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篇一:travel journal 写作

Writing----travelling experience

Step1: lead in

T: In the unit we have talked about the travel journal of Wang Kun and Wang Mei. They cycled along the Mekong River. So can you tell me some information about their journey. How do they go there? What do they see, do and how did they feel when they were travelling?




T: OK, you can see that Wang Kun and Wang Mei’s dream has come ture. They have a wonderful travel. How about you travel? Today , you will have a chance to show your travel journal. Write one of your travelling experience. Before writing, I want to ask you: In order to write your traveling experience. what items do you think should be conclude in the writing.




T: Ok. It seems that you already have known something about how to write such a composition. Let’s see more tips together.

Step 2: The construction of the composition T: Generally speaking, the composition should contain three parts.

1. An introduction :(it’s a truth universally acknowledged that….., the father you get in your trip, the further you get in your book/ nature is one thing that really must be experienced.)

2. when ,(in the morning/ afternoon/evening, at midnight, at dusk, at dawn

It was spring/ summer/ autumn/winter

In July/ may

Last summer/winter vocation

During the golden weekend……..

who (friends/ family members/ classmates……..)

where (The Yellow Crane, West Lake……….)

how (I went to ……by bus/ train/plane/…….,we cycled along…./ my

parent drove to…./)

3. Main body:

do, (stop to do…/had a rest/ ……, walking along…./took photos )

see&smell (views/ culture activities/ goods/ food/ )

hear, (quiet/ silent/ noisy/whispering/laughter/ singing/ whistling/ driping )

feel and thought (cold/warm/hot,…kept me spellbound, sth hold me in their power, I was surprised by…….., it was great fun to…..,I can hardly/ can’t wait to …. , I can’t help doing….,I am lost in….., it felt like…./ I felt tried……/how beautiful it was/ what a beautiful…….. )

4. An conclusion

Boarden my mind/ increase my knowledge/ enrich my life………. Step 3: the items of the composition

For each item, give some useful sentences

Step4: the order of the composition



You should not just set down a series of facts.

Step5: notes

1: what kind of composition it is? Narrative

2: what’s the tense

past tense

篇二:高三英语写作课Travel journal教学案例

高三英语写作课Travel journal教学案例


以人民教育出版社教材中"Travel journal"话题为背景,根据写作要求提示,组织材料写一篇自己亲身游记。



在学习"Travel journal"之后,掌握用英文写游记体裁文章的基本技能。











Activity 1. Show the students some sentences from the reading in this unit to remind them of the travel experience of Wang Wei and Wang Kun. 1. I had dreamed about taking a great bike trip. 2. She loves to go for long bike rides in the countryside.

3. She gave a determined look---the kind that said she wouldn't change her mind. 4. When are we leaving and when are we coming back?

5. At first the river is small, clear and cold. Then it begins to move quickly. It becomes a rapids as it passes though deep valleys?.At last, the river's delta enters the South China Sea. 6. To climb the mountain road was hard work but going down the hills was great fun.

7. We are reaching Dali in Yunnan Province where our cousins Dao Wei and Yu Hang will join us. We can hardly wait to see them.

At the same time, the teacher asks the students to pay attention to the underlined words, from which they could learn ways to describe their trips and share their afterthoughts with us.


Activity 2. Travel around our country

T: Do Wang Wei and Wang Kun enjoy their bike trip? (S: Yes.)

And have you made a trip somewhere in our country/our town/our area? Or "Have you ever had such experiences as Wang Wei and Wang Kun?" (For

students living in towns, most of them will say "Yes", for others the teacher may choose the one the students are familiar with.)

For me, traveling around is exciting and there are a lot of places of interest to see in our motherland. Look at the pictures and guess where it is.

(Show some slides or pictures.)

Hainan Island; Hongkong; Tian'anmen Square; The Great Wall; Mountain Tai; Qingdao; Huanghe, Temple of Heaven etc.



Activity 3. Talk about the writing topic. ( handout )


1. Do you want to go traveling around these places? (Yes.) So do I. If we had enough time and enough money, we would go there some day. By the way, I was told that your class went to Mountain Tai during the Labour Day. Am I right? Would some of you share the ideas with me?

2. Brainstorming:

Get the students to ask and answer the question:

Why did you choose to go to Mountain?

The students may give some answers as follows:

A. Mountain Tai is quite beautiful/famous/close to nature.

B. We want to have an interesting trip there.

C. During the climb, we students can help each other, which will strengthen the friendship between us.

D. We had dreamed about climbing Mountain Tai together for long. E. It's in our province, and we feel proud of it.

F. We want to make a study of the wildlife there.

G. We should try to overcome any difficulty, no matter how hard it is.

H. Mountain climbing is really exciting.


(For the above questions, the teacher asks the students to give as much information as possible, and do the same with the following ones. )

1. What did you do before your trip?

2. How did you get to the top of the mountain?




Activity 4. Put the ideas into sentences and then into passages

1. First, ask the students to write down some sentences about their climbing. Ask them to make out an outline, topic sentences of the

paragraphs, and some key words and phrases. They can also combine the answers to the above questions and then revise them with the advice from others.

2. Next, get the students to put their sentences in order. And share th(来自:www.sMHaiDa.com 海 达范文网:travel,journal作文)eir writing with their partners.

(Before getting the students to start, remind them of the differences between a diary and a journal.)

3. Then, students write the travel journey, using linking words and relative pronouns.

While carrying out this work, the teacher may walk around the students to give some help when necessary.



Activity5. Get the students to evaluate their compositions in groups.

1. Exchange their writing with other members in the groups (two or four students in a group), and ask the students to give some comments on the one he or she has read.

2. The teacher should get the students to pay attention to the following points to make necessary corrections while reading their partners' writing.

(1). Basic skills (spelling, capitalization, punctuation)

(2). Key points

(3). Suitable words and expressions

(4).Grammar (tense, voice, sentence structures)

(5). Logical problems (conjunctions, orders)

3. Get each group to recommend one or two passages and share it with the rest of the class. And the teacher chooses one or two of them to mark them in class with the help of overhead projector and gives some comments.)

4. Ask the students to make necessary changes in their writing and copy them in their exercise book for further correction.

(同伴评价实际上是合作学习的一种形式,其重要理论基础就是考卡夫(Kafka, K)最早提出的“群体动力理论”(group dynamics)。通过组内讨论交流,小组评选,学生对自己所写作文的要求与要点以及注意事项都有了大体的




篇三:作文必修一 unit3 Travel journal 知识点 -

必修一 unit3 Travel journal 知识点

一:Which kind of transport do you prefer to use, bus or train? prefer 更喜欢 用法归纳:

(1)+名词. ---Which do you prefer, tea or coffee? --- I prefer tea .

(2)+ 不定式 Our daughter prefers to stay at home today.

(3)prefer sb. to do sth. 更喜欢某人做某事 We prefer you to tell us the truth.

(4)prefer that从句 My wife prefers that I come home on time every day.

(5)prefer A to B 比起B来更喜欢A Most students prefer Chinese to English.

特别提示:在prefer A to B句型中,A和B既可以是名词,也可以是动名词。并且考查动名词的几率更大。

(6)prefer to do rather than do 宁愿做某事而不愿做某事

I prefer to stay at home rather than go out.

1、I didn’t mind ______ home but my brother preferred ______ a taxi.

A. walking; getting B. to walk; get C. walking; to get D. to walk; getting

2、She preferred ______ rather than ______.

A. dying; surrender B. to die; to surrendering

C. to die; surrender D. to die; surrendering

二、Think about the fare for different kinds of transport and decide how to get there. fare 费用 易混辨析:fee; fare; cost; tip;


fee 指医生、律师或其他专门职业的佣金及劳务费、会费、手续费、停车费等。

fare 指旅客乘公共汽车、出租车、火车、轮船、飞机等所支付的费用. cost “成本;原价”。表示对已取得的货物或劳务所支付的费用。 tip 指对一次劳务所支付的小费。

tuition 指学生上大学或私立学校所缴纳的学费。

三、Two years ago she bought an expensive mountain bike and then she persuaded me to buy one. 两年前她买了一辆山地车,然后她也说服我买了一辆。

persuade 说服;劝说 用法归纳:

(1) persuade sb. (not) to do sth. 说服某人(别)做某事

The teacher persuaded us not to talk in class.

(2) persuade sb. of sth. 使某人信服

The liar(骗子) persuaded the old man of his story.

(3) persuade sb. that? 使某人相信?

You can’t persuade us that the earth is flat.

(4) persuade sb. into / out of sth. / doing 说服某人做 / 不做某事 The guide persuaded us out of swimming in the river.

四、Although she didn’t know the best way of getting to places, she insisted that she organize the trip properly. 虽然她对去某些地方的最佳路线并不清楚,她却坚持要自己把这次旅游安排的尽善尽美。 insist 坚持 用法归纳:

(1)insist on / upon doing 坚持做某事 I insist on going with you.

( 2 ) insist + that sb. (should )+ V

He insisted that I (should) apologize to her.

1、He insisted that he ______ right, and so he insisted that his plan ______ carried out at once. A. was; be B. be; would be C. was; was D. be; should be

2、– Why did you bring so much luggage? --- Irene insisted ______ it all.

A. bringing B. on bringing C. to bring

D. that we bringing

3、Old Mr Jackson insisted ____ to the Friendship Hospital.

A. on being sent B. to send C. on sending D. being sent

4、The father insisted that their son Tom ____ clever enough to study music.

A. be B. should be C.was D. would be

5、Against ____advice from his friends, he insisted ____alone at the rush hour.

A. a; on traveling B. the; to travel C. the; on traveling

D. at; to travel

五、When are we leaving and when are we coming back? 我们什么时候离开?什么时候回来? 一般将来时态 用法归纳:

(1) be going to 表示安排、计划、打算将要进行的动作。

I am going to do my homework this evening. 我准备晚上做作业。 特别提示:

1. 表示将要去某地,be going to后直接加地点,不再出现动词。 The headmaster is going to Beijing next week.

2. 表示天气将如何变化用be going to。It looks as if it is going to rain.

(2) will / shall 表示按规律将要发生的动作。

It is Saturday today, it will be Sunday tomorrow. 今天是星期六,明天是星期天。 Fish will die out of water. 鱼离开水就会死的。 特别提示:

1. 表示带意愿色彩的将来时态时,用will,这时,will意为“愿意;会”。 I will tell you everything next time.

2. 问对方是否愿意或表示客气的请求时,用will。 Will you please give me a hand?

3. 征询对方意见或请求指示,用shall , 这时,shall用于一、三人称。 Shall he come in or stay outside?

(3) be about to do正要;正准备要

I was about to go out when the telephone rang yesterday.

特别提示:be about to do后只能跟when引导的从句。

(4) 一般时态表示将来

1. 当主句主语为将来时态时(情态动词can和祈使句也表示将来)。时间状语从句、条件状语从句和让步状语从句用一般时态表示将来或者用现在完成时态表示将来完成时态。

I will tell him the news if I see him.

1、I was about to go out ______ I heard the door bell ring.

A. while B. when C. as soon as D. until

2、---Will you go to the museum tomorrow? ---I will if I ______ no visitors.

A. have B. will have C. shall have D. am having

3、Don’t get off the bus until it ______.

A. has stopped B. stopped C. will stop D. shall stop 答案:A

六、When I told her that our journey would begin at an altitude of more than 5,000 meters, she seemed to be excited about. 当我告诉她我们的旅程将会从一个海拔高度超过5000米的地方开始时,她视乎很兴奋。 seem 似乎;好像 (表示判断与事实基本相符) 用法归纳:

(1) seem +adj. The question seems easy.

(2) seem + to do The student seems to be listening to me.

(3) seem like + n It seems like many years since we met last time.


(5) seem that

It seems / seemed that?

It seems that the world is getting smaller and smaller.

(6) There seems / seemed to be + n There seems to be a man behind the curtain.

seem和appear都有“似乎;好像”的意思。seem表示“判断与事实基本相符”,也就是真的;而appear表示“外表看起来像,而实际上并非如此”,也就是假的。 命题动向及解题技巧:

seem的各种用法在高考中都可能会考查。尤其是There seems / seemed to be + n句型。高考时可能会出现不定式用完成时的情况。 即时活用:

1、– Where is George? He said he would meet me here at

--- He seems _________ with Mr. Brown in the office.

A. to talk B. to be talking C. to have talked

D. talking

2、There _____an old tree here. I wonder how they could manage to remove such an old tree.

A. seemed not B. not seemed C. didn’t seem to be D. didn’t seem to have

3、She ______ to be very young, but in fact, she is in her forties.

A. looks B. seems C. appears D. looks like

七、Once she has made up her mind, nothing can change it. 一旦她决定了,没有什么能让她改变主意。

make up one’s mind决定;下定决心 用法归纳:

(1) make up one’s mind to do sth.

We have made up our minds to study English well.

(2) make up one’s mind +连接代词或连接副词 +to do

Have you made up your mind what to do this afternoon? 你们决定没有下午做什么?

(3) make up one’s mind +连接代词或连接副词引导的从句

We haven’t made up our minds which flat we will buy. 我们还没有决定买那套房子。 (4) make up one’s mind + that?

I have made up my mind that I will go to help him. 我决定去帮他。 特别提示: 如果主语为复数,mind必须用复数形式。

八、We were both surprised to learn that half of the river is in China.

both; each; all 以及程度副词在句子中位置


My parents are both teachers.


---Are your parents both teachers? 你父母都是老师吗? ---Yes, they both are.

(2)They have all finished their homework.

九、After supper Wang Wei put her head down on her pillow and went to sleep but I stayed awake.


Which Mode of Travel Do You


With the general standard of living improving and working week becoming shorter, more and more people are able to make a holiday trip to places of interest. While many like to join package tours for convenience, I prefer to travel on my own.

I like traveling on my own not only because it costs much less but because it gives a great degree of independence and freedom. Traveling on my own, I’m my own boss, and I can decide when to start on my way, where to linger (逗留) a litter longer and which spot can be skipped over to save energy and time for another spot. I can always adjust

my plan. On the contrary, in a package tour you’re deprived of as much freedom as in a military base. At the sound of the whistle, you have to jump up from a sound sleep and hurry to the gathering place where you are collected. At the sight of the little flag waving, you must immediately take yourself away from the scenes you are marveling at(惊奇;感叹) and follow the guide whose sole interest is to cover all spots according to his strict schedule, regardless of the weather or your health condition.

True, you may encounter inconveniences if you travel individually, for instance, getting accommodations for the night and finding a place for meals. But nothing can be compared with the

freedom which is vital to a person who takes a holiday trip mainly to escape from constraints (约束) of his routine life.(日常生活).

篇五:travel 作文

As people’s living standards is improving a lot now and it should be obvious that people tend to travel when they are on vocations to enjoy themselves than before. Some people prefer to travel in their own country. However, others like to travel abroad. When I face the option I will undoubtedly choose to have a trip domestically.

First of all, there may be language or culture barrier to communicate with foreigners when we travel abroad. If you want to travel abroad you had better know the

language there. Of course you can take a translator with you. But it is really convenient if there is always a person following you wherever you go. In addition, you may have some culture impacts with the native there since you are just a tourist. For example, if you are used to using folks to take dishes, you maybe uncomfortable to see Indian eating food by hands. And you probably have a bad appetite during the whole trip in India.

Second, you are a foreigner, therefore you can not fully understand what you have seen when you travel abroad. Take my friend Lily as an example. She travelled to England last month. Arriving London, she was totally

disappointed. She only saw the old theatres and museums and she did not like them at all because she could not understand the history and culture there. It is a waste of both time and money. But it will not happen when you travel in your own country.

Finally, to travel domestically can make us have a strong sense of pride. When we travel in our own country we may be addicted to the natural spectacle, surprised by the diverse customs and impressed by the history of our country.

In general, we can see that people benefit more from to travel in their own country than to travel in a foreign country. We all know that we can not deeply understand what we have seen in a foreign country as tourists, and with the language or culture barrier. So I will choose to travel domestically.
