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篇一:3 英语-无锡一中2013-2014学年高一上学期期中考试英语试题




一、 听力测试 ( 共20小题,每题0.5分,满分10分 )

做题时,请先将答案标在试卷上。录音结束后,将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。 第一节

请听下面5段对话,选出最佳选项。 1. Where did the man meet Rose?

A. In a sports club.

B. At the woman?s house. C. At Mr Thompson?s home. 2. How is the man feeling?

A. Satisfied. B. Surprised. C. Disappointed. 3. What is the time now?

A. 8:15. B. 8:20. C. 8:25. 4. What is the man going to do tonight?

A. Go to the airport. B. See a movie with Sue.

C. Have dinner with the woman. 5. Where should the man turn left?

A. At the second traffic light. B. At the third building. C. At the end of the street. 第二节

请听下面5段对话或独白,选出最佳选项。 请听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。 6. What day is it today?

A. Monday. B. Tuesday. C. Wednesday. 7. What is the man doing?

A. Asking for help.

B. Asking for information. C. Offering advice.


8. How much should each person pay for the taxi?

A. About $20. B. About $30. C. About $60. 9. When should the taxi go to pick up the man?

A. At 6 am. B. At 7 am. C. At 8 am.


10. How long has the new manager been in the company?

A. One month. B. One year. C. Five years. 11. What?s the reason the woman gives for her not getting the job?

A. Her clothes. B. Her female sex.

C. Her education background.

12. What kind of clothes does the new manager wear to work?

A. A business suit. B. A sports suit.

C. Jeans and a T-shirt.

请听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。 13. When is Lin Shuhao?s birthday?

A. On August 21st. B. On August 22nd. C. On August 23rd. 14. How tall is Lin Shuhao?

A. 2.01 meters. B. 1.95 meters. C. 1.91 meters. 15. Why does the man think Lin Shuhao is so popular?

A. He is a Chinese American.

B. His spirit attracted many people. C. He?s been doing well in matches. 16. What do we know about the man speaker?

A. He likes Yao Ming the most.

B. He doesn?t like playing basketball.

C. He disagrees with comparing Lin to Yao. 请听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。 17. On which floor did Daniel?s family live?

A. The 3rd. B. The 2nd. C. The 1st. 18. How?s the old lady?s grandson?

A. Polite. B. Noisy. C. Clever. 19. What do we know about Daniel?

A. He?s used to peace. B. He sleeps well at night.

C. He is polite to his neighbors. 20. What can we know from the text?

A. The old lady?s grandson moved out at last.

B. Nothing has changed in Daniel?s neighborhood. C. Daniel became friends with the old lady?s grandson. 二、 课文填空 根据所学课文内容填写空缺处的单词。 ( 共20个空格,每空0.5分,满分10分 ) ....

1. Going to a British high school for one year was a very _____ and exciting experience for me. I was very _____ with the school hours in Britain because ....This means I could get up an hour later than _____, as schools in China begin before 8 a.m.

2. On the first day, all of the new students attended an _____ in the school hall ….He also told us

that the best way to earn _____ was to devote ourselves to study and achieve high _____. This _____ like my school in China.

3. Life never seems to be going fast enough; yet, in other ways, like a race car, life seems to be _____ too fast and even going out of _____.

4. As teenagers grow, it is _____ for them to become _____ with the changing world both inside and outside of them….They grow taller and their voices get _____, among many other _____. 5. Most young women want a slim _____ these days, especially here in Canada. I?m trying to lose weight because I?m so _____ of my body. Since I?m preparing to act in a new TV show, I?m taking _____ pills called Fat-Less, which are quite popular among young women here.

6. Many teenagers are surprised to learn that when you _____, your body produces some _____ that make you feel _____ and relaxed and increase your ability to _____ when you study.



1. There are strong _____ (争论) for and against building the subway in Wuxi.

2. When seeing the little bit of paper on the ground, the cleaner _____ (弯身) down and picked it up.

3. You may find yourself in an _____ (尴尬的) situation if you are not cautious.

4. The woman saved a little boy?s life after seeing him _____ (挣扎) in the river as she made her way to a potato field.

5. Learning from _____ (失败) is an important quality that separates winners from losers. 6. Saving money is an excellent practice and you will be glad you did in case of an e_____. 7. Computers are sometimes harmful to us if they are not p_____ used. 8. In the past I p_____ coffee to tea, but now I think tea is much healthier.

9. As a_____, they felt very proud to be chosen to take part in the London 2012 Olympics.

10. Will Tracy go to Beijing or Nanjing after graduation? The f_____ seems more likely. After all, there are more chances to find good jobs in the capital.


用所给动词的适当形式填空。( 共10小题,每题1分,满分10分 )

1. The man didn?t like to be called Mr. Turner. Instead, he always insisted on _____ (call) Dr. Turner.

2. High school girls in the country _____ (forbid) to wear long hair at that moment, which you may think quite strange.

3. Amy regretted _____ (not take) her mother?s advice that we shouldn?t damage our health for a slim figure.

4. Some people think that going on a diet to lose weight _____ (work), but, in fact, they are wrong.

5. When I told Adam about the difficulty I had _____ (learn) French grammar, he offered to help me with it.

6. The present I had been looking forward to _____ (reach) me yesterday afternoon at last. 7. As a doctor, Mrs. Brown devoted her whole life to _____ (help) the poor and the sick. 8. The law requires that everyone _____ (have) his car checked at least once a year.

9. The pills that contained a harmful chemical caused my liver to fail. Now I know mom?s advice

is worth _____ (take).

10. _____ (drink) enough water will improve your skin and give you healthy hair.


根据第一句的意思,完成下面的句子,每空一词。( 共20个空格,每空0.5分,满分10分 ) 1. Amy as well as her mother thought the doctor?s advice was very important. Amy _____ _____ her mother thought the doctor?s advice was very important.

2. It would have been better to let the students have an early night sleep to prepare for the next day?s examination.

It would have been better to let the students have an early night sleep _____ _____ for the next day?s examination.

3. In the past she was very fat, but now as many people are eager to become slim, she is trying to lose weight by skipping meals.

She _____ _____ be very fat, but now as many people are _____ _____ become slim, she is trying to lose weight by skipping meals.

4. His parents were quite satisfied that he achieved success after he had experienced a lot of hardships.

_____ to his parents? _____, he achieved success after he had _____ ____ a lot of hardships. 5. It is proved that out-going children have a tendency to fit in society more quickly. It _____ _____ that out-going children _____ _____ fit in society more quickly. 6. They cheered up at the news that Shenzhou 10 was launched into space successfully.

They cheered up _____ _____ the news that Shenzhou 10 was launched into space successfully. 7. My German friend had a good time in Wuxi last year because she liked the delicious food here. My German friend had a good time in Wuxi because she was _____ _____ the delicious food here.


根据所给汉语完成下列句子,每空一词。( 共20个空格,每空0.5分,满分10分) 1. 露西张开嘴似乎要解释那个误会,但欲言又止,继续匆匆向前走去。

Lucy opened her mouth _____ _____ to explain the misunderstanding, then closed it again and hurried on.

2. 出于好意,她经常帮助她的邻居,对于他们来说,她不仅仅是朋友。

Out of kindness, she often helps her neighbors. To them, she is _____ _____ a friend. 3. 为了强身健体,我爸爸每天花2小时时间在健身房锻炼。

To get _____ _____, my father spends two hours _____ _____ in the gym every day. 4. 既然你已经长大了,你应该自己照顾自己了。

_____ _____ you have grown up, you are _____ _____ look after yourself.

5. 回想他的求学生涯,他认为培养对一门学科的兴趣是学好这门学科的关键。

_____ _____ on his school years, he thinks _____ an _____ in a subject is the key to learning it well.

6. 孩子们需要学会如何充分地利用时间,这有利于他们的成长。

Children need to learn how _____ _____ the _____ of time, _____ is helpful to their growth.



满分10分 )

21. I had _____ great fun watching this microfilm whose director was a college student, and which

was _____ great success.

D. a; a A. 不填; 不填 B. 不填; a C. a; 不填

22. On their journey around the world, the Greens met with lots of things and persons _____

interested them. A. who B. that C. which D. what

23. Later the girl wrote a letter to her parents, _____ she told them how much she loved the


A. to whom B. with whom C. in which D. with which

24. Now you are a(n) _____ student, but you can achieve your goal and become a top student if

you work hard. A. splendid B. average C. academic D. foolish

25. Millie wants to spend her holiday in the countryside _____ there is fresh air and beautiful

sights. A. why B. that C. where D. when

26. Tim is my best friend, _____ I can share almost everything, like my deepest feelings and

thoughts. A. for him B. with him C. for whom D. with whom

27. — How did you work out the maths problems?

— Not able to _____ such difficult problems on my own, we had to turn to the teacher for help. A. handle A. in fact

B. select

B. as a matter of fact

A. which A. why

B. that B. to which

C. whose C. which C. explain C. in the long term

D. tolerate D. speaking D. who D. with which


28. Buying a second hand computer can save your money at present, but _____, it won?t.

29. Have you seen a dictionary _____ cover is blue? I left it in the reading-room yesterday. 30. I have forgotten the reason _____ Miss Green gave for not travelling by air. 31. — How do you like this book?

— Great! It brings the days back to me _____ I worked with the farmers in that faraway village. A. until A. anyhow

B. that B. somehow

C. when C. no matter

D. where D. somewhat

32. It?s going to rain, but _____ I will go out; I don?t mind the rain. 33. — Do you know the man over there?

— Yes. But I can?t think of his name _____. A. moment



B. in a moment

C. for a moment

D. at any moment

篇二:Module 3 My new school

Module3 My new school

II. Teaching material analyzing教材分析

本模块以“My new school”为话题,重点学习存在句 There be 结构,介绍某地有某物、某物在何处以及方位,物体所属关系的表达法。

Unit 1 重点学习介绍、询问某地有某物的方法。其中活动1、2、3、4要求学生通过读图识别词汇、和听力训练的方式初步学习“某处有某物”的表达方法。活动5、6、7要求掌握本单元的语音和词汇并能在课堂交际中灵活运用。活动8、9要求以pair work形式掌握物体及其数量(数字)的表达方法,并能结合存在句型There be进行交际技能训练。

Unit 2 主要通过读图及阅读的方式学习有关地点及方位名称的表达。活动1通过词汇和图片的匹配练习复习地点或场所的表达法。活动2通过读图及问答练习学习介绍人或事物之间位置关系的表达。活动3要求通过pair work的形式巩固表示场所的词汇并进一步复习方位的表达法。活动4、5、6要求通过小组活动或问答形式加深对地点及方位的理解和运用。 Unit 3 对There be句型、地点及方位词汇进行综合训练。活动1要求谈论教室及周围的事物,活动2根据提示及要求完成句子,活动3填充一幅地图复习地点词汇;Around the world简单介绍了解西方国家的学校概况。Module task要求通过写信的方式描述自己所在的学校。

III. Class types and periods 课型设计与课时分配

Period 1 Vocabulary ( Unit 1: 1、5、6、7)

Period2 Reading (Unit 1: 3、4; Unit 2: 2、3)

Period3 Integrating skills(Unit 2: 4、5、6; Unit3)

IV. Teaching plans for each period分课时教案

Period 1 Vocabulary

Language goals语言目标

1. Key vocabulary重点词汇

dictionary, library, picture, right, science, some, anyone

2. Key structures重点句式

There?s …

There are…

Ability goals能力目标

Enable students to describe a school.

Teaching methods教学方法

Listening and speaking

Teaching aids教具准备

A tape recorder, a projector and a computer.

Teaching procedures and ways教学过程与方式

Step I Warming up (P14:1)

Greet students and ask them to look around the classroom.

T: Good morning, everybody! Nice to see you!

S: Nice to see you, too.

T: OK, my dear class, you know, we have classes in the classroom every day. Look around! What?s in the classroom? Can you tell me?

S. Desks, chairs…

T: Pretty good! Now please let?s take a careful look at the pictures in activity 1.Can you describe the things in it using the words in the box?

Ask students to take turns to say what they see. Meanwhile, write down the words they said on the blackboard. Ask them to read after the teacher. And then ask them to make sentences using the words one by one using the structure I can see …

T: Can you see these things in our classroom?

Show the following.

desks, television, chairs, bags, pencils, pens, pencil-boxes, blackboard, broom, door, wall … S: Yes, I can see eight desks.

S: No, I can?t see a television.

S: Yes. I can see some chairs.

Give every student chance to practice.

Step II Listening (P14:2)

Ask students to listen to the recording and choose the correct picture.

T: There are three pictures of classrooms in activity 1. Which picture is the recording about? Play the tape again for them to work out the answer. Then check the answer.

Step III Pronunciation and speaking (P15: 5, 6, 7, 8, 9)

In this procedure, students will learn some pronunciations of certain letters and letter groups and learn to say sentences like “There are 41 desks in my classroom.”

First, ask students to listen to and repeat after the recording. Help students learn the pronunciation of the vowels o and vowel groups ir, er.

Show the following and ask students to read aloud.

Talk about your classroom

Then go on with activities 6 and 7 and practice the numbers. At the same time, emphasize the difference between –teen and –ty.

Ask students to work in pairs and write about their classroom using numbers.

Step IV Homework

Ask students to

1. complete the activities 8—12 on pages 81 and 82.

2. learn the vocabulary on pages 128—129 by heart.

Period 2 Reading and writing

Language goals 语言目标

1. Key vocabulary 重点词汇

science, library, some, any, one

2. Key structures重点句式

Where is …

Where are…

Ability goals 能力目标

Enable students to write sentences to introduce their schools.

Teaching methods教学方法

Reading and speaking.

Teaching aids教具准备

A computer and a projector.

Teaching procedures and ways教学过程与方式

Step I Warming-up (P15: 8, 9)

Greet students and ask them to describe the things around.

T: Hello, everyone! Nice to see you!

S: Hello. Miss Zhang. Nice to see you too.

T: We are in the classroom now. Could you tell me what?s around you?

Show the following.

There is …

There are …

Ask as many students as possible to tell the things around them. Then ask them to work in pairs and write about their classroom using numbers.

Sample version:

There are 42 desks and 42 chairs in our classroom. There is a teacher?s desk. There are some pictures on the wall. There are 42 students in our class. There are 25 boys and 15 girls.

Step II Lead-in (P16: 1, 2)

Ask students to do activities 1, 2 on page 16. First help students learn the words in the box in activity 1. Then ask students to finish the following. Show the following.

We have classes in the ________. We read at the _______.

We have meals at the _________. We do exercises in the ________.

We do experiments in the ________. Teachers work in the ______.

After this, ask students to match the picture with the places.

Step II Reading (P14: 3, 4)


Ask students to listen to the conversation and underline the correct answers.

T: Betty and Daming are introducing their schools and classrooms. Listen carefully and decide which is the correct answer in each sentence in activity 4.

Play the tape and then check the answers with the whole class.


Ask students to read the conversation, and then work in groups of three and make their own conversations and then ask three of them to act it out in the front of the class.

Step II Reading and speaking (P16: 2)

Read about the picture

Ask some students to come to the front of the classroom and ask some others to talk about their positions by asking and answering the questions using the following.

Show the following.

behind, next to, in front of

Where is …?

Where are …?

Then ask students to read about picture A in activity 2 and answer the questions.

Read Betty’s homework (P17: 3, 4)

Ask students to work in pairs and read the sentences in activity 3 on page 17, and then write the names of the places below the pictures.

Check the answers. Then show the following and ask students to read the sentences repeatedly and notice the words in bold.

Betty is next to Lingling.

They are in front of Tony and Daming.

Daming and Tony are behind Lingling and Betty.

After that, ask students to work in pairs and ask and answer the questions in activity 3 about their school.


Ask students to do the exercises 1—4 on page 80. Check the answers with the class.

Step III Writing

Ask students to practice writing sentences using the correct pronouns.

First ask students to read the sentences and answer the questions in activity 5 and then answer the questions about their school.

Step IV Homework

Ask students to

1. finish exercises 5-7 on pages 80--81 in the workbook.

2. make a map with names of the places in which they live in.

Period 3 Integrating skills

Language goals语言目标

1. Key vocabulary重点词汇

some, any, one. science

2. Key structures 重点句式

There is a teacher?s desk in our classroom. Miss Li?s bag is on the desk. Her book is in her bag. Ability goals能力目标

Enable students to talk about their schools and classrooms.

Teaching methods教学方法

Writing and speaking.

Teaching aids教具准备

A computer and a projector.

Teaching procedures and ways教学过程与方式

Step I Warming-up

Check the homework. Review “There be” pattern by telling a story as follows.

T: Hello, everyone! Today I?ll tell you a story. (Turn off the lights, and tell the story in a low

voice.) There is a dark, dark house in the town. In the town there are dark, dark stairs. Go up, up, up the stairs. There is a dark, dark room. Open the door. There is a dark, dark kitchen. In the kitchen there is a large, large fridge. What is in the fridge? Now open your books and turn to page 30. Look at the picture and answer the question.

S: There is some meat in it.

S: There are some eggs in it.

T: Are there any bananas in it?

S: Yes, there are.

T: Is there any sugar in it?

S: No, there isn?t.

T: Good. Now look around your classroom and talk about it.

S: There are 40 students in our classroom. There are 23 boys and 17 girls in our class. And there are two foreign students in our class.

篇三:Module 3 my school的教案

Module 3 my school

Unit 1 There are thirty students in my class


班级_____________ 姓名_____________ 预习学案


1. 根据音标读单词 2. 尝试拼出这些单词


(一) 单词互译:

1.计算机______ 2.家具 _______ 3.照片 ________

4.电视_________ 5.四十___________ 6.八十___________

7.许多,大量___________ 8. a lot of ________ 9任何一个;一

些___________ 10世界 ___________

(二) 翻译短语

1. 在书桌上 2.在我们的教室里

3. 16个盒子 4. 在后墙上

5. 老师的椅子 6.在树下

7. 在……的前面


1. -Are there ____ teachers in the office?

-Yes, there are.

A. some B. any

2. -How old is your grandpa? -_______

A. He’s sixty-five B. He’s sixteen-five

3. -What’s in the room?

-There __ a bed, a table and a piano in it.

A. is B. are

4. -Is there a library in your school?

-Yes _____.

A. it is B. there is

5. This is _____ room.

A. Li Lei’s and Li Hua’s

B. Li Lei and Li Hua’s

C. Li Lei and Li Hua

6. Therea football on the desk.

A is B are C be D am

7. books are there in your bag?---Ten .

A. How B. How many C. How old D. How much


A. What’re B. Where is C. Where are D. How are


1. Our school has twenty classrooms.(变为同义句)

twenty classrooms in our school.

2. There is a new building in the TV factory.(改为复数)

There new 3. There are some cups on the table. (变为否定句)

There cups on the table.

4. There is a big library in our school. (变为一般疑问句)

a big library in your school?

5. Are there any students in the classroom? (作否定回答)

No, .


介绍一下你的教室都有些什么。用there be 句型完成。(至少五句话)


一、 导入:词汇过关

二、 听力训练:

(一)Listen to the tape, and choose the correct picture in Activity 1. Students do Exercise 1 on P14.

(二) Listen and choose the correct answers.

(1)In Betty’s school there are 20/46 students.

(2)In Daming’s class there are 25/21 girls.

(3)Are there any computers in Daming’s classroom?

Yes, there are./No, there aren’t .

(4)Are there any computers in Betty’s classroom?

Yes, there are./ No, there aren’t .

(三) Listen to the tape again. Students fill the table on page 15.


1. Read the passage and find out the important phrases:

2. Talk about the use of them:


四、 完形填空

coming this way. Let’s say hello to them.

1.A.One B.Two C.Three

2. A. Class B.School C.name

3. A. the football B.football C.a football

4. A. girls B.girl C.boys

5. A. Their B.They C.Them

6. A. put B.wear C.on

7. A. friends B.sisters C.teachers

8. A. Chinese B.English C.American

9. A .do B.play C.have

10. A. come B.comes C.to come

五 、根据短文,判断句子正(T)误(F)。

Hello, I’m Lin Tao. This is my school. It’s a big and beautiful school. There is a big play ground. The gym is next to the playground. In front of the gym, there are science labs. Behind the gym, there is a library. So we can see the gym is between(在……之间)the science labs and the library. In the library, there are many books. Look! This is our teaching building, and there are 48 classrooms in it. In my class, there are 56 students. 34 of them are boys, the rest are girls. On the right(在……右边) of the

teaching building, there is a dining hall, and we often have lunch there. Teachers’ offices are in front of our teaching building.

篇四:课题Unit5 Our School Life Topic 3

Topic3 My school life is very interesting. Section A



1. 学习表示星期和科目的名词

2. 巩固现在进行时和一般现在时的用法

3. 谈论课程表


New words:

New phrases:

Useful expressions:



2. 阅读P17 1a




3. 阅读P17 1b


4. 请试着翻译P18 2a的六个问句,写在书上

5. 写出下列常见科目的英语单词

语文__________ 数学__________ 英语__________ 政治__________ 历史 _________ 地理__________ 生物__________ 体育__________ 音乐__________ 美术__________ 班会__________

课外活动__________ 信息技术_______ __ 自然科学__________




( )1. We often do our outdoor _____ at 4:20.

A.activity B.act C.activities D.active

( )2.How many music _____ do you have every week?

A.class B.class’ C.lessons D.lesson

( )3.History is a useful subject. We can learn _____ the past.

A.of B.about C.from D.at

( )4.—_____ class are you having?

—We are having an English class.

A.Which B.What C.When D.Why

( )5.Tom often _____ TV on Saturday evenings, but now he is _____ stories.

A.watches; reading B.watching; reads

C.looks; reading D.watches; looking


1今天星期几? ________________________________________ _________ 2他们在上什么课?他们在上英语课。 ___________________________________ ______________ 3这节课几点开始的?十点四十五分。 _____________________________ ____________________ 4你每周上几节地理课呢?两节。 ____________________________________ _____________

5. 她多经常进行户外活动? ____________________________________ _____________

Topic 3 My school life is very interesting. Section B






New words:

New phrases:

Useful expressions:


1.阅读P19 1a


①---What do you think of it?

-----Sometimes it's difficult and boring.....

②How many history lessons do you have every week?








1.---________do you _______ _______(认为.....怎么样) English

---I don't think English is _______ (容易)

2. I like history very much because it's _________(容易的).

3. My mother often tells me some ________(story) in the evening.

4. ----Do you like math?

----No, I think it's ________(难的) and _______(无聊的).

5. Students have many ________(学科) to learn at school, such as English, Chinese, math and so on.


( )1. Class_______ at 8:00 in the morning. You can't be late for class.

A. is beginning B. begin C. begins

( )2. I don't like music at all, _______I like art very much.

A. and B. or C. but

( )3. --Which ________ do you like best?

--I like Chinese best.

A.country B. subject C.sport

( )4. ---_______ you like geography?

----Because it's difficult and boring

A.Why do B.Why don't C.What don't

( )5. --What do you think of China?


A.It's great B. Very well C. Certainly


1.What is your favorite subject?.(同义句转换)

What subject _______ you _________ ________ ?

2.How do you like science?(同义句转换)

_______ do you ________ _________science?

3.It's time to have the meeting.(同义句转换)

It's time _______ the meeting.

4.He has history lessons every week. (对划线部分提问)

_____ _________ history lessons_______ he ________ every week?

5.Why don't you play basketball with us?(同义句转化)

Why_________play basketball with us?

Topic 3 My school life is very interesting. Section C








New words:

New phrases:

Useful expressions:

6. 课文探究

1.阅读P21 1a

五.在文中找出你觉得较难的短语或句子并划线, 然后写在下面横线上并试着翻译



(D)你能模仿2,设计一则新闻报道(书面通知或口头通知)或海报吗? 不要担心做得好不好,要相信自己的创造力哦!




1.—What day is it today?

is boring, but it is useful. We can learn about the past.

to fly kites in spring.


篇五:外研社新标准初一上Module 3 My New School

外研社新标准初一上 Module 3 My New School

Unit 1 There are 46 students in my class

(by Li Yan, from No.10 Middle School)

Teaching Aims:1)students can read and say these new words, they can

get the rules of numbers, spelling and

pronunciation.2)students can get the main information of

classrooms while they?re listening 3)students can

understand the conversations about classrooms while

they?re reading. 4)students can talk about their

classrooms with “there is/isn?t there are/

aren?t ”5 )students can write something for their

classrooms. 6) After comparing with some poor schools

and classrooms, they can be encouraged to love their own

schools and classrooms, to work hard and to give a hand

if they can .

Teaching Keys: Key words: there ,right, blackboard, dictionary, library,

picture, forty-six, thirteen fourteen, fifteen, sixteen,

seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty,

sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety. pay attention to the spelling

of fourteen and forty

Key sentences: No, that?s not right.

There?s a blackboard

There are 20 students.

----Is there a computer on Miss Li?s desk?

----No, there isn?t, there isn?t a computer on Miss Li?s


----Are there any computers on your desks?

----No, there aren?t, there aren?t any computers on our


Teaching Difficulties: How to use “there be “sentences correctly? Teaching Aids: PPT, word cards, a big picture

Teaching Procedures:

Step1 Listen and see the flash “ ten little Indians”, then begin the class. 1Have some greetings, say hello and nice to meet you (Miss Li/Mary)

2Question: what numbers can you hear ?and lead in one to ten

3Help students to say one and two ,they?re neighbors, they?re good

friends./five and six, they?re neighbors, they?re good friends./nine and ten, they?re neighbors, they?re good friends.

4 Build a good relationship with my new students. “You are in No.9 Middle School, and I?m from No.10 Middle School (photo, This is my school) nine and ten, you and me ,we?re neighbors, we?re good friends. And you study in Class Six, and I teach in Class Five, so five and six , you and me ,we?re neighbors, we are good friends. Oh, my dear friends, I have some gifts for you, but boys and girls should PK, It?s for the winners.(简笔画)

Step2 Show some pictures of my classroom, introduce my classroom and lead in the new words and there be sentences while I?m introducing. “This is my classroom, do you want to know what?s in my classroom? do you want to see my classroom? Let?s go. Look, what?s this? where is it? There is a blackboard on the wall/ in the classroom./There are desks ,chairs and books .

1 Practise the word blackboard. I say black, you say board (注音标) I say board you say black, I say blackboard you keep silent. At last follow the teacher, blackboard, blackboard , there?s a blackboard.(classroom / bookshop )

“This is a teacher?s desk, what?s this in English? It?s a dictionary注音分音节读

2Practise the word dictionary Look at the teacher?s gesture and do the game and read it. Then ask someone to read it individually.“There are pictures, there are flowers, and there are many books on the self, this is our Small Library(注音标)”

3 Practise the word library. One by one read it, two or two read it , boys and girls read it.

Step3” Is my classroom beautiful ? I like it very much, so I write a song for my classroom. Now you listen and try to write down the missing words. Song words: In the classroom, in the classroom. There?s a blackboard on the wall .There are desks ,there are chairs. In the classroom where we learn. In the classroom, in the classroom. There?s a dictionary on the desk. There are pictures, there are flowers. In the classroom where we learn. Check students? answers and learn to sing the song (twice, sing together once)

Step4 Lead in numbers and practise them

“look at the flower ,I got it from a shop, how much is it, do you know? It?s 17 Yuan. Can you say these numbers? Show 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 ”

“And look at this flower , It?s big ,and how much is it? It?s 23=20+3 Yuan. Can you say these numbers? Show 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90”

Repeat after the tape and find the rule, they end with teen / ty But pay attention to fourteen and forty.

Match the words with the numbers, and say these big numbers together. Guessing game, use the numbers when students are doing games.

How much is the dictionary? How much is the shelf ? You can guess with “Is it 17/24/55?” and the teacher will give some hints “too high , too low, It?s 90+? ”

Step5 Task ---design your new classroom.

“Do you like Miss Li?s classroom, and it?s your turn, you can make a new classroom.(show the big picture) There is nothing in it ,yes? right? but I have so many things .Look(show word cards) what?s this ?(students say together----desk ,teacher?s desk, chair, blackboard, football, computer, television, dictionary, picture, flower, book) you can get one if you do a good job. come on!

Step6 Know more classrooms, let?s go to Betty and Tony?s classroom. Look ,here are three classrooms, picture 1(There is a computer on the desk/There are some books/desks)Picture2 picture3 ask students to make sentences with there is/isn?t there are /aren?t

After knowing the three pictures, then listen to the tape, and choose which is their classroom?

Step7 Know about Daming?s classroom.

there?/”Are there any computers? No, there aren?t

2Read quickly again and check the true sentences.(check the answers with questions)

1)In Betty?s school there are 46 students in a class.F

2)In Daming?s class there are 21 girls.T

3)There is a computer on Miss Li?s desk. F

4)There aren?t any computers in Daming?s classroom. T

5)There are some computers in Betty?s classroom.F

3Read loudly.

Step8 students? new classroom ,look and say and try to write some sentences. Here ?s the model

Hello, everyone! My name is _____I?m from No.9 Middle School. I?m in Class___. This is my new classroom______________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________I love my classroom.

Step9 Look at some schools in poor areas. And encourage students to love their own schools and classrooms ,to work hard and to give a hand if they can. Let?s read the poem together to say goodbye to the classs

Step10 Homework

Writing on the blackboard:Unit1 There are 46 students in my class blackboard dictionary library picture

school girls 3

There is____________ There are______________
