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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/23 21:31:33 优秀作文

篇一:Unit 6 At the snack bar

Unit 6 At the snack bar (story time) 柳玉洁

? Topic: ordering food

? Focus:

noodles, rice

: a cup of coffee, a cup of tea, a glass of juice, a glass of milk, some noodles, some rice.

1. ----would you like a/an/some…?

----Yes, please./No, thanks(thank you)

2. ----What would you like?

---- I’d like a/an/some…, please.

Functions: 1. Enable Ss to listen, read and say the words and sentence

2. Enable Ss to use the words and sentence in their daily life.

3.Enable Ss to communicate and cooperate with each other. Aids: PPT, video, multi-media, word cards

Teaching procedures (35mins) 1. T greets Ss: Good morning boys and girls.

2. Brain storm: food(hot dog, ice cream, egg, cake, sweet, pie)

T: Can you name some food? Yes, hot dog, spell.(T writes down “ice


T: great. Anything else?

3. Free talk: Do you like sweets? Would you like a sweet? Here you are. What would you like? (T prepare some sweets, a sandwich, a hamburger, a cake, a pie).

1. Sing a song:

2. Welcome to my house

3. Make dialogue with your partner by using the sentence pattern: ----would you like a/an/some…? ----Yes, please./No, thanks(thank you) ----What would you like?

---- I’d like a/an/some…, please. (T prepares some pictures of food for Ss to talk about).

4. Ask the T

1. T: Mike, Helen and their father are having some meals, Please watch a cartoon and answer this question: Where are they? (T plays the video) (answer: They are at the snack bar).

(T puts the name of the unit which is written on the card to the blackboard.)

2. T: read after me: snack, (stress on the pronounce of “a”)

bar, (stress on the pronounce of “ar”)

snack bar (PPT出示中文:快餐店)

at the snack bar.

at(PPT 出示:at 表示存在或出现的地点、场所、 位置、空间)

T: Can you think of any other similar word? (PPT 出示中文:你能想出和at 同类的单词。T 用一个盒子展示in, on, under, behind的意思)

3. T concludes: Yes, they are at the snack bar. And they are ordering

some food.(PPT出示:order some food 点餐) Now,open your books, turn to page thirty-eight. Read by yourself and fill in this blanket. (1 min)

After 1 min, T clap her hands for three times and invites Ss to say the answer.

T: Now, you are Mike, Can you tell me: What would you like? S: I would like a hamburger and a glass of milk.

T: Good. How do you know?(If the kids can not understand this

sentence, T leads them: in Picture 1, What would you like? I’d like a hamburger and a glass of milk.)

S: in Picture 1, What would you like? I’d like a hamburger and a glass of milk.(If the Ss can not answer himself, T gives some guidance and other Ss can help him by saying it together.)

T: Wonderful. T repeats: Mike would like a glass of milk. ( T draws a glass on the blackboard to help Ss understand what is “a glass”). T: We don’t say a milk. No. But we say “a glass of milk”. Milk is uncountable. We can not count milk. OK?

Ss: Ok. (If the Ss can not understand, then the T uses Chinese to explain the word “uncountable”. )

T: Next one, you are Helen. Can you tell me: What would you like? S: I would like some noodles.

T: Great. How do you know?

Ss: In picture 1. What would you like? I’d like some noodles. T: Cool. T repeats: Helen would like some noodles.

T: We don’t say a noodle. No. But we say some noodles. Because we can not count how many noodles we have. The word “Noodles” is uncountable. So we say some noodles. OK?

Ss: Ok. ((If the Ss can not understand, then the T uses Chinese to explain the word “uncountable”. )

T:Next one, you are Dad. Can you tell me: What would you like? S: I would like a sandwich and a cup of coffee.

T: Well done. How do you know?

(转 载 于:wWW.smHAida.cOM 海达范文网:at,the,snack,bar课件)

Ss: In picture 2, “What about you, Dad?” “I’d like a sandwich and a cup of coffee.”

T:Good job. T repeats: Dad would like a sandwich and a cup of tea. ( T draws a cup on the blackboard to help Ss understand what is “a cup”).

T: We don’t say a tea. No. Tea is uncountable. We can not count tea. We don’t say a glass of tea either. Usually not. No. But we say “a cup of tea”. OK?

Ss: Ok.

4. Listen to the tape and pay attention to the intonation.

T: Let’s listen to the tape, read after it. This time, please pay attention to the intonations(T uses gestures and body languages to help Ss understand the meaning of “intonation”. Ss can understand this because I practice this every new class.)

Ss: Ok.

(T plays the video, T repeats, and uses finger gestures to help them figure out the intonation, Ss follow the tape and need to write down the intonation. T doesn’t give out intonation on the PPT because every

篇二:Unit 6 At the snack bar

篇三:译林版Unit6 At the snack bar备课

The first period 教学内容: Story time


1、通过游戏活动,能初步感知、体验单词“at, coffee, tea, juice, rice, fish, big, snack bar, hamburger, a glass of, noodles, dad, sandwich, a cup of”并理解单词的意思。

2、通过在情境中交流,能听说读: “What would you like? I?d like …, please. Anything else?”并会运用所学句型。




1、通过游戏活动,能初步感知、体验单词“at, coffee, tea, juice, rice, fish, big, snack bar, hamburger, a glass of, noodles, dad, sandwich, a cup of”并理解单词的意思。

2、通过在情境中交流,能听说读: “What would you like? I?d like …, please. Anything else?”并会运用所学句型。教学难点: 能初步把自己表达的内容在老师的帮助下写下来。





Step1 Greeting & Warm up


T: Hello, class. Today I have some food. Look, here they are.(出示小纸袋)

T: Hello, xx. Would you like a pie?

S: No, thank you.

T: What about a hot dog?

S: Yes, please. Thank you.

T: You are welcome.

2. 用同样的方法问几个学生, 以旧带新,教学单词“a hamburger, a sandwich, some noodles”

3. Read the words: ” a hamburger, a sandwich, some noodles”

Practice in pairs. Act the dialogue.

Step2 Presentation

1. T: Oh dear. I?m very hungry. Are you hungry?

S: Yes.

T: Well, let?s go to a snack bar. 导入课题: ”At the snack bar”.

S: Read the topic together.

T: Would you like some noodles?

S: No, thanks.

T: What would you like?

S: I?d like some rice.

T: What about you, xx?

S: I?d like a glass of milk.

询问两、三个学生后,教师板书:What would you like? What about you?

Teach: ”rice, a glass of milk” Read one by one.

Teach: “What would you like? What about you?” Read one by one.

2. 出示图片引导学生问答。

T: What would you like?

S: I?d like a glass of juice.

T: Anything else?

S: A cup of coffee and a cup of tea.

Teach: “anything else, a cup of coffee, a cup of tea, a glass of juice” Read one by one.

3. 师生示范串联对话

T: What would you like?

S: I?d like a hamburger .

T: What about you?

S: I?d like a sandwich.

T: Anything else?

S: A glass of juice.

T: Here you are .

Work in pairs.

Act the dialogue.

Step3 Story time

1. Listen to the tape and think:

T: Where are Mike, Helen and their dad ?

S: They are at the snack bar.

再次揭题:Today we?ll learn a new lesson “At the snack bar”

S: Read the topic.

2. Watch the cartoon and match.

T: Where would Mike like?

S: He?d like a hamburger and a glass of milk.

T: Where would Helen like?

S: She?d like some noodles.

T: What would dad like?

S: He?d like a sandwich and a cup of coffee.



Helen的图 一杯牛奶的图

Dad的图 一些面条的图

Mike的图 一个三明治的图


3. Watch the cartoon again and finish the table.

S: What would Mike like?

S: He would like a glass of milk and a hamburger.

S: What would Helen like?

S: She would like some noodles.

S: What would Mr. Brown like?

S: He would like a sandwich and a cup of coffee. 4. Listen to the tape and read after it. ( 注意模仿其语音语调。)

5. Read in three. (分角色朗读对话。)

6. Act the dialogue. (小组表演展示对话。)

Step 4 Consolidation

1. 再次读课文将对话改编成短文进行填空。

Mike, Helen and their father are at the . They would like some and Mike would like a glass of and a . Helen would like some and a cup of 2. 模拟场景创编对话。

Show some pictures of food and drinks.

Ask each other and act the dialogue in groups. ( 仿照课文,创编点餐对话。)




2. 用What would you like? I?d like …, please. Anything else? 的句型来进行点餐。

3. 用所学的句型试着创编对话,进行点餐,课后小组交流。


Unit 6 At the snack bar

A: What would you like ? B: I?d like …

A: What about you ? B: I?d like …

A: Anything else? B: I?d like …


The second period 教学内容: Rhyme time, Fun time


1. 能理解句型“What would you like? I?d like …, please. Anything else?”及其回答的含义,能正确运用到实际中进行描述。

2. 在第一课时基础上,能通过游戏比较熟练地正确说出物品的摆设。

3. 能正确诵读歌谣:What would you like?


1. 能理解句型“What would you like? I?d like …, please. Anything else?”的含义,能正确运用到实际中进行描述。

2. 能正确诵读歌谣:What would you like?


灵活运用What would you like? I’d like… Would you like…? …, please. 进行点餐。 教学过程

Step1: Free talk and review

1. T: Are you hungry now?

How are you today?

What would you like?

Would you like…?

What about you?

2. Review:

T: What would Mike like?

S: He would like a glass of milk and a hamburger.

T: What would Helen like?

S: She would like some noodles.

T: What would Mr. Brown like?

S: He would like a sandwich and a cup of coffee.

篇四:Unit6 at the snack bar

篇五:Unit 6 At the snack bar





