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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/24 00:26:50 作文素材

篇一:英语作文 六百字 心中的英雄(hero)

吴玲莉 Shirley


Mate for life

When I think about my admirable hero in my heart, what originally comes up to my mind are those people who sacrificed their lives to the public .However, those heroes are too far away from our own life .Due to that, the hero in my mind is him, who mated for life with his wife.

When he was 50 years old, she had diabetes, which could not be cured. Instead of allowing her to infect insulin, he looked around for effective medicines all day, which cost great amount of money. Moreover, he declined his son’s help .Instead, he dug well to earn money. Each time I was touched by the scene that a 55-year-old man dug with spade all the time, hanged in the air and covered by mud when it was 35 centigrade. Drops of sweat were dripping from his swarthy check but he did not rest. What made me melt into tears was that he persisted in making money himself for 15 years before she died, just because he believed he could find other ways to cure his wife.

To make things worse, she paralyzed due to a stroke at his

sixties .It was terrible for him as he needed to get up several times at night to help her turn over and work at day. In all in, he just slept for four hours a day at that time. In addition, he sought useless wood in order to make a chair with wheels so that she could lie on it and enjoy the sunshine outside from time to time. Just before she passed away, he also learned to drive a tricycle and carried her to visit their daughters one by one. He said he just wanted to realize his wife’s final dream—seeing her daughters again.

With his care, she passed away peacefully. Now she has died for 9 years, but he still brings her photos.

This old but persistent man is my grandfather. Although his story is no so magnificent, he is still my hero.

I did not believe love at the beginning, but now my

grandfather proved that it exists. I am always thinking why their love can be so permanent, just like the swan, mating for life. Now, I have a boyfriend and I began to understand gradually that the connection between lovers changes as time goes by---- from a feeling to responsibilities.

It reminds me of the man, Mr. Wu, whose wife died in the Wen Chuan earthquake. Even his wife left him forever, he

insisted to take his wife’s corpse home .When I saw the picture where Mrs.Wu sat on the motorbike, connected by Mr.Wu’s clothes tightly, I was touched again. Real love is that never abandon each other under any circumstances.

On the contrary, today the rate of divorce is so high that people don’t dare to believe love .When the life is tough, we choose to cling to each other firmly, just like my grandparents, but once we can live happily, we are greedy in power and money. In order to get them, we can sacrifice anything, including love. So it is no wonder that people will desert their most intimate partner. Luckily, I have grandparents to tell me what true love is.

I admire my grandparents. I admire the people mating for life. It is so easy to fall in love with someone; it is extremely difficult to share your lifelong enthusiasm with your partner.

Thank for my grandfather to make me know the true love .he will be the hero in my heart all the time.






(来自:WWw.SmhaiDa.com 海达范文网:英语作文身边的英雄)



我们身边的环卫工人啊,寒来暑往你们与恶臭搏斗,一辆三轮车,一个扫把,一个长长的夹子就是你们的武器,灼热的阳光晒累了你们的皮肤,雨水打湿了你们的衣衫,刺骨的寒冷冻坏了你们的手脚,你们无所畏惧,无怨无悔。没有你们,到处是脏乱,城市将不堪。我要赞美你们——城市的美容师,伟大的英雄! 1

篇三:The Hero in My Heart 我心目中的英雄

我心目中的英雄 The Hero in My Heart

When people say the word "hero", what will you think? Do you have a hero in your heart? Maybe your hero is a famous singer, a movie star or a great-man. But my hero is around me, who gives me more

to solve problems. also tells 候,她帮我解决了很多问题。她还告诉我要对别人友善。当我在学习上做得不好的时候,她鼓励我,试图逗我开心。

My mother is a loving mother, and a real hero in my heart. 我的妈妈是位充满爱的妈妈,我心目中真正的英雄。

篇四:我们需要英雄吗 英语作文

Do we need heroes?

With the development of social economy, great changes have taken place in people’s mind. Some people not only lost the respect they deserve, but also appeared to denigrate hero, even some put up with “China no longer needs a hero!” Many people, especially those do not know much about the past history, has a feeling of disgust about the word hero. How to understand the hero, if there is necessary to study the hero, people how to learn to be a hero, these questions are worth to think about.

We need heroes! We need use the hero to spread a king of spirit, a kind of universal values in life. Like American movies, never lack a role of hero. But we need a real hero, not the kind of hero packaged into the virtual world. Bravery is the symbol of hero, hero can be an idol. Back in 2008, when the earthquake happened, lots of soldiers came to the first line to rescue people from the ruins, with the help of these heroes, we finally conquest the disaster.

Chinese society is not only need a hero, but everyone should respect the hero from the inner heart, understanding hero and sturdy to be a hero.

篇五:初中英语作文之The Hero

初中英语作文之The Hero

The Hero-无意之中成英雄

Fire! Fire! what terrible words to hear when one wakes up in a strange house in the middle of the night! It was a large, old. wooden house--the sort that burns easily--and my room was on the top floor. I jumped out of bed, opened the door and stepped out into the passage. It was full of thick smoke.

I began to run, but as I was still only halfawake, instead of going towards the stairs I went in the opposite direction. The smoke grew thicker and I could see flames all around. The floor became hot under my bare feet. I found an open door and ran into a room to get to the window. But before I could reach it, one of my feet caught in something soft and I fell dom, The thing I had fallen over felt like a bundle of clothes, and I picked it Llp to protect my face from the smoke and heat. Just then the floor gave way under me and I crashed to the floor below with pieces of burning wood all around me.

I saw a flaming doorway in front, put the bundle over my face and ran. My feet burned me terrible, but I got through. As I reached the cold air outside, my bundle of clothes gave a thin cry. I nearly dropped it in my surprise. Then I saw a crowd gathered in the street. A woman in a night dress au d a borrowed man's coat screamed as she saw me and came running madly.

My baby! My baby! she cried. The crowd cheered wildly as she took the smokeblackened bundle out of my arms, I had some difficulty in recognizing her. She was the Mayor's wife and I had saved her baby. I was a hero! 无意之中成英雄

着火了!着火了! 当我睡在一间陌生的房屋里时,半夜里传来了这种非常可怕的声音。那是一栋又大又旧的木屋 非常容易烧着的那种,而我的房间在顶层。我跳下床,打开门,出来到了走廊上,那里已经是浓烟滚滚了。

我开始跑起来。但因为仍然还是半睡半醒,我不是朝楼梯而是朝相反的方向跑去。烟雾越来越浓,四处火舌冲天。我光着脚,感到脚下的地板也热起来了。我找到了一扇开着的门,就朝房间的窗户冲去。但还没有到窗户边,我的一只脚被一个软软的东西绊住,摔倒了。将我绊倒的东西好像是一捆?a href="http://www.zw2.cn/zhuanti/guanyuluzuowen/" target="_blank" class="keylink">路?我把它捡起来遮住脸,用它挡住烟火和热气。正在那时,我脚底下的地板塌下去了,我和身边那些一块快燃烧着的木板一道掉到了下面一层房间的地板上。

我见前面的门口也烧着了,就用那捆衣服挡住脸跑了起来。我的脚被烫得够呛,但是终于冲出来了。当我冲到外面时,我手里的那捆衣服发出了微弱的哭声,我惊讶得几乎把它扔掉。后来,我看见一群人聚集在街上。一个身穿睡衣、外面罩着一件借来的男大衣的女人看见我时,尖叫起来,并发疯似的跑了过来。 我的孩子!我的孩子! 她喊道。当她从我手中接过被烟熏黑的那个包裹时,人群高兴地狂呼起来。我费了点儿劲才认出她来,她是市长夫人。我救了她的孩子,我成了英雄。
