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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/24 04:14:42 小学作文

篇一:The Book of Life

The Book of Life

So far, scientists have named about 1.8 million living species(物种), and that’s just a small number of what probably exists on Earth. With so many plants, animals, and other living things coveting the planet, it can be tough to figure out what type of grass is growing by the roadside or what kind of bird just flew by.

A soon-to-be-started Web site might help. An international team of researchers has announced the creation of Web-based Encyclopedia (百科全书)of Life(EoL). The project aims to list every species on Earth in a single, easy-to-use reference guide. To get the encyclopedia started, the creators will use information from scientific databases (数据库) that already exist. And eventually, in special sections of the site, non-scientists with specialized knowledge will come to help. Bird-watchers, for example, will be able to input what birds they’ve seen and where. To make sure the encyclopedia is accurate, scientists will review much of the information added to it. As the EoL develops, you might find it useful for school projects. The site will feature (以……为特色)special pages for kids who are studying ecosystems in their neighborhoods. Another convenient feature of the EoL is that you’ll be able to pick the level of detail you want to see to match your interests, age, and knowledge. It now takes years for scientists to collect all the data they need to describe and analyze species. The creators of the Encyclopedia of Life hope that their new tool will speed up that Process.

1. The Web-based EoL aims to__________ .

A. find out what covers the earth

B. list all living things on Earth

C. work out the number of birds

D. save the existing plants

2. One characteristic of the EoL is that__________ .

A. it is run by school students

B. it focuses on different types of grass

C. it provides different levels of information

D. it allows non-scientists to review its data

3. In the last paragraph, "that process" means__________ .

A. analyzing species

B. creating a new tool

C. collecting data

D. describing species

1. B解析:这是一道细节推断题。根据第二段最后一句“The project aims to list every species on Earth in a single,easy-to-use reference guide.”可知网上百科全书的目标建立一个简单易用的指引来列出地球上的所有物种。

2. C解析:这是一道推理题。根据第四段“Another convenient feature of the EoL is that you’ll be able to pick the level of detail you want to see to match your

interests,age,and knowledge.”你可以找到适合自己的兴趣、年龄和知识水平的信息,也就是说EoL有多层次信息适用于不同年龄段和兴趣以及知识水平的受众。

3. C解析:这是一道词义推断题。根据最后一段,“that process”就是指前一句中提到的工作,前一句是“It now takes years for scientists to collect all the data they need to describe and analyze species.”科学家花费了很多年来搜集用来分析和描述物种的数据,所以“that process”指的是搜集数据。干扰项是A和D,分析和描述物种都是数据的用途而非在进行的工作。

篇二:The book of life 词组

‘The book of life’ 生命之书

1. Follow me, kids. 跟上我,孩子们!

2. You need to see something special. 你需要看到与众不同的一些东西。 3. The day of the dead 亡灵节

4. turn a blind eye to--- 看不见、忽略------ 5. She’s so pretty./spooky. 她是如此美丽/恐怖。 6. I beg/love you! 7. I miss her so much. 8. Deal! 9. The wager is set. 10. You’re so cute! 11. Come on, you guys! 12. Great form, boy! 13. All abroad! 14. I’ll sing/ fight for you! 15. Killing the bull is wrong 16. Always play from the heart! 17. She’s gone. 18. You’re writing your own story. 19. I’m so proud of you. 20. Being yourself./himself. 求求你了。/ 我爱你! 我如此想念她。 成交

赌注设置好了。 你是如此可爱。 伙伴们,加油! 太棒了,小伙子。 上车!

我会为你而歌唱。/战斗 屠杀公牛是错误的。 永远随心而演奏。 她死了。

你将书写你自己的故事。 我如此为你而骄傲。 做你自己/他自己。

篇三:the book of rites

The Book of Rites

1. Brief introduction

The Book of Rites also translated as Classic of Rites or Record of Rites, was one of the of the canon. It described the social forms,

governmental system, and ceremonial rites of the (c. 1050–256 BCE).

The work is not to be confused with two other classical texts on rites: The (周礼) and the (仪礼/儀禮). On the relationship between the three books see .

2. The history of the book of rites

the Book of Rites was compiled by the etiquettes scholars Dai De and his nephew Dai Sheng in the West Han Dynasty. The version of 85 articles selected and complied by Dai De is known as the Senior Dai's Book of Rites, which was unfortunately lost in the later generations. The version of 49 articles selected and complied by Dai Sheng is called Junior Dai's Book of Rites, which is the origin of the current Book of Rites.

3. There are two pictures: one is the books ,the other is

two authors, Daide and Dai sheng.

4. Talk about the content

The Book of Rites mainly records and explains the etiquette code of Pre-Qin period .It takes the etiquette and music as the core, involving many aspects, such as politics, laws, morality, philosophy, history, sacrifice, art, daily life, calendars, and geography and so on. Therefore, it is the concentrated display of the politics, philosophies and ethic ideas of the Confucian in Pre-Qin time. The Book of Rites elaborates many profound ideas on study, education, life, metal and physical cultivation which are still inspiring and thought-provoking to the modern people.

5. Previous influences

6. Written in prose with concise but vivid language, some articles of The Book of Rites are of high literature value. Some essays adopt short but vivid stories to illustrate truths, some are well-structured; some inscribe profound thoughts into simple narration; some is good at psychological depiction. In addition, the book also collects a great number of incisive and profound philosophic proverbs and apothegms.

篇四:全新版大学英语课文Life in the Fast Lane 翻译

Come on, admit it -- you like living at breakneck speed.


Life in the Fast Lane

James Gleick

1 We are in a rush. We are making haste. A compression of time characterizes many of our lives. As time-use researchers look around, they see a rushing and scurrying everywhere. Sometimes culture resembles "one big stomped anthill," say John P. Robinson and Geoffrey Godbey in their book Time for Life.




2 (1) Instantaneity rules. Pollsters use electronic devices during political speeches to measure opinions on the wing, before they have been fully formed; fast-food restaurants add express lanes. Even reading to children is under pressure. The volume One-Minute Bedtime Stories consists of traditional stories that can be read by a busy parent in only one minute.


3 There are places and objects that signify impatience. The door-close button in elevators, so often a placebo used to distract riders to whom ten seconds seems an eternity. Speed-dial buttons on telephones. Remote controls, which have caused an acceleration in the pace of films and television commercials.


4 Time is a gentle deity, said Sophocles. Perhaps it was, for him. These days it cracks the whip.(2) We humans have chosen speed, and we thrive on it -- more than we generally admit. Our ability to work and play fast gives us power. It thrills us.


5 And if haste is the accelerator pedal, multitasking is overdrive. These days it is possible to drive, eat, listen to a book and talk on the phone -- all at once, if you dare. David Feldman, in New York, schedules his tooth flossing to coincide with his regular browsing of online discussion groups. He has learned to hit PageDown with his pinkie. Mike Holderness, in London, watches TV with captioning so that he can keep the sound off and listen to the unrelated music of his choice. An entire class of technologies is dedicated to the furtherance of multitasking. Car phones. Bookstands on exercise machines. Waterproof shower radios. 如果匆忙是加速器的踏板,一心多用就是超速档。如今,完全可能做到边开车边吃东西边听录音书籍边打电话--要是你敢这么做。纽约的大卫·费尔德曼把用洁牙线清洁牙缝安排在日常浏览网上讨论之时。他已经学会用小手指敲击下行键。伦敦的迈克·霍尔德内斯看带字幕的电视节目,这样他就能把音量调低到听不见,好欣赏自己喜欢的与电视节目无关的音乐。有一整套的技术专门用来促进一心多用。如汽车电话。如健身器材上的搁书架。如防水的淋浴间收音机。

6 Not so long ago, for most people, listening to the radio was a single task activity. Now it is rare for a person to listen to the radio and do nothing else.

the book of life


7 Even TV has lost its command of our foreground. In so many households the TV just stays on, like a noisy light bulb, while the life of the family passes back and forth in its shimmering glow. 就连我们生活中占据重要地位的电视机也失去了控制力。在许多家庭里,电视机就一直开着,如同一个发出噪声的灯泡,人们在其微弱的闪光里日复一日地过着他们的家庭生活。

8 (3) A sense of well-being comes with this saturation of parallel pathways in the brain. We choose mania over boredom every time. "Humans have never, ever opted for slower," points out the historian Stephen Kern.


9 We catch the fever -- and the fever feels good. We live in the buzz. "It has gotten to the point where my days, crammed with all sorts of activities, feel like an Olympic endurance event: the everydayathon," confesses Jay Walljasper in the Utne Reader.


10 All humanity has not succumbed equally, of course.(4) If you make haste, you probably make it in the technology-driven world. Sociologists have also found that increasing wealth and increasing education bring a sense of tension about time. We believe that we possess too little of it. No wonder Ivan Seidenberg, an American telecommunications executive, jokes about the mythical DayDoubler program his customers seem to want: "Using sophisticated time-mapping and compression techniques, DayDoubler gives you access to 48 hours each and every day. At the higher numbers DayDoubler becomes less stable, and you run the risk of a temporal crash in which everything from the beginning of time to the present could crash down around you, sucking you into a suspended time zone."


11 Our culture views time as a thing to hoard and protect. Timesaving is the subject to scores of books with titles like Streamlining Your Life; Take Your Time; More Hours in My Day. Marketers anticipate our desire to save time, and respond with fast ovens, quick playback, quick freezing and fast credit.


12 We have all these ways to "save time," but what does that concept really mean? Does timesaving mean getting more done? If so, does talking on a cellular phone at the beach save time or waste it? If you can choose between a 30-minute train ride, during which you can read, and a 20-minute drive, during which you cannot, does the drive save ten minutes? Does it make sense to say that driving saves ten minutes from your travel budget while removing ten minutes from your reading budget?


13 These questions have no answer. They depend on a concept that is ill formed: the very idea of

timesaving. Some of us say we want to save time when really we just want to do more -- and faster. It might be simplest to recognise that there is time and we make choices about how to spend it, how to spare it, how to use it and how to fill it.


14 Time is not a thing we have lost. It is not a thing we ever had. It is what we live in. 时间不是我们遗失的东西。时间不是我们曾拥有的东西。我们生活在时间之中。

篇五:2015高考(江苏用)一轮通关检测:选修8 unit4 the written word

The written word 单元检测


1.(2014·安徽师大附中模拟)This is the best way they have thought of ________ the ________ miners.

A.rescuing; burying

C.to rescue; burying B.to rescue; buried D.rescuing; buried

2.(2014·徐州高三模拟)The new mayor, who adored________ to the volleyball match, didn't approve________ the new building plans at the meeting.

A.going; of discussing

C.to go; of discussing B.going; to discuss D.to go; discussing

3.(2014·合肥八中模拟)Hearing the ________ cry for help, out rushed the brave young man without wearing his coat in such cold weather.


C.rigid B.gentle D.desperate

4.(2014·乌鲁木齐诊断测验三)—Jane, I was told that you were going to speak at the meeting yesterday!

—Yeah, I ________ to, but time did not permit.

A.have intended

C.intended B.was intending D.had intended

5.(2014·江苏大丰高级中学模拟)Since you can't make the class ________ what you say in English, you can make yourself ________ in Chinese.

A.understand; understand

B.understand; understood

C.to understand; understand

D.understand; to be understood

6.(2014·江南十校高三摸底)—Is it necessary to look up every new word when I come across it in reading?

—No.You ________, because you are likely to guess the meaning from the context.


C.don't have to B.mustn't D.ought not to

7.(2014·苏、锡、常、镇四市二调)—You really appreciate Justin Bieber's performances, don't you?

— ________. I just like his soft voice.

A.Not exactly

B.Don't mention it

C.Not a little

D.That's for sure

8.(2014·南通高三检测)Billy Crystal hosted the Academy Awards again this year, and his performances always ________ the expectation of most audience.

A.put up with

C.live up to B.end up with D.add up to

9.In the shop the boy resisted ________, so his mother had to give in and bought him a toy.

A.carrying off

C.to carry off B.being carried off D.to be carry off

10.(2014·常州高三模拟)To tell the truth, I would rather I________the pain instead of you. You don't know how worried I was.


C.have taken B.had taken D.should have taken

11.(2014·湖南十二校联考)Mrs. Smith managed to settle the quarrel between Michael and Allen without hurting the feelings of________.


C.either B.none D.both

12.(2014·安徽望江二中模拟)It's________ shame to cheat at an examination, for you have________ reputation for being honest.

A.a; /

C.a; a B./; / D./; a

13.(2014·吉林重点中学适应考试)I am heavily ________ at the moment, but I hope to be out of it when I get paid.

A.in debt

C.in vain B.in trouble D.in danger

14.(2014·江苏潼阳中学模拟)The popular cartoon Mulan is a(n) ________ of a Chinese poem for children.


C.story B.plot D.adaptation

15.Charles did what he could ________ the servant, although he himself was in danger.


C.to rescue

B.rescued D.rescuing



I had a bad habit of skipping to the last pages of a book.I just

see how it ended __1__ I was still in the middle of it.This habit first my mom, then my friends, and __3__ even my own daughter.Often wouldn't be limited just to the books I read but also to what others as well.Then one day my daughter told me in anger, “Dad, please

book one __6__ at a time like everyone else!” At times I didn't __7__ this bad habit to just books either.I also tried to skip ahead in my own life and __8__ out what to do months or even years from now __9__ enjoying each day at present.Although I knew that the __10__ of my life wasn't done yet and that I had many pages __11__ to go, I still couldn't control my burning desire to write the __12__ of it halfway through.Time and again, I would __13__jump ahead and try to solve every potential problem before it happened.Life, __14__, doesn't work like that.It loves to __15__ us, and you never know what new problems, changes or opportunities each new day will __16__. Recently when I found myself living in the __17__ again, I felt a voice that gently told me I needed to “live one day at a time”.When I heard those words, I __18__, turned the book of my life back to the __19__ page, and thanked God for today. Each of us has to __20__ the book of life line by line, moment by moment and trust that our story will be brought to its perfect end.















wanted to __2__ my __4__ were __5__ just read a B.for D.because B.annoyed D.embarrassed B.obviously D.finally B.misunderstanding D.disagreement B.reading D.watching B.copy D.edition B.devote D.limit



9.A.on the part of

C.instead of

























Books That Shaped America

B.figure D.turn B.other than D.on the basis of B.river D.play B.left D.regretted B.beginning D.comments B.strangely D.critically B.moreover D.however B.cheat D.frighten B.bring D.award B.future D.dream B.cried D.smiled B.hopeful D.right B.review D.translate
