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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/24 20:21:18 字数作文

篇一:How I have changed中学生作文

How I have changed!

九年级三班 刘苗苗

指导教师:陈 瑞

People have changed a lot in their appearance, personality and hobby. I have changed a lot in my life. When I was a child, I used to flying the kites with my parents; I thought it was very interesting. But now, I am growing up, I like lucking at the insects. I think the small insects are very lovely. And I have changed a lot in my hobby. I used to run quickly, but now I don't do exercise any more, so I run slowly. Although I’m 15 years old, I am still terrified of the dark, and I always go to sleep with my bedroom light on, I remember a bad thing. I used not to like l tests, so I always got bad grades in tests. My mother was very frustrated. But now, I like studying, and last term I got good grades, my mother was very impressed.

I hope my life and my family will be more and happier!

篇二:How I've changed

How I’ve changed

My life has changed a lot in the last few years. I used to be very short, but now I’m much taller than before.

The biggest change in my life was my hobby. I used to play the computer games all the time, but now I realize it is a waste of time. I always read books now. This is the most important change because good books can change one’s life.

Another change is that now I like vegetables and fruit much better than junk food. So you see, I’m much healthier than before.

All in all, I’m happy with these changes, because they have brought me the happiness of growth.

篇三:how i've changed

How I’ve changed!

My life has changed a lot in the last few years. I used to be very heavy but now I’m not anymore. I lost a lot of weight after started to play tennis. Now I’m healthier.

The biggest change in my life was becoming much better in English. This is thanks to my English teacher, Mrs. Wang. She gave me an interesting book to read. I enjoyed it so much that I began to read other books. This is the most important change because I am no longer afraid of English and I’m doing better in my exams. This has made my parents proud of me.

This special pen was invented by Liu Jie. It has three colors and it’s used for taking notes quickly in class. It’s very useful if you have a lot to write down. It was invented in 2012. It is made of plastic and steel. The pen comes with a microchip(芯片) that can store(储存) what the teacher said in class and it also can turn the voice into words on paper. When you need to take notes, just press

(按) the red button(按钮) on the pen and the words that the teacher said will be saved(储存). When you need the notes, just press the yellow button and what you have stored in the microchip will be shown on paper. It’s very helpful.


How I’ve changed

My life has changed a lot in the last few years. I used to be very short, but now I’m much taller than before.

The biggest change in my life was my hobby. I used to play the computer games all the time, but now I realize it is a waste of time. I always read books now. This is the most important change because good books can change one’s life.

Another change is that now I like vegetables and fruit much better than junk food. So you see, I’m much healthier than before.

All in all, I’m happy with these changes, because they have brought me the happiness of growth.

一. 单项选择 (15分)


( )1. — In China, no one is allowed to drive a car without driver?s license. — It?s just same in our country.

A. /; the B. a; the

C. a; a D. /; a

( )2. — Excuse me, sir. But your bike gets the way of my car. — Sorry. I didn?t see your car.

A. in B. at

C. on D. inside

( )3. — I am afraid the room is for us to live in.

— Yes, it is. But let?s make do (将就) with it.

A. too large B. large enough

C. too tiny D. tiny enough

( )4. — Grandpa said Transformer 4 was .

— I am not surprised. It?s not a movie for the old.

A. wonderful B. exciting

C. awful D. interesting

( )5. — Do you have to take some art lessons on Saturday?

— Yes. I have no . I don?t want my parents to be angry.

A. idea B. chance

C. reason D. choice

( )6. — Do you need a helping hand with the job?

— I can it. Thanks anyway.

A. manage B. support

C. encourage D. refuse

( )7. — My bike is broken. What should I do?

— You can get it in that bike shop.

A. repair B. repaired

C. repairs D. to repair

( )8. — the Heats the NBA finals this year?

— Yes. But they lost the champion.

A. Has; entered B. Has; entered into

C. Did; enter D. Did; enter into

( )9. — How I regret when my father told me not to play computer games! — You?d better say sorry to him.

A. talked back B. talking back

C. to talk back D. to talking back

( )10. — Do you mean you will join the club?

— Yes, I am it.

A. nervous about B. tired of

C. careful with D. serious about

( )11. — must the machine be checked?

— It needs checking every month.

A. How long B. How many

C. How often D. How soon

( )12. — Students be allowed to use mobile phones at school.

— I agree. Phones can bring troubles.

A. shouldn?t B. wouldn?t

C. might D. need

( )13. — Why most stars in the daytime?

— Because the sun is too bright.

A. can?t; see B. can?t; be seen

C. weren?t; see D. weren?t; seen

( )14. — Do you agree that students should be made some housework at home?

— I can?t agree more. It can help them grow up.

A. to do B. do

C. doing D. to doing

( )15. — Mom, would you allow me to swim in the lake?

— . The lake is so large and deep.

A. Not at all B. No problem

C. Never mind D. No way

二. 完形填空 (10分)


London has some fantastic sights for every tourist. But just 16 back does this wonderful city?s history go?

It was the Romans who decided to build the city we know today as London. They invaded (入侵) Britain in AD 43, and soon afterwards built the city of Londinium. They saw that a city with a bridge 17 the Thames River could be useful, both for traveling to Europe and traveling in England. It is thought that the original city was small — about the 18 of Hyde Park!

The Guildhall is the town hall of the city, where you can see both the 19

buildings and the new ones. It was built by Dick Whittington 20 went to London to make money as a young man about six hundred years ago. But after a few years, he was still very 21 and decided to leave the city. Then he heard the bells of London ringing. He stopped and 22 . They seemed to be saying, “Try again, Mayor (市长) of London.” So he turned back, deciding to 23 again. Later he became very rich and was Lord Mayor four times between 1397 and 1419.

Nearly all the old city was 24 in the fire in 1666. After that, the city started to lose its people. So now the old city has very 25 shops and homes, while a kilometer away, the streets of the West End of London are full of people.

( )16. A. how far B. how soon C. how long D. how much

( )17. A. under B. over C. on D. in

( )18. A. shape B. height C. style D. size

( )19. A. tall B. old C. low D. small

( )20. A. which B. when C. who D. where

( )21. A. young B. rich C. strict D. poor

( )22. A. cried B. laughed C. listened D. watched

( )23. A. try B. write C. travel D. speak

( )24. A. built B. burnt C. grown D. discovered

)25. A. many B. all C. most D. few

三. 阅读理解 (30分)



What does little birdie say,

In her nest (巢) at peep of day (晨曦)?

Let me fly, says little birdie,

Mother, let me fly away,

Birdie, rest a little longer,

Till the little wings (翅膀) are stronger.

So she rests a little longer,

Then she flies away.

What does little baby say,

In her bed at peep of day?

Baby says, like little birdie,

Let me rise and fly away.

Baby, sleep a little longer,

Till the little limbs are stronger.

If she sleeps a little longer,

Baby too shall fly away.

( )26. The mother bird doesn?t allow the little birdie to .

A. rise B. eat

C. fly D. rest

( )27. Who says the words Birdie, rest a little longer?

A. A baby bird. B. The mother bird.

C. The writer. D. The reader.

( )28. What does the underlined word “limbs” mean?

A. Heads. B. Necks.

C. Wings. D. Arms and legs.

( )29. The second half of the reading is about .

A. a baby B. another bird

C. a mother D. the writer himself

( )30. The reading above is a .

A. report B. poem C. fairy D. play


She has been laughted at in the street and called “the world?s ugliest woman” by many Internet users.

Lizzie Velasquez, 23, from Austin, Texas, was born without any adipose tissue (脂肪组织). It means she has no body fat. Though she eats up to 60 small meals a day, she is only 27 kilos. The doctors now believe Miss Velasquez may have a form of Neonatal Progeroid Syndrome (新生儿童类早衰症), which causes her to turn older faster and lose fat from the face and body.

Miss Velasquez likes literature (文学) very much and she is good at writing too. She has now written a second book about how she has tried to be acceped (接受).

In Be Beautiful, Be You, the 23-year-old college senior shares advice on how to make and keep good friends and how to deal with other people?s mock.

After so many years of other people?s mock, Lizzie Velasquez says she finally doesn?t care about it at all. She says the hurtful comments about her looks are “just some words”. When asked how she deals with being laughed at in the street, Miss Velasquez says, “I?m starting to want to go up to these people, introduce myself, give them my card and say, ?Hi! I?m Lizzie. Maybe you should stop looking at me and starting learning.?”

Lizzie Velasquez decides to write two more new books in the following two years. And her dream is to be a great writer in the world.

根据短文内容,选择最佳选项。 (10分)

( )31. Why is Miss Velasquez so thin?

A. Because she is too old.

B. Because she exercises a lot.

C. Because she has no body fat.

D. Because she wants to lose weight.

( )32. From the passage, we know that Be Beautiful, Be You is a by Lizzie Velasquez.

A. play B. film

C. song D. book

( )33. The underlined word “mock” probably means “ ” in Chinese.

A. 理解 B. 嘲笑

C. 模仿 D. 治疗

( )34. We can learn that now Miss Velasquez is starting to become when being laughed at in the street.

A. confident B. angry

C. upset D. wordless

( )35. The passage mainly tells us that .

A. how Lizzie Velasquez fights with her illness

B. Miss (转 载于:wWw.SmHaIDA.cOM 海达 范文 网:作文how,l,ve,changed)Velasquez is the world?s ugliest woman at present

C. Miss Velasquez?s books are very popular among patients

D. Miss Velasquez doesn?t care about the hurtful comments and goes on writing C

Last year I went to Nepal for three months to work in a hospital. I think it?s important to see as much of a country as you can, but it?s difficult to travel around Nepal. The hospital let me have a few days? holiday, so I decided to go into the jungle and I asked a Nepalese guide, Kamal Rai, to go with me.

We started our trip at six in the morning with two elephants carrying our things. It was hot, but Kamal made me wear shoes and trousers to protect me from snakes. In the jungle there was a lot of wildlife, but we were trying to find big cats, especially tigers. We climbed onto the elephants? backs to get better view, but it is unusual to find tigers in the afternoon because they sleep in the heat of the day.

Then we saw a tiger a little far away from us. Kamal told me to be very quiet. We crept (爬行) nearer and found a dead deer (鹿), still bleeding (流血). This was the tiger?s lunch! Suddenly I started to feel very scared.

We heard the tiger a second (秒) before we saw it again. It jumped out so quickly. I looked into its eyes and face, and saw right down the animal?s throat. It took hold of Kamal?s leg between its teeth, but I succeeded in pulling (拉) Kamal away. One of our elephants ran at the tiger and made it go back into the grass, so we quickly escaped to let the tiger eat its lunch. That night it was impossible to sleep!


篇五:How I've changed!

How I’ve changed! My life has a lot in the last few years. My daily life is different and I used to like different things when I was a child. For example, I used to like eat junk food, but now I eat vegetables and candy. I used to watch cartoon on TV, now I like soap opera. I didn't use to like English class, even hate it. But now it's my favorite class. I used to play with my friend after school every day. Now, I have no time, I just study all the time. I used to take the bus to school, but now I have to walk to school. I used to be afraid of speaking in front of a group. But now I'm not. I’m outgoing than before. And I used to have long hair, but now, my hair is short. I didn't use to wear glasses. Now, I wear a pair purple glasses and so on.

How I've changed!
