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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/24 15:28:36 作文素材




学号:姓名: 故事发生在一个有着基因歧视的未来社会。我个人觉得,那个未来的世界是多么的可怕,人类已经可以通过基因分析,计算出各种疾病的可能性,性格倾向,资质高低,甚至推知死亡时间!人们被分为“瑕疵人”和“合格人”,合格人中又包含着“精英”。在任何情况下,人们都有随时检测基因的习惯,已经几乎不再看脸——上班检测基因,结婚为对象检测基因,犯罪现场检测基因??甚至出现了所谓的“基因工程师”,在受精卵阶段就帮他们为孩子去掉父母基因中的缺陷,只留下最好的部分给孩子继承。看来,科技的飞速发展有时并不是那么美好的。 人类不再需要身份证,登记或者其它的什么方式来表明身份了,基因技术发展之后,随时随地的基因测试可以表明你的身份,档案信息,性格和体质特征,通过一点唾液,一滴血,尿液一根毛发,脱落的皮屑,门把手上或纸杯上残留的印记,总之只要有了你身体上的任何细小的物质,都可以立刻知道你是谁。

影片主人公Vincent是自然受孕的,他是一个基因有缺陷的瑕疵人。一个从出生就因为基因差而成为一个低人一等的孩子,一个从小就有梦想的孩子,一个会为梦想付出一切的孩子。当我看到当他坚持着宇航员的体能练习,当他从模糊的视线中勇敢的穿过马路,当他在惊涛骇浪中大声地回答Anton——You wannna know how I did it? This is how I did it. I never saved anything for the swim back时,我想这该是怎样的毅力和执着?我真的被感动了。请允许我用一句话概括这部影片:这是一个坚持自己的梦想,用毅力与执着对抗基因歧视的故事。



于是,Vincent开始闯荡世界。他虽然伪造了无数的履历,但他永远只有干着清洁工的活儿。那是一个新的下层阶层,无关肤色,种族,信仰,一个由瑕疵人组成的阶层。 而决定他进入这个阶层的,就是简单的基因测试——那个时代一种无处不在科学技术。










写到这里,我突然想到,当今社会,虽然没到那种地步,不也带着某些歧视吗?! 举一例吧。近年,卫生部办公厅下发有关通知:各级各类医疗机构在就业体检中,无论受检者是否自愿,一律不得提供乙肝项目检测服务。为的就是保护个人隐私不受侵犯,肝病毒携带者不被他人歧视。因为是健康携带者,而不是病人。健康携带者说明身体里虽然有乙肝病毒,但是他的肝机能、功能和正常人是一样的,还是能胜任大部分工作,在绝大多数的工作和生活环境中,乙型肝炎病毒很难从一个人身上传到另外一个人身上。但还是有很多非法机构,偷偷对雇员进行肝检查,歧视肝病毒携带者,拒绝留其工作。我对这些机构的行为感到十分反感,真希望我们的未来不要沦为影片中的那个世界。 人生而平等,我们要平等对待任何人,不要让迅猛发展的科技禁锢了我们。个人更要学习影片主人公Vincent的精神,不屈服,突破基因的枷锁,升上太空,让梦想飞。










篇三:侠盗猎车5收集类成就千钧一发达成图文攻略 GTA5千钧一发成就攻略解析

侠盗猎车5收集类成就千钧一发达成图文攻略 GTA5




收集类成就千钧一发Close Shave


GTA V中有两种空中挑战:飞过桥洞和侧飞。穿针引线只是让你飞过在游戏里的50个桥洞,而侧飞则要求你在两幢建筑中操控飞机像刀片一样“插”过。


如果你已经在洛圣都国际机场(LSIA) 测试了飞行学校课程,你就熟悉了什么是侧飞和怎么飞。如果不,侧飞就是用你的摇杆旋转飞机使机翼垂直于地面。推荐使用例如特技飞机和农药喷洒飞机(复翼)之类的慢速飞机来完成侧飞。你可以在崔佛的麦肯基机场偷一架农药喷洒机,他们会一直在那儿。







Gattaca is a 1997 written and directed by . It stars and , with , , , , and appearing in supporting roles.

The film presents a vision of a future society driven by where potential children are selected through to ensure they possess the best hereditary traits of their parents. A genetic registry database uses to instantly identify and classify those so created as "valids" while those conceived by traditional means are derisively known as "in-valids". While is forbidden by law, in practice it is easy to profile a person's resulting in the valids qualifying for professional employment while the in-valids—considered more susceptible to disease, educational dysfunction and shorter lifespans—are relegated to menial jobs.

The movie draws on concerns over which facilitate eugenics, and the possible consequences of such technological developments for society. It also explores the idea of and the ways in which it can and does govern lives. Characters in Gattaca continually battle both with society and with themselves to find their place in the world and who they are destined to be according to their genes. Gattaca is the name of the space agency in the film. The name is based on the first letters of , , , and , the four DNA . The film was a 1997 nominee for the and the .


In "the not-too-distant future", is common and plays the primary role in determining . Vincent Freeman is conceived and born without the aid of this technology. He has a high probability of developing mental disorders, is , has a heart defect, and his projected life expectancy is only 30.2 years. His parents initially placed their faith in natural conception and now regret it; Vincent's younger brother, Anton, is conceived with the aid of genetic selection. Anton surpasses his older brother in many aspects including a game that they call "": both swim out to sea, and the first to give up and swim back to shore is the loser. Anton always wins due to his superior physical stamina. Vincent dreams of a career in space but is constantly reminded of his genetic inferiority. Later as young adults Vincent challenges Anton to the game of chicken. This time it is Vincent who pulls ahead while Anton runs into trouble and begins to drown. Vincent saves him, then leaves home shortly thereafter.

Due to frequent screening, Vincent faces and . The only way he can achieve his dream of becoming an astronaut is to become a "borrowed ladder", a person who impersonates a "valid" with a superior genetic

profile. He assumes the identity of Jerome Eugene Morrow, a former swimming star with a genetic profile "second to none", who had been injured in a car accident, leaving him paralyzed from the waist down. Vincent "buys" Jerome's identity and uses his "valid" DNA in blood, hair, tissue, and urine samples to pass screening. To keep his identity hidden, he must meticulously groom and scrub down daily to remove his own genetic material and then dust himself with Jerome's. With Jerome's genetic profile Vincent gets accepted into the Gattaca Aerospace Corporation, the most prestigious conglomerate, with a DNA test being the entire interview process. He becomes Gattaca's top celestial navigator and is selected for a to 's moon . A week before Vincent is to leave on the one-year mission, one of Gattaca's administrators is found bludgeoned to death in his office. Police discover an eyelash of the real Vincent on the premises, making him the prime suspect. A paper cup used by Vincent is also found after he gave it to Caesar the cleaner.

Vincent must evade increasing security measures as his launch date approaches. Simultaneously, he becomes close to one of his co-workers, Irene Cassini. Although she is a "valid", Irene knows she will only ever be picked for lesser missions due to slightly elevated risk of heart failure. Romantically attracted to Vincent, she

clandestinely has what she thinks is his DNA analyzed. The results confirm that he is out o(转载于:www.smhaida.com 海 达 范 文网:千钧一发百度云)f her league, leaving her wistful, but Vincent makes it plain that he does not care about her genetics. Jerome (generally known as Eugene) also suffers from the burden of his genetic perfection; when he won only a in an important

competition, he became increasingly depressed. While intoxicated, Jerome confesses that he did not have a car accident, but rather, had attempted by jumping in front of a car, but only .

After numerous close calls, Vincent's identity is revealed to a shocked Irene. Yet Irene comes to see Vincent for who he is and accepts him. The murder investigation abruptly comes to a close with Mission Director Josef under arrest. The director

reveals that he murdered the administrator because the victim was trying to cancel the Titan mission. As Vincent appears to be in the clear he is confronted by the youthful chief detective, who is revealed to be Anton. Anton accuses Vincent of fraud and asserts that Vincent is unworthy of his place at Gattaca. Vincent reminds Anton of how he has made it thus far solo and that it was Anton who needed saving before, not himself. Having rationalized the competition he lost, Anton challenges Vincent again. They swim out, where Anton asks Vincent how he beat him before. Vincent explains that he never saved anything for the swim back. Anton turns back first and Vincent, again, must rescue him from drowning.

As the day of the launch arrives, Jerome bids Vincent farewell. He reveals that he has stored enough genetic samples to last Vincent two lifetimes. Overwhelmed and grateful, Vincent thanks Jerome, but Jerome replies that it is he who should be

grateful, since Vincent lent Jerome his dreams. Jerome gives Vincent a card but asks him not to open it until he reaches space. As Vincent moves through the Gattaca

complex to the launch site, he is stopped for an unexpected last urine test. Vincent has not brought Jerome's fluids as he assumed there would be no more tests. The urine analysis uncovers Vincent's identity. However, the unperturbed Dr. Lamar, who for years has been asking Vincent during physical exams if he ever told Vincent the story of his own son, once again asks and this time goes on to tell it: His son admires

Vincent and wants to be an astronaut despite a genetic defect that would rule him out. Lamar resets the test result, and tells Vincent to make his flight.

Jerome climbs inside his home , puts on his silver medal and lights the fire. The rocket lifts off with Vincent, and he opens the card from Jerome to find no words—just a hair sample. He is saddened to leave, despite never having a place in the world. He muses, "They say every atom in our bodies was once a part of a star. Maybe I'm not leaving; maybe I'm going home."



【典故】夫以一缕之任,系千钧之重,上悬无极之高,下垂不测之渊,虽甚愚之人,犹知哀其将绝也。 《汉书·枚乘传》其危如一发引千钧。 唐·韩愈《与孟尚书书》






