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if you're going to san francisco


be sure to wear some flowers in your hair 请别忘了在头发上插满鲜花

if you're going to san francisco


you're gonna meet some gentle people there 你在那里会遇见一些温和的人们

for those who come to san francisco


summertime will be a love-in there


in the streets of san francisco


gentle people with flowers in their hair


all across the nation such a strange vibration 全国弥漫着新气象

people in motion


there's a whole generation with a new explanation 新一代人有新的想法

people in motion people in motion


for those who come to san francisco


be sure to wear some flowers in your hair 请别忘了在头发上插满鲜花

If you come to san francisco


summertime will be a love-in there


If you come to san francisco

summertime will be a love-in there

篇二:世界城市览胜(23)San Francisco(美国)

抢注网址: www.englishvip.com/wenkxd.htm

Even people who hate the USA love San Francisco. It has an atmosphere of genteel (彬彬有礼的;有教养的)chic(高尚、别致) mixed with offbeat(不跟随时尚主流的;非传统的;特异的)innovation, and a selfeffacing(自我谦逊的)quality so blatantly missing from New York and LA. One of the USA's most attractive cities, San Francisco's hilly streets provide some gorgeous glimpses of the San Francisco Bay and its famous bridges. This is a mosaic(马赛克式的东西)of a city, a big picture made from the colorful tiles of bustling Chinatown, gay Castro (旧金山一著名同性恋社区)and faux-hemian(法语词,故意表现得质朴童稚的)North Beach.

San Francisco covers the tip of a 30mi (50km) peninsula (半岛) in Northern California, with the Pacific Ocean on its western side and the San Francisco Bay to the north and east. San Francisco is just one of many cities in the Bay Area; others include Oakland (east across the Bay Bridge), Berkeley (just north of Oakland) and San Jose (an hour's drive southeast of San Francisco, near the southern tip of the bay). Marin County and the Wine Country lie to the north, across the Golden Gate Bridge.

(转 载于:wWw.SmHaIDA.cOM 海达 范文 网:sanfrancisco字体下载)

The most touristed part of the city resembles a slice of pie, with Van Ness Ave and Market St making the two sides and the Embarcadero the round edge of the pie. The steaming toppings of this homebaked slice are the classy shops around Union Square, the highrise Financial District, the classy Civic Center, the down-and-out but up-and-coming Tenderloin, swanky(华丽的) Nob Hill and Russian Hill, Chinatown, North Beach and the epicenter of tourist kitsch, Fisherman's Wharf(渔人码头). To the south of Market St lies SoMa, an upwardly mobile warehouse zone of clubs and bars that fades in the southwest into the Mission - the city's Latino quarter - and then the Castro, the center of gay life.

Making a circuit of the 49-Mile Drive is a good way to check out almost all of the city's highlights(最有意思或精彩的部分). The route is well posted with instantly recognizable seagull signs, but a map and an alert navigator are essential. Do yourself a favor and allow a whole day to complete the circuit.

Greyhound is the only regular long-distance bus company operating to the city - all bus services arrive and depart at the Transbay Terminal in SoMa. Amtrak's rail network connects the Bay Area with the rest of the continental US and Canada. Its main stations are in Oakland and Emeryville, both in the East Bay. Caltrain links San Francisco with the peninsula and San Jose; its depot is in SoMa.

Admit it - as LA is to long-haired rockers and Chicago is to steamy blues - when you think Nashville, you've got country music on your mind. And why not? As the self-proclaimed 'Country Music Capital of the World,' Nashville revels in its down-home glamour. Banners and billboards announce new recording stars and releases like accolades (称赞;盛赞)in a high school yearbook, and streets bear the names of country legends like Roy Acuff and Chet Atkins. Music City (as



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Nashville's promoters like to call it) has even caught the attention of non-country singers - from Joan Baez to Jello Biafra - though their reviews have not always been favorable. Still, for a city that's staked(本意为把?押下打赌,拿...冒险) it's reputation on its trademark sound, there's no doubt about it - Nashville's tune is catchy.

Straddling the Cumberland River in northern central Tennessee, Nashville lies midway between the Great Lakes and the Gulf of Mexico. From the state capitol - the city's highest point - a busy, compact downtown of narrow one-way streets and high-rise office buildings slopes eastward to Broadway, Nashville's central artery. Southeast of the capitol along 2nd Ave and Broadway, the renovation of historic commercial buildings has carved a downtown tourist destination called 'the District.' Music Row, the other main commercial district, is less than a mile southwest of downtown.

In the rest of sprawling Nashville, it's hard to pinpoint(准确地确定)what constitutes a neighborhood, but a few are easily discernible(可识别的). Elliston Place is a compact stretch of bohemian alternative culture about a mile west of downtown and north of West End Ave. South of this is the Vanderbilt University campus. East of Elliston Place and abutting(邻接;毗连) the university, Centennial Park is the site of the mock(仿制品)Parthenon leftover from the Centennial Exposition of 1897. This whole area is known as West End, and it centers on a cluster of restaurants along Broadway and West End Ave on either side of the university; you might also hear it referred to as 'Around Vanderbilt.'

Many tourists never set foot in downtown Nashville, confining their visit to the massive Opryland complex a few miles northeast of town. Here, the prefabricated(预先制造;预先构思) Music Valley boasts budget motels, franchise restaurants and outlet stores.




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1.SanFrancisco数据:ArcTutor\GP Service Examples\DriveTimePolygons。 开始:


2.在Scratch文件夹下新建File Geodatabase类型名为Scratch,在ToolData文件夹下新建File Geodatabase类型名为SanFrancisco。


3.在SanFrancisco下新建名为BaseMap和Transportation的Feature Dataset,在设置坐标系(coordinate system)的时候采用Import从ArcTutor\GP Service

Examples\DriveTimePolygons\SanFrancisco.gdb下?a href="http://www.zw2.cn/zhuanti/guanyuwozuowen/" target="_blank" class="keylink">我庋∪∫桓鐾疾愕淖晗档既虢础M瓿珊笕缦峦迹?/p>

4.接着是把SanFrancisco数据(ArcTutor\GP Service Examples\DriveTimePolygons\)导入到上面新建的BaseMap和Transportation中。HwySt、Lakes、MajorSt、Parks、ShoreLine图层导入到BaseMap中,Streets图层导入到 Transportation中,完成后如下:

5.接着开始做网络数据集,右键点击Transportation选择New->Network Dataset在对话框中输入名称Streets_ND然后点击下一步然后出现如下的feature classes选择界面,这里只有一个Streets层默认勾选中的只要点击下一步就好了。



8.网络数据集的数据源分为边线数据、交汇点数据、转弯数据,本例比较简单只含有一个Streets的边线数据集,所以这个也只有一个连通组,设置连通策 略也只需要设置边线连通策略就够了,边线连通策略分为端点连通和任意节点连通,本例子选择端点连通。对于点要素的连通策略设置以及多连通组等可以参考 Esri的网络分析的帮助这里就不讲了。设置完成后点击Ok按钮后关闭设置窗口点击下一步进入高程字段设置界面:

9.高程字段设置也是连通性设置的一部分,在上面的界面中可以设置是否需要高程字段,高程字段能表达线要素的高度起伏关系,可以通过高程字段判定边线的连 通性,高程字段为数字型,当2条边线的连接点的高程字段值相同时为连通否则为不连通,这个在高架线与普通道理交叉时会有用到。这里为Streets的边线的开始点选择F_ZLEV为高程字段,为结束点选择T_ZLEV为高程字段。然后点击下一步进入转弯数据turns设置界面:

10.turns转弯是用来描述两到多个边线要素的转型特征,如交通网中的道理转弯规则设置,可以根据线创建turn要素,本例子中没有创建turn要素采用默认的Global Turns,对于默认的Global Turns的就是无限制的转弯规则。默认点击下一步进入网络数据集属性设置界面:

11. 网络数据集属性设置就是根据字段属性控制网络的属性如走向(单行线)、阻值等,本例子中我们做如下设置,点击Add按钮添加一个名为DirveTime属性设置如下:




