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PizzaExpress?s new Chinese private equity owner is eyeing a buyout of the chain?s Hong Kong-based franchise partner as the chain beloved of the British middle classes expands across Asia.

PizzaExpress新的中国私募股权所有者正考虑买断其总部位于香港的特许经营合作伙伴的股份。这家英国中产阶级钟爱的比萨连锁店正在亚洲扩张业务。 Beijing-based Hony Capital, which acquired the pizza group in a £900m deal with Cinven last year, intends to directly acquire 26 franchised PizzaExpress restaurants in China the company said on Monday, and plans to open up to 15 more every year.

总部位于北京的弘毅投资(Hony Capital)去年与Cinven达成一笔9亿英镑的交易,收购了PizzaExpress。这家私募股权集团周一宣布,拟直接收购中国境内26家PizzaExpress特许经营餐厅,并计划每年开张至多15家新餐厅。

“The PizzaExpress board were very keen to grow our business in China before Hony Capital acquired us,” said Richard Hodgson, chief executive. “Our restaurants in China are typically twice as busy as those in the UK.”

“弘毅投资收购我们之前,PizzaExpress董事会就非常热衷于发展我们在中国的业务,”PizzaExpress行政总裁理查德?霍奇森(Richard Hodgson)表示,“我们在中国的餐厅一般要比在英国的餐厅繁忙两倍。”

The Hony deal showed the growing Chinese investor appetite for British consumer brands, and followed on from Bright Food?s purchase of Weetabix in a deal that valued the breakfast cereal at $1.2bn.

弘毅的这笔交易显示了中国投资者对英国消费品牌的“胃口”越来越大。此前光明食品(Bright Food)曾收购维他麦(Weetabix),该交易对这款早餐麦片品牌的估值达到12亿美元。

PizzaExpress opened its first wholly-owned restaurant in Beijing last year, and another in Shenzhen will follow shortly. “There are dozens of second-tier Chinese cities with populations similar to that of London,” Mr Hodgson said, adding that between 10 and 15 openings a year were being targeted.


“It has taken us 15 years to get to 27 restaurants, and we?re not about to make any mistakes in China by rushing,” he added.


This compares with a target of 20 openings a year in the UK, where PizzaExpress has 400 restaurants, and last month celebrated 50 years since its first outlet was opened in Soho.

相比之下,PizzaExpress计划在其拥有400家餐厅的英国每年开张20家新餐厅。上月,这家比萨连锁店庆祝了其首家餐厅在伦敦苏豪区(Soho)开张50周年。 The China franchise was established 15 years ago by Justin Kennedy, a former investment banker at Citigroup in Hong Kong, who introduced a ?Peking Duck? pizza for Chinese diners.

按特许经营模式运作的在华业务是15年前由前花旗集团(Citigroup)投资银行家贾斯汀?肯尼迪(Justin Kennedy)在香港建立的。他为中国食客推出了“北京烤鸭”比萨饼。

First-half results released on Monday showed the chain was earning a decent crust for its new Chinese owners, with a 15.8 per cent increase in earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortisation to £55m on total revenues that grew 9.4 per cent to £231m.


The group?s UK restaurants saw a 6.8 per cent increase in like-for-like sales in the 28 weeks to 11 January, compared with the same period a year ago. Mr Hodgson said sales had been boosted by “improved consumer sentiment, particularly in London” and the number of covers and average spend per head were both rising.


Combined with the impact of deflationary ingredients prices, this boosted the group?s ebitda margin by 1.3 percentage points to 23.8 per cent.


International sales, including China and the Middle East, rose 45 per cent on a like-for-like basis, with restaurants opened in Delhi and Mumbai in the period. 包括中国和中东在内的海外销售在同店基础上增长45%,其间在德里和孟买开张了新餐厅。

Sales to UK supermarkets — responsible for 31m pizza sales a year, compared with 29m sold through its UK restaurants — were “trading well ahead of last year” he added.


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7月12 日,联想控股旗下PE机构弘毅投资宣布,斥资约9亿英镑(折合人民币约 95.5 亿元),全资收购英国著名休闲餐饮品牌 PizzaExpress。这是欧洲餐饮行业过去五年中金额最大的并购案。


PizzaExpress1965 年成立于英国伦敦,是一家专注于意式披萨的连锁休闲餐厅。目前在英国经营435家门店,另在全球其它地区(主要位于地中海地区、中东地区、亚洲)拥有 70 家门店,其中,大中华地区有 22 家店 (北京 1 家,上海 9 家,香港 12 家)。 PizzaExpress隶属于私营集团 Gondola Holdings Ltd,旗下餐厅品牌还包括 ASK 和 Zizzis。 Gondola为欧洲顶尖私募股权公司 Cinven 所投资的公司。

目前,在中国经营的披萨连锁品牌有近1500 家门店的规模。PizzaExpress 公司 CEO Richard Hodgson 表示,亚洲特别是中国市场对公司未来发展起着关键作用,他相信拥有跨境投资经验的弘毅能把公司带上新台阶。

此次交易完成后,弘毅投资将在帮助 PizzaExpress 制定实施全球发展战略的同时,利用本土优势帮助 PizzaExpress 开拓中国市场,扩大在华品牌影响力。

这桩交易早在6月中旬曾被英国媒体报道,当时的消息指出,不仅是弘毅投资,复星集团等数家中国资方也有意参与收购PizzaExpress。不过这一消息未经过复星方面确认。 海外投资从“走出去”到“请进来”

作为中国并购基金(buyout)模式的开拓者,弘毅在跨境投资领域有过数次经验。2008 年,弘毅投资帮助中联重科全资收购意大利 CIFA,完成整合后使中联重科跃升至全球十强。2010 年,弘毅投资控股新加坡上市公司柏盛国际,探索中国市场的“外企改制”。2014年2 月,弘毅入资美国好莱坞 STX 电影工作室,完成中国在好莱坞投资的第一单;4 月又投资于美国云服务平台公司 Deem。

12日,弘毅投资 CEO 赵令欢表示,当年联合中联收购 CIFA,PE 的角色更多是顺应和支持中国公司“走出去”的内在需求,而此次收购中,PE 投资者更是基于中国市场的需求把境外成熟品牌“请进来” ,将中国因城镇化和消费升级而产生的旺盛市场需求与境外成熟品牌有机结合。


大背景下继续做好“中国专家”。他说: “一方面,我们积累了系统的增值服务能力、本土经验、资源和品牌,自身在不断提高;另一方面,过去十年弘毅投资的 70 多家企业构成了坚实的资源网络。

弘毅投资成立于 2003 年,目前共管理七期股权投资基金(五期美元基金、两期人民币基金)和一期人民币夹层基金,管理资金总规模超过 460 亿元人民币。出资人包括联想控股、全国社保基金、中国人寿及高盛、淡马锡、斯坦福大学基金等全球著名投资机构。 弘毅投资已先后投资于 70 多家企业,包括石药集团、中联重科、中集集团、苏宁云商、城投控股、锦江股份等。截止2013年底,被投企业资产总额16500亿元,整体销售额5360亿元,利税总额370亿元。







除了以上知名的食品企业,中国婴幼儿奶粉企业们在海外寻求安全奶源的案例更多。 种种迹象表示,来自中国的资本走向海外时,兴趣点正从能源资源、基础设施等,转向消费类目标。富裕的中国消费者们,对更安全和高品质的食品需求庞大。光明集团副总裁葛俊杰的一句话,或许能解释此类交易集中成行的原因:“一旦欧洲经济恢复,价格上升,收购将变得困难。”——对于中国买家,推进全球化战略的窗口期已经十分有限。

篇三:Pizza Wars

Pizza Wars "We are not really competing with Domino's - we're not in the same category. Domino's is more delivery and take-aways, while we offer a complete dining experience in addition to delivery and take-away options."

- Pankaj Batra, Marketing Director, Tricon Restaurants, India. "One has to take risks to reach economies of scale. Domino's also shook up competition when it reached a target of 100 outlets."

- Hari Bhartia, Co-Chairman, Domino's Pizza India.

Pizza Wars: Introduction Until 1996, Pizza in India was synonymous only a bready dough base slathered with some ketchup. Since 1996, there was a proliferation of 'high-priced branded'

pizzas in the market, with the entry of international pizza chains.

Domino's and Pizza Hut, the two big US fast food chains entered India in 1996. Each claimed it had the original recipe as the Italians first wrote it and was trying desperately to create brand loyalty. Domino's and Pizza Hut - tried to grab as large a slice of the pizza pie as possible. (Refer Table I and II for market shares).

While Pizza Hut relied on its USP of "dining experience", Domino's USP was a 30-minute delivery frame. To penetrate the market, both the players redefined their recipes to suit the Indian tastes. Domino's went a step ahead by differentiating regions and applying the taste-factor accordingly. Domino's also made ordering simpler through a single toll-free number through out the country. Domino's and Pizza Hut expanded their market ever since they entered India. Domino's had grown from one outlet in 1996, to 101 outlets in April 2001. Pizza Hut too, which began with just a single outlet in 1996 had 19 outlets in 2001. By 2000, Domino's had more than 6000 stores in the US and internationally.



Domino's entered India in 1996 through a franchise agreement with Vam Bhartia Corp.3 The first outlet was opened in Delhi. With the overwhelming success of the first outlet, the company opened another outlet in Delhi. By 2000, Domino's had a presence in all the major cities and towns in India. Pizza Hut entered India in June 1996 with its first outlet in Delhi.

Initially, the company operated company-owned outlets. However, keeping in line

with its worldwide policy where Pizza Hut was gradually making a shift from company-owned restaurants to franchisee owned restaurants, Pizza Hut made the shift in India too. Pizza Hut had four company-owned franchisees - Universal Restaurants Pvt. Ltd. (Delhi, Uttar Pradesh and Rajasthan), Specialty Restaurants Pvt. Ltd. (Punjab), Dolsel Corporation (Gujarat, Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh), Pizzeria Fast Food Pvt. Ltd. (Pune and Tamilnadu) and Wybridge Holdings (Mumbai). 3] Promoted by Bhartia brothers - Shyam and Hari - better known for chemicals and fertilizers.

Positioning Wars

When Domino's entered the Indian market, the concept of home delivery was still in its nascent stages. It existed only in some major cities and was restricted to delivery by the friendly neighborhood fast food outlets. Eating out at 'branded' restaurants was more prevalent. To penetrate the Indian market, Domino's introduced an integrated home delivery system from a network of company outlets within 30 minutes of the order being placed.

However, Domino's was not the trendsetter so far as home delivery was concerned. Delhi based fast food chain, Nirula's was the first to start free home delivery in 1994. But where Domino's stole the market was its efficient delivery record. Goutham Advani (Advani), Chief of Marketing, Domino's Pizza India, said, "What really worked its way into the Indian mind set was the promised thirty minute delivery." Domino's also offered compensation: Rs.30/- off the price tag, if there was a delay in delivery.4 For the first 4 years in India, Domino's concentrated on its 'Delivery' act.

For its delivery promise to work, Domino's followed a 11-minute schedule: one minute for taking down the order, one minute for Pizza-making, six minutes oven-time, and three minutes for packing, sealing and exit. Pizza Hut, on the other hand, laid more emphasis on its "restaurant dining experience." It positioned itself as a family restaurant and also concentrated on wooing kids. Its delivery service was not time-bound.

A company official said, "The Pizza making process takes about 20 minutes and since we don't usually deliver to places which are beyond the reachable-in-half-an-hour distance, customers can expect home delivery within 45 minutes." Moreover, analysts felt that Pizza was something that just was not meant to be delivered. Said Vivek Sure, Projects Manager, Pizza PizzaExpress, "If you don't eat pizza fresh, it turns cold and soggy." However, Domino's seemed to have overcome this problem through its delivery pack called 'Domino's Heatwave.' In the US, where time management is clearly not the issue and the 30-minute delivery is taken for granted,

the Total Satisfaction Guarantee is emphasized more. If one is not satisfied with its Pizza, Domino's either remakes it or gives a refund.

It was a hot bag introduced in 1998 that kept pizzas oven-hot till customer's doorstep.

Localizing the Menu

Since its entry into India, Domino's introduced nine new toppings for Pizzas to cater to the local tastes.6 Different flavors were introduced in different parts of India. Advani said, "The Indian palate is very definitive - people are extremely finicky and choosy, not too willing to experiment. Food tastes vary from region to region.

To capture the market, we had to localize flavors." Thus, Deluxe Chicken with Mustard Sauce' and Sardines were confined to the East, Mutton Ghongura and Chicken Chettinad to the South and Chicken Pudina to Mumbai. Butter chicken, Makhani Paneer and the Chatpata Chana Masala were confined to the North.

Very soon, Pizza Hut followed Domino's and offered customized Spicy Paneer and Chicken Tikka toppings. Apart from this, it also opened a 100% vegetarian restaurant at Ahmedabad, a one-of-its-kind worldwide. The restaurant also offered a special Jain7 menu, which did not have a single root-based ingredient to fit in with the food habits of Jains. Another city-specific adaptation of its menu by Pizza Hut was the restaurant in Hyderabad, (Andhra Pradesh) which offered Halal meat and chicken only with no beef and pork products in the menu.

Chatpata Chana Masala, Makhni Paneer, Butter Chicken, Chicken Chettinad, Chicken Pudina, and Mutton Ghongura, Deluxe Chicken with Mustard Sauce and Sardines.

7] One of the religious communities in India.

An animal killed for meat according to Muslim law.

Pricing and Promotional Wars

Domino's sold a 12" Pizza for Rs 265. (Refer Table III for price range). Commented Pankaj Batra (Batra), Manager (Marketing), Tricon International said, "Indians are value-, not price-sensitive. We need to offer comeback value to our customer." The high price was attributed to the high quality of ingredients used. For instance, Domino's sourced its Peperoni and Jalapeno needs from Australia and Spain respectively.

However, with competition increasing from Pizza Hut, Domino's introduced price

cuts, discounts and freebies to attract the customers. In 1998, Domino's introduced the Pizza Mania scheme where it offered a large pizza for Rs.129/-. The demand was overwhelming and the company sold close to 5000 pizzas in the first week of its launch. During late 1998, both Domino's and Pizza Hut were trying to lure the customers with discount coupons by issuing such coupons through several schemes. Said an analyst, "Even then, the prices are too high.

Globally, fast food chains only succeed when they bring their prices down to the same level as the street food." However, both Domino's and Pizza Hut were concentrating more on data base marketing and below-the-line activities and special offers. Domino's was spending 50% of its total marketing budget on special offers and discounts along with delivered direct mailers and pizza training classes.

Domino's also had a tie-up with Discovery Channel under which the channel advertised its pizzas while Domino's put the channel's name on its mailers. Domino's conducted Pizza making classes for school students. In 1998, it offered a clock to all its customers who had bought Rs.15,000 worth of pizzas throughout the year. Said a company official, "Database marketing is an important part of our strategy. We have a special cell analyzing our database to look for repeat and loyal customers."

In 1998, Pizza Hut also launched a promotional campaign to attract the customers. It had a 'Pan In Your Name' contest where it offered a free pizza to anybody with the word Pan in his/her name - for example, Pankaj or Panandikar. In April 2000, Pizza Hut launched its innovative Pizza Pooch Menu and a Pizza Pooch Birthday Party package exclusively for kids in the 6-10 age group. Batra said, "There is a specific reason to cater to this segment.

Though, at this age, children are under their parents' guidance, they perceive themselves to be teenagers - and have the ability to choose or demand a particular brand of their own choice." The Pizza Pooch menu included a wholesome delicious meal and a gift for the child. The menu was intricately designed with pictorial games. A free set of crayons was also provided to keep the children occupied while their parents dined.

The campaigns were eye-catching with cartoon characters on the mailers, hoardings and print advertisements where the cartoon characters were aimed at matching varying moods of kids. The Pizza Pooch birthday package was full of fun and excitement. The birthday party included a well-decorated area within the Pizza Hut outlet with several gifts for the children. The party was conducted by a trained host with lots of games, prizes and a special gift for the bi

pizza express

rthday child.

In March 2000, Domino's slashed prices of Pizza by 40%. The price of a regular Pizza with three toppings was cut from Rs.225 to Rs.130. In October 2000,

Domino's ran a scheme, where it gave away two pizzas for the price of one, within five days of placing an order. During the same time, Pizza Hut launched a 'one rupee pan deal' scheme.

Under the scheme, for every pan Pizza purchased, another was given away for Re.1. In November 2000, Pizza Hut introduced a scheme called 'barah nahin to tera (if not served in 12 minutes, it is yours free)'. The scheme offered a speed lunch in 12 minutes for Rs.89. One second over 12 minutes guaranteed that the customer would get it for free.

Domino's supply chain management enabled it to cut costs. In late 2000, it revamped its entire supply chain operations (Refer Exhibit I). This enabled Domino's to slash prices. For instance, the price for a no-frills cheese pizza was down from Rs.75 to Rs.49. A 10" pizza with at least three toppings was available for Rs.119 as against the earlier price of Rs.225.

Brand Building Through Advertising Domino's and Pizza Hut initially restricted their ad strategy to banners, hoardings and specific promotions. In August 2000, Domino's launched the 'Hungry Kya? (Are You Hungry)' sequence of advertisements on television.

A company official said, "We realized that a Pizza couldn't be slotted - it could be a snack; then again, it could also be a complete meal" The only definitive common link between Domino's Pizzas and eating was the hunger platform.

The launch of 'Hungry Kya?' campaign coincided with Domino's tie-up with Mahanagar Telephones Nigam Ltd. (MTNL) for the 'Hunger Helpline'. The helpline enabled the customers to dial a toll-free number (1600-111-123) from any place in India. The number automatically hunted out the nearest Domino's outlet from the place where the call was made and connected the customer for placing the order.

The number also helped Domino's to add the customer's name, address and phone number to its database. This was followed by Pizza Hut's first campaign on television in July 2001, which said, 'Good times start with great pizzas.' The ad was aired during all the important programs on Star Plus, Sony, Sony Max, Star Movies, HBO, AXN, and MTV.11

Pizza Hut planned to spend between Rs.70-75 million on the ad campaign in 2001. Said Pankaj Batra, "The first ad campaign on TV defines Pizza Hut as a brand, and what it offers to its existing and potential customers. Once the awareness of this message is high, we will focus on other facets of the brand and its offerings."

A woman suggestively nibbles at her husband's ear as he surfs the Net. Eventually, he asks her in an irate voice: "Hungry Kya?" She nods expectantly, so he advises her to order a Domino's Pizza. A roadside Romeo

篇四:万万没想到 吃垃圾食品要运动这么久

万万没想到 吃垃圾食品要运动这么久

soft drink

A new infographic has revealed exactly how long you‘ll need to sweat it out in the gym to neutralise scoffing a favourite fast food。


While eating fried chicken, pizza and burgers will all entail a gym session of over an hour doing cardio or lifting weights, women have it far harder than men and must work extra hard to banish calorie-packed meals。



After a classic McDonald‘s favourite, the Big Mac, men would need to do 42 minutes of cardio or 57 minutes of weight lifting。


As for women, fifty-one minutes of cardio would help counter the 24 grams of fat in a Big Mac - over a quarter of the recommended daily allowance - or an hour and eight minutes of weightlifting。



However, the 450g Tesco chocolate fudge cake was by far the worst offender。

然而,迄今为止的罪魁祸首当属450克的乐购巧克力软糖蛋糕。 Clocking in at a whopping 1,710 calories and 90 grams of fat, only a hardcore gym sessions is going to shift the calories you‘ve absorbed from

this dessert。 The average woman would have to lift weights for almost four hours to work off the calories in this cake。



Comparatively a chocolate bar seems healthy, with 237 calories which would take 25 minutes for the average woman to run off。


Alternatively you could spend thirty three minutes doing weightlifting exercises such as squats and deadlifts。



A Pizza Express margherita pizza contains 682 calories and 22 grams of fat。 A typical woman would have to do an hour and a half of

weightlifting to burn off one pizza。 She would have to do an hour and eleven minutes for cardio。 In comparison a typical man would have to do cardio for almost an hour of cardio and almost an hour and twenty minutes of weightlifting。

