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篇一:广州初一英语unit4 the seasons知识点详解教案

Unit4 Seasons 学案

篇二:全英教案The seasons

Instructional Design for teaching

一.Teaching contents

Oxford Primary School English 6B Unit 5 The seasons Part B&C

二.Teaching Objectives

1. Knowledge Aims:

a. Enable the Ss to master the words of 4 seasons and the words of weather

b. Enable the Ss to master the structures “What’s the weather like in…?” “Which season do you like best?” “I like…” “Why?” “Because it’s … I can…”

2. Ability Aims:

a. Enable the Ss to study in groups and cooperate with other

b. Develop Ss’ innovation and practical ability

c. Develop Ss’ ability of learning through the Internet

3. Emotion Aims:

a. Train Ss’ spirit of cooperation and consciousness of competition.

b. Train the Ss’ sense of protecting the environment.

c. Enable the Ss to know more about the hometown and other cities.

三.Teaching points

Enable the Ss to master the words of 4 seasons and the words of weather .

Teaching Difficulties

Institute of Weather and asked other people's favorite season and why.

四.Teaching methods

Our teaching should be able to develop as much as possble children’s different potentials in their intelligences giving everyone the chance to demonstrate and use their potentials to fullest.

So there should not be fixed teaching approaches for particular class. No matter what teaching approaches I apply, I think the Ss must play the principle role in each class. That is student-centered teaching. And also task-based learning and activity-based teaching which includes individual work, pair work, group work and class work.

五.Teaching preparations

The CAI, word cards and pictures will be used.

Teaching procedures

I’ll finish this lesson in 4 steps.

六.Teaching Process

Step 1:Warming-up

Listen to a song《seasons in the sun》。

Step2 Free talk:

T: What date is it today?


T: What’s the weather like today?

Is it hot?Is it cold?(No)

S1:It’s cool.


Step2 Presentation

1.Learn the words of seasons

T:Autumn is cooi.Yes or no?(Yes)


T:Autumn is one of the seasons.( Teach: season, seasons)

T:How many seasons are there in one year? Do you know?

(S: There are four.)

T:What are they?

T:They are spring ,summer,autumn and winter.(Show the pictures)

Teach: spring,summer,autumn,winter

Today we are going to learn unit 5 the seasons

2.Play a game: Guess

(Play audio file,Guess the seasons.)

3 .Learn the words of weather(PPT)

(1)T:What’s the weather like in spring? Is it hot?Is it cold?(No)

T:It’s warm..It’s win

the seasons


Teach: warm windy

T:what can you usually do in spring?

S: I can …

(2)T:What’s the weather like in summer?

S:It’s hot.

T:what can you usually do in summer?

S: I can …

(3)T:What’s the weather like in autumn?

S:It’s cool.

T:what can you usually do in autumn?

S: I can …

(4)T:What’s the weather like in winter?

S:It’s cold.

T:what can you usually do in winter?

T: I can make snowmen.

Teach: make snowmen

4.Write the words of seasons on the blackboard.

5.Ask and answer


T: I like spring, Iike winter, I like summer,too. Can you tell me:which season do I like best?


T: Good! I like summer best. I want to know: Which season do you like best? Teach: best

T:Why? Because it’s hot. I can go swimming.

Teach: because

Step 3: Consolidation

1.Practise in pairs.

Which season do you like best?

I like…best.


Because it’s…I can…。


3.Talk about your favourite season..

4. Summary.

Step 4:Homework

a.Copy the new words;

b.After the lesson, talk about your favorite season, and write in your exercise books;

c.Watch the weather report of CCTV-1, and report in the next lesson.

Blackboard designs:

Unit 5 The seasons

What’s the weather like in …? It’

s …

warm windy

Which season do you like best?


I like…best.

Why? Because it`s…,I can…. cool cold

篇三:Unit5 The seasons

Unit5 The seasons

江阴市花园实验小学 徐慧

一 教学内容

《义务教育课程标准实验教科书·牛津小学英语》6B 第五单


A Listen, read and say

二 教学目标

1 能听懂、会说、会读in the countryside, most of the time, next


the best season, Sound great!

2 复习第一单元时学生所学的气候和四季单词以及句型

Which season do you like best?

I like …


Because it’s … I can…

3 能综合运用句型询问天气或者四季的气候,并做出相应的


What’s the weather like…

It’s …(most of the time).

It’s … and usually…

What do people usually do in…?

They usually…

4 让学生了解纽约四季的情况及一些景点,知道世界各国的气候不尽相同,开拓视野。

三 教学重点

1 能熟练掌握谈论季节的词汇。

2 能综合运用本单词所学的单词、句型和日常交际用语。 3 能熟练朗读本单元的对话,指导学生理解。

四 教学难点


五 课前准备

1 教具准备:课件、单词句型卡片、录音机以及苹果串、笑脸教具、练习纸等。

2 教学准备:事先布置学生听录音预习Part A。

布置教室,创造情景教学的气氛。 3 板书准备:课前写好本课的课题Unit5 The seasons 以及日期。

六 教学过程

A Revision and motivation

1 Say a rhyme < Seasons >

[ 设计意图:用诗歌一方面吸引学生的注意力,调动积极性,营造了学习英语的氛围。另一方面也为新授课文作铺垫。] 2 师生之间Greetings和Play a game eg: T: I say “ go ”

S: I say “ go fishing/rowing/jogging/on an outing/for a walk…”

T: I say “ play ”

S: I say “ play cards/chess/baseball/volleyball/with yo-yos…”

T: I say “ catch ”

S: I say “ catch


T: Sounds great! (使用写着Sounds great!笑脸道具)

Teach: Sounds great!

[ 设计意图:让学生自由回忆并复习所学过的词组、句型,并且为后面教授人们的Activity作铺垫,构建了知识表象,并渗透教授Sounds


B Free talk and practice

1 T: How many seasons are there in a year? What are they?

[ 设计意图:复习spring, summer, autumn and winter, 并将图片贴于黑板上。]

2 T: Which season do you like best?

S: I like …


S:Because it’s … I can…

[ 设计意图:复习巩固第一课时所学的气候、四季单词以及句型,也为大课文作铺垫。]

3 T: Great! Who can say something about your favourite season?

S: My favourite season is …

Ask: ① Which season does she or he like best?

② Why?

③ What does she or he usually do?

T: I think it’s the best season.

Teach: the best season

[ 设计意图:让学生学以致用,培养学生的口语水平和听力水平,并无痕导入新授the best season。]

C Presentation Ⅰ

1 T: Wonderful! By the way, what do people usually do in spring?

S: They usually fly a kite/go fishing.(课件演示) Teach: What do people usually do in…?

They usually…

2 S: What do people usually do in summer/autumn/winter?

S: They usually catch insects/go swimming/go camping and pick


make snowmen and go skiing.

T: What do people usually do in the countryside? S:


eggs/water flowers

/fly kites.

Teach: in the countryside

[ 设计意图:学生练说四季的活动,提供给学生机会,自主学习,并以此引出新授词组in the countryside]

3 T: How do you feel in spring ?

S: I feel warm. They usually go fishing/milk cows/pick

篇四:The seasons教学设计

《The Seasons》教学设计

安溪县第三实验小学 陈雪红


闽教版小学英语第三册Unit 7 Lesson 13 The seasons。

Teaching aims:


① 能听、说、认读并在适当提示下写出下列单词:season, spring, summer, fall, winter, warm, cool.

② 能说下列句子:I like …. It’s …

③ 能读课文Learn to say 部分内容,感知Look and say.

④ 感知歌曲Little Red Bird in the Tree.

2. 能力目标:

能根据实际情况表达下列句型: I like spring /summer/ fall/winter. It’s warm/hot/cool/cold.

3. 情感目标:


通过各种活动游戏,让学生感受英语语言美,提高对英语学习的兴趣。 Important and Difficult Points:

1. New words: season, spring, summer, fall, winter.

2. Talk about the seasons.

Teaching aids:

Some cards, CAI.

Teaching Procedure:

Step 1 Organization and leading -in

1. Greetings.

2. Enjoy the song Little Red Bird in the Tree.

3. Leading- in

The bird is singing in the tree. What’s it singing? Do you know? It’s singing the seasons.

(Show the title The seasons ) (CAI)

Today we are going to learn the seasons.


Step 2 Presentation

1. Learn the word season

Count. How many seasons are there in a year?

Four seasons.


2. Learn the four seasons.

(Look at the screen and say:

There are four seasons in a year. What are they?)

a. Learn new word spring

Look at the screen and talk about spring.

I like spring. It’s warm.

We can … in spring.

b. Learn the word summer

Look at the picture of summer.

Learn to say: I like summer. It’s hot. We can go swimming.

(Spell the word)

c. Show the picture of fall.

Talk about the picture.

Learn the word.

Learn to say: I like fall. It’s cool. We pick apples in fall.

(Write the word)

d. Show the picture of winter.

Learn the words: winter and snowman.

Say something about winter.


3. Revision

Play a game. Guess the seasons. Using the cards.

Try to say I like … (设计意图:通过游戏对所学知识的再现,知识进一步内化,突出本课时学习的主要任务,同时,调节学生的学习节奏,消除学生学习疲劳。)

Step 3 Practice

1.Work in groups

Free talk. Which season do you like?

Tell the students which season I like best and ask the students which season they like.

Make sentences ---I like… (season)It’s…


2. Look and say

Play a game. Look at the screen and say something about the seasons.


3. Read the text

a. Listen and guess the seasons.

b. Listen and imitate.

c. Read the text. d. Try to recite the four seasons.


Step 4 Consolidation

1. Revision


2. Sing the song Little Red Bird in the Tree.

Step 5 Homework

1. Read and connect.(paper)

2. Read the text five times.

3. Talk about the season which you like.



篇五:The seasons教学设计


《The seasons》教学设计方案

娄烦县尖山学校 朱国华


