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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/24 15:27:22 体裁作文




发音主要分为三部分:喉部、口腔、鼻腔。 A、喉部的发音器官:


2.声带(包括声门) 3.会厌软骨 B、口腔的发音器官:

4.舌:a.舌端 b.舌前部 c.舌后部d.舌根

5.硬腭 6. 软腭 7.上齿龈 8.牙齿 9.唇 l0.小舌 C、鼻腔



发 音 标 准



第一节 前元音




Be meat sheep secret believe 例句:

I don’t believe it.

He feels very weak.




It big rich visit loaded business 例句:

It’s a very big city.

I feel a bit dizzy.




Fed best them wedding refresh 例句:

Well fed,well bred.

I will never forget petty.




At have flat stand saturday 例句:

I’m glad to know that.

He was born in a happy


第二节 后元音

发音方法描述: 舌身放低后缩,舌后部隆起,口形张大,全开,声带振动。发音延续较长。


Art fast March party advance 例句:

My father has a large farm.

Please park your car in the car park.




Saw born course thought morning 例句:

They are talking about Ford.

I decided to go abroad after graduation.





Hot boss want doctor holiday 例句:

Who’s knocking at the door.

Lost time is never found again.

发音方法描述: 舌身后缩,舌后部尽量抬起,口形较小较圆,较突出。发音延长。


Do you tooth choose June 例句:

You must follow the rules of the school.

Whose shoes are these?

发音方法描述: 舌身后缩,舌后部抬 起,口形收圆,稍微突出,



Book good put wood push 例句:

This book is a good cook-book. Let me have a look.

第三节 中元音




Up but does rough thunder 例句:

The old man has got much money. I went to cinema just for fun.

发音方法描述: 舌位抬高,舌身后缩并放平,口形微张,双唇扁平,双唇肌肉较紧张。发音延续较长。


Sir her third worth early 例句:

Can I help you,sir?

Everybody deserves good services.



糊,在词尾时应该适当延长。 例词:

About again teacher writer paper 例句:

We ran along the river. She is a famous professor.

第四节 单元音对比

i: ----- i

eat---it seek----sick read----rid feel----fill keep----kip meal----mill e ----- i

bet---bit bed---bid set---sit fell---fill pen---pin ? ----- e

bad---bed band---bend sad---said had---head gas---guess gat---get ?: ----- ?

court---cot short---shot port---pot lord---lot naught---not chalk---chock u:-----u

poor---pull food---foot fool---full

cool---cook tool---took shoot---should a:----- ?

dark---duck march---much lark---luck cart---cut calm---come

?----- ?

cat---cut hat---hut bad---bud cap---cup ran---run wan---won






Eight day face gate faithful 例句:

It’s pay day today.

Better late than never.






Old so show note close 例句:

It’s so cold.

Please close the window.

发音方法描述: 发音时由



注意把音发足。 例词:

Eye tie ride knife arrive 例句:

The kite is flying in the shy. Prices are very high these days.






Out how about cloud mountain 例句:

I couldn’t help shouting out.

The milk became sour.

发音方法描述: 发音时





由圆变扁,口形由大到小。 例词:

Boy joy join enjoy spoil 例句:

He likes making noise in the class.

The boy is spoilt by his parents.

发音方法描述: 发音时由





Ear fear here clear various 例句:

I’m living near here.

Students became all ears when their professor was


发音方法描述: 由








Aa /ei/ Bb /bi:/ Cc /si:/ Dd /di:/ Ee /i:/ Ff /ef/ Gg / dЗi:/ Hh /eit∫/ Ii /ai/ Jj / dЗei/ Kk /kei/ Ll/el/ Mm /em/ Nn/en/ Oo / ?u / Pp/pi:/ Qq /kju:/ Rr/a:/ Ss /es/ Tt/ti:/ Uu /ju:/ Vv/vi:/ Ww /’dΛblju:/ Xx/eks/ Yy /wai/ Zz/zi:/






Ff Ll Mm Nn Ss Xx

Ff /ef/---/e//f/---去/e/余/f/ Ll/el/---/e//l/---去/e/余/l/ Mm /em/---/e//m/---去/e/余/m/ Nn/en/---/e//n/---去/e/余/n/ Ss /es/---/e//s/---去/e/余/s/ Xx/eks/--/e//ks/--去/e/余/ks/



Bb Cc Dd Jj Kk Pp Tt Vv Zz

Bb /bi:/---/b//i:/---去/i:/余/b/ Cc /si:/---/s//i:/---去/i:/余/s/ Dd /di:/---/d//i:/---去/i:/余/d/ Jj / dЗei/--/ dЗ//ei/--去/ei/余/ dЗ/ Kk /kei/---/k//ei/---去/ei/余/k/ Pp/pi:/---/p//i:/---去/i:/余/p/ Tt/ti:/---/t//i:/---去/i:/余/t/ Vv/vi:/---/v//i:/---去/i:/余/v/ Zz/zi:/---/z//i:/---去/i:/余/z/





[i] 对应字母 i, y, a, ai, u i - it hill wit sick y - agony balcony many a - beverage garbage passage ai - mountain captain u - busy minute

[i:] 对应字母 ea, ee, e, ei, ie, ey, i ea - sea tea defeat ee - bee feel feet e - me he she media ei - leisure seize ie - brief thief chief ey - key

i - machine

[e] 对应字母e, ea, ai, ay, u e - wet bend ea - bread threat ai - said ay - says u - bury

[?] 对应字母 a a - rat cap lack

[a:]对应字母ar, oc, al, o ar - star car alarm oc - lock cock al - calm palm o - not on

[?:]对应字母aw, al, ou, oar, our, or, ar, au aw - law hawk yawn lawn dawn al - all walk hall talk ou - bought fought oar - soar our - course court or - born sort snore ar - warn warmth award au - haunt caught autumn

[?] 对应字母 ou ou - cough

[u] 对应字母 oo, u, ou oo - fool took good u - full pull ou - should

[u:] 对应字母 ew, oo, ui, o, ou ew - flew crew

oo - food boom soon ui - fruit o - tomb ou - group

[?] 对应字母 u, o, ou, oo u - bus us but buckle o - onion monk above ou - enough oo - blood flood

[?:] 对应字母 or, ir, ear, ur, er or - worm work ir - dirt firm

ear - learn search research heard ur - burn surf

er - amerce term danger

[?] 对应字母 a, ar, ou, o, or, e, u, ur a - above ago thousand ar - regular particular ou - famous jealous o - person or - monitor actor e - quiet vessel u - vacuum ur - surround

[ei] 对应字母a, ea, ai, ay, ey a - date cake make ea - great

ai - wait vail aid ay - bay himalayas ey - obey obeyance

[ai ?] 对应字母ire, ie ire - empire inspire respire ie - society quiet

[au] 对应字母ou, ow ou - house noun thousand ow - bow town

[ai ] 对应字母uy, ie, i, ei, y uy - buy ie - lie pie i - hike hight ei - Fahrenheit height y - asylum

[ou] 对应字母o, ow, oa o - hose hole ow - bowl

oa - oat boat moat coat

[?i] 对应字母oi, oy oi - soil oil oy - boy toy

[i?] 对应字母 eer, ear, ere eer - beer ear - dear ear fear ere - here

[??] 对应字母air, ear, are, eir air - fair air ear - bear are - hare dare eir - heir their [u?] 对应字母oor, ure, our oor - poor ure - sure lure our - tour



p - pea peach peak pie pig

[b]对应字母b b - bee back bear


t - bet boat neat


d- need dig doom dad

[k] 对应字母ck, k, c, ch, qu ck - back pick k - kill keen c - cast come ch - school schedule

qu - conquer unique technique

[g] 对应字母g

g - green grave gravity


qu - quit question quite quiet

[t?] 对应字母ch, tch, tu, ti ,t ch - chain chest tch - watch catch

tu - culture agriculture architecture ti - celestial question t - fortune

[d?] 对应字母d, j, g, dg

d - schedule education soldier j - jane jeep g - gym gibe dg - bridge budget edge

[dr] 对应字母dr dr - drive

[tr] 对应字母tr tr - tree

[dz] 对应字母ds ds - minds winds

[ts] 对应字母ts

ts - treats cats hats

[f] 对应字母f, ph, gh f - fail fair ph - phone

gh - enough cough laugh

[v] 对应字母v v - leave vary

[θ] 对应字母th th - thought thank

[e] 对应字母th, the

th - though than breath the - breathe bathe

[s] 对应字母c, s, ss, sc, ce c - ice face s - sank sick ss - address class sc - science ce - palace place

[z] 对应字母s, z, se s - eyes knees thousand z - prize zeal se - raise

[?] 对应字母sh, s, sci, ss, ch, ci, ti sh - shake cash s - ensure sure

sci - conscience conscious ss - pressure passion ch - machine ci - precious ti - racial

[?] 对应字母g, s g - garage mirage s - leisure usual

[h] 对应字母h h - hair hat high

[m] 对应字母m m - came dime game

[?] 对应字母ng ng - rung song sing

[n] 对应字母n

元音字母后或者单词末尾 n - cane kin run 元音字母前或者单词词首 n - nose now night knight

[l] 对应字母l

元音字母后或者单词末尾l - hall travel 元音字母前或者单词词首l - flee fly

[r] 对应字母r r - free rare

[j] 对应字母y, i y - year yes

i - million billion trillion

[ju] 对应字母u, ue u - cute fuel supreme ue - due

[w] 对应字母w w - wait wet wed

[hw] 对应字母wh wh - whack wheat

不发音的字母 b

climb tomb debt comb e(o,a)

history factory secretary k

knife acknowledge know n

autumn column condemn gh

light bought ought night h

honest Buddhist ghost


listen pitch castle u

build / b?ld; b?ld/ w

write wrecknestle


附录2 Appendix Two



[i] 对应字母 i, y, a, ai, u i - it hill wit sick y - agony balcony many a - beverage garbage passage ai - mountain captain u - busy minute

[i:] 对应字母 ea, ee, e, ei, ie, ey, i ea - sea tea defeat ee - bee feel feet e - me he she media ei - leisure seize ie - brief thief chief ey - key

i - machine

[e] 对应字母e, ea, ai, ay, u e - wet bend ea - bread threat ai - said ay - says u - bury

[?] 对应字母 a a - rat cap lack

[a:]对应字母ar, oc, al, o ar - star car alarm oc - lock cock al - calm palm o - not on

[?:]对应字母aw, al, ou, oar, our, or, ar, au aw - law hawk yawn lawn dawn al - all walk hall talk ou - bought fought oar - soar our - course court or - born sort snore ar - warn warmth award au - haunt caught autumn

[?] 对应字母 ou ou - cough

[u] 对应字母 oo, u, ou oo - fool took good u - full pull ou - should

[u:] 对应字母 ew, oo, ui, o, ou ew - flew crew

oo - food boom soon ui - fruit o - tomb ou - group

[? ] 对应字母 u, o, ou, oo u - bus us but buckle o - onion monk above ou - enough

oo - blood flood

[?:] 对应字母 or, ir, ear, ur, er or - worm work ir - dirt firm

ear - learn search research heard ur - burn surf

er - amerce term danger

[?] 对应字母 a, ar, ou, o, or, e, u, ur a - above ago thousand ar - regular particular ou - famous jealous o - person or - monitor actor e - quiet vessel u - vacuum ur - surround

[ei] 对应字母a, ea, ai, ay, ey a - date cake make ea - great

ai - wait vail aid ay - bay himalayas ey - obey obeyance

[ai ?] 对应字母ire, ie ire - empire inspire respire ie - society quiet

[au] 对应字母ou, ow ou - house noun thousand ow - bow town

[ai ] 对应字母uy, ie, i, ei, y uy - buy ie - lie pie i - hike hight ei - Fahrenheit height y - asylum

[ou] 对应字母o, ow, oa o - hose hole ow - bowl

oa - oat boat moat coat

[?i] 对应字母oi, oy oi - soil oil oy - boy toy

[i?] 对应字母 eer, ear, ere eer - beer ear - dear ear fear ere - here

[??] 对应字母air, ear, are, eir air - fair air ear - bear are - hare dare eir - heir their [u?] 对应字母oor, ure, our oor - poor ure - sure lure our - tour



p - pea peach peak pie pig

[b]对应字母b b - bee back bear


t - bet boat neat


d- need dig doom dad

[k] 对应字母ck, k, c, ch, qu ck - back pick k - kill keen c - cast come ch - school schedule

qu - conquer unique technique

[g] 对应字母g

g - green grave gravity


qu - quit question quite quiet

[t?] 对应字母ch, tch, tu, ti ,t ch - chain chest tch - watch catch

tu - culture agriculture architecture ti - celestial question

t - fortune

[d?] 对应字母d, j, g, dg

d - schedule education soldier j - jane jeep g - gym gibe dg - bridge budget edge

[dr] 对应字母dr dr - drive

[tr] 对应字母tr tr - tree

[dz] 对应字母ds ds - minds winds

[ts] 对应字母ts

ts - treats cats hats

[f] 对应字母f, ph, gh f - fail fair ph - phone

gh - enough cough laugh

[v] 对应字母v v - leave vary

[θ] 对应字母th th - thought thank

[e] 对应字母th, the

th - though than breath the - breathe bathe

[s] 对应字母c, s, ss, sc, ce c - ice face s - sank sick ss - address class sc - science ce - palace place

[z] 对应字母s, z, se s - eyes knees thousand z - prize zeal se - raise

[ ? ] 对应字母sh, s, sci, ss, ch, ci, ti sh - shake cash s - ensure sure

sci - conscience conscious ss - pressure passion ch - machine ci - precious ti - racial

[?] 对应字母g, s g - garage mirage s - leisure usual

[h] 对应字母h h - hair hat high

[m] 对应字母m m - came dime game

[?] 对应字母ng ng - rung song sing

[n] 对应字母n

元音字母后或者单词末尾 n - cane kin run 元音字母前或者单词词首 n - nose now night knight

[l] 对应字母l

元音字母后或者单词末尾l - hall travel 元音字母前或者单词词首l - flee fly

[r] 对应字母r r - free rare

[j] 对应字母y, i y - year yes

i - million billion trillion

[ju] 对应字母u, ue u - cute fuel supreme ue - due

[w] 对应字母w w - wait wet wed

[hw] 对应字母wh wh - whack wheat

不发音的字母 b

climb tomb debt comb e(o,a)

history factory secretary gh

light bought ought night h

honest Buddhist ghost


write wreck u

build / b?ld; b?ld/ k

knife acknowledge know n

autumn column condemn t

listen pitch castle nestle

1)前元音:【i:】【i】【e】【?】 2)中元音:【?:】【?】【?】 3)后元音:【u:】【u】【?】【a:】

4)双元音:【ei】【ai】【?i】【?u】【au】【i?】【ε?】【u?】 5)爆破音:【p】【b】【t】【d】【k】【g】 6)鼻音:【m】【n】【?】

7)摩擦音:【f】【v】【θ】【e】【s】【z】【?】【?】【h】【w】【j】 8)破擦音:【t?】【d?】【ts】【dz】【tr】【dr】 9)流音:【l】【r】


/ /

Barking dogs do not bite.吠狗不咬人。 Honest is the best policy.诚实才是上策。 单词中常见的拼写和例句。

o-- sorry top a-- what want

ou-- cough ow-- knowledge(知识) 1.Please respond honestly and confidently.

2.I haven’t got any knowledge about the new contest. 3.The rocks and the logs are on the top of the cottage. 4.He was positive about the honor of god. 5.My father wanted to go to the spa.


6.Which clothes do you want to wash tonight?

7.He walked into the swamp very calmly.



1) fod 2) hot 3) fox 4) box 5) wash 二.根据录音,在下列单词中发/ /音的字母下划线。 1) plot 2) option 3) honor 4) wander 5) water

三.根据录音,找出含/ /音的单词。

1) cock 2) mother 3) wonder 4) joke 5) dog

6) ago 7) clock 8) spot 9) cow 10)enough 四.跟读下面的句子,注意划线部份的读音。

1.The water is hot. 2.Wash your hands before meals. 3.I wonder whether you could give me some coffee?

4.God bless you. 5.What do you want?

6.The clock doesn’t work. 7.There is a little fox in the box.

8.The dog is chasing a cock. 9.There are two options here.

10.Sorry, this is beyond my knowledge.


国际音标与 读音规则

教 程 让你踏出正确发音第一步 掌握纯正地道的英语 提高听力新境界 一切从英语国际音标开始



短元音:/ I / , / / , / / , / /, / e / , / / , / / 长元音:/ i: /, / /, / u: /, / /, / /

双元音:/ /, / /, / /, / /, / /, / /, / /, / /



/b/--bag /d/ --dog /f/--fat /g/--good /h/--hat /k/--kind /l/--late /m/--man /n/--note /p/--pot /r/--rope /s/--sock /t/--tear /v/--vowel /w/--worm /z/--zoo


/ /--ship / /--church / /--jeep / /--goats / /--sands / /--try / /--drive / /--measure / /--this / /--think / /--hang / /--yes

/ I /

A fall into the pit,a gain in your wit.吃一堑,长一智。 Don’t cry over spilt milk.别为打翻了的牛奶哭泣。 单词中常见的拼写和例句。

i-- sit rich y-- city system(系统) e-- pretty basket ie-- ladies sieve(筛子) a-- village private(私人的)o-- women u--busy ay-- Monday Sunday

ey--money monkey ai-- mountain fountain(喷泉)1.Go inside, and sit still. 2.This winter will be different. 3.Bill visited his rich sister. 4.Pick him up the fifth avenue. 5.We lifted the infant out of his crib. 练习:


1) it 2) is 3) in 4) tip 5)hit


1) hill 2)pick 3)lift 4) visit 5) money 三.根据录音,找出含/I/音的单词。

1) hide 2) live 3) may 4) life 5)tin 6) give 7) get 8) lady 9) fix 四.跟读句子,注意划线部份的读音。

1.Please sit down. 2.Just think of it. 3.---Are you free this Sunday afternoon? ---Sorry,I am busy in preparing for a test.

4.There are many monkeys in this mountain. 5.I live here. 6.People in this village are very rich.

7.Would you please give me a map of this city? 8.When will you visit us again?

9.--Where is the cat?--It is in the basket. 10 She is a pretty lady.

/ /

Nothing venture ,nothing have.不入虎穴焉得虎子。

Well begun, half done. 良好的开端是成功的一半。 单词中常见的拼写和例句。

o—come oo--flood u—sun ou—tough(强硬的) oe--does The puppy dug under the fence.

The bum stumbled into the lumberyard. My mother loved my brother very much. We covered up the other couple’s lunch.

The stuntman stumbled and tumbled into the mud. The drunk mumbled something under his breath. Come to lunch with my brother and me. I wonder if Gus can come to hunting lodge. Shut up about the blood stain under the table. Mother’s club activities take much of her time.

练习:一.朗读下列单词,注意划线部份的读音。 1) but 2)son 3) love 4) bus 5) cut

二.根据录音,在下列单词中发/ /音的字母下划线。 1) mother 2) lunch 3) run 4) study 5) up 三.根据录音,找出含/ /音的单词。

1) wonder 2) some 3) through 4) cold 5) hunger 6) club 7) cup 8) from 9) other 10) ago 四.跟读下面的句子,注意划线部份的读音

1.Like father, like son. 2.I love you. 3.Hurry up, or we will miss the bus.

4.Could you give me a cup of tea? 5.He runs fast. 6.I like study. 7.My mother has got some books for you. 8.I feel hungry.

9Would you like to go to club with us this evening? 10.It’s time for lunch.


A good wife makes a good husband. 成功的男人背后必定有位好妻子。

Don’t put the cart before the horse.不要本末倒置。 单词中常见的拼写和例句。

o--woman wolf oo--good wood u--full put ou--could would 1.He took a look under the car’s hood. 2.They pulled the wolf out of the woods.

3.There are good books in the neighborhood library. 4.The butcher’s steaks looked really good.

5. Dr. Goodman took a bullet out of the man’s foot. 练习:


1) took 2) look 3) push 4) should 5) only 二.根据录音,在下列单词中发/ u /音的字母下划线。 1) cook 2) helpful 3) couldn’t 4) cushion 5) football 三.根据录音,找出含/ u /音的单词。

1) food 2) stood 3) cough 4) couple 5) sugar

6) book 7) bullet 8) pull 9) hook 10) childhood 四 跟读下面的句子,注意划线部份的读音。 1.Don’t push me. 2.Please look at here.

3.Good morning. 4.Don’t put your shoes on the bed. 5.This book is very helpful.

6.The football game will begin at 5 o’clock this afternoon. 7.He goes to school on foot every day. 8.He cooks well. 9.I would like to have a look at the picture. 10.She stood there five minutes ago.

/ /

Hatred is blind as well as love.爱情和仇恨,二者皆盲目。 Every advantage has its disadvantage.有利必有弊。 单词中常见的拼写和例句。 a-- cat fat sat

1.The man is standing back there.

2.Last night the cat abandoned the kittens. 3.I can’t stand your lack of manners. 4.Ask any bashful man if he can dance.

5.The passengers were trapped without their baggage. 练习:

一.朗读下列单词,注意划线部份的读音。 1) hat 2) man 3) bat 4) as 5) cap

二.根据录音,在下列单词中发/ /音的字母下划线。 1) glad 2) hand 3) cash 4) sad 5) mad 三.根据录音,找出含/ /音的单词。

1) match 2) car 3) have 4) any 5) save 6) many 7) bad 8) tape 9) back 10) bag 四.跟读下面的句子,注意划线部份的读音。 1.There are many caps on the table. 2.He is sad.

3.The man is mad.

4.The blue bag looks beautiful. 5.She has cash on hand. 6.Glad to meet you.

7.We dance hand in hand. 8.The fat cat walks slowly. 9.Would you lend me a hand?10.When will you come back?

/ e /

East or west ,home is best.金窝银窝不如自己的草窝。 Health is above wealth.健康胜于财富。 单词中常见的拼写和例句。

e--egg sell a--any many eo--leopard (豹子) ea—sweat(汗) bread ie--friend 1.My friend is resting in bed. 2.Ed sent ten letters to the enemy.

3.Get the room ready before the deadline.

4. The senator meant everything he said yesterday. 5.The general slept in his headquarters. 练习:


1) get 2) every 3) well 4) bet 5)ten 二.根据录音,在下列单词中发/ e /音的字母下划线。

1) men 2) element 3) jet 4) net 5) dead 三.根据录音,找出含/ e /音的单词。

1) flash 2) fresh 3) test 4) taste 5) believe

6) break 7)let 8) wet 9) red 10) health 四.跟读下面的句子,注意划线部份的读音 1.How did you get it? 2.I have already passed the test.

3.Let it be. 4.You look well. 5.The red apple is delicious.

6.Fresh fruits are good for your health.

7.The dog is dead. 8.You will get wet in the rain. 9.Everyday is a good day. 10. I bet it.

/ u: /

One is never too old to learn.活到老,学到老。

Fools learn nothing from wise men,but wise men learn much from fools.愚人不能从智者那里学到什么,而智者却能从愚人那里学到很多。


o--who move oo--fool cool u--rude truth ou--soup coup ew--threw drew ue--blue true oe--shoe true ui--fruit It’s true that the new school is a gloomy place. He cleans the studio every Tuesday at noon. She likes the view of the moon on June nights. Drink fruit juice when you have the flue. Judy was very rude to Susan. 练习:


1) moon 2) prove 3) crew 4) rumor 5) food 二.根据录音,在下列单词中发/ u: /音的字母下划线。 1) rule 2) pool 3) flute 4) juicy 5) boot 三.根据录音,找出含/ u: /音的单词。

1) new 2) book 3) woe 4) woman 5) tooth 6) could 7) roof 8) rude 9) screw 10) noon 四.跟读下面的句子,注意划线部份的读音 1.The moon is beautiful tonight.

2.I found the food very delicious. 3.Don’t be so rude. 4.He is a fool. 5.It is cool today. 6.Where did you put my shoes?

7.Blue music is popular now. 8.This is true.

9.My little boy is learning swimming in the swimming pool 10.You should obey traffic rules.

/ /

Beggars can’t be choosers.既乞求于人,哪能挑三拣四。 Danger is next neighbor to security.居安当思危。 单词中常见的拼写和例句。

er--another brother a--ago along

e--the or-- actor doctor My mother and father went here and there. My brother had a hard time finding work. Don’t you care about the poor workers?

The foreman of the jury was a sincere leader. Ms. Jones had a beer party every summer. 练习:


1) postman 2) teacher 3) soldier 4) later 5) worker 二.根据录音,在下列单词中发/ /音的字母下划线。 1) mother 2) master 3) letter 4) writer 5) brother 三.根据录音,找出含/ /音的单词。

1) carrier 2) over 3) word 4) addition 5) cover 6) summer 7) organize 8) about 9) verb 10) work 四.跟读下面的句子,注意划线部份的读音 1.Mike and Jack are brothers.

2.When will you write me a letter?

3.He is a doctor. 4.My father is a teacher. 5.A postman brought you this letter yesterday.

6.See you later. 7.He is not a worker, but a schoolmaster. 8.The writer of this book is still unknown. 9.We are planning our summer holidays. 10.What are you talking about?
