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Unit 4 Section A

班级__________ 姓名______________ 座号_________ 评分_____________


1. the worst service_________________ 2. not…at all_________________

3. 在城镇_________________ 4. so far__________________

5. the biggest screens______________________

6. 离家最近_________________________________________

7. 最短的等待时间___________________________________________





1. good/well _________ __________ 2. Bad/badly___________ ____________

3. many/much _________ __________ 4. far______________ _____________

5. little __________ _____________ 6. easy_____________ _____________

7. thin_______________ ________________

8. beautiful________________________ ________________________

9.comfortable _______________________ ________________________

10.careful________________________ ________________________


1. Tom is quiet enough. Jim is ___________ (quiet). Jack is the____________ (quiet).

2.Dale was the _____________ (early) in our class yesterday.

3. Which boy is the _____________ (thin) in your class?

4. I think English is the__________ _______________ (important) of all the subjects.

5. Sharks are the _____________ _____________(danger) animals in the sea.

6. Hens are the _____________ _____________(use) animals.

7. He is _____________(good) at math than his brother.

8. This is the _____________(easy) one of all the questions.

9. This store is the ______________(badly) of the three.

10. He bought many _____________(cloth) from that _____________(cloth) store.


1. His school is near the park.

(1) His school is _____________ ____________ the park.

(2) His school is ____________ ____________the park.

2. Lily is thinner than Lucy.

Lucy is ___________ than Lily.

3. My favorite subject is English.

I _____________ English ____________.

4. He is taller than the other two.

He is ________ __________ ____________ the three.


A: (1) ______

B: I want to buy a new pair of shoes.(2) ______

A: I think Jiapeng Shoe Store has the best quality shoes.

B: (3) ______

A: Yes, the shoes there are the most comfortable.

B: I don’t have much money. (4) ______

A: It has the cheapest shoes in our town.

B: (5) ______

A: It’s not far from our home. It only takes about five minutes by bus.


一、1、最差的服务 2、一点儿也不 3、in town 4、至今,到现在为止

5、最大的屏幕 6、the closest to home 7、the shortest waiting time

8、the most popular 9、the worst clothes 10、the most comfortable seats 二、1、better best 2、worse worst 3、more most 4、farther farthest

5、less least 6、easier easiest 7、thinner thinnest

8、more beautiful most beautiful 9、more comfortable most comfortable

10、more careful most comfortable

三、 1、quieter quietest 2、earliest 3、thinnest 4、most important

5、most dangerous 6、most useful 7、better 8、easiest

9、worst 10、clothes clothing

四、 1、close to nest to 2、heavier\ fatter 3、like best 4、the tallest of

五、 1---5 C A B E D


一、1、最差的服务 2、一点儿也不 3、in town 4、至今,到现在为止

5、最大的屏幕 6、the closest to home 7、the shortest waiting time

8、the most popular 9、the worst clothes 10、the most comfortable seats 二、1、better best 2、worse worst 3、more most 4、farther farthest

5、less least 6、easier easiest 7、thinner thinnest

8、more beautiful most beautiful 9、more comfortable most comfortable

10、more careful most comfortable

三、 1、quieter quietest 2、earliest 3、thinnest 4、most important

5、most dangerous 6、most useful 7、better 8、easiest

9、worst 10、clothes clothing

四、 1、close to nest to 2、heavier\ fatter 3、like best 4、the tallest of

五、 1---5 C A B E D


1. Tom is quiet enough. Jim is ______ (quiet). Jack is the_____ (quiet).

2.Dale was the ______ (early) in our class yesterday.

3. Which boy is the ______ (thin) in your class?

4. I think Engl

tom is quiet enough

ish is the ______ ______(important) of all the subjects.

5. Sharks are the ______ ______(danger) animals in the sea.

6. Hens are the ______ ______(use) animals.

7. He is ______(good) at math than his brother.

8. This is the _____(easy) one of all the questions.

9. This store is the _____(badly) of the three.

10. He bought many _____(cloth) from that ______(cloth) store.


This theater ___________________________________.


______________________ radio station?


My home __________________school.


He is one of____________________________________.

5.Tony 是两个男孩中比较高的一个。

Tony is____________________the two boys .

6. 我在昨天的唱歌比赛中表现得最差。

I did _______________yesterday’s_________________.

7. 语文和英语你比较喜欢哪一个?

Which do you ________,Chinese ______English?


Han Lei is one of ______ ______ ______in his class.


That restaurant’s service is ______good ______ _______.


______go to ______ ______ !


______ ______ ______ a meal?

1Those children are _______(talent).

2He is__________ (popular) teacher in our school.

3Tuesday is __________(busy) day in a week.

4Winter is the__________ (cold) season of the year in Shandong.

5Which is__________ (big), the sun, the earth or the moon?

6 It is one of______________________(important) books.

7 The Changjiang River is the ______(long) river in China.

8 She is Mary’s ______(good) friend.

1 What’s the best radio station______ ?

A in town B in city C of town D in downtown

( )2 Big Screen Complex has the biggest screen______the most comfortable seats.

A but B and C or D as

( )3--______do you think is the______performer? --John.

A Who, better B What, best C Who, best D How, best

( )4 --How far is your house______school? --Five minutes______bus.

A from, by B from, take C to, by D to, on

1The theater near my house is the best place______ go to see movies. 2What do you think ______action movies? 3Alison is the tallest______ the three.

4Does your sister usually go to the sports center______ weekends? III用所给的适当形式填空。

1. The library near my home is always______ (crowd) on Sundays. 2. She said she saw a______ (fantasy) movie last week. 3. My father doesn’t like those______ (bore) songs.

4. They don’t like the cinema because ______ (bore) songs. 5. There is _______(a) excellent sports center in my hometown.


( )1. Jazz 107.9 FM plays the most______ music. We all enjoy it.

A interested B boring C interesting D loud

( )2.--How______ is it from here to the bookstore? --About 20 minutes by bus.

A long B soon C far D often

( )3.--______ was the best performer? --Eliza was.

A What B Whose C Which D Who

( )4. ______talent show was a great success.

A Last week’s B Last week C Today D Last weeks’

( )5.--Which is ______month of the year? --July, I think.

A hot B hottest C hotter D the hottest

( )6.What is the best______ store in Shanghai? I ‘d like to buy a hat. --Eliza was.

A clothes B cloth C food D fruit

( )7. I often go to Movie Palace because it has the ______.

A most comfortable seats B most boring movies

C most expensive tickets D least comfortable seats

( )8.The store is the______ my home. I usually do some shopping in it.

A close B closer C closest to D farthest

第五课时 中考地带


( )1You are doing great! I’ve never had _____answer before.(河北)

A better B best C a better D the best

( )2 --Why are you standing, Alice?

--I can’t see the blackboard clear. Two ball boys are sitting _____me.

(广东) A behind B next to C between D in front of

( )3 Eighteen kids died in the school bus accident in Gansu Province.

It’s _____one that I have ever heard of. (广东)

A a very serious B a more serious C the most serious D the least serious

( )4You should practice more to improve your English, then you’ll be ______at it.(南昌)

A good B better C best D the best

( )5 –Do you think computers are more expensive than they were five years ago? --No,they are_______.(沈阳)

A cheap B cheaper C cheapest D the cheapest

( )6. Shu-how Lin is now one of ______ basketball players in the NBA.(福州)

A popular B more popular C the most popular

( )7 Who listens _____, Tom, Jack or Bill?(天津)

A the most carefully B more carefully C the most careful D more careful

( )8 We have two ears and one mouth so that we can listen______ we speak.(杭州)

A as twice as much B twice as much as C as much as twice D as much twice as

( )9 --Do you like this movie?

--Yes, it’s the ____one I’ve ever seen.(广州)

A better B best C good D well


1Which river is the second ______ (long) river in the world?

2Paris is one of the ______ (lively) cities in Europe.

3The first computers were built in the 1940s. They were even______ (big) than cars 4Nowadays too many boys want to become______ (act) .



1. 离…近____________ 2. 有最舒适的座位____________3. 最好的音响____________

4. 最短的等待时间____________5. the biggest screens____________6. in town____________


1. good/well _____ _______ 2. bad/badly______ ______3. many/much _____ _______ 4. far______ ______

5. little _____ _______ 6.beautiful______ ______7.thin______ ___8. easy_______ _____9.comfortable

______10.careful_____ ___


1. Tom is quiet enough. Jim is ______ (quiet). Jack is the_____ (quiet).

2.Dale was the ______ (early) in our class yesterday.

3. Which boy is the ______ (thin) in your class?

4. I think English is the ______ ______(important) of all the subjects.

5. Sharks are the ______ ______(danger) animals in the sea.

6. Hens are the ______ ______(use) animals.

7. He is ______(good) at math than his brother.

8. This is the _____(easy) one of all the questions.

9. This store is the _____(badly) of the three.

10. He bought many _____(cloth) from that ______(cloth) store.

用Of, than, in, as填空。 1. This table is as big that one. 2. The yellow book is bigger the blue one. 3. Tom is the best student the class. 4. This lesson is more interesting that one. 5. This apple is the largest all the apples.


1. Which lesson is__________ (difficult) in Book 2?

2. Alice writes __________________ (carefully) than I.

3. This story is __________________ (interesting) than that one.

4. He is __________________ (clever) boy in the class.

5. This kind of food must be __________ (delicious) than that one.

6. Can you show me_ _________ (near) shop?

7. Who’s __________________ ,(careful),Tom,Jim or Kate?

8. That is __________________ (easy) of all.

9. That was one of. __________________ (exciting) moments in 2013.


.⑴What do you ______ ______(认为) the cinema in town?

⑵______ ______ (至于)movie theater, I like Movie palace best.

⑶Bargain House has _____ ______ _______(质量最差)

.⑷_______ ________ (多少钱) is the radio/

⑸Funky Fashions has the _________ _________(最优秀的服务).

4. 根据汉语意思完成下列句子。

1.我打算为格林城新闻做一个调查。I’m going to _____ ______ _______ for the Green City news.2.

你认为其他的商店怎么样?_____ ______ _______ _____ ______ the other stores?3.这家电台比城里其

他电台要好得多。This radio station is _____ ______ than the other radio stations _____ ______.

4.在这家商店你可以买到最好的牛仔裤。You can buy _____ ______ _______ in this store.

5.汤姆是这三个男孩中最大的。Tom is _____ ______ _______the three boys


1. This bag is very _____(heavy), but that one is even _________(heavy).

2. Mum gets up _________ (early) in my family.

3.Titanic was one of _________(popular) movies at that time.

4.Which is _________(big), the moon, the earth or the sun?

5.The Yellow River is the second _________(long) river in China.

6.He is a successful man and lives an _________(easier) life.


( )1. John is my friend of all the classmates.A. good B. better C. best D. the best ( )2. E-mailing is much than long-distance calling.

A. cheap B. cheaper C. cheapest D. the cheapest

( )3. Beijing is one of cities in China.

A. very beautiful B. much beautiful C. more beautiful D. the most beautiful

( )4. The Yellow River isn’t so as the Changjiang River.

A. long B. longest C. longer D. the longest

( )5. The coat I bought last week is too big for me. I’d like to change it for a one.

A. small B. larger C. nicer D. smaller

( )6. Who is the , Jim, Li Lei or Ling Feng?A. tall B. taller C. tallest D. much taller ( )7. Of all the students, Wu Dong runs .A. fast B. faster C. fastest D. most fast ( )8. He has grown to take care of himself.

A. tall enough B. enough tall C. old enough D. enough old

( )9. Tom draws better than his brother.A. more B. most C. many D. much ( )10. Who does homework in your class?

A. carefully B. most carefully C. more carefully D. as carefully as

( )11. This box is___ that one.A. heavy than B. so heavy than C. heavier asD. as heavy as ( )13. This book is____ that one, but____ than that one.

A. as difficult as; expensive B. as more difficult as; more expensive

C. as difficult as; more expensive D. more difficult as; as expensive

( )14. I think the story is not so ___ as that one.

A. interesting B. interested C. more interesting D. most interesting

( )15. His father began to work____ he was seven years old.

A. as old as B. as early as C. since D. while


1. The white shirts are as ___________(cheap) as the yellow ones.

2. Which one is ______________ (popular), football or basketball?

3. The fifth orange is ______________ (big) of all. Give it to the young boy.

4. Jason’s has __________(good) quality than Trendy Teens.

5. Which city is _________________ (beautiful), Beijing, Shanghai or Fuzhou?

1. Pop music is ______music in the world. A .best of B .more better C .good of D. the best

2. Of all the students, Angie is the __________but studies __________than others.

A .shorter, best B .shortest, better C .shortest, best D .shorter, better

3. As students, we must work hard to make our country _______.

A .rich and stronger B .richer and stronger C .richer and stronger D .rich and strong

4. John often talks _____ but does _____, so all of us think he is a good boy.

5.A .little, many B .few, fast C .less, more D. more, less

5. The boy didn’t run ____ to catch the bus. A .fast enough B .enough fast C .quick enough C .enough quick

6. I’m sure you can jump as ____as Jim if you wear your sports shoes. A .slow B .slower C .higher D .high

7.I don’t think this question is ____than that one .It is ____of these questions.

A. easier, more difficult B .easier, the most difficult C. easiest, more difficult D .easier, much more difficult

8. Mr Zhang is one of ____in our school. A .the more popular teachers B .most popular teachers C .the most popular teachers D .the most popular teacher



This theater ________ ________ _________ _______ _____.

2.最好的无线电台是什么? _____ ______ _________ radio station?

3.我家离学校很近。My home ____ ______ _____ school.

4.他是最受欢迎的老师之一。 He is one of_____ ______ ______ _______.

5.Tony 是两个男孩中比较高的一个。Tony is____ ________ ________the two boys .

6. 我在昨天的唱歌比赛中表现得最差。I did _____ __________yesterday’s_______ __________.

7. 语文和英语你比较喜欢哪一个?Which do you ________,Chinese ______English?


1. His school is near the park.(1) His school is _____ ______ the park.

(2) His school______ ______ ______the park.

2. Lily is thinner than Lucy. Lucy is _______ than Lily.

3. My favorite subject is English. I _______ English ________.

4. He is taller than the other two. He is ______ ______ _____ the three.


1韩磊是他班里最高的学生之一。Han Lei is one of ______ ______ ______in his class.

2那家餐厅的服务一点儿也不好。That restaurant’s service is ______good ______ _______.

3让我们去王林家吧!______go to ______ ______ !

4一顿饭多少钱?______ ______ ______ a meal?


1Those children are _______(talent). 2He is__________ (popular) teacher in our school.

3Tuesday is __________(busy) day in a week.4Winter is the__________ (cold) season of the year in Shandong. 5Which is__________ (big), the sun, the earth or the moon?6 It is one of______________________(important) books. 7 The Chang jiang River is the ______(long) river in China. 8 She is Mary’s ______(good) friend. IV单项选择。

( )1 What’s the best radio station______ ?A in town B in city C of town D in downtown

( )2 Big Screen Complex has the biggest screen______the most comfortable seats.

A but B and C or D as

( )3--______do you think is the______performer?

--John. A Who, better B What, best C Who, best D How, best

( )4 --How far is your house______school?

--Five minutes______bus. A from, by B from, take C to, by D to, on


1The theater near my house is the best place______ go to see movies.

2What do you think ______action movies? 3Alison is the tallest______ the three.

4Does your sister usually go to the sports center______ weekends?


1. The library near my home is always______ (crowd) on Sundays.

2. She said she saw a______ (fantasy) movie last week.

3. My father doesn’t like those______ (bore) songs.

4. They don’t like the cinema because ______ (bore) songs.

5. There is _______(a) excellent sports center in my hometown.


( )1. Jazz 107.9 FM plays the most______ music. We all enjoy it.

A interested B boring C interesting D loud

( )2.--How______ is it from here to the bookstore?

--About 20 minutes by bus. A long B soon C far D often

( )3.--______ was the best performer?

--Eliza was. A What B Whose C Which D Who

( )4. ______talent show was a great success.A Last week’s B Last week C Today D Last weeks’

( )5.--Which is ______month of the year?

--July, I think. A hot B hottest C hotter D the hottest

( )6.What is the best______ store in Shanghai? I ‘d like to buy a hat.

--Eliza was. A clothes B cloth C food D fruit

( )7. I often go to Movie Palace because it has the ______.

A most comfortable seats B most boring movies C most expensive tickets D least comfortable seats

( )8.The store is the______ my home. I usually do some shopping in it.A close B closer C closest to D farthest



1Which river is the second ______ (long) river in the world?(烟台)

2Paris is one of the ______ (lively) cities in Europe.(湖北)

3The first computers were built in the 1940s. They were even______ (big) than cars.(南京)

4Nowadays too many boys want to become______ (act) .(上海)

2、练评(包含“考点链接” 应用探究 6分钟)

1. (2013,广东模拟)It’s getting _________ . We should go now.

A. dark and dark B. more and more dark C. darker and darker D. more and more darker

2.(2011,广东清远)Li Hua studies English very ___ and her English is __ _____ in her class.

A. careful,good B. carefully, well C, careful,best D. carefully,the best

3.(2011,河北)Of all the subiects, chemistry seems to be _________ `for me.

A. difficult B. too difficult C, more difficult D. the most difficult

4.(2011,四川南充)China is one of _________ countries in the world.

A. larger B. largest C. the largest

5. (2011,黑龙江绥化)(陷阱题)Li Kai jumped the _________ in the long jump. He won the game.A. farthest B. highest C. longest

6, (2012,贵州黔西南)-Which city has _________ population, Beijing,Guiyang or Xingyi? 一Xingyi,of course.

A. the largest B. the smallest C. the most D. the least

篇四:2013年秋八年级英语上册《Unit 4 Whats the best movie theate》Section A 1练习

Unit 4 What’s the best movie theater?

第一课时 Section A 1a-2d


1. 离…近____________ 2. 有最舒适的座位____________

3. 最好的音响____________ 4. 最短的等待时间____________

5. the biggest screens____________ 6. in town____________ III写出下列形容词的比较级和最高级。

1. good/well _____ _______ 2. Bad/badly______ ______

3. many/much _____ _______ 4. far____________

5. little _____ _______ 6. beautiful______ ______

7. thin______ ______ 8. easy_______ _____

9.comfortable ______ ______ 10.careful_____ _______


1. Tom is quiet enough. Jim is ______ (quiet). Jack is the_____ (quiet).

2.Dale was the ______ (early) in our class yesterday.

3. Which boy is the ______ (thin) in your class?

4. I think English is the ______ ______(important) of all the subjects.

5. Sharks are the ______ ______(danger) animals in the sea.

6. Hens are the ______ ______(use) animals.

7. He is ______(good) at math than his brother.

8. This is the _____(easy) one of all the questions.

9. This store is the _____(badly) of the three.

10. He bought many _____(cloth) from that ______(cloth) store.



This theater ___________________________________.


______________________ radio station?


My home __________________school.


He is one of____________________________________.

5.Tony 是两个男孩中比较高的一个。

Tony is____________________the two boys .

6. 我在昨天的唱歌比赛中表现得最差。

I did _______________yesterday’s_________________.

7. 语文和英语你比较喜欢哪一个?

Which do you ________,Chinese ______English?


1. His school is near the park.

(1) His school is _____ ______ the park.

(2) His school______ ______ ______the park.

2. Lily is thinner than Lucy.

Lucy is _______ than Lily.

3. My favorite subject is English.

I _______ English ________.

4. He is taller than the other two. He is ______ ______ _____ the three.


Unit 4What’s the best movie theater?


1. 离…近____________ 2. 有最舒适的座位____________3. 最好的音响____________

4. 最短的等待时间____________5. the biggest screens____________6. in town____________

1.相当糟糕____________ 2.认为____________3.在城镇____________ 4. not…at all____________

5. the worst service____________1展示某人的才能____________ 2实现____________

3发挥作用____________ 4 编造____________5 be up to sb.____________6 have…in common__________ 1直长发____________ 2小学____________3更多的信息____________4 get a job____________

5 be good with sb. ____________6 as serious as____________


1. Tom is quiet enough. Jim is ______ (quiet). Jack is the_____(quiet).

2.Dale was the ______ (early) in our class yesterday.3. Which boy is the ______ (thin) in your class?

4. I think English is the ______ ______(important) of all the subjects.

5. Sharks are the ______ ______(danger) animals in the sea.

6. Hens are the ______ ______(use) animals.7. He is ______(good) at math than his brother.

8. This is the _____(easy) one of all the questions.9. This store is the _____(badly) of the three.

10. He bought many _____(cloth) from that ______(cloth) store.


1.这个剧院有最舒适的座位。This theater ___________________________________.

2.最好的无线电台是什么?______________________ radio station?

3.我家离学校很近。My home __________________school.

4.他是最受欢迎的老师之一。He is one of____________________________________.

5.Tony 是两个男孩中比较高的一个。Tony is____________________the two boys .

6. 我在昨天的唱歌比赛中表现得最差。I did _______________yesterday’s_________________.

7. 语文和英语你比较喜欢哪一个?Which do you ________,Chinese ______English?


1韩磊是他班里最高的学生之一。Han Lei is one of ______ ______ ______in his class.

2那家餐厅的服务一点儿也不好。That restaurant’s service is ______good ______ _______.

3让我们去王林家吧!______go to ______ ______ !

4一顿饭多少钱? ______ ______ ______ a meal?

1Those children are _______(talent).

2He is__________ (popular) teacher in our school.

3Tuesday is __________(busy) day in a week.

4Winter is the__________ (cold) season of the year in Shandong.

5Which is__________ (big), the sun, the earth or the moon?

6 It is one of______________________(important) books.

7 The Changjiang River is the ______(long) river in China.

8 She is Mary’s ______(good) friend.


A:What’s that a great talent (1) ______?

B: Yeah! It(2) ______ really a great talent show.

A: (3) ______did you think was the best(4) ______?

B:Oh, I thought Eliza was the best performer. She was an excellent piano plater.

A: Yeah, she was great. And I thought Steve and his dog(5) ______the funniest.

B:Me(6)______!I couldn’t(7)______laughing! And what(8)______Vera? Wasn’t she creative?

A:Yes, I’d say she was the most creative actress!

B: Who did you think was the worst?

A:Oh, Dennis! He was terrible! He couldn’t juggle(玩杂耍)(9)______all.

B:I know.

A:What(10)______you think of The Math Teachers?

B:Well,they were definitely(肯定)the loudest!


( )1 What’s the best radio station______ ?

A in town B in city C of town D in downtown

( )2 Big Screen Complex has the biggest screen______the most comfortable seats.

A but B and C or D as

( )3--______do you think is the______performer? --John.

A Who, better B What, best C Who, best D How, best

( )4 --How far is your house______school?--Five minutes______bus.

A from, by B from, take C to, by D to, on


1The theater near my house is the best place______ go to see movies.

2What do you think ______action movies?

3Alison is the tallest______ the three.

4Does your sister usually go to the sports center______ weekends?

1. The library near my home is always______ (crowd) on Sundays.

2. She said she saw a______ (fantasy) movie last week.

3. My father doesn’t like those______ (bore) songs.

4. They don’t like the cinema because ______ (bore) songs.

5. There is _______(a) excellent sports center in my hometown.


( )1. Jazz 107.9 FM plays the most______ music. We all enjoy it.

A interested B boring C interesting D loud

( )2.--How______ is it from here to the bookstore? --About 20 minutes by bus.

A long B soon C far D often

( )3.--______ was the best performer?--Eliza was.

A What B Whose C Which D Who

( )4. ______talent show was a great success.

A Last week’s B Last week C Today D Last weeks’

( )5.--Which is ______month of the year?--July, I think.

A hot B hottest C hotter D the hottest

( )6.What is the best______ store in Shanghai? I‘d like to buy a hat. --Eliza was.

A clothes B cloth C food D fruit

( )7. I often go to Movie Palace because it has the ______.

A most comfortable seats B most boring moviesC most expensive tickets D least comfortable seats

( )8.The store is the______ my home. I usually do some shopping in it.

A close B closer C closest to D farthest

Sanya, Harbin and Beijing are there each other. Sanya is in Hainan Province and it’s in the place of China. Even in winter, it’s about 15℃in the daytime. of China. It’s cold in ℃. There is an Ice and Snow Festival that lasts six Beijing is not very cold in winter. It’s about -5℃. It of hotel rooms are quite different, too.In Beijing, hotels usually cut .

( )1A city B cities C country D countries

( )2A like B same C far D difficult

( )3A cold B coldest C warm D warmest

( )4A nort B south C east D west

( )5A spting B summer C autumn D winter

( )6A days B weeks C months D years

( )7A does B seldom C always D never

( )8A room B food C beds D prices

( )9A is B their C it’s D theirs

( )10A cheap B expensive C enough D dear
