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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/25 01:18:52 体裁作文


一、 教学目标(Teaching aims):

1.通过听、说、读、写四种技能的训练, 使学生掌握八种颜色的辨认,以及掌握询问和回答有关颜色的句型。

2.通过本课的问答练习和交际活动, 培养学生养成使用礼貌用语的习惯。


二、 教学重点(Teaching key points):

1.单词:blue,yellow,black,red,green,brown,white,orange 2.句型:What colour is ...?

It's blue/yellow/black....

三、教学难点(Teaching difficult points):


2."What colour is ...?"的答句"It's ...."与"What's this?"的答句"It's a ...."的区别。

四、教具准备(Teaching aids):


2.红、蓝、黄、绿、黑、白、橙、 棕色的卡纸各一张和含有这八种颜色的圆形硬纸转盘一个(把圆形硬纸平均分成八份, 每份分别涂上以上颜色)。

3. 学生准备一些纯一种颜色的玩具车和一套各种颜色的水彩笔。

五、教学步骤(Teaching step):

Step 1 Revision(复习)

1.复习英文歌"Good morning"进行师生问候。

2.用颜色图片复习前面要求"二会"的单词yellow, blue,black.

Step 2 Presentation (介绍新课)

1.学习句型What colour is ...? It's ....


T:What's this?

待学生用It's a banana.之后,老师接着引出新句型。

T:What colour is the banana?

老师提示学生用It's yellow.回答。


(2)分别出示实物玩具:蓝色的飞机和黑色的小汽车,用同样的问题提问,加深学生对What colour is ...?的理解, 然后板书句子:What colour is the plane? It's blue.

提醒学生不要把It's blue说成It's a blue.




(学生齐问) Ss:What's that?

T:It's a car.

Ss:What colour is the car?

T:It's red.


(3) 学生拿出水彩笔,画出一棵绿色的大树。

教师举起图片,提问:“What color is it”

学生回答:“It’s a tree.What color is it?”

教师回答:“It’s green.”









同法教brown,并板书。 同时提醒学生注意这几个单词中的[r]是一个翘舌音,发音时舌头要翘起来。


T:What's this?

Ss:It's an orange.

T:What colour is the orange? (请个别学生回答)

S:It's orange. (板书 orange,跟读)

老师补充一句:An orange is orange. 告诉学生orange 是一个多义词,以后将会学很多象这样的词。

提醒注意:the orange 中the的读音。


T:Is this a black cat?

Ss:No,it isn't.

T:It's a white cat. (板书 white,跟读)

Step 3 Practice (操练)


1.打开书本,听Part A 的录音两遍,全班跟读。




游戏方法:老师把八张颜色卡纸分别发到每一组的第一个同学,播放快速紧张的音乐,音乐开始,持卡片的同学马上把卡片往后传,音乐停止,卡片落在哪一个同学手中, 他马上要把该卡片贴到黑板上与卡片颜色一致的单词的右边, 最先完成而且答案又正确者,该组得1分。

(2)Bingo game

老师出示一个圆形转盘,(转盘由硬纸做成, 分底面两块,大小一样,底块的一面是由8个等分的、不同颜色的扇形构成,颜色的依次顺序按黑板板书的顺序;上面的一块是剪去八分之一扇形的白色圆,把两个圆重合,面块盖住底块, 底块只露出与面块被剪部分对应的颜色,制成两个圆都可以转的转盘)慢慢转动, 让学生看看里面的颜色。游戏开始,先让学生在练习本上用英语写下某一种或两种相邻的颜色名称,然后由全班同学一齐喊one,two,three,老师快速转动转盘的底面任意一块,突然停止, 看哪种颜色露出来,如果学生写的颜色与露出来的颜色一致,就马上说"Bingo", 他所在的小组得1分,这游戏玩三次。


用投影仪把Part B 的图打出来,盖住句子部分,把学生分成男女两组,用What colour is ...?It's ...进行问答,然后把句子部分也打开,听录音,跟读。 Step 4 Communication activity(交际活动):

把学生分成四人小组,互相用Hello!Good morning!I'm...等打招呼、自我介绍后,一齐说Let's draw a fish/an apple...,然后各人开始画,并涂上颜色, 注意涂颜色时别让别人知道自己涂的是什么颜色,完成后,大家一齐把自己的画反放在桌面上,然后问What colour is the apple? 其他同学用It's...猜,猜对了轮到他问,其他同学猜。

Step 5 Sum up (小结):


Step 6 Homework (布置作业)

抄写Part A 的单词,听Part A & B 的录音,并跟读。


Unit Eight

What colour is the plane/car/...?

It's yellow.

It's blue.

It's black.

It's red.

It's green.

It's brown.

It's orange.

It's white.


篇二:人教版三年级Unit 2 Colors

人教版三年级Unit 2 Colors

Period 6 Start to read,Let’s check and story time 教案设计


1. 能够听、说、读、写ABCD四个字母的大小写;能够熟练读和说颜色的单词:red, green, brown, yellow, blue, black;能够理解How are you?Fine,thank you.的意思

2. 能够用所学的四个字母和表示颜色的单词熟练表达I see…,Show me…的句型。

3. 能够通过颜色单词的学习加深对颜色的认识,发现生活中的五彩斑斓的美丽,陶冶心情;通过Story time的学习,能够和同伴互相问候,增进感情。


1. 掌握ABCD四个字母的大小写,掌握表示颜色单词的正确发音;

2. 掌握I see…和Show me…的用法;


1. 能够熟练运用I see…和Show me…的句型表达句子;

2. 能够准确听出录音中所放的内容并回答问题。


1. 热身(Warming up)

用红色、黄色、白色、蓝色粉笔分别写出我的名字Lu Lu. 每写完一个字母就让学生说出是什么颜色,然后让大家发现我写的是什么,并向大家介绍自己。

(1)教师用红色粉笔写下L,然后问What color is it?学生回答:red.

(2)教师用黄色粉笔写下u,然后问What color is it?学生回答:yellow. 教师用蓝色粉笔写下L,然后问What color is it? 学生回答:blue.

(3)教师用白色粉笔写下u,然后问What color is it?学生回答:white.

(4)写完所有的字母教师问学生:你们知道我写的是什么吗?It’s my name. This is Lulu. This is me. I’m Lulu. Nice to meet you!

T: Now I’m very happy! Because I see you. I see red,yellow, blue…so beautiful ! Ok, Now class begins. Good morning, boys and girls!

Ss: Good morning, Lulu!

T:Sit down,please.

Ss: Thank you!

2.导入(Lead in)


T:我们之前学习了四个字母的大小写,现在我们回忆一下ABCD是怎么写的。我们把YOYO老师交给我们的动作跟着我一起做一下好吗?Use your finger. T:A A A a a a ant apple, B B B b b b book bag, C CC ccc cat crayon, D DD ddd dog,duck.

SS: A A A a a a ant apple, B B B b b b book bag, C CC ccc cat crayon, D DD ddd dog,duck.

T: Very good!



A. 教师拿出表示颜色的卡片,先请同学们一起读,然后分小组一起读,然后分每一排一起读。

B. 教师说Show me blue, red…然后让学生们展示不同颜色的蜡笔。

2. 新课呈现(Presentation)

Start to read:

(1) 教师通过展示图片,让同学们根据图片说出自己看到的字母.

Find and Say.找和说。(圈出来Find并写上中文意思)

T: Boys and girls, please look at the picture. What can you see in the picture? Ss:兔子,斑马,松鼠,火车,魔方。。。。。。

T: Clever!大家都很聪明,除了你们看到的这些,What else can you see in the picture?你们还能看到什么呢?是不是能看到我们学习过的字母?Now I want you to tell me what letters you see in the picture? You can say like this: I see C, big C. I see a,small a…Ok,who can?

S1: I see A, big A.

S2: I see D, big D.


T: Ok, this part is over. Every one knows the letters ABCD. Then we will move on to the next part----Read and tick. 读和勾

Read and tick:



T: The first one, what color? Which one ?Red, Yes,No7.

T:The second one, what color?Which one? Green, yes, No 4.

T: …


(2) 教师带学生一起读一篇图片上所有颜色的单词,然后请学生们齐读。

Let’s check:

T: Ok ,now let’s turn to page 20. Let’s listen to the tape and then finish the exercise.

(1)Listen and tick or cross.请大家仔细听录音,然后看着图片,打勾或者打叉。


(3)第二部分Match and color,大家听完对应的颜色,将颜料和对应的颜色连线,下课再去颜色补充完整。Are you clear?

Let’s sing:


T: Look at the song. It’s about colors. Now there are two new colors in the song. Can you find it? Yes, it’s purple 紫色and pink粉色。

T:Now follow me, purple ,purple. Pink, pink.

Ss: purple, purple. Pink, pink.

T: After rain ,what can you see in the sky?

Ss: 彩虹!

T:Yes,是彩虹. 彩虹,彩虹,rainbow. Rainbow ,rainbow.

T:Ok,now let’s listen to the song and learn to sing together.


Story time:


T:Ok,after singing song, let’s listen to the story. Let’s see what happens between zip and zoom.让我们看看zip和zoom之间发生了什么。

(The teacher plays the tape)

T:Pay attention to “How are you?Fine,thank you.”是什么意思呀?是你好吗?我很好,谢谢。大家把写在旁边。

T:Here there is a new word “flower”. Flower,flower:花。


T: Now listen to the tape and follow it.


4. Homework


(2)让大家回去复习巩固所学习的所有关于颜色的单词和unit 2的内容。

篇三:Colors 教案

篇四:Oracle DISPLAY COLOR终极解决方案

Checking monitor: must be configured to display at least 256 colors >>> Could not execute auto check for display colors using command /usr/openwin/bin/xdpyinfo. Check if the DISPLAY variable is set. Failed <<<<

解决 要点主要是要运行host +打通 接受控制;不是去安装啥补丁!安装啥包



su – root password:xxxxx

DISPLAY=:0.0; export DISPLAY


cd /usr/openwin/bin ./xhost

access control enabled, only authorized clients can connect

./xhost +

access control disabled, clients can connect from any host

2. 然后进入ORACLE su - oracle

$ DISPLAY=:0.0; export DISPLAY

$ echo $DISPLAY


$ ls

doc response stage

install runInstaller welcome.html

$ ./runInstaller




1.4 Color

Keeping the theme of the group in mind., a designer must incorporate in each garment a pleasing combination of all the elements of good design. These elements are color, fabrication, line, shape, and detail. One of them usually predominates in a design. These same ingredients are essential to every art form, but they alone are not a recipe for success, and they cannot substitute for experience. Fashion changes continually; there are no hard and fast rules.

Color can be the basis for a whole group or line. It is the first element to which consumers respond . People relate personally to color , usually either selecting or rejecting a garment because of its color appeal. Therefore, designers must consider their customers and provide colors that are both appealing and flattering.

People relate personally to color because it causes emotional responses, some of them based on events in their lives and on their culture. People in many agricultural countries, who have deep roots in folk traditions, have been exposed to different uses of color than people who live in business-oriented Western countries.

People connect certain colors with holidays and seasons. They expect to see the colors of autumn leaves in fall clothing,reds and greens for the winter holidays,the pastels of flowers in the spring. and refreshing white for the summer. All manufacturers include some of these colors in

their lines.

Color Selection

Every line should include a range of colors that appeals to a variety of customers. Within the line each group is usually formulated around a color plan consisting of as few as two colors or many colors. Color choices must reflect season. climate,and type of garment. Active sportswear, for example, employs much more vivid colors than spectator sportswear.

The line's color story should include some fashion colors selected from research provided by trade associations, fiber companies, or design report predictions. By basing a color story on these predictions. the designer is assured that the group will be in the mainstream of fashion. Sometimes the designer selects one or two colors from the predictions and then adds his or her own color choices to balance them. The group is then rounded out with staple colors such as neutrals, darks. white, or black. In any case. the color story must be meaningful, not just a group of unrelated colors. It might be all brights. or all muted. or a balance of darks and lights.color Relationships within a Garment.

Color Relationships within a Garment

There are several systems. all using measured scales, to guide in the selection of color combinations. Primary and secondary colors differ from one system to another. But looking at a rainbow will show you the basic

order of colors' relationship to one another.

The Brewster and Prang theories define red,yellow, and blue as the three primaries from which all other colors are derived. Mixing yellow and red paints creates orange; red and blue create purple; and blue and yellow create green the three secondary colors. Mixtures of primary and secondary colors create every color in between. The entire spectrum is often arranged into a color wheel to demonstrate the concept more clearly. However, the working fashion industry pays little attention to theories and systematic color relationships. basing selections instead on intuition and researched color forecasts.

There are no hard and fast rules for the use of colors. Rather. two colors are harmonious if they are used so that one color enhances the beauty of the other . Colors are now combined in many more unusual ways than ever before. Colors that used to be appropriate only for evening are now used also in sportswear. Ethnic influences on fashion have changed our view of color combinations, making us more receptive to new ideas. In addition. colors run in fashion cycles just as styles do. Color combinations that look right to us now will not work with the looks that are new a few years hence.

Guidelines for Possible Color Combinations Monochromatic or tonal color schemes employ varying values and intensities of one hue. (Mono means one and chroma means hue or

color. ) The resulting look is very refined. However, textural variety is needed to create interest.

Analogous colors lie next to each other on the color wheel and are related in hue. Used together, they present a rhythmic, exciting effect. An example is a combination of royal blue and turquoise (blue-green). blue being the common hue.

Complementary colors are opposite each other on the color wheel. The contrast makes both colors more intense. They may be used in equal amounts, or one color may merely accent the other. A Traditional complementary color scheme is the Christmas theme of red and green.

A triad is a combination of three colors equally distant on the color wheel. such as green. purple. and orange. This is a much more unusual color combination and is more difficult to achieve successfully. Illusions Created by Color

Color can also create illusions. For example. a garment in one color adds to the illusion of height. Warm. Light., or bright colors advance visually. making a design seem larger; cool or dark colors recede. causing the figure to look small or slender. Both intensity and value contrasts are frequently used to disguise figure problems.

Color and Fabric

Color is interpreted in the medium of fabric. If colors are chosen first. then prints are colored in the desired scheme and solids dyed to

match .sometimes,however,the fabric itself will inspire the color group.
