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篇一:八年级英语I Love Autumn教学设计

八年级英语I Love Autumn教学设计

篇二:Lesson 13 I Love Autumn--教案

i love autumn教案

Lesson 13 I Love Autumn (two periods)

Teaching Content:

1. The words and expressions that must be grasped :moon, celebrate,

grandmother, grandfather, wonder

2. The words that you can only know: Mid-Autumn Festival, moon cake,

national, National Day, celebration, Thanksgiving, Canadian, Thank you

for, in early/late November

3. Talking about season.

Teaching Aims:

1. Learn to make plan about your study and your birthday.

2. Know about the differences between China and the Western countries.

3. Understanding the e-mail meaning.

Teaching Important Points:

1. Learn to write e-mails.

2. Talk about your plan and what you will do.

Teaching Difficult Points: Simple Future Tense

Lesson Preparation: The objects of Mid-Autumn Festival.

Lessoning Aids :Audiotape, recorder, sliders,flashcards, pictures Type of lesson: New lesson Teaching procedure:

一、 温故知新。 Check some words and phrases of lesson 13.

二、 激情导入。

Step1.Introduce the unit topic: Families get together to celebrate. When

there is a big festival in China, the family members always get together to

celebrate. Then what’s the festival in October in China? What festival do

you know except Mid-Autumn Festival? Help the students to respond in

an appropriate way.

Step2. Remind the students that in the previous book Li Ming and his

family celebrated the Chinese New Year in China and Jenny and her

family celebrated Christmas in Canada.

Step3. What do you know about the Western festivals? What festival is

coming soon in Canada? If someone knows what it is, ask him to describe


三、 新课学习。

Step one: Showing the teaching aims on the blackboard and asking

students to read them together.

1. Remembering some new words and phrases of lesson 13 work in


2. Talking about season.

3. Understanding the e-mail meaning.

Step two: Come to “THINK ABOUT IT” Work in group and talk about it.

Step three: Learning lesson 13 by themselves in groups.

1. Listen to the passage and correct pronunciation.

2. Listen to the dialogues and tick the correct answers or pictures.

(Listening once or three times for finishing off number 2 of Let’s Do It.)

Step four:

1. Read the lesson and answers the questions. (At first, read the questions

and knows the meaning.

Second, read the dialogue silently and find the answers to the questions. )

Q1.How many festivals are there in October in China?

Q2.What will Li Ming’s family do on the on the night of Mid-Autumn


Q3.What did Li Ming’s mother buy?

Q4.When is National Day?

Q5.What will Li Ming’s mother and father do during National Day?

Q6.Why does Li Ming like autumn best?

2. Then, read the dialogue one sentence by one sentence and find

something that it’s important or you don’t understand it.

3. At last, Write down something important on your notebook and explain.

Language notes: 1. tonight =the night of today

2. My mother bought moon cakes, and I have eaten many of them.

3. My mother and father will not have to work for seven days!

have to do sth. 不得不做某事 have to 情态动词

强调客观 must 情态动词

强调主观 has to had to will have to doesn’t have to didn’t have to will

not have to Step five:Work in groups. Ask some volunteers to come

to the front and say what they often do on Mid-Autumn Festival? What will they do this year? Did they have any plans? If National Day is not familiar to them, you can help them to remind and make a plan. Step six: Work in groups. Finish project of Let’s Do It and discuss it with each other. Then present it to the whole class. Review how to express season and summarize this e-mail.

四、 达标训练,作业布置。

1. Finish some exercises of lesson 13 in exercise book.

2. Finish some exercises of lesson 13 in learning design.

3. Do some exercise that you think it important of homework.



篇三:Lesson 17 I Love Autumn教案

Lesson 17 I Love Autumn! 教案

Teaching Aims:

①. Learn the new words \phrases\important sentences well.

1. Aim of Knowledge

②. Learn to use “wonder”.

2. Aim of Ability

Talk about Mid-Autumn Day and Thanksgiving.

3. Aim of Emotion

Help students know about similarities and differences between Chinese and Canadian culture.

Teaching Tools:

English book, Tape-recorder and so on.

Teaching procedures:

Step 1 Greeting:

Ask and answer between the teacher and the students,

“Who is on duty today?”

“Is everyone here today?”

“what’s the weather like today ?”

Step 2 Review:

Group work : Ask the students to talk about Chinese festivals and then one student from each group to answer the questions:

“Do you know of any festivals during the year?”

“What Chinese festivals are in autumn?”.

Step 3 Presentation

Look at the pictures and teach the new words:

Mid-Autumn Festival moon moon cake national celebrate celebration Thanksgiving grandmother grandfather Canadian wonder Step 4 Listening and reading:

Listen to the tape carefully and then answer the questions.

1.How old will Li Ming be?

2.When is National Day?

3.How long won’t Li Ming’s parents have to work ?

4.Do Canadians have festivals in autumn?

Read the e-mails . Then check the answers.

Step 5 Read the e-mails again and explains some useful phrases. ①We will watch the moon tonight, and look for Chang’e.

②Thank you for the e-mail !.

③Have fun on your birthday, Li Ming!.

④My mother and father will not have to work for seven days. ⑤I will go to my grandmother and grandfather’s.

⑥I wonder------.

Step 6 Discussion:

Ask the students to read the e-mails. Then have a further discussion: What is Mid-Autumn Day?

Do you say something about Chang’e ?

What do people usually do on National Day ?

Do you know anything about Thanksgiving ?

Step7 Exercises in class:

1)Complete the sentences with the proper words.

1.There is no air or water on the _______(月球).

2.The best season is ________________(秋季).

3.People eat moon cakes on____________________( 中秋节).

4.Ocotber 1 is _____________(国庆节).

5.I _______(想知道) if he is my cousin.

2)Choose the best answer:

1.Fall is another way of saying __

A.spring B. summer C. autumn D. winter

2. Chinese always ____the moon in the open air on Mid-Autumn Day.

A.look B. see C. show D. watch

3. National Day is also ______autumn_____ October 1.

A.In , in B. in ,on C. on, on D on, in

4.Thanks _____me to your home.

A. for asking B. to ask C. about asking D. in asking

5.—How long are you staying there? --_____

A.Next week B. on Sunday C. A month D. Once a week

6.I ______if it is big enough.

A.wonder B.wondered C. wondering D. want

7.Canadians celebrate Thanksgiving in ______ October.

A.late B.later C. early D. earlier

3).Fill in each blank with “watch,see,look at,read”。

1.My grandfather likes _________ books.

2.Brian enjoys __________footballs games.

3.It is dark now.I can’t _____anything .

4. My English teacher often says “______the blackboard ”in English class.

Step 8 Project:

Discuss in groups and write a short passage about 60—80 words. It’s Li Ming’s birthday soon. Mark a plan for his birthday party. What things do you need?

Where will the party be ?

Who will come to the party?

Who will bring the birthday cake?

Step 9: Class closing

End the class by summing up what the students learned. Say, “What did we learned about a Canadian festival. What is the name of the festival? Thanksgiving!”

篇四:八年级英语上册 Unit 3 Lesson 13 I Love Autumn教案 (新版)冀教版



篇五:Lesson13I Love Autumn
