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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/24 11:31:37 作文素材

篇一:Blue Bird中文歌词


青空中翻飞的 Blue Bird


幸福总是无法看出的颜色 却能感受到 YOUR LOVE


抬头仰望 低头思索


已决定在这城市中追寻的自己 已经明白了什么



青空中翻飞的 Blue Bird


幸福总是看不到的颜色 却能感受到



1.The Prelude and The Sound Of Music 序曲及音乐之声


2.Morning 早晨

镜头从野外转到修道院,这是Hymn Alleluia(修女合唱团在演唱。

3.Maria 玛利亚(修女合唱团演唱)


4.I Have Confidence 我有信心


5.Sixteen Going On seventeen 今年16岁马上17岁


6.My Favourite Things 我最喜爱的东西


7.Do Re Me 哆唻咪


8.The Sound Of Music 音乐之声


9.The Lonely Goatherd 孤独的牧羊人


10.So Long Farewell 晚安,再见


11.Climb Every Mountain 翻过每一座山


12.Professional Maria (see the song of 02.Maria)


13.Edelweiss 雪绒花


14.Something Good 一些好事


01/08. The Sound Of Music

The hills are alive

With the sound of music

With songs they have sung

For a thousand years

The hills fill my heart

With the sound of music

My heart wants to sing

Everything it hears

Every song that it hears

My heart wants to beat

Like the wings of the birds that rise

From the lake to the tree

My heart wants to sigh

Like a chime that flies

From a church on a breeze

To laugh like a brook

When it trips and falls

Over stones on its way

To sing through the night

Like a ark who’s learning to pray I go to the hill

When my heart is lonely

I know I will hear

What I’ve heard before

My heart will be blessed

With the sound of music

And I’ll sing once more

02. Morning (no lyrics)

03. Maria

She climbs a tree and scrapes her knee

Her dress has got a tear

She waltzes on her way to mass

And whistles on the stair

And underneath her wimple

She has curlers in her hair

I’ve even heard her singing in the abbey

She’s always late for chapel

But her penitence is real

She’s always late for everything

Except for every meal

I hate to have to say it

But I very firmly feel

Maria is not an asset to the Abbey

I’d like to say a word in her behalf

(Then say it, Sister Magaretta)

Maria makes me laugh

How do you solve a problem like Maria?

How do you catch a cloud and pin it down?

How do you find a word that means Maria?

A flibbertigibbet

A will-o’-the-wisp

A clown

Many a thing you know you’d like to tell her

Many a thing she ought to understand

But how do you make her stay

And listen to all you say?

How do you keep a wave upon the sand?

Oh, how do you solve a problem like Maria?

How do you hold a moonbean in your hand?

When I’m with her, I confused

Out of focus and bemused

And I never know exactly where I am

Unpredictable as weather

She’s as flighty as a feather

She’s a darling

She’s a demon

She’s a lamb

She’d out-pester any pest

Driven a hornet from its nest

She can throw a whirling dervish out of whirl

She is gentle

She is wild

She’s a riddle

She’s a child

She’s a headache

She’s an angel

She’s a girl

04. I Have Confidence

What will this day be like

I wonder

What will my future be

I wonder

It could be so exciting

To be out in the world

To be free

My heart should be wildly rejoicing

Oh, what’s the matter with me

I always longed for adventure

To do the things I’ve never dared

Now here I’m facing adventure

Then why am I so scared

A captain with seven children

What’s so fearsome about that

Oh, I must stop these doubts, all these worries

If I don’t, I just know I’ll ture back

I must dream of the things I’m seeking

I am seeking the courage I lack

The courage to serve them with reliance

Face my mistakes without defiance

Show them I’m worthy

And while I show them

I’ll show me

So let them bring on all their problems

I’ll do better than my best

I have confidence

They’ll put me to the test

But I’ll make them see I have confidence in me

Somehow I will impress them

I’ll be firm but kind

And all those children

Heaven bless them

They will look up to me and mind me with each step I am more certain

Everything will turn out fine

I have confidence the world can all be mine

They’ll have to agree

I have confidence in me

I have confidence in sunshine

I have confidence in rain

I have confidence that spring will come again

Besides which, you see

I have confidence in me

Strength doesn’t lie in numbers

Strength doesn’t lie in wealth

Strength lies in nights of peaceful slumbers when you wake up Wake up it’s healthy

All I trust I leave my heart to

All I trust becomes my own

I have confidence in confidence alone

I have confidence in confidence alone

Besides which you see

I have confidence in me

05. Sixteen Going On Seventeen


You wait, Little girl, on an empty stage

For fate to turn the light on

Your life, little girl, is an empty page

That man will want to write on

To write on

You are 16, going on 17

Baby, it’s time to think

Better beware, be canny and careful

Baby, you’re on the brink

You are 16, going on 17

Fellows will fall in line

Eager young lads and roués cads

Will offer you food and wine

Totally unprepared are you

To face a world of men

Timid and shy and scared are you

Of things beyond your ken

You need someone older and wiser

Telling you what to do

I am 17, going on 18

I’ll take care of you (Liesl)

I am 16, going on 17

I know that I’m naive

Fellows I meet will tell me I’m sweet

And willingly, I believe

I am 16, going on 17

Innocent as a rose

Bachelor dandies

Drinkers of brandies

What do I know of those?

Totally unprepared am I

To face a world of men

Timid and shy and scared am I


Top 10 Christmas songs--10首经典圣诞歌曲

1.We Wish You A Merry Christmas--我们祝你圣诞快乐

We wish you a Merry Christmas

We wish you a Merry Christmas

We wish you a Merry Christmas

And a happy New Year

Good tidings we bring

To you and your kin

We wish you a Merry Christmas

And a happy New Year

Now bring us some figgy pudding

Now bring us some figgy pudding

Now bring us some figgy pudding

And bring some out here

Good tidings we bring

To you and your kin

We wish you a Merry Christmas

And a happy New Year

For wu all like figgy pudding

For wu all like figgy pudding

For wu all like figgy pudding

So bring some out here

Good tidings we bring

To you and your kin

We wish you a Merry Christmas

And a happy New Year

2.Rudolph, the Red-nosed Reindeer--红鼻驯鹿

Click to listen:

Click to download

Rudolph, the Red-nosed Reindeer

Had a very shiny nose

And, if you ever saw it

You would even say it glows

All of the other reindeer

Used to laugh and call him names

They never let poor Rudolph

Join in any reindeer games

Then one foggy Christmas Eve

Santa came to say,

"Rudolph, with your nose so bright! Won't you guide my tonight?"


Then how the reindeer loved him

As they shouted out with glee,

"Rudolph, the Red-nosed Reindeer

You'll go down in history!&

歌曲 the blue bird


3.Frosty The Snowman--结霜的雪人 Click to listen:

Click to download

Frosty the snowman was a jolly happy soul With a corncob pipe and a button nose and two eyes made out of coal

Frosty the snowman is a fairy tale they say He was made of snow but the children know how he came to life one day

There must have been some magic in that old silk hat they found

For when they placed it on his head he began to dance around O

Frosty the snowman

was alive as he could be

And the children say he could laugh

and play just the same as you and me Thumpetty thump thump

thumpety thump thump

Look at Frosty go

Thumpetty thump thump

thumpety thump thump

Over the hills of snow

Frosty the snowman knew

the sun was hot that day

So he said

"Let's run and

we'll have some fun

now before I melt away

" Down to the village

with a broomstick in his hand

Running here and there all

around the square saying

Catch me if you can

He led them down the streets of town right to the traffic cop

And he only paused a moment when he heard him holler "Stop!"

For Frosty the snow man had to hurry on his way

But he waved goodbye saying "Don't you cry

I'll be back again some day"

4.Jingle bells--铃儿响叮当

Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way!

o what fun it is to ride

in a one-horse open sleigh. dashing through the snow on a one-horse open sleigh, over the fields we go, laughing all the way;

bells on bob-tail ring, making spirits bright,

what fun it is to ride and sing a sleighing song tonight.










泰勒·斯威夫特,美国乡村音乐女创作歌手,会用木吉他、钢琴演奏。她在2006年与独立唱片公司Big Machine签约。曾获得美国乡村音乐协会奖年度最佳专辑奖等荣誉。

中文名: 外文名: 别名: 国籍: 出生地: 出生日期:

泰勒·斯威夫特 Taylor Alison Swift 泰勒·艾莉森·史薇芙特

美国 美国宾州 1989-12-13

星座: 职业: 代表作品:

射手座 歌手

《Taylor Swift》、《Beautiful


主要成就: 美国年度乡村音乐奖 最佳女歌手录影带奖





? 个人专辑汇总 ? 1.《Taylor Swift》

? 2.《Taylor Swift》Deluxe Edition ? 3.《Beautiful Eyes》 ? 4.《Fearless》

? 5.《Fearless》Platinum Edition

私人生活 个人单曲 影视出演


【全 名】Taylor Alison Swift 【性 别】女

【身 高】五英尺十一英寸--180.3cm 【体 重】56kg

【发 色】金黄色(卷发) 【瞳 孔】蓝色


Taylor Swift

【歌手流派】Country/Pop 【职业】歌手 音乐创作人 制作人

【乐器】吉他(电箱吉他,十二弦吉他,电吉他她都会弹) 钢琴 夏威夷四弦琴

【唱片公司】 Big Machine Record

【家人】爸爸-Scott Swift 妈妈-Andrea Swift 弟弟-Austin Swift


【出生地】Wyomissing,Pennsylvania 【现居地】Nashville,Tennessee


【出道经历】在13岁时获得一份知名唱片公司RCA的发展合约,15岁时,因RCA希望要等到她年满18岁后再考虑为其出专辑,故而离开RCA寻求其他发展。一次在Nashville知名的The Bluebird Café自弹自唱自己创作时,被当时正欲成立唱片的Scott Borchetta发掘,签约成为独立唱片公司Big Machine Records。 【出道时间】2006年


【幸运数字】13 (当发生与数字13有关事情的时候,通常会给她带来好运) 【喜欢的颜色】白色 紫色


【喜欢的服装搭配】飘逸的小洋装搭配靴子 闪闪亮亮的礼服 头带


【最爱的节日】圣诞节 (她的童年是在自家拥有圣诞树农场中度过的) 【喜欢的电视剧集】C.S.I 犯罪现场调查(曾经客串了第九季第十六集) Grey's Anatomy 实习医生格蕾(Denny病逝,她连哭了好几天,这是她最爱的剧集) 【喜欢的电影】Love Actually(每年圣诞节她都会重看这部电影)

【最喜爱的歌手】Faith Hill、Shania Twain、Dixie Chicks(Tay欣赏的艺人有很多,但这三组艺人是对她影响最大,最受她喜爱的)她还很欣赏像Avril Lavigne(艾薇儿·拉维妮)那样的女艺人。



50th Grammy Awards 2008 第50届格莱美音乐奖: Best New Artist 最佳新人奖 - Taylor Swift 提名

52nd Grammy Awards 2010 第52届格莱美音乐奖: Album of the Year 年度专辑 - Fearless 获得(有史以来该奖项最年轻获得者) Record of the Year 年度制作 - You Belong With Me 提名

Best Country Album 最佳乡村专辑 - Fearless 获得 Best Female Country Vocal Performance 最佳乡村女演唱人 - White Horse 获得

★American Music Awards全美音乐奖AMA:

American Music Awards of 2007: Favorite Female Country Artist 最受欢迎乡村女艺人 - Taylor Swift 提名

American Music Awards of 2008: Favorite Female Country Artist 最受欢迎乡村女艺人 - Taylor Swift 获得 American Music Awards of 2009 Artist

of The Year 年度艺人 - Taylor Swift 获得

★MTV Video Music Awards美国音乐录影带大奖VMA: MTV Video Music Awards 2008年度MTV音乐录影带 Best New Artist 最佳新人奖 - Taylor Swift 提名

★MTV Europe Music Awards欧洲音乐录影带大奖EMA: MTV Europe Music Awards 2009年度欧洲音乐录影带 MTV Europe Music Awards for Best New Act 最佳新人奖 - Taylor Swift 提名

★Country Music Association Awards乡村音乐协会奖CMA(乡村音乐最重要的颁奖礼):

CMA Awards 2007 第41届乡村音乐协会奖 Horizon Award 最佳新人奖 - Taylor Swift 获得 CMA Awards 2008 第42届乡村音乐协会奖 Female Vocalist of the Year 年度女歌手 - Taylor Swift 提名 CMA Awards 2009 第43届乡


Taylor Swift 获奖图片

★CMT Video Music Awards乡村音乐录影带大奖CMT: CMT Awards 2007 Breakthrough Video of The Year 年度突破录影带奖 - Tim McGraw 获得 CMT Awards 2008 Female Video of the Year 年度女艺人 - Our Song 获得 Video of the Year 年度录影带 - Our Song 获得

★Teen's Choice Awards青少年选择奖TCA 2008 Choice Breakout Artist 最受欢迎新人 - Taylor Swift 获得 2009 Choice Female Artist 最受欢迎女艺人 - Taylor Swift 获得

★BRIT Awards全英音乐奖 2010 International Breakthrough Artist国际突破艺人奖 - Taylor Swift



泰勒·斯威夫特,美国乡村音乐女创作歌手,会用木吉他、钢琴演奏。她在2006年与独立唱片公司Big Machine签约。曾获得美国乡村音乐协会奖年度最佳专辑奖等荣誉。

【全 名】Taylor Alison Swift

【性 别】女


[1]【身 高】五英尺十一英寸180cm(IMDB)

【体 重】56kg

【发 色】金黄色(卷发)

【瞳 孔】宝蓝色



【职业】歌手 音乐创作人 制作人




【唱片公司】 Big Machine Record

【家人】爸爸-Scott Swift(证券和股票经纪人) 妈妈-Andrea Swift(家庭主妇) 弟弟-Austin Swift





【出道经历】在13岁时获得一份知名唱片公司RCA的发展合约,15岁时,因RCA希望要等到她年满18岁后再考虑为其出专辑,故而离开RCA寻求其他发展。一次在Nashville知名的The Bluebird Café自弹自唱自己创作时,被当时正欲成立唱片的Scott Borchetta发掘,签约成为独立唱片公司Big Machine Records。 小美女~(20张)【出道时间】2006年


【幸运数字】13 (当发生与数字13有关事情的时候,通常会给她带来好运)

【喜欢的颜色】白色 紫色


【喜欢的服装搭配】飘逸的小洋装搭配靴子 闪闪亮亮的礼服 头带


【最爱的节日】圣诞节 (她的童年是在自家拥有圣诞树农场中度过的)

【喜欢的电视剧集】C.S.I 犯罪现场调查(曾经客串了第九季第十六集) Grey's Anatomy 实习医生格蕾(Denny病逝,她连哭了好几天,这是她最爱的剧


【喜欢的电影】Love Actually(每年圣诞节她都会重看这部电影)

【最喜爱的歌手】Faith Hill、Shania Twain、Dixie Chicks、Eminem(Tay欣赏的艺人有很多,但这三组艺人是对她影响最大,最受她喜爱的)她还很欣赏像Avril Lavigne(艾薇儿·拉维妮)那样的女艺人。



【要好的朋友】Abigail(高中最要好的同学,目前也是最好的朋友)Selena Gomez(迪斯尼明星)、Kellie Pickler(前美国偶像选手,现在是乡村女歌手)、Katy Perry(美国知名流行歌手)、Emma Stone(女演员)、Hayley Williams(Paramore女主唱)、Taylor Lautner(Twilight狼人扮演者,两人曾在拍摄《情人节》时擦出爱的火花,已于2010年初分手,新作《Back to Demcember》被认为是致Taylor Lautner的致歉信)Justin Bieber(著名少年歌手)、Julianne Hough(美国高收视节目Dancing With The Stars前舞者,专业交谊舞者,演员,也是发片乡村音乐女歌手)、她乐队的所有成员(详见The Agency的介绍)、Hillary Scott(乡村组合Lady Antebellum成员)、Miley Cyrus(迪斯尼明星、美国著名歌手,Taylor客串过她的《乖乖女是大明星》) Demi Lovato(迪斯尼明星)、Emma roberts(美国著名演员,在拍摄电影《情人节》时认识,之前Emma也曾说过她很喜欢Taylor)

【前男友】Taylor Lautner、Joe Jonas 、Jake Gyllenhaal、John Mayer 乐队成员

The Agency(在为Picture To Burn拍摄的MV中,Taylor个人乐队的所有成员都穿着西装


Bass贝斯-Amos Heller

Guitar吉他-Paul Sidoti

Guitar吉他-Grant Mickelson

Drums鼓手-Al Wilson

Fiddle小提琴-Caitlin Evanson

Banjo班卓琴-Mike Meadows

Backup Singer和声-Elizabeth Huett



50th Grammy Awards 2008 第50届格莱美音乐奖:

Best New Artist 最佳新人奖 - Taylor Swift 提名 52nd Grammy Awards 2010 第52届格莱美音乐奖:

Album of the Year 年度专辑 - Fearless 获得(有史以来该奖项最年轻获得者) Record of the Year 年度制作 - You Belong With Me 提名

Song of the Year 年度单曲 - You Belong With Me 提名

Best Female Pop Vocal Performance 最佳流行女演唱人 - You Belong With Me 提名

Best Pop Collaboration With Vocals 最佳流行合唱歌曲 - Breathe feat.Colbie Caillat 提名 Best Country Album 最佳乡村专辑 - Fearless 获得

Best Female Country Vocal Performance 最佳乡村女演唱人 - White Horse 获得 Best Country Song 最佳乡村歌曲 - White Horse 获得

Taylor在第52届格莱美奖颁奖后被评为“创造了格莱美奖的奇迹” ★American Music Awards全美音乐奖AMA:

American Music Awards of 2007:

Favorite Female Country Artist 最受欢迎乡村女艺人 - Taylor Swift 提名 American Music Awards of 2008:

Favorite Female Country Artist 最受欢迎乡村女艺人 - Taylor Swift 获得 American Music Awards of 2009

Artist of The Year 年度艺人 - Taylor Swift 获得

Favorite Adult Contemporary Artist 最受欢迎成人抒情艺人 - Taylor Swift 获得 Favorite Pop/Rock Album 最受欢迎流行/摇滚专辑 - Fearless 提名

Favorite Pop/Rock Female Artist 最受欢迎流行/摇滚女艺人 - Taylor Swift 获得 Favorite Country Album 最受欢迎乡村专辑 - Fearless 获得

Favorite Female Country Artist 最受欢迎乡村女艺人 - Taylor Swift 获得 American Music Awards of 2010

Favorite Female Country Artist 最受欢迎乡村女艺人 - Taylor Swift 获得

★Billboard Music Awards告示牌音乐奖(自2007起不再进行颁奖仪式,而是直接根据Billboard年数据成绩在其杂志上宣布):

在2009年度的Bilboard榜单上Taylor Swift分别在7项数据中排名第一,并在其他各项数据中排名靠前,是当之无愧的年度艺人。

Artist of the Year 2009 年度艺人 - Taylor Swift

★MTV Video Music Awards美国音乐录影带大奖VMA:

MTV Video Music Awards 2008年度MTV音乐录影带

Best New Artist 最佳新人奖 - Taylor Swift 提名

MTV Video Music Awards 2009年度MTV音乐录影带颁奖典礼

Best Female Video 最佳女歌手 - You Belong With Me 获得(有史以来第一个乡村艺人在VMA上获得奖项)

★MTV Europe Music Awards欧洲音乐录影带大奖EMA:

MTV Europe Music Awards 2009年度欧洲音乐录影带

MTV Europe Music Awards for Best New Act 最佳新人奖 - Taylor Swift 提名

★Country Music Association Awards乡村音乐协会奖CMA(乡村音乐最重要的颁奖礼):

CMA Awards 2007 第41届乡村音乐协会奖

Horizon Award 最佳新人奖 - Taylor Swift 获得

CMA Awards 2008 第42届乡村音乐协会奖

Female Vocalist of the Year 年度女歌手 - Taylor Swift 提名 CMA Awards 2009 第43届乡村音乐协会奖

Entertainer of the Year 年度艺人 - Taylor Swift 获得(最高荣誉,有史以来最年轻获得者,也是第6位获得这个奖项的乡村女歌手,时隔十年来第一个女歌手获得该荣誉)

Album of the Year 年度专辑 - Fearless 获得

Female Vocalist of the Year 年度女歌手 - Taylor Swift 获得

Music Video of the Year 年度音乐录影带 - Love Story 获得

同时获颁International Artist Achievement Award国际成就奖,以表彰她对乡村音乐在国际推广的突出贡献。

Taylor Swift 获奖图片

★Academy of Country Music Awards乡村音乐学院奖ACM:

ACM Awards 2007

Top New Female Vocalist 最佳新人女歌手 - Taylor Swift 提名

ACM Awards 2008

Top New Female Vocalist 最佳新人女歌手 - Taylor Swift 获得

Top Female Vocalist 最佳女歌手 - Taylor Swift 提名

Album of the Year 最佳专辑 - Taylor Swift 提名

ACM Awards 2009

Top Female Vocalist 最佳女歌手 - Taylor Swift 提名

Album of the Year 最佳专辑 - Fearless 获得 (有史以来最年轻获得者) Video of the Year 最佳录影带 - Love Story 提名

同时获颁Crystal Milestone Award特别贡献奖以表彰她对乡村音乐做出的贡献 ACM Awards 2010

Entertainer Of The Year 年度最佳艺人奖 -Taylor swift提名

Top Female Vocalist Of The Year年度最佳女歌手 -Taylor Swift提名

Song Of The Year年度歌曲 -You Belong With Me提名

Video Of The Year年度最佳录像 -You Belong With Me提名

★CMT Video Music Awards乡村音乐录影带大奖CMT:

CMT Awards 2007

Breakthrough Video of The Year 年度突破录影带奖 - Tim McGraw 获得 CMT Awards 2008

Female Video of the Year 年度女艺人 - Our Song 获得

Video of the Year 年度录影带 - Our Song 获得

CMT Awards 2009

Female Video of the Year 年度女艺人 - Love Story 获得

Video of the Year 年度录影带 - Love Story 获得

★People's Choice Awards人民选择奖PCA:

PCAs 2010

Favorite Female Artist 最受欢迎女艺人 - Taylor Swift 获得

★Teen's Choice Awards青少年选择奖TCA


Choice Breakout Artist 最受欢迎新人 - Taylor Swift 获得2009

Choice Female Artist 最受欢迎女艺人 - Taylor Swift 获得

Choice Female Album 最受欢迎专辑(女) - Fearless 获得


Choice Female Country Artist 最受欢迎乡村女艺人 - Taylor Swift获得 Choice music:Country Song 最受欢迎现存音乐 - Fifteen By Taylor Swift Choice Album - Country 最受欢迎乡村专辑 - Fearless 获得

Choice Movie - Female Breakout 最受欢迎进步女演员 - Taylor Swift 获得 ★Kid's Choice Awards儿童选择奖KCA


Favorite Female Singer 最受欢迎女歌手- Fearless 获得

Favorite Song 最受欢迎歌曲-You Belong With Me 获得

★BRIT Awards全英音乐奖


International Breakthrough Artist国际突破艺人奖 - Taylor Swift 待颁 ★BMI Awards (奖励词曲创作人的行业奖)


Country Song of the Year 年度乡村歌曲 - Teardrops on My Guitar


BMI President’s Award BMI主席特别奖 - Teardrops on My Guitar

Country Song of the Year 年度乡村歌曲 - Love Story


Favorite Song 最受欢迎歌曲 - Love Story

★Nashville Songwriters Association International (NSAI) Award纳什维尔音乐创作人协会奖


Songwriter/Artists of the Year 年度唱作人 - Taylor Swift


Songwriter/Artists of the Year 年度唱作人 - Taylor Swift

★Nashville Music Awards纳什维尔音乐奖


Artist of the Year 年度艺人 - Taylor Swift

Songwriter/Artists of the Year 年度唱作人 - Taylor Swift

Country Album 最佳乡村专辑 - Fearless

★Young Hollywood Awards


Superstar of Tomorrow 明日巨星 - Taylor Swift(第一位获此称号的音乐人) ★其他荣誉



2008年尼尔森数据统计Nielsen SoundScan上有史以来第一位拥有两张专辑位列年度畅销前十的

Taylor Swift作为《People》封面人物




2009年创造拥有最多Billboard Hot100同时在榜歌曲女艺人记录


2009年入选人物People杂志年度最具魅力25人,被称为the golden girl 并成为封面人物

2009年NBC年度人物People of the Year之一


