作业帮 > 字数作文 > 教育资讯


来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/23 09:25:42 字数作文










OneOneTwoTwoThreeThree数到3我闭上眼睛 Cometome我好痛苦


OneOneTwoTwoThreeThree数到3睁开我的眼睛的话 CometomeAh








OneOneTwoTwoThreeThree数到3我闭上眼睛 Cometome我好痛苦


OneOneTwoTwoThreeThree数到3睁开我的眼睛的话 Cometome我好痛苦




OneOneTwoTwoThreeThree数到3我闭上眼睛 Cometome我好痛苦


OneOneTwoTwoThreeThree数到3睁开我的眼睛的话 Cometome我好痛苦




One,每一天一起做早操; Two,两只手左右摇摇摇; Three,数三下向前弯弯腰, 大家做早操。

Four,手牵手一起深呼吸, Five,左右左向前踏踏步; Six,最好玩就是呼啦圈, 大家做早操。

一二三四,二二三四, 天天做操就有好身体; One two three four, Two two three four, 一起来do it with me !

Seven ,七个人一起压压腿,Eight,象兔子一样跳跳跳; Nine ,拍拍手然后伸伸腰, Ten,十分健康!

一二三四,二二三四, 天天做操就有好身体; One two three four, Two two three four, 一起来do it with me !

Seven ,七个人一起压压腿,Eight,象兔子一样跳跳跳; Nine ,拍拍手然后伸伸腰, Ten,十分健康!




One,one,please don’t run Two,two,go to the zoo Three,three,look at me Four,four,draw a line Five,five,clap your hands 手指谣第二首

Five little birds without any home Five little trees in a row

Come and build your nests in the trees We will rock you to and fro 手指谣第三首

Five rabbits were hiding in the woods one day 1-2-3-4-5 jumped out and then they ran away 手指谣第四首《Two little birds》

Two little birds sitting on the hill.one name’s Jack,one name’s Jill.

fly away Jack,fly away Jill.come back Jack,fly away Jill 手指谣第五首

One finger one finger turn turn turn,turn to a worm ,crow crow crow.

two finger two finger turn turn turn,turn to a rabbit ,jump jump jump

three finger three finger turn turn turn,turn to a cat ,mew mew mew

four finger four finger turn turn turn,turn to a butterfly ,fly fly fly

five finger five finger turn turn turn,turn to a tiger, wow wow wow 手指谣第六首《Open Shut》 open shut, open shut, give a little clap.

creep creep, creep creep, give a little flap. 手指谣第七首

One finger one finger. Turn turn turn. Turn to a knife ,kaci kaci kaci.

Two fingers two fingers. Turn turn turn. Turn to a rabbit. Jump,jump,jump.

Three fingers three fingers. Turn turn turn. Turn to a fork. Cha,cha,cha.

Four fingers four fingers.Turn turn turn. Turn to a plate. Yummy yummy yummy.

five fingers, five fingers, Turn turn turn, Turn to a shark ,oh shark shark shark. 手指谣第八首《look》

Look look what can you see? I can see a bird in a

tree,I can see a monkey drinking tea, I can see a tiger watching TV

手指谣第九首《one finger》

One finger one finger jump jump jump ,put your finger up ,put your finger down ,put it on your head ,put it on your toes put it on your knees 手指谣第十首《Dance your fingers》

Dance your fingers up, dance your fingers down. Dance your fingers to the side, dance them all around.

Dance them on your head, dance them on your shoulders,

dance them on your tummy and put them all to bed.


Here is a beehive,where are the bees?Hidden away will nobody sees,watch and you see them,come out of the hive, one two three four five.

手指谣第十二首《Five Little Monkeys》

Five little monkeys jumping on the bed,one fell off and bossed his head,mom called doctor and doctor says:”No more monkeys jumping on the

bed.” Four,three,two,one...... 手指谣第十三首《clap your hands》

Everybody clap your hands, everybody stamp your feet, clap your hands .stamp your feet 手指谣第十四首

row row row your hands,as slowly as you can ,row row row your hands,as quickly as you can,clap clap(转 载于:wWw.SmHaIDA.cOM 海达 范文 网:歌词one,two,three) clap your hands as slowly as you can ,clap clap clap your hands ,as quickly as you can. 手指谣第十五首 《A rabbit》

A rabbit a rabbit has red red eyes,oh cha oh cha oh cha cha cha

A rabbit a rabbit has long long ears,ah wu ah wu ah wu wu wu

A rabbit a rabbit has short short tail,oh pia oh pia oh pia pia pia 手指谣第十六首

Walking walking walking walking,jump jump jump ,jump jump jump Running




running,now let’s stop,now let’s stop. 手指谣第十七首《My face》 eyes, eyes,chua chua chua. nose, nose,heng heng heng.

mouth, mouth,mo mo mo. ears, ears,a a a.

hands, hands, clap clap clap 手指谣第十八首

Up,up,pia-pia down,down,pia-pia Up,pia down,pia up,down,pia-pia 手指谣第十九首《little Johnny》

Little Johnny,yes pa pa ,eating candy ,no pa pa ,telling lines no papa,open your mouth ,sorry pa pa


Knock-knock-knock,who is it?It’s mummy Open the door,come in,please

Oh,no,big bad wolf,go ou,big bad wolf,go out 手指谣第二十一首《Little bee》 Little bee,little bee,round,round,round Little bee,little bee,song,song,song Z~~~~~~~~~~~

手指谣第二十二首《Peek peek peek》 Peek peek, peek a boo Peek peek,I See you!

手指谣第二十三首《Wash your hands》

Wash your hands wash your hands sha la la la la Wash your hands wash your hands sha la la la la

Brush your teeth brush your teeth chi chi chi chi chi Brush your teeth brush your teeth chi chi chi chi chi

手指要第二十四首《Where is thumbkin》 Where is thumbkin? Where is thumbkin? Here I am here I am,how are you this morning,very well I thank you,run away,run away

Where is pointer/tall man/ring man/pinkey...... 英文手指谣第二十五首《Wiggle》 Wiggle wiggle wiggle .shake shake shake Roll roll roll .fingers run away 英文手指谣第二十六首《Oh rabbit》

Oh rabbit , Oh rabbit , Oh rabbit ,red red eyes oh chua chua chua chua

Oh rabbit , Oh rabbit , Oh rabbit,long long ears oh a a a

Oh rabbit , Oh rabbit , Oh rabbit,short short tail oh,pia pia pia

英文手指谣第二十七首《Ten little fingers》 One little, two little ,three little fingers, Four little, five little ,six little fingers, Seven little , eight little ,nine little fingers, Ten fingers on my hands.

英文手指谣第二十八首《One Two Three Four》 One one run run run

One one run run run two two jump jump jump Three three swim swim swim four four fly fly fly

英文手指谣第二十九首《One little finger》 One little finger , one little finger , One little finger tap tap tap Point to the ceiling , point to the floor Put it on your nose

英文手指谣第三十首《Head shoulders knees and toes》

Head shoulders knees and toes, Knees and toes, knees and toes. Head shoulders knees and toes, Eyes ears mouth and nose.

英文手指谣第三十一首《You are my sunshine 》 You are my sunshine my only sunshine You make me happy when skies are gray You'll never know dear how much i love you So please don't take my sunshine away

英文手指谣第三十二首《Twinkle twinkle little star》

Twinkle twinkle little star How I wonder what you are Up above the world so high Like a diamond in the sky Twinkle twinkle little star How I wonder what you are Up above the world so high Like a diamond in the sky




Here we go.

握拳下蹲 起立还原

xx. One two three four.


one two three four


Wake up , wake up . stretch your body. 手交叉,右手在前,下蹲 / 手两侧打开/ 握拳下蹲 伸手起立 还原

Cover the mouth and roll your tummy.

右手四下 动左脚 /左手在前交叉四下 动右脚

Put on the T-shirt .


Put on the shoes.


/ Let’s do it today.

伸左手 右手 动右手,左脚

舒缓动作 4个八拍



Warm up the body

One two three four, hands up.

左手放右肩,右手放左肩。左手左肩,右手右肩。双手举过头连击两下,再击第三下。 Five six seven eight, hands down.

左手放右肩,右手放左肩。左手左肩,右手右肩。弯腰连击两下,再击第三下。 One two three four, jump jump.

左手放右肩,右手放左肩。左手左肩,右手右肩。左手叉腰右手向上举两下,同时跳两下。 And five six seven eight, turn around.

左手放右肩,右手放左肩。左手左肩,右手右肩。 向右翘臀连拍两下,再拍第三下。 One two three four, clap your hands.

左手放右肩,右手放左肩。左手左肩,右手右肩。胸前连拍两下,再拍第三下。 Five six seven eight, touch your knees.

左手放右肩,右手放左肩。左手左肩,右手右肩。 十指相扣,先抬左脚跳一下,再跳右脚。 One two three four, shrug your shoulders. 左手放右肩,右手放左肩。左手左肩,右手右肩。 向左倾斜,双手放肩抖两下,向右同上。 Five six seven eight, stamp your feet. 左手放右肩,右手放左肩。左手左肩,右手右肩。 先抬左脚原地踏步12下。


Making friends


Get on the bus, beep beep beep.


We’re coming to the wonderland.

双手叉腰,向前点左脚跟再向右。右手任叉腰,左手从右到左顾嘎嘎三下,身体随之转动。 Nod your head and wave your hand.


Meeting the teacher and dear friends.

双手叉腰,向前点左脚跟再向右。右手任叉腰,右手从左到右顾嘎嘎三下,身体随之转动。 Get on the bus, beep beep beep.


We’re coming to the wonderland.

双手叉腰,向前点左脚跟再向右。右手任叉腰,左手从右到左顾嘎嘎三下,身体随之转动。 Nod your head and wave your hand.


Meeting the teacher and dear friends.


(Nice to see you my friend!)


Hello, hello,

左脚向左迈一步,并转向左边,右手向右上方伸直,左手向左后方伸直,摆动两次。 how are you?


I’m fine, I’m fine, fine,


thank you.


You can call my name,


you can call me friend.


Nice to see you.


Let’s having fun!


Hello, hello,

左脚向左迈一步,并转向左边,右手向右上方伸直,左手向左后方伸直,摆动两次。 how are you?


I’m fine, I’m fine, fine,


thank you.


You can call my name,


you can call me friend.


Nice to see you.


Let’s having fun!



Hip-hop Dance

Hip-hop, hip-hop, hip hip.

左脚动一下,双手交叉右手在上。右脚向右前方,双手打开。收右脚,交叉双手。再左脚向左后方,打开双手。收左脚,双手交叉。 Wave your right hands up.


Hip-hop, hip-hop, hip hip.


Stretch your body along.


Hip-hop, hip-hop, hip hip.

左脚动一下,双手交叉右手在上。右脚向右前方,双手打开。收右脚,交叉双手。再左脚向左后方,打开双手。收左脚,双手交叉。 Give your friend a big big hug.

左脚动一下,双手交叉右手在上。右脚向右前方,双手打开。收右脚,交叉双手。再左脚向左后方,打开双手。收左脚,双手交叉。 Hip-hop, hip-hop, hip hip.


Stretch your body along.


London bridge

London bridge is falling down, falling down, falling down. London bridge is falling down, my fair lady .

Build it up with iron bars, iron bars, iron bars.

Build it up with iron bars, my fair lady.

Iron bars will bend and break , bend and break, bend and break. Iron bars will bend and break, my fair lady.

Here's a prisoner I have got, I have got, I have got.

Here's the key and lock her up,lock her up, my fair lady.



Once I caught a fish alive.

Six, seven,eight,nine,ten.

Then I let it go again.

Why did you let it go?

'Cause it bit my finger so.

Which finger did it bite?

This little finger on the right.

Good Morning

Good morning good morning

To you to you and to you

Good morning good morning

to you and to you

Name name and my friends

Name name name name

Good morning good morning

to you and to you

Teddy bear

Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear,

Turn around.

Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear,

Touch the ground.。

Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear,

stand up now

Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear,

take a bow.

Twelve months

January, February, March,

April, May and June,

July and August, September, October, November, December.
