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Located in south-western Guangdong beside the South China Sea, Zhanjiang is famous for its sea-food and delicious fruits that proliferate thanks to the subtropical climate. These local products can be easily purchased in local stores or supermarkets in Zhanjiang.

Naozhou Abalone (硇洲鲍鱼):

Naozhou Island in Zhanjiang is famous for abalones which are delicious in taste, soft to the mouth and rich in nutrition.

Prawn (对虾):

Zhanjiang is one of the most famous prawn-bearing areas in Guangdong. These natural prawns taste fresh, tender and smooth.

Oyster (蚝):

Zhanjiang's giant-oysters have an excellent reputation for their smooth feel and delicious taste.

Jellyfish (海蜇):

Jellyfish is highly nutritious as it's full of protein. Mixed cold jellyfish is a famous dish in Zhanjiang.

Eburna areolata (东风螺):

Eburna areolata is a variety of shellfish noted for it delicious and refreshing flesh.

Yellow croake (黄花鱼):

Yellow croaker is typical to Zhanjiang. Dried yellow croaker is very popular throughout Guangdong and Hong Kong.

Dried Scallop (瑶柱):

Dried Scallops are rich in protein. They are savory and usually added to

soup or porridge to enhance taste.

Dried red fish (红鱼干):

Dried red fish are another local product in Zhanjiang.

Durian (菠萝蜜):

Durian is a south-east Asian fruit with a very strong flagrance. Although considered the King of fruits for its size, to some they inspire a strong feeling of disgust.

Lianjiang Orange (廉江红橙):

Lianjiang (an area in Zhanjiang) is called "Land of Oranges". Fruits here are sweet and juicy.

Pineapple (雷州菠萝):

(来自:WwW.smhaida.Com 海达 范文 网:介绍湛江英语作文)

Pineapples are the major cash crop in Leizhou, Zhanjiang.

Sweet potato noodles (薯粉):

Zhanjiang is teeming with sweet potatoes. Locals use them to make sweet potato noodles. These noodles are usually served with syrup.

Tianyi pie (田艾饼):

Tianyi pies are a popular snack in Zhanjiang. Made of sweet rice flour and a local plant, they are usually filled with peanuts and sesame seeds.

Zhangjiang style boiled chicken (白切鸡):

Zhanjiang-style boiled chicken is a famous dish because of its tasty,

tender and fresh meat.

Ginger (沙姜):

Ginger is a herb used in many dishes and grown year-round in the region.

Liusha Pearl (流沙珍珠):

Liusha Village is located in Zhanjiang. In the past it was rich in pearls and the quality of Liusha Pearls was famous both at home and abroad.



1、Read and write. 看图片,排列字母拼单词。(20分 )

act ( ) agb ( ) nadh ( ) dad ( )

nte ( ) der( ) gle ( ) nep ( )

i g b ( ) x s i ( ) i m l k ( ) g i p (

g d o ( ) e o a n r g( ) xob ( ) oydb (

u f n( ) u r n ( ) ud kc ( ) dn r u e ( )

2、Read and match.看图,在图片下填上适当的单词(填序号)。(25分 )

A) 1.kite 2.crayons 3. cap 4.bag 5.ball

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) (


) )1

B) 1.twenty 2.eight 3.eleven 4.seventeen 5.four

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

C) 1. USA 2. PRC 3. UK 4.CAN 5. AUS

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

D) 1. USA 2. China 3. UK 4.Canada 5. Australia

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

、Read and match.选择适当的问句填在括号里。 (10分 ) A

( )1.Where is my cap? A. I have 20.

( )2.Where are you from? B. He’s my father.

( )3. Who is that woman? C. I see 18.

( )4.How many kites do you see? D. I’m from China.

( )5.Who is that man? E. It’s on the desk.

( )6.How many pens do you have? F. She’s my mother.


( )1.Look at that giraffe. G. No, it isn’t.

( )2. Do you like pears? H. Yes, he is.

( )3.Is it in your bag? I. Yes, I do.

( )4.Is he your father? J. It’s so tall.

2 3



Aimed at relaxing ourselves physically and mentally as well as getting close to nature, a one week winter camp to Jiuzhaigou will be organized and arranged from Apr.23 to Apr.27 in 2015.

Located in Sichuan province, Jiuzhaigou, a national nature reserve, is well-known for its beautiful lakes and the clear and colorful water. If you would like to join in the winter camp, you are required in good condition and have strong self-care ability. Moreover, those who show great interest in the activity need to send an email with your personal information and the application form to xsdly@163.com before Apr.8. For more information, please contact us at 0759-228888.

The passage tells us that it is difficult for most Chinese to speak out their love to their close relatives. Even though they want to, it is uneasy for their parents to accept these three words




(营养一)Our class has made a survey. About twenty percent of the students don’t often do sports. Fifty percent of them in our class feel stressed very much because they have a lot of homework to do. And thirty percent of the students think their parents are strict with them. Under the pressure, they have no enough time for their hobbies and exercise. Also they have no enough sleep. And their parents don’t often communicate with them. On the other hand, most of them eat too much meat and fish, and drink less water. They also eat fewer vegetables and fruit. To keep healthy, we should have a balanced diet. And we don’t want much pressure.

(营养二)Food Safety

We can’t live without food. Food safety is very important to human beings. If there is no food safety, there will be no health. Many things can be done to improve food safety. Firstly, the government should make great efforts to check the quality of the food. Secondly, the food companies must pay more attention to food safety and produce healthy food for people. Finally, we middle school students shouldn’t eat on the road. What’s more, we must check the date of the production before eating it. Don’t eat food after the specified date.

我们每个人都应该懂得感恩,学会感恩。请以‘I should thank

mother’为题,根据下列的内容提示,写一篇80词的短文。内容提示: 我应该感谢妈妈,妈妈每天都很忙碌,她包揽了所有的家务。在工厂她很卖力地工作。她时刻关心我,当我生病时,妈妈细心照顾我,甚至有时还熬夜;当我遇到困难时,她鼓励我克服困难,我很感动。妈妈不仅给了我生命,还教我知识并教育我长大成人。 I should thank mother

Everyone should be thankful for others. I should thank mother. Mother is very busy every day. She does all the housework in our family. Also she works very hard in her factory. She cares about me all the time. And sometimes she even stays up at night. Whenever I face difficulties, she encourages me to get over them. I am moved very much. Mother not only gave me life, but also teaches me knowledge and educates me during my grow-up.




内容提示:1 三个月后要考试,希望取得好成绩,压力很大。2 整天忙于去学习,

没有足够的时间休息和运动。3 父母不允许看电视或上网。4 父母和老师要求严



From : Jimmy @163.com To: Subject: Problems Date: March,





内容提示:selfish(自私), have a good relationship with(与?关系融洽), respect(尊

敬), communicate(与?交流)

Now more and more students are the only child in their families in

China. Some of them are spoilt since their young age so that they often

think of themselves more than others. And they hardly care about others’

feeling. They are too selfish to get on well with parents, teachers and

classmates. I am one of those students. Sometimes I am just like them.

But I know it is not right to do so. I think we should learn to respect

others and have good relationship with parents, teachers and classmates.

We can communicate with them more in the future.


Away From The Net Bar)为题,给他写一段80词左右的话,列举上网的危害,

劝他不要再上网,包含以下要点:1 网上有不健康的内容,不利于你健康成长,

2 远离网吧是新世界青少年最好的选择,(the best choice), 3 上网浪费(waste)

时间和金钱,荒废学业(studies)和浪费青春(youth) 4 长时间上网对你的眼


Keep Away From The Net Bar

You should know that is not good for you to go to the net bar so often.

Firstly, there is something bad on the internet for you to watch. It is bad

for your grow-up, so it is the best choice for teenagers to keep away from

the net bar. Secondly, it is a waste of time, money, studies and youth to go

to the net bar often. What’s more, surfing the internet too long is bad for

both your eyes and health. I hope you can keep away from the net bar

from now on.

The Happy Life (2009中考)

My school life has a lot of fun. I like studying in the classroom with

my lovely classmates. We get on well with each other. We play sports and

sing songs together. But sometimes there is too much homework. I don’t

have free time to play with my pet.

I wish to have a job I like and have a house with a garden. I will

share my success with my parents. Now, I must study hard to make my

dream come true.

(2010中考)We live in the nature. Around us, there are lots of tress

and flowers and many kinds of animals. All those make a beautiful world.

If we lose them, we won’t have a nice world or colorful life. If so, we

don’t have enough food, either. We should do something to keep the

beautiful nature. We should stop people cutting tress and plant more trees.

We need to be kind to animals. It’s important to keep the city clean and

make less pollution. I am sure we can live better than now.


(六) How can we have a happy life in Zhanjiang? As middle

students, I think we should help and respect each other. Everyone should

try to get along well with each other. We can’t talk loudly in class, in

school and in public places. When we take a bus, we should give the seats

to those people who need them on the bus. What’ more, we should obey

the traffic rules. For example we can’t cross the road when the light is red.

If we all can do these and more, our life will be happier and happier.

(七)Dear Tommy,

Now I’d like to tell you something about my hometown and my

school. My hometown is in the west of Guangdong, China, near the sea.

So it is famous for delicious and fresh seafood. It is hot in summer, but it

is not very cold in winter. People here are really friendly. And it’s also a

good place to have fun. As for my school, it is a really nice school. The

buildings in my school are tall and beautiful. Teachers and students are

polite to each other. We all like it very much. What’re your hometown

and school like? Would you write to tell me? I am looking forward to it. Yours, Wang Lin


Aimed at relaxing ourselves physically and mentally as well as getting close to nature, a one –week winter camp to Jiuzhaigou will be organized and arranged from Apr.23 to Apr.27 in 2015. Located in Sichuan province, Jiuzhaigou, a national nature reserve, is well-known for its beautiful lakes and the clear and colorful water. If you would like to join in the winter camp, you are required in good condition and have strong self-care ability. Moreover, whose who show great interest in the activity need to send an email with your personal information and the application form to before Apr.8. For more information, please contact us at 0759-228888.

The passage tells us that it is difficult for most Chinese to speak out their love to their close relatives. Even though they want to, it is uneasy for their parents to accept these three

