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篇一:Module 1 Wonders of the world

Module 1 Wonders of the world




1.能正确使用下列单词和词组:wonder, band, review, ancient, composition, grade, pyramid, pupil, meeting, call, event, natural, light, reply, clear, rise, ground, below, edge, bottom, side,

disappear, distance, huge, face, height; listen up, get out of, look over/down/across, on the edge of, at the bottom of, go through, fall away, disappear into等。




That’s/It’s news to me. 意思是“我在被告知这件事以前根本不知道”,特别用于感到惊讶和愤怒时。

e.g.There’s no class tomorrow? That’s news to me!


—I hear you and Paul are going to Paris for the weekend.


—Really? That’s news to me.


2.Well, she started a school magazine called New Standard when she was a pupil here.


请注意句中的动词-ed形式,called New Standard是过去分词作定语修饰magazine,同 named;可译为“被称 / 叫做 ??;名叫 ??” 。书中第2页的对话出现类似的句子: I’m writing a composition called “What is a wonder of the world?” 我在写作文,题目是《什么是世界奇迹?》。

又如:A girl named/called Wang Ping won the game.


Do you know a person named/called John Wilson?



And I’ll do an interview with Becky Wang!


do some reviews表示“对??做评论”;do an interview表示“采

访??”。其中,do可以和许多名词搭配,组成不同的词组。同学们在平时的学习中要学会积累这些词组。 e.g.I should do more exercise.


He’s an honest person. We like to do business with him.




e.g.a lesson on history 历史课

a book on breeding rabbits 有关养兔的书


(1)修饰学术性的、专门的,正式论述的文章、书籍、演说等时,用on。 e.g.Mr. Wang gave the students a talk on the problem of the world’s population.


Are there many books on science in the library?



e.g.Mothers are talking about their children.


Sue is writing a short story about the life of the American people. 苏正在写有关美国人民生活的短篇小说。


(1)get out of the car意为“下车(出租车或小车)”,反义短语为get in/into the car“上车”。一般的上下公汽或火车用get on和get off.

(2)through意为“穿过,通过”, 表示从物体中间通过或穿过。

e.g.At last they had to go through the forest.



e.g.The River Thames flows through London.


You can see through glass.



too? to意为“太??而不能??”。

e.g.It’s too cold to swim in the sea yet.


This article is too difficult for them

to read.




e.g.The weather has cleared up.



e.g.The water in the lake is clear. (清澈的,透明的)


He gave a clear explanation. (易懂的,明白的)


It is quite clear that she is not coming. (明显的,显然的)




e.g.The sun rose at seven o’clock.

太阳七点钟升起。 The river is rising after the rain.

雨后河水涨了。 The food prices rose last week.


He rose to welcome me.


raise很易与其混淆,raise有“提高;举起;召集,筹措;抚养”之意,为及物动词,过去式和过去分词分别加-ed。 e.g.The owner raised the food prices.


raise one’s hand 举手

raise all army 招募军队

raise a family 养家

篇二:Module 1 Wonders of the world

城北中学双休日家(2010-09-23) Module 1 Wonders of the world

一 词组英汉互译

奇迹,想知道,对…好奇 乐队

评论 古老的,远古的

作文 年级成绩 小学生 事件,比赛项目

明亮的,光线,灯 回答 散开,打扫干净,清晰的 location

升起 地面

在…的下面 峡谷

边,面,侧 消失

距离 高度 电梯 attract

description 创办校刊

注意听 叫做,名为,打电话

从…出来,离开 处于…的边缘

在…的底部 开会

Come in and sit down That’s news to me.

对…的采访 采访某人

对…作评论 舞蹈俱乐部

名叫…的作文 在远处

look over 太黑了而看不见任何东西

在…的另一面 a number of

at the top 世界上最高的建筑物


二 用所给词的正确形式填空

1)__ you_____(do) now? --- I_________(write) in English.

2) The girl _________ (clean) her room every night.

3) Tom’s brother often _________(read)books at night.

4) You __________(have) a meeting tomorrow.

5) They __________(finish) their homework in ten minutes.

6) We ___________(visit) the Grant Canyon last year.

7)He ___________ (have) supper at this time yesterday.

8) Many students _________ (talk) when the teacher ______ (come) in yesterday.

9)When I _______(arrive),it was early morning and it __________ (rain).

10)I _____________ (study) in CBMS since September,2009.

11)They ________ (know) each other for ten years.

12) I____________(call) you if I _________ (be) free tomorrow.

13) _________(wait)for me until I __________ (come) back.

14) Don’t ________ (talk) too much to ________ (strange).

15) The plane _________ (fly) at a _________ (high) of 3,000 metres.


1)We clean our classroom every day.

2) He rides a bike to school every morning.

3) In my family,mother cooks breakfast

4) We respect our parents and teachers.

5) You put the three tallest buildings at the bottom of the canyon.

6) I asked a question.


1) I learning English now.

2) I was at the edge of the Grand Canyon ,one of the wonder of the natural world.

3) It’s 20 kilometres far from here to my hometown.

4) They won’t reach to the top.

5) I’m writing a composition call “Great books.

五 课文填空。

After about a kilometer,a stranger _________ in front of me.“Am I _______ the right way?”I asked.He knew where I was going. Yes,”he _______ , “you _______ In five minutes.”Finally,I came to some rocks,and _______.I _________ carefully over them,but it was still too dark to see ________.

六.写作. 万里长城是中华民族的骄傲和象征,,是世界伟大的古代建筑奇迹之

一。写一篇以“The Great Wall”为题的短文. 提示:1.长城有两千多年的历史;2.主要位于中国的北方;3.现在长度为6000千米,高度为3米,宽为10-15米;4.每年有很多人来参观旅游。

The Great Wall is ______________________of China,,and China is ___________________it..The Great Wall is one of __________________________.. It is more than 200 ________________. It is across ___________________________. Now it is 6000____________,3_____________,10-15___________.Every year_ ____________________________________________________________.

篇三:九年级英语Wonders of the world试题

外研初三上学期Module 1 Wonders of the world试题

I. 单项选择 (每小题1分,共15分)


( )1. — Let’s give our teacher a present for Teachers’ Day.

— .

A. That’s a fantastic idea! B. Anyone else?

C. That’s news to me! D. What’s it about?

( )2. a Chinese athlete, Liu Xiang is looking forward 2008 Olympic Games.

A. For; at B. As; to

C. With; for D. Of; to

( )3. Fifty kilometres is not a long for people who have a car.

A. length B. distance

C. height D. weight

( )4. Our geography teacher told us the sun in the east. A. gets B. rises C. faces D. lifts

( summer holidays.

A. composition B. exam

C. picture D. music

( )6. — Is it going to be colder tomorrow?

A. below D. up

( in Lucy’s room.

A. ground B. floor C. land D. earth

( )8. — — What’s it?

A. Listen to

C. Hear of

( )9. — — but others say it’s 6,440 kilometres.

A. How far B. How soon

C. How much D. How long

( to her question and left hurriedly.

A. answer B. ask

C. reply D. say

( )11. — Would you like to visit the museum with us?

— No, thanks. I it.

A. visited B. have visited

C. visit D. was visiting

( )12. — Have you ever been to a village

— Never.

A. call B. to call

C. called D. calling

( )13. — I’m here to see Doctor Johnson.

— Sit down, please. The doctor will be free .

A. 5 minutes B. after 5 minutes

C. in 5 minutes D. 5 minutes ago

( A. on the edge of B. in the middle of

C. at the bottom of D. on the top of

( )15. — What do you think of my new bike?

— Sorry, but what did you say? I about something else.

A. think B. am thinking

C. thought D. was thinking

II. 完形填空((每小题1分,共10分))

size and beauty. The Grand Canyon is one of the greatest

wonders of the world.

hard rocks. At the same time, the land was 20 . It’s also very , about 20 kilo-

metres. And the canyon.

The canyon looks different at and different seasons and clear and bright. Whether you see the top or the bottom, it will be a(n) that you will never forget.

( )16. A. you C. yours D. yourself

( )17. A. natural C. ancient D. national

( )18. A. along C. across D. past

( )19. A. rise C. rose D. risen

( B. dangerous C. deep D. low

( B. deep C. high D. wide

( B. because of

C. thanks to D. thanks for

( )23. A. in B. on C. at D. for

( )24. A. especially B. friendly C. hardly D. differently

( )25. A. interview B. trip C. visit D. experience

III.. 阅读理解 (每小题2分,共30分)



Dear Year 5 kids,

Hello! I’m from Year 6 in Mrs. Batley’s class. However, last year I was a Year 5 kid in Mr. Poulter’s class. We went on a fantastic journey to see “The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World” by courtesy of (承蒙??的允许) Time Travel Tours Ltd. Yes, we got into their “time machine”

(we had to travel this way as the wonders are all gone now except for the pyramids) and set the dials for the correct time and place. And before we knew it, we were walking around the masterpieces of architecture (建筑杰作). We sent back postcards from all seven places. Click on any of these seven locations on the map below to find out what we saw. This year’s Year 5 kids may find it very useful! So, get exploring and discover ...

Lots of love,

Holly Reardon


( )26. Holly is introducing the fantastic journey to Year 6 kids.

( )27. Mr Poulter is Holly’s teacher this year.

( )28. Holly travelled to “The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World” in the “time machine”.

( )29. We can see “The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World” in the real world.

( )30. This passage is from a website and there is a map below it.


ugh. Hearst one outside. I loved the one outside, the a pity that we couldn’t go swimming there!

a museum.

( paragraph means _____.

A. 城堡 C. 城垛 D. 楼阁

( )3 at Hearst Castle.

B. bigger than

C. older than D. smaller than

( A. beautiful gardens

B. one swimming pool inside

C. one swimming pool outside

D. all the above

( )34. _____ made Mr. Hearst build this wonderful castle.

A. A tour around Europe

B. The paintings and castles in Europe

C. His mother

D. His dream

( )35. Which of the following sentences is TRUE?

A. Hearst Castle in California was cheap to build.

B. Hearst Castle is on a mountain near the sea.

C. Many Hollywood film stars come to Hearst’s parties.

D. After Mr. Hearst died, his family lived at Hearst Castle.


Here is some information about some of the wonders of the world. I am sure you will be interested in them.

The Pyramids of Egypt

There are about eighty pyramids known today. The most well-known was for Pharaoh(法老) Khufu. It is known as the “Great Pyramid”. It’s also the largest one. Workers used about 2.3 million blocks of stone to build it. (A)用了20年的时间才建成。

The Hanging Gardens of Babylon

The garden sat on a hill. It was a large and wonderful structure(建筑物). Many parts of the garden were high up on large columns(支柱ever existed(存在)!

The Lighthouse of Alexandria

遗址) every year. 根据短文内容,选择正确答案。


A. one B. two C. three ( )37. “_____” hA. We built it for twenty years.

C. It took twenty years to build it.

( A. Big green trees B. Lovely flowers

C. Stones (

A. B. 它是世界古代奇观之一

C. D. 它是世界自然奇观之一

( B. Scientists can prove that the Hanging Gardens of Babylon has ever existed.

C. The Lighthouse of Alexandria was in Egypt.

D. The Lighthouse of Alexandria was about135 metres high.

IV. 单词拼写,每空限一词。(10分)

41. The Great Wall is one of the ________ (奇迹) of the world.

42. Suddenly, the clouds ________ (散开) and the rain stopped.

43. The ________ (高度) of the building is 10 metres.

44. For my homework I have to write a ________ (作文) about the Great Wall.

45. I don’t think this building is ________ (古老的) than that one.

46. I’ll do some ________ (评论) about our favourite bands.

47. The sun ________ (升起) in the east every day.

48. ________ (自然的) means something is not made by people.

49. The village ________ (消失) into the distance as I drove far away.

50. He stood on the ________ (边缘) of the canyon and looked down.

V. 句型转换,每空限一词。(5分)

51. Tony watched TV yesterday evening. (用at nine yesterday evening改写句子)

Tony ________ ________ TV at nine yesterday evening.

52. Please tell us what we are going to have for dinner. (同义句转换)

Please tell us what ________ ________ for dinner.

53. Tom likes playing basketball. Li Lei likes playing basketball, too. (连成一个句子)

________ Tom and Li Lei ________ playing basketball.

54. Few of them were interested in the old story. (改为反意疑问句)

Few of them were interested in the old story, ________ ________?

55. Where does she live? Can you tell me? (连成一个句子)

Can you tell me ________ she ________?

VI. 补全对话,每空限写一个句子。(5分)

A: What’s happening?

B: We are having a meeting.

A: (56) _______________________________. What’s it about?

) in Xi’an. B: We haven’t made it. (l then.

B: That’s great. (A: OK. Let’s go next weekend.

VII. 任务型阅读(10分)

’s said to be the most beautiful mountain in the northeast “ever white” in Chinese, and its whiteness is because of the

覆盖) the area. August is the best time to visit it.

2. Be sure to start from your hotel early in the morning, so that you have enough time to see everything and return. Visitors can’t live on the mountain.

篇四:综英作文 终稿

Building is such a splendid art that presents the civilization of a country ,even of the whole human beings.For instance,the seven wonders of the ancient world always attract people around the world to explore its mysterious beauty.

Nowadays,whether the buildings should be built in the traditional way or in the modern way has become a heated discussion,which mainly divided into two parts.For one part,they are in favor of the traditional way to build the construction,which they can not know thoroughly even can not surpass our diligent ancestors in some fields based on our techniques,so it is of great significance to learn their essence by researching them and imitating their building.In addition,ancient buildings are unique arts.They can reflect the times of ancient world and enrich our knowledge about the ancient world. Last but not least,there is no doubt that we should protect our culture and that pass on it to our generations in various way,including building in the traditional way.

However,still some people agree the way to build the construction using the modern methods.They firmly believed that some old buildings are out of style and they can not show us about the century and the society we live in.Secondly,the modern building looks conciser and fit the description of the modern life while the building in the traditional way is so complicated that its design and construction is difficult ,and the mending fare is higher than the modern one.Therefore,they think modern building is better.

I think we should take it into consideration that we can combine the traditional way with the modern way to build the buildings.We are supposed to inherit the experience from our forefathers,making the building around full of sense of history,raising the awareness of protecting the old building.Also,we can add some modern theories to the building so that we could use the latest materials ,methods and theories.

It is no good dividing the means of building a construction into many kinds.Only if we combine both of them,having a good command of them,can our building become more attractive and profound,and our building field become more creative.

篇五:Module1 Wonders of the world综合题


Module 1 Wonders of the world



I. 听力部分(略)(20分)

II. 单项选择 (共15小题,计15分)

( )1. We _____each other since I left Shanghai.

A. haven’t seen B. hadn’t seen

C. didn’t see D. wouldn’t see

( )2. —When did your father ____ the company?

—In 2002.

A. make B. start C. invite D. arrive

( )3. While I _____ my homework in my room, my mother _____ in the kitchen.

A. did; cooked B. was doing; cooked

C. did; was cooking D. was doing; was cooking

( )4.—____ my pen?

—Yes, I ___ it on your desk five minutes ago.

A. Have you seen; saw B. Did you see; have seen

C. Will you see; am seeing D. Do you see; will see

( )5.—Are there any trees on _____ sides of the new street?

—Yes, there are.

A. other B. another C. both D. each

( )6.—Have you found your watch?

—No, it is ______to see anything in the hole.

A. too dark B. dark enough

C. very dark D. so dark

( )7.—When did you ____ the top of the mountain?

—At 11;45 a.m.

A. arrive B. reach C. get D. climb

( )8. Listen up, everyone! I have ______ to tell you.

A. anything important B. important something

C. something important D. important anything

( )9.—Do you know____ it is from Guangzhou to Beijing?

—About 2,200 kilometres.

A. how wide B. how soon C. how much D. how far

( ) 10.—It is said that his father has gone to Africa.


A. Really? That’s news to me. B. Sorry to hear that.

C. That’s all right. D. You are welcome.

( )11. I’ll return the book to the library as soon as I________it .

A. will finish B. am going to finish

C. finished D. finish

( )12. Our physics teacher told us that light _______ faster than sound.

A. travel B. travels C. is traveling D. has traveled

( )13. The shop here _______ at half past eight in the morning, so you can’t

go until half past eight. A. opens B. is open C. is opened D. is opening

( )14. Look at the clouds in the sky. There ________ this afternoon.

A. will be many rains B. is going to rain

C. will rain D. is going to be a heavy rain

( )15. Do you know if ______ back next week?

If he _______ back, please let me know.

A. he comes; will come B. will he come; comes

C. he will come; comes D. will he come; will come


A 篇

Jack lived in a small town near the sea. He loved the beaches and the visitors

who came in summer. His family had moved there when he was two years old. Now,

eleven years later, he was going to enter the eighth grade. Jack had lots of

friends, really good friends, and the school he went to was almost new. He loved

basketball. He played as a seventh grader, and he was going to be in the starting

five during the coming season.

One morning at the breakfast table, Jack’s dad told everybody that there

would be a change about his job, and the family would be moving to a large city

in another state. Jack was angry and terribly disappointed (失望). He didn’t

like big cities, and he knew that leaving his friends would be very hard. On

his first day he found this new school was much older, and it seemed that the

students didn’t like to make friends with him.

“I really hate this school,” Jack said at the dinner table that night. “Why

can’t we move back where all my friends are?” Jack’s mother asked him if he

was really trying to make new friends. Jack didn’t answer. He was too busy

thinking back over the great times he used to have with his old friends at the

beach and during practices in the gym. Jack’s disappointment deepened (变深)

the next day when he learned that his new school didn’t even have sports. There

was no basketball team! He felt like telling the children in the new school

exactly (确切地) what he thought about the place, but something inside of him

told him that he should keep his thoughts to himself.

( )1. This passage is mainly about ____.

A. Jack’s father’s new job in a city B. Jack’s change of his school

C. Jack’s new school and basketball D. Jack’s favourite and family

( )2. From this passage we learn that _____.

A. Jack was one of the best basketball players in his grade.

B. Jack was very good at making new friends

C. the school in the city was almost new but had no basketball team

D. the city life was just what Jack wanted

( ) 3. Jack didn’t answer Mother’s question because he ____.

A. was very angry with the new school B. was too busy with his lessons

C. had no time to think about it D. wanted to talk to his dad

( )4. We know that Jack ____.

A. was going back to his old friends

B. had a great time for the first day in the new school

C. didn’t think about his basketball any more

D. was thirteen and loved the beaches

( )5. He kept his thoughts to himself not to ____.

A. trouble his mom and dad B. hurt the children in the new school

C. make his old friends sad D. show he was pleased with the new life B篇

People all over the world write to Big Ben. They even send birthday presents.

Big Ben is not a person. It’s a clock. Big Ben is the great clock hanging up

in a tower of the parliament building. The people of London like to see Big Ben’

s four friendly faces. They like to hear the bell striking (敲)on the hour. Bong!

Bong! Bong!

Big Ben’s story started in 1834. In that year the old parli(转 载 于:wWW.smHAida.cOM 海达范文网:world,wonders作文)ament building

was burned down. Its clock tower fell to the ground. There had to be a new building

and a new clock. Plans were made. They called for a “King of Clock, the biggest

and the best in the world”. So the clock had to be big. And it had to keep very

good time. In two years the big clock was made. Five more years went by before

the clock tower was last finished. Then the four bells for the chimes (鸣响)

were brought into the tower. And at last the big hour bell was put in place.

It rang out for the first time on July 11, 1859. This great bell had to have

a name. A meeting of parliament was called to pick one. “This clock is the king

of clocks,” one man said. “Let’s call the bell the Queen of Bells.” “Then

why not Victoria?” said another (Victoria was the British queen (英国女王) at

that time). The talk about names went on and on. Then Benjamin Hall got up to

speak. He was a big man. By this time they were all tired. Someone shouted, “Why

not call it Big Ben and be done with it?” Everybody laughed, and the meeting

was over. But it was called Big Ben from then on. Not just the bell but the whole


( ) 6. In 1834, what happened to the clock tower?

A. People finished the clock tower.

B. People sold the clock tower.

C. People polluted the clock tower.

D. The clock tower broke down.

( )7. Big Ben is the name of a _______.

A. building B. clock C. beautiful girl D. city

( )8. It took _____ to build the clock tower.

A. seven years B. five years

C. two years D. the passage doesn’t tell us

( )9. In which year might Victoria be the British queen?

A. 1583 B. 1768 C. 1620 D. 1863

( )10. Which is the best title (标题)for this passage?

A. Why Big Ben Is So Big B. British Parliament Building

C. How Big Ben Got Its Name D. British Queen Victoria

第 Ⅱ 卷(满分65分)

IV. 词汇(每小题1分,共10分)

A) 用所给词的适当形式填空,使句子意思完整通顺。

1. Her hair soon grew back to its ________(nature) colour.

2. I think the _______(high) of the big tree is twenty-five metres.

3. Mr. Smith asked me to give a full ___(describe) of the picture.

4. I saw a _______(strange) standing in front of the park.

5. We watched the train until it ______(appear) in the distance.


6. I have written two English _______(作文) this term.

7. I wrote to her last month, but she hasn’t ______(回答) to my

letter yet.

8. We all know that the sun _____ (升起) in the east.

9. There were many important inventions in _____(古代的) China.

10. He found a small boy lying on the ______(地面) crying.


American schools are quite different from those

in China. In America, at the beginning of the term,

students must select their courses and teachers first.

While in China students usually have no chances to

select their courses and teachers.

Selecting is very important for your grades in

America. So at the first term, don’t select too many

courses, 4.or you’ll feel very nervous and it may influence your study. Then

you have to ask for some teaching plans. There is some information about subjects,

time arranging, marks and textbooks. At the same time, you must choose the

teachers. Different teachers have different teaching methods. If the teacher

is called “killer” by the last grade, many students will give up choosing him.

Because this kind of teacher will leave too much homework, too many exams and

give too low grades.

There is another thing after you select the course and the teacher. How to

buy textbooks makes each student feel hard. The textbooks in America are very expensive. Each copy is about $30~50. In order to save money, many students buy some used textbooks, and some students usually borrow textbooks from the school library. You must get enough ready before class. In class, discussing is very important. 5. 老师鼓励你提出问题或展示你自己的观点。They don’t usually ask you to sit well. Instead they allow you to sit or stand everywhere you like. They don’t give you much homework to do. You can learn some knowledge and do exercises by yourself. So in American schools, you must do almost all things yourself.


1. At the beginning of the new term, American students have to ask for some

teaching plans and get their textbooks ready besides ____________________.

2. The teacher____________________ will always leave too much homework, too many

exams and give too low grades.

3. 根据文章内容回答问题。

Why do many students in America buy used textbooks ?

4. 请将文中划线句子译成汉语__________________________________.

5. 请将划线句子译成英语 ____________________________________.



just as_____(1) for them to get know others as it is for adults .Now there’s a new book that____(2) all that --How Kids Make Friends written ____(3 )Lonnie Michelle.

How Kids Make Friends is unique(独特的) ____(4 )it not only speaks to ____(5 ), but to adults as well .It encourages children to believe in themselves . It helps kids realize they are important ,lively ,and deserve(应得) good ____(6 ).Youngsters(年轻人) will learn how to make all the friends they want ____(7 ),what to talk about even if they can’t think of anything to say , how to get someone’s attention without saying a word , and how to get rid of shyness . Parents can discover how to interact (相互影响) with _____(8 )children in positive (积极的)ways . They will see the value of helping their children _____(9) these important social skills at an early age . Michelle shows parents ways to gain the respect of their children . “Learning these skills at an early age is one of the _____(10 )things that could happen to your child ,” Michelle writes .

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