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Among all of the America's symbols, the statue of liberty is the most famous statue around the world. It was a present from France in 1876 to celebrate the 100th

anniversary of American’s independence. The Statue of Liberty, the a symbol of the United States, is now located in the west of New York City, Manhattan,

The monument is designed for the US independence and the France-American

alliance.(联盟) At that time, a majority of people were fighting for freedom which is of extreme value. It's said that a brave woman with a torch in her right hand and sacrificed for the liberty. It shocked Batholdi巴特尔. Consequently, he signed the statue. And the body of the statue was as to the wife while the face was his mother’s. The Statue of Liberty was dressed in ancient Greek style of dress, and wearing a crown, the crown has seven sharps. They are the symbols of the world's seven

continents and four oceans. Statue of Liberty's right hand hold a torch, the torch up to 12 meters .The left hand hold "The Declaration of Independence".

It was completed and opened in October 28, 1886.

The ue of Liberty is 46 meters high, with base plate’s seat for 93 meters and weighs 200 tons. It is made up of metal, and placed on a base made up of concrete. Joseph Pulitzer raised 100 thousand dollars to build the base of the Statue of Liberty, and now the base is an American Immigration History Museum.

In 1942 the U.S. government made a decision to the United States the Statue of Liberty as a national heritage. In 1984, the Statue of Liberty was named as a World Heritage.

Hundred of years now, whenever the ships or aircrafts in, out of or through the New York Harbor, the first witness is this magnificent statue. Today, the Statue of Liberty has become the symbol of New York and throughout the United States. 100th anniversary of its completion, it specifically for the U.S. government held a grand celebration

And now more than a century, the island stands the Statue of Liberty statue in a free American nation has become a symbol of friendship between the people of U.S. and France, always expressing the American people for democracy, longing for the noble ideals of freedom.










篇二:自由女神像英文介绍 Among all of the America

自由女神像英文介绍 Among all of the America's symbols, the statue of liberty is the most famous statue around the world. It was a present from France in 1876 to celebrate the 100th anniversary of American’s independence. The Statue of Liberty, the a symbol of the United States, is now located in the west of New York City, Manhattan, The monument is designed for the US independence and the France-American alliance.(联盟) At that time, a majority of people were fighting for freedom which is of extreme value. It's said that a brave woman with a torch in her right hand and sacrificed for the liberty. It shocked Batholdi巴特尔迪.

Consequently, he signed the statue. And the body of

the statue was as to the wife while the face was his

mother’s. The Statue of Liberty was dressed in

ancient Greek style of dress, and wearing a crown,

the crown has seven sharps. They are the symbols of

the world's seven continents and four oceans. Statue

of Liberty's right hand hold a torch, the torch up to 12 meters .The left hand hold "The Declaration of Independence". It was completed and opened in October 28, 1886. The ue of Liberty is 46 meters high, with base plate’s seat for 93 meters and weighs 200 tons. It is made up of metal, and placed on a base made up of concrete. Joseph Pulitzer raised 100 thousand dollars to build the base of the Statue of Liberty, and now the base is an American Immigration History Museum.

In 1942 the U.S.

government made a decision to the United States the Statue of Liberty as a national heritage. In 1984, the Statue of Liberty was named as a World Heritage. Hundred of years now, whenever the ships or aircrafts in, out of or through the New York Harbor, the first witness is this magnificent statue. Today, the Statue of Liberty has become the symbol of New York and throughout the United States. 100th anniversary of its completion, it specifically for the U.S. government held a grand celebration And now more than a century, the island stands the Statue of Liberty statue in a free American nation has become a symbol of friendship between the people of U.S. and France, always expressing the American people for democracy, longing for the noble ideals of freedom. 美国自由女神像文化遗产1984年列入世界遗产名录。 女神像的钢铁骨架由设计巴黎铁塔的埃菲尔设计雕像由法国雕刻家维雷勃杜克设计并在巴黎完成。法国政府将这一标志自由的纪念像作为庆祝美国独立100周年的礼物赠给美国。自从1886年落成以来它耸立在纽约港的入口。 自由女神像作为美国象征位于美国纽约市曼哈顿以西的一个小岛--自由岛上她手持火炬矗立在纽约港入口处日夜守望着这座大都会迎来了自19世纪末以来到美国定居的千百万移民。1984年它被列入世界遗产名录。 自由女神像是法国人民赠给美国人民的礼物是自由的象征女神像高46米连同底座总高约100米是那时世界上最高的纪念性建筑其全称为"自由女神铜像国家纪念碑"正式名称是"照耀世界的自由女神".整座铜像以120吨的钢铁为骨架80吨铜片为外皮以3万只柳钉装配

固定在支架上总重量达225吨铜像内部的钢铁支架是由建筑师维雷勃杜克和以建造巴黎埃菲尔铁塔闻名于世界的法国工程师埃菲尔设计制作的。 女神双唇紧闭戴光芒四射的冠冕身着罗马式宽松长袍右手高擎象征自由的几米长的火炬左手紧握一铜板上面用罗马数字刻着《美国独立宣言》发表的日期--公元1776年7月4日脚上散落着已断裂的锁链右脚跟抬起作行进状整体为挣脱枷锁、挺身前行的反抗者形象女神气宇轩昂、神态刚毅给人以凛然不可侵犯之感。而其端庄丰盈的体态又似一位古希腊美女使人感到亲切而自然。当夜暮降临时神像基座的灯光向上照射将女神映照得宛若一座淡青色的玉雕。而从女神冠冕的窗孔中射出的灯光又好像在女神头上缀了一串闪着金黄色的亮光给热闹而喧嚣的大都会平添了一处颇为壮观的夜景。创造这一艺术杰作的是法国雕塑家巴特尔迪女神的形象源于他在17岁时亲眼目睹的激动人心的一幕1851年路易·波拿巴发动了推翻法兰西第二共和国的政变。一天一群共和国党人在街头筑起防御公事与政变者展开巷战。暮色时分一位忠于共和政权的年轻姑娘手持燃烧的火跃过障碍物高呼"前进"的口号向敌人冲去不幸中弹牺牲。从此这位高擎火炬的勇敢姑娘就成了雕塑家心中追求自由的象征另外女神像的形体以巴特尔迪后来的妻子为原型创作面容则取自他的母亲。 1869年,巴特尔完成了自由女神像的草图设计。1874年,造像工程开工到1884年完全造竣前后历时十年雕像仅食指就有2.1米宽指甲则有75厘米厚。 1884年7月6日自由女神像正式赠送给美国。8月5日,神像底座奠基工程开始基座高约27米由花岗石混凝土制成。基座下面是打

入弗特伍德古堡中心部位6米深处的混凝土巨柱。该古堡是一座军用炮台呈八角星状于1808-1811年为加强纽约港的防卫而建1840年翻新。1885年6月,整个塑像被分成200多块装箱用拖轮从法国里昂运到了纽约。1886年10月中旬,75名工人在脚手架上将30只铆钉和约100块零件组合一处。28日,美国总统克利夫兰亲自主持了万人参加的自由女神像的揭幕典礼。1916年,威尔逊总统为女神像安装了昼夜不灭的照明系统并主持了竣工仪式。1942年美国政府做出决定将自由女神像列为美国国家级文物。 一个多世纪以来,耸立在自由岛上的自由女神铜像已成为美利坚民族和美法人民友谊的象征,永远表达着美国人民争取民主、向往自由的崇高理想。


Tours Of Statue Of Liberty

See The Statue of Liberty, NBC, Ground Zero and more. $10 bus tour.Tours4Fun.com/Statue-of-Liberty

Out of all of America's symbols, none has proved more enduring or evocative than the Statue of Liberty. This giant figure, torch in hand and clutching a stone tablet, has for a century acted as a figurehead for the American Dream; indeed there is probably no more immediately recognizable profile in existence. It's worth remembering that the statue is - for Americans at least - a potent reminder that the USA is a land of immigrants: it was New York Harbor where the first big waves of European immigrants arrived, their ships entering through the Verrazano Narrows to round the bend of the bay and catch a first glimpse of "Liberty Enlightening the World" - an end of their journey into the unknown, and the symbolic beginning of a new life.

These days, although only the very wealthy can afford to arrive here by sea, and a would-be immigrant's first (and possibly last) view of the States is more likely to be the customs check at JFK Airport, Liberty remains a stirring sight, with Emma Lazarus's poem, The New Colossus, written originally to raise funds for the statue's base, no less quotable than when it was written...

Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame. "Keep ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she With silent lips."Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse to your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door."

The statue, which depicts Liberty throwing off her shackles and holding a beacon to light the world, was the creation of the French sculptor Frédéric Auguste Bartholdi, who crafted it a hundred years after the American Revolution in recognition of solidarity between the French and American people (though it's fair to add that Bartholdi originally intended the statue for Alexandria in Egypt). Bartholdi built Liberty in Paris between 1874 and 1884, starting with a terracotta model and enlarging it through four successive versions to its present size, a construction of thin copper sheets bolted together and supported by an iron framework designed by Gustave Eiffel. The arm carrying the torch was exhibited in Madison Square Park for seven years, but the whole statue wasn't officially accepted on behalf of the American people until 1884, after which it was taken apart, crated up and shipped to New York.

It was to be another two years before it could be properly unveiled: money had to be collected to fund the construction of the base, and for some reason Americans were unwilling - or unable - to dip into their pockets. Only through the campaigning efforts of newspaper magnate Joseph Pulitzer, a keen supporter of the statue, did it all come together in the end. Richard Morris Hunt built a pedestal around the existing

star-shaped Fort Wood, and Liberty was formally dedicated by President Cleveland on October 28, 1886, in a flag-waving shindig that has never really stopped. The statue was closed for a few years in the mid-1980s for extensive renovation and, in 1986, fifteen million people descended on Manhattan for the statue's centennial celebrations.

Today you can climb steps up to the crown, but the cramped stairway though the torch sadly remains closed to the public. Don't be surprised if there's an hour-long wait to ascend. Even if there is, Liberty Park's views of the lower Manhattan skyline, the twin towers of the World Trade Center lording it over the jutting teeth of New York's financial quarter, are spectacular enough.

篇四:牛津小学英语6B 《Unit5 The seasons》教学案例

牛津小学英语6B 《Unit5 The seasons》教学案例


1.设计理念:本课主要围绕“季节和气候”这个话题开展各项活动,同时学习一些常用的与气象相关的词汇。在学本课之前我平时就渗透了气候的英文问答,因为这与学生的日常生活联系紧密。而四季中的Spring ,autumn已经在6A教材节假日中初步学习过了,于是我平时也渗透了四季单词,降低了教材的难度。在教学时,我更多的是采用多媒体课件的呈现,生动地展现天气的变化和四季的更替,通过多媒体的呈现学生很容易地理解了单词的意思,既呈现的单词,又开动了学生的各种感官,加深了印象。

2. 情况说明:气候的问答和词汇sunny,rainy,hot,cold在前期的学习中已渗透过。Spring和autumn在6A学节日时已学过,而summer和winter 在谈论假日和气候时也已渗透过。



能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词season、next、weather、summer、autumn、best、spring、winter和句型What’s the weather like??

能听懂、会说和会读单词cool、windy、countryside、rain、warm、most、because、snowman和日常交际用语Which season do you like best?I lik?Why?Because I can?














A Free talk

1.以“What date is it today? What’s the weather like today? Which season is it now?”等引出师生间的自由交谈。在交谈时板书,揭题,画出天气符号。由Spring季节引出warm单词,教师脱去多穿的外套,帮助学生理解warm,并指导学生读音。然后教师提问“What’s the weather like in spring in nanjing?”学生答出“It’s warm and sunny.”


2.出示一张世界地图,上面有标出的城市,城市旁贴有气候的图片。有的城市不标出地名,只出现标志性建筑,如北京,出现天安门,学生马上猜出是北京,然后询问北京的天气,有旁边的天气图片得到答案,学习windy.再比如莫斯科,教师问“What’s the weather like there?”学生答“It’s very cold.”学习了句型“What’s the weather like there?”学生可以根据天气猜测季节是冬季,学习winter.问答不必局限于师生之间,可以让学生之间进行讨论。教师只在开始给予示范,并在学生不认识地名时指导。其他部分由学生同位讨论,最后全班汇报。如此学习巩固单词cool、windy、rain、warm、 cold、sunny、hot和句型“What’s the weather like there? It’s ?”。


B Presentation and practice

1.在世界地图中显示纽约的位置和自由女神像图片并询问,学生5B第9单元学过,马上猜出“It’s New York.”教师出示问题“1. Who is going to New York next week? 2. What is Su Yang doing?”要求学生看课文动画,回答

问题。并给出学习方法小提示:听录音前,先仔细读题;在听录音时抓住关键词,快速在书上划下来。然后师生共同讨论答案,并学习词组“next week”。

2.(意图:通过这两个问题,学生能对文章的背景和主要事件有一个概括性的把握。本文是语篇教学,重在理解文章,培养学生阅读理解能力,不纠缠于个别词句的用法。为了帮助学生掌握阅读的方法,教师可以给一些小提示。) \(意图:在这一环节,学生不仅要找出气候,还要找完整,不仅要求学生能看懂,还要求学生具有一定的概括能力,完成了表格,学生的阅读理解能力也有了一个提升。)

学生完成后,指名说说。教师特别要提醒学生说、出从哪几句话中找到答案的,并用课件展示出来。这样清楚的展示,便于学生归纳,同时,也是交给学生阅读的方法。在此学习词组“most of the time” .

C Listen,read and say

1.学生跟录音一句一句学习读音。教师给学生学习朗读的方法。Learning tip(尽量模仿录音,有节奏,有感情的大声朗读)


1.What do people usually do in autumn ?


B. They pick apples.

C. A and B.

2.Why does Ben like winter best? A.Because he can make snowmen.(堆雪人)

B.Because he can run.

C.Because he can go jogging.



3. 对话练习

a. 由上文Ben最喜欢的季节的选择,学生找到Su Yang询问Ben最喜欢的的季节的五句话,用课件显示出来。学习单词best和because.然后同位学生模仿录音朗读表演对话。教师给予表演小提示:表演时要有语气,表情丰富,动做夸张,表演生动有趣。对于表演的同学,教师和同学们给予掌声。



b.想一想自己喜欢的季节及原因,模仿Su Yang和Ben对话,四人小组讨论,了解你的同学喜欢的季节及原因,学生可以拿出带来的照片或玩具,照片内容为自己在喜欢的季节或活动,也可以做动作表演自己喜欢的活动,并记录在表格中,小组中设立一个管理者,负责每个同学都至少问一次答一次。教师请部分小组上

(来自:WwW.smhaida.Com 海达 范文 网:自由女神英语情景对话)


Su Yang is telling her dad about the weather in New York.Complete the sentences with the correct words.

In New York, there’s a lot of rain in ______. The weather in summer is as ___ as in Nanjing. Autumn is the best ______ in New York. It’s ____ and _____. In winter it’s ______ than in Nanjing. Dad, you need to buy some ____ clothes.师生交流答案。



编写一段对话:谈论天气和季节,并可以扩充其他的内容。教师提示句子:Hello. What’s the weather like?? How areyou? Which season do you like best?I lik? Why? Because it’s ?.I can? Oh,we all like?.Do youwant to ?with me? Good idear.Let’s go.等等。学生可以自由拓展,可长可短。在小组内表演,要表情丰富,生动活泼。教师请部分小组表演,对表演小组给于加分奖励。,


D Assign homework





The Statue of Liberty, One of the Most Famous Sights in the World


山东 刘永科

自由女神像,作为美国象征,位于美国纽约市曼哈顿以西的一个小岛——自由岛上,她手持火炬,矗立在纽约港入口处,日夜守望着这座大都会,迎来了自19世纪末以来到美国定居的千百万移民。 自由女神像是法国人民赠给美国人民的礼物,是自由的象征。1984年,它被列入世界遗产名录。

In the water around New York is a very small island called

Liberty Island. On Liberty Island there is a very special statue

called the Statue of Liberty. It is one of the most famous sights in

the world.

The Statue of Liberty was a gift from the people of France to

the people of the United States. The statue was made by a French

sculptor named Frederic Auguste Bartholdi. The inner-support

system was designed by Gustave Eiffel, the same man who made

the famous Eiffel Tower in Paris.

Liberty, of course, means freedom, and the Statue of Liberty

was given to the United States to celebrate the one hundredth anniversary of U. S. independence from England. The statue was built in France, taken apart piece by piece, and then rebuilt in the United States. It was opened for the public on October 28, 1886.

As you might expect, the statue is very big. Visitors can ride an elevator from the ground to the bottom of the statue. If they like, they can then walk up the 168 steps to reach the head of the statue where they can look out and enjoy the beautiful sight of the city of New York.

Comprehension Questions:

1. The Statue of Liberty was a gift from the people of France because ______

A. it was designed and made by two Frenchmen.

B. it was given to the United States to celebrate the one hundredth anniversary of U. S.

independence from England.

C. it was designed by the same man who made the famous Eiffel Tower in Paris.

D. it means freedom both in France and in US.

2. The man who made the part of the statue that we can see on the outside was ______

A. Liberty. B. Eiffel. C. an American. D. Bartholdi.

3. Which of the following facts is not mentioned in the passage? ______

A. the location of the statue.

B. the designer and maker of the statue.

C. the material made into the statue.

D. the purpose of making the statue.

(山东省潍坊第七中学 刘永科)
