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篇一:Moudle 2 My New Teachers课文

Moudle 2 My New Teachers

They say that first impressions are very important. My first impression of Mrs. Li was that she was nervous and shy. I think perhaps she was, as it was her first lesson with us. But now, after two weeks, the class really likes working with her. She's kind and patient, and she explains English grammar so clearly that even I can understand it! She avoids making you feel stupid! I've always hated making mistakes or pronouncing a word incorrectly when I speak English,but Mrs. Li just smiles, so that you don't feel completely stupid! I think maybe she goes a bit too slowly for the faster students, but for me it's wonderful! I feel I'm going to make progress with her.

I'd guess that Mrs. Chen is almost sixty. She's very strict—we don't dare to say a word unless she asks us to. She's also very serious and doesn't smile much. When she asks you to do something, you do it immediately! There are a few students in our class who keep coming to class late but they're always on time for Mrs. Chen's lessons! Some of our class don't ike her, but most of us really appreciate her because her teaching is so well organised and clear. And a few students even admit liking her! During scientific experiments, she explains exactly what is happening and as a result my work is improving. Physics will never be my favourite lesson, but I think that I’ll do well in the exam with Mrs Chen teaching me.

Mr. Wu’s only been teaching us for two weeks and he’s already very popular. I think this is because he really enjoys teaching Chinese literature ---- he loves it, in fact! He’s got so much energy, this is one class you do not fall asleep in! He’s about 28, I think, and is rather good-looking. He talks loudly and fast, and waves his hands about a lot when he gets excited. He’s really amusing and tells jokes when he thinks we’re getting bored. Even things like compositions and summaries are fun with Mr. Wu. I respect him a lot.






篇二:module 2 my new teachers

Period 1 Introduction 8. enjoy teaching Chinese literature.

Mrs Li: Mrs Chen: Mr. WU: Music: 《老师》--贾云哲

Brainstorm: adj used to describe teachers

Positive: Read the text again and finish the following exercises.

Paragraph one: True or false


1. Mrs. Li wasn’t nervous at her first lesson. □

2. Mrs. Li explains grammar clearly and I can follow her. □

Patient 3. She makes me feel stupid when I make mistakes. □ Serious 4. With her help, I begin to do better in English. □ Organized Paragraph Two: Fill in the blaks Funny Mrs Chen is very _____ and also very ______ and doesn’t ____ much. Those who are often late for Energetic class are always ______ for her lessons. But most of us really _________ her because her teaching is Nervous well _________ and clear. During some ________ experiments, she gives exact explanations. Intelligent Although physics is not my _______ lesson, I think I will make progress. Paragraph Three: Answer the following questions

1.How old is Mr. Wu and how is he? 2. Is Mr. Wu liked by his students? Why? 3. What does he do when he gets excited? 4. What does he do when his students get tired? Summary: Listen and fill the blanks My first i _________of Mrs Li was that she was nervous and shy. But now the class really likes Finish Activity 3 & 4 of page 11. working with her. She’s kind and p _______.She explains English grammar so clearly that even I can understand it. When I make mistakes, she just smiles. I think maybe she goes a bit too slowly for the Period 2 Reading and Vocabulary faster students, but for me it’s wonderful. I feel I’m going to make p_______ with her. ? Turn to Page 12, take a look at the pictures and tell me your first impression of the three Mrs Chen is almost sixty. She’s very strict and serious. Some of our class don’t like her, but most teachers: of us really a_________her because her teaching is so well o________ and clear. And a few students a Mrs Li: Mrs Chen _______ liking her. During s ________experiments , she explains exactly what is happening and as a Mr. Wu: result my work is improving. I think I’ll do well in the exam with Mrs Chen t________me. ? Fast reading: Mr. Wu has only been teaching us for two weeks and he’s already very p _______. He’s got so Read the text and check whether your guess is right or wrong. much e ______ , this is one class you do not fall asleep in ! He’s really amusing and tells j______ Finish activity 1. when he thinks we’re getting bored. I r _______him a lot. ? Intensive Reading Read the text carefully and match the information with the three teachers. 1. explaining exactly what is happening in scientific experiments 2. always telling jokes when we feel bored 3. explaining grammar clearly enough 4. often waving hands about when getting excited 5. kind and patient 6. about 60 years old and very strict 7. gook-looking and energetic

练习: It was _____ cold that we did not want to go out. It was _______ a cold day that we did not want to go out. The play was _______ interesting that I went to see it several times. This was__________ interesting a film that I went to see it several times. I have never seen_____ little ants (蚂蚁) carry ____ much food before. A. so, such B. such , so C. so, so D. such , such I have never heard ____ a nice voice sing ____ beautiful a song. A. so, such B. such, such C. so, so D. such, so ____ many people were gathering round the train station____ they blocked the road. A. Such, that B. So, that C. So, as D. Such, as 4. We don’t dare to say a word unless she asks us to. Period 3 Language Points

注意dare的用法: 1. She is kind and patient. 她很善良而且有耐心。

He dare not go out at night. The old doctor is patient with his patients. 那位老医生对他的病人很耐心。

How dare you say such things against them. Teachers should be patient with students. 教师应该对学生有耐心。

If you dare say that to our teacher, I would vote for you . He is patient of cold and hunger. 他能够容忍饥饿

此时dare 为: Tom has been quite patient of the noise outside. 汤姆能忍耐外面的噪音。

She dares to answer the questions. 他敢回答这些问题。 总结:be patient with sb.: be patient of sth:

Do you dare to touch the snake? 你干摸这条蛇吗? You need lots of patience when you work here

He doesn’t dare (to) tell his mother. 他不敢告诉他的母亲。 There several patients waiting outside the hospital.

此时,dare为: patience n.: patient n.:

unless= if …not. 2. I think teachers need to be strict. 我认为老师应当严格。

Don’t come unless I phone you. 除非我打电话,否则就不要来。 She’s strict with her children. 他对待子女很严格。

You will fail unless you work hard. 除非你努力工作,否则你会失败的。 It is hard to be always strict in everything. 很难做到总是做事严谨。

You can’t really understand it unless you read it carefully. 除非你仔细读,否则你不会真正理解它总结: be strict with sb: be strict in sth:

的。 练习:Ms Li is strict _______ her work, however, she is not so strict _______ her students.

练习:把以上句子用if …not替换。 3. 她把语法解释的如此清

5. 楚,以至于我都能理解。

get angry get tired get cold 阅读并比较:such …that 与so… that

get burnt get lost get hurt get paid I was so excited that I could not speak .

Sarah, hurry up. I’m afraid you won’t have time to __________ before the party. He spoke so clearly that we could hear him.

A get changed B get change C get changing D get to change It was so fine a day that we decided to go out.

6. Mr. Wu’s only been teaching us for two weeks. 吴老师才教了我们两周。 It was such a fine day that we decided to go out.

He’s been watching television all day. 他一整天都在看电视 It was such fine weather that we decided to go out.

The ground is wet. It has been raining. 天一直在下雨 They are such beautiful flowers that we love them very much.

He’s been living here for ten years. 他在这儿住了十年了。 总结:

Home work: 注意:当名词前有 many, much, few, little 修饰时,应该用so, 而不用such.

以My teacher为题,写一片作文。参考例句: 如:There is so much water in the room.

1) My English teather is Mr Xu, his English name is Martin. His English is very good. So many people/ all around the world

I like to read a book today. 2) And he always wears a pair of glasses.

3) He likes wearing blue pants. 总结:prefer, like, love, hate

4) My teacher is handsome.(musing, energetic, funny, intelligent, lively, nervous, organized,

patient, popular, serious, shy, strict, stupid? ) 复习:

remember doing sth remember to do sth 5)forget doing sth forget to do sth and eating chips.(playing football, basketball, piano, singing)

regret doing regret to do sth 7)are good. stop doing stop to do sth

8) I have never seen such a good teacher as him before. try doing try to do sth

mean to do sth mean doing

Period 4 Grammar can't help to do sth can't help doing sth

Activity 1 Page 14

I can't stand making a friend with her. 看以下例句:

I can’t stand being treated like that. The boy admitted being careless. 这个孩子承认他太大意了。

I can’t stand not being told the truth. Mary is considering going abroad. 玛丽正在考虑出国。

He really appreciates having time to relax. 有空休息一下,他真高兴。 总结: 主动语态:

Activity 2 Page 14 被动语态:

Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the following words. 否定形式:

send admit can’t help avoid buy imagine suggest stop do 练习:He dare not admit _________ (rob 抢) by a thief.

Period 5 Listening and Vocabulary Many of my friends had cell phones(手机) but I didn’t. How I wished I had had one phone of

my own. Sometimes I even ______ talking on a beautiful cell phone in the street. The day before my Match the words with their definitions.

birthday, my uncle told me he was considering ______ me a cell phone and on my birthday, he did choice the work of studying lessons again in order to learn them

translation the act of changing something from one language into another give me a new phone as a gift. I was so happy and began to practice _______ messages(信息) on the

phone. During the evening class the next day, after I finished ______ my homework, I took my phone library a list showing the times of classes in a school

topic a subject that people talk or write about out secretly(秘密地) to send a message to my friend. Suddenly my desk mate coughed(咳嗽), but

I didn’t ______ using my phone. Instead, I kept using it until I noticed my teacher had stood in front of timetable a holiday, or time spent not working

revision the act of choosing something my desk. In his office, my teacher asked me to hand in(上交) my phone, but I refused(拒绝) to

period a spoken or written test of knowledge ______ using my phone in class. He didn’t blame(责备) me with hard words; instead, he _________

not taking cell phones to school, for many students _________ using them in class. As a result, I headmaster a man who is in charge of a school

vacation a room or building containing books that can be read or borrowed promised(许诺) I would not take my phone to school and also I would ask my friends to ______

taking their phones to school. exam a length of time

Finish activity 1-3 on page 15

Then we began making/ to make plans for the work. Listen again and fill in the blanks with the words you hear.

Then we started making/ to make plans for the work. Mr S: Okay, kids, as you know, the exams are coming up soon, so we need to start work on revision. Then we continued making/ to make plans for the work. This afternoon I’m going to give you a choice. We can either do some revision or we can do some

translation. ___________________. 总结:begin, start 和 continue

St: I_________ do translation _______ revision, Mr Stanton.

I prefer watching TV to going to the cinema. Mr S: How many people _________ to do translation?

I prefer to watch TV rather than go to the cinema tonight. Chorus of voices: I would/Me/I’d like to do translation.

I like reading. Mr S: That’s ______ of you. So the rest of you __________ to do revision, is that right?

Chorus of voices: Yes. 课文回归:

Mr S: That’s sixteen of you. So _________. We’ll do revision. I’m going to give you a choice of topic, Mr Wu's only been teaching us for two weeks and he's already very popular think this is because too. Do you want to revise Life in the future. he really enjoys teaching Chinese literature he loves it in fact he's got so much energy this is one St: I’d prefer to do Travel class you do not fall asleep in he's about 28 I think and is rather good-looking he

Mr S: Hands up for Life in the future. (Students raise their hands) ________ of you. The choice is talks loudly and fast and waves his hands about a lot when he gets excited he's really made. But before we start, there are _________ things I need to say to you. Firstly, have you all got amusing and tells jokes when he thinks we're getting bored even things like compositions your new timetables? and summaries are fun with Mr Wu I respect him a lot

Chorus of voices: Yes Cultural corner

Mr S: Good. Can you ________ them? OK, Now, _________ you have a free period on Tuesday Read and answer Q1 & Q2

afternoons. Well, that’s been changed and you’ve got French instead. ___________? Read the passage again and fill in the chart in pairs.

Chorus of voices: Yes. Mr S: Excellent. And there’s __________. The headmaster wants to see everyone in the library at three this afternoon. OK? Chorus of voices: Yes. Mr S: Right. Let’s begin our revision of Life in the future.

Match words and expressions with their definitions . A: __2__ B: I prefer pop songs. relationship be suitable for A: What does Tom think of that? B: __3__ formal like, the state of being like A: Maybe some soft pop songs to start with. B: __4__ Thank you very much. discipline order, rules A: ___5___ relaxed connection, having sth. to do with Period 6 Function and Speaking & Everyday English similarly in accordance with rules I prefer to go at once.我愿意马上就走。 be true of less tight or strict I prefer you to go at once.我倒希望你马上就走。 He comes from Shanghai, so he prefers rice. 他是上海人,因此更喜欢吃米饭。 必背谚语: I prefer going by bike.我宁愿骑单车去。 Honesty is the best policy. 诚实总是上策。 I prefer swimming to skating. =I like swimming better than skating. 比起滑冰我更喜欢游泳 Actions speak louder than words. 行动比言语更有说服力。(事实胜于雄辩。) He preferred to die rather than (to) steal.=He preferred to die instead of stealing. Better late than never. 迟做总比不做好。 All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. 只工作(学习)不玩耍,聪明孩子也变傻。 I’d rather do ‘life in the future’. Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy,wealthy,and wise.早起早睡使你健康、富裕、明智。 I’d rather do translation than revision. An apple a day keeps the doctor away. 多吃水果利健康。(一天一苹果医生远离我。) Finish Activity 2 on Page 17, Everyday English on P18 An hour in the morning is worth two in the evening. 一日之计在于晨。

Period 7 Writing & Cultural Corner




1. 上学期间,学校的某些场所一定给你留下了美好的记忆,如教室、阅览室、操场等。某英文报纸正以”My favorite place at School”为题征文,请你投稿。描述一个你最喜欢的地方,并请说明原因。提示词语:Classroom, reading-room, playground, bright, quiet, large, help, improve My favorite place at school

My favorite place at school is the reading room. It is very big and bright. There are a lot of useful books, newspapers and magazines there.

I like reading books and magazines there because they not only provide me with much knowledge, but also help me learn a lot about what is happening around the world. Sometimes I even feel I can have a talk with the people in the books.

I can also relax myself in the peaceful environment there. When I feel tired and unhappy, the reading room is the best place to go to. Reading helps me forget all my troubles.

For me, the reading room is the place I like best.

2. 你觉得你的校园生活安全吗?请你写一篇题为”How to Keep safe in school”的短文,谈谈你的看法。




3. 呼吁每个学生要注意校园安全。

How to Keep safe in school

Do you know our school life could be dangerous if we are not careful enough. For example,Last month,my friend Tom fight with a classmate. And Tom chase the classmate. By the time he run into the classmate , the classmate had already closed the door, so Tom hit the door, and then he send to the hospital soon, and he stay in hospital about two weeks.

So, we should know the important of the safe in school. Here are my suggestions. We can't fight with others. And we should get on well with our classmates. What's more, we should be carefully in our school life.

Let's keep safe in school, and have a better life!

3. 中招考试即将到来,许多学生感到压力很大,为此很烦恼。你校的校刊特意进行了课后放松方式的调查。请你以”Learn to relax yourself “为题写一篇80词左右的短文。要点提示:






Learn to relax yourself

Now many students of Grade 9 are under too much pressure. They always feel too tired to listen to the teachers carefully in class.

It’s important for students to relax. Only in this way can they study well and be healthy. Here are some different ways to relax themselves. For example, they can try to have enough sleep,or they can listen to their favourite music after class. They can also read some books or do some sports. For me, I often hang out with my friends.

While you are studying, don’t forget to relax. You will study better after a good rest.

4. Maggie 在英语学习中遇到一些困难,她写信向你求教并邀请你周末去她家。请你写回信应邀并向她介绍英语学习的方法(不少于两条),建议她用英语回信以提高英语表达能力。词数80左右。信的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总数。


I’d love to visit you this weekend. I’m sorry that you have some trouble learning English. Let me give you some advice. Do you take notes in English class? It’s a good way to learn English grammar. And if you are poor in listening, you can watch English movies and listen to English songs. Why not write back in English? It will help you to improve your writing. I hope you will make great progress in your study of English.

5. 请以”My middled school life is______________”为题写一篇英语短文。



2.短文内容应包括三方面的信息:in the past, now 和in the future.



My middle school life is__unforgettable_________

Here is what I think of myself.

In the past, I was busy learning my subjects and worked hard at them, I got on well with my classmates, I was good at English and I liked playing basketball. Now I am interested in history because it is very interesting. I have many interests such as reading books, playing sports and so on. In this way my life has become richer and I gained more knowledge.

In the future, I’ll try my best to do better. I’ll aim to enjoy my school life and make it more and more beautiful if we learn to say”thanks” to others. Don’t forget to say “thanks”!

6. 初中阶段的学校生活即将结束,在离校之前, 同学们讨论怎么样做一件有意义的事。请根据表中信息写一篇英语短文,为某英语报举办的征文比赛投稿。




We’ll leave school soon. Now my classmates are discussing how to do a meaningful thing before leaving school. Some students think we should buy a proper gift for our school and thank the teachers for helping and taking care of us. Others think we should buy pencils,pens, notebooks,schoolbags and some other school things for the children in the disaster areas and poor areas.

In my opinion, we should thank those who help us. We should help those in need and do a bit for our society.


1. 下个学期,我们每一位同学即将进入新的学校。请你根据下列提示,以”New School, New Life”为题,用英文写一篇80词左右的短文,谈一谈你的新学校、新生活、新打算。

1. What kind of new friends and teachers would you like to have?

2. Why do you want to have this kind of new friends and teachers?

3. What do you think your new school life will be like?

4. How will you improve yourself in the future?

New School,New Life

I’m a student in a middle school and will graduate in very soon. I hope to study in a beautiful high school. I want to have lots of good friends. My new teachers will be very friendly to me and I can learn a lot from them. In the new school, we will have enough time to do after-school activities.

The life will be very colorful. If I have some problems in the new school, I can go to a “buddy club” for help. In the future, I will do my best to improve myself. I believe I will be better and better.


my new teachers作文


1. 节约能源是每个公民的责任和义务,那么作为中学生,我们该如如何节能呢?请你根据下列要点提示用英语写一篇短文。


2. 使用节能灯,少开灯,离开时记住关灯。

3. 节约用水,注意随手关好水龙头

4. 节约用纸,随身携带手帕。

5. 要有回收利用废品的意识。

提示词:private car 私家车 energy-saving light 节能灯 handkerchief 手帕

要求:1. 要包括以上所有要点,要做到行文流畅、脉络清晰

2. 词数为80-100.

It’s our duty to save energy. As middle school students, what should we do to save energy? Firstly, we can walk or ride a bike to school. We’d better not take the bus or the private car. Secondly, we should use energy--saving lights when you leave the room. Thirdly, we should save water. Don’t forget to turn off the water tap after using it. Fourthly, we also need to save paper. It’s a good idea to bring a handkerchief with us. Fifthly, we should learn to recycle waste things such as cans, paper and bottles.

In a word, we should try our best to save energy.

2. 地球是我们的家园。作为地球的主人,我们应该好好保护地球。现在正在倡导”低碳”生活,作为中学生,我们应该怎么样做呢? 谈谈你的想法。内容应该包括以下几点:

1)节约用水、用电; 2)节约纸张,循环使用课本,保护森林;

3)节约粮食,在更多的土地上种树 4)不乱丢杂物,保护环境

How does our earth turn better?

The earth is our home. As the owner, we should protect our earth. But how to live in the low-carbon lifestyle?

I think as middle school students, we should save the resources around us, such as the water,the electricity and so on. I think saving paper is necessary. All the used textbooks should be recycled. Thus, fewer trees will be cut down. If we can save more food, the peasants will plant more trees on their farms. Don’t throw litter everywhere. It will pollute our environment.

If everyone can make a contribution to our earth, the life we are living will be better and better.


1. 母爱是每个人的至爱,母亲为我们付出了许多。对我们每个人来说,母爱恩重如山,情深似海。 请以”I love my mother”为题,用英语写一篇80词左右的短文,以表示对母亲的感恩之情。

There are many people around me,but I love my mother best.

My mother is a teacher and she is also a great mother. She tries to do what he can to help me with my study and my life. She takes good take of me. Without her help, I can’t grow healthy.

She is very busy, but every morning, she gets up early to make breakfast. One midnight, I had a fever. She was very worried and took me to the hospital at once. Two days later, I was well but she fell ill. I was truly sorry for that.

I’ll do my best to be a good child of my mother. I’’ love her forever.

2. 今天是父亲节。 假定你是李华,请给你的美国笔友John 写一封电子邮件,谈谈你将如何与父亲一起度过这个特别的日子。要点如下:






Dear John,


It’s Father’s Day today. It’s a special day, isn’t it?

I think we should do something to show our love for our fathers on this special day. My father and I are good friends. Whenever I meet with difficulties, he is always there, ready to help me.

Today I will make a beautiful card for him, with my thanks and best wishes on it.Then I will help him wash his shirts afternoon and cook his favourite food in the evening. Besides, I’ll take a walk with him after dinner and then play chess with him, for he likes it very much. I’m sure he’ll be happy.

What’s your plan for Father’s Day? I’m looking forward to hearing from you.

Yours, Li Hua 生活运动篇:

近年,由教育部、国家体育总局、共青团中央联合发起了:“全国亿万青少年学生阳光体育运动。”你在学校参加了此项活动,请你配合此项活动以”Let’s do sports”为题,写一篇80词左右的短文,要求包括以下要点:

1)运动带给你的益处; 2)最喜欢的体育项目及原因; 3)号召大家一起来运动,强身健体

I think doing sports is necessary. Sports can help us relax and concentrate on our studies better. Sport can make us grow well. Sports can bring us friends.

Which sports do you like best? Running is my favorite. At first, I went running to keep my body fit. Now, I find it fun and free. You can run anytime you feel like it. All you need is a pair of running shoes. You can see all kinds of scenes while running and stop at those that attract you to appreciate them.

Haven’t you got a favorite sport? Stop hesitating! Come and run with us!


篇四:My new teachers 说课



我说课的内容是外研版《英语》(新标准)高中第一册(必修1)Module 2 My New Teachers 的Reading and Vocabulary的短文阅读。本模块以My New Teachers 为话题,介绍了具有不同教学风格和个性特征的教师,旨在通过模块的教学使学生学会描述教师及校园生活,并能运用所学词汇、句型来表达自己的喜好,同时通过学习制定好教师的标准使师生之间相互了解。

Introduction 部分已主要介绍表示个性特征的形容词,并通过听力活动对描述教师风格的陈述进行判断;Reading and Vocabulary部分要求学生利用提供的词汇阅读三篇短文,了解不同教师的教学风格。训练学生围绕学校生活对教师个性特征、教学风格进行由浅入深的描写。(二)教学目标根据《新课标》总目标的描述,结合本课的内容,我把本节课的教学目标系统化,分别是:语言知识,能力目标,情感目标,文化意识,和学习策略。




s,shy,strict,impression,respect,organise,appreciate ,admit…






加深对老师的了解和热爱, 既发挥学习主动性也配合教师的教学工作,实现感情交流, 使师生关系更加融洽。


重点:围绕学校生活对教师个性特征、教学风格进行描写。 难点:了解不同教师的教学风格,并运用于实际。






新课程提倡运用任务型教学途径,围绕核心问题,设定小任务;围绕文章内容,尽可能提供训练学生技能的机会;开展自主性学习的课堂活动,强调合作探究与独立思考相结合。任务型教学:任务型教学强调语言学习应该是在"做中学""用中学"。任务设计应该贴近学习者的生活,才能激发学习者的背景知识,激发他们的学习的兴趣,语言才能在经意中习得(incidental acquisition).






Step1. Lead-in(Brainstorming)


T: What shall we talk about today?

S: My New Teachers.

T: You have already been students for about 9 years. During the 9 years, you must have met different teachers.

六、 Could you use some adjectives to describe these teachers? S: Yes.

T: Let's play a game. I'll divide the class into two parts. One part is boys, the other is girls. Let's see which group gets more words. 第一环节:导入与复习。这部分起到复习旧知导入新知的作用。主要任务是使用学过的形容词描述老师,既复习了上节课涉及到的词汇,又很自然地进入到今天主要谈论的话题。为避免学生对词汇复习感到枯燥无味,于是采用游戏形式Brainstorming完成,最大程度地调动了学生的学习兴趣,所以这部分也属于激趣阶段。

Step2: Pre-reading


2.让学生带着Reading Activity1中的两个问题,进行听力训练,使


T: Talking about teachers is an interesting topic for students all the time.

Now, we'll read three compositions about three teachers written by their students. And we'll know more about them. Let's know them first.

S: Mrs Li, Mr Wu, Mrs Chen.

T: First, let's listen to the tape and try your best to answer the two questions.

1. Which teachers do students like a lot?

2. Who is a very good teacher but is serious and strict? Step3: While-reading



(1) Which paragraphs tell us what the teachers look like?

(2) What subjects does each teacher teach?

(3) Who is the most popular teacher?

(4) Who is the kindest teacher?

篇五:Book 1 Module 2 My New Teachers 阅读理解

