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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/25 19:22:51 体裁作文


Reviews of The Ant and The Grasshopper

The Ant and The Grasshopper is a moral story which aims to educate people and instruct them the way of living. The diligent ant worked for the whole summer. And when winter comes, it has piled up enough food to survive the cold. However, the grasshopper sang for the whole summer. When winter comes, it has to go to the ant and beg for some food.

In this novel, George Ramsay has been working diligently and saving every penny all his life.He is just like the ant in the fable.In a quarter of a century, he goes to work on time and has less than two weeks’ vocation in a year.However, his brother, Tom Ramsay, lives a

totally different life from his. He suddenly abandoned his wife and his job twenty years ago and started his “happy life”. After spending all his deposits, he starts to borrow and cheat money out of his brother. He is an impudent person known by all.

We expect that Tom would end up like the grasshopper in the fable. But the result is opposite.This novel describes a discrepancy between the expected result and actual results when enlivened by perverse

appropriateness.The author told us that our life is theatrical,it will reduce many things which lead to by our mood if we see the relation between strive and inequality with the states of quite,humor and acceptance


In my opinion, this short story tells us that life is not fair and that anything can happen. We should both prepare for the days of necessity and do what we feel like to right now in a balance way. If we don’t

prepare earlier we would end up like the grasshopper, and if we don’t do what we feel like to do right now we would regret when it is time that we could not do it anymore or when it is too late to do so.


Story 103 The Ant and the Grasshopper

故事103 蚂蚁与蚱蜢

In a field one summer's day a Grasshopper was about, and singing to its heart's content.


An Ant passed by, bearing along with great an ear of he was taking to the nest.


"Why not come and chat with me," said the Grasshopper, "instead of toiling and in that way?"


"I am helping to food for the winter," said the Ant,

"and you to do the same."


"Why about winter?" said the Grasshopper; "We have got of food ." But the Ant went on its way and continued its toil.


When the winter came the Grasshopper had no food and found itself dying of hunger - while it saw the ants every day corn and grain from the

stores they had collected in the summer.


Then the Grasshopper knew: It is best to prepare for days of need.

蚱蜢明白了: 什么事都要提早做好准备,将来才有好的结果。

Does the Grasshopper listen to the Ant's suggestion?

A. Yes, he does.

B. No, he doesn't.

C. The story doesn't tell us.


石芳宁 经济贸易学院 20159391

If I were …

If I were the ant , I would not exhaust all my time and energy in dull and laborious work . I would averagely arrange my time between leisure and busyness . Since life is a process , not the result . On the road of life , it is the happiness that we try our best to pursue . The lifestyle of devoting o(来自:www.sMHaiDa.com 海 达范文网:蚂蚁与蚂蚱,英语)urselves wholly to work might make us miss a lot of beautiful scenery in the journey of happiness . Just like the ant , it spends a hardworking summer gathering its winter store . And it loses the chance to enjoy the sunshine of summer . Now that life of a person is limited , we should cherish the precious time and enjoy life . Our elder generation are as busy as the ant and take every effort to earn money . They are hardworking . decent , respectable and straightforward . After a life of industry and thrift they could look forward to retiring safely . But sometimes in the pursuit of security and peace , they may be scared to admit to themselves what they really want to do , and who they really want to be . It is a big regret that they lose the wonder and freedom of life . Nowadays , with the rapid development of commercial society , the life rhythm of people is faster and faster . We youth also throw ourselves into mundane lives as same as our father generation . As the increasingly keen social competition , too toilsome labor will reduce much spice to our daily life . And then this may lead to decrease the happiness that we ultimately seek for .

Nevertheless , I do not want to become the grasshopper. The fable ends up with the death of grasshopper for lack of food . It comfortably sits on a blade of grass singing to the sun in the summer time so that it only has an empty larder when winter comes . The grasshopper is actually rather typical for the elderly-devouring community emerged in recent years . They tend to have no aims , no plans , no ambition and just drift along . Their basic necessities of life mainly rely on the support of parents or friends . Obviously , this worthless and contemptible lifestyle is doomed to be punished in an imperfect world . As far as I am concerned , I will seek for a balance between work and leisure . I neither want to be the ant----missing the warm sunshine of summer , nor to be the grasshopper----died of starvation. The moderate way may be the most reasonable and correct solution.


Ants and grasshoppers


Narrator: once upon a time, there are two Ants and two Grasshoppers. 旁白:从前,有两只蚂蚁和两只蚂蚱。

Ants live next to Grasshoppers.


Ant1: I like to work and go to school every day.

蚂蚁1: 我喜欢每天工作,还有去上学。

Ant2: let’s find food before school.


Ant1:look, I find a candy.


Ant2: Great, let’s carry it back.


Narrator: Then they go to school. At that time, what are the Grasshopper 旁白:搬完糖果之后,蚂蚁们去上学了。而那时,蚂蚁的邻居蚂蚱在 doing? Tick, tick, tick. It’s 10 o’clock.

干什么呢?滴答,滴答,滴答。 十点了。

Grasshopper1: It’s time to get up.


Grasshopper2: What do you like to do today?


Grasshopper1: I like to hop and sing.


Narrator: They get dressed and eat breakfast. After that, they hop and 旁白:于是他们起来穿?a href="http://www.zw2.cn/zhuanti/guanyuluzuowen/" target="_blank" class="keylink">路栽绶埂V螅蔷涂继?/p>

sing and Watch TV. At 11:45, they go back to sleep. Ants walk home at 唱歌和看电视。到了11:45,他们又回去睡觉了。当蚂蚁回家吃午 lunch. They see Grasshoppers.


Ant1: Hello!


Grasshopper2: What time is it?


Ant2: It’s 12:45.


Grasshopper1: Is it time for lunch?


Ant1: Yes, but you don’t have any food.

蚂蚁1:是的, 但你们没有什么可以吃的啦。

Grasshopper2: Can we eat some of your food?

蚂蚱2: 我们能吃一点你们的食物吗?

Ant 2: No, we work every day, but you hop and sing and play.


Grasshoppers: Oh, please! After lunch we can work. 蚂蚱们: 噢,拜托了!等吃完饭我们会去工作的。 Ant1:Can you promise?


Grasshoppers: Yes, we can.


Ants: Ok, let’s eat together.


Narrator: After lunch, they work together.










蚂蚱来到蚂蚁家门口,看到里面是一片欢乐的海洋:干杯的,烤土豆的,喝蜜汁的??蚂蚱迫不急待地敲了几下门,可蚂蚁们理也不理他。皇后说:“只有劳动者才能与我们蚂蚁家族一起生活,我们不需要金钱的崇拜者!” 蚂蚱束了一下皮带,羞愧地走了,走到茫茫的雪地上。后来它与那只钱包消失得无影无踪了。
