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篇一:六年级英语上册 It’s Christmas Morning

六年级英语上册 It’s Christmas Morning

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姓名 班级


礼物) for my birthday.

(照相机) to take pictures.

3.There is a Chinese (灯笼) on the Christmas tree.

(送)me some toys at Christmas.


( )1.Merry Christmas, Here is a gift you me? Thank you.

A.for, for B.for, from C.from ,for D.from, from ( )2.When I go to the park, I can A.make B.do C.take D.look

( )3.Lynn gives gift to Li Ming.

A.she B.he C.I D.her

( )4.I think Jenny is right.

A.am not B.isn`t C.doesn`t D.don`t


( )1. We send this gifts to Danny.


( )2. Li Ming gives Mrs.Smith a Chinese lantern.


( )3. Lynn has a pen, but she wants one.


( )4. Danny is tired, he walks slow.



2.Jenny liked the present very much.(改为一般疑问句)

3.I go shopping with my mother.(改为一般将来时)

4.Here is a present for you, Li Ming.(根据句子写答语)

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篇二:六年级英语上册 It’s Christmas Morning

六年级英语上册 It’s Christmas Morning

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姓名 班级


礼物) for my birthday.

(照相机) to take pictures.

3.There is a Chinese (灯笼) on the Christmas tree.

(送)me some toys at Christmas.


( )1.Merry Christmas, Here is a gift you me? Thank you.

A.for, for B.for, from C.from ,for D.from, from ( )2.When I go to the park, I can pictures with friends.

A.make B.do C.take D.look

( )3.Lynn gives gift to Li Ming.

A.she B.he C.I D.her

( )4.I think Jenny is right.

A.am not B.isn`t C.doesn`t D.don`t


( )1. We send this gifts to Danny.


( )2. Li Ming gives Mrs.Smith a Chinese lantern.


( )3. Lynn has a pen, but she wants one.


( )4. Danny is tired, he walks slow.



2.Jenny liked the present very much.(改为一般疑问句)

3.I go shopping with my mother.(改为一般将来时)

4.Here is a present for you, Li Ming.(根据句子写答语)

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牛津小学英语(6A)Unit 7单元学习质量检测卷

班级______ 姓名______ 等第 听力部分 (30分)

一、选出你所听到的内容。 (10分)

( ) 1. A. you B. yours C. your D. mine

( ) 2. A. whose B. who C. which D. what

( ) 3. A. comb B. costume C. computer D. cold

( ) 4 A . house B. horse C. home D. holiday

( ) 5 A. excited B. exciting C. exercise D. excuse

( ) 6 A. keep off B. take off C. turn off D. turn on

( ) 7 A. sunny (转 载于:wWw.SmHaIDA.cOM 海达 范文 网:it,s,christmas,david) B. funny C. sun D. fun

( ) 8 A. on May Day B. on National Day

C. on New Year’s Day D. on Christmas Day

( ) 9 A. from grandpa B. for grandma

C. for grandma D. from grandma

( )10. A. Whose calculator is it ? B. Who’s the calculator from

C. Who’s the calculator for ? D. Whose is the calculator ?


( ) 1. A. Yes ,they are . B. Thank you . C. Yes, it’s theirs.

( ) 2. A. OK. B. Thanks . C. No, I don’t .

( ) 3. A. They’re grandpa’s B. They are grandpa.

C. They’re from grandpa .

( ) 4. A. It’s her B. It’s hers. C. It’s she .

( ) 5. A. Yes , it is . B. Sure . C. Thank you .


( )1. There are so many presents under the Christmas tree.

( )2. The calculator is from my grandpa.

( )3. The comb is from my grandma .

( )4. The mirror is from my uncle.

( )5. The wallet is from my cousin .


There are _________ of presents under the Christmas ___________ . The

teapot and some __________ are for grandmother . The __________ is for Tom . For

___________ are a ________ and a hairdryer . Father gets a new __________

because he like ___________ photos . What ___________ is for Mimi ? Oh , it’s a tin

of _________.


一 、单词辨音 。( 5分)

( ) 1. A. watch B. wallet C. want D. water

( )2. A. room B. cartoon C. balloon D. foot

( ) 3. A. where B. bear C. hear D. ther

( ) 4. A. calculator B. skateboard C. game D . name

( ) 5. A. mine B. his C. Christmas D. picture

二、英汉互译 (10分)

1. 在……前面_______________ 6. at the back of the bus ____________

2. 喜欢喝茶__________________ 7. the police station ________________

3. 午饭后_____________________ 8. the woman beside the man_________

4. 下车_________________________ 9. give her a mirror _________________

5. 一只漂亮的手表_______________10. have a Christmas party ____________

三、用所给词的适当形式填空 (8分)

1. The teapot is very ___________ (beautiful ) .I like ___ ( it ) very much .

2. It’s an umbrella . It’s not ________ ( her )

3. Last week , I ________ ( visit ) a farm with my family .

4. ---- Can you see __________ ( he ) ?

---- Yes , ________ ( he ) is behind the tree .

5. Look at _______ ( those ) dog .It’s too big .

6. Look ! The boys _________ (run ) in the playground .

四、选择( 10分)

( ) 1. Here’s a photo of _______ family for you .

A. yours , my B. my , yours C. your , my D. mine , yours

( ) 2. They asked ________ some questions ________ English .

A. me , about B. I , about C. I , with D. me , with

( ) 3. Everybody _________ very excited

A. am B. was C. were D. are

( ) 4. The children got many presents ____________ Christmas .

A. in B. on C. at D. with

( ) 5. ---- __________ is the book from ?

---- It’s from your uncle .

A. Whose B. When C. Who D. What

( ) 6. Keep quiet . Your father ________ books in his study .

A. is reading B. reads C. watched D. is watching

( ) 7. Let _______ open it .

A. my B. me C. mine D. I

( ) 8. ----Thank you very much .

---- ______________ .

A. That’s all right . B. That’s OK .

C. You’re welcome . D. Not at all.

( ) 9. The present is _________ you .

A. from B. to C. for D. at

( ) 10. The bus ________ and some _________ got off.

A. stoped , peoples B. stopped , peoples

C. stopped , people D. stoped , people

五、按要求改写句子 (12 分)


__________ ____________ is this ?

2. I saw a CD walkman under the seat . (否定句)

I __________ _________ a CD Walkman under the tree.

3. It’划线提问)

__________ is it ___________ ?

4. This watch is his . (改为复数)

_________ __________ are __________ .

5. tree , there , many , so , present , are , Christmas , under , the


6.That is my mirror . (改为同义句)

That mirror _________ _________ .

六、交际语匹配 (10分)


( ) 1. Whose is this teapot ? A. I visited my grandparents .

( ) 2 Who is it from ? B. No , it’s not mine .

( ) 3. What date is it today ? C. They visit their relatives and friends

( ) 4. What day is it today ? D. Yes , I did .

( ) 5 Can you look after my school bag ? E. It’s Mum’s .

( ) 6. Would you like a cup of coffee ? F. It’s the first of November

( )7. Is it your calculator ? G. Of course .

( ) 8. What do people usually do at Spring Festival ? H. Yes , please

( )9. Did you like the fish ? I. It’s Wednesday .

( ) 10. What did you do last Spring Festival ? J. It’s from Mum .

七、改错 (5分)

( ) 1. _______________


( ____________


( ____________


( _____________


( _


八、阅读对话,选择正确的答案。(10 分)

Ben : Yang Ling , Let’s look at our Christmas presents .

Yang Ling: OK. Look at my present . It’s new diary. It’s from Mike .

Ben : It’s very nice ! Look at my present .

Yang Ling: What is it , Ben ?

Ben : It’s a storybook . I like it very much .

Yang Ling : Who is it from ?

Ben : It’s from Liu Tao . What’s your present , Nancy ?

Nancy : It’s a CD . It’s from SuHai . How about yours , Wang Bing ?

Wang Bing : My present is a picture . It’s from Jim . He drew it .

Nancy : It’s beautiful ! Do you like your present , Helen ?

Helen : Yes , I do . It’s a purse . There’s a rabbit on it . It’s from Gao Shan .

You have a purse , too . Su Yang .

Su Yang : Yes. It’s from David . There is a Christmas tree on it .

( ) 1. Yang Ling’s present is ______________

It’s from ___________ .

A. a diary ; Mike B. a storybook ; Lin Tao C. a diary ; Lin Yao

( ) 2 . ___________ present is from Lin Tao .

A. Yang Ling’s B. Ben’s C. Nancy’s

( ) 3. _________ gives a CD to __________ .

A. Ben ; Lin Tao B. Su Hai ; Ben C. Su Hai ; Nancy


A. Jim ; Helen B. Jim ; Wang Bing C. Gao Shan ; Jim

( )5.Which sentence isTRUE

A. There’s a rabbit on Gao Shan’s purse .

B. There’s a Christmas tree on Helen’s purse .

C. There’s a rabbit on Helen’s purse.

篇四:【最新版】冀教版六年级英语上册《Lesson 23 It's Christmas Morning!》精品学案

篇五:【最新版】冀教版六年级英语上册《Lesson 23 It's Christmas Morning!》精品教案

《Lesson 23 It's Christmas Morning!》精品教案
