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人间的遭遇有它的规则,有一天当世界都变了,别忘记天空原来的颜色。 天空是什么颜色?是清澈的蓝色,代表了一个纯洁的世界,是没有痛苦,没有悲伤,没有分离的天国。蓝色是一种自由的颜色,你可以在蓝色天际中翱翔,感受大自然岁赐予我们的美好,正如你看到社会的美好一样。这时,你胎气头,以45度仰望天空,留下了候鸟飞过的痕迹在蓝天中,一种被释放了的感觉。















青草、花香,这些白天的景色似乎属于夜晚。白天的我们都太匆忙,谁会为这些景色而停留呢?静静看着面前的青草,在银色的月光下,它的颜色变淡了。可是它却披上了银色的光辉。也许,这才是真正的生命,属于夜的生命。 天渐渐热了起来,令人烦躁的夏天就这样来了。夏天的夜晚似乎总是热闹的。树上的知了,稻田里的青蛙,它们不停的吵闹,似乎想将这个夜晚震碎。这时如果来一场雨它们才会安静下来。





篇三:09新年夜 天空将现-蓝月-

09新年夜 天空将现"蓝月"

"Blue Moon" to Shine on New Year's Eve

For the first time in almost 20 years, a bright "blue moon" will grace New Year's Eve celebrations worldwide.

If the skies are clear, revelers looking up at midnight will get an eyeful of the second full moon of the month—commonly called a blue moon. The last time a blue moon appeared on New Year's Eve was in 1990, and it won't happen again until 2028.

A blue moon isn't actually blue—as commonly defined, the name reflects the relative rarity of two full moons in a month and is linked to the saying "once in a blue moon."(恒星小编注:once in a blue moon,英语俗语,意思是极少的、破天荒的。)

With this New Year's Eve blue moon, "there is nothing scientific about it, and it has no astronomical significance," said Mark Hammergren, a staff astronomer at the Adler Planetarium in Chicago, Illinois.

"But I believe it does give us some insight into history and makes us think of how our calendar system has derived from motions of objects in the sky."

Blue Moon Error

The popular definition of a blue moon isn't the only one—and it's one that's based on an editorial error, astronomers contend.

The widespread definition of the second full moon in a month stems from errors made in an astronomy magazine, when a writer misinterpreted how the term was used in the Maine Farmer's Almanac.

Later studies of almanacs published from 1819 to 1962 revealed that the term "blue moon" actually refers to the "extra" full moon that can occur in a year due to differences between the calendar year and the astronomical year.

Most years on average have 12 full moons, with 1 appearing each month.

That's because the lunar month—the time it takes the moon to cycle through its phases—corresponds closely to the calendar month.

But the calendar year is actually based on the solar cycle, or the time it takes Earth to make one trip around the sun. This means a year is not evenly divisible by lunar months, so every three years or so there are 13 full moons.

The farmer's almanac further divided the year into four seasons, with each season lasting three months. When a given season saw four full moons, the almanac dubbed the third moon as a blue moon.

Ultimately, a blue moon as defined by the calendar isn't that rare, added Hammergren. The term's significance instead lies in the way it links people to the motions of the cosmos.

"Just being able to recognize that we can have a full moon twice in a month and have [folklore] attached really highlights the fact that humans have been astronomers their entire existence," he said.

"True" Blue Moon

Before the editorial error, the term "blue moon" more often referred to the rare instances when the moon actually seemed to turn blue, as can happen under certain atmospheric conditions.

"After a forest fire or volcanic eruption, there may be enough particulate matter in the air so that the moon can take on a bluish tinge," Hammergren said.

For instance, a "true" blue moon occurred in 1950 after a large forest fire in Canada blew smoke across most of the Northern Hemisphere.

Another appeared in 1980 after the last major eruption of Mount St. Helens, which sent tons of ash into the upper atmosphere.

Although rumblings at the Mayon Volcano in the Philippines seem to signal a major eruption is imminent, experts don't think Mayon's current output will make this New Year's Eve full moon turn blue.

Howling at the Blue Moon

Even if the 2009 New Year's Eve blue moon has astronomers scoffing, nighttime partygoers may still get moonstruck.

Rising in the east at sunset, the New Year's Eve full moon will reach its highest point at midnight, noted Jack Horkheimer, director of the Miami

Space-Transit Planetarium and host of PBS television's long-running show Star Gazer.

"Full moons around winter solstice rise their highest for the entire year," Horkheimer added.

"Even if you are downtown in a large city, if it is clear at the stroke of midnight the moon will be very visible if you look up."

In any location, the high, silvery orb will seem like a floodlight cast on the landscape, added Horkheimer, who is organizing a national moon-howling contest around this year's blue moon.

"This is especially true where the ground is covered with a blanket of snow. There is nothing quite so spectacular as a snow-covered scene under a December full moon at midnight."



据报道,南北美洲和欧洲等地在12月2日已经出现过一次满月,但在2010年的新年夜满月将再次出现在苍穹。在天文历法中,当一个月出现两次满月时,第二个满月就被赋予一个充满神秘浪漫色彩的名字——“蓝月亮” (blue moon)。


根据历法计算,满月每隔29.5天出现一次,而目前采用的公历历法中每个月的时间大月为31天,小月为30天,这就出现了一个时间差,导致一个月可能同时出现两个满月。平均来说,每两年半出现一次“蓝月亮”,上次出现“ 蓝月亮”的时间为2007年5月。在新年夜出现“蓝月亮”的几率非常少,每隔19年出现一次。上一次新年夜“蓝月亮”发生在1990年,下一次出现的日期至少要到2028年。

然而,加利福尼亚大学的天文学家格雷格·劳克林(Greg Laughlin)称“蓝月亮”没有实际的天文意义。劳克林在一封邮件中说:“蓝月亮没有实际的天文意义,就像中秋后的第一个满月“狩猎月”那样,仅仅是一个名字而已。”

据报道,1946年《天空和望远镜》的一位作者误解了缅因州农民的历书,将一个月中的第二个满月称为“蓝月亮 ”。实际上,当一个季度中出现4次满月时,第3个满月才被称作蓝月亮。虽然数十年后《天空和望远镜》的作者对这个错误进行了更正,但是关于“蓝月亮”


篇四:09新年夜 天空将现-蓝月-

09新年夜 天空将现"蓝月"

"Blue Moon" to Shine on New Year's Eve

For the first time in almost 20 years, a bright "blue moon" will grace New Year's Eve celebrations worldwide.

If the skies are clear, revelers looking up at midnight will get an eyeful of the second full moon of the month—commonly called a blue moon. The last time a blue moon appeared on New Year's Eve was in 1990, and it won't happen again until 2028.

A blue moon isn't actually blue—as commonly defined, the name reflects the relative rarity of two full moons in a month and is linked to the saying "once in a blue moon."(恒星小编注:once in a blue moon,英语俗语,意思是极少的、破天荒的。)

With this New Year's Eve blue moon, "there is nothing scientific about it, and it has no astronomical significance," said Mark Hammergren, a staff astronomer at the Adler Planetarium in Chicago, Illinois.

"But I believe it does give us some insight into history and makes us think of how our calendar system has derived from motions of objects in the sky."

Blue Moon Error

The popular definition of a blue moon isn't the only one—and it's one that's based on an editorial error, astronomers contend.

The widespread definition of the second full moon in a month stems from errors made in an astronomy magazine, when a writer misinterpreted how the term was used in the Maine Farmer's Almanac.

Later studies of almanacs published from 1819 to 1962 revealed that the term "blue moon" actually refers to the "extra" full moon that can occur in a year due to differences between the calendar year and the astronomical year.

Most years on average have 12 full moons, with 1 appearing each month.

That's because the lunar month—the time it takes the moon to cycle through its phases—corresponds closely to the calendar month.

But the calendar year is actually based on the solar cycle, or the time it takes Earth to make one trip around the sun. This means a year is not evenly divisible by lunar months, so every three years or so there are 13 full moons.

The farmer's almanac further divided the year into four seasons, with each season lasting three months. When a given season saw four full moons, the almanac dubbed the third moon as a blue moon.

Ultimately, a blue moon as defined by the calendar isn't that rare, added Hammergren. The term's significance instead lies in the way it links people to the motions of the cosmos.

"Just being able to recognize that we can have a full moon twice in a month and have [folklore] attached really highlights the fact that humans have been astronomers their entire existence," he said.

"True" Blue Moon

Before the editorial error, the term "blue moon" more often referred to the rare instances when the moon actually seemed to turn blue, as can happen under certain atmospheric conditions.

"After a forest fire or volcanic eruption, there may be enough particulate matter in the air so that the moon can take on a bluish tinge," Hammergren said.

For instance, a "true" blue moon occurred in 1950 after a large forest fire in Canada blew smoke across most of the Northern Hemisphere.

Another appeared in 1980 after the last major eruption of Mount St. Helens, which sent tons of ash into the upper atmosphere.

Although rumblings at the Mayon Volcano in the Philippines seem to signal a major eruption is imminent, experts don't think Mayon's current output will make this New Year's Eve full moon turn blue.

Howling at the Blue Moon

Even if the 2009 New Year's Eve blue moon has astronomers scoffing, nighttime partygoers may still get moonstruck.

Rising in the east at sunset, the New Year's Eve full moon will reach its highest point at midnight, noted Jack Horkheimer, director of the Miami

Space-Transit Planetarium and host of PBS television's long-running show Star Gazer.

"Full moons around winter solstice rise their highest for the entire year," Horkheimer added.

"Even if you are downtown in a large city, if it is clear at the stroke of midnight the moon will be very visible if you look up."

In any location, the high, silvery orb will seem like a floodlight cast on the landscape, added Horkheimer, who is organizing a national moon-howling contest around this year's blue moon.

"This is especially true where the ground is covered with a blanket of snow. There is nothing quite so spectacular as a snow-covered scene under a December full moon at midnight."



据报道,南北美洲和欧洲等地在12月2日已经出现过一次满月,但在2010年的新年夜满月将再次出现在苍穹。在天文历法中,当一个月出现两次满月时,第二个满月就被赋予一个充满神秘浪漫色彩的名字——“蓝月亮” (blue moon)。




两个满月。平均来说,每两年半出现一次“蓝月亮”,上次出现“ 蓝月亮”的时间为2007年5月。在新年夜出现“蓝月亮”的几率非常少,每隔19年出现一次。上一次新年夜“蓝月亮”发生在1990年,下一次出现的日期至少要到2028年。

然而,加利福尼亚大学的天文学家格雷格·劳克林(Greg Laughlin)称“蓝月亮”没有实际的天文意义。劳克林在一封邮件中说:“蓝月亮没有实际的天文意义,就像中秋后的第一个满月“狩猎月”那样,仅仅是一个名字而已。”

据报道,1946年《天空和望远镜》的一位作者误解了缅因州农民的历书,将一个月中的第二个满月称为“蓝月亮 ”。实际上,当一个季度中出现4次满月时,第3个满月才被称作蓝月亮。虽然数十年后《天空和望远镜》的作者对这个错误进行了更正,但是关于“蓝月亮”



夜晚的天空为什么这样红?nonmarking 2012-09-17 10:11:02夜晚的天空为什么这样红?不是因为它爱得深沉,而是光污染惹的祸。研究发现,在人类户外照明的影响 下,红色正在取代黑色,成为夜空的新色调。越来越明亮的夜空扰乱了人类及其他动物的昼夜节律,更重 要的是,我们有可能再也看不到美丽的星空了!(图片:environment911.org)“绯红的夜空” 过去常常使人联想起颜色明丽的晚霞,那是地平线上沐浴在温暖落日下的 美丽天空。俗语 “晚霞行千里” 指的就是,天边出现晚霞预示着第二天是晴朗的好天。但

是,近几十年来,这一概念却被赋予了新的意义。随着户外照明的影响在人类生活中日益凸 显,夜空也渐渐由黑转红。 德国的柏林自由大学(Freie Universit?t)和莱布尼兹淡水生态学与内陆渔业研究所 (Leibniz Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries)的一组科学家,在 克里斯托弗?凯巴(Christopher Kyba)的领导下,跟踪研究云层对光污染的影响时,发现 夜空的颜色正在发生变化。 这一研究成果最近被发表在 《英国皇家天文学会月刊》 (Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society)上,题为《红色成了新的黑色》(Red is the New Black)。 不久之前,夜空还是相当的黑,那时只有月亮作为唯一的光源,我们也能看到数以千计的星 星, 更能看到宽广耀眼的银河横亘夜空。 随着人类开始使用户外照明, 夜晚也变得更加明亮。 大名鼎鼎的本杰明?富兰克林也曾参与到美国早期的路灯推广和改进工作中,虽然那时的路 灯只是把一个装有蜡烛的玻璃盒放到高高的杆子上去。 这些早期的路灯从 1816 年开始, 逐 渐被煤气灯取代。1879 年,电灯泡首次被安装在克利夫兰的路灯上,一直到世纪之交都是 户外照明的主要形式。后来,电力变得更实惠,街灯的数量得以大幅增加,“黑夜” 也成 了城市生活中不复存在的事物。

美国犹他州天然桥国家纪念区的欧瓦巧莫桥下(Owachomo Bridge,Utah's Natural Bridges National Monument),仰望头顶的星光。(摄影:Jim Richardson)这些灯光不仅照亮了街道,大量的灯光还被散射到大气之中, 这种 “天空辉光” 在繁华 的都市区极为常见。有些发光装置能比其他产生出更多的辉光。在顶部开口的路灯、非聚光 灯和面朝上方的灯,比如装在广告牌下面的那种,都大大地增加了天空辉光。射向上空的光 线越多,被大气层散射回地面的也就越多。 凯巴的团队试图观测云层会对天空辉光产生怎样的影响。 在夜空受自然光支配的地方, 云层 通常使得那里的天空变得更暗,这一点与在白天时一样。但是,研究者们在城市里发现了相 反的情况:云层将更多的人工光反射回地面,而这放大了天空辉光的影响。他们还发现天空 辉光不仅影响夜空的亮度,还在改变天空的颜色。 众所周知, 阳光中的短波长蓝色光能比长波红色光得到大气层更多的散射, 这使得天空呈现 出蓝色。相似的,研究者们发现短波长的人工光在晴朗的夜晚最容易被散射。但若有云层的 覆盖,在晴朗天气下一般会散射到外太空中的长波红光,会被反射回地面。 结果是,城市里多云的夜晚笼罩着一层微红的光辉,其影响是相当可观的。研究者们在柏林 进行了为期数月的观测,每天晚上都会观测好几个小时。他们发现,在多云的夜晚,天空辉 光中的蓝光,亮度比在晴朗夜晚高出 7 倍,而红光的亮度则高出 17 倍。在肉眼可见的范 围内,这意味着受人工光线的影响,多云夜晚的亮度比自然情况下高出了数千倍!

美国芝加哥,城市的夜晚在云层下闪亮如白昼。(摄影:Jim Richardson)这对大自然产生了重要的影响。 包括人类在内的所有动物都有其昼夜节律——循环往复的生 物钟决定着我们何时醒来,何时又该睡去。不遵守这一节律就会出现时差反应(表现为工作 效率低、不易入睡、睡中容易惊醒、思路不清等)。更加明亮的夜空扰乱了其他动物的昼夜 节律,也影响了自然界捕食与被捕食的关系。 (当然,相比于城市中交通拥堵和自然栖息地 减少等现象,夜空转红的影响也许微乎其微。) 凯巴的团队表示, 即将到来的技术变革用不了多久就会改变夜空的模样。 现今的世界潮流倾 向于将气体放电灯替换为发光二极管,也即 LED 灯。 LED 灯更便宜、寿命更长、可以快速 开关, 这些特性都使得它成为一种理想的使用触发器的节能光源, 而且它还可以用来照亮特 定区域。不过,LED 灯的不足之处是它会释放出更多波长较短的光,而这会使晴朗的夜空变 得更亮。人体的昼夜节律对波长短的光尤其敏感,所以 LED 灯会对我们产生更大的影响。

明亮的夜晚还带来了一个更抽象的问题: 美丽的星空正在从我们眼前消失!曾经闪耀在古 人头顶的璀璨繁星,现在已经看不到多少了。稀稀拉拉地挂着几颗星的淡红色夜空,远远没 有布满繁星的黑夜引人入胜。 住在城里的绝大多数人都还能看到月亮和少数的星星, 如果足 够幸运而且知道该往哪看的话,还有可能瞥见金星、火星和木星;但是,对于非常了解天空 的天文爱好者来说,天空辉光必然是心头一大烦事。美国洛杉矶威尔逊山天文台(Mount Wilson Observatory), 业余天文学家戴夫·尤拉瑟 维奇(Dave Jurasevich)正在工作。即便城市的灯光明亮,这里仍旧是最好的天文观测站 点之一。(摄影:Jim Richardson)这一切问题的解决办法就是——保持自然的 “生理节奏”、减少天空辉光,还我们一个自 然的夜空。说白了,就是改变城市照明的方式。面朝下的灯光就能带来巨大地变化,凯巴的
