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篇一:An analysis of Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening





日期:May 15th, 2012

An analysis of Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening

''Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening'' is a narrative poem written in 1922 by Robert Frost. In this poem, a traveler was attracted by a world of quiet and secluded in the woods on a snowy evening when he was hurried on with his journey. He is tempted to stay longer by the woods to appreciate its mysterious beauty while the harness bells put him back into reality. In order to go home earlier, the traveler continued his journey after his sentimental farewell to the woods.

In the opening stanza, the setting is set on a winter evening in a rural environment. The traveler finds the woods by chance and would like to stay a while. Perhaps he even wants to enter into the woods to feel the atmosphere and appreciate the mystery of beauty. In many cases, life is a journey. So the journey on a snowy evening symbolizes the strenuosity in real life.

The second stanza provides a more clear view of the imagery described at the beginning. It also provides a more definite time and location: the location is remote, the weather has been cold enough to freeze a lake, and the evening is the darkest of the year. As we all know, the dark is usually related to death. The traveler is attracted by the dark indicates that he wants to break away from this mortal life.

In the third stanza, the horse feels that the narrator has mistakenly stopped in the middle of somewhere and gives the harness bell a shake. The traveler is suddenly awakened by the bell. The horse symbolizes his consciousness because it reminds him

of his responsibility by shaking the bells on its harness. His responsibility is to go back to the real world which consists of burdens and pressures from the society.

In the last stanza, the traveler expresses his appreciation on the woods. Actually this is where the narrator really wants to live. He wants to be in a silent place where he cannot be bothered. However, he has to go back to the reality. The author is faced with two choices. On one hand, he is strongly tempted by the beauty of the woods. On the other hand, he also hopes that he can go back to the reality so that he could be able to carry out his promises. Here the theme is that he has to face the responsibilities and duties on him.

篇二:stopping by woods on a snowy evening 雪夜林边驻足翻译及赏析




不过,弗罗斯特终究还是愿意执著于生命的。他的超然也还不能达到苏轼(1037—1101)的那种超逸隽永、泻化无痕的清高境界:“缺月挂疏桐,/漏断人初静。/谁见幽人独往来?/缥缈孤鸿影。//惊起却回头,/有恨无人省。/拣尽寒枝不肯栖,/寂寞沙洲冷。”苏词的境界亦有类于弗罗斯特诗境界处。此词意境幽冷深曲,影影绰绰,恰如孤鸿之翩然而至,悠然而往。“语意高深!似非吃烟火食人语”。但词旨毕竟有别,此词喻诗人不肯苟合取容、与世俗同流。 (选自《中西诗比较鉴赏与翻译理论》,清华大学出版社2003年版)



















冯 至




























篇三:Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening 赏析

Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening

"Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening" is a poem written in 1922 by Robert Frost, and published in 1923 in his New Hampshire volume. Imagery and personification are prominent in the work. In this poem, he describes a little incident happening in a snowy evening. As a traveler, the poet is fascinated by the beautiful scene in the woods. He stops to enjoy it, but his mind urges him to go on, because there is still a long way ahead of him, an unfinished duty waiting for him. This poem is plain in words, but profound in meaning. Since it is full of symbolic constructs, it is thought- provoking, and the readers can get great fun in developing the subtext.

The poem is written in iambic tetrameter. Each verse (save the last) follows an a-a-b-a rhyming scheme, with the following verse's a's rhyming with that verse's b, which is a chain rhyme. Overall, the rhyme scheme is AABA-BBCB-CCDC-DDDD.

In the first stanza, the poet leads us to a piece of beautiful woods filled up with snow. We can guess that, in this poem, the poet takes the woods as the eternal life, the bliss, that is to say the Heaven. He is fed up with the routine duties, and wants to rest forever. The woods happens to provide an ideal place.

Then it comes to the snowy evening. “It is the darkest evening of the year.” The snow is cold and the evening dark, all of which indicate that the poet is depressed inside. His heart wants him to stop, but his “little horse” with the inspiring bells, which is actually a symbol of vitality, urges him to go. In the second stanza, the poet uses “frozen lake” to denote death.

In the third stanza, the little horse wonders why the poet stops when he should have go on. Only “the easy wind” and “downy flake” answer it with soft sweep. The poet’s answer is as slight and uncertain as the flakes, because he himself doesn’t know why he stops suddenly in the woods. Toward the end, the poet comes back from the illusion. Though the woods are attractive, he must move on, because he has promise to keep. “The promise” could be an obligation or a goal. One cannot die before fulfilling one’s dream. The poet uses “sleep” to represent death, just as we usually do.

This poem suggests deep thought about death and about life. The strange attraction of death to man is symbolized by the dark woods silently filled up with the coldness of snow. Frost frequently uses the technique of symbolism in his poetry. In this poem, Robert Frost discusses the relation between mortal obligations and the eternal rest. The poem represents a moment of relaxation from the burdensome journey of life, an almost aesthetic enjoyment and appreciation of natural beauty which is wholesome and restorative against the chaotic existence of modern man.

篇四:英诗鉴赏 Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening

The Interpretation of Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening

Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening was written in 1923 by Robert Frost in his New Hampshire volume. Imagery and personification are prominent in the work.

Robert Frost is a well-known American pastoral poet. For his achievement, Frost got awarded the Pulitzer Prize four times in his life. Nature and his rural surroundings were for him a source to create, that’s why he made a great many pastoral poems. Frost’s poems show deep appreciation of natural world and sensibility about the human aspirations and realizations. The images like woods, stars, roads, houses, brooks are usually taken from everyday life. Readers always find it is easy to follow the poet into deeper truths about life or the author himself. Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening is generally regarded as Frost’s masterpiece one which he viewed as his “best bid for remembrance.”

The poet expressed the symbolic meaning by describing nature. In his poems, a theme: of using natural scenery as a symbol to display some feelings; emotions; interests and liking of readers and feelings of the poet can be reflected and the plain of ultra-naturalism and the aesthetic sense of symbolism can be shown by the poet.

The poem is written in iambic tetrameter. It consists of four identically constructed stanzas. The poet employs the drawing back the rhyme, i.e. in the first stanza the third line is b, while in the second stanza the poem draws back to continue the rhyme b. Within the four lines of each stanza, the first, second, and fourth lines rhyme. The third line does not, but it sets up the rhymes for the next stanza. For example, in the third stanza, queer, near, and year all rhyme, but lake rhymes with shake, mistake, and flake in the following stanza. The notable exception to this pattern comes in the final stanza, where the third line rhymes with the previous two and is repeated as the fourth line. It gives the poem a tone of hesitation, which shows the poet's deliberate consideration.

On the surface, this poem is simplicity itself. The speaker is stopping by some woods on a snowy evening. He or she takes in the lovely scene in near-silence, is tempted to stay longer, but acknowledges the pull of obligations and the considerable distance yet to be traveled before he or she can rest for the night. Like the woods it describes, the poem is lovely but entices us with dark depths--of interpretation, in this case.

The first stanza leads us to a piece of beautiful woods filled up with snow. The speaker is captivated by the beauty and stops in such a fascinating pastoral landscape. In the deep mind of him, perhaps the woods means wealth, beauty or other attractions, and he just cannot refuses these allure. He is fed up with

the routine duties, and wants to rest forever. The woods happens to provide an ideal place. The second stanza depicts the surroundings of the woods through the speaker’s little horse’s eye. “The darkest evening of the year” tell us that the snow is cold and the evening dark, all of which indicate that the poet is depressed inside. And now is the darkest time of the speaker’s life, so when he meets the good views in the traveling, he couldn’t help to enjoying the world of fair allure and loneliness. In the third stanza, the little horse wonders why the poet stops when he should have go on. He cannot understand why the speaker—his owner stops there and gazes at the woods. The extreme quietness actually reflects the speaker’s confusing mind. The little horse actually represents another self of speaker and the two speakers have the conversation in heart to decide what he should do. The last stanza is the speaker’s decision and conclusive idea. Finally, the speaker makes his mind to go back to the world with responsibilities. “The promise” could be an obligation or a goal. It represents responsibilities in the human world. The last two repeated lines emphasize the speaker’s determination and he has to keep all the promises and takes the responsibilities. “Sleep” means death, the end of one’s life. The speaker has to deal with chores and promises in the rest of his life.

In this poem, Robert Frost gives the effect of sighting. The narrator wants to rest but he cannot, and the horse is reminding him to come back. And he discusses the relation between mortal obligations and the eternal rest. One leaves no regrets after he dies, as long as one has reached his goal. The speaker is tempted toward death which he considers “love, dark and deep”.

篇五:诗歌 stopping by woods on a snowy evening 中的修辞赏析

诗歌 stopping by woods on a snowy evening 中的修辞赏析

Stopping by woods on a snowy evening

---Robert Frost

Whose woods these are I think I know .

His house is in the village though;

He will not see me stopping here

To watch his woods fill up with snow.

My little horse must think queer

To stop without a farmhouse near

Between the woods and frozen lake

the da(来自:www.sMHaiDa.com 海 达范文网:on,a,snowy,evening)rkness evening of the year.

He gives his harness bells a shake

To ask if there is some mistake.

The only other sound’s the sweep

Of easy wind and downy flake.

The woods are lovely, dark and deep

But I have promises to keep,

And miles to go before I sleep,

And miles to go before I sleep.

本诗是Frost 的最重要的代表作,是他所有诗篇中最负盛名的一首。他长久的吸引着读者,更重要的是它令读者惊叹。



1、 personification 在诗句 he gives his harness bells a shake, to ask if there is some mistake.中诗人用了personification,用了he 和ask , 使马儿赋予了人的色彩。诗人迷恋幽深的树林,而马儿用它的铃声询问主人,这是使诗人能够不被树林所迷惑的一种外界因素。这就更好的说明了马儿的用途,以及它存在的意义。

2、 alliteration 在诗句the woods are lovely, dark and deep 中运用了alliteration 这个修辞。运用alliteration,使全诗的韵味大增,读


3、 repetition 在诗句 and miles to go before I sleep, and miles to go before I sleep 中,诗人运用了repetition。 重复这句话,是为了强调诗人的决定,在被树林迷惑了一刻之后,意识到自己的承诺,便定离开树林,去实现自己的承诺。这种反复也诗歌呈现出了强烈的催眠性节奏,从诗歌上面 easy wind and downy flake 这种柔和的气氛,诗人有可能在柔美的环境中停下脚步,尽管意识到自己的诺言,但是这种重复使得自己的决定无法化为现实,是被这种柔和的环境所渲染。这是另一种理解。

