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篇一:雅思写作表达练习 每天一篇 50 writing pieces

Exercise 1

It's the age of advertisement. The ad companies have acute senses to activate the public to like the products the sports players recommend. If a woman has been acknowledged as the best tennis-player in the world, she can acquire a lot of money from advertisements. Of course, she must pay some additional charges as taxes to the Tax Administration. Usually, the woman will adjust herself to the change of her life and soon she will adapt herself to it. As a sports player, her earnings isn't always adequate to meet her needs. In addition to a beautiful house, she also wants to buy luxury cars. It's normal that a famous sports player's cars add up to five. In addition, some rich sports players liked to buy acres of land as their properties, thus they can have their outdoor activities conveniently. Sometimes some acquaintances of the sports players are popular too because their house are adjacent to the players. Their houses adjoin the players', which make them proud and happy. An adjective for this phenomenon is, “snobbish”.


It’s the age of advertisement. The advertise companies have acute sences to activate the publice to like the products the sports players recommended. If a woman has been acknowledged as the best tennis-players in the world, she can acquire a lot of money from advertisements. Of course, she must pay some additional charges

Exercise 2

The college admitted Steve when he was 15. The news was all over the small village.Not only he himself, but also his parent felt happy for this. They always fought alongside him. There was a bill along with the college notice, which upset them. The family was not rich at all; they had no radio, let alone a television. But they went all out to afford the higher education for him. After all, they had only one son. Fortunately, the college made allowances for Steve's situation and awarded him an allowance of five thousand dollars. When everything was all right, Steve went to college. In all, there were 30 students in his class. Steve learned a lot at class. He knew brass is an alloy of copper and zinc. Besides this, he knew sometimes hemp was used to alleviate pain. Also, he could read the Latin alphabet correctly. Steve liked all the subjects but history. He had heard enough such as “Britain in alliance with France once defeated a number of smaller countries.”, “Britain was an ally of America in both World Wars. They were allied countries.”, and so on. But allowing for the graduation, he still got A in every subject. The teacher allocated duties to all the students evry Monday, and Steve always finished his part first. So the teacher alleged that Steve was the most promising student in the class. 一所学院在史蒂夫15岁时接受了他。这个消息遍及了村庄。不但他自己,而且他的父母都为此高兴。他们总是与他并肩作战。与大学通知书一起来的一张账单让他们心烦。这个家庭一点也不富裕,他们没有收音机,更不用说电视了。但他们竭尽全力为儿子提供高等教育。毕竟,他们只有一个儿子。幸运的是,学员体谅史蒂夫的处境并发给他一项5000美元的津贴。所有事情都顺利后,史蒂夫上学了。他的班上总共有30名学生。史蒂夫在课上学会了很多。他知道了黄铜是铜和锌的合金。除此,他还知道有时候大麻用来减轻疼痛。还有,他可以无误地读出拉丁字母表。史蒂夫喜欢除了历史以外的所有课程。他听够了什么“英国与法国联盟曾经击败了许多小国家”“在两次世界大战中,英国是美国的一个同盟国,他们是同盟的国家”等等。但考虑到毕业,他的每门课都得了A。每周一老师给所有学生分配任务,史蒂夫总是第一个完成。因此老师断言史蒂夫是班上最有前途的学生。

Exercise 3

In Paul's youth, he had the ambition of being a famous basketball player. As an amateur, he found great amusement in playing basketball. An ambitious boy usually worked hard until one day he broke his leg. The ambulance drove along with noisy whirling whistles toward the hospital. His parents alternated in looking after him. Once he recovered, Paul amended his life goal. He began to have interest in political affairs. At the age of 40, he was appointed ambassador to Britain. He told the news to his girlfriend at once and he proposed to her. He said to her, “My dear, my savings amount to 300 thousand dollars. We have ample money to decorate our wedding room. I just bought an amplifier yesterday. And I prefer to an ampere meter being made of aluminum even though it has analog to another one. ” But he was amazed to hear her ambiguous answer, “Maybe?.”. Paul had no alternative but to wait. There were a few alterations to the timetable and the next month he flew to Britain. The airplane flew at an altitude of 20000 ft. Paul felt something wrong and soon lost his mind. When he woke up, he was told that the airplane had crashed and he broke his leg, once again! By analogy, we could guess that Paul would amend his life goal once again!


Exercise 4

An Australian, Mr. Mason, was charged with being in debt! On the day of trial, there was a great attendance at the court. Every audience was attentive to what he said. Mr. Mason used to be an athlete. But he had a dream of being an astronaut. In his mind, astronomy had atom theory were much more attractive than sports games. He paid attention to all kinds of space information. And he borrowed too much money to rent a spacecraft. But he hadn’t paid off his debt yet. Mr. Mason gave assurance that his debts should be paid soon. His sincere attitude was so moving that he attained his freedom. But he attributed this to his attorney. After that, Mr. Mason worked in a store during the day. And he augmented his income by teaching in the evenings. He used tapes as aural material to teach English. By the end of that year, he paid off all his debt. So Mr. Mason decided to cross the Atlantic Ocean as a trip. He attached a label to his baggage then went aboard. It’s a day of nice atmospheric pressure. He was astonished to feel the atmosphere of peace and calm on the sea. It reminded him of his dream again! 一名澳大利亚人,梅森先生被控欠债!法院审判的那天,许多人出席了。每个听众都很留神他说的话。梅森先生曾经是个运动员。但他的梦想是成为一名宇航员。他的概念中,天文学和原子理论比体育比赛要有吸引力多了。他注意各种各样的太空信息。并且他借了太多的钱来租一条太空船。但他迄今还没有还清债务。梅森先生保证很快会还清。他那诚恳的态度如此感人,因此他获得了自由。但他把这归于他的辩护律师。那之后,梅森先生白天在一家店里工作,晚上则教书来增加收入。他用磁带作为听觉教材来教英语。在年底之前,他付清了所有债务。于是梅森先生决定横渡大西洋来旅游。他在行李上贴上一个标签后上了船。那天气压很好。他很惊讶地感觉到海上那种平和宁静的气氛。这让他又想起了他的理想!

Exercise 5

Sam received a letter from his beloved’s parents. His beloved died from an accident and was buried beneath her house. Sam lost his consciousness. When he woke up, he saw a doctor. He had a bias against doctors. But he made believe he behaved respectfully toward them. The doctor hadn’t much belief in his behavior for Sam’s eyes betrayed him. He said to Sam, “At best we can cure your body since we make the best use of the medical instruments here. Beware of your mind, you must try your best to cure it.” The next week, when the doctor came to see Sam, he was reading the Bible. There was another visitor besides him. It’s a beautiful nurse. She smiled at Sam, “If you want to know more about the Bible, you can look up the bibliography. ” Sam was bewildered by her smile. Next, they had a dialogue. “Fresh air is beneficial to your health. The bent branches are covered with ripe berries. Let’s go to pick berries tomorrow.” “It’s no benefit to me at all, I’d better stay here. Besides, I bet it will rain tomorrow.” But the next day, the weather had taken a turn for the better and they did go out. After a long struggle, Sam finally got the best of (got the better of) himself.


Exercise 6

The government decided to build a bridge between a bleak island and downtown. Several companies bid for the contract. And one of them won. The workers stood on board, accepting the blessing from the priest. He bid them good luck. It’s springtime. Flowers were blooming (blossoming) all over the island. The engineer who took charge of the team was Dan. He wasn’t interested in biology so he chose technology. After they arrived, Dan took out a blank sheet of paper to calculate the expense. It would cost them more than one billion dollars to complete the project. The first work was to move a big rock. The tools were too blunt, so they decided to blast it. A bold worker boasted that he could do it well. But he made an awful blunder. The trees around the rock caught fire suddenly. The workers were unable to control the blaze. It’s a bloody accident that caused five people to be injured, including Dan. Dan bound the cloth around his head to stop bleeding. Then he took some bitter pills. After that, he drank some blend of whisky and wine together with some biscuits. The worker blushed when he saw Dan in the boiler room. But Dan didn’t scold him. Instead, they needed a bolt to fit the valve. According to a biography about Dan, we know finally they completed the project successfully.


Exercise 7

The new buds appeared in the spring. But the storm brought down a number of trees last night. Scientists said that many factors brought about changes in the weather, but they could not bring forward the exact reasons. Constant stress had made our nerves brittle. And the poor aunt fell into a coma. Difficulties could bring out a person’s qualities. Her daughter, Jenny, was a brisk girl. She brought her to life by artificial respiration. Our brows went up in surprise. And Jenny’s composedness brought forth a positive effect. We calmed down and then we cleaned the room with a broom, a mop and a bucket. Suddenly, I noticed there was a bronze sword on the wall. Jenny said she had been to Britain and it was a gift from a British friend. She took out a travel brochure and continued, “Last year I budgeted for all my expenses in the year and I decided to travel. Then I met Mr. Brown. Nazis were brutal during the World War II and he was the only survivor of his family. He cross a brook and avoided the chase. He saw bubbles rise from under the water.. He would never forget that. Later, Mr. Brown got married and brought up two children. Because we communicated well, he gave his favorite sword to me.” 春天新芽绽放。但昨夜暴风雨打倒了许多树。科学家说有许多因素造成天气的变化,但他们没法提出确切的原因。持续的紧张让我们的精神很脆弱。可怜的姑妈昏迷了过去。困难时刻能显示出一个人的最佳品质。她的女儿,珍妮是一个生气勃勃的姑娘。她用人工呼吸使她恢复知觉。我们惊奇地竖起了眉毛。珍妮的镇定产生了积极的影响。我们冷静下来,然后我们用一支扫把、一支拖把和一只水桶来打扫房间。突然,我注意墙上有一把青铜剑。珍妮说她去过英国,那是来自一位英国朋友的礼物。她拿出一本旅游的小册子接着说:“去年我预算了全年的开支,然后决定去旅游。后来我就遇到了布朗先生。二次大战时纳粹非常残忍,她是他们家中唯一的幸存者。他穿过一条小溪才得以躲过追击。他看见气泡从水底冒起。他永远也忘不了那个情形。后来,布朗先生结了婚并且培养了两个孩子。因为我们交流得很好,他把他心爱的剑赠送给了我。”

Exercise 8

When Mrs. Hayes was a child, her father, a capable carpenter cared for her very much. He made a very beautiful carriage for her.He drew canvases for her. So Mrs. Hayes promised to give her own children a good childhood. Mr. Hayes used to be a cargo carrier. His early career was successful until he was choosen to explore the outer space! The day they departed, Mr. Hayes said to his wife,"Take care of the children in case I don't come back." Mrs. Hayes answered,"You take care." The capsule had a capcity of 10 persons but 15 peoples got in. It's ridiculous to carry out the plan. All of their lives were carried off. The moment Mrs. Hayes heard of the news, she want to take a poison capsule to kill herself. But finally she didn't become the captive of Death. One day, a thief stole her ID card and her credit card. The police had not captured the thief yet. From then on, whenever she went out, she brought a knife with her in case of need. In the day, she taught the children what's capitalism and what's carbon dioxide. At night, she would cook beef and carrot. After supper, she accompanied them to watch cartoon. Later, the government built up her husband's statue carved out of marble. Facing the statue, Mrs. Hayes said,"In no case am I to leave my children! In any case, it is my responsibility to bring them up. Though tired,I will carry on untill they are grow up."



Exercise 9

Having read The Great Charter Movement, I finished chapter 8 of another novel. The characters in the book were impressive. They showed their characteristic features in their own ways. The hero, Andrew was tolerant in character. He might be characterized as a man of mercy. Andrew was in charge of a company. He met a woman by chance at a party. Her charm of manner made her popular. No other women dared to challenge her beauty. It was said she was a City Beauty champion. Andrew wanted to chase her. He decided to take a chance. He cheered up at the thought of seeing her again. The next day, after checking up on the weather chart, Andrew chartered a ship to her city. The ship followed the channel into the port. He remained cheerful throughout the trip. Once he stepped on the bank, Andrew checked in at a hotel. It was surprising that the pretty woman welcomed him so much. Andrew hoped he could stay longers, but he had to check out before next Monday. The last morning when Andrew woke up, he found his room was in chaos and the woman was gone. The TV channel was broadcasting a boring talk show.

A police officer that took charge of larceny interviewed Andrew in his chamber. He told him that the woman had cheated his passessions. But Andrew forgave her completely with charity. He just wanted her back !


Exercise 10

The country used to be a British colony in Asia. Colonial people could win liberation only through Struggle. They must combat the colonists until victory was theirs. "The war commenced in March. Mr. Lincoln, the colonel elected by the people, commanded the soldiers to attack the capital. Columns made of stone. were used to open the city gate. Mr. Lincoln led his soldiers, " Come on ! Let's drive them away home! " The attack came off and the victory came out. But Mr. Lincoln was wounded by a bullet. He was unconscious, but might come to. With water splashed on his face, he soon come around. He was lucky to come through the war. A monument was built to commemorate the victory. After the war, Mr. Lincoln's wish to become an editor came true. He worked for a magazine, at the current events column. The magazine came out once a month. For years, Mr. Lincoln kept coming up with new and good comments. His work was highly commended. He worked well, coming up to what his boss expected of him. The boss came round to encourage him to work harder. Coming to $6,000 a month, his earnings are the highest among his colleagues. But he couldn't always combine work with pleasure.There was not much comedy in the reality. For example, he wouldn't feel comfortable when a beggar came up to him for money. There were still many problems existing in the world.














despicable ['despik?bl]

a. 可鄙的, 卑劣的

contemptible [k?n'temptibl]

a. 卑鄙的, 可轻蔑的, 不足挂齿的

ignominious [,ign?u'mini?s]

a. 可耻的, 不名誉的, 下流的

menial ['mi:ni?l]

a. 适合仆人做的, 卑微的

n. 仆人

[法] 住家佣工, 仆人, 下贱的人

scornful ['sk?:nful]

a. 轻蔑的

filthy ['filθi]

a. 污秽的, 丑恶的

shameless ['?eimlis]

a. 不知羞耻的

disrespect [,disri'spekt]

n. 不敬, 失礼, 无礼

contemn [k?n'tem]

vt. 侮辱, 蔑视

belittle [bi'litl]

vt. 轻视, 贬低

disdain [dis'dein]

n. 蔑视

vt. 蔑视, 鄙弃

awkward ['?:kw?d]

a. 笨拙的, 棘手的

clumsy ['kl?mzi]

a. 笨拙的, 不雅观的, 粗陋的

inert [i'n?:t]

a. 惰性的, 迟钝的, 无活力的, 呆滞的

[医] 惰性的, 无作用的, 无效的

torpid ['t?:pid]

a. 麻痹的, 迟缓的, 迟钝的, 蛰伏的

[医] 迟钝的, 不活泼的, 缓慢的

idiotic [,idi'?tik]

a. 白痴的, 愚蠢的, 呆头呆脑的

fatuous ['f?tju?s]

a. 发呆的, 愚笨的

reckless ['reklis]

a. 不介意的, 大意的, 鲁莽的, 不顾后果的

[法] 不注意的, 粗心大意的, 鲁莽的

imprudent [im'pru:d?nt]

a. 轻率的, 鲁莽的

blunt [bl?nt]

a. 钝的, 坦率的, 麻痹的

astute [?'stju:t]

a. 敏锐的, 狡猾的

sane [sein]

a. 神智健全的, 稳健的, 没病的, 合理的

[医] 精神健全的

exquisite ['ekskwizit]

a. 精致的, 细腻的, 敏锐的

nimble ['nimbl]

a. 敏捷的, 伶俐的, 聪明的

sharpen ['?ɑ:pn]

vt. 使尖锐, 使敏捷, 加重, 削尖

vi. 尖锐化, 变锋利

sharpen ['?ɑ:pn]

vt. 使尖锐, 使敏捷, 加重, 削尖

vi. 尖锐化, 变锋利

acumen [?'kju:men]

n. 敏锐, 聪明

gauche [g?u?]

a. 缺乏社经验的, 笨拙的, 粗鲁的, 无礼的, 偏转的

rugged ['r?gid]

a. 高低不平的, 崎岖的, 粗糙的

rustic ['r?stik]

n. 乡下人, 乡巴佬

a. 乡村的, 纯朴的, 手工粗糙的

grumpy ['gr?mpi]

a. 性情乖戾的, 脾气暴躁的, 生气的

brutal ['bru:t?l]

a. 残忍的, 野蛮的, 不讲理的

spineless ['spainlis]

a. 无脊椎的, 没有骨气的, 懦弱的

bashful ['b??ful]

a. 害羞的

genial ['d?i:nj?l]

a. 和蔼的, 亲切的, 友善的

[医] 颏的

benign [bi'nain]

a. 善良的, 良性的

[医] 良性的

humane [hju:'mein]

a. 有人情的, 人道的, 仁慈的

ductile ['d?ktail]

a. 易延展的, 韧性的, 易教导的

[医] 延伸性的

frank [fr??k]

a. 坦白的, 率直的, 老实的

vt. 免费邮寄

n. 免费邮寄特权

[经] 免费通行, 特许自由出入, 免费邮寄

meek [mi:k]

a. 温顺的, 逆来顺受的

tractable ['tr?kt?bl]

a. 驯服的, 易于管教的

[经] 易加工的, 易处理的

facetious [f?'si:??s]

a. 滑稽的, 爱开玩笑的

gregarious [gre'g??ri?s]

a. 社交的, 群居的


n. 出身高贵, 绅士们, 上流阶层, 斯文, 有教养, 彬彬有礼, 文雅, 装体面, 假斯文 affable ['?f?bl]

a. 和蔼可亲的, 友善的, 亲切的, 慈祥的

crooked ['krukid]

a. 弯曲的, 歪的, 邪恶的


a. 阴谋的, 诡诈的

n. 设计(工作), 计谋

frugal ['fru:g?l]

a. 节俭的, 朴素的

canny ['k?ni]

a. 精明的, 谨慎的, 节约的


adv. 恬淡寡欲地; 坚忍地

composed [k?m'p?uzd]

a. 镇静的, 沉着的

composure [k?m'p?u??]

n. 镇静, 沉着

vigilant ['vid?il?nt]

a. 警觉的, 警戒的, 警惕的

[法] 警醒的, 警戒的, 注意的

hardheaded ['hɑ:d'hedid]

a. 不易激动的, 冷静的, 脚踏实地的, 无懈可击的

discreet [dis'kri:t]

a. 小心的, 慎重的

discretion [dis'kre??n]

n. 慎重, 辨别力, 考虑, 处理权

[法] 有决定权的

circumspect ['s?:k?mspekt]

a. 细心的, 慎重的


ad. 过细地, 细致地

sanctity ['s??ktiti]

n. 神圣, 尊严, 圣洁

[法] 神圣不可侵犯性, 神圣的义务

meticulous [m?'tikjul?s]

a. 一丝不苟的, 精确的, 过细的

sanity ['s?niti]

n. 神智健全, 头脑清楚, 通情达理

[医] 精神健全

sluggish ['sl?gi?]

a. 偷懒的, 懒惰的, 迟钝的

[经] 萧条的, 呆滞的

indolent ['ind?l?nt]

a. 懒惰的, 无痛的

[医] 无痛的

inertia [i'n?:??]

n. 惯性, 惰性, 迟钝

[化] 惯性

[医] 惰性, 不活动, 无力


sloth [sl?uθ]

n. 怠惰, 懒惰

stout [staut]

n. 浓烈黑啤酒, 矮胖子

a. 强壮的, 勇敢的, 坚定的, 结实的, 矮胖的

stocky ['st?ki]

a. 矮胖的, 健壮结实的

hardy ['hɑ:di]

a. 难的, 艰苦的, 坚硬的, 勇敢的

ad. 努力地, 辛苦地, 坚硬地

lusty ['l?sti]

a. 健壮的, 精力充沛的

stiff [stif]

a. 坚硬的, 严厉的, 呆板的, 生硬的, 刚强的, 强烈的, 粘的, 稠的, 艰难的 n. 死尸, 醉鬼, 钞票

vt. 不肯付...小费

[医] 强直的, 僵硬的

[经] 昂贵的; 流通票据, 钞票

prodigal ['pr?digl]

n. 浪费者

a. 浪费的, 挥霍的, 丰富的

[法] 浪费者, 浪子

improvident [im'pr?vid?nt]

a. 无远见的, 浪费的

lavish ['l?vi?]

a. 大方的, 丰富的, 浪费的

vt. 浪费, 滥用, 慷慨给予

squander ['skw?nd?]

vt. 浪费, 使分散

vi. 浪费, 漂泊, 四散

flamboyant [fl?m'b?i?nt]

a. 火焰似的, 辉耀的, 华丽的

deft [deft]

a. 敏捷熟练的, 灵巧的

adept [?'dept]

a. 熟练的, 老练的, 巧妙的

n. 能手, 内行

stunt [st?nt]

n. 特技, 绝技, 花招, 噱头, 手腕, 发育不良 vt. 阻碍成长

vi. 表演特技

facility [f?'siliti]

n. 容易, 灵巧, 设备

[计] 设施; 设备; 装备

[经] 设施, 设备, 工具

accomplished [?'k?mpli?t]

a. 完成的, 实现的, 有造诣的, 熟练的, 善社交的 aptitude ['?ptitju:d]

n. 资质, 才能, 自然倾向avid ['?vid] a. 渴望的, 急切的, 劲头十足的

[医] 资质, 才能

caliber ['k?lib?]

n. 口径, 才干, 水准

[医] 管径, 口径

stamina ['st?min?]

n. 精力, 活力, 耐力, 雄蕊

[医] 耐力, 精力; 雄蕊

versatile ['v?:s?tail]

a. 多才多艺的, 万用的, 万向的

ravenous ['r?vin?s]

a. 贪婪的, 饿极的, 狼吞虎咽的

rapacious [r?'pei??s]



汉语里有“势利眼”说法,指那些只知道巴结有钱有势的人,对他们无用的人则不屑一顾。英文也有对应词,叫snob或形容词snobbish。可英语里还有一个更加形象化的说法。 fair-weather friend

fair-weather 原指“好天气”,比喻“某人正当走运之时”。只有在天气晴朗时(别人走运之时)才和人作朋友,天气一变就不再理人家,这样的人不是势利眼又是什么呢? 下面一句话里也用了这个表达法,不过意思有些不同,请看:

They are not fair-weather bikers because they ride their bikes every day come hell or high water.

其中fair-weather bike 是由fair-weather friend 引申出来的,意即“只在天气好才骑车的人”,句中用了否定形式,就是说他们并非那种天气一不好就不敢骑车的人。因些全句译成: 他们并不是天气好才骑车,因为无论刮风下雨,他们天天都骑。

句子结尾的come hell or high water 也是一个十分有意思的比喻说法,英文的解释是no matter what happens。既然连地狱和洪水都不怕,世上还有什么可怕的呢?

Grandfather said he would go to the fair,come hell or high water.


类似这一说法的还有 rain or shine,它类似汉语的“天上下刀子也要……”


答案就是:The parade will start promptly,rain or shine.



汉语里有“势利眼”说法,指那些只知道巴结有钱有势的人,对他们无用的人则不屑一顾。英文也有对应词,叫snob或形容词snobbish。可英语里还有一个更加形象化的说法。 fair-weather friend

fair-weather 原指“好天气”,比喻“某人正当走运之时”。只有在天气晴朗时(别人走运之时)才和人作朋友,天气一变就不再理人家,这样的人不是势利眼又是什么呢? 下面一句话里也用了这个表达法,不过意思有些不同,请看:

They are not fair-weather bikers because they ride their bikes every day come hell or high water.

其中fair-weather bike 是由fair-weather friend 引申出来的,意即“只在天气好才骑车的人”,句中用了否定形式,就是说他们并非那种天气一不好就不敢骑车的人。因些全句译成: 他们并不是天气好才骑车,因为无论刮风下雨,他们天天都骑。

句子结尾的come hell or high water 也是一个十分有意思的比喻说法,英文的解释是no matter what happens。既然连地狱和洪水都不怕,世上还有什么可怕的呢?

Grandfather said he would go to the fair,come hell or high water.


类似这一说法的还有 rain or shine,它类似汉语的“天上下刀子也要……”


答案就是:The parade will start promptly,rain or shine.
