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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/23 18:32:44 字数作文


Wo men de ai

Time:2013-7-5 for:www.youxijichangjia123.com

Weeks old faint smile, "Actually, I knowed it once turned a magazine, happened to see the photos of river Mang ...... then I order to prove this, go to the library to read all of the provincial journals, and he related all There is also information book a few years ago, few journals publish photos, only recently filed, but still rare photos of river Mang - hopefully never let Chen Xiang see, God bless it. "

Parkridge stared in surprise, "My God, your heart can be really deep and can hold such a secret!" Weeks old replied, "how can I do not fit? I can tell who the father is a boat impostors, is a fake?" Sorrow welled up in his eyes, "That bastard, he does not know himself what did - "

They were silent, it was one of them who can not do anything of the problem, it is a towering former insurance off the road, one will eventually hurt their trap. But, they have kept a little bit, a little bit of luck: Perhaps there is a fork in the road that allows them to bypass the dangerous, perhaps, God will have mercy on them, have mercy on the children and give them a miracle.

Sun shone them without expression.

Chen Xiang collapsed hear the news, at first, Ming Chui did not go in that place where she was most afraid to think, four years of college, there is a gym class, Chen Xiang has also been doing push-ups when suddenly fainting in the past. But pick her way home, Ming Chui began to feel wrong, more wrong: Her silence there is a terrible thing. Parkridge thought, my God, that's still to come.

Two children from kindergarten to pick up the boat and Zhuang Zhuang, make dinner, give them a story, give Chen Xiang porridge, porridge and then took a boat to go home. Do it all the time, she hung up. Weeks old went to the field to meet, and not at home, no one can share her anxiety. Her boat back to sleep, wake up the sleeping Chen Xiang, Chen Xiang inexplicable hostility confirmed her fears that conjecture. From there came out again, the night has been deep, she anxious to get home, anxious to sit under the lamp, desk, messy spread open her lesson plans, the husband did not finish the article, as well as his "three five" brand cigarettes. The first time ever, she has since taken out a cigarette, lit, take a deep one, actually, from the nose spit out a wisp of smoke profoundly. It was her first cigarette in this life, caught a little panic support. The second mouth, she did not like luck, smoke choked out her tears, she coughed.

This will be a sleepless night.





1、 我虽然没有天使的面孔,魔鬼的身材,但是我是如假包换的女人,相信这点你不需要怀疑因为我正在养一年前剪短了的头发;

2、 我虽然没有博士硕士学士学位,但是我也是经过国家统一招生考试进入到高等学府塑造过的,再怎么不好的大学,只要我是全日制学生,在怎么也有书本上的知识熏陶着,懂得什么合法什么违法,但我还是有头晕的时候,希望那个时候你不要跟我一起晕就可以了;

3、 我现在虽然不是国家公务员,有着铁饭碗,但是我想我养活自己是没有问题的,只是要满足我的生活需要,还需要努力一点而已。你也知道我平时喜欢买小扎京,乱七八糟的,只要可爱的就会买回来,到没有用的时候才会后悔,以后你回来了就可以在旁边提醒我,但是不要用命令的口气,要不我会有逆反心理的,万一偷偷背着你买就不好了;

4、 我虽然有时候会心比天高,想像小鸟长着翅膀那样飞的很高很高,但是安静下来的时候我会清楚的知道现状,其实我是心有余而力不足。不过我希望你能保持清醒,不要在我“疯”的时候陪我一起疯,最多随便“疯”一下就可以了,要不“疯”过头了醒不过来就完了;

5、 我虽然有时候做事情也会感情用事,但是我不是不讲理的人,在适当的时候你可以提醒我,无论你年龄是不是比我小,只要你在乎我,希望我好的话,就可以跟我说,如果你意见是正确的,我想我会慢慢的改正的,但是我需要时间。因为人一般养成习惯的周期是21天,你再没有耐心,工作再忙再没有时间你也至少给我504个小时去调整、改变;

6、 我一个人的时候会胡思乱想,这个你要理解我,因为我平时的生活比较单调,除了上班,回家,宿舍,超市,蛋糕店,服装店或者和同学逛街以外,我一般不会去哪里happy,分居两地的恋爱,我想正常人都不会爱过尤其是刚刚到热恋期就分开的那种。哪个不知道现在的社会是多么复杂,多么现实啊,你再单纯,对爱情再多么的坚定不移,但是我想冰山也是会有被融化的一天吧,只要你是个正常的男人的话。因为我是女人,我很理解女人,也懂得“百炼钢也可化为绕指柔”所以你要包容我有时候的坏脾气,有时候说的那些伤人的话,也不是我真正想表达的意思。不要让你走你就走,说不理你,你就真觉得我们没有希望了;

7、 我虽然也想像我朋友或同学那样找个男朋友有稳定的工作,不愁结婚以后怎么生活。但是我深刻的记得我们高中班主任跟我们说的话“人人都想坐轿子,那哪个来抬轿子”,人上人的生活谁都渴望,但是我只希望和你在一起的时候,我们不会因为经济问题而吵架,不会因为今天发工资以后多给你家几百块钱就怄火(但是我想我有需要知道的权利),因为我懂,我们都是一家人,钱这东西生不带来死不带去的,有钱没有钱,只要大家可以团团圆圆的坐在一张桌子上吃饭,只要大家都开心就好了。很显然,我不会因为你现在的经济怎么样就否定你,但是你可以没有钱,但一定不能没有上进心。希望你不要让我觉得我是睁眼瞎;

8、 我虽然不小了,也不算是少女情窦初开的年龄了,但是我仍然希望在你的眼睛里面只有我,你可以喜欢或者欣赏其他女孩子,但是我希望你只爱我一个人,并且觉得我是独一无二的,因为我想“你希望别人怎么对你,你就要先怎么样对别人”;

9、 我已经不是第一次恋爱了,我想真正的爱情我想我遇到过,也曾错过了,









篇三:My Destiny中文+罗马音歌词

My Destiny


na ta xi ho la kan da mion 我 如果能再次得到允许 ke d? ta xi pu su yi da mion 如果能再次见到你 n? ji nan gi on su g? so 在我经历的记忆中 ke a pun su g? so 在那痛苦中 ke d? pun lo 呼唤着你 You are my destiny ke d?

You are my destiny ke d?

You are my everything

ke d? man pu mion so

yi lon k? su li on xi pu lo pun ni da

You are the one my love ke d?

You are the one my love ke d?

You are my delight of all

ke d? run yong won ha na ye sa lang yi zuo

n? kyo t? ta ga wa zuo yo

na a ji sa lang han da mion

tu nun n? gu yin nun mu li

ke d? run won ha zuo

sa lang h? yo

You are my destiny ke d?

You are my destiny ke d?

You are my everything

pion ha ji an run gon

ke d? run yong han na ye sa lang yin ni da

You are the one my love ke d?

You are the one my love ke d?

You are my delight of all

s? sang yi pion h? du

ke d? man sa lang ha run na run la na yo

My destiny

ke d? run pu lo pun ni da 你是我的命运 你 你是我的命运 你 你是我的一切 只要看到你 就会这样无声地呼唤你 你是我唯一的爱人 你 你是我唯一的爱人 你 你是我所有的快乐 你是我永远的爱吧 靠近我身边吧 如果你还爱着我 双眼中的泪水 是因为想要你吧 我爱你 你是我的命运 你 你是我的命运 你 你是我的一切 不会改变地 朝向你的我的爱 你是我唯一的爱人 你 你是我唯一的爱人 你 你是我所有的快乐 即便世界改变 知道我只爱着你吗 我的命运 呼唤着你

篇四:来自星星的我 My destiny 歌词


My destiny. lyn

? ?? ?????/我如果能再次得到允许

?? ?? ? ? ???/如果能再次见到你

? ?? ?? ???/在我经历的记忆中

? ?? ???/在那痛苦中

?? ??/呼唤着你

You are my destiny ??/你是我的命运 你

You are my destiny ??/你是我的命运 你

You are my everything/你是我的一切

??? ???/只要看到你

??? ???? ?????/你会这样无声的呼唤你 You are one my love ??/你是我唯一的爱人 你 You are one my love ??/你是我唯一的爱人 你 You are my delight of all/你是我所有的快乐 ??? ??? ?? ????/你是我永远的爱

? ?? ??? ??/靠近我身边吧

? ?? ?????/如果你还爱着我

? ?? ?? ???/双眼中的泪水

??? ???/是因为想要你吧


You are my destiny ??/你是我的命运 你

You are my destiny ??/你是我的命运 你

You are my everything/你是我的一切

??? ???/不会改变的

??? ?? ?? ?????/超想你 我的爱 You are one my love ??/你是我唯一的爱人 你 You are one my love ??/你是我唯一的爱人 你 You are my delight of all/你是我所有的快乐

??? ???/即使世界改变

(转 载于:wWw.SmHaIDA.cOM 海达 范文 网:如果你还爱着我)

??? ???? ?? ???/知道我只爱着你吗

My destiny/我的命运

??? ? ? ??/呼唤着你


My destiny-Lyn

? ?? ?????我如果能再次得到允许 na ta xi ho la han ta mion



ke d? ta xi pu su yi ta mion


? ?? ?? ???在我经历的记忆中 n?qi nan gi on su g? so


? ?? ???在那痛苦中

ke a pun su g? so


?? ??呼唤着你

ke d? pu lo


You are my destiny ?? ke d?你是我的命运你 You are my destiny ??ke d?你是我的命运你 You are my everything你是我的一切

??? ??? 只要看到你

ke d? main pu mion so


??? ???? ???? ?就会这样无声地呼唤你 yi lon k? so li on xi pu lo pun li ta


You are the one my love ??ke d?你是唯一我的爱人你 You are the one my love ??ke d?你是唯一我的爱人你 You are my delight of all你是我所有的快乐

?????? ?? ??? ?你是我永远的爱吧 ke d? ru yong won han na ye sa lang yi zuo 你(语气)永远(界限)我的爱情吧

? ?? ??? ??来到我身边吧

n? kyo t? ta ga wa zuo yo


? ???????如果你还爱着我 na a ji sa lang han da mion


? ?? ?? ???双眼中饱含的泪水

tu nun n? gu yin nun mu li


??? ???是因为想要你吧

ke d? ru won ha zuo



sa lang h? yo

You are my destiny ??ke d?你是我的命运你 You are my destiny ?? ke d?你是我的命运你 You are my everything你是我的一切


pion ha ji an run kon


??? ?? ?? ????? 朝向你的我的爱 ke d? ru yong han na ye sa lang yin li ta


You are the one my love ??ke d?你是唯一我的爱人你 You are the one my love ??ke d?你是唯一我的爱人你 You are my delight of all你是我所有的快乐

??? ???即便世界到了尽头

s? san yi pion h? du


?? ? ? ??? ?? ???知道我只爱着你吗 ke d? man sa lang ha run na ru la ta yo 你只爱(语气)

My destiny我的命运

?? ? ????? 呼唤着你

ke d? ru pu lo pun li ta
