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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/24 17:13:11 体裁作文


一、低碳与环保 构思点拨:低碳生活,本文旨在倡导一种低碳环保的生活方式。因此本文内容和结构可如下:第一段:描述图画;第二段:列举现象,分析影响;第三段:建议措施,展望未来。思维拓展:环保话题,例如节约能源、拼车、交通问题等图片都可以与低碳生活的理念相联系,从低碳的角度入手展开写作。 As is vividly depicted by the drawing above, a boy is sleeping soundly① and comfortably in the sofa, with the television on, when his mother comes and turns off the television for him, blaming the boy for not having

turned off the television again②。

This phenomenon can easily be found anywhere in our daily life. Many people are used to doing③ everything with the television on, not actually watching it at all. Such a habit can cause waste of much electricity and energy, and result in the emission of carbon. This deviates from the popular concept of “low carbon life” — to reduce the emission of carbon, especially carbon dioxide, to protect our environment and realize sustainable development. According to statistics, if we can decrease the time for having the television on by one hour each day, we can deduce the amount of carbon emission by 4. 71 kilogram each


To serve as responsible stewards of the planet④, we must promote and popularize a low carbon life among the public from every detail in our daily life. We must change the past practice of sacrificing long-term environmental health for short-term rapid economic development, and shift to developing green economy, circular economy and low carbon economy. All these effective measures can help us to reach harmony between

development of the society and health of the nature。

名师点评;① is sleeping soundly: 熟睡,也可以表达为 A boy is fast asleep。“② A boy is sleeping soundly and comfortably in the sofa, with the television on, when his mother comes and turns off the television for him, blaming the boy for not having turned off the television again。“with the television on”,with 引导的伴随结构,即A boy is sleeping, while the television is on. 也可以写成伴随状语A boy is sleeping, forgetting to turn off the television。③ are used to doing: 习惯于做

某事,使用短语表达,地道准确。 二、网络的利与弊

2010-12-28 15:42 思路点拨:一个现实:网络文化有利也有弊。因此本文可以这样设计:第一段:描述图画;第二段:网络的利+举例,网络的弊+举例;第三段:提出建议措施——取其精华,去其糟粕。思路拓展:所有利弊型的文章,均可按照本范文提供的思路进行论述。例如,城市化的利与弊。大学扩招的利与弊等。 高分范文

Just as what is shown in the picture, a girl is asking a question online. Answers from different netizens differ so greatly that the girl is very confused about whom she should follow①. It is obvious that it is becoming a fashion for people to ask questions online when confronting a dilemma。

The implication implicit in the drawing can be elaborated as follows. On the one hand, the Internet has provided us with great convenience. For example, we can get knowledge about nearly all aspects on the Internet with only several keyboard commands and a few clicks of the mouse through search engines such as Baidu and so on. On the other hand, with an explosive amount of information on the Internet②, it can be difficult to tell good information from bad③. For example, teenagers and adolescents may mistake the bad information online as good, the result of which can be rather devastating. Some dirty information on the net may exert negative impacts on people。

(转载于:www.smhaida.com 海 达 范 文网:greeneconomy英语作文)

In conclusion, on the one hand, it is important for us to take full advantage of Internet to enhance our efficiency and save our time. On the other hand, effective steps should be taken to educate people to avoid and elude inappropriate and even wrong data online so as not to be misguided. Only in this way can the net better serve for our life, study and work④。





What a scary and sensational scene it is! In the drawing, the driver, as drunken as a fiddler①, is driving fast on the road, with a large bottle of beer on the top of his car. What is conveyed by the picture has both realistic and alarming implications for each member of the country。 The profound meaning of the vivid drawing can be elaborated in terms of both awareness of security and social responsibility. For one thing, consciousness of safety should be one of our top priorities. Life is one-way journey: you cannot experience it twice. So life is to be respected and awed②. It is cruel to and inhumane to spell the end of any life, with a careless driving under the influence (DUI)③. For another, to act as a responsible member of the society, each of us should bear social responsibility. We do not live only for ourselves but also for those whom we love and who love us. It is irresponsible to claim either lives of drivers or lives of other victims are not important, leaving the families and relatives into deep grief and, may be, great living burden④。

In short, it is imperative that legislative measures should be taken by the authority to punish drunk drivers severely such as suspending their driving licenses or even putting them into jail. Besides, the mass media, such as TV, radio and website, should work together to enhance awareness of security and sense of responsibility to reduce the rate of car accident。

名师点评:① as drunken as a fiddler: 醉得像一个游荡者。实际上是一个比喻,相当于汉语中的烂醉如泥。② Life is one-way journey: you cannot experience it twice:非常富有哲理性,语言优美、地道。respected and awed: 敬重和敬畏,语言简洁、有力、到位。③ DUI: 醉酒驾车,也可以写成:drunk driving。④ leaving?:动词的ing形式作伴随状语。句型经典。 四、大学生就业:放低姿态、平常心做人

思路点拨: 一位正在找工作的年轻女孩,毫不犹豫地拒绝了一份服务岗位的工作,不屑一顾地说:“伺候人的工作我不干”。很多年轻人找工作时,眼光过高,不切实际,没有用平常心对待就业问题。实际上,可以先就业后择业。所以这篇图画作文可以这样创作:第一段:描述图画;第二段:两个角度分析这种现象的原因:志存高远,不愿意从底层做起;好逸恶劳;第三段:建议措施:教育年轻人要脚踏实地;根除好逸恶劳的思想。思维拓展:关于平常心态



As is vividly depicted by the drawing above, the job-hunting girl refuses a service post without any hesitation, complaining that she will never take a job of serving others①. At the same time she is wondering why finding a promising job is so difficult in modern society②。 This phenomenon can easily be found anywhere in our daily life③, especially on campus. On the one hand, many job-seekers are reluctant to take jobs that they consider to be humble and trivial, such as being a secretary or an assistant, because they have great ambitions and they only want to ride on the peak of success. What is amazing is that they are not conscious that ambition is to be achieved step by step④. On the other hand, wanting to gain more but pay less, both the jobless and graduating students aspire to seek a job that is well-paid, relaxed and comfortable. This kind of “no work, all play” attitude toward life can be destructive to both personal and social development. We should not look down upon service industry, the third industry, because it does provide us with many employment opportunities and positions⑤。

Therefore, it is high time that we took effective measures to improve the current situation. For one thing, an education campaign should be launched to popularize the idea that “the longest journey starts with a single step” and to cultivate a down-to-earth attitude toward life. For another, the tendency of being lazy must be eradicated from the mind of the young. Only in this way can people realize their value of life better and can unemployment rate be reduced and thus can social harmony be achieved⑥。

④ be conscious that: 意识到,that后边必须接完整的主谓宾结构。这个表达等同于be aware that,可以进行同意替换。此外:be conscious of 和be aware of 在意思上也等同于这两者,表示意识到。但是:be conscious of 和be aware of后边要接单词或者短语,一般不能加句子。⑤ the third

industry: 第三产业,是service industry(服务业)的同位语。 巧妙地使用同位语,可以把单调的句子变得错落有致、抑扬顿挫。it does provide us with: does在句中表强调,翻译成“确实”。⑥ Only in this way can? realize? and can? be? and thus can? be?:排比句,短促有力,气势强大,使得

对未来的展望显得信心十足!这个句型:Only in this way can we live in a harmonious society, 五、节约资源 思路点拨:本图描述的场景是一副令人喜闻乐见的图画,图画中,一只可爱的小猪造型的储蓄罐,正在接住自来水里滴下来的水滴,像存钱一样,存储水滴。实际上,它储存的不是水,它储存的是幸福。我们可以看出,人们有了节水意识。但是,从正在滴水的水龙头看,还是有人忽略了节约用水这一问题。因此,本文可以这样写作:第一段:描述图画;第二段分析有些人浪费水的心理,并阐述水资源的宝贵;第三段:建议措施。思维拓展:实际上,积极正面的图片写作,和揭示负面现象的文章没有什么本质上的区别,只要我们笔锋一转,就能把它继续按照原来的套路写。本文也可以从低碳、环保的角度出发进行写作。 高分范文

Water used to be mistaken to be an unlimited and renewable resource. Actually, water resource is very limited and precious. It is fortunate that now the public is starting to pay attention①. Just as is depicted in the picture, just like saving money, the lovely and smiling piggy bank is collecting every drop of water falling from the water tap。

However, water shortage is still a serious problem threatening the existence and survival of the whole human being, and yet the phenomenon of wasting water can still easily be found anywhere in our daily life②. For example, water taps are frequently left on by careless users. Someone even assumes that they have the right to waste water because they pay for it so that it has nothing to do with others. In fact, so precious is water that we cannot afford to waste it③. Water resource is

indispensable④ not only in our daily life but also in the industry and agriculture. And water is the wealth of the whole mankind, and it is hard to imagine what the world would be like⑤ when there is no more water。 Even though an increasing number of people have become aware of⑥ this emergency, further measures still need to be taken. On the macro level, the whole world should make a joint effort to fight against waste of water. On the micro level, publicizing activities, such as broadcasting wonderful ways on how to save water on TV and other media, should be conducted. To store water means to store happiness and only by saving water can we save a better life for our offspring。 六、面对人生与社会:乐观与豁达

篇二:Green Economy in Our Daily Life

Green Economy in Our Daily Life

With the development of agriculture and industry,the world's environment is becoming worse and worse.And green economy has played an important role in the modern society.As the name implies,green economy requires the public cherish natural environment,eliminate ecological poverty.The aim to develop green economy is to achieve ecological civilized state of harmonious relationship between man and nature.

Green economy not only protects the environment and our plant,but also can provide millions of jobs for those who lose jobs and develop the technology.

As for the development of green economy,in our dairy life,our lifestyles must be environmental protection,and reminding of green consumption.We must advertise the concept of green economy vigorously and carry out.




People around the world may feel that the climate has been getting steadily warmer and warmer in recent years. Places which used to be abundant in snowfall have frequently experienced snowfree winters. Drought lasts longer in some dry areas. People find that without air conditioners they could hardly work or fall asleep on hotter summer days.

The side effects of global warming are alarminS. A warmer global climate melts the ice caps, raising sea levels. What is more, it disturbs weather patterns, causing droughts, severe storms, hurricanes. People suffer a lot from disasters relevant to global warming.

To stop global warming we should make immediate and continual efforts. We hope the situation will soon change. Global warming catches and holds our concern, for it affects us and will affect our later generations. We cannot wait any longer. Do it. Do it right. Do it right now.



Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on the topic Environmental Protection. You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below.

1. 全球变暖对地球环境造成了很大影响

2. 引起全球变暖的原因

3. 我们需要采取的措施

Environmental Protection

No one,regardless of race, religion or nationality, can deny that the world we live in is becoming increasingly intolerable because of the effects of global warming. According to many experts, even greater impacts are still on the way.

There are numerous causes for this problem. On one hand, human-related emissions of carbon into the atmosphere is causing, and will in the future cause, significant global warming according to the theory. On the other hand, the lack of knowledge about the importance of protecting environment hinders the solving of the problem.

It is urgent that immediate and effective actions should be taken right away. First, more trees need to be planted to help improve and beautify the environment. Besides, stricter laws concerning global warming and irresponsible use of fuel resources have to be put into effect and achieved good results. In a word, there is a long way to go before we can take a comfortable world for granted again .













1. 短文必须包括表格中的所有内容要点,可适当发挥,措施中3、4点由考生自由发挥;

2. 词数:100左右。

With the development of economy, more and more greenhouse gases are being discharged into the air. CO2 makes up about 70% of the greenhouse gases, which is considered to be one of the greatest causes of global warming. It has harmful effects, causing the sea level to rise and many natural disasters to strike. So we must take effective measures to save our planet. First, we should use more clean energy and less coal and oil. Second, we should go to work on foot or by bus instead of driving a car if possible. Third, we should plant more trees, because plants can turn CO2 into oxygen. More importantly, we should form the habit of saving energy in our daily life.


Ladies and gentlemen,

Good morning, I am Li Hua from Tianjin, China . It’s my great honor to be here to talk about the global warming problem and ways of dealing with it.

Lately , global warming is becoming a serious problem. Several factors contribute to it. First of all, a lot of greenhouse gas is produced by cars and factories; furthermore, the loss of forests is another cause of global warming.

Global warming will cause some harmful effects. Firstly, some islands will disappear because of the rise of sea level. Secondly, extreme weather results from global warming. When temperature rises, the production of crops will decrease. Besides, some animals and plants will disappear, thus destroying the ecosystem.

So we should protect the earth from greenhouse gases. We should plant trees and reduce the amount of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases. Hope our earth can become better and better.

That’s all. Thank you.


To Control the Global Warming

During the late 20 century, global warming became more and more bothering to human beings.

Nowadays, it is commonly acknowledged that to maintain permanent peace and development, environmental problems must be solved with highest priority. In my opinion, to control global warming, government should carry out sensible policies and common people also should take their resibonsibilities.

I can remember big snow came every year when I was a child, and the weather was so cold that I couldn‘t go outdoors without my scarf and hat. But these years, big snows are hard to see, and even in December, you needn’t wear too much because it’s not cold at all. The climate is changing. In the past decades, global warming arouse many countries attention and they do took some measures to ease this problem. However, though the Kyoto Protocol was signed, some countries are not willing to hold their pace of economic development. To drive the global warming under control, we still have a long way to go.

Governments are the main force in the combat against global warming. On the issues concerning global warming, the variety of attitudes toward global warming is a greatest obstacle for us to win this combat. So, at first, all the countries must reach an agreement on striking a balance between developing economy and solving this environmental problem. Then, some effective policies should be adopted to reduce the emission of the greenhouse gases.

Common people's involvements are the key to ease the global warming. One persons ablity is slight, but if every one can make a little effort, the achivement will be incredible. What can we do for it? I think first, we can learn something about global warming, to be aware of it and to know our resiponsiblities to this planet. In addition, we can should not to make greenhouse gases, specificlly, to take bus or ride bicycle instead of driving private car.

If we human beings can make joint effort to take care of this planet. I think global warming will certainly be solved in the near future.



Background: 全球变暖

Cause: 温室气体排放,其中大约70%为二氧化碳.

consequence : 海平面上升 自然灾害频繁

measures: 1节约家用电器 2少用机动车辆 3.植树造林


Global warming has become one of the biggest environmental concerns for people all over the world.

With the development of economy, the emission of the greenhouse gas, consisting of about 70% carbon dioxide, has been steadily increased, contributing greatly to the global warming. The increase in the temperature of the earth has caused many harmful effects. It melts the ice caps, raising sea levels. It disturbs weather patterns, causing frequent natural disasters such as floods, droughts, severe storms, hurricanes (飓风), and so on.

Actually, it’s easy for everyone to do something to save energy and reduce the emission of

greenhouse gas. For example, turn off an electrical appliance if it is not used. Walking, cycling, carpooling or using public transportation instead of using motor vehicles are all good ways to reduce the emission of carbon dioxide.

We are also supposed to plant trees and preserve forests. Every individual counts and individuals together makes a big difference.



1. 据报道,在过去的十年间,北极圈内的平均气温比以前升高了2—3摄氏度。

2. 2009年12月的哥本哈根世界气候峰会要求各国减少温室气体排放,拯救地球。

3. 2010年新年刚开始,极度寒冷的天气袭击了亚洲、欧洲和北美洲。恶劣的天气正是全球变暖的后果。


Dear fellow students,

It is reported that the average temperature within the Arctic Circle has risen by 2—3 degrees Celsius in the past ten years. At the Copenhagen Climate Summit 2009 all nations were required to reduce the greenhouse gas emission to save the earth. At the beginning of 2010, extremely cold weather hit Asia, Europe, and North America, which is the evidence of global warming.

As is known to all, our environment has been worsening due to human activities. If we don’t take effective measures now, human beings will not be able to survive in the future. If we can save energy, recycle waste and plant more trees, we can make the earth a better place. So let’s take action from now on! let’s save the earth.


Ladies and Gentlemen,

Good morning. I’m Li Hua from Fujian, China. It’s my great honor to be here to say something about the global water shortage and ways of dealing with it.

As we know, the global water shortage is becoming increasingly sever mainly due to global warming, environmental pollution and the ever-increasing population. Therefore, it’s high time we did something about it.

Firstly, an effective way, I think, is to reserve water in a scientific way for future use. Secondly, new methods need to be developed to use the existing waster resources, for example, turning sea water into fresh water. Thirdly, we must stoop water pollution by law. Last but not least, it’s everyone’s responsibility to make good use of water, such as recycling and saving water in our daily life.

In conclusion, people around the world should be aware of the real situation of water shortage, protect the present water resources and explore potential ones scientifically.


global warming and our life

Global warming has quickly become one of the most heated issues. With the development of the economy, the emission of the green house gas, consisting of about 70% carbon dioxide, has been increased, attributing greatly to the global warming.

Global warming is the slow and steady increase in the temperature of earth and its atmosphere. The increase in the temperature of earth has caused many effects like the melting of ice in Polar Regions, increase in disease occurrences, drastic climatic changes and rise of the sea level.

As the effects of global warming is becoming more and more evident, many of us have started to realize that steps have to be taken to control Global warming, such as the usage of clean energy resources and the alternative of motor.


One possible version:

Dear editor,

The curtain went down on the Copenhagen climate summit, leaving the world concerned more about global warming once again.

As is well known, it is human activity that has contributed to this problem. The burning of fossil fuels like coal, natural gas and oil produces greenhouse gases. When huge quantities of extra carbon dioxide are put into the atmosphere, more heat energy tends to be trapped in it causing the global temperature to go up.

However, the attitudes of scientists towards this rise are completely different. On the one hand, it’s predicted that there may be a rise of several metres in the sea level, extreme climate change or the disappearance of species. On the other hand, it’s supposed that the rise will make plants grow quicker and produce more, thus encouraging a greater range of animals.

It seems that the topic is controversial and there is a long way to go.


Today's society is a highly developed technological society. However, the shortcomings in the development process are obvious, such as: carbon dioxide, and environmental pollution. But the most serious should be the carbon dioxide problem.

Now the problem of global warming is because of excess emissions of greenhouse gases. Excessive amount of carbon dioxide emissions, creating a diversified economy and La Nina phenomena lag disorder. Two levels of glaciers melting, polar animals lose their chance of survival at the same time, will lead to rising sea levels, many coastal cities into the water did not result in a few years later.

Therefore, we must take the necessary measures to reduce the environmental impact of carbon dioxide. For example: tree-planting activities, reduce fossil fuel use, we can from our own, to promote low-carbon living.

随着全球环境的恶化,越来越多的人选择过“低碳生活(low-carbon life)”,即减少二氧化碳的排放,低能量、低消耗、低开支的生活。请写一篇短文,倡议你的同学们加入“低碳一族”。要点如下:





With global environment deterioration more people choose "low carbon life" that reduce carbon emissions, low energy, low consumption, low expenditure life.

各种措施:In my case, every morning I rode my bike to school, so that both physical activity and reducing environmental damage; to the supermarket to buy things with their own shopping bags; hand washing increased a lot of fun; I home general not sit elevator, foot upstairs, I found this is slimming good way.

So order our environment, for ourselves order mankind, please everyone join low carbon living.

Nowadays, many people are talking about low carbon living. I think Each and every one of us is responsible for the greenhouse gases we emit in our daily actions and choices. Therefore, combating climate change is going to take the combined efforts of everyone on the planet.

The average household carbon footprint in China is 2.41 tons of carbon dioxide annually. That's enough to fill half an Olympic swimming pool.

各种措施:Surprised? Well, here's how you can work to reduce it:

1. Get started by calculating your own carbon footprint. This will give you a starting point from which to begin monitoring your progress. You enter details such as what sort of apartment you live in, your personal energy use and travel habits.

2. Each week, choose one day when you don't eat meat. Meat uses up lots of energy because it takes a long time to produce. Animals produce methane, which is another dangerous greenhouse gas, when they burp and fart.

3. Only buy the amount of food you need and if there are leftovers, get creative. For instance, make them into a soup. Ask to take food home from restaurants if there's some left, but remember to take your own container to avoid using a disposable carton.









Dear fellow students,

Our government is aiming to build a “conservation-oriented society” (节约型社会). I think it is every citizen’s duty to achieve this goal. As high students, what should we do?

We should focus our attention on details around ourselves. We should form the habit of saving water, especially when we brush our teeth and wash hands, and never leave water running unnecessarily. Meanwhile, we ought to save electricity. When we leave classrooms or our homes we should make sure that the light and some electrical equipment have been turned off. Do never make the light on in the daytime if unnecessary. We should also save our every piece of paper as well as other writing materials.

What’s more, we should offer to recommend our relatives and friends as well as our parents to save energy. Dear fellow students, let’s start right now, and spare no effort to do every little bit from every detail on!

Wang Ming

From Shanxi High School

低碳生活之家,关于低碳生活作文里面有英文作文可以参考。 范例一:

Nowadays, many people are talking about low carbon living. I think each and every one of us is responsible for the greenhouse gases we emit in our daily actions and choices. Therefore, combating climate change is going to take the combined efforts of everyone on the planet.

2010 World Expo was held in Shanghai. Shanghai Expo theme is "Better City, Better Life." As a student, we should do something about environmental protection. For example, plant trees, save water and less your car.



Nowadays, with more and more serious problems such as the increasing global temperature, the melting ice and the rising sea-levering, people are recognizing the important of developing the low-carbon economic now.

There are many ways we can do to reach the low-carbon economic. Firstly, discovering others fuels which are more clean and more green to instead of the using of carbon.

Secondly, we should have the save-energy conscious and do something which we can make, for instance, using the bus rather than car when you go out, re-use the thing that can be recycle used, reducing the use of plastic bags.

Last but not least, we should plant more trees or other greenplants, in which way we can not only improve the environment, but also make our home more beauty.

In my opinion, the most important thing to reach the low-carbon economic is everyone must try their best do what they can do for it. Once everyone have the sense of low-carbon economic and have the action by themselves, it will be earlier to reach it.


In simple terms, low carbon life is a kind of living habits, is a kind of natural resources to save nearby. If you want to improve your bound himself, living habit, you can join in. Low carbon life, not only tell people, you can do something for carbon reduction, also tell people, you can do. We should actively promote and practice, low carbon life saving electricity saving starts, the dots solar. Of course a low carbon doesn't mean to try to give up some thrifty, deliberately enjoyment of life, as long as you can to save from life, don't waste, this is a low carbon life. Low carbon is everyone's responsibility, is an attitude, not a kind of ability. For us, low carbon life is simple way of life.

In order to protect our environment from being polluted, I will do some publicity with my classmates to explain the harmfulness of pollution. Through this people will be able to realize the serious pollution human beings have made to the nature and realize the importance of a clean environment. In future they will reduce pollution in their daily life. health, surrounded by, smog, anything but, gases, impurities, absorb, poisonous, try hard, blacked out

We all know that clean air is important to good health. Wherever you go and whatever you do, you are always surrounded by a sea of gases that we call air. If there are impurities in the air, they may be absorbed by our bodies and make us ill. We need clean air, but unfortunately, air pollution is globally present, especially in cities.

Many large cities are anything but pollution-free. Our cities have many factories, which we need to make food, clothing and other things. Every year these factories pour millions upon millions of tons of smog into air. Power plants and houses that burn coal add greatly to air pollution. Besides, there are more cars in cities now. Once out on the streets, they will take in fresh air and replace it with poisonous gases.

Our country is trying hard to prevent and control air pollution. As long as every citizen also realizes its importance and makes join efforts, the day will come soon when people will take in only clean air. Then, the sunlight will no longer be blackened out by smoke and soot.



1. 水的重要性。

2. 造成水资源短缺的原因。

3. 怎样缓解缺水问题及保护水资源。

People can't imagine life without water. Without it, the earth we live on would be a dead one. There would be no trees, no crops, no animals and no people. So water is considered to be next to oxygen in importance.

Although nearly three quarters of the earth's surface is covered with water, it is sea water and undrinkable. The demand for water is increasing, while water resources are scarce. Agricultural production needs enormous amounts of water, so does industry. Besides, the rapid growth of population makes it more and more difficult for people to survive because of the water shortage. So water shortage has become one of the most serious problems.

Fortunately, people have realized this pressing problem and are trying to find ways to salve it. First, people are urged to economize on water. Second, measures are taken to protect water resources. Third, circulating water is used for industrial purposes over and over in factories and treated sewage water is used for irrigation in farming land.


Jobs for Graduates

1)大学生难找工作 2)原因很多 3)解决的办法


It’s very hard for college graduates to find a job, of course harder to get an ideal job. In fact, many factors contribute to the unfavorable situation.

First, more and more students can go to college because of the being fast

improved high education of China. As a result, there are more graduates every year. However, job vacancies don’t increase that fast. More people, less food, which is the exact description of the hard condition. Second, more and more people go on to pursue their master and doctor degree; more and more Chinese oversea students come back to China to hunt better working chances. It is sure that the competition is more and more fierce. Third, because of the fast

development of science, technology, economy, society and the interchange of different nations, all units have higher requirement of their employees, for example, stronger ability and higher degree.

In addition to the factors above, there are still more which bring hardship for graduates to find jobs. Nevertheless, how to solve the problem is more

important. It is a good idea for the graduates to learn more knowledge with a higher degree and to practice and improve their capability of dealing with all kinds of situation, organization, having good terms with others and cooperative spirit. Besides, the government should try to and encourage all units to create more job vacancies for the college graduates. Of course, the graduates should have a proper attitude towards various jobs, but not always pursue those with

higher payment.

1. 低碳生活(话题来源: 哥本哈根气候大会)

Direction: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on the topic of “Low-carbon Life”. You should write at least 150 words following the outline given below:




Recently, low-carbon becomes a high-frequency and

fashionable word which gets the greatest concern in the world. Low-carbon life means a kind of lifestyle in which people do their best to reduce energy consumption and carbon greenhouse gas emissions.

It is of vital importance for the whole world to practice the low-carbon lifestyle. Firstly, our natural resources and energy are limited; therefore, it is absolutely necessary for us to save and protect them. Secondly, in order to protect our environment from serious greenhouse effect, we need a low-carbon emission. It is low-carbon life that enables our next generations to live a better and superior life.

What we should bear in mind is that the earth is common home. Thus, every one is well advised to practice this lifestyle and there are several ways for us to do this. Firstly, every one is expected to cultivate their awareness of saving energy. Then, we are also hoped to help our families and friends to live a

low-carbon life. Only by doing so can we hope to create a world where all humans enjoy a clean and tidy environment. (185words

2.世博主题:Better City, Better Life(太长,用时需改短)

Nowadays, with the fast development of economy of the world, many cities become bigger and bigger and many modern cities are appearing. Thus, we face the complex problem: Urbanization. Urbanization has been a subject of heated discussion for a long time. Some people are in favor, while others are opposed.

In my opinion, urbanization benefits human beings rather than do harm to them.

Two reasons may account for my conclusion.

Firstly, urbanization enriches our life.

We can imagine what will happen without convenient traffic system, without big department stores, without KTVs and many other entertainments? To some extent, it is impossible for human beings to live in this world. Urbanization make it possible for us to enjoy our life more than before, Also, urbanization quicken the pace of science, especially in the communication field, in the early time, if we want to connect with our family members or friends, the only way we can choose is writing letters. But urbanization changed this situation, we can talk with the friends in the foreign countries with our any difficulties through the Internet, we gain whatever information we need on the internet. These conveniences are brought by the urbanization.

Secondly, urbanization also raise our country economy.

As we all know, the policy of Reform and Opening give our country a golden opportunity to develop our economy, we have a direct feeling about the dramatic increasing of our living

standard, many productions that we cannot afford in the past time can be owned in today. This phenomenon proves that urbanization benefits our life basically. With the fast step of urbanization, many job opportunities are supplied in the occupation market which makes many rural migrant workers get a solid work in the urban area. They also contribute to the economic development in the urban area. These prosperities are definitely brought by the urbanization.

I live in Shanghai, and it is a typical big city in China. I found that we also have many negative sides of urbanization. For instance, we can talk to the friends thousands miles away, but we don’t know our neighbors in the high-rises; many migrant workers do not enjoy the same profits and rights as the permanent unban residents and this will make their living without and insurance system.

But we don’t need to be so pessimistic of the situation at hand. It is evident that the advantages of urbanization

outweigh the disadvantages. What we should do is to remain the positive side , meanwhile to conquer the negative side. Our

government will also introduce many effective policies to narrow this contradictory. So we have enough reasons to believe the situation will become better and better so that we can reach our aim ”better city, better life ” !


3. 王长喜预测作文:校园安全问题

Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on the topic Campus Security. You should write at least 120 words, and base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below:wvA大学英语四级考试网





Campus Security

Security issue may sound clichéd, but when it comes to the campus security, we have to take it seriously. Nearly every day, there are reports to the security office on campus that valuable things are stolen away. A surrounding with stealing, mugging can’t be worse for studying. In such cases, what measures should be taken to improve the campus security?

On the one hand, we students should strengthen our security awareness. Once we smell out something unusual, we should report it to the campus guard immediately. On the other hand, more equipment such as monitors should be installed on campus so as to detect crimes as soon as possible. Besides, a proper amount of security guards should be arranged to patrol the campus。
