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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/24 01:15:35 作文素材



一、 对等译法:单词 成语 谚语

二、 词义引申: 具体译法 抽象译法 增词译法 省词译法 合词译法 转性译法 词义的褒贬


? thousands upon thousands of 成千上万

? Practice makes perfect. 熟能生巧。

? Ill news travels fast. 恶事传千里。

? More haste, less speed. 欲速则不达。

? turn a deaf ear to 充耳不闻

? burn one’s boats破釜沉舟

? fish in trouble waters 浑水摸鱼

? touch and go 一触即发

? He went through fire and flood to save his mother. 赴汤蹈火,不顾艰险

? By searching his heart he could not but admit that he was in the wrong. 扪心自问

? As things stood(按目前的情况来看), what else could he do but swallow the insult? 忍气吞声

? She always throws her cares to the winds. 把忧愁抛到九霄云外 ? 颠倒黑白 call white black

? 视而不见Turn a blind eye to

? 引狼入室 set the wolf to keep the sheep

? 出门一里,不如家里。East and west, home is best.

? 皇天不负苦心人。Providence does not let down a man who does his best.


1. 具体译法

? 大吵大闹 raise the roof

? 有花不完的钱 have enough money to burn

? 家丑 a skeleton in the cupboard (closet)

? 保密 keep sth. under one’s hat

? There is more to their life than political and social and economic 译文:他们的生活不止那些政治的、社会的和经济的问题,远不止一时的柴米油盐问题。


译文:He has many hot potatoes to handle every day.

? There had been too much in that region. 暴力事件

? The government is doing its best to ease the in that area. 缓和紧张局势

? very anxious to return home 归心似箭

? As for the apples, let’s go fifty –fifty with them.

2. 抽象译法

? Every life has its and 译文:每个人的生活都有甜和苦。

? There is a mixture of the and the in the character of the imperialists.


? 顺手牵羊 walk off with something

? 生龙活虎 bursting with energy

? break the ice 打破沉默

? get cold feet 沮丧,临阵退缩

? walk on air 得意洋洋,飘飘然

? 狗急跳墙 do sth desperate

? 单枪匹马 all by oneself

? has been the NO.1 as a matter of fact, it has been an of this area. ? The matter was finally settled . 秘密地

? Gaps

3. 增词译法

? After the football match, he’s got an important meeting.

? (增加动词)

? He ate and drank, for he was exhausted.

? (增加名词)

? 小不忍则乱大谋。(增加代词)

? 译文:control great ventures.

? 原文:燕子去了,有再来的时候;杨柳枯了,有再青的时候;桃花谢了,有再开的时候。但是,聪明的,你告诉我,我们的日子为什么一去不复返呢?

译文:Swallows fly away, yet return; willows wither, yet burgeon are wise, why do our days depart never to return?

? I’d like to know something about your scientific experiment.我想了解一下你们科学实验方面的情况。

? We must fight against corruption and injustice. 我们必须与腐败和不公正现象作斗争。

? American Secretary of State has proposed a world conference on food supplies.美国新任国务卿建议召开世界食品资源会议。

? The black jacket is indeed cheap and fine. 那件皮夹克真是物美价廉

? 别把手搁在口袋里。Don’t put your hands in your pockets

? 没有调查就没有发言权。he who makes no investigation and study

has no right to speak.;

? 一天天冷起来了。It’s getting colder day by day.

? The crowds melted away. 人群渐渐散开了。

? This is a Shanghai. 这是一辆上海牌轿车。

? The British people are still profoundly divided on the issue of joining Europe. 到目前为止,英国人民一直在英国是否加入欧洲共同市场的问题上存在严重分歧。

? We don’t regret, we never have and never will. 我们不后悔,我们从来没有后悔过,将来也不会。

? Don’t get angry. I’m just making fun of you. 不要生气嘛,我只不过是开开玩笑罢了。


? The earth goes around the sun. 地球绕太阳转。

? On Sundays we have no school. 礼拜天我们不上课。

? He is not well today, but he still comes to class.


? The sun is bright, and the sky is clear.


? If you don’t go there tomorrow, they’ll get angry.


? 总理在出席音乐会之前,还有许多工作要做。

译文:The President has a lot of work to do before (attending) the concert.


假日经济在我国已经呈现出广阔的发展前景。The holiday economy has the prospect of remarkable growth. 集中精力把经济建设搞上去

go all out for economic development 坚持对话,不搞对抗

persist in dialogue, refrain from confrontation 不搞劳民伤财的“形象工程”

refrain from building “vanity projects ”that waste both money and manpower


revitalize domestic economy, open up to the outside world 搞花架子do something superficial 搞活国营大中型企业

invigorate large and medium-sized state-owned enterprises 更加注重搞好宏观调控

pay more attention to exercising macro-control 开放搞活 open up and enliven the economy 靠扩大财政赤字搞建设

increase the deficit to spend more on development 台湾是中国的领土。

Taiwan is part of Chinese territory.

饭店现有三个餐厅和一个贵宾间、240个座位。The restaurant now has three dining rooms and a VIP room with a total of 240 seats.


We should improve management and ensure safe production. 对确有困难的中西部地区和老工业基地,中央财政将继续给予支持。

In the case of the enterprises of western and central China and old industrial bases that are in real financial difficulties, the central government will continue to offer financial help. 有条件的地方要率先实现现代化。

The areas with suitable conditions must take the lead in achieving modernization. 收效可能来得慢,但是有把握,而且是巨大的。The rewards may come slowly, but they are sure and tremendous. 我们应当逐步消灭城乡差别。

We should gradually eliminate the difference between city and country.


He is sympathetic by nature and is always ready to help others.

新婚夫妇有数十位宾客陪同,坐着汽车到新房去了。 The newly wedded couple, accompanied by dozens of guests, went to their chamber by car.

全国人民总体上实现了由温饱向小康的跨越。The Chinese people nationwide have developed from the stage of having enough to eat and wear to that of living a better-off life.


Walking eastward along Nanjing Road, one finally comes to a very beautiful area bordering the bank of the Huangpu River. 小不忍则乱大谋。

If one is not patient in small thing, one will never be able to control great ventures.


Before handing in your translation, you have to read it over and over again and see if there is anything in it to be corrected or improved. Only thus can you do your work well. 没有调查就没有发言权。

He who makes no investigation and study has no right to speak.


It was not easy for you to finish this design in three weeks. 由于时间仓促,作者水平有限,书中疏漏 在所难免,欢迎广大读者批评指正

Any advice and criticism is warmly welcome about this book. 科学技术突飞猛进,给亚洲的发展带来新的机遇,也带来新的挑战。

The rapid advance of science and technology has presented both new opportunities and challenges to the development of Asia.


The new development, trends and technologies have helped expand productive forces,given full play to creativity,and enhance communication and corporation among countries. 中国人民为此进行了长期不懈的努力。

The Chinese people have made unremitting efforts to that end. 为了保卫国家安全,维护祖国统一,我们必须不断增强国防实力。

We must build up our defense capability with a view to safeguarding our State security and national unity. 科学技术在一些领域取得重大突破。

Breakthroughs were made in some areas of science and technology.


All social undertakings developed. /The social undertakings developed in an all-round way.


The Chinese Government undertakes not to use nuclear weapons against non-nuclear countries. 我们要确保更有效地利用外资。

We shall ensure more effective utilization of foreign capital. 那个国家片面地注重工业,忽视农业和轻工业,因而市场上货物不够,货币不稳定。That country’s lopsided stress on heavy industry to the neglect of agriculture and light industry results in a shortage of goods on the market and an unstable currency.


The recent international conference was a success.

中国在发展经济的过程中,逐步改善了人民的生活条件。 The economic growth in China has been accompanied by the improvement of the people’s living conditions.

当今中国,电脑使用已经普及,上网人数与日俱增。Nowadays, with the wide use of computers in China, more and more people have access to the Internet.


China supports a population four times that of the United States with the arable land only half that of the US. 他们不顾一切困难挫折,坚持创业。

They kept on their enterprise in spite of all difficulties and setbacks.

他不懂知足常乐的道理,对现有的一切还不满足。He never understands that happiness lies in contentment, so he isn’t content with what he has already had. 得知台湾地震,全国人民深表关切。

The people in the mainland are all deeply concerned at the news that Taiwan has been struck by an earthquake. 证人不敢肯定命案发生时他不在场。

The witness isn’t sure that he has an alibi for the time death took place.

国民经济出现了重要转机。The national economy has improved significantly. 专家认为,肥胖人口增长的主要原因是人们的运动量减少。The experts attribute the increasing number of obese people to the decrease in the physical exercises. 许多家用电器都是在中国制造的,这些家用电器性能可靠,操作方便。

A lot of household appliances are made in China, which (and they) are reliable in performance and easy in operation. 水资源稀缺,是我国经济和社会发展的严重制约因素。Lack of water resources is a serious limitation on the economic and social development of our country.

所有单位必须搞好卫生,清除混乱和不文明现象。All the organization must clear up, and banish disarray and discourtesy.


Economically, Asia is still the most dynamic region in the world.


Terrorist acts in all forms and manifestations are a profound threat to the peace, prosperity and security of all people and of all nations.

谁也不能以不懂法律来为自己辩解。 Ignorance of the law excuses no man.


We are gratified with the smooth development of relations between two countries and particularly the steady growth of our economic and technological cooperation.


The political reform should be conducted in such a manner as to promote national reunification, unity and social stability. 当前,世界经济贸易形势总体趋好。

At present, the overall trend in the world’s economic and trade situation is getting better.

一般来说,游览西湖及周围景点花上两天时间较为合适。 Generally speaking, a two-day tour is ideal for the West Lake and scenic spots around it.

游览北京、上海、西安,最好是在春、秋两季。Beijing, Shanghai and Xi’an are at their best for tourism in spring and autumn.

国有大中型企业建立现代企业制度的改革取得重要进展。China make significant advances in the establishment of a modern corporate structure in large and medium-sized State-owned enterprises.

素质教育继续推进。Continued efforts were made to promote quality-oriented education.

中国的扶贫开发解决了两亿多农村贫困人口的温饱问题。 Thanks to the efforts to assist with the development of the poor areas, the problem of food and clothing for more than 200 million rural poor has been solved. 经过20多年不懈的艰苦奋斗,中国的扶贫开发取得了巨大成就。

Thanks to the arduous and unremitting efforts in the past more than two decades, China has made tremendous achievements in its drive to assist with the development of the poor areas. 近年来,中国轻工业产品的出口有了长足的进步。In recent years, great progress has been made in the export of products in China’s light industries.

一般加工工业生产能力过剩的矛盾仍较突出。Over production is still a glaring problem in ordinary processing industries.


Trade and investment liberalization and facilitation has take on increased importance at a time when rapid changes are reshaping the global marketplace.

上海商业将广泛应用计算机技术,加快商业电子化步伐。The computer technology will be widely used in the Shanghai’s commercial sector to accelerate its electronicalization. 如果考虑到劳动力的因素,我国生产率的品均水平长期以来一直很低。

The average level of productivity in our country had long been low when the quality of the labor force was considered. 人不犯我,我不犯人。

We won’t attack others unless we are attacked. 那条路弯弯曲曲的,天气不好的时候,开车可得小心。Drive carefully on that road in bad weather as it’s very winding. 双方都不肯妥协,谈判因而破裂。

Negotiations broke down because neither side would compromise.


The isolation of the rural world, due to distance and the lack of transportation facilities, is worsened by the insufficiency of the information media.

没有和平,没有稳定的政治局面,就谈不上经济发展。 Without peace and political stability, there would be no economic progress. 要深化教育体制改革。

We should deepen the restructuring of education system.

全面发展同其他发达国家的友好合作与交流。We will develop friendly cooperation and promote exchanges in an all-round way with developed countries. 要提高贫困地区群众的科技文化素质。

We should improve the sci-tech and cultural qualities of the masses in the poor areas / the poverty-stricken areas. 必须加大基础设施建设力度。

Greater efforts should be made to promote construction of infrastructure.

西部地域辽阔,交通不发达,首先要进行基础设施的建设。Covering a vast area with poor transport facilities, China’s western region is in urgent need of infrastructure facilities. 中国加入世贸组织的谈判已经进行了15年,中国的立场始终如一。

During the fifteen years of negotiations on China’s entry into the WTO, China has maintained consistent stand /position. 我们必须抓住新的机遇,迎接新的挑战,/采取更加有力的措施,以更为积极的姿态扩大对外开放,力争对外贸易和吸收外资有新的增长。We must seize new opportunities and meet new challenges. We must open ourselves wider to the outside world more actively and resort to more effective measures in an effort to expand foreign trade and attract more foreign funds.


The Oriental Pearl Radio and TV Tower is located on a bend of the Huangpu River at the tip of Lujiazui in Pudong. It is surrounded by the river on three sides and faces a row of Western buildings of variegated styles on the Bund across the river. The 468-meter-tall tower ranks first in Asia and third in the world.

中国将致力于建设国家创新体系,通过营造良好的环境,推进知识创新、技术创新的体制创新,这是中国实现跨世纪发展的必由之路。China will be dedicated to establishing a national innovation system and creating a favorable environment to stimulate the innovation of knowledge, technology and institution. It is the only course for China to achieve its development extending to the new century (its trans-century development).


Now China has the opportunity to carry out the strategy of the

large-scale development of the western region, for the Chinese economy has grown to a new stage. In this stage, the economy in the eastern coast is approaching the point of “saturation” and calls for markets while development of the western region is imminent.


We should not only have a sense of urgency, but also work out a comprehensive plan. While giving prominence to some key areas in the development process, we must carry it out step by step instead of rushing headlong into action.

在漫长的历史过程中,中国虽然经历过改朝换代、政权更迭,出现过地方割据,遭遇过外敌入侵,特别是近代史上曾饱受外国列强的侵略和瓜分,/但统一始终是中国历史发展的主流。Throughout its long history, China has witnessed (undergone) changes of dynasties, transfers of governments, regional separatist regimes, foreign invasions, and especially the aggression and dismemberment by foreign powers in modern history. Nevertheless, unity has always represented the main development trend in Chinese history.

当今世界,国际局势总体上趋向缓和,但各种因素引发的冲突甚至局部战争此起彼伏,一些地区的紧张态势依然存在,妨碍了有关国家和地区的经济发展,也对世界经济产生了不利影响。Despite the general tendency of the today’s international situation towards relaxation, the frequent conflicts and local wars triggered by various factors as well as the continuous tension in some areas have impeded the economic development of the countries and regions concerned, and adversely affected the world economy.












5、吾十有五而志于学,三十而立,四十而不惑,五十而知天命,六十而耳顺,七十而从心所欲,不逾矩。 译文:我十五岁时立志于学习;三十岁时做事符合礼仪;四十岁时(掌握了各种知识,)不受迷惑;五十岁时了解自然的规律;六十岁时一听别人言语,不用多想,便能明白;到了七十岁时便随心所欲,任何念头都不会越出规矩。



7、学而不思则罔,思而不学则殆。 译文 :读书却不深入思考,越学越糊涂;思考却不读书,就一无所成。



9、 八佾舞于庭,是可忍也,孰不可





11、朝闻道,夕死可矣。 译文:早晨理解真理,晚上死也值得。

12、见贤思齐焉,见不贤而内自省也。 译文:见到贤人,要向他看齐;见到不贤的人,要反省自己。

13、父母在,不远游,游必有方。 译文:父母在世,不要去远方游历。去游历,一定要有去向。

14、朽木不可雕也,粪土之墙不可杇(wū) 也。





16、有颜回者好学,不迁怒,不贰过。 译文:有个叫颜回的,好学,从不把愤怒发泄到别人身上,从不犯同样的错误。



18、 知之者不如好之者,好之者不如乐之者。












24、知者不惑,仁者不忧,勇者不惧. 译文:有智慧的人不迷惑,有仁德的人不忧愁,有勇气的人不恐惧。





第三章 句子的翻译fficeffice" />

第一节 重要句子成分的翻译


1. If people mean anything at all by the expression of “ultimate death”, they must believe that some deaths run on a better schedule than others. Death in old age is rarely called ultimately --- a long life is thought to be a full one.

译文1:人们有种提法——“早逝”,那么他们一定意味着有些死亡更合天意。寿终正寝不能称作未尽天年——长寿即意味着生命的圆满。 译文2:说起“早逝”,人们或有所指,他们必定相信有些死亡更合天意。寿终正寝不能称作未尽天年——长寿才意味着生命的圆满。

2. The hypothesis of natural selection may not be a complete explanation, but it led to a greater thing than itself --- an acceptance of the theory of organic evolution, which the years have but confirmed.


3. It is quite stuff in he room, let’s open the window for a while.


4. It has been proved that everyone has a daily energy cycle.


5. 通过改造中低产田、兴修水利、扩大灌溉面积、推广先进使用技术等工程和生物措施,可使每公顷产量提高1500公斤以上。


6. 酒意味着欢畅、幸福、顺遂,所以遇喜事则觥筹交错,逢知己则千杯犹少。

译文:Wine means delight, happiness and smoothness. Hence, people drink a toast on joyous occasions and a thousand cups of wine are not enough when they are with their intimate friends.

7. 未经主审机关批准,合同中不得规定禁止受方在合同期满后继续使用技术的条款。 译文:


1. Although some areas suffered from serious natural disasters, the total grain output was higher than that of last year.


2. So take some of that extra time you might have spent in a health club or gym and give it over to the arts.


3. When, for no apparent reason, all conversation in a room suddenly comes to a halt and everyone fails to come up with something appropriate to say, a painful silence develops. 译文:

4. Shortly after Bush’s election as president, his advisers were reported as recommending lower taxes and higher government spending.


5. He was said to suffer from poor memory and self admitted lack of good judgment, which in his last years went only from bad to worse.


6. 这是能想到得出的最好解决方法。


7. 联合国及日内瓦裁谈会在裁军问题上的作用应得到充分发挥。


8. 影响设备可靠性的因素很多。


fficeffice" />

1. He is a really sensible fellow. // He is really a sensible fellow.


2. Jenny only ate fish on Friday. // Jenny ate fish only on Friday.


3. They, not unexpectedly, did not respond.


4. It was intolerably dull, pompous and tedious.


5. This is particularly true in the rural areas, where people have kept the same life-style for a millennium or so. 译文:尤其在乡间,上千年来人们一直以不变的方式生活着。

6. He is physically weak but mentally sound.


7. In this case, western people respond differently from eastern people.


8. 她每天早上在公园晨练。


9. 民族地区在国家的扶植和其他地区的支援之下,通过自己的艰苦奋斗,经济增长加快,各项事业全面发展。

译文:Assisted by the State and supported by other regions, ethnic minority areas witnessed an acceleration in economic growth and an all-round development in various undertakings through their own efforts and hard work.

10. 我们要聚精会神、专心致志地投入到社会主义建设这一伟大事业中去。

第二节 句子翻译中的常用技巧fficeffice" />


1.Better be wise by the defeat of others than by your own.


2.The journey which has brought me to Peking has been a very long one. Long when measured in miles. Long when measured in time.


3.They say her father was a worker in a small company. Maybe he was as poor as we are. 听人说,以前她父亲在一个小工厂当工人。他那时也许和我们现在一样穷。

4.According to scientists, it takes nature 500 years to create an inch of topsoil. 译:

5. A scientist constantly tried to defeat his hypothesis, his theories and his conclusion. 译:

6. The crowds melted away after the meeting. 散会后,人群渐渐散开了。

7.Theory is something, but practice is everything. 理论固然重要,实践尤其重要。

8.But there had been too much publicity about my case.



We must make a comprehensive analysis of a problem before it can be properly solved.


He who makes no investigation and study has no right speak.


If one is not patient in small thing, one will never be able to control great ventures.




Showing off one’s proficiency with the axe before Lu Ban the master Carpenter.


1. Any substance is made of atoms whether it is a solid, a liquid, or a gas.


2. He put his hands into his pockets and then shrugged his shoulders.


3. If winter comes, can spring be far behind?


4. Smoking is prohibited in public places.


5. Solids expand and contract as liquid and gases do.


6. Anyone who does not recognize this fact is not a materialist.


7. University applicants who had worked at a job would receive preference over those who had not.


8. 我们要培养分析问题、解决问题的能力。


1.Traditionally, there had always been good relations between the two countries.


2.We are enemies of all wars, but above all of dynastic wars.



Xu Beihong’s drawings of horses are exceptionally good.




1.He drinks half a bottle of beer with each of his meals.


2.Under no circumstances will we be the first to use nuclear weapons. (否定副词在句首) 我们在任何情况下决不首选使用核武器。

3.These data will be of some value in our research work.


4.I was all the more delighted when, as a result of the initiative of your Government, it proved possible to reinstate the visit so quickly.



1.Ignorance is the mother of fear as well as of admiration.


2.They covered the 19 century foreign intervention in China, Mao’s Long March in the mid-1930s, the French and American revolutions.


3.You may solve the problem in whichever way you know well.


4.这种人闹什么呢? 闹名誉,闹地位,闹出风头。

What are they after? They are after name, after position, and they want to cut smart figures.


1. The world today is far from peaceful.


2. Mr. White has refrained from making any official comment on the coup in that country. thffice:smarttags" />

译: ersonName w:st="on" ProductID="怀特">怀特ersonName>先生并没有对该国的政变发表正式评论。 3. It is a long lane that has no turning.

4. There is no rule but has exceptions.


5. 那件事没有减弱我们的决心,反倒增强了我们的决心。

That matter strengthened, rather than weakened, our determination.


第四章 词语的翻译

语义来自上下文 他说: “她这个人真有意思。”她说:“他这人挺有意思。”于是有人传言:她和他有了意思,要他们赶快意思意思。他发火了,说:“你们这样瞎说是什么意思。”传言者有点不好意思,便解释说:“仅仅是开开玩笑而已,绝没有别的意思。”事后,有人说:“真有意思。”也有人说:“真没意思。” 又如:

民间性经济文化关系、民间组织non-governmental 民间传说 popular民间工艺 folk

在中国人心中 in the minds of 心甘情愿 be most willing to

心明眼亮be sharp-eyed and clear-minded心连心 heart linked to heart

心里话one’s innermost thoughts and feelings 祖国统一reunification

卫生局public health bureau卫生设备 sanitary equipment卫生标准 hygienic standard

卫生纸toilet paper卫生球 camphor ball

开门 open the door开车drive a car开会 hold a meeting 开灯turn on a light

开业start a business 开支票write a check开玩笑play a joke开夜车work late into the night 词语翻译的基本技巧:


1.移植法: 在译文中直接借用原文词语。(名词的翻译)

1.1直接移植: 将原文中的词语原封不动地挪用过来,多应用于科技翻译和新闻媒体中。例 KTV; DISCO; IQ;EQ



几乎所有的人名。 例如: Lincoln 林肯 孙中山 Sun Yat-sen Shakespeare 莎士比亚 Bernard Shaw 肖伯纳 毛泽东 Mao Zetung 蒋介石 Chiang Kai-shek

大多数地名。 例如:Australia 澳大利亚 New York 纽约 Atlanta 亚特兰大 Miami 迈阿密

译入语原来没有的事物,包括科技新词、某些商标与文化词等 。例如: Dink 丁克 Hippie 嬉皮士 Sauna 桑拿 Shock 休克 Logic jeep sofa tank Pie biscuits 麻将mahjong 磕头 kowtow 功夫kungfu 茅台 Maotai 阴阳 yin yang 衙门yamen

1.3 半音译半意译

*表示地理类别的普通名词的地名,其中普通地名意译。 例如:

Louisiana State University ; The Strait of Gibraltar The Philippine Islands ; The Suez Canal ; 吴县Wuxian County

人的本名译音,外号译意。 例如:

Iron Lady 铁娘子 The Devil 魔鬼撒旦Cinderella 灰姑娘 Snow White 白雪公主

黑旋风李逵 Li Kui the Black Whirlwind

某些商标的翻译半译音半译意。 例如:

Goldlion Giant Colgate Crest Pepsi Cola Coca Cola Nike Canon Safeguard

1.4音意译并存。 例如:

engine vitamin microphone taxi 武术

wushu/martial arts 太极拳 taijiquan/shadow-boxing

1.5 加字翻译.


*音译词后加一个表示类属的范畴词。 例如:

Sardine 沙丁鱼 Pizza 比萨饼

Waltz 华尔兹舞 Champagne 香槟酒

Jacket 夹克衫 Bowling 保龄球

Shark 鲨鱼

? 2. 词语增减法:增词不增意,减词不减意

? 2.1 弥合语法差异的需要。(结构)

? 英汉在语法上存在某些明显的差异,如英语有冠词汉语没有;英语用代词比


(一) 代词增减 : 英译汉很多代词可省略,汉译英时可根据具体情况增加代词。

? 例: 1) They say he is a genius. Don’t put your hands in your pockets.

2) 小不忍则乱大谋。

? If one is not patient in small things, one will never be able to control great ventures.

(二)介词增减法 。由于英语介词种类繁多,使用频率高,而汉语介词相对较少,故英译汉多减介词,汉译英多增介词。例如:

? 4) He grasped John by the collar.

? 5) These are among the most important works of Lu Hsun.

The day was bright, with a fresh breeze blowing.

(三)关联词连词的增减。由于英语的词与词,句与句之间强调形式连接,因此连词种类繁多,使用广泛。而汉语的句子结构注重关系和逻辑顺序,因此对语序固定,关系自明的短语或句子,就减少了很多连接词的使用。故英译汉,多减少而汉译英多增加关联词和连词的使用。 例如:

? 5)Wise man love truth, whereas fools shun it.

? 智者热爱真理,愚者逃避真理。

? 6) The wind was so strong that he found it difficult to keep on his feet.

? 7) 男女老少都参加了战斗。

? Men and women, old and young, all joined in the battle.

? 8)跑得了和尚跑不了庙。

? The monk may run away, but the temple can’t run away with him.


? 1.Before he went to Africa, he learned how to ride and shoot.

? 骑马射箭

? 2.She had her hands full this morning: washing, cooking and cleaning.


? 2.2 弥合词义差异的需要 (意义)

(一)英语词汇的语义范围比汉语宽,英译汉增词,反之,英译汉时减词 。

(二 ) 汉语词义比英语宽,汉译英时用增词法,反之,汉译英时用减词法。 例如:

? 9) 苗头( symptoms of a bad trend) 襟怀( ample and simple bosom)


? 态度”:“问题”等范畴词,使译文含义清晰,行文流畅。反之,汉译英时不考虑这些

范畴词,把整个名词词组译成英语中的抽象名词即可。 例如:

1)各地领导部门要努力开拓就业门路Local authorities should work hard to create jobs.


Commerce, foreign trade, banking, insurance, securities, telecommunications, tourism, and intermediary services should be gradually opened to the outside world.

3)Ideally, one day, researchers will know enough about the genesis of earthquakes and the nature of particular faults to predict quakes directly.(增词)


4)Basically, the theory proposed, among other things, that the maximum speed possible in the universe is that of light;….. ( 增词)


5)在工作中,大家都必须杜绝浪费现象。We must put an end to waste in our work.

6)中国足球的落后状态必须改变。(减词) The backwardness of the Chinese football must be changed.

7)在人际关系问题上我们不要太浪漫主义。(减词)We should not be too romantic in interpersonal relations.

8)讨论的范围涉及中美关系,中俄关系…The discussion covers Sino-U.S. relation, Sino-Russion relation…

? 2.3 满足译文修辞上的需要 (表达习惯)

(一)译文中适当的地方增加词语,传达原文的语气,使译文具有文采而达到 “ 达 ” 的效果。

9) Women screamed, and kids howled, but the men stood silent, watching, interested in the outcome. ( 增词)

? 原译: 女人尖叫,小孩欢闹,男人们静静地站着观看,对结果感兴趣。

? 改译:只听到女人们在尖叫,小孩们在欢闹,男人们则静静地立在那儿袖手旁观,


10) Quiet and shy, he was never more comfortable than when at his workbench. (增词) ? 他生性沉静而腼腆,只有坐在工作凳上时才最为自在。

(二)原文中有些若直译过来,会使译文显得臃肿, 不够简洁精炼。因此,为使译文简练、紧凑、文气贯通,有必要把他们省略。

11)He read the words of the poem.他朗读起这首诗来。比较: 他朗读起这首诗中的词来。


His family was very poor, but he worked at his studies even in early childhood.


? There was a young man named Chen Hao. His family was so poor that they did not have

enough to eat or enough clothes to wear, and they lived in a small dilapidated house.

? There was a young man named Chen Hao, whose family was very poor. They lived in a

small, dilapidated house, and never had enough to eat or wear.

? 2.4 满足译文语境的需要 (背景知识)

(一)在原文化语境中原文中有些内容予以省略, 但在目的语语境中,译文采用增词法,将原文省略的内容明确化。

14)Those were the words that were to make the world blossom for me, “like Aaron’s rod, with flowers”. ( 增词)



15) This great scientist was born in New Zealand.


3. 词汇转类法: 翻译时在保持原文内容不变的前提下,改变原文中某些词的此类,以求译文通顺自然,合乎译入语的表达习惯。例如:

? 3.1动词-名词转类

1) The electronic computer is chiefly characterized by its accurate and rapid computation.


2) 汉语的特点之一是动词占优势。

One of the characteristics of the Chinese language is the predominance of the verb.

3) A glance through his office indow offers a panoramic view of the Washington Monument and the Lincoln Memorial.从他的办公室窗口可以一眼看到华盛顿纪念碑和林肯纪念馆的全景。

4) 他的相貌言谈像一个明星。 He looks and talks like a film star.

? 3.2 动词-介词转类

1)Some people are only after fame and position.有些人只是追求名位。

2) 现在经过十年寒窗之苦之后,她已获得了哈佛大学教育学院的硕士学位,并终于摆脱了救济。 Now, ten years later, she has gained her master’s degree from Harvard’s school of Education and is finally off welfare.

? 3.3 动词-形容词,副词转类

1)在向现代化迈进的征途上on the road towards modernization

2) She opened the windows to let fresh air in.他打开所有窗户,让新鲜空气进来。


3)他们迫切地想弄到消息。They were news-hungry.

4)比赛马上就要结束。The game will soon be over.

? 3.4 名词-形容词,副词转类

1)The boy is physically weak but mentally sound. 那孩子身体虽弱,但思想健康。

2)This issue is of great importance to all disabled people.这个问题对于残疾人来说至关重要。

3)I have the great honor to inform you that your proposal has been adopted.我很荣幸地通知你,你的建议被采纳了。


The instrument has been welcomed by users because of its stability in serviceability, reliability in operation and simplicity in maintenance.


The air was fresh and fragrant; it gave people a feeling of exceptional cooling and comfort.

3.5 形容词-副词转类

1)It was a clear and unemotional exposition of the President’s reasons for willing to begin a Chinese-American dialogue.


2) The dramatic changes in China’s electronics impressed these foreign counterparts deeply. 中国在电子技术方面的戏剧性变化给外国同行们留下了深刻的印象。

4. 反译法: 正话反说与反话正说

? 英汉语言表达否定的差异:



英语词句中含有never,no,not,non,un, im, in, ir, less等成分以及汉语词句中含有不,没,无,未,甭,别,休,莫,非,勿等成分的反说。不含这些的为正说。

? 例如: 乱发(正说)ragged hair(正说) uncombed hair(反说)冷酷的心(正说) stony

heart(正说) remorseless heart(反说)非同寻常(反说) out of the ordinary (正说) unusual (反说)

4.1 正话反译:

? 1)她非常勉强地来了。She came very unwillingly.

? 2)她光着脚走进了房间。 She came into the room with no shoes on.

? 3)Her husband hates to see her stony face.她丈夫不愿见到她那张毫无表情的脸。 ? 4)Stop talking nonsense! 别胡说八道!

4.2 反话正译:

? 1)我不在的时候,办公室由卡罗林负责。 Caroline will be in charge of the office

during my absence.

? 2)他朝它开了枪,但未射中。He shot at it, but missed.

? 3)我对你的表现很不满意。 I’m far from pleased with your behavior.

? 4)她说这是真的,但我们不这样认为。 She says it’s genuine, but we think otherwise. ? 5)No smoking!严禁吸烟!

? 6)油漆未干!Wet paint!

? 7)勿踏草地!Keep off the grass!



1)His father is a man who forgive and forgets.他父亲非常宽容。

2)The room is cozy and comfortable.这个房间非常舒适。3)要不然叫他趁早回心转意,有多少好处Otherwise, the sooner she changes her mind the better for her.


The carpets made in our company are beautiful and magnificent.


The Chinese on both sides of The Taiwan Straits are of the same flesh and blood.

6. 换形译法


1)The whole project was completed in a quarter of a year. 整个工程在三个月内(四分之一年)就完成了。

2)Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent a new nation. 八十七年(四个二十加七年)前,我们的先辈在这块大陆上创建了一个新的国家。

3)谣传说,七月下旬将有大地震。 Rumor has it that there will be a big earthquake in the last ten days of July.
