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Australia is a modern country of immigrants, a strong proponent of the

Administration and grass dwelling, protecting the environment, so here are each of a city as beautiful as the Garden. The 17,336,000 existing population, the United

Kingdom and other European countries the immigrant population accounted for about 95% of the total, the official language is English. Christian residents accounted for 98%, a small number of people believe in Judaism, Islam and Buddhism.


Fashion Etiquette 服饰礼仪

Australia, many men wear suits and ties, playing a black tie in formal occasions; many women to wear skirts all year round, while social occasions with a suit jacket. Youth prefer jeans, indigenous people are naked, or at waist scarf be binding, more about the indigenous people will also be put on scarf. Indigenous people of the

decorations are rich and varied, there is Arms band, collar, put on his forehead, nose bone needles and so on, when the holiday will be applied in a variety of body color. 澳大利亚男子多穿西服,打领带,正式场合打黑色领结;妇女一年四季多穿裙子,社交场合则搭配西装上衣。年轻人比较喜欢牛仔裤,土著居民则赤身裸体,或在腰间扎条围巾,比较讲究的土著会在身上也披条围巾。土著人的装饰品丰富多彩,有臂环、项圈、前额箍、骨制鼻针等,节日时,还会在身上涂抹各种颜色。

Communication etiquette 交际礼仪

Are common to shake hands with the Australian way of greeting, hugging kissing is more rare and occurs in many women between friends. Time the concept of a strong Australian business and Date must be booking in advance to attend the appointment on time; private visit would bring presents, the most appropriate is a bouquet of flowers, a box of candy or a bottle of wine.

Australia's men carried on the traditional English gentleman's style of work, pay attention to "women first", the feelings are not exposed. Most men do not like hug or hold intimate shoulders like action; at social occasions yawn, stretch and other little tricks, it is very offensive to the eye, impolite behavior.



Dining etiquette 餐饮礼仪

Australian to eat British West cuisine, the staple food for cattle, sheep, chickens, ducks, eggs, animal protein food, light taste, do not like greasy, to a large quantity of rich and famous. The main milk drinks, beer and coffee, not spicy food, and very

interested in Chinese cuisine.


Wedding etiquette 婚丧礼仪

In Australia, men and women generally have pre-marital betrothal, the man from the woman's parents entertained parents and siblings, to be held after the wedding banquet. Australian's funeral, many in the church held memorial ceremony presided over by the pastor, the country also maintains a complete silence of the ancient custom of widows.


Travel etiquette 旅游礼仪

Australia popular tip, if the service personnel to provide you additional services, tipping may also be appropriate, but the number should not be many; not to bargain shopping; want to take a taxi must wear seat belts, or is illegal; the majority of the hotel phone 0 are outside call, dial 9 for the hotel switchboard.


Major taboo主要禁忌

Australian favorite animals are the kangaroo and bird-Qin, the former is

considered the first master of the Australian mainland, while the latter is the state bird of Australia. Rabbit was not as auspicious animals, means that the bad luck came 。


At the number, the influence of Christianity, and Australians of "13" and "Friday" extremely offensive.


Know how to enjoy the outdoor life, enjoy the invitation of Australian friends and travel with carry, which is considered close bilateral relations are one of the shortcut. In social life, their willingness to protect the weak, and even the legal status of illegitimate children; Talk about race, religion, trade unions, personal life, class, status and so on, will cause their dissatisfaction.


Australian national and dislike the United Kingdom will be linked everywhere, although many people have their own private existence of a relationship with the

United Kingdom and talked about, but in a formal setting, but disgusted with the two mixed up.


Australian dislike of "foreign" or "foreigners" such name, denied that this character, because people are different and should be treated differently, too general comparison impolite names.


Make much noise in public places, in particular, people are calling every other door is the most loss, the most rude behavior. Australian extremely offensive noise in public places, local banks, post offices, bus stations and other public places are well-ordered.


Australian Christians are Sunday's "Sunday", must therefore not to Date at its Sunday, it is not respect each other's act.




Culture of Australia

In this class, I want to know something about Australia. The culture

of Australia is essentially a western culture influenced by the unique

geography of the Australian continent. I want to know such as the

location and geography, demography, linguistic affiliation, history

and ethnic relations.

I like Australia and I hope one day I can go there to see its beautiful

view. Because Australia living in the first-class level of education in

today's world, every year it attracts a large number of international

students to Australia Post-graduate. Stepping into Australia's five

schools on the top, we will find the Australian university education

combines American-style opened ethos and continuation of the

traditional British education. Personnel’s training provides a relaxed

learning space, and it’s a good academic atmosphere there.

At last, the teacher taught us the grammar of English, some idioms

in English and played some videos about Australia. In teaching, the

teacher taught in English from beginning to the end which made us

improve our own listening. We thank the teacher and I hope his

class will be better and better. That’s all I wanted.

Now I will give the teacher some advice. Teachers stressed the

importance of constructing and understanding the situational

factors. Under the guidance of a teacher, the students explore the

social and cultural values to reflect on why some culture can be

popular for a long time, and how it became a product of the times.

Students' thinking and values will changes to make a

re-interpretation about how different the groups of culture are.

Students explore the culture points to the audience about how to

influence the culture. Students’ sensitive cultural prejudices are

changed. Students will realize l the diversity of the national culture

of each country.

篇三:澳大利亚 英语作文

Australia, the largest country in Oceania, lies on the south coast of the Pacific. It covers an area of 7.6 million square kilometers. It has a population of over 10 million. Most of its people live in the east of the country by the sea. Canberra, the capital of Australia, is a beautiful city.

When we talk about Australia we may all think of the series of symbols of this country: the Opera House ,Harbour Bridge, Great Barrier Reef ,Gold Coast, kangaroo, Koala and so on .And it is these things that makes Australia known to all the world

The Sydney Opera House must be one of the most recognizable images of the modern world - up there with the Eiffel Tower and the Empire State Building , it is as representative of Australia ,the Opera House is situated on Bennelong Point.Ironic, perhaps, that this Australian icon - the Opera House with a roof evocative of a ship at full sail ,which was designed by renowned Danish architect -- Utzon.??The Opera House covers 1.8 hectares of land, and offers 4.5 hectares of usable office space. It is 183 meters tall and about 120 meters wide at its widest point. It is supported on 580 concrete piers sunk up to 25 meters below sea level. It has about 1000 rooms, five theaters, five rehearsal studios, four restaurants, six bars and numerous souvenir shops.???? In addition to hosting the many musical, dance, and theater companies from around the world that have come to perform here, the Opera House is home to the Sydney Symphony Orchestra, Opera Australia, the Australian Ballet, and the Sydney Theater.

The Great Barrier Reef is the world's largest coral reef system, composed of roughly 3,000 individual reefs and 900 islands stretching for 2,600 kilometers (1,616 mi) over an area of approximately 344,400 square kilometers (132,974 sq mi).The reef is located in the Coral Sea, off the coast of Queensland in northeast Australia. The Great Barrier Reef can be seen from outer space and is the world's biggest single structure made by living organisms. This reef structure is composed of and built by billions of tiny organisms, known as coral polyps. The Great Barrier Reef supports a wide diversity of life, and was selected as a World Heritage Site in 1981.

Australia is the habitat for kangaroos, one of the famous animals in the world. The population of kangaroo is so large that the kangaroochart even frequently appears on the Australian road. Kangaroos have a special characteristic . It's a kind of lovely animal, They have four limbs, the fore legs are short while the hind legs are strong and powerful, with which they can cover more than 10 meters with each leap. Because they are strong and because they are lovely, Australian regard them as their nation's another symbol, and draw it on their national flag!

Another symbol I must talk about is the lovely koala. It is unique in Australia as like the giant panda in China. It is not only a national treasure of Australia, but also a Strange precious original arboreal animal .They have two plush velvet ears, eyes, nose, mouth very small, the nose is black, very cute! Because Koala's cute, clever and special way of life, so that Australian fell in love with it.




1 Federation ....................................................................................................... 2

1.1 Coverment ........................................................................................... 3

1.2 National Anthem .................................................................................. 4

2 Geography ...................................................................................................... 4

3 Climate ........................................................................................................... 6

4 History ............................................................................................................ 6

5 Economy ......................................................................................................... 9 6 Culcture ........................................................................................................ 11

6.1 Arts .................................................................................................... 12

6.2 Media ................................................................................................. 13

7 Sports ........................................................................................................... 14

8 Symbol ......................................................................................................... 16

1 Federation

The Commonwealth of Australia was formed in 1901 when six independent British colonies agreed to join together and become states of a new nation.

The birth of the nation is often referred to as 'federation'. This is because the Constitution created a 'federal' system of government. Under a federal system, powers are divided between a central government and individual states. In Australia, power was divided between the Australian Government and the six state governments.

Australia has six states: New South Wales (NSW), Queensland (QLD), South Australia (SA), Tasmania(TAS), Victoria (VIC) and Western Australia (WA)—and two major mainland territories—the Australian Capital Territory (ACT) and the Northern Territory (NT).

1.1 Coverment Australia is a constitutional monarchy with a federal division of powers. It uses a parliamentary system of government with Queen Elizabeth II at its apex as the Queen of Australia, a role that is distinct from her position as monarch of

the other Commonwealth realms. The Queen resides in the United Kingdom, and she is represented by her viceroys in Australia (the Governor-General at the federal level and by the Governors at the state level), who by convention act on the advice of her ministers. Supreme executive authority is vested by the Constitution of Australia in the sovereign, but the power to exercise it is conferred by the Constitution specifically on the Governor-General. The most notable exercise to date of the Governor-General's reserve powers outside the Prime Minister's request was the dismissal of the Whitlam Government in the constitutional crisis of 1975.

The federal government is separated into three branches:

? The legislature: the bicameral Parliament, defined in section 1 of the

constitution as comprising the Queen (represented by the Governor-General), the Senate, and the House of Representatives;

? The executive: the Federal Executive Council, in practice the Governor-

General as advised by the Prime Minister and Ministers of State;

? The judiciary: the High Court of Australia and other federal courts, whose judges are appointed by the Governor-General on advice of the Council.

Parliament House, Canberra

1.2 National Anthem

‘Advance Australia Fair’ is the national anthem of Australia. A revised version of a late nineteenth century patriotic song, it was officially declared the national anthem on 19 April 1984.

Peter Dodds McComick Australians all let us rejoice,

For we are young and free;

We've golden soil and wealth for toil,

Our home is girt by sea;

Our land abounds in nature's gifts

Of beauty rich and rare;

In history's page, let every stage

Advance Australia Fair.

In joyful strains then let us sing,

Advance Australia Fair.

Beneath our radiant Southern Cross,

We'll toil with hearts and hands;

To make this Commonwealth of ours

Renowned of all the lands;

For those who've come across the seas

We've boundless plains to share;

With courage let us all combine

To Advance Australia Fair.

In joyful strains then let us sing,

Advance Australia Fair.

2 Geography

Australia is a country comprising the mainland of the Australian continent, the island of Tasmania, and numerous smaller islands. Neighbouring countries include Indonesia, East Timor and Papua New Guinea to the north; the Solomon Islands and Vanuatu to the north-east; and New Zealand to the south-east.

Australia's landmass of 7,617,930 square kilometres (2,941,300 sq mi) is on the Indo-Australian Plate. Surrounded by the Indian and Pacific oceans, it is separated from Asia by the Arafura and Timor seas, and the Tasman Sea lying between Australia and New Zealand.

The world's smallest continent and sixth largest country by total area. Australia --owing to its size and isolation—is often dubbed the "island continent", and is sometimes considered the world's largest island.

Australia has 34,218 kilometres (21,262 mi) of coastline (excluding all off shore islands), and claims an extensive Exclusive Economic Zone of 8,148,250 square kilometres (3,146,060 sq mi). This exclusive economic zone does not include the Australian Antarctic Territory. Excluding Macquarie Island, Australia lies between latitudes 9° and 44°S, and longitudes 112°and 154°E.

The Great Barrier Reef, the world's largest coral reef, lies a short distance off the north-east coast and extends for over 2,000 kilometres (1,240 mi). Mount Augustus, claimed to be the world's largest monolith, is located in Western Australia. At 2,228 metres (7,310 ft), Mount Kosciuszko on the Great Dividing Range is the highest mountain on the Australian mainland.

Australia's size gives it a wide variety of landscapes, with tropical rainforests in the north-east, mountain ranges in the south-east, south-west and east, and dry desert in the centre.

It is the flattest continent, with the oldest and least fertile soils; desert or semi-ari

d land commonly known as the outback makes up by far the largest portion of land. The driest inhabited continent, only its south-east and south-west corners have a temp



 在澳大利亚,袋类动物几乎占所有哺育动物种数的一半,在袋类动物中,袋鼠是最出名、最逗人喜欢的珍兽,而且绝大多数种类都分布在澳大利亚,所以澳大利亚被称为“袋鼠之国”。下面将为您讲叙的是袋鼠之国的文化和习俗。 



 澳大利亚是由全世界各民族组成的国家,在文化艺术方面充分展示了它的丰富多彩。一方面,它体现在土著人的绘画、文学和音乐,另一方面,也体现在西方传统的艺术、文学、现代舞蹈、电影、歌剧和戏剧中,而亚太地区也是影响澳大利亚文化的一个重要因素,因此,澳大利亚的作品在其内容和风格上往往融澳大利亚和其他国家的特色于一体,充分体现了多元化的影响。




 澳大利亚的电影在世界上有很大的影响力,经常荣膺世界各项电影大奖,并为好莱坞输送了大量的优秀人才,歌剧在某种意义上看是一种典型的澳大利亚的艺术形式,尽管它发源于意大利,但澳大利亚人赋予它特殊的热情和新的内涵。 


 澳大利亚的文学作品在国际上享有盛誉,土著人以及来自海外的移民作家为这方面增添了新的内容,目前,澳大利亚的文学作品逐渐反映出对亚太地区文化的意义以及本地区国家间共同利益重要性的认识。


 澳大利亚人酷爱欣赏音乐会,澳大利亚有八个大型专业交响乐团,就通俗音乐来讲,澳大利亚在世界英语国家中所提供的乐曲数量占世界第四位,澳大利亚摇滚音乐的出口正日益发展,澳大利亚的文化艺术是一个巨大的行业,它雇佣33.6万人,每年创造的价值达130亿澳元。




 澳大利亚95%的居民是英国和其它欧洲国家移民的后裔,华裔和华侨约20万,98%的居民信奉基督教,其余信奉犹太教、佛教和伊斯兰教。


 澳大利亚人办事认真爽快,喜欢直截了当,待人诚恳,热情,见面时喜欢热烈握手,称呼名字。乐于结交朋友,即使是陌生人,也一见如故。他们崇尚友善,并谦逊礼让,重视公共道德,组织纪律强,时间观念强,赴约准时并珍惜时间。女性比较保守,接触时要谨慎,做客可以赠送葡萄酒和鲜花。


 澳大利亚人的饮食习惯、口味和英国人差不多,菜清谈、不吃辣,家常菜



 往往是邀请友人一同外出游玩,他们认为这是密切双关第的捷径之一,所以如果拒绝的话,会被他们理解成不给面子。


 澳大利亚的基督教徒有“周日作礼拜”的习惯,他们的这种作法“雷打不动”,所以要避免在这天和他们邀约。


 在澳大利亚眼里,兔子是一种不吉利的动物。他们认为,碰到兔子,可能是厄运将临的预兆。


 澳大利亚喜欢体育活动,游泳和日光浴是人们的癖好,如果有谁不会游泳,还会成为众人嘲讽的对象












二是半神圣的,这种音乐占大部分。它们通常有男士唱各,妇女跳舞,他也只能在特定的庆典地点上表演。在其它场合,男士决不会唱这些歌的。 三是非神圣的娱乐音乐。可由各种人士在各地表演。


左图 Didgeridoos 是土着民族最主要的乐器,由中空的木管做成,由成年男土着表演。

土着音乐是由有节律的歌曲配合有限的乐器组成。其乐器除Didgeridoos 大都是简单原始的打击器组成,如拍手,拍身体,打击木棍等。


数百年前,在澳洲这块古老而孤立的大陆上,有一类与世界上其他人种没有任何血缘关系的人——澳洲土着人。那时,他们没有自己的历史,没有自己的语言,终年与桉树相伴,与袋鼠、鸭嘴兽为伍,过着与外界几乎完全隔绝的生活。在山间丘陵,他们栖居于洞穴中,以防不测;在森林灌木丛,他们用树枝架棚,苫以兽皮、树皮,并用它遮身御寒;在干燥的沙漠原野,他们则筑沙墙,挡风露宿。澳洲土着人就是在这种与大自然抗争的漫长的生存过程中,形成了自己独特的历史文化。在澳大利亚逗留不长的时间,我们发现透过澳大利亚的博物馆、美术馆,透过澳大利亚土着人的绘画艺术,对其士着人珍贵的历史文化可见一斑。 据澳大利亚国家博物馆专修土着人绘画艺术的专家介绍,由于澳洲土着人在历史上没有文化记载,其文化也多半表现在口头流传下来的神化故事、歌吟、绘画、雕刻和习俗之中,而绘画是记录土着民族历史及传播土着民族文化的一个尤为重要的媒介,被人们视为了解该民族的历史形成与文化发展的重要资料。在南澳的纽拉博尔(NULLABOR)发现的洞穴壁刻——土着人的石壁画,距今已有两万年的历史。这些绘画除用象征手法表现他们对大自然的认识之外,还以具象手法记录他们的风俗习惯、神化故事及渔猎生活。因此,澳洲的土着绘画又被人们称为“可视文化”。“梦创时期”(DREAMING TIME),被土着民族认为是整个世界的伊始,天空大地、人类万物皆生于此。当时,世界混沌一片,只有一条巨蟒——土着人相信这是神的化身。这条巨蟒熟睡后,梦见了土地,土地就出现了;梦见了人,人就出现了。所以,世界是由神创造的,神控制着万物的变化。这种对自然界的










英文:" Distance" is an Australian social occasions, daily conversation as well as at one's leisure chatting very attention. In the bank, the plane ticket office and customs import and export, must stand in line at the" line", otherwise it will be that the lack of civilization cultivation. In general, two people stood talking,

between at least to keep the distance of one meter, otherwise both parties will feel uncomfortable.

Similarly, the Australians attaches great importance to this time, in public transport is evident. Punctuality is the mark of discretion of level of traffic operation. In school, classes, lectures, tutorials are strictly according to time. Appointments with friends must also be punctual, which although not specified, but have common rules, as agreed at the time of appointment. In general, is less than a predetermined time 5 minutes late is still acceptable, but late must apologize, and simple explanation. Often the appointment on time person, will be considered a man of honour. China is the country of etiquette, the Chinese students studying in some extent represents the country's image, therefore, Chinese students to develop good concept of time, to win the respect of others, oneself will also benefit a lot. In fact, studying and living in Australia, Chinese students can pay more attention to the observation and study, on various occasions, showing good social etiquette and habits

Australia is the world various nationalities country comprising, in art and culture to fully display its be rich and varied. On one hand, it is embodied in Aboriginal Painting, literature and music, on the other hand, is also

demonstrated in the traditional western art, literature, modern dance, film, opera and drama, and the Asia-Pacific region is also affected by Australian culture is an important factor, therefore, the Australian works in its content and style often into Australia and other national features in one, fully reflects the multicultural impact.

As a multi-ethnic country, the indigenous culture of the value of more and more people know, the indigenous Australian cultural history can be traced back to 20000 years ago, Aboriginal people have a rich oral tradition, and sacrifice the original dance, but the most prominent or painting, painting is aboriginal

recording history, continuity culture is an important means, Aboriginal Painting content to dream for a permanent theme, mainly depicting various myths and legends and indigenous customs and life scenarios, Aboriginal Painting mainly in the form of rock paintings, bark paintings and sand painting, color to brown, and white.

Australian film in the world have great influence, often won the world various film awards, and Hollywood to transport a large number of outstanding talents, opera in a sense to see is a typical art form in Australia, even though it originated in Italy, but the Australians give it a special enthusiasm and new content, from Nelly? Mrs. Melba to Joan Sutherland, Australia as the world culture is so outstanding female opera singer.

The Australian literary reputation in the international arena, indigenous people and immigrants from overseas, this writer to add new content, at present, the Australian literature evolved to reflect the cultural significance of the

Asia-Pacific region as well as the common interests among countries in the region the understanding of the importance of.
