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2. 本册书的主要话题(按照语法来分类)

? 将来时:会运用将来时制定周末、假期等各种计划;或者会使用将来时描述你心目中未来的学校或者未来人类的生活。

? 过去时:会用过去时描述你过去的或作文题目指定人物的过去的生活。或者用过去时介绍历史名人的一生。也要学会用过去时描述你最近的生活情况。 ? 祈使句:能够以中国人的身份向外国人介绍中国人的见面礼或者中国一些肢体语言的涵义。

3. 初一作文的基本要求:文章通顺完整,字迹工整,无乱写乱画的行为,字数一般在60-80词。若作文题目给出提示,一定要根据提示内容写作,一般情况下,每个提示就是一个得分点。在此基础上,可以根据提示内容,适当的增加一些内容。


失物招领:请参照英语周报32期考试作文。范文见33期第四版。 问路范文:请参照英语周报43期考试作文。范文见44期第四版。

范文一:请你根据下面表格中的提示,以“Tony’Present Days”为题,用英语写一篇短文,叙述他近期的生活情况。

范文: Tony’s Present Days

A few days ago, my friend Tony was very busy. He is getting ready for the exams. He hopes to have a good mark/score. In a few days he will have a good rest. He is going to

范文二:快乐的暑假就要开始了。请以My summer holiday为题,写一篇英语短文。提示:1. 去年暑假难忘的经历;2.今年暑假的打算;3.你理想的暑假生活是什么样子?


My Summer Holiday

I am looking forward to the summer holiday every year. Last summer I went to Hangzhou. I enjoyed having a walk along the West Lake and visiting the city of

Hangzhou. I pan to go to Dalian for my summer holiday this year. My dream summer holiday is travelling all over the world. So I can meet different people and visit different places.



I like travelling during my holiday. I often travel with my parents. We lived in a good hotel.. We stayed there for a week. First, we visited Jiuzhaigou and we took lots of photos. Then we visited other interesting places. I also did some shopping with my mother. We had a great time there.



My dream school is a happy place for children to play and study. It will have little homework and more free time for us to play. The class will be from 9:00 to 11:00 in the morning and 3:00 to 5:00 in the afternoon. Our class will be very big and there will be no teachers. We will learn on computers. We will send our homework to out teachers by email. Everyone will be happy in our school. Do you like my dream school?


假如你是Kate, Lisa是你的笔友。请根据表格内容用英语写一封60词左右的电子邮件,把你对未来的畅想告诉Lisa。邮箱的开头和格式已给出,不计入总词数。

have lots of new clothes. I will eat al kinds of vegetables and fruit every day. I will live in a house in the forest. I will have a small car and I’ll drive it to work every day. I will work three days a week. I will have much free time and often go sightseeing in different places.

范文六:冼星海是一位伟大的古典音乐和传统音乐的作曲家。1905年他出生于中国澳门(Macao),后来到巴黎学习音乐。在抗日战争时期(Anti-Japanese War),他仅用6天就写出了著名的《黄河大合唱》。不幸的是,他于1945年去世,年仅40岁。


Xuan Xinghai is one of the greatest composers of classical and traditional music. He was born in Macao, China, in 1905 and studied music in Paris later. During the Anti-Japanese War, he came back to the motherland(祖国). He only spend six days finishing writing the Yellow River. Unfortunately, he died at the age of 40 in 1945. He was so famous that all Chinese people will remember him forever.



How Kate has blossomed in a year since her Royal Wedding THE first year of marriage is not always easy, especially within the Royal Family.

Diana hated it, Fergie felt deserted by her husband and even the Queen — as Princess Elizabeth — found difficulty adjusting to her husband‘s ―funny friends‖.

However gently Kate has been introduced to royal life by both her husband and his courtiers, essentially all privacy has gone.

Friends find themselves sidelined and family are relegated to second place.

It is the nature of royal marriage and however much William insists that he and Kate have some down time — and he does insist — finding that time is hard.

In the 12 months since their marriage on April 29 last year, Wills and Kate have chalked up more column inches, internet space, tweets and blog postings worldwide than any A-list celebrity.

That kiss ... Kate and William wed a year ago

In America they are seventh on the list of the nation‘s favourite celebrity couples. Even Angelina Jolie was accused of adopting Kate‘s hairdo (which is ridiculous as Jolie has always had similar hair) and websites such as whatkatewore.com monitor her every outfit. The enormity of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge‘s global influence is daunting, especially for Kate, whose look is admired, copied and analysed everywhere.

Is she too thin, has she had her teeth whitened, her hair glued with extensions, her body honed to perfection by a celebrity trainer, her clothes sourced by a stylist? The list is endless.

However much Kate smiles and tosses her glossy mane, the stress of being so visible and the responsibility of her position as our future queen is only hinted at by her waif-like physical appearance and hollow cheeks where her dimples once reigned supreme. The Queen is delighted with Kate but has asked courtiers to give her all the help she needs – plus a bit more.

This has been reiterated by Charles and Camilla, who have got to know Kate over ten years and watched her mature into her current role with pride.

Sophisticated ... Kate at the Epsom Derby in June, left, and in Canada in July

Prince Charles is gradually introducing her to his huge raft of causes because when he succeeds to the throne he won‘t be able to do any of them.

It will be William and Kate‘s role to carry on with his good works.

Those are the long-term plans but for the moment Kate has been getting to know her adopted family.

Prince William‘s posting to the Falklands was also an ideal time to get Kate out on the road with the Royal Family‘s most senior members.

It must have been daunting for her to travel to Leicester on the royal train with the Queen and Prince Philip, let alone accompany them on a round of engagements, but Kate never let it show.

She does not know the Queen well enough to have a totally relaxed relationship with her and her good manners would prevent her from being over-familiar.

According to those who knew ―the bubbly girl who could make a glass of wine last all night‖, she is to the manner born.

She also appears to be enjoying it.

Affection ... Prince William and Kate cuddle in Canada

When she is out and about with William they have fun as a double act. Ever since he was a little boy, William has had the ability to remember names and faces — and so does Kate.

Together they put people at ease and can make a difference to lives by raising huge amounts of money for charity.

The War Horse premiere, their first charity film together, raised £300, 000 thanks to Kate and William attending an exclusive party afterwards.

Thirty philanthropists paid £10, 000 each to shake hands with the royal couple and 100 other specially invited guests. Steven Spielberg, the film‘s director, paid tribute to Kate, saying: ―She is a beautiful woman full of dignity.‖

If there is a format for success for Wills and Kate, it is simply that they look happy.

Feminine ... Kate on red carpet in LA in July and right, visiting a Birmingham community centre

During their tour of North America they put this to great use, laughing and exchanging loving glances and the occasional tactile moment.

William‘s ability to talk 19 to the dozen compared with Kate‘s more carefully chosen words and rounded vowels delighted everyone they met.

Their secret? They might work the crowds on different sides of the street but always appear to be together.

This is the opposite of Charles and Diana in their early years. Then Charles would bristle at the adulation his wife was receiving. It wasn‘t a good start for their marriage. William has said how proud he is of his wife‘s ability to adapt so well to royal life.

His concern about denying the woman he loved a private life was one of the stumbling blocks to their getting married sooner.

Strained ... Prince Charles and Princess Diana in 1992

The Prince knows the palace system better than anyone.

He has witnessed the effect of the endless scrutiny, the criticism and the adulation first-hand.

He has also seen the pain it caused his mother.

Diana took William into her confidence as a teenager and told him of the failings of the old-fashioned palace system and its stuffy courtiers. She even told me she had explained to William it was not Camilla who eventually ruined her marriage but the palace system itself.

As a result, Prince William is very exacting in what he will and won‘t do. He has to protect himself and his wife from becoming engulfed by the system.

According to Prince Harry, even the Royal Family thought the engagement might not

happen because of William‘s concern. They agreed the couple ―made a perfect match‖ but could do nothing but sit patiently.

Stylish ... the Duchess in Oxford in February this year and right, at Aldershot Barracks in March

They were never going to push him into anything, as they did with Prince Charles. Knowing how difficult it is for an outsider to live within the goldfish bowl of royalty, they kept quiet.

―It‘s a big deal.‖ Harry said before his brother‘s wedding. ??It was a big decision to bring Kate into the family.‖

It has certainly been the right decision.

Without a mother-in-law to guide her through the many pitfalls, Kate has relied on her husband and her father-in-law for support. Both have instructed the team at St James‘s Palace to give her guidance, without smothering her individually.

They have adopted a strategy to integrate her slowly into royal duties and give her media guidance in public speaking when necessary.

She is their most valuable commodity and, together with William, is looked upon as the saviour of the future of the Royal Family.

It is a lot to take on in a short time — and Kate must do much of it on her own.

Sporty ... Kate trains with the GB Olympic hockey team

As a lieutenant in the Household Cavalry and presently a full-time search and rescue pilot with the Royal Air Force, Prince William has to put his military career first, hence his recent six-week deployment to the Falklands.

William knows that there is only a limited time before they both want to start a family. Then a new level of media frenzy will hit them.

The next few weeks is their ―down‖ time — no harassment, no pursuit and hopefully no headlines.

篇三:Prince William And Kate Middleton

Prince William And Kate Middleton’s Wedding

Today I feel very honored to have the opportunity to stand here giving a presentation to you guys. Now let’s talk about a very special wedding- Prince William and Kate Middleton’s wedding.

(1)Who are Prince William and Kate Middleton? What do they do?

Now let’s see the answer.

·Prince William

He is the prince of Britain, the second-in-line to the throne. His grandmother is Queen Elizabeth II(伊丽莎白二世). Everyone in Britain knows him and he is well known for good qualities; many girls from the world want to marry him.

·Kate Middleton

She is born in a very common family in Britain, which runs a company for children’s toys. She is a pretty excellent student and good at many sports and arts. She always radiates a warm personality and is very bubbly with a great sense of humor.

·Prince William And Kate Middleton are both 28.They announced their engagement after an eight-year courtship that began at University. On 29th April, 2011, prince William and Kate Middleton will get married. It is a universally unforgettable day. On that day, there will be lots of people watching this gorgeous wedding in the world. It has been designated an official public holiday, a national celebration.

(2)the route of the wedding:

Now let’s look through the route of the wedding. This young couple will start from Buckingham Palace(白金汉宫), which is the Britain royal’s dormitory. They will take the car to go to the church. This car’s brand is Rolls-Royce(劳斯莱斯), a very famous motorcar brand. On their way to the wedding, they will visit many places of interest in Britain. They are The Mall(林荫大道); St. James Parks(圣詹姆斯公园);Horse guards(皇家阅兵广场);White Hall白厅.White Hall is a very famous street .Look, this is Big Ben(大本钟)and this is Westminster Abbey(威斯敏斯特教堂),the place they will hold their wedding. This is the Thames River(泰晤士河). There are many political offices in White Hall, and the most famous one is the Downing Street 10(唐宁街10号),where the Premier David Cameron(大卫卡梅伦) lives there. Of course he will welcome the couple outside his house. After all of that, the couple will go to Westminster Abbey to have the wedding, and Prince William will give Kate Middleton a diamond ring, belonging to his mother, the late Diana, Princess of Wales. Finishing the gorgeous wedding ceremony, they will return to Buckingham Palace by this vehicle, designed by an Australian craftsman for six years, including 24 diamonds, 130 sapphires and more than 400 golden leaves. Once inside the Palace, the Queen will give a reception for the couple and guests.

(3) why is it so popular?

There are three reasons

·The King or Queen is the head of state; They are the symbol of Britain and its history.

·The wedding is an opportunity for UK to show the tradition to the whole world; let the world to comprehend this country.

·The wedding brings lots of business profits like tourism; there are also some products about the wedding that sell

well throughout the world.

Now let’s see some products of the wedding:

the coffee cups represent the royal members; the pottery; the handset made from the biggest handset retailer in Europe, Carphone Warehouse; the toys from Japan; the coins, also it is said that Kate Middleton is angry at the coins, because she seems very ugly while Prince William is handsome.

Sarah Burton beats other competitors to design the wedding veil.


At last, I want to give my best wishes to Mr. Jiang that one day he can find his beautiful half and walk into the perfect wedding. That’s all. Thank you!





三、选用所给的词,谈谈你最喜欢的一种动物,不少于4句话。(10分) 范文: My favorite animal

My favorite animal is the panda.It’s a famous animal in China.It’s very beautiful and cute.It has four legs with a fat body.It can climb and walk.It looks like a small bear.It is black and white.It eats bamboos(竹子).It lives in the mountain or at the zoo. has, eat, can, like, live


I’m a girl.My name is Kate.I’m twelve.I’m short and slim.I’m from England. I’m English.

五、同学们,你有一个漂亮的卧室吗?为你的卧室写一个简单的介绍吧。(10分) 范文: My bedroom

Look! This is my bedroom.It is a clean room.The bed is on the floor and the desk is on the floor, too.Can you see a picture? (转载于:www.smhaida.com 海 达 范 文网:kate,and,william作文)The picture is on the wall.I like basketball.So I have a basketball under my bed.What about your bedroom?


I have an English teacher.She’s…





We have three new teachers this term.Miss Green is our new English teacher.She’s tall and thin.She’s strict but kind….We like our new teachers!


I like Mondays and Wednesdays.We have math and P.E.class…

We have green beans,fish,celery and apples on Tuesdays.I like fish.It’s my favorite food.I like apples,too.They’re sweet.They are my favorite fruit… MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday MathChineseEnglishMathChinese EnglishMathMathScienceMath Chinese ComputerChineseMoral EducationEnglish Moral Education EnglishSocial StudiesMusicSocial Studies ArtScienceComputerChinese



起床7:00 a.m.

吃早饭7:30 a.m.

做家庭作业8:00 a.m.

和小狗玩2:40 P.m.

上床睡觉9:00 P.m.


要求:以My school为题,描绘一下你的学校,30词左右。 提示:Which school?

Which class/grade?

What about the classroom/teachers?

How do you like your school?(你觉得你们的学校怎么样



Summer, Kate and her friends travel to the park to play. When they rest on the chair in the park when, Kate found that the lake has a pair of shoes and a pair of socks, but did not see things the owner. They fear that this man fell into the lake, so hurry to find, but later found the girlis a tree below, because the wet shoes and skirts are cool lake drying it.
