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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/25 17:13:48 单元作文

篇一:初一英语阅读理解练习题 2

Dick has a friend. His name is George. He works on a big ship(轮船). The ship goes from the United Kingdom to China. So George is often on the ship for many months. And he can only see the sea (大海).

Today George is at home. It’s nine

o’clock in the morning. He wakes up and looks out of the window. What does he see? There are some trees. So he jumps out of bed and cries, “The ship has hit the land! The ship has hit the land!”


( ) 1. George is Dick’s friend.

( ) 2. George works on a big ship.

( ) 3. George wakes up at eight.

( ) 4. George sees the trees, and he thinks he is on the ship.

( ) 5. George is on the river this morning.


Bob Smith is a little boy. On the first day at school, his teacher, Ms. Green, teaches him three words—you, he and I. Then the teacher says, “I am your teacher. You are my student. He is your classmate.”

When school is over, Bob goes home. His mother asks him,“What does your teacher teach you today?”Bob says with a smile,“Listen, Mom. I am your teacher, you are my student and he is your classmate.”His mother says,“No, dear. You are wrong.”Then she says, “I am your mother. You are my son. He is your father.”

The next morning at school, Bob’s teacher asks Bob to make sentences with the words “you, he and I”. Bob stands up and says, “I am your mother. You are my son. He is your father.”


( )1. teaches Bob three words.

A. Bob’s teacher B. Bob’s father C. Bob’s mother

( )2. Bob answers his mother with a smile because ________.

A. he thinks he can give a good answer

B. he goes to school on the first day

C. he is at home now

( )3. Bob’s mother is ________.

A. right B. wrong C. well

( )4. ________ is Bob’s mother.

A. Ms. Green B. Mr. Smith C. Mrs. Smith

( )5. Which one is right?

A. Bob’s teacher is wrong.

B. Bob’s mother is wrong.

C. Bob is wrong.


Hello!My name is Sarah. I’m from America. My mom and dad are teachers in a high school (高中). They go to work on weekdays. I have a brother. He is a high school student. He likes science. He thinks it’s interesting and funny. He likes playing basketball, too.

I’m fifteen years old. My birthday is December 24th. I study at the same school with my brother. I like music and dancing. Music is my favorite subject. I like my music teacher very much, and I like my English teacher, too. They are good teachers. There are 42 students in my class: 20 boys and 22 girls. They will (将) give me lots of birthday cards on my birthday.

I get up at 6:00. We have lessons from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.. We have five English classes a week. Sometimes I play English games

on my computer. After class, my brother often swims in the swimming pool (游泳池) and I listen to light music.


( ) 1. There are six people in Sarah’s


( ) 2. Sarah’s father and mother work five

days a week.

( ) 3. Sarah thinks her English teacher

and music teacher are good teachers.

( ) 4. Sarah’s favorite subjects are music

and swimming.

( ) 5. Sarah studies at the same school

with her brother.


My name is Neal and I live in the US. My mother is from China and my father is from England, so we speak two languages at home. I think languages are very interesting. But my favorite subject at school isn’t language. It’s math.

I like sports. I like to play football andbasketball. But I don’t have much time to play. I go to music club after school on Mondays, have guitar lessons on Wednesdays and go to the library on Fridays. But Saturdays and Sundays are great because I can play sports, sleep and watch TV.


()1. Neal’s parents live in _________.

A. China B. the US C. England

()2. Neal can speak _________ at home.

A. Chinese B. English C. A and B

()3. Neal’s favourite subject is _________.

A. EnglishB. history C. math

()4. Neal can’t play soccer on _________.

A. Tuesday B. Thursday C. Friday

()5. The underlined (划线的) word means _________.

A. 有趣的 B. 令人讨厌的

C. 努力的


Hello! I'm Tommy I'm from American boy.Now I live in China with my parents and my sister.We like China and Chinese food.Chinese food is good for our health.We usually have eggs and noodles(面条)for breakfast.For lunch we have rice, vegetables, chicken and a bowl of soup.Sometimes we have some dumplings(饺子)for dinner.We don't like fast food like hamburgers and French fries.They are unhealthy food.

1.Where is Tommy from?

A.America B.China C.Canada

2.What do Tommy’s families have for breakfast?

A.Eggs and noodles B.Eggs and vegetables C.Chicken and vegetables

3.They like Chinese food because .

A.it is good for their health

B.it is very delicious(可口的)

C.it is beautiful

4.Do they like fast food?

A.Yes, they do. B.No, they don't C.It's not mentioned.(提起)

5.文中unhealthy的反义词是 .

A.healthy B.interesting C.boring


Dear Amy,

Paul is my pen pal.He is from Landon,England.He speaks good English.He is now in Shanghai with his parents,because they work in Shanghai.Paul can speak a little Chinese!

There are five people in his family,his parents,his two sisters and he.His sisters aren't in China.They are in England now.

He likes singing and dancing very much.His favorite subject is music.He likes going to the movies on weekends:He thinks it is fun.I think he is a nice boy.



1.Paul is Sam's .

A.brother B.cousin C.pen pal D.teacher

2.Where does Paul live now?

A.In Beijing. B.In Shanghai.

C.In London. D.In New York.

3.How many brothers and sisters does Paul have?

A.He has two brothers and one sister.

B.He has two sisters and one brother.

C.He has two brothers and no sister.

D.He has two sisters and no brother.

4.What’s Paul’s favorite subject in school?

A.Math B.Chinese C.English. D.Music.

5.Which of the following is TRUE(正确的)in this letter?

A.Paul is from China.

B.Paul is in Shanghai with his whole family.

C.Paul Likes going to the movies on weekends.

D.Paul speaks good Chinese.


Tom is ten years old,and he is a very lazy boy.He doesn’t like doing any work.He has to go to school,but he doesn’t study(学习)hard there and does as little work as possible(可能的).His father and mother are doctors and they hope that their son also become a doctor in the future(将来).But one day Tom says to his mother,“When I finish(完成)school,I want to be a dustman(垃圾工).” “A dustman? ” his mother asks,and she is very surprised(吃惊的).“Why do you want to become a dustman?” “Because then I only have to work.one day a week.”Tom answers.“Only one day a week?” his mother says,“What do you mean(意思)? And how do you know?” “Well”,Tom says,“I know that the dustmen who come to our house work on Thursday,because I only see them on that day.”

1.What is Tom like?

A.Tom is a clever boy.

B.Tom is lazy and he doesn’t like to work.

C.Tom is a boy and he works very hard.


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No: 一、 Listen and choose(听录音选单词,每空一词。)


( A. plane B. paint )

2. B. make )

3. 4. 5. 6. 7. B. cheap )

8. B. cheap )

9. B. good )

10. 11. 12. B. aunt )

13. 14. 15. B. fight )

16. B. night )

17. 18. B. date )

二、 Read and choose


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Jack: Hello, this is Jack!

Zhang Peng: This is Zhang Peng. ______________________________?

Jack: I am sorry. He is busy now. please hold on.

Zhang Peng: ______________________________________________?

Jack : He is writing an e-mail. He is coming.

Zhang Peng: Hi, John! ________________________________________.

John: I go to the playground at 7:00 in the morning.

Zhang Peng: It is early. ______________________________________?


Zhang Peng: Why?


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A: Hello, ____________________________________.

B: Hello, Jack. ___________________________________?

A: I’m watching TV.

B: ____________________________________________?

A : No, she isn’t. She’s doing the dishes.

B: ____________________________________________?

A: He’s in the study.

B: ______________________________________?

A: Sure. Hold on, please.

B: Dad, there’s a call for you!


Ken: ____________________________________?

Sue: No, I can’t see any elephants.

A: Hello, Tommy. Which season do you like best?

B: ________________________________________.

A: ________________________________________?

B: Because I like swimming.

A: Do you usually go swimming on the weekend?

B: _______________________________.

A:When do you usually go swimming?

B: ________________________________________.


A: Sure. Let’s go swimming together next Saturday.


B: I usually watch TV at 10:00 in the evening.

A: Hey, Kate. ______________________________?

B: It’s December 1st. It’s winter now.

A: _______________________________________?

B: No, I don’t. What about you?

A: _________________________. Because my birthday is in winter.





Dear Marjorie

I’m having troubles at school.I find i____difficult to get down to work in the evenings and I can’t concentrate on anything at the moment.I spend most of my time I______ to records or watching TV instead of d______ myhomework.The other students in my class are m_______better than I am and I have problems with following the lessons as well.Ican’t always take down the important things my teacher says because write so s_______.She has told me that I’m f_______ behind with my studies.I’m not good at writing and I usually hand in my homework late because I put off(推迟)doing it u__________ the last minute So I often have to invent different excuses to tell my teacher why I haven’t d______ the work .I’m sure I’m not going to get through my final exams in June.I’m now so far behind that I don’t know h________ to catch up with them.My teacher spent some time going through my homework with me but she found so many m______ that Ifelt even more depressed(沮丧的) .What do you suggest I do?

A hobby is an interesting way of s_________ your free time There are so many d______ hobbies for different people to choose Some hobbies are very popular,while others are quite u______.You may choose one for yourself that i_______ you most.You may enjoy c______ things,such as stamps,foreign coins,etc.If you like to work w_____ your hands,you may enjoy paper cuttung and model m_______.Or you may enjoy creatve(有创造性的) hobbies,like painting.Many people prefer active o_______ hobbies to the activities inside,sailing riding and so on,which they can enjoy with others.

W________ you live, there is always a hobby for you to choose.The hobby will give you many hours of pleasure and make your free time i______ and creative.

Jim was back at the office after a two—week holiday abroad.“Did you have a nice holiday?”asked his friend,Dick.

“A nice hliday?I make a big m_______ this time.I should have stayed home.”said Jim.

“What h________ then?” asked Dick.

“Well,it was one of the w_________ holidays I ever had.The h_______ I stayed at was near a busy road,and could hardly sleep for the n_______.The food they gave us made us ill and the d_______ were expensive.The places we visited were f________ of tourists and we were l_________ in the sunshine for quite a few hours.But tell me,how did things go with you ?”

“Maybe I was l_________ thanyou I had no trouble at all.”was the answer.“I had

b________ to do so I stayed at home.”

Many people find exams a frightening experience. Sitting down for an exam when everybody is so q_______ and serious makes most people nervous.

But there are a few things you can do to r_________ before you start .At the beginning of an exam,read all the instructions c_______ so you know exactly what you have to do. Work out how much time you can spend on each q______.If you feel yourself getting nervous at any time,stop w______ you are doing and take a few deep breaths.

However,the most useful things are always done b_______ you get to the exam room You may do some practice tests and review your l_______in a right way.And then the real thing will seem much e________.

You also need to remember that exams are not the most important things in the world even though you f________,you can do better next time The m______you take,the less worried you will be.

A:Hi,Pierre,you _________ well on the last English test.

B:Hi,Amy.Thank you.

A:Well,_________ do you study?

B:I study_________ practising conversations_______ friends.

A:Do you leam English by _________ aloud?

B:Oh,yes.It’s useful.

A:Have you _________ studied with a group?

B:No,I _________ .What________ you,Amy?How do you learn English?

A:I read the textbooks.And Ialways speak _____-English after class.

B:Oh,yes.Speaking more is a good_______ to learn English well.

A: Are you MaryJohnson?I haven’t seen you since you______ a little girl.

B:Yes,I’m Mary Johnson.I’m_______,I don’t remember you.

A:Of course not! You were too little.We_________ on the same street,and I worked with your father.you had straight blond hair________.It was very long.

B:Yes, I did.But it_______.My hair got darker—I didn’t dye it! But I did make it curly.

A:You look________your mother now.

B:Thank you!But my mother has changed,too.Have you________her?

A:No,__________has she changed?

B:Well,she_________ to have dark hair,but she dyed it.It’s red now.She looks great! And she used to be heavy, but now she’s thin.She exercises every day.

A:She was always very outgoing.So was your father. Are you outgoing, too?

B:I’m outgoing now.I used to be much_________.

A:I think teenagers should be allowed to______ a driver’s license as soon as they can________ the test.

B:Maybe.______ I think most sixteen—year—olds shouldn’t be allowed to_______.They’re not serious ________.

(转载于:www.smhaida.com 海 达 范 文网:i,am,your,father发音)

A: Do you think teenagers __________be allowed to work?

B:Yes, but they shouldn’t work on school nights.They should be allowed to work only on ________.

A:Should teenagers have to _________every night?

B:I think they should allowed to choose________ they study.

A: Should teenagers be allowed to get their ears pierced?

B: I don’t like pierced ears,but I think teenagers should be allowed to get their ears pierced if they______to.

A:Did you know that Tony_______ $100 in the street this morning? B:Really?Wow!What did he________

A:I think he gave_________ to the police..

B:What did the police do?

A:They wrote _________his name and address.They said if no one ______ to get the money in a week,Tony can_______the $100.

B:Wow! What would you do_______you had $100?

A:I’d put the money in the________.I want to buy a car next year.What would you do?

B:I’d go ______for my family.I’d_______my mother a necklace.And buy my father?

A:That would be fun.

A:Weren’t you i_______ last weekend?


A:We had a picnic on the island.I called you,but you didn’t a_______ me.

B:Sorry,my parents and I have been to the b _______.

A:Yeah? To go s___________?

B:No.I heard of surfing.It’s a p_________ sport.So I hoped to have a try.

A:I think it’s a little dangerous.

B:Not at all.It a_______ a lot of people.Some were good at it,the others were learning it.

A:Have you l__________ it,then?

B:Not yet. But I like it now. I’ll do that n________weekend.Would you like to go there with me?

A:I’m glad to.But you’ll t_________ me.

B:Sure.But I c_________ surf as well as the players.

A:You’ll soon do well, I think.

B:Thank you.

1.No matter what he says, I b_____ him,because he is my best friend.

2.Everyone wants to make a c_____ to our country.

3.There are many different k_______ of books in our school library.

4.I bought a new bike. I p______ three tundred Yuan for it.

5.Our teacher is kind but very s_______ with us.

十 一

A:Hi, Betty! Where are you going?

B:Hi, Tony! I’m going to the __________.

A:What’s wrong _______you? Are you ill?

B:No. I think I’m ________ fat . I’ll ask the doctor to give me some _______.

A:Oh, that’s ________.Ican give you the advice.


A:Yes.First you shouldn’t eat too ________ and do _________ exercise.Then you should eat healthy food.If you do ________this, you will be _______and healthier.By the way, there is talk about eating and exercise.Ithink it may ______ you.

B:Thank you.


We often talk about food . And we know food is very i_______ to us Everyone needs to eat well if he or she wants to have a s_______body.But do you know we people also need a________ kind of food? This kind of food is knowledge.

When we are very young, we start learning things.Young children like w______ and listening.C_________pictures especially interest them. When children are older, they e________ reading. When something interests them ,they love asking q_______.

Our m_________ like our bodies, always need the best food.Studying on our own brings us the b______ and the most. If someone is always telling us answers, we never learn well. When we study correctly and learn things on our own, we learn more and u_______ betterr.


Dear Penny,

I hope you’re all well. We’re all terribly busy, even Polly, who has finally m______ to find some work. U_______, it’s not a very good job, but at leasr it’s a job, ant maybe she will find something better in the future. She has also found somewhere e_________ to live---asmallflat about five miles away, so now there’s only Joner and me left at home.After 24 years of having children to look after,it’s very strange to have the house to ourselves, although I d_______ enjoy coming home to a tidy house at the e_____ of a dau. By the way, Polly has broken up with ber boyfriend, Peter.We were very sorry, because we got on well with him, and they s______ to be in love.

Alice has some interesting news, as well. She p_______ her final exams.We heard last week, so of course, we had a small family celebration. She doesn’t know what she wants to do yet, but she has plenty of time to decids.She doesn’t have a boyfriend at the moment, eithr. I don’t know what’s the matter with them! They’re both pretty e_______!

篇四:五年级下册Unit 4 What are you d

五年级下册Unit 4 What are you doing?

1. What are you dong ? 你正在做什么?

--What + be动词 + 主语 + doing?


1) What are you doing?

2) What is he doing?

3) What are they doing?

4) What is your dad doing?

2.主语+ be 动词+ 动词ing +地点。



in the kitchen 在厨房 in the study 在书房 in the library 在图书馆 in the living room 在客厅 in the bedroom在卧室






A:打电话说我是........... This is ........./It’s.............

B: Can I speak to ........ ? 我可以跟.....说话吗?

C:Hold on, please. 请稍等。

D:See you later. 稍后见。

E:How is everybody doing? 大家还好吗?


oo / u: / ou /u:/

tr /tr/ tw /tw / 5.作文。 介绍一家人正在做什么。

My Family

There are five people in my family. They are my grandpa, grandma, dad, mom and me. Look! Granpa is watching TV. Grandma is reading a book. Dad is writing an e-mail. Mom is cooking dinner. I am doing my homework. I love my family.


一. 听音,选择,并将序号写在前面括号里。(18分)

1.( ) A. doing homework B. doing the dishes C. doing morning exercises

2.( ) A. cook B. book C. boat

3.( ) A. see you B. bye C. good bye

4.( ) A. grandpa B. grandfather C. grandparents

5.( ) A. eat breakfast B. eat lunch C. eat dinner

6.( ) A. clean B. cleaning C. cleans

7.( ) A. study B. bedroom C. living room

8.( ) A. call B. tall C. fall

9.( ) A. visiting friends B. visiting parents C. visiting grandparents

10.( ) A. going to school B. go shopping C. go swimming

二. 听音,选择相应的答句,并将序号写在括号里。(14分)

1.( )A: I’m reading a book. B: I usually read a book.

2.( )A: Hi, I’m Chen Jie. B: Hello. It’s Chen Jie.

3.( )A She is cooking dinner. B: He’s doing the dishes.

4.( )A: Sure, please hold on. B: Sorry, I don’t know.

5.( )A: I’m writing an e-mail. B: Yes, I am.

6.( )A:I often watch TV and play the piano. B: I’m watching TV.

7.( ) A: Yes, I often go shooing . B: Yes, I like going hiking.

三. 听短文,判断对错。(8分)

1.( )John is playing the piano. 2.( )Mike is listening to music.

3.( )Wu Yifan is drawing pictures. 4.( )Amy is answering the phone.



1.( ) A. answer B. cooking C. washing D. cleaning

2.( ) A. listen to music B. read a book C. watch TV D. playing sports

3.( ) A. how B. what C. which D. watch

4.( ) A. bread B. lunch C. dinner D. breakfast

5.( ) A. go B. see C. dish D. play

6.( ) A. go hiking B. visit grandparents C. go shopping D. eat breakfast

7.( ) A. write B. picture C. draw D. listen

8.( ) A. watch TV B. at noon C: do homework D. climb mountains

二. 选择,并将序号写在括号里。10%

1、( )I am ________ a picture. A、draw B、drawing C、drawwing

2、( )When do you watch TV? I usually watch TV ______seven o’clock.

A、in B、on C、at

3、( )My grandma likes _________ the room. A、clean B、cleaning C、cleans

4、( )Can I ____to your mom ,please? A、speaking B、speak C、speaks

5、( )What are you doing? ---_____________

A、I am read a book. B、I’m doing homework. C、I’m a student.

6、( )Are you writing a letter? Yes,_______ A、I am. B、you are C、it is

7、( )Man: Hello. Mike: Hello._____ Mike. Can I speak to John, please?

A、My name is B、This is C、I’m

8、( )What is your mother doing?_____________cooking dinner. A、she is B、He is C、She

9、( )________________________________ I’m writing an e-mail.

A、Are you writing an e-mail? B、What are you doing? C、Where are you?

10、( )Is your dad reading a book?______________

A、Yes, she is. B、No, he isn’t. C、No he is.


( ) 1.What do you do on the weekend? A: Sure, hold on please.

( ) 2.What are you doing? B: She is cooking dinner.

( ) 3.What is your father doing? C:I’m speaking to you.

( ) 4.What is your grandma doing? D: Thank you.

( ) 5.Can I speak to your mother, please? E: He’s reading a newspaper.

( ) 6.There is a call for you! F: I play the piano and watch TV.


1、what doing you are

2、 cooking My is dinner mother .3、speak mom to I Can your please ?

4、an e-mail He in is writing study the study .


Tom: Hello. Amy: Hello. This is Amy.

Tom: Hi, Amy. It’s Tom. Amy: What are you doing?

Tom: I’m____________(画画). What about you? Amy: I’m___________(打电话).

Tom: Come on, Amy, What are you doing? Amy: I’m ____________(打扫房间).

Tom: Can I speak to your brother, Teddy, please? Amy: He’s ___________(做家庭作业).Please hold on. Tom: Thank you.

六. 阅读理解。8%

My name is Tim. I’m a student in Class Two, Grade Five. I am twelve. Now let me tell you something about my family. My father is a doctor. He is writing an e-mail in the study. My mother a is a teacher in a middle school. She is cooking dinner in the kitchen. What am I doing? I am doing my homework, today is Friday, We have a lot of homework to do. After homework, I will play the piano. I like playing the piano very much.

( ) 1、Tim is a student in Class Five, Grade Two. ( )2、Tim’s father is a doctor. He is writing an e-mail .

( )3、Tim’s mother is a teacher. She is washing clothes.( )4、Tim is playing the piano.

( )5、Tim likes playing the piano.


1. My parents _________ ____(watch)TV now. 2. Look. Three boys _______________(run).

3. What __ ____ your mother ______(do)now? 4. Are___ your dog _ _____ now?(sleep)

5. ____ you _ _ _____(listen)to music? Yes, I am. 6. Look, Miss Chen _ ________ football.(play)

7. Tom and his sister _____ _____(wait)for you over there. 8. Now Class 3 and Class 4__ _ _____(have)a test.

9. Listen, someone _ ____________(sing)in the classroom.

10. ——Where is Zhang Yan? ——She _ _____(talk)with her teacher in the teacher’s office

11.--What (be) you doing? --- I am (read) a book.

12.---What ---- She 八.写作。以“My Family”为题写一篇短文,介绍自己的家人以及他们正在做的事情。不少于8句话。


1. What is clean when it is black and dirty when it is white?

2. What has a round face and two thin hands, one hand short, one hand long?

3. What is big and bright during the day and we can’t see it at night?

4. I am small. I can fly. I like singing in the sky. What am I?

5. Which letter is a drink?

6. Which letter is around an island?

7. Which letter is an animal?

8. Which letter is a kind of vegetable?

9. Which is the longest English word? Why?

10. Which letter is a question?

11. Which letter is a part of your face?

12. I am very big and heavy. I have a long nose and big ears. What am I ?

13. I am the tallest animal in the world. What am I ?

14. I live in the sea. I am the biggest animal in the sea. What am I ?

15. What do you call your father’s father’s only son?

16. What is the biggest ant in the world?

17. What is in the middle of the world?

18. What do you call your father-in-law's only child's mother-in-law?

19. What is the smallest room in the world?

20. Teachers write on me with chalk. I can’t talk. What am I ?

21. You have it. You read it. There are some words and pictures on it. What is


22. Sometimes it looks like a boat. Sometimes it looks like a small white sun.

What is it?

23. You throw away the outside and cook the inside. Then you eat the outside

and throw away the inside. What did you eat?

24. What goes around the world but stays in a corner?

25. Give me food, and I will live; give me water, and I will die. What am I?

26.What can run but never walks, has a mouth but never talks, has a head

but never weeps, has a bed but never sleeps?

27. I fly, but I have no wings. I cry, but I have no eyes.

28. How many letters are in the alphabet?

29. I am always with you. Sometimes behind you, sometimes before you,

sometimes by your side, but you can’t see me in the dark.

30. What table is in the field?

31. What table can tell you what to do?

32.What changes a pear into a pearl?

33. What letter makes a road broad?

34. When do 2 and 2 make more than 4?

35. I have cities but no houses, forests but no trees, rivers without water. What

am I?

36. What kind of dog doesn't bite or bark?

37. I am everywhere in the earth. Without me, you have to die. What am I ?

38. I can’t walk. I can’t fly. I can swim. What am I ?

39. I am green in spring and yellow in autumn. Birds like me and people like

me. What am I ?

40. Chicken grows from it. What is it?

41. It’s very small in the sky, but it’s actually very big. What is it?

42. It’s a colourful bridge in the sky. What is it?

43. Why do lions eat raw meat(生肉)?

44. Why is six afraid of seven?

45. A woman has 7 children, half of them are boys.How can this be possible?

46. I am white. You can drink me. I am in the dairy group. What am I ?

47. I am green or red. I am spicy and hot. I am in the vegetable group. What

am I ?

48. I am a kind of fruit, green outside and red inside. What am I ?

49. I am a kind of fruit, yellow outside and white inside with small black seeds.

What am I ?

50. I am orange. I am thin and long. Rabbits like me very much. What am I ?

51. David was out for a walk when it started to rain. He did not have an

umbrella and he wasn't


1. blackboard 2. a clock 3. the sun

4.a bird 5. T(tea) 6. C(sea) 7. B(bee) 8.

P(pea) 9. smiles(There’s a mile between the first and the last letter.)

10. Y(why) 11. I(eye) 12. an elephant 13.

a giraffe 14. the whale 15. father/daddy 16. an

elephant 17. the letter “r” 18. mom 19. mushroom

20. a blackboard 21.a book 22. the moon 23. chicken

24. stamp 25. fire 26. river

27. cloud 28. eight 29. shadow 30. vegetable

31.timetable 32. “L” 33. “b” 34. (22)

35. a map 36. hot dog 37. air 38. fish

39. a tree 40. an egg 41. a star/ the sun/ the moon

42. a rainbow 43. Because they can’t cook. 44. Because seven

eight(ate) nine. 45. Because all of her children are boys. 46. milk

47. pepper 48. a watermelon 49. a banana

50. a carrot 51. Because he’s bald. 参考资料:http://hrbnghx.blog.sohu.com/101889532.html


1.What is smaller than an insect's mouth?

2.What season is the most dangerous one?

3.What's too much for me,just right for two,but nothing at all for three?

4.On what day of a year do soldiers start wars in history?

5.How many feet are in a yard?

6.What person tries to make others smile most of the time?

7.From what number can one take half and leave nothing?

8.What has hands but no feet, a face but no eyes,tells but does not talk?

9.How many months have 28 days?

10.Which horses have six legs?


1.Anything it eats.

2.Autumn. Because it is also FALL.

3.A secret.

4.March fourth.When a war breaks out,they'll have to march forth.

5.It depends on how many people are standing in it.

6.A photographer.

7.The number 8.

8.Take away the upper half and 0 is left.

8.A clock.

9.All of them. Each month has its 28th day.

10.All horses have forelegs (four legs) in front and two in back, so they all have six legs.

猜 谜 语 学 英 语




一样,常在字形、字音和字意上卖关节,就看你能不能灵机一动。Riddle 除了可以益智外,也可以增进你对英文的兴趣,不失为一种学英文的方法。


1.What is the difference between here and there?

2.What are the strongest days of the week?

3.Why did the man put wheels on his rocking chair?

4.Why is the letter “R” like Christmas?

5.At what time of day was Adam born?


1. The letter “t”. ( there 去掉“t”,跟 here 这个字就没什么两样。)

2. Saturday and Sunday --- all the other days are weak (week) days.

( weak与 week的发音一样。而美国人的工作天只有五天,即从 Monday到 Friday ,这五天是他们的week days.)

3. Because he wanted to rock and roll. ( to rock and roll是跳摇滚舞。但在这儿,摇rock 的是rocking chair,滚 roll的是 wheels。这就造成了一句双关的趣味。)

4.Because it comes at the end of December. (对这句话而言,答案的意思是

R这个字母正好排在December的末尾。除此以外,答案还有一个意思,Christmas在the end of December的时候到来。换言之,答案也造成了一句双关的趣味。)

5.Just before Eve. ( Eve 是一语双关,一是解“晚间”, 一是解“夏娃”。)
