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篇一:七年级英语In the park

新课标 初中英语预备课程 第6单元教学案






第一课时:Welcome to the unit

第二课时:Listening, Speaking


第四课时:Grammar, Task


第一课时 Welcome to the unit

Teaching aims and demands: Master new words and phrases

park, between, tree, flower, under, in front of, gate, bird, climb, swim

Main or difficult points: Prepositions

Aids: cards, recorder and small blackboard


I. check the new words

T: 公园 S: p-a-r-k, park,一列学生从前到后一个一个说过去。



1.演示:教师拉两张椅子,一左一右,教师站在中间,教师自己说:“ I’m between the chairs.”


换一个同学站在两张椅子的中间,教师说:“ Li Qiang is between the chairs.”连说三遍。

换两个同学站在两张椅子的中间,教师说:“Wang Ming and Zhou Jun are between the


2.呈现:教师在黑板上板书:I’m between the chairs.

3.演示:拿出一个毛绒小狗,把这只小狗放在椅子底下。教师说:”Spotty is under the chair.”

4.呈现:教师在黑板上板书:Spotty is under the chair.

5.演示:教师站在椅子前面,教师说:“I’m in front of the chair.”连说三遍。

6.呈现:教师在黑板上板书:I’m in front of the chair.

III practise

1. Read the three sentences after teacher several times

2. Students read these sentences together several times.

IV. Welcome to the unit

1. Look at Page 28, Welcome to the unit

Students read it themselves for 2 minutes

2. Students read it after teacher for 2 times

3. Students read it together for 2 times

V. Exercises 课堂检测:


1.在树之间 在椅子之后2.在花后面 在树后面 3.在椅子底下在我的椅子底下 4.在大门前面在教师前面 二.workbook

Unit 6 Welcome to the unit Page 96

第二课时 Listening Speaking

Teaching aims and demands: Master new words and phrases

lake, pick, feed, where, here

Master the drills


Where is…….?

Where are……?

Main or difficult points: prepositions

Aids: cards, recorder and small blackboard


I. check the new words

T:湖 S: l-a-k-e, lake, 一列学生从前到后一个一个说过去。


II. Listening to the tape.

1. Page 28, listening, listen and learn

Let students listen to the tape.

2. Listen again and write down the words.

III. Presentation


climb the tree

swim in the river

pick the flower

feed the animal

2.Students read the phrases after teacher for 2 times

3.Students read the phrases together for 2 times

IV. Listen, write and number




4. Let students listen to the tape. Listen again and write down the phrases. Read the sentences after teacher for 2 times. Students read the sentences together for 2 times.

V. Speaking


S1: Where is ?

S2: He/She/It is…

S3: Where are ?

S4: They are…


人:Where is/are ?让学生根据实际情况回答。

VI.Exercises 课堂检测:


1.爬树 4.喂动物


3.摘花 在门后面


1.Climb the tree.(否定句)

climb the tree.



the students?

第三课时: Reading

Teaching aims and demands: Master the new words and phrases:

open, near, middle, boat, left, right, café, in the middle of

Master the drills

There are many……

Main or difficult points: preposition phrases

Aids: cards, recorder and small blackboard


I. check the new words

T: 打开 S: o-p-e-n, open一列学生从前到后一个一个说过去。


II. Reading

1.首先向学生问一个问题:Look at the picture. What’s in the picture?让学生回答:There’s a

park.再问学生:What’s the name of the park? 启发学生回答:ABC Park.接着说:Look at the gate.

It’s open.然后再指着教室的门说:Look at this door. Is it open? 让学生根据实际情况回答。

2.指导学生看图例,并启发说:What’s in ABC Park?引导学生根据图例所示回答:There

is/are… 并将cafe和 boat写在黑板上。

3.安排学生自己阅读一遍课文,并回答事先提出的问题:What’s under the tree? 将以下问题写在黑板上,让学生再次阅读课文,然后安排同桌互相问答黑板上的问题:

Is ABC park big?

Where are the toilets?

What is on the right?

Where are the flowers?

Where is the big tree?

Where are the birds?

What is in the middle of the park?

Where are the boys and girls?

Where is the lake?

What is on the lake?

在学生问答期间,鼓励他们多提问,并解说涉及到的新知识点。如nice, near, many 和in the


the text again and complete the picture on the right.请同桌之间互相核对,看看谁的图画得又对又好。


一 .完成词组

1.在他的左边 2.在她的右边



二 .书后练习97页

第四课时:Grammar Task

Teaching aims and demands: Master new words and phrases

house, zoo, animal, shop, some, start, walk, ice cream, grass, miss,

turn, answer, question, throw, dice, win

Master the drills

There are many……

What about…?

Main or difficult points: Preposition phrases

Aids: cards, recorder and small blackboard


I. Check the new words:

T: 房子 S: h-o-u-s-e, house, 一列学生从前到后一个一个说过去。


II. Preparations 准备:


III. Revision 复习

将小球放在纸盒的不同位置,帮助学生复习学过的介词:in, on, behind, near, between, in the

篇二:Unit6 In the park

Unit6 In the park


Step1.free talk


1.呈现一只盒子里面有一只毛绒狗玩具,问can you guess what’s in it?---it’s a dog,spotty,再将狗重新放置问Is there a dog in the box?no,there isn’t.问:where is the dog? The dog is behind the box. 把玩具狗放在盒子的不同位置问,学习方位介词It’s in /between/ on / behind / under / near /on the left of/on the right of the box. 1in, on, under, behind的含义:in表示“在……里面”,on表示两者接触“在……上面”,under表示不接触“在……下方”,behind表示“在(外面的)后面”。

2.between 的意思是“在......之间”,后面应该跟名词复数。如:between the trees, between the bags 3in front of / in the front of 都表示“在....前面”,但从人所处的位置来讲,它们有着很大的区别。in front of 表示在一物体外部的前面或正前方,即“在......前面”的意思。例如:There are some big trees in front of the workshop.(车间的前面有几棵大树。)in the front of 表示“在.....前部” 的意思,常有内外之别。如:There is a big blackboard in the front of the classroom.(教室 前面有个大黑板。)

4 on the left 与 on the right 分别指“在左边”和“在右边”,但是如果想表达“在......左边或右边”,需要在后面加of ,类似的词有in the middle ( of ).



Step3 welcome to the unit

T: Is our school beautiful?

T: And there is a park beside our school. It’s XX Park. (展示图片.) And this is a park too. It’s ABC Park. 今天我们学习第六单元In the park. 出示ABC Park图片问:Where is Millie? --She is in front of the gate of the park。

展示一张商店的图片问what’s in the park? --It’s a shop-- Where is

Lily? --She’s beside the shop

再出示狗在椅子下的图片,问what’s in the picture?what’s the dog’s name?where’s spotty?

同样学习between the hills


Step4 listening

1. 出示鸟在树上的图片 T: Look, these are some . Where are the birds?

Where's...?及其回答。如要询问某物或某人在哪里,可能“Where is...?”这一句型。这一问句的结构与中文完全不同,where一词的意思是“在哪里”。例如:Where's your pen? It's here. Where is your book? It's here. Where is your teacher?这是一个特殊问句,回答时不能用Yes或No回答,而应直接回答。It (He...) is......


① A monkey is in the tree. ② A kite is in the tree. 3 A boy is in the tree.④ Some apples are on the tree.⑤ Many flowers are on the tree.

学习 “in the tree” and “on the tree”.及其区别.

in thetree 与 on the tree 都是“在树上”,但前者指不是树本身具有的,而是通过其他途径(如爬行、飞等)而到了树上。如:My kite is in the tree.(我的饿风筝在那棵树上。)There is a ball in the tree.(树上有个秋。)后者指树本身具有的,on 强调接触。如:There are some bananas on the tree.(树上有些香蕉。)

2. 图片: A boy is feeding the birds.

T: What’s in the picture?

Ss: There is a boy and some birds ./There are some birds and a boy. T: How many birds are there in the picture? what’s the boy doing? 在鸟上画个禁止图标说Oh, don’t feed the birds.

3.图片 A boy is climbing the tree.图上画禁止图标Don’t climb the tree

4. 图片 A boy is swimming in the lake.同上

5. 图片: A girl is picking the flowers.

T: Look at the flowers. Are they beautiful? T: The girl is picking the

flowers. Is it good to pick the flowers?同上 讲解祈使句的否定用法


一般说来,祈使句的否定是在祈使句首加Don’t。如:(1) Come here. —Don’t come here. 不要来这儿。(2) Be angry. —Don’t be angry. 不要生气


当祈使句表示邀请或建议(Let’s…) 时,则在Let’s与 do之间加not。如:

(1) Let’s talk about it. —Let’s not talk about it. 我们别谈论它吧。(2) Let’s go swimming there. —Let’s not go swimming there. 我们别去那里游泳吧。


无动词祈使句的否定:在无动词祈使句的句首加not。如:(1) Here? — Not here. 不是这里。(2) Green?—Not green. 不是绿色的。(3) This one? — Not this one. 不是这个。


eg: Don’t open the door.

Don’t clean the door. Don’t close the window.

Don’t look at the blackboard.

Step5 speaking

看P.29图, 指着船问What’s this in English? It’s a T: Where is the boat?S: It’s . (Write “on the lake” on the blackboard and read it)


eg: S1: Where is …?

S2: He/ She/ It is…

S1: Where are…?

S2: They are…


eg:① Where is XX Building? Don’t be late again.

② Where is XX Building?

③ Where is the library?

④ Where are the computer rooms?

⑤ Where is the toilet?

⑥ Where is the playground?


Step6 reading

呈现ABC公园图片Look at the picture. What’s in the pictur

in the of the park

e? What’s the name of the park? What’s in ABC Park?

听录音回答问题What’s under the tree? 阅读回答问题

Is ABC park big?

Where are the toilets?

What is on the right?

Where are the flowers?

Where is the big tree?

Where are the birds?

What is in the middle of the park?

Where are the boys and girls?

Where is the lake?

What is on the lake?





牛津小学英语 1B

Unit 6 In the park 第一教时

一 教学内容

《牛津小学英语 1B 》第六单元,第一课时(Learn to say,Look and learn) 二 教学目标

1 能听懂、会读、会说单词 a bee,a bird, a kite, a balloon

2 能听懂、会读、会说句型 What’s that? It’s a…并能将句型灵活运用到真实情境中去。 三 教学重点

1 能正确认读单词 a bee, a bird, a kite, a balloon

2 能正确运用句型 What’s that? It’s a …并能将句型灵活运用到真实情境中去。 四 教学难点

能用所学句型 What’s that? It’s a …进行情景会话和交流。 五 课前准备 1 教具准备

1) PPT

2) 相关单词图片、卡片,公园情景挂图。 2 板书准备 预先画好公园的简笔画 六 教学过程

Step 1: Greeting

T: Class begins. Ss: Stand up.

T: Good morning/afternoon, boys and girls. Ss: Good morning/afternoon, Miss Chen. T: Sit down, please.

Step 2 Warming up&Free talk

Sing a song < On in under > T: How are you?

S: I’m fine/ well/good, thank you.

T: Nice to meet you.

S: Nice to meet you, too. Step 3: lead in

T: Today Miss Chen will take you to a beautiful place. Look! Where is it?(PPT presents

the picture of a park)

Ss: 公园。

T: Yes, it’s a beautiful park.

PPT presents the following picture

T: Can you read this word? (The word “car” is shown first.) Ss: car

T: How about this one? (The word “card” is shown next.) Ss: card.

T: Now can you try to read this one? Ss: Park.

T: Yes, read after me, a park, a park, a park.

little train, go go go.

T: so what does “ar” pronounce here? S1: [a:]

T: Yes, cleaver!

Ss: 在公园里面(T: Yes, he is in the park. Today we will learn unit 6 In the park. 师在黑板上板书 In the park.

Step 4 Presentation

PPT shows the following picture.

T: Look at the picture, who are they? Ss: Helen and Mike. T: Where is it?

师指着黑板的课题引导学生说出 “In the park”

1. Teach bee

T: look carefully, something is coming.

T: What’s that? What’s flying? Ss: 蜜蜂。(some of them may say bee)

T: Yes, the bee can fly. Read after me, a bee, a bee, a bee. Little train, big train, super train, go go go.

2. Teach bird 闻声猜物, T: listen carefully, try to guess what is that?

Ss: 鸟 (Some students may say bird)

T: let’s see what that is.

T: That’s a a bird. Read after me, a bird, a bird, a bird.

little train, big train, go go go. PPT shows the following picture.


T: pay attention to the girl, now the bus is near to her, so here we can use “this”. (PPT 右上角出 现 “a bus”) Now the bus is far from the girl, so there we can use “that”.

(小轿车慢慢从左下角移动到又上角,由 What’s this? 导出What’s that?)

T: Read after me, what’s that? What’s that? Little train, go go go.

PPT presents the following pictures. 用放大镜的功能操练句子 “what’s that?”

3. 通过前两个望远镜镜对句子 “What’s that?”的巩固,接着由放大镜很直接地导出单词 “balloon” ,接着教 balloon. T: What’s that? Ss: 气球

T: Yes, it’s a balloon. Read after me, balloon, balloon, balloon.

4. Teach kite

T: PPT shows the picture above. Look! What’s that? Can you guess? Ss: a kite.

T: Is that right? Let’s have a look.

篇四:Unit 6 In the park教案

Unit 6 In the park

Unit teaching aims:

(1) Negative Imperative Sentences

(2) Describe the position

(3) Learn drills: Where are they?

(4) Learn some prepositions and prepositional phrases

Teaching main points: Functional aims

Teaching difficulties: Skillful aims

Teaching periods:

Four periods for teaching and two for exercises

Teaching aids: A tape recorder, a projector, some pictures

Teaching approach: Listening, speaking, reading, and writing comprehensive approach

The First Period

Title: ABC Park

Teaching aims:

How to describe position

Teaching main points:

Drills: Where are they?

XX is/are under/ under/behind/in front of/on/in/near …

There is/are XX under/ under/behind/in front of/on/in/near …

Teaching aids: A tape recorder, some pictures

Teaching procedures:

Step 1 Greetings and revision

Ask Ss daily English

Step 2 Presentation

Pointing to a student, say: XX is between XX and XX.

XX is behind XX.

XX is in front of XX.

XX is on the left/right of XX.

Pointing to some real items, say: XX is/are under …

There is/are XX under…

Step 3 Practice

Work in pairs or in groups to practice.

Step 4 Following the teaching

(1) Ss look at the pictures and listen to the tape

(2) Read after the tape

(3) Learn and recite the new words

Step 5 Consolidation

Use some pictures asking questions, such as “ where is the girl? Is the cat under the desk? What is behind the door? ?”

Step 6 Practice

WB page 96 “ look at the picture and fill in the blanks.

Step 7 Homework

Make sentences by these prepositions and prepositional phrases.

The second Period

Title: In the park

Teaching aims:

1. learn new words: bird, lake, climb, swim, pick, feed

2. learn drills: Don’t climb the tree.

Don’t pick up flowers.

Teaching main points: Drills

Teaching difficulties: Dills

Teaching aids: A projector, some pictures

Teaching procedure:

Step 1 Greeting and revision

Step 2 Presentation

Give some more instructions and have Ss to do some actions.

Step 3 Practice

Ask Ss to give instructions at the front

Step 4 Listen

1. learn some new words before listen to the tape

2. play the tape

3. check

4. listen again

Step 5 WB

Page 96 Listening AB

Step 6 Homework

Copy new words and some sentences

The Third Period

Title: Where are they?

Teaching aims:

(1) ask the position of sb/sth

(2) learn some new words

Teaching main points:

(1) Drills: Where are they?

(2) Phrases: on the right/left of sth/sb, in/on the tree, in the middle of the park, on the lake …

(3) Words: open, left, right, near, middle

Teaching difficulties: prepositional phrases

Teaching aids:

A tape recorder, a projector, some pictures

Teaching procedures:

Step 1. Greetings and revision

Step 2. Presentation

1. put a book on the desk and say: There is a book on the desk.

2. repeat with other position as example

3. look at some pictures and Ss try to describe the position

Step 3 Reading

1. give some questions before Ss skip the passage

A Where are the birds? B. What’s on the left of the playground? C. How many toilets are there on the left of the gate?

2. check their comprehension

3. Ss read it again and draw the position

4. check their answers

5. follow the tape

6. read together

7. read and recite by themselves

Step 4 Consolidation

Recite the passage and finish the relative exercises in WB.

The Fourth Period

Title: Grammar, Task

Teaching aims: to revise grammatical items and strengthen their comprehension Teaching aids: real items and pictures

Teaching procedures:

Step 1 Greetings

Step 2 Revisions

1. negative imperative sentences

2. position

3. “ there be”

Step 3 Where is Spotty?

A. Look and match

1. describe the position of Spotty

2. match

3. check their answers

B. Read and complete

1. explain some points such as : lots of, what about

2. fill in the blanks by themselves

3. check their answers

4. read and recite the passage

Step 4 Task

Ask Ss some pictures about the pictures

Ask Ss to describe the picture


篇五:《Module 4 In the Park》教学设计

Unit 1 What are they doing?

I. Warmer.

1.Start by reminding the ss of different actions.

2.Tell the ss that you are going to mime some actions and they have to call out the verb you are miming.


T:(mimes playing table tennis)

SS:You are playing table tennis.

T:(mimes singing a song)

SS:You are singing a song.

3.Continue like this and then get the ss to do the same in pairs.This will quickly revise lots of verbs.

II. Listen and point.

1.Divide the class into two groups.

2.Tell half the class to write the word “Daming” on a pice of paper and half the class to write the word “Amy”.

3.Tell the ss to close their books.

4.Tell them that you are going to play the tape and they have to listen and then after each sentence say who was speaking.If it was Daming ,then the s with “Daming”should stand up ,call out “Daming” and hold up their piece of paper .If it was “Amy” should stand up.

5.Play the tape one sentence at a time.

6.This is a nice way to introduce the dialogue.

7.Now get the ss to open the books and follow the story while you play it again.

III.Act it out.

1.Before starting,get the ss to think of as many activities as possible and write them on the board.


Playing footble.

Playing table tennis.

Brushing my teeth .

Washing my face.

eating noodles.

driving a car.

rowing a boat.

riding my bike.

2.Now put the ss into groups of four.Two ss have to mime actions and the thirds then asks the fourth student what they are doing.

3.The fourth s must answer.

4.Then get them to change roles and continue.

Unit7 At weekends


本单元谈论的话题是周末活动,教师可以结合学生用书四年级下册Unit2 After school和五年级上册unit4 Hobbies的内容,综合呈现语言知识。教师可以和学生一起复习有关课外活动和业余爱好的词汇,作为导入或巩固活动。涉及的周末活动有上网和远方家人聊天、放风筝、看电影、野餐等,教师可以在教学中利用挂图、照片或多媒体呈现一些孩子周末活动的情景,也可以要求学生课前准备一张家庭周末活动的照片。


1. 能听懂、会说、会读单词:at weekends, grandparents, play with, very much, chat, Internet, go to the cinema, a lot, come out, get out.

2. 能听懂、会说、会读、会写单词:visit, often, always, sometimes, there.

3. 能听懂、会说、会读、会写句型与日常用语:What do you do at weekends? I always\usually\often\sometimes . . .

4. 能熟练运用本单元所学句型及频率副词谈论周末活动。

5. 知道字母s在单词中的读音。


1. 句型:What do you do at weekends? I always\usually\often\sometimes . . .

2. 词汇:at weekends, grandparents, play with, very much, chat, Internet, go to the cinema, a lot, come out, get out.

3. 语音:字母s在单词中的读音。


1. 句型:What do you do at weekends? I always\usually\often\sometimes . . .的使用。

2. 词汇:always,usually,often和sometimes频率副词的区别及正确用法。

3. 语音:字母s在单词中的读音。


第1课时:Story time (text, Look and write)

第2课时:Grammar time and fun time

第3课时:Cartoon time, Culture time

第4课时:Checkout time , Sound time

