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篇一:2014年高考高中英语知识点详解及训练(22):believe in、beyond的用法

高中英语知识点大全(22):believe in、beyond的用法

1、believe in

believe in(=trust/trust in)信赖;信任;信仰

Tom is honest. I believe in him. 汤姆很诚实,我信赖他。

He doesn’t believe in anybody in the world. 在这个世界上,他不相信任何人。 We believe in socialism. 我们信仰社会主义。

①We believe in Marxism.

②You can believe in him.

③We believe in our government.

对比:believe sb.相信某人的话是真的。

I believe what he said this time though he often tells lies.尽管他经常撒谎,可这次我相信他的话是真的。

2、beyond prep.


①Go about 200 metres beyond the house and you will find the hotel on the left. ②I want to buy a bag beyond these clothes.



blow hard(strongly)风刮得很大;blow away the leaves吹走树叶;blow

down(over)trees 把树刮倒;blow in much dust吹进灰尘;blow off one’s hat吹掉帽子;blow out the candle吹灭蜡烛;blow open(风吹)开;blow up爆炸

②用作名词,表示“打击,一击”。如:be a great blow to sb.对某人是个巨大的打击;give sb.a heavy blow on the head重重地打某人的头。


①他妻子之死对他是一大打击。His wife’s death was _______ _________ ________ ______him.

②我那顶帽子被风吹掉了。I _______my hat __________ ___________.

③风刮得厉害,门吹开了。The wind was ________ __________ and the door ________ __________.

④战士们把敌人的大桥炸毁了。The soldiers __________ __________the enemy’s bridge.

Key:①a ,great, blow, to ②had, blown, off ③blowing, hard, blew, open ④blew, up

篇二:高考总复习英语知识点大全:believe in、beyond的用法

高中英语知识点大全(22):believe in、beyond的用法

1、believe in

believe in(=trust/trust in)信赖;信任;信仰

Tom is honest. I believe in him. 汤姆很诚实,我信赖他。

He doesn’t believe in anybody in the world. 在这个世界上,他不相信任何人。 We believe in socialism. 我们信仰社会主义。

①We believe in Marxism.

②You can believe in him.

③We believe in our government.

对比:believe sb.相信某人的话是真的。

I believe what he said this time though he often tells lies.尽管他经常撒谎,可这次我相信他的话是真的。

2、beyond prep.


①Go about 200 metres beyond the house and you will find the hotel on the left. ②I want to buy a bag beyond these clothes.



blow hard(strongly)风刮得很大;blow away the leaves吹走树叶;blow

down(over)trees 把树刮倒;blow in much dust吹进灰尘;blow off one’s hat吹掉帽子;blow out the candle吹灭蜡烛;blow open(风吹)开;blow up爆炸

②用作名词,表示“打击,一击”。如:be a great blow to sb.对某人是个巨大的打击;give sb.a heavy blow on the h

believe in的用法



①他妻子之死对他是一大打击。His wife’s death was _______ _________ ________ ______him.

②我那顶帽子被风吹掉了。I _______my hat __________ ___________.

③风刮得厉害,门吹开了。The wind was ________ __________ and the door ________ __________.

④战士们把敌人的大桥炸毁了。The soldiers __________ __________the enemy’s bridge.

Key:①a ,great, blow, to ②had, blown, off ③blowing, hard, blew, open ④blew, up

篇三:高中英语 知识点大全22 believe in、beyond的用法

高中英语知识点大全(22):believe in、beyond的用法

1、believe in

believe in(=trust/trust in)信赖;信任;信仰

Tom is honest. I believe in him. 汤姆很诚实,我信赖他。

He doesn’t believe in anybody in the world. 在这个世界上,他不相信任何人。 We believe in socialism. 我们信仰社会主义。

①We believe in Marxism.

②You can believe in him.

③We believe in our government.

对比:believe sb.相信某人的话是真的。

I believe what he said this time though he often tells lies.尽管他经常撒谎,可这次我相信他的话是真的。

2、beyond prep.


①Go about 200 metres beyond the house and you will find the hotel on the left. ②I want to buy a bag beyond these clothes.




blow hard(strongly)风刮得很大;blow away the leaves吹走树叶;blow down(over)trees 把树刮倒;blow in much dust吹进灰尘;blow off one’s hat吹掉帽子;blow out the candle吹灭蜡烛;blow open(风吹)开;blow up爆炸

②用作名词,表示“打击,一击”。如:be a great blow to sb.对某人是个巨大的打击;give sb.a heavy blow on the head重重地打某人的头。


①他妻子之死对他是一大打击。His wife’s death was _______ _________ ________ ______him.

②我那顶帽子被风吹掉了。I _______my hat __________ ___________.

③风刮得厉害,门吹开了。The wind was ________ __________ and the door ________ __________.

④战士们把敌人的大桥炸毁了。The soldiers __________ __________the enemy’s bridge. Key:①a ,great, blow, to ②had, blown, off ③blowing, hard, blew, open ④blew, up


篇四:believe believe in

believe,believe in


Believe表示“相信”、“信以为真”(to accept as true)之意,它是及物动词,其后直接跟宾语。例: Do you believe his reports?你相信他的报告吗?

I could hardly believe my eyes.我几乎不能相信自己的眼睛。

In ancient times it was believed that the earth was flat.古时候,人们认为地球是扁平的。

Believe in则表示“信仰”、“信任”(to have faith in somebody or something)之意。其后的常用搭配语为:有关宗教、理论、原则、概念及可信任之人,如:a religion、ghosts、 fairies、 a theory、 a friend等词;例中的believe为不及物动词。如:We do not believe in ghosts.我们不信鬼神。 He believes in getting plenty of exercise.他相信多锻炼身体就会有好处。

In the days of the French Revolution,people believed in liberty,equality and fraternity. 法国大革命时代的人们信奉自由、平等及博爱。现在试比较下列两语的不同涵义: I believe him.(=I believe what he says)我相信他(的话)。

I believe in him.(=I trust him )我相信他是一个可以信得过的人。(即:我信任他)

在英美人的谈话中,经常可以听到这么一句口头禅——Believe me:这是一个用以表示希望对方相信自己谈话的口头语,它相当于I bet或 Take my word for it。例:

Believe me,you will get well very soon.你一定会很快就恢复健康的。

Believe me 可以根据不同的场合,译作“真的”、“我不骗你”、“一定会”或“请相信”。

believe in的五个用法

一、用于believe in sb [sth],表示相信或信任某人或某物,共有以下四种用法:

(1) 信仰(宗教或神等)。如:He believes in God. 他信仰上帝。

(2) 相信……的存在。如:Do you believe in ghosts? 你相信有鬼吗?

(3) 信任,信赖。如:Nobody believes in him. 没有人信任他。

比较:I can believe him, but I cannot believe in him. 我相信他说的话是真的,但是不相信他的为人。

(4) 相信……的真实性。如:

Do you believe in everything the Bible says? 你相信《圣经》中的每句话?

二、用于believe in doing sth,表示相信做某事有好处。如:

He believes in getting plenty of exercise. 他相信多做运动必有好处。

They believe in letting children make their own mistakes. 他们相信让孩子们自己出错有好处

篇五:believe和believe in 及 几个“伤害”的区别

一. believe vt. 1. 相信;信任[+(that)]I don't believe a single word he says.他的话我一句也不信。

2.认为;猜想,料想[+(that)] We believe Mr. Smith to be innocent.我们认为史密斯先生是无辜的。 I believe he has come. 我想他已经到了。

vi. 1. 笃信宗教The Hendersons seldom go to church, but they believe.


2. 相信;信任;信仰[(+in)]He did not believe in Howard's honesty. 他不相信霍华德为人真诚。

3. 猜想,料想

Believe和believe in 的辨析

believe是相信的意思,针对某件具体的事情 believe in是信任的意思,针对某人的总体。另外,believe in还可以翻译为“信仰”等等类似含义。

I believe in you, but I don't believe you this time. 我对你是信任的,但这件事情上面,我不信你说的。

I really can't believe that he would do me such a favor. Since last time I was cheated by him, I no longer believe in him at all.

我实在不相信他会帮我这个忙。自从上次给他骗过之后,我再也不信任他了。 有一些重要补充,尤其是对于believe in的用法:

简单的说 就是believe强调对事不对人,believe somebody或something, 强调的是相信事情的真实性,或者强调某人说的话的真实性,总的就是客观地对事情而言的.

但此外,believe还可以表示有宗教信仰(此时是不及物动词) 如"He thinks that everyone who believes will go to heaven"他认为凡是信神者都能进天堂.

而believe in有许多不同的意思 最常见的,就是楼上几为提到的,是指"信任", 就是对人不对事的, believe in somebody表示对某人信任 但是believe in 还有一些别的意思

如(1): believe in somebody/something可以表示相信某人/某事物的存在

如I believe in God. 不是说"我信任上帝",而是"我相信上帝的存在"

又如 believe in ghost就是相信有鬼的存在

(2): believe in doing something 可以表示认为做某事有用,肯定某事物的价值

如He believes in doing plenty of exercise 指"他相信多做运动有好处"

二、harm, hurt, damage, injure, wound, destroy辨析


如:Getting up early won’t harm you.早起对你没有害处。

It wouldn’t do her any harm to work a bit harder.工作加点劲对她没有坏处。


如I’m sorry if I hurt your feeling.我要是伤害了你的感情,请你多加原谅。

I was deeply hurt by the way she just ignored me. 她对我不理不睬,那种态度使我很伤心。

3.damage动词,“损坏”,“损伤”,“使受损失”。侧重对物件价值、作用和外观上造成的损坏。 如:The bus was badly damaged when it hit the wal1.大客车撞到了墙上,损坏得很厉害。


如:She was bad1y injured in the accident.她在那次事故中受了重伤。

Two people were killed and seven were injured when the car hit the bus.


如:The bullet wounded his arm.子弹打伤了他的胳膊。Was he seriously wounded?


如:The fire destroyed most of the buildings.大火几乎把这座建筑物全部烧毁了。

