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新思维 新表达 真体验







A组 应届高三及高二学生(包括三校生)

B组 高一以及初中学生(包括三校生)

C组 除中学生以外的30岁以下的青年人














新概念相机,让你过足眼瘾胖子老湿 2011-07-18 14:03:00著名相机生产商尼康,在官方微博上发布了几款新概念相机。别致的设计让相机爱好者过足眼瘾。未来相 机的发展趋势,应该由消费者的需求决定。作为消费者的你,对未来的相机发展有什么期待吗?著名相机生产商尼康, 最近在自己的官方博客上发布了几款新概念相机, 它们的原型陈列在 法国的 Cité 学院中,其外形图片已经传出,给摄影迷们解解馋。1. “多眼”第一款相机(第一幅图)叫做“多眼”(Multi-Ball),其结构是一个球体里头装有很多小 的镜头, 这种设计的目的是让摄影师能轻松捕捉现场气氛, 类似于风靡一时的丽多相机 (Lyto plenoptic camera),它能将你拍出来的照片自动进行怀旧处理。

其实它的长相有点像外星飞船,官方名字叫做 CASPER,这款多镜头相机大家还是更喜欢把 它叫做鬼马小精灵,不知道拍出来的效果是不是能“机如其名”。2. LED 大屏相机所谓大屏幕相机,就是将一对手柄和一个很小的镜头嵌入一块 LED 屏幕中。可事实上,用过 平板电脑的人应该深有感触,使用这么大屏幕的玩意儿拍照会让你看起来很白痴。不过,相 信尼康研发出来的产品,应该会让大家避免这种尴尬,至少不会像使用 Ipad 拍照那样,感 觉像是在用一个巨大的磨砂玻璃拍照片。

3. 新概念单反第三种是数码单反相机(Single Lens Reflex),即单镜头反光数码照相机,该技术就是在胶 片平面的前面以 45°角安装了一片反光镜,反光镜的上方依次有毛玻璃、五棱镜目镜等。 五棱镜将实像光线多次反射改变光路, 将影像其送至目镜, 使观景窗中所看到的影像和胶片 上一样, 也使取景范围和实际拍摄范围基本上一致。 这种棱镜的独到设计使得摄影者可以从 取景器中直接观察到通过镜头的影像。 该相机最大的部分就是镜头, 其次就剩下了屏幕和手 柄两部分,这种设计预示着未来单反相机的外形发展趋势。这一款相机的外形和索尼的 NEX 很像,都是大镜头小机身。

4. i-Ball最后登场的是神秘的 i-Ball。他的神秘之处在于:对于这款产品,尼康什么消息都没透露。 从外观上看,像是某种监视器,或是摄像头。虽然不知道他的具体性能,但不得不说,它看 起来的确很酷。


Lesson 62

1. 完成书上lesson62课后练习。

2. 完成练习册及书上Lesson62练习。

3. 完成摘要写作并背诵。

4. 预习lesson63试着回答摘要写作部分的几个问题。


★control n. 控制

in control 在控制之内

under control 在控制之下,被控制

out of control 失控

control sth.

I can control it. =I can manage it. 我能对付(口语)

under arrest 被逮捕

★smoke n. 烟(雾)

full of smoke 充满烟雾

smokey adj. 多烟的(名词加-y, 变为形容词)

smokey area 吸烟区; nonsmokey area 禁烟区

rain – rainy ; cloud - cloudy

smoker n. 抽烟的人

heavy smoker 烟瘾重的人; nonsmoker 不抽烟的人

smoke v. 吸烟

Don't smoke! = No smoking!

He smoked heavily.

smoking area / smoking room 吸烟室

smoking apartment 火车上的吸烟车厢

cigarette = cigar n. 香烟

★desolate adj. 荒凉的

desolate adj. 荒凉的(与地方相连,表示无人居住, 荒无人烟的);极度孤独的(与人相连时) lonely adj. 孤独的,荒凉的,偏僻的(与地方连表示孤零零的,但并不表示无人居住) ★threaten v. 威胁的

threaten to do sth. 威胁着要做??(与人相连);有迹象表明??

It threatened to rain. 有迹象表明天要下雨了。

threaten sb. with sth. 以??来威胁/恐吓某人

The thief threatened him with a knife.

The whole village is threatened with destruction.

★surrounding adj. 周围的

surroundings n. 环境(在周边的事物)

atmosphere n. 大气层, 氛围(在周边的人文环境)

★destruction n. 破坏, 毁灭

destroy v. 破坏

destructive adj. 毁灭性的

construct v. 建设(为??创造更好的条件)

construction n. 建设, 建筑

construction bank 建设银行

constructive adj. 建设性的(意见)

build v. 建设(具体的建某物)

★flood n. 洪水, 水灾

flood = floods 都对,都可以用,无区别

★authority n. 当局(常用复数authorities)

authority n. 权威(单数)

★spray v. 喷撒

spray sth. over/on 往??上喷洒

spray water over/on flower

spray grass-seed over/on the ground

★quantity n. (数)量

quantities of 大量的??

quality n. 质量

sth. with good quality 具有好质量的东西

★root n. 根

What is the root cause? 根本原因是什么?

root of… ??的根

take root 生根

come out 长出来

shoot come out 发芽(shoot n. 芽)

flower come out 开花

get out 出去

★patch n. 小片,颜色和周围不同的部分

patch n. (平面上的)一片, 补丁(本意)

What is that yellow patch on the wall? 墙上那块黄斑是什么?

a patch of 一小片;patches of 许多片

There are patches of cloud in the sky.

a piece of / a bit of / a sheet of 一片,一块??

★blacken v. 变黑,发暗

The smoke has blacken the walls. 烟把墙熏黑了。


weak adj. 虚弱的——> weaken v. 使??变弱,削弱


派生词(加前缀或后缀的词)如-tion —— 名词后缀; - less —— 形容词后缀


1、Firemen had been fighting the forest fire for nearly three weeks before they could get it under control.

fight sth. 和??作搏斗

get it under control 表示“使它得到控制”,get 有“使??处于某种状态”的含义,“get+宾语+介词短语”作宾补:

The Government can no longer keep prices under control. 政府已控制不住物价。

Get the room in order.

2、A short time before, great trees had covered the countryside for miles around.

a short time before 和a short time ago都可以与段时间相连

a short time before 不久以前,从过去某一点时间算起,一段时间以前

a short time ago 过去某段时间,从现在算起,一段时间以前

for miles around 方圆几英里(around表示“在周围,向四周”)

This is the only modern building for miles around.

3、Now, smoke still rose up from the warm ground over the desolate hills.

rise up (from) 升上来

smoke rise up (烟、雾)弥漫

4、Winter was coming on and the hills threatened the surrounding villages with destruction, for heavy rain would not only wash away the soil but would cause serious floods as well.

winter was coming on 冬季即将来临 (季节的来临的通用表达式),come on的过去进行时形式表示


When spring comes on, there will be flowers everywhere.

I was still in the forest when night came on.

wash away 冲掉,冲走,洗掉

A wooden bridge was washed away by the flood.

I can’t wash the spot away.

5、When the fire had at last been put out, the forest authorities ordered several tons of a special type of grass-seed which would grow quickly.

put out 扑灭

篇四:新概念二(A)精华内容拓展——第三讲 第6课、第7课重难点+现在完成时


第6课、第7课 重难点


1. 请再说一次2. 向某人乞求要 3. 袖珍书4. 袖珍字典5. 参观某地 6. 拜访某人7. 取消8. 打电话 9. 来取10. 搬到

11. 搬进12. 搬出 13. 让某人做某事14. 要求15. 寻求帮助 16. 作为对…的回报17. 倒立18. 仰躺着 19. 趴着20. 双手撑地倒立21. 把…放在…上

22. 推迟23. 穿上 24. 扑灭25. 收拾起来

26. 脱下27. 起飞 28. 占据29. 寻找

30. 照看31. 看 32. 小心33. 查阅

34. 盼望

36. 轻敲37. 下班,减价 39. 打翻

40. 敲门叫醒41. 在机场 42. 在停机坪

43. 期待某人做某事44. 期待 45. 从某人处偷

46. 抢了某人某物47. 主干道 48. 守卫

49. 装满(2种) 50. 让某人惊讶的是

51. 整整一上午52. 尽力做 53,试着做


1. Granny looked for her book, but she couldn’t find it A. somewhere B. everywhere C. anywhere D. nowhere

2. -When did you ______the book to the library?

-Yesterday afternoon. A. borrow B. lend C. give D. return

3. The man took away the dictionary but did not ______.

A. pay it B. pay for it C. cost it D. spend it

4. English teachers often encourage the students _______ English aloud.

A. read B. reading C. to read D. readed

5. - ______he ever ______abroad ?

-No, never.

A. Did, go B. Is, been C. Has, been D. Has, gone

6. How long may I ______ the history books?

A. keep B. lend C. borrow D. return

7. She______ an English teacher.

A. uses to B. used to C. use to be D. used to be

8. One day the librarian ______ an idea.

A. came up B. came with C. came up with D. came up to

9. Now her lost books are usually______ the library.

A .returned B .returned to C. paid D. paid to

10. My hobby is ______all kinds of coins.

A. to collect B. collecting C. to pick up D. picking up

11. Can you ______who has lost the watch?

A. look for B. look up C. find D. find out

12. My postcard is still on the desk. Why ______you ______it?

A. haven’t, posted B. didn’t, post C. wasn’t posting D. won’t, post

13. The man ____France will give us a talk ____his country.

A. from, on B. of, in C. of, about D. from, of

14. He is too old to ______the name of that book.

A. pick up B. think of C. come up D. fill in

15. Someone is knocking at the door. It ____my mother. It's time for her to be back.

A. can be B. may not be C. must be D. mustn’t be

16. I don’t know where Mr. White has gone. You’d better ask ____.

A. else somebody B. other somebody C. somebody else D. anybody else

17. When he saw a ticket on the ground, he stopped ____.

A. to pick it up B. pick it up C. to pick up it D. pick up it

18. He says that he will ______to me in three days.

A. return the money B. return back the money C. get the money back D. pay back the money

19. Father ______the city of New York three days ago.

A. leave B. left to C. left off D. left for

20. Tom ______ there for 10 months since he ______ back to his hometown.

has lived, gets B. has lived, got C. lived, go D. lived, has got

21. ______ is one of the water sports.

A. Water-ski B. Water-skiing C. Water-sking D. Watering-skiing

22. The film is very ____. Tom is very ____.

A。exciting, excited B. excited, exciting C. exciting, exciting D. excited, excited

23. ____the weather will be like tomorrow, we II go surfing.

A. No matter how B. No matter what's C. No matter what D. No matter if

24. The river near our village is about ____long.

A. three-hundreds-metres B. three-hundred-metre

C. three-hundred-metres D. three hundred metres

25. He has not had a night ____for two weeks, but he still feels ____.

A. off, happy B. away, happily C. off, happily D. away, happy

26. It makes him ____.

A. feel angrily B. feel angry C. to feel angry D. feeling angry

27. It's ____good food that we all like it very much.

A. so a B. such a C. so D. such

28. When you ____the street, you must look first.

A. across B. go cross C. cross D. goes across

29. Look! Mrs. Green is talking ____the students of Class I on the ground.

A. among B. in the middle of C. between D. at

30. Her teacher thinks ____other. A. high B. highly C. well D. good


1. (good) than LiPing at swimming.

2. (she) though she’s only eight.

3. Mr. Johnson’s cup is(break).He is going to buy a new one.

4. (tooth) twice a day.

5. (miss).

6. “Second-hand”is another way of saying “(use)”.

7. (practice) reading every morning.

8. (produce) in Germany in 1960S.

9. (lock) more beautiful.

10. (wait) for him.

11. It’s my(please) to help you with the luggage(行李)。

12. (one) a week.

13. (lie) on the floor.

14. (snow) tomorrow.

15. (dangerous).

16. (turn) on the right.

17. (terrible) serious.

18. The (fly) to Beijing leaves at 10;20 am.

19. The sport is too bad,so there are few (win) in the race.

20. I am worrying about you .You had better tell me the (true) earlier.



1. The teacher asked the class to put their books.

2. till next week because of the bad weather .

3. at the theater.

4. He was too excited to put the idea

5. By the time the fire-engine arrived, the fire had been put 6. No sooner had he put 7. A list of the new League members was 8. Is that you, Mr Brown? Please put me 9. It’s a pity! You put me 10. Get out! I can no longer put 11. We must find a place where we can put the night.


1. Look this book and tell me what you think of it.

2. Look ! There’s a train coming.

3. Many foreigners look l as the Seventh World’s Wonder

4. Five of the students took part in the game; the rest of them just looked 5. The baby is crying. Will you please look 6. I’ve been looking very much to coming to Beijing for a long time.


8. He has promised to look


1. The boss was asked to take Bob as an office boy.

2. Within two hours, his face took 3. The battle hero we an ordinary soldier at first gave us an inspiring speech.

4. The plane took 5. Did they take

6. Cars take a great deal of valuable space on the roads.

7. May I take

8. All the other students in the class took the song before the teacher came in.

9. The first seaman took the ship when the captain suffered a heart attack.


1. 在去学校的路上,汤姆给了一个乞丐一元钱。

2. 他向我乞求了一顿饭和一杯啤酒。

3. 我有一个袖珍字典。

4. Amy每周光顾一次我的房子。

5. 如果你在学校不积极发现,Kevin老师将会拜访你的父母。

6. 大火最终被老师扑灭了。

7. 两个乞丐正在敲Peter家的门,他们还想再要100块钱。

8. 作为对这个的回报,他一边倒立一边唱这歌。

9. 昨天,一辆车把Mike撞倒了。10. 在战斗中,小偷把警察打昏了。11. 昨天的这个时候,两个侦探正训练他们的狗,。

12. 不要期望在短时间内就能学好英语。13. 我期望他下次能准时到达。14. 我预计周六能回来。15. 我希望我能通过考试。16. 我料想他们还没有完成工作。17. 我相信他不会来。18. 我认为我这次不能考上满分。

六、完形填空: 完形填空(A)

These days computer games have become more and more popular in many cities and towns. A lot of small shops along busy _1_ have changed into computer game houses in order to get more

__2___ . These places are always crowded with people.

In the computer game houses, people a lot of money matching on the machines, It's for one to beat a computer, but one can do well after trying again and again. People want to

even can't

The result is that some people don' t want to and they play in computer game houses for hours . They don't want to have . When school is over, they rush to the computer game houses near their .


Computer game addiction(上瘾) is a problem in our life. Something has to be done to stop it.

( ) 1. A. streets B. schools C. towns D. cities

( ) 2. A. boys B. money C. computers D. houses

( ) 3. A. take B. spend C. cost D. pay

( ) 4. A. possible B. easy C. good D

. hard

( ) 5. A. read B. learn C. win D. download

( ) 6. A. lose B. try C. waste D. watch

( ) 7. A. come B. eat C. study D. live

( ) 8. A. watch TV B. go out C. stay there D. work

( ) 9. A. better B. exciting C. even worse D. interesting

( ) 10.A. lessons B. games C. families D. sports

( ) 11.A. classes B. rooms C. schools D. shops

( ) 12. A. classmates B. teachers C. sisters D. parents

( ) 13. A. lucky B. unlucky C. careful D. polite

( ) 14. A. good B. bad C. rich D. poor

( ) 15. A. important B. serious C. unusual D. wonderful


(转 载于:wWw.SmHaIDA.cOM 海达 范文 网:新概念作文,瘾)

1. Not too bad.I think I passed in English and Mathematics. 短裙现在很流行。您要试一试吗?


2. If we spend all the money we'll try and win the football pools again.


3. If we win a lot of money We'll travel round the world and we'll stay at the best hotels.


4. I will have to ask my future husband.He won't let me make another film.

我得问一下我的未婚夫。他不会再让我拍电影了。 5. That was a pleasant surprise.It means I can have tea instead.

这是意想不到的好事。这意味着我反倒可以喝茶了。 6. The thieves dropped the torch and ran away as quickly as they could.


7. Everybody wants to have lunch in the garden.It's nice and warm out here.

大家都想在花园里吃午饭。这外面挺暖和。 8. That's too expensive for us.We can't afford all that money.

这对我们来说是太贵了。我们花不起那么多钱。 9. It's the most expensive model in the shop.It costs five hundred pounds.

这是店里最贵的型号。它的售价是500英镑。 10. I want a dress like that one,but it must be my size. 我想一件和那件一样的,但必须是我的尺寸。 11. Short skirts are in fashion now.Would you like to try it.

12. The guy next to me wrote his name at the top of the paper.

坐在我旁边的那个人只在试卷顶端写自己的名字。 13. I think I failed the French paper.I could answer sixteen of the questions.

我想我的法语及不了格,我能回答其中的16道题。 14. The little baskets were empty and the ground was covered with pieces of paper. 废物筐是空的,而满地都是纸片.

15. I live in a very old town which is surrounded by beautiful woods.

我住在一个由美丽的树林环绕的古老的小镇上。 16. She sat near the window and asked questions about everything she saw.

她靠车窗坐着,对她所看到的一切都要问个明白。 17. As usual,the police will have a difficult time. 同往常一样,警察的日子将不好过。

18. He will take part in an important race across the Atlantic.


19. He gets a good salary,but he always borrows money from his friends and never pays it back.

他的薪水很高,但他却总是向朋友借钱,并且从来不还。20. Tony worked in a lawyer's office years ago,but he is now working at a bank.


21. She struck the keys too hard and two of the strings were broken.


22. He has made neat paths and has built a wooden bridge 由于明天是阿比盖尔交报告的最后期,今晚她必须要熬over a pool.


23. To their surprise,the precious parcel was full of stones and sand!


24. Two men took the parcel off the plane and carried it into the Customs House.


25. They were expecting a valuable parcel of diamonds from South Africa.

他们正期待从南非来的一个装着钻石的贵重包裹。 26. He calls at every house in the street once a month and always asks for a meal and a glass of beer.


27. In return for this, the beggar stood on his head and sang songs.

作为回报,那乞丐头顶地倒立起来,嘴里还唱着歌。 28. I read a few lines,but I did not understand a word. 我读了几行,但一个字也不懂。

29. A friendly waiter taught me a few words of Italian.Then he lent me a book.


30. It's none of your business,the young man said rudely. 不关你的事,那男的粗鲁地说。

31. Abigail has to get the report finished by tomorrow so she'll be burning the midnight oil tonight.


32. My mentor took me under her wing at a time when I needed her the most.

我的恩师在我需要她的时候悉心帮助了我。 33. Freya was my teacher,my mentor and my friend. 菲蕾亚在过去不光是我的老师,还是我的良师益友。 34. There's a happy medium between studying all the time and not studying at all.

在总是学习和一点不学之间,存在一个折中方案。 35. The modifications might compromise safety in some way.

某种意义上这些改动将可能牺牲安全因素。 36. The biggest advantage of distance learning programmes is their accessibility.


37. There is no substitute for a face-to-face relationship with a caring and well-informed teacher. 传统的面对面式教育是无可代替的。

38. The students'interest in mathematics was kindled by Emma's excellent teaching.


39. It is recognized as an important compulsory subject throughout schooling.


40. There is no reason to deny students the freedom to choose subjects that interest and motivate them. 剥夺孩子选择自己喜欢事物的自由是不明智的。

41. Parents should not shirk their responsibilities for educating their children.


42. Education should be geared to the students'needs and abilities.

教育应根据学生的需求与能力量体裁衣。 43. In this country,employees are not allowed to discriminate on the basis of gender.

在这个国家里,用工单位不能因为性别问题而歧视员工。44. A close rapport was built between Nathan and me. 内森和我之间建立起了融洽的关系。

45. You might inspire some of our students to conduct some similar experiments.

你也许会激励我们的一些学生去从事类似的实验。 46. Learning a second language fuels children's intelligence and makes their job prospects brighter.


47. Theo decided to quit his cushy job at a holiday resort. 西奥决定辞去他在旅游区的悠闲工作。

48. Being an art director is a stressful and time-consuming job.

做一名艺术总益是一件压力大而且耗费时间的工作。 49. Nothing could diver his attention from work. 在他专注地工作时,没有任何事能干扰到他。 50. The construction workers worked non-stop to build a new school for the children.


51. Katie said she was already working around the clock. 凯蒂说她已经在马不停蹄地工作了。

52. Jake felt out of his element in this company. 杰克对这家公司的环境感到不适应。 53. Age is not of itself an indicator of ability. 年龄不是能力的决定因素。

54. Who's the eager beaver who came in at the weekend to finish this work off.

谁是在周末还要坚持把工作做完的工作狂? 55. There'll be a meeting for all cast members this afternoon.


56. Who Wants to Be a Millionaire is probably the most successful UK quiz show of all time.


57. One of the reasons why reality shows are so big today is that we like to know about the private lives of others. 真人秀当今如此火爆的原因之一就是人们喜欢打听他人的私生活。

58. Many people go to the cinema to escape reality. 许多人去电影院来远离现实社会。

59. Current concerns are misrepresented by the press. 目前的担忧被新闻界歪曲了。

60. These days when newspapers get hold of a story,they blow it out of proportion.


61. The seriousness of the situation has been exaggerated in the press.

新闻界对于那个形势严重性的报道有所夸张。 62. The glamorous celebrity signed as many autographs as she could at the autograph session.

那位魅力四射的明星在签名会上签了尽可能多的签名。 the human body needs.

63. They kept a low profile and avoided loud conversations.

他们一直保持低调的作风,并出言非常谨慎。 64. Celebrities tend to court media publicity because media attention is important to their career.


65. Media coverage of public figures often invades their privacy.

媒体对公众人物的报道通常是侵犯他们的隐私的。 66. The censorship of pornography is fully-justified. 对色情内容的审查是在严格公正的环境下进行的。 67. The frozen food we had at that restaurant was disgusting.

我们刚才在餐馆吃的冷冻食品实在非常难吃。 68. Sam gave me a recipe for the mouth-watering chocolate cakes.

萨姆把那份让人垂涎欲滴的巧克力蛋糕的秘方给了我。 69. Molly is a gourmet.She's an excellent judge of good food and drinks.


70. It's things like cakes and candy bars that I can't resist.I've got a sweet tooth.

我永远不能抵御蛋糕糖果的诱惑,我超级爱吃甜食。 71. Many dieticians believe that protein-rich diets are best at keeping weight off.


72. Iron and zinc are two important trace elements that

铁和锌是两种人体必需的微量元素。 73. The family have a history of eating disorder. 这个家族有饮食习惯不正常的病史。 74. Dietary habits can be very difficult to change. 饮食习惯很难被改变。

75. Carbonated drinks can destroy the protective enamel around teeth.


76. Fast food junkies should be made aware of the psychological reasons for fast food addiction.


77. Evan can shed more pounds if he eats less greasy food. 如果埃文坚持少吃较油腻食物的话,他就能减掉更多的重量。

78. Public awareness of the dangers of an unhealthy diet should be raised.

对于不健康的饮食的危害,公众应该提高警惕性。 79. Going over the speed limit is particularly dangerous when it snows.


80. Chole jammed on the brakes when the lights turned red.

克洛伊在交通灯变成红色的一刹那,紧急刹车。 81. One way of making sure that the pedestrians are safe is to increase signage at the intersections.

一个确保行人安全的方法是增加位于十字路口的标识。82. During the afternoon rush hour,the traffic was a messy free-for-all.



83. It was difficult to figure out the twists and turns in the plot.


84. It was a difficult drive but we arrived home safe and sound.

我们一路上驾驶得十分艰难,但最终还是安全到家了。 85. Drunk driving may cause bodily harm or death and thus should be legally prohibited.


86. He was found guilty of reckless driving,fined heavily and disqualified from driving for three months.


87. Big cars can tend to be gas guzzlers. Small cars are more fuel-efficient.


88. These experts argue that a hybrid car is as reliable as any traditional car.


89. The bus terminal was jam-packed with commuters. 等着乘公交车的人把公交站挤得水泄不通。 90. Aerial photos can show traffic density. 航拍能够显示出交通的密度。

91. She admitted that she'd been defeated fair and square. 她承认她是被光明正大地击败的。

92. The British media should compete on a level playing



93. Her new book deals with life's joys and sorrows. 她的新书主要关注于生命中的喜怒哀乐。

94. Pets make us feel wanted and console us at times of sorrow.


95. Oliver had been stabbed in the back by people who he thought were his friends. 奥利弗被他认为的朋友背叛了。

96. Michael had a lot of money and he knew a lot of people,but most of them turned out to be fair-weather friends.


97. I don't see eye to eye with my dad on many things. 我和我父亲在很多事上意见不统一。

98. I don't think I'm on the same wavelength as my tutor. 我觉得我和我的辅导老师思维方式不同。

99. Job interviewers judge us before we even open our mouths,and first impressions are most lasting.


100. Isabel is very generous but her sister is the complete opposite of her.

伊萨贝尔非常慷慨,然而她的姐姐却与她完全相反。 101. My kids and their cousins just don't get along. 我的孩子们和他们的表亲们不是很合得来。 102. We soon realised we were kindred spirits. 我们马上就意识到我们是如此地志趣相投。
