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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/26 03:19:33 初中作文

篇一:Dear Sister给姐姐的一封信

Dear Sister,

We don’t see each other for one month,I know your study is very busy now.But in order to test your English level,I finally decide to write. After all, graduate school test also need English, Ahaha…

Robert has set this homework for us , but we like this way to experss my emotion , although we can contact with each other by QQ mobile phone and so on . Last class , I didn’t attend our robert’s class,I feel so sorry . He is our written teacher , from Amearca and has been taught us for a and half year . At start of most , I didn’t like his class because he can’t speak Chinese and speed is so fast . Few of us could always follow him , so most of us chose not to have his class . However , now we become respect him more and more and love him very much .He is very responsible for us . form him , we learned too many . So I won’t be absent in his class , I promise.

The craze for graduate scool is an unavoidable and real problehe heavy employment pressure,you finally choose this road . Just go ahead.For me I really don’t wanna follow expect our parents. So I will try my best for this

time again.

Most time we spend together are used to say the mess of things but boyfriend. I don’t know how say out to you.Just some guy treat me really nicely for several years and I am on the verge to surrender to him,I think.I think the most thing he attracts me is perseverance and the urge to improvement. Maybe you already know who is he . Keep it secret before I tell our Dad and Mom.Tomb-sweeping Day is coming. He will come to our school to see me in this holiday. We’ll climb Jigong mountain that day. Ahaha….

OK, just stop here today. If there are something, I’ll call you. Meditation to revise you study . Whether in the method of living or thought or activities moderation is always the safest way. So I will protect myself well. Come on ! Time is limited.

Yours sincerely Sister bao

篇二:My dear sister[1]

My dear sister: (,)

Now, writting (writing) article is the most difficult thing for me. I recited (have memorized) so many words that I can't turely (truly) spell anyone (any of them). Oh, how can I? I will write an article every day from today (on). I hope you help me in modifying the articles. Thanks!

This is a very thoughtprovoking (thought-provoking) pictue (picture). As it vividly depicted in the picture, the goalkeeper thought he was too small for the gate and was afraid the (that) he could not prevent the ball from entering the gate. On the contrary, the player, who was ready to shoot, thought the goal keeper was so strong that he had almost covered the whole gate and he had litter (little) chance to win. Obviously, (both) the two plays are all deffident (lack confidence in themselves) so that they undervalued themselves but overvalued the other side.

What the picture illustrates is a philosophic topic in our daily life. If you fear before you do a thing, how can you win? But in reality people usually negate themseves (themselves). They don't belive (believe) their ability .Some small difficulty in front of the way can prevent many people from going on. In their eyes, the difficulty is so big that he couldn't (can’t) pass.

There are many examples (that) can backup this viewpoint. It is well known that many students are often nervous before examination(s). In (During) the whole night, they can't sleep for a second with serious headache. The next day, they enter the examination room without spirit (in low spirit) so that they hardly to do (can hardly do) any simple exercise. Definitely, they fail to pass exam(s). Therefore building up confidence is of great significance to a person.

Please modify in red pen.


little cat

篇三:dear sister

Dear Sister

If my elder sister was water, I must be the fire. We are just like two parallel lines that would never cross. When I was a child, I was always thinking why mother brought me to the earth? Why the elder sister existed? Why we were like chalk and cheese, and never had made an agreement on one thing, although we had the same genes? She was two years older than me. Before she went to the senior school, it’s abnormal for us not to quarrel with each other in a day. I always complained about why she

could share everything that should have belonged to me; she was sick of my following to her whenever and everywhere. Once we had a fight for who slept on the left of bed, at last, she was pushed to the floor with a boom, on hearing the boom, mom hurried to come and asked indignantly: what’s up?” when seeing the sister lying on the floor and the bed in disorder, she realized then pulled sister gently: are you ok?” She didn’t cry and stared at me with strong fierce eyesight. Mom closed the door, leaving a

sentence “do be quiet, or you all must face toward the wall and think!” however, we did not have a sense of guilty at all, instead of a cold war. I kept s distance with her the whole night by design. When the new day was coming, our relationship was just like the raising sun, is fresh, and seemed that nothing had happened. I asked her as usual” teach me how to solve this math problem!” she still answered it patiently. She was clever and always took the first prize in the exams, carrying lots of rewards home. In study, I set her as model, the whole family took pride of her. The life did not keep colorful until she entered into the senior school. She came home once each month. To the start, I felt that something went wrong. My daily life became boring; the house became quiet and peace, not having fought any more; no person would snatch the remote control with me any more; every night I could lie on my big bed peacefully, no fight, no quarrel; no person would wait for me to go home together after school any more; no person was willing to hold on the umbrella for me on the rainy day any more; no person would like to pull my hand to cross the road. Then I get to realize that how important for she is!



英 语 试 题

答卷时间:120分钟 满分:120分 2013.11 第Ⅰ卷(选择题,95分)



I、听录音,从A、B、C、三个选项中找出你所听到的单词。每题读一遍。 (每小题1分,共5分) 1. A. about 2. A. bag 3. A. dad

B. and

C. ask

B. bed

C. book C. desk

B. day

4. A. head B. her C. here 5. A. map B. mine C. mom


佳选项。每题读一遍。(每小题1分,共5分) 6. A. A dog. 7. A. It’s a key. 8. A. Gina. 10. A. Tom.

B. Mary. B. It’s Jack. B. Smith. B. Nine.

C. Yellow. C. It’s black. C. Gina Smith. C. Eight boxes.

9. A. At home. B. In bag. C. Desk.

III. 听下面7段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最

佳选项。每段对话两遍。(每小题1分,共7分) 11. What’s the girl’

dear sister

s first name? A. Mary. 12. Who is that girl? A. Gina. A. On the desk. A. 278-8795 A. On the chair.

B. Lucy.

C. Helen. C. Under the chair. C. 287-8795 C. On the bed.

13. Where’s the alarm clock?

B. On the chair. B. 278-8975

14. What’s the boy’s phone number? 15. Where are the boy’s books?

B. Under the bed.

B. Smith.

C. Jenny.

16. What color is the clock? A. Green. A. Alan.

B. Blue. B. Miller.

C. Yellow. C. Mike

17. What’s the boy’s last name?


个选项中选出最佳选项。每段对话或独白读两遍。(每小题1分,共13分) 听下面一段对话,回答第18至19两个小题。 18. What class is Sam in?

A. Class 3. B. Class 5. 19. What’ Sam’s school ID number?

A. 070634. B. 070364. 听下面一段对话,回答第20至22三个小题。 20. Who looks for (寻找) a schoolbag?

A. Helen. B. Bob. 21. Where does Helen see a schoolbag?

A. In the classroom. B. On the desk. 22. What color is the schoolbag?

A. Blue. B. Yellow. 听下面一段对话,回答第23至25三个小题。 23. Cindy likes _______.

A. pink B. blue 24. Bob has ________.

A. an orange schoolbag B. a blue quilt 25. Cindy’s family has a new _______.

A. TV B. computer 听下面一段独白,回答第26至30五个小题。 26. _______ and Li Lei are good friends.

A. Jack B. Miss Green 27. Who is Li Lei’s English teacher?

A. Miss Brown. B. Miss Green. 28. Li Lei has a nice ______.

A. pencil B. eraser 29. What color is Li Lei’s pen?

A. Blue. B. White. 30. Where is Li Lei’s eraser?

A. In the bag. B. On the desk. C. Class 7. C. 070365. C. Tom. C. In the school library. C. Orange. C. orange C. a blue telephone C. telephone C. Mike C. Miss Miller. C. pencil box C. Yellow. C. In the pencil box.



31. Kate finds a computer game. Go and ask _______ for it.

A. her B. she C. hers D. she’s 32. --- Some keys are in the classroom. Are they ______? --- No, they are Tom’s. A. you B. your C. yours D. you’s 33. Please call Alan ______ 209-9696.

A. in B. of C. at D. to 34. --- Is this a photo ______ your friend? --- Yes, it is. A. of B. at C. in D. for 35. Can you say it _______ English?

A. in B. on C. of D. with 36. If (如果) you find my school card, please e-mail me ______ marygz@fimail.com.

A. in B. at C. to D. for 37. I have ______ English book and _______ book is very useful. A. a, the B. an, the C. an, a D. a, an 38. My father’s sister is my _______. A. sister B. aunt C. brother D. grandmother 39. Here ______ some oranges for you. A. is B. am C. be D. are 40. Jim and I ______ know her last name. A. am not B. isn’t C. aren’t D. don’t 41. --- ______ her name? --- Her name is Gina. A. What B. How’s C. What’s D. How is 42. --- ______ is your bike? --- It’s under the big tree. A. What B. Who C. Where D. Which 43. --- Your jacket is very nice. --- _______. A. No, it isn’t B. It’s not nice C. Yes, it is D. Thank you 44. --- How are you? --- _______ A. I’m OK. B. How do you do? C. How are you? D. I’m right. 45. --- Thank you ______ your great help. --- You are _______. A. to, right B. of, great C. for, welcome D. of, right



Hello, boys and girls! I am Helen Brown. Helen is my name. Brown is my last name. This is my school. phone number is 027-86954321. This is my teacher, Mr. Green. yellow and red. There some English books and a pencil box the schoolbag. The pencil

box is very nice, too. Three pencils and eraser are in the pencil box. A pen and a pencil sharpener in the , too. This is my ruler. Look my ruler, it is blue. 46. A. family B. give C. last D. first 47. A. It B. Its C. It is D. It’s 48. A. He B. She C. My D. You 49. A. Its B. It’s C. It D. They 50. A. am B. is C. are D. be

51. A. on B. in C. under D. above 52. A. / B. a C. an D. the 53. A. is B. are C. am D. be

54. A. box B. pencil C. backpack D. pencil box 55. A. at B. to C. into D. for



56.Where are Eric’s dictionaries? A. On the bed. B. In the box C. On the table. D. On the sofa. needs tapes. A. Eric B. Mona C. Frank’s uncle D. Linda 58.Are Mike’s CDs on the table? A. Yes, it is. B. Yes, they are. C. No, they aren’t. D. No, it is. are on the bed.

A. Eric’s English book and Mike’s jacket B. Eric’s English book and Frank’s jacket C. Mona’s English book and Mike’s CDs D. Linda’s English book and Mike’s CDs 60.Mike is Linda’s A father B. uncle C. brother D. friend B

Her name is Mary. She comes from America. She is in China with her father and mother. She can speak a little Chinese. She studies in No.80 Middle School in Tianjin. She is in the same school as her parent. She is a good student. She goes to school six days a week. She likes getting up early. She doesn’t like to be late. She often goes to school very early. But today she gets up late. So she gets to the classroom at 7:30. But there aren’t any students in it. She is not late. She is still early. It’s Sunday today. The students are all at home. 61.Mary is from . A. China B. America C.No. 80 Middle School D. Tianjin 62.Mary’s parents work in . A.Beijing B.America C.Tianjin D.a factory 63.Mary doesn’t like to A. go to school B. be late C. get up early D. live in China 64.Nobody is in classroom because A. it’s Sunday B. Mary gets to the classroom so early C. it’s 7:30 now D. the students are playing outside 65.This morning Mary gets to the classroom at . A.6:00 B.6:30 C.7:00 D.7:30


Dear Sandra,

Thanks for your family photo. Here is a photo of my room. A bed, a desk, a chair, a bookcase, a computer and a white baseball are in my room My bed is nice. Near(在……附近)it is my white desk. In the drawer(抽屉)of the desk is my pencil box. Two pens, three pencils and a ruler are in it. My eraser isn’t in it. Look!It’s on the desk. Under the desk is my black chair. My bookcase is red and some books are in it. What’s that on the desk?It’s my computer. Where


考号: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2013学年(上)黟县初中联考试卷(二) 七年级 英语 School Mark 听力部分(25分) Ⅰ. 关键词语选择(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分) 你将听到五个句子。请在每小题所给的A 、B 、C 三个选项中选出一个你所听到的单词或短语。每个句子读两遍。 ( )1. A . tomatoes B. apples C. eggs

( )2. A. carrots B. strawberries C. vegetables







线 订

装 此 过

超 要 不


- -




















- -

-( )3. A rice B. chicken C. salad ( )4. A. foods B. breakfast C. questions ( )5. A. nine weeks B. next week C. next birthday Ⅱ.短对话理解(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分) 你将听到五段对话,每段对话后有一个小题。请在每小题所给的A 、B 、C 三个选项中选出一个最佳选项。每段对话读两遍。 ( )6. What does Jack like?

( )7. What fruit does Mike like?

( )8. What does Bill eat for breakfast?

( )9.What food does Frank like ?

( )10.What’s on the table? 班级: 姓名


你将听到两段对话,每段对话有几个小题。请在每小题所给的A 、B 、C 三个选项中选出一个最佳选项。每段对话读两遍。


( ) 11. What’s on the table?

A. Pears. B. Apples. C. Bananas.

( ) 12. Who likes carrots?

A. David’s sister . B. David. C. David’s brother.


( )13. Whose birthday is next week?

A. Dale’s. B. Cindy’s. C. Alan’s.

( )14. What food does Alan like?

A .Hamburgers. B. Salad. C. Eggs.

( )15. What fruit doesn’t Dale like?

A. Bananas . B. Pears. C. Strawberries.

Ⅳ. 短文理解(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)

你将听到一篇短文,短文后有五个问题。请根据短文内容,在每小题所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出一个最佳选项。短文读两遍。

( ) 16. Alice is _______ years old.

A .8. B.9. C. 10.

( ) 17. Alice eats an egg and _________for breakfast.

A .a carrot. B. an apple . C. a banana.

( ) 18.Alice eats _______for dinner .

A. apples . B. pears . C. bananas.

( ) 19.Alice doesn’t eat ________.

A. salad . B. oranges . C. ice-cream.

( )20. Alice likes to play________.

A. ping-pong. B. volleyball. C. basketball.

Ⅴ. 信息转换(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)



Ⅰ. 单项选择 (每小题1分,共15分)

( )26. She has ______dictionary. It is _______English dictionary.

A.\, an B. an ,\ C. the ,the D. a, an

( ) 27 Who’s that ? _______ a pop singer.

A. It’s B. That’s C. He’s D. She’s

( ) 28. Found a volleyball. Please call James_______666888.

A. in B. to C. for D. at

( ) 29. —_____, are you Sonia? —No. I’m Gina.

A. Sorry B. Excuse me

C. Thank you D. Goodbye

( ) 30. What’s your ________ name? His name is John.

A. teacher B. brother’s C. sister D. mother’

( )31. _______do you spell it?

A. Why B. Can C. What D. How

( )32. Where’s my watch? I ______ it.

A. look B. take C. thank D. need

( )33. ( )1. My baseballs are ______ the floor.

A. in B. on C. under D. at

( )34. __________ is my aunt. _________ brother is my father.

A. she; she B. Her; Her C. She; Her D. She; She

( )35. – Your English is very good!

-- _______.

A. You’re right B. Thank you C. You are good D. No, no.

( )36. – I have a room. It is small(小), _____ it is nice.

–Oh, let me have a look.

A. but B. also C. and D. well

( )37. Let’s stay at home and ________ computer games .

A. plays B. to play. C. playing. D. play.

( )38. —Are your pencils on the desk? No, ______.

A. they are .B. they aren’t C. it isn’t D.it is.

( )39. Can you take these CDs _______ your sister?

A. to B. at C. on D. for

( )40.There ________ a computer on the desk.

A.are B.have C.has D.is


My name is Grace. Look! This is a of my family. A boy is in it. is my brother, Tommy. Tommy is the sofa. A woman (妇女) is in the picture, too. She is my father in the picture. He is at with his students. A plant and a backpack on the table. The backpack is my brother’s. Two are under the chair. They are also my ( )41. A. chair B. table C. bed D. picture

( )42. A. She B. He C. It D. They

( )43. A. on B. at C. under D. of

( )44. A. sister B. cousin C. mother D. friend

( )45. A. isn’t B. are C. is D. don’t

( )46. A. desk B. table C. school D. dresser

( )47. A. is B. are C. am D. 不填

( )48. A. rooms B. key C. eraser D. baseballs

( )49. A. brother B. brother’s C. sister D. sister’s

( )50. A. ID card B. CDs C. beds D. plant


B: No, it isn’t. It’s Peter’s.

B: He has five.

B: Yes, he does. We often play ping-pong.

A: Yes, I do.



My friend Sally is a sports fan (爱好者). She has a great sports collection. She has three soccer balls, five baseballs, six volleyballs and two basketballs. They are all under her bed. Sally plays basketball very well. She likes Kobe. She thinks he is the best (最好的) basketball player in America and she also likes Yao Ming from China. Sally plays baseball very well, too. Now she is in her school baseball club.

( )56. Sally has ____ volleyballs.

A. six B. five C. three D. ten

( )57. Kobe is a _____.

A. student B. basketball player

C. teacher D. baseball player

( )58. Sally plays _____ very well.

A. soccer and basketball

B. volleyball and baseball

C. basketball and baseball

D. tennis and basketball

( )59. Sally is _____.

A. in her school basketball club

B. an English teacher

C. a sports fan D. Kobe’s sister

( )60. We can find _____ under Sally’s bed.

A. some notebooks

B. a watch

C. three books

D. a great sports collection



( )61. Where are Eric’s dictionaries?

A. On the bed. B. On the sofa.

C. On the dresser. D. On the table.

( )62. ______ needs tapes.

A. Eric B. Frank’s uncle

C. Mona D. Frank’s mom

( )63. Are Mike’s CDs on the table?

A. Yes, it is. B. Yes, they are.

C. No, they aren’t. D. No, it isn’t.

( )64. ______ are on the bed.

A. Eric’s math book and Mike’s jacket

B. Eric’s math book and Frank’s jacket

C. Mona’s math book and Mike’s CDs

D. Mike’s jacket and Frank’s tapes

( )65. Mike is Linda’s ______.

A. father B. uncle

C. grandfather D. brother


66. Five ______(box) are on the bed.
