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龙源期刊网 .cn

怎样修改英语作文 作者:吕铁雄


篇二:作文修改纸 英语作文修改纸 英文版


Name and Student Number of Reviewer:





Does the author clearly introduce the topic at the beginning of the the introduction? If the author opens with a quoit or personal example, does it adequately connect to the topic? If not, what do you suggest the writer do?

Is the thesis placed in a clear manner near the end of the introduction?

Does the thesis statement fully explain what the author is going to argue? It should not only present their position on the essay question, but also introduce the main points they will use to support thesis.(I believe A......because of points B, C and D)

What is the Thesis Statement?


Does each paragraph begin with a topic sentence? Do the topic sentence correctly describe the main points of the paragraphs?

Does each topic sentence connect to the thesis? If not, suggest a new sentence.

Does each paragraph develope one main idea? What are the main ideas of each of the paragraphs? Write them out briefly(10 words or less each). If any paragraph is particularly difficult to understand, the focus is off.

Does the writer offer evidence for the points he or she makes in each paragraph? If so, is the evidence convincing? Logical? If not, suggest possible evidence to look for.

Are there grammar and spelling errors in the essay?

If you were writing this essay, what would you do differently? Why?

篇三:英语作文4 已修改



Advanced Life in the Future

Along with the advanced society, many new things that people can not imagine will take place in the future. For example, it is easy for people to take a vacation to the moon. In addition, some scientists will live in the sea so as to do some research. And every family has a videophone. They can do shopping or other things by using videophones. Most important of all, children can get educated through not only going to school but also using TV and broadcast. Last but not least, robots will help us to do housework, which is a good way to relax ourselves.

此文的语言流畅性和遣词的能力都有所提高,还是要注意红颜色所修改的单词。另外, 你的毅力令人钦佩


如S表示拼写( spelling)错误,C表示主谓不一致(concord),S/P表示名词、代词单复数(singular,plural)错误,W/O表示词序(word order)不当,T表示(tense),V表示用词(vocabulary), P表示标点(punctuation), Ir 表示内容与中心思想无关(irrelevant information),? M表示意义不清(meaning), ∧表示漏写的字(word missing),app表示文体不对(appropriacy),等等。如下面的句子:


What I have learned from the course--

The Comparison of Cultures between China and the USA

This term I chose the course -- the Comparison of Cultures between China and the United States. In the class we learned about a lot of things about China and the USA, and I knew more common sense from the class, I understood more about the differences between the two great countries. Besides, I learned how to make PPT nicely. And the most important thing is that the teacher taught us more about how to succeed and how to express ourselves.

We learned about a lot of things about China and the USA

At first, we talked about some serious topics, such as social values, marriage and family, social problems and religions in China and the USA. I’d like to talk about the two topics - social problems and religions. From social problems, I began to realize that the USA, the only superpower, also had many social problems. For example, racism has an important influence on Americans and some society morality conflicts - abortion, drugs, suicide are also bad to the development of America. Compared with the USA, China has different problems. I want to say something about the below problems. First, food safety, such as poison milk powder, brown meat essence, and dyeing steamed bread and so on. These things are harmful to our health and even can kill us, which should cause the attention of the national government. What’s more, corruption is the most exciting of the voters, which is common in our country. Besides, there are the high house price and the rising price of all things, which make us feel hard to live a happy life. The last is medical problems, the high medical price makes people afraid of being sick and the doctors are lack of the basic professional ethics. I hold the idea that the government should make their decisions and take actions to solve these problems because they are related to our lives and our safety.

What’s more, we can learn a lot about cultures from the religions in the country. There are many religions in America, such as Christian, Catholic, Orthodox Judaism, Islam, Buddhism. But the most American residents believe in Christian and Catholic. There are about 156 million Christians, 200 thousand priests and monks and 76 million catholics in the USA, which has a very important influence on American politics, economics and culture. About Chinese religions, the group introduced there are mainly five religions: Taoism, Buddhism, Islam Christianity, Catholicism. And in China only Buddhism is supported by the government, so there is no doubt that Buddhism is the biggest religion in China which has more believer than other religions. Buddhism is a kind of philosophy, and by studying Buddhism, people can learn self-control and how to apply it to their daily lives. In a word, I hold my opinion that religion is a way of finding peace, and helps to solve problems that emerge from modernization.

What’s more, we talked about some social practice, for example festivals, sports and leisure activities, traveling and campus life. Because there are so many details, I just prefer to talk about the festivals that can reflect more cultural differences between China and the United States. The group introduced in America, there are many festivals such as New Years Day, Easter Day,

National Flag Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas and so on. And there is no doubt that Christmas is the most important festival in the heart of the American people, as the Spring Festival in the heart of Chinese. On Christmas, People send out Christmas cards with best wishes to friends,

teachers and relatives. "Merry Christmas" can be heard everywhere. In China, there are also many festivals, the Spring Festival, the Tomb-sweeping day, the Mid-Autumn festival, the

National Day and so on. Chinese like to get together with families and friends on the holiday to have a happy time.

At last, we talked about movies and music in China and the USA. And the music part gave me a deep impression on me, which makes me decide to say something about the music. The group which talked about American music left a deep impression on me, because of their questions and candies. We all thought this was a wonderful way to understand the cultures that we can use for reference in other speeches and communications. In China music, the group introduced Traditional music Instruments, famous traditional songs, Chinese opera and Chinese modern music. And the famous traditional songs attract me and I almost lost myself, because they are so wonderful.

From all the topics we have talked about, we can experience the differences between Chinese culture and American culture. American prefer to individualismwhile our Chinese pay more attention to collectivism. And American be independent earlier than Chinese. What’s more, compared with Chinese, American are more open and democracy. There are more differences between the two powerful country. But we should attach inportance to the differences and respect each other and their cultrue. In the future, we should pay more attention to win-win cooperation.

I learned how to make PPT beautifully

In the class, I learned a lot from my classmates about how to make and show PPT. Now, I know how to match the words with the background, how to choose the background picture to fit the theme and how to seek the material for our PPT theme. When I make the PPT myself, I discover all things are difficult not like it looks so simple on the surface, so I realized the importance of practice.

When I make PPT, at first I looked for the materials that were useful for me, and I found that there were so many materials on the internet that were useless but the useful were so scarce. And I had to seek for the materials tardily. When I began to make PPT, it was so cockamamie that I almost lost my patient in it but I persuade myself to keep on to the end. During this time, I try my best to make my PPT beautiful and clear and I add the music and the video in the PPT to make it more attractive.

The most important thing for me is that I understood it was not easy to organize my team member to work together because they all seemed so busy. But finally we finished our work though it was not so nice.

I learned how to succeed and how to make speeches

I think in the class I should give my thanks to my well-beloved teacher, who has taught us a lot we can’t learn from the books. The most important thing is that she taught us to be confident and brave. Only in this way can you tell others what you have mastered in and what you want to others to learn about. If one doesn’t have confidence, maybe he can’t fail because he has no courage to try but he can never be successful. What’s more, our teacher taught us something about how to express ourselves clearly in front of many people and how to make speeches with the PPT, which will surely give us great help. Last but not least, I learned to how to grow up

together with others. We need to give our advice for our classmates and friends and point out their disadvantages, at the same time we ought to listen to the opinions of others patiently and improve us constantly. In this way can we grow up more quickly and be closer to the success.

In the end, I just want to say a word, I learned a lot what I wanted to learn and much I hadn't thought of. I'm satisfied with what I have got from the class.
