacher?

S1: Mr./Miss ....

T: What's he/she like?

S1: He's/She's ....

(设计意图:由上一环节自然过渡到该环节,学生都知道Miss White是一名英语老师,教师紧接着问学生:Who's your English teacher?顺理成章,既可以复习上节所学句型和单词,还可以为Read and write中主句型的学习作好铺垫。) Step 2: Presentation

Let's share

Share your preview in 4.


前置性作业:a. 找出语篇中不会的单词并会读。

b. 制作两套卡片。(math teacher等名词短语卡片和tall, strong等形容词卡片。)

c. 划出语篇中不懂的地方。


Read and write

1、Thanks for you showing us about your preview. Do you want to know something about Zhang Peng's teachers? What do you want to know about Zhang Peng's teachers? 学生看视频,听录音。



①自由提问:Who's Zhang Peng's teacher? What's he like? ...

②听2遍对话,找到对话中的重点信息,并通过老师的讲述,理解对话内容。 ③和老师共同归纳总结对话重要内容。


Step 3: Practice

Read the dialogue

a. First reading.自由跟读对话。

b. Pair reading.小组朗读。

c. Show time.小组展示。


d. Choral reading.自主朗读。

e. Pair work.


f. Beautiful writing.

Write the four-skilled sentences.


Step 4: Production

Complete the task.(PPT呈现任务,帮助学生理解)

T: Let's start our task.

First, we should finish the sentences.(完成书中的填空)

Second, say something about Zhang Peng's new teachers. (引导学生根据板书复述,师示范,then show.)


Third, show us your teachers in your heart.(PPT呈现教师照片,供学生参考)提示:(让学生用简单的语言描述自己心中的老师,并展示)


Step 5: Summary


(设计意图:学生回顾了本课时的学习内容,并明确了课后的拓展练习。) T: You have many excellent teachers. Maybe you could talk your teachers with your friends.

Today's homework:

★1. Listen to the tape and read the text. Remember the four-skilled sentences. ★★2. Describe your teachers with your best friend in English.

★★★3. Write a short passage about your teacher.

Writing on the blackboard:

Unit 1 My new teachers

Who's your ... teacher?

Mr./Miss ....

What's he/she like?

He's/She's ....

Unit 1 My new teachers

Part A Read and write



① My English teacher is very .

② Miss Liu is our teacher. She is very .

③ My father is very .

④ Mr. Li is and .


① Who's your English teacher?

② What's he like?

③ He's from Canada.

④ 谁是你们的语文老师?

⑤ 她又高又瘦。


Zip: Hi, Zoom! Who's your English teacher?

Zoom: Mr. May. He's young. He's 20 years old.

Zip: Where is he from?

Zoom: He's from America.

Zip: What's he like?

Zoom: He's tall and thin. He's very funny.

Zip: Oh! He's my English teacher, too!

① Mr. May is an English teacher. ( )

② Mr. May is from Canada. ( )

③ Mr. May is not tall. ( )

④ Mr. May is very funny. ( )

⑤ Zip is Mr. May's student. ( )


本课是PEP5 Unit1 My New Teachers A部分的Read and write,本课时制定的教学目标也是依据新课程标准设定的。这是一节阅读课,对于部分学生来说有一定的难度,所以在呈现阅读内容前先对学生进行提问,将难点分化在问题中,并渗透主句型,遵循阅读课的教学模式来进行设计和讲授。在新课呈现环节,让学生自由提问题,发挥学生学习的主动性,带着自己的问题进行阅读,培养学生自主学习的能力。在家庭作业设置中也体现出对不同层次学生的要求,用星级作业来表示,让学生自主选择,这点设计很好。最后的目标达成检测样题是学生学习成果的一个反馈,能够及时发现问题,并针对问题进行解决。


篇四:Moudle 2 My New Teachers课文

Moudle 2 My New Teachers

They say that first impressions are very important. My first impression of Mrs. Li was that she was nervous and shy. I think perhaps she was, as it was her first lesson with us. But now, after two weeks, the class really likes working with her. She's kind and patient, and she explains English grammar so clearly that even I can understand it! She avoids making you feel stupid! I've always hated making mistakes or pronouncing a word incorrectly when I speak English,but Mrs. Li just smiles, so that you don't feel completely stupid! I think maybe she goes a bit too slowly for the faster students, but for me it's wonderful! I feel I'm going to make progress with her.

I'd guess that Mrs. Chen is almost sixty. She's very strict—we don't dare to say a word unless she asks us to. She's also very serious and doesn't smile much. When she asks you to do something, you do it immediately! There are a few students in our class who keep coming to class late but they're always on time for Mrs. Chen's lessons! Some of our class don't ike her, but most of us really appreciate her because her teaching is so well organised and clear. And a few students even admit liking her! During scientific experiments, she explains exactly what is happening and as a result my work is improving. Physics will never be my favourite lesson, but I think that I’ll do well in the exam with Mrs Chen teaching me.

Mr. Wu’s only been teaching us for two weeks and he’s already very popular. I think this is because he really enjoys teaching Chinese literature ---- he loves it, in fact! He’s got so much energy, this is one class you do not fall asleep in! He’s about 28, I think, and is rather good-looking. He talks loudly and fast, and waves his hands about a lot when he gets excited. He’s really amusing and tells jokes when he thinks we’re getting bored. Even things like compositions and summaries are fun with Mr. Wu. I respect him a lot.






篇五:My New Teachers

My New Teachers


Background information

Students 50 senior students of Class 4, Grade 1 Lesson type: Reading class

Material Reading and Vocabulary, Module 2 of Foreign Language Teaching

and Research Press

Time duration 40 minutes

Aids PowerPoint, blackboard, chalk


1. Vocabulary:

Active words: amusing, energetic, intelligent, nervous, organized,

patient, shy

Passive words: incorrectly, immediately, completely, literature 2. Reading: My New Teachers


1. Instructional Objectives:

1) Students are able to memorize and read the new words correctly; 2) Students are able to use the following reading skills to comprehend the text such as predicting, skimming, scanning and reading for details;

3) Students are able to describe their first teachers using what they learnt today.

2. Educational Objectives:

Students are able to describe their first teachers freely. 3. Personal Objectives:

1)I can design activities more efficiently and properly; 2)I can do better classroom management.

Ⅲ. Focal points:

1. The new words: amusing, energetic, intelligent, nervous, organized, patient, shy

2. How to describe your new teachers?

Ⅳ. Difficult points:

Students are able to retell the passage with key words;

Students are able to describe their first impression to their new teachers.

Ⅴ. Procedure and Time Allotment:

Stage 1: Greeting (1 mins) T: Good morning, class.

Ss: Good morning, teacher. T: So, how are you today? Ss: Fine.

T: I’m fine, too. So, please take out your energy and let’s begin

our class.

Stage 2: Revision (2 mins) T: Do you remember what we learnt last week? Ss: …..

T: Yeah, Tom please. Ss: …. T: Very good. Last week, we learned My First Day in the Senior School. We meet lots of new students in our new schoolyard. Some of them are a little embarrassed at first but everyone is very friendly. And the teachers are very enthusiastic, but do you know how to describe your new teachers? Today we will learn it.

Stage 3: Pre-reading (7 mins) Task 1: Look and guess.

T: let’s look at some pictures and guess what is meaning of them? Ok, the first one. Look at the man, he looks very ... Ss:紧张。 T:Yes, very good.紧张的,in English it’s ... Can you try to pronounce it, Sam please? Ss: ...

T: Well done. Now read after him. Ss: ....

T:The second one. Oh, do you him?

Ss: 孟非。 T:Yes,you are all very fashion. He looks not very happy, he is very… Ss: 严肃。

T: Yes,严肃的, we can say he is very se-rious.

Ss: ……..

T: The third one. ……….

Positive words: amusing, energetic, funny, intelligence, kind, lively,

popular, patient, shy, strict, Negative words: funny, nervous, serious, strict Task 3: Tick the statements that you agree with.

You Alex 1. All good teachers talk a lot. 2. I think teachers need to be strict.

3. I like teachers who are amusing and can laugh with their students. 4. The most popular teachers are always very kind. 5. Good teachers always return homework quickly.

6. Good teachers make sure that everyone in the class understands. 7. You should be able to ask your teacher questions at any time during a lesson.

8. It doesn

t matter if a teacher is not organized.

Task 4: Look at the statements in the activity 3 again. Listen to Alex,

an English student, and tick the sentences that he agrees with.

Stage 4: While-reading (18 mins) Look at the following pictures, what are your first impressions of the three teachers?

young, beautiful, kind strict, serious, good-looking, popular, amusing

Task 1. Skimming the passage and match the paragraph with their main ideas.

Para. 1

Mr. Wu is a good teacher because he is good-looking, energetic and humorous.

Mrs. Li is a good teacher because she is kind, patient and tolerant.

Mrs. Chen is a strict but good teacher because her teaching is well organized and clear.

Task 2. Scanning.

1. Scanning the passage and deciding whether it is right or wrong. 1). Mrs. Li explains grammar clearly and I can follow her. T 2). Mrs. Li makes me feel stupid when I make mistakes. F 3). With Mrs. Li’s help, I begin to do better in English. T 4). Mrs. Chen is very strict and some students don’t like her. T 5). Mr. Wu is rather good-looking, so all the students like him. F 2. Answer the following questions briefly.

1) What subjects does each teacher teach?

Mrs. Li: English Mrs. Chen: physics Mr. Li: Chinese

2) Who is the most popular teacher? Mr. Wu.

3) Who is the kindest teacher? Mrs. Li.

4) Which teacher are students most afraid of? Mrs. Chen.

my new teachers视频

5) Which teacher explain things clearly? Mrs. Li.

Task 3: Reading in detail.

Stage 5:Post-reading (10 mins) Task 1. Complete the sentences. Use these words. Change the form where

2. Mr. Hu’s only been teaching us for two weeks and he’s already very popular.

3. My mother is patient with children.

4. Thank you so much. I really appreciate your help.

5. Tom is lively and energetic, but he is not very patient.

6. Mrs. Chen is very ----we don’t dare to say a word unless she asks us to.

7. I try to avoid boring people.

8. I respect you because you work hard and are a good people.

9. My first impression of Mrs. Li was that she was nervous and shy.

Task 2. Find words and phrases in My New Teachers that match the

definitions below.

1. how someone seems to you the first time you meet them 2.in the wrong way 3.be brave enough to do something 4.move your hand through the air 5.handsome good-looking Task 3. Work in pairs. Read My First Teachers again. Which teacher would

you like to have? Explain why.


I’d like to have Mrs. Chen because her teaching is well organized and clear.

Stage 6: Assign your homework. (2 mins) Write a short essay about your first teacher. Tips:

1. What does your teacher look like? 2. What subject does your teacher teach? 3. What’s the character of your teacher? 4. How does your teacher teaches you?
