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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/25 03:20:07 字数作文


Solidarity(团结) is power

It is widely recognized that solidarity can help mobilize all the available forces to conquer all the difficulties. As illustrated in the picture, a clenched fist , which symbolizes solidarity, looks so big and powerful. It is meant to show that however challenging or difficult a task is, the powerful fist will definitely crush it to pieces.

The value of solidarity has been proved numerous times. In the spring of 2003, for instance, SARS hit China and claimed hundreds of lives. It threatened the smooth development of Chinese economy and the social stability. In the face of the danger, national government called on Chinese people, especially the doctors and nurses, to be united together to fight and defeat the disease, and the SARS was crushed immediately. Another example is the successful launch of Shenzhou-5 in Oct.,2003. It was obviously the result of combined efforts of generations of scientists, engineers, astronauts and ordinary workers. It was also certainly the result of national government’s guidance, the public support and the booming economy. In a word, the success was based on the solidarity of all China’s social forces.

In my opinion, only solidarity can ensure our success in all respects. Most probably we’ll meet with many other difficulties in the future development of our country. But I’m confident that we can overcome them with solidarity and achieve our success in every respect.

Good Citizen

Everyone will agree that a good citizen should possess the following qualifications. Firstly, he must observe the laws of the country and all sorts of regulations of the society. Secondly, he should contribute positively to the society, which, in my eyes, is easily neglected but certainly more important for a good citizen. There could be other qualities required for a good citizen, but the above mentioned two points are as I strongly believe the most important ones.

Good citizens are essential to the stability and progress of the society. For instance, in the spring of 2003, China was hit by a dangerously contagious disease called SARS. It was an incurable disease and it spread fast. Hundreds of people lost their lives, including many doctors and nurses. In the face of such frightening disease, more doctors and nurses stood up and volunteered to go to the affected areas to fight the disease. They are undoubtedly good citizens for they saved many lives and contributed enormously to the stability of the society. And there are, of course, a great many other people who assume the duties of a citizen and do what they could do to contribute to the progress of the society. Beyond doubt, there will be no stability and prosperity of the society without the devotion and efforts of good citizens.

Presently I am a student and as a student I should concentrate more on my studies. I should try to acquire much knowledge and many skills so that I can contribute more to our society after I graduate and thus be a good citizen of our society.

On Eating Wild Animals

Chinese people have a long tradition of eating all sorts of “delicious foods”, including wild animals or plants. As illustrated in the picture, a group of people seated around a big table, which is already covered with all sorts of wonderful food, are expecting another “ big” course. To everyone’s surprise, the waiter pushes in a cage containing an angry bear. Obviously, the bear’s paws, which are considered a delicacy in China, will be the next course.

This habit of eating wild animals is deeply rooted in Chinese food culture for Chinese people believe that wild animals are really nutritious as well as tasty. But people may not realize that this habit is harmful both to themselves and to biological environment. People may be infected with lethal bacteria or viruses by eating wild animals, which is demonstrated by the terrible SARS claiming thousands of lives in the world this spring. Also, hunting and eating wild animals disturbs the biological balance of the nature, which is already threatening the existence of human beings on the earth.

Therefore, special care must be taken to ensure that this habit is terminated. On the one hand, the government may have to establish laws to forbid the hunting and eating of wild animals. On the other hand, the public should uproot this bad habit themselves. Surely, if people from all walks of life pay enough attention to this problem, our life will be more healthy and enjoyable.



团结就是力量作文600字 对于军队而言是什么才是最重要的呢?我没有参加过军训,我也不够资格参军,但今天,在我参加军训第二天后我想我有了更深体会。







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篇三:团结就是力量 作文












就行了。”我和张笑雨互相瞪了一眼,各自在鼻子里哼了一声,又上前抢球了。 这节体育课,我们和六年十班为了争“地盘”而踢上一场友谊赛。说来也奇怪,看着对方踢球技术比我们

还差,但我们说什么也赢不了他们,而且在不到十五分钟就让他们进了一球。我们急得像热锅上的蚂蚁,这一急,便更是乱了套,“你想什么呢?球飞到头上也不知道!”杨泽林嘲张笑雨吼道,张笑雨也不是吃素的,也向杨泽林吼了起来,于是这两头“狮子”便对吼开了,其激烈程度不亚于正在进行的球赛;而当后卫的蒋广义一看到球飞来,当机立断便抢球向前冲锋,剩余的两个后卫也不禁示弱,跟上蒋广义当他的“左右护法”。正当三人屁颠屁颠地冲入敌方阵地时,冷不防一个敌人从旁窜出,大脚一踢,球便从蒋广义脚?a href="http://www.zw2.cn/zhuanti/guanyuluzuowen/" target="_blank" class="keylink">路煽砸桓鲇琶赖摹案呖兆杂陕涮宓羧胛曳浇谇胺讲钡恼判τ旰脱钤罅侄偈鄙盗搜郏蛭曳胶蠓来罂挥幸桓鲑诮鹋粽秸骄壕旱赜幼乓蝗喝缋撬苹⒌牡?a href="http://www.zw2.cn/zhuanti/guanyurenzuowen/" target="_blank" class="keylink">人,而一众后卫老早就改行当前锋了。

(来自:WwW.smhaida.Com 海达 范文 网:团结就是力量英语作文)

结果那球呼啸一声便投入球门的怀抱,仝金鹏连球边都没摸着。 二比零 我们顿时锐气大挫,各人都垂下头,如斗败了的公鸡。这时,杨泽林沉声说:“错是出在我们身上”。我


方更纯熟的技术,终于在下课时进了一球,打成二比一。 这场比赛虽然是以失败告终,但却能令我们领会到一个道理——团结是致胜关键。
