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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/25 09:41:02 体裁作文

篇一:英语作文A Letter to My Parents

A Letter to My Parents

Dear Mom and Dad, I love you !I love you so much!I love you with all my heart!This letter to you is to tell you my true feelings from the bottom of my heart. Thank you so much for bringing me up!Thank you so much for raising me.I know how hard you've worked during the past years.I can imagine how many difficulties and obstacles you've conquered.I can imagine all the problems you have faced and all the sweat and tears you have shed to make my life better. I can fully understand what a huge responsibility it is to raise a child.You've been very patient with

me.you've encouraged me and you've helped me.You've tried your hardest to give me the best things in life.You've made a lot of sacrifices and many difficult choices.I also know that you have great expectations of me.You want me to be very successful and happy.You want me to be the best person I can be.You want me to do great things with my life.You want me to make the world a better place.I know you have so many hopes and dreams for my future.

Today I want to tell you something extremely important。

Today I want to tell you don’t need to worry about me any more.I'm grown up!I will be responsible for my life and for my future.I will study very hard.I will exercise every day to keep fit.I will make the best use of every spare minute.I will be

happy,confident,positive,and energetic every day!I will develop good habits and use them to constantly improve myself. I will never do anything that would harm my mind.I will never do anything that would make you feel disapp

letter to my parents

ointed or ashamed.I will learn as much as I can and become smarter and stronger every day.I have learned by watching you that the best way to reach my goals is to work hard and never give up.You are my best role models.You set a great example for me. I have so many great dreams.I know that realizing all these dreams takes a lot of time and effort.But don't worry about me.I have strong confidence in myself.I know if I keep trying,keep working hard,and keep dreaming.I will definitely realize all my dreams.I will be somebody special.But I will not only care about myself. I will

contribute to my school,my hometown,and my country.I will contribute to society.I will use all my abilities and talents to help my family and my country have a glorious future.I will make a difference in this world. Dear Mom and Dad,you'll be proud of me!You will see great results from all your hard work and sacrifice.Thank you very much for your continued support!Thank you very much for your patience,love and understanding.I love you!I appreciate you!I'm very proud of you!

Exercise every day to keep healthy!Enjoy life every day and stay happy!My only hope for you is for you both to enjoy continued healyh and happiness.You brought me into this world to share your life.I will do my best to make sure each day of it is filled with joy and pride.Mom and Dad,you are my best parents in the world!I don't know what I would have done without you.

All My Everlasting Love

Your Son/Daughter

篇二:李阳疯狂英语a letter to my parents

A letter to My Parents

I love you! I love you so much! I love you with all my heart! This letter to you is to tell you my true feelings from the bottom of my heart.

Thank you so much for bringing me up. Thank you so much for raising me. I know how hard you've worked during the past years. I can imagine how many difficulties and obstacles you've conquered. I can imagine all the problems you have faced and all the sweat and tears you have shed to make my life better. I can fully understand what a huge responsibility it is to raise a child. You've been very patient with me. You've encouraged me and you've helped me. You've tried your hardest to give me the best things in life. You've made a lot of sacrifices and many difficult choices. I also know that you have great expectations of me. You want me to be very successful and happy. You want me to be the best person I can be. You want me to do great things with my life. You want me to make the world a better place. I know you have so many hopes and dreams for my future.

Today I want to tell you something extremely important.

Today I want to tell you that you don't need to worry about me anymore. I'm grown up! I will be responsible for my life and for my future. I will study very hard. I will exercise every day to

keep fit. I will read English every morning and every night. I will make the best use of every spare minute. I will be happy, confident, positive, and energetic every day! I will develop good habits and use them to constantly improve myself. I will never do anything that would make you feel disappointed or ashamed. I will learn as much as I can and become smarter and stronger every day. I have learned by watching you that the best way to reach my goals is to work hard and never give up. You're my best role models. You set a great example for me.

I have so many great dreams. I know that realizing all these dreams takes a lot of time and effort. But don't worry about me. I have strong confidence in myself. I know if I keep working hard, and keep dreaming, I will definitely realize all my dreams. I will be somebody special. But I will not only care about myself. I will contribute to my school, my hometown, and my country. I will contribute to society. I will use all my abilities and talents to help my family and my country have a glorious future. I will make a difference in this world.

Dear Mom and Dad, you'll be proud of me! You will see great results from all your hard work and sacrifice. Thank you very much for your continued support! Thank you very much for your patience, love and understanding. I love you!

I appreciate you! I'm very proud of you!

Exercise every day to keep healthy! Enjoy life every day and stay happy! My only hope for you is for you both to enjoy continued healthy and happiness. You brought me into this world to share your life. I will do my best to make sure each day of it is filled with joy and pride. Mom and Dad, you are the best parents in the world! I don't know what I would have done without you.

All My Ever lasting Love,

Your Daughter

篇三:A letter to My Parents

A letter to My Parents

Dear Mom and Dad:

I love you! I love you so much! I love you with all my heart! This letter to you is to tell you my true feelings from the botton of my heart.

Thank you so much for bringing me up.Thank you so much for raising me. I know how hard you've worked during the past years .I can imagine how many difficulties and obstacles . you've conquered. I can imagine all the problems you have faced and all the sweat and tears you have shed to make my life better. I can fullly understand what a huge responsiblity it is to raise a child. You've been very patient with me. You've encouraged me and you've helped me.You've tried your hardest to give me the best things in life. You've made a lot of sacrifices and many dificult choices .I also know that you have great expectations.of me.You want me to be very

successful and happy . You wany me to be the best person I can be. You want me to do great things with my life. You want me to make the world a better place. I know you have so many hopes and dreams for my future.

Mom and Dad, you are the best parents in the world !I don't know what I would have done without you.

All My Everlasting Love

Your Daughter






篇四:A Letter to My Parents(一封给父母的信)

Kumming, Yunnan

May 13, 2015

Dear Mom and Dad,

How is it going these days? I miss you so much since I have left home. With the coming of the May, the weather of Kunming is changeable. The temperature is rising gradually, and many students in our school have caught a cold. Luckily, I am fine, and I remember to do exercise at least 1 hour every day. Please don’t worry about me, I can take care of myself. I hope you are fine, too.

We are having the mid-exam this week. I find it difficult to

arrange my time among my study, the class activities and affairs, and relaxing. How could I do to make them balanced?

Sometimes I have to give up my rest time to deal with the class affairs and take part in the class activities. Because of these

complicated affairs, I have less time to go to the library and have a good rest than before. I really feel tired and upset. In order to get good grades in the mid-exam, I prepared for it carefully and spent much time on it. But I feel disappointed for the result of several subjects. Maybe I should turn to the teacher and the

classmates who do well in the subjects which I am not good at.

Yesterday I went to my instructor’s office and had a long chatting with her. I explained my trouble to her and acquired some good advice that I decided to take. My instructor told me that as the saying goes, “Thinking will not overcome fear but action will.” Even though I probably make progress slowly, I am still on the road and pushing every day. The most important thing that I should stick it out is keeping moving step by step and never stop it. If I could always remember that and actually practice my study plan, I will make it in the near future. And what I need at present are accumulation and patience. I believe that I will be certain to adjust myself to the college life well and find my own effective method to study at last.

A few days ago, I chatted with my brother on the QQ. I’m glad to hear that he made great progress and got a good grade in the test last week. I really feel proud of him. But I am far away from home so that I can’t give my congratulation to him face to face. Please send him my love and best wishes.

The day before yesterday is May,10th—the mothers’ day. I had

given the call to my mom. But I didn’t tell my mom that I had another surprise to her. In fact, I had wrote a postcard with the topic of the mothers’ day to her. So don’t forget to check the mailbox recent days. I hope that mom will love it. And I want to give my wishes again here—wish my mom health and beauty forever, safety and happiness. Happy mothers’ day!

I have learnt that the living will be harder than anytime before. So I have determined to try my best to live by myself and strive for future from now on. Please look after yourselves when I don’t stay with you. I love you forever. I’m looking forward to hear from you soon.



篇五:A letter to my parents

A letter to my parents

(附上部分原文I love you! I love you so much !I love you with all my heart !This letter to you is to tell you my true feelings from the bottom of my heart.Thank you so much for bringing me up !Thank you so much fo raising me .I know how hard you've worked during the past years.I can imagine how many difficulties and obstaclesyou've conquered.I can imagine all the problems you have faced and all the sweat and tears you have shed to make my life brtter .I can fully understand what a huge responsibility it is to raise a child. You've tried your hardest to give me the best things in life.You've made a lot of sacrifices and many difficult choices. I also know that you have great expectations of me .You want me to be very successful and happy .You want me to be the best person I can be.You want me to do great things with my life.You want me to make the world a better place. I know you have so many hopes and dreams for my future.)





