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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/24 17:12:53 字数作文

篇一:My name is Tom

My name is Tom. I’m nine. This is my mother. Her name’s Linda Johnson. Her telephone number is 13852864815. And this is my father. His name is Mike Johnson. His phone number is 13120884699. And this is my sister. What’s her name? Her name is Mary. Look! The boy is my brother Nick. Mary is eight and Nick is six.

1. What’s Tom’s mother’s phone number?


2. What’s his father’s name?


3. How old is Mary?


4. Who is Nick?


5. How many people (多少人) are in Tom’s family?


Good afternoon, boys and girls. I’m Miss Miller. I’m English. Honghong is my Chinese name. Look, this is a picture of my family. The tall man is my father. His name is Ken Miller. This is my brother, Sandy. Who is that little girl? She is my sister, Lucy. Can you find me in the picture? Yes, I’m the girl in blue.

( ) 1. This is ______ family.

A. a Chinese B. an English C. a Japanese D. an American

( ) 2. ______ people(人) are in the picture.

A. One B. Two C. Three D. Four

( ) 3. ______ is my father.

A. Sandy B. Lucy C. Mr. Miller D. Mrs. Miller

( ) 4. ______ is my mother.

A. Lucy B. Ken C. Mr. Miller D. Mrs. Miller

( ) 5. What color am I in? I am in _____.

A. brown B. black C. blue D. red


Hello! I am Bob. I found a schoolbag in Classroom 8C. It is yellow.

A red book, a purple pen and a green computer game are in it. A letter (字母) “J”is on the first page(页) of the book. Is it Jane’s? No. Her schoolbag is black. Is it Jack’s? No, his is in Classroom 7A. Is it Mike’s? No. It’s his sister’s. His sister is Jenny. Her phone number is 159-7538. I must call her now.

( ) 1. What is Not in the schoolbag?

A. A book B. A computer game

C. A pencil D. A pen

( ) 2. What color is Jane’s schoolbag?

A. Yellow B. Black C. Purple D. Green

( ) 3. Jack’s schoolbag is in _______.

A. Classroom 8C B. Classroom 7C

C. Classroom 7A D. Classroom 8A

( ) 4. Mike is Jenny’s _____.

A. cousin B. uncle C. son D. brother

( ) 5. Which of the following is NOT true?(下面选项中哪一项不是正确的)

A.Bob found the schoolbag.

B. The book in the schoolbag is red.

C. Mike lost his schoolbag.

D. 159-7538 is Jenny’s phone number.


My name is Nancy. I’m a student. I’m nine. My father is a teacher. My mother is a teacher, too. John is my brother. We are in Beijing, China. The man( 男士) in a black jacket is my father. The woman(女士) in a red sweater(毛衣) is my mother. The boy behind the tree(在树后) is John. We are very happy here. We like Beijing.

1. How old (多少岁) is Nancy?


2. Who is Nancy’s brother?


3. What are Nancy’s father and mother?


4. Are they in China now?


5. Who is behind the tree?



Here a photo of family. The boy is Jack. His name is Black. ’s Peter. Oh, are they? They are Jack’. That’the girl his is. ( )1. A. am B. is C. are D. be

( )2. A. Jack B. Jack’s C. my D. her

( )3. A. first B. last C. nice D. given

( )4. A. That B. She C. Those D. These

( )5. A. His B. Her C. He D. She

( )6. A. who B. what C. how D. here

( )7. A. am B. see C. can D. meet

( )8. A. is B. Are C. Am D. Can

( )9. A. he B. it C. she D. they

( )10. A. She B. He C. His D. Her

篇二:Unit 1 My name is Gina.单元测试题及答案

Unit 1 My name is Gina.单元测试题

(满分:100分 时间:60分钟)

Ⅰ.按字母表的顺序默写从Gg 到Pp的大小写形式(10分)


1、(缩略式) 2、

3、(缩略式) 4、缩略式)

5、 6、(同义词)

7、he’s(同音词) 8、(同义词)

9、 10、 III词组互译(5分)

1. 你的尺子__________ 2.我的钢笔___________ 3他的名字________________

4. Nice to meet you.___________________ IV填空


1. What________ your name?

2. My telephone number_________ 2746598.

3. This _________ my ID number.

4. My family name ________ Black.

5. Helen and Gina _________ girls.


1. These are _________(he) brothers.

2. That is ________(she) sister.

3. These are ________(I) friends.

4. What is __________(you) name?

5. _________(he) is a good boy.


( )1、与r相邻的字母是 A. p,s B. q,s C. h,j D. q,t

( )2、下面属于元音字母的是.

A. c B. h D. f D. e

( )3、下列各项中含有 / i: / 发音的一项是.

A. Aa B .Ii C. Pp D. Hh

( )4、26个字母中能够单独构成单词的两个字母是 A. A,I B. I,N C. A.L D. A,N

( )5、—What’s this?— A. This is a pen. B. That’s a pen. C. It’s a pen. D. It’s pen.

( )6、It’s an .

A. key B. pen C. quilt D. orange

( )7、—How your brother? —Fine.

A. an B. is C. be D. are

( )8、This is a book and book is new.

A. an B. a C. the D. /

( )9、— you very much. —That’s all right.

A.That B.Thank for C.Thank D.Thanks

( )10、 a yellow quilt.

A.This B.This is C.This’s D.Its

( )11、— What color is pencil?—It’s red.

A.his B.you C.I D.she

( )12、This is my good friend(朋友). name is Tony.

A.He B.His C.She D.Her

( )13、Mum, this is teacher. name is Li Hui.

A.your,my B.his,Your C.you,His D.my, His

( )14、Is that an ?

A.map B.pen C. English book D.key

( )15、— — K-E-Y, key.

A.What’s this? B.Spell “key” ,please.

C.What color is the key? D.This is a key.

( )16、— What’s name? — name’s Nick.

A.my,My B.your,Your C.his ,His D.her,His

( )17、He is Tom Green,Tom is his .

A. family name B. last name C. first name D. full name

( )18、—What’s your phone number? — 7284587.

A. He’s B. I’m C. It D. It’s

( )19、Nike and David English.

A.be B.an C.is D.are

( )20、 is Chinese, name is Han Mei.

A. She,she B.She,her C.His,she D.Her,her

VI. 从B栏中选出A栏的答语(10分)

( )1、Good afternoon! a. It’s red.

( )2、What’s his name? b. Good afternoon!

( )3、Nice to meet you. c. Fine,thank you.

( )4、What’s her first name? d. It’s a clcok.

( )5、What’s that? e. His name is Tom.

( )6、What color is it? f. A-P-P-L-E.

( )7、Is she Helen? g. Lily.

( )8、How do you do ? h. How do you do?

( )9、How do you spell it? i. Nice to meet you.

( )10、How are you? j. Yes,she is.



is name?


her telephone number?

3. My name is Mary. (改为同义句)


4. her,name,last,Hand,is (连词成句)

Hand is 5. His last name is White. (改为同义句)

His is White.


A: Good morning!

your name?

B: Bob


A: What’s your telephone (9) ?



Mary Black a girl. is a student(学生). is family name and Mary is her name. Her number is 7094328 and her ID card a student. Her mother a worker(工人).She and the same.

( )1. A. am B. are C. is D.aren’t

( )2. A. Her B.She C. He D. I

( )3. A.Mary B.Black C. Mary Black D.Wang

( )4. A.her B.she C. she’s D. his

( )5. A.family B.last C.name D.first

( )6. A.phone B.ID C.bus D.card

( )7. A.is B.am C.are D.am not

( )8. A.are B.is C.am D.aren’t

( )9. A.her B.Her C.his D.His

( )10. A.look B.Looks C.are D.is


Look at this boy. He is an English boy. His first name is Peter. His last name is Black. His school ID card number is three-two-eight-six-six-one-nine. His teacher is Miss Smith. Mi(转载于:www.smhaida.com 海 达 范 文网:his,name,is,tom)ss Smith is a good teacher. What’s that? It’s his backpack. It’s blue. Where’s his pencil-case? It’s in his backpack.


( )1.The boy is Peter Black.

( )2.His school ID card number is 3286699.

( )3.His teacher’s last name is Smith.

( )4.His backpack is black.

( )5.His pencil-case is on the desk.


I. 略。II. 略。III. 略。

VI. 1 is 2 is 3 is 4 is 5 are 6 his 7 her 8 my 9 your 10 He

V. 1-5 BDCAC 6-10 DBCCB 11-15 ABDCB 16-20 CCDDB VI. b e i g d a j h f c

VII. 1. What, your 2. What’s 3. I am 4. her last name 5. family name VIII. 1. Good 2. morning 3. I’m 4. What’s 5. Nice

6. to 7. meet 8. too 9. number 10. It’s

IX.. 1--5 CBBAD , 6--10 AABAA

X. 1--5 TFTFF




Hello! I'm Bill Smith. I'm twelve. This is my sister, Jenny. She's

ten. We are from the USA. But now we are in China. My father is an English

teacher in a school. My mother is a doctor. They work hard.

At school I have a friend. His name is Ben Jones. He's twelve, too.

He's from England. We all like China.


1. What's my friend's name? ________.

A. Bill. B. Ben. C. John. D. Jenny.

2. Where is Ben now? _______.

A. In China. B. In England. C. In the USA. D. In Canada.

3. What's Jenny's last name? _________.

A. Jones. B. Smith. C. Bill. D. Ben.

4. What's the last name of Ben's mother? _________.

A. Jones. B. Smith. C. Bill. D. Jenny.

5. Where's Jenny from? ___________.

A. China. B. England . C. Japan. D. The USA.


Look at these things. This is Mr. Wang's ID card. And this is Jim's watch,

that's Mary's key. Gina's notebook is over there. Look! What's that on

the floor? Oh, it's a gold ring. It's Jenny's ring. It's very nice.


1. This is Mr. Wang's __________.

A. notebook B. key C. ID card D. watch

2.__________ notebook is over there.

A. Jim's B. Gina's C. Jenny's D. Mary's hine

3. Is this Jim's watch? ________.

A. Yes, it is. B. No, it isn't. C. Yes, he is. D. No, he isn't.

4. Is Jenny's ring very nice? __________.

A. Yes, she is. B. No, she isn't. C. Yes, it is. D. No, it isn't.

5. Mr. Wang's name is on his_________ .

A. ring B. watch C. key D. ID card



There is a telephone on my desk. It's my good friend. It helps me a

lot. My telephone number is 8445816 . Sometimes when I have something to

talk about with my classmates. I don't need to go out. I call them. I write

down many telephone numbers of my friends. My best friend John's number

is 8459471 . When I can't remember my homework, I ask him by telephone.

There are some "Telephone Messages" beside my telephone. When I am out, my mother writes down the massages for me.

1. Whose telephone number is 8445816?

A. John's mother's. B. His own.

C. His classmate's. D. John's.

2. What time does he call his classmates?

A. When he doesn't know how to do his homework.

B. When he doesn' t remember the telephone numbers of others.

C. When he forgets what the homework is.

D. When he doesn't need to go out.

3. Why does mother write down the massage for him? Because ________.

A. he isn't out B. he is working at his lessons

C. he forgets the phone number D. he isn't in

4. What does he think of the telephone?

A. Useless B. Important C. Best friend D. Helpless

5. Where is the telephone?

A. In his office. B. In his house. C. In his classroom.

D. In his room.

(4 )


Mr. and Mrs. Brown are from America. They are now teaching English

in Zhengzhou. Their son Jack is with them. Jack speaks English. They want

him to learn some Chinese. Jack is in Grade Three in a Chinese school. He plays with Chinese children every day. He listens to Chinese, speaks(讲) Chinese, reads books in Chinese and writes in Chinese. He is doing well

in his Chinese.

1. Mr. and Mrs. Brown are________.

A. Chinese B. English C. America D. Americans

2. They are working ________ now.

A. at school B. in China C. in America D. in Grade 3

3. Jack is________.

A. a student in a Chinese school B. a girl from America

C. in Class One, Grade Three D. learning English

4. Jack likes to play with________.

A. his father B. his mother C. his brothers D. Chinese children

5. Jack learns the Chinese language (语言) by________.

A. listening to the language B. listening to the language and

speaking it

C. reading books in Chinese and writing in it

D. listening, speaking, reading and writing

( 5 )


Dear Jim,

I'm in Hangzhou now. I will spend(度过) the next three years here. I'm in No. 6 Middle School. It's a good school. The people here are very

friendly. My best friend is Li Lei, and my favourite food is Dongpo pork(猪


Now I'm writing to you in my bedroom. We have a new home here in China. It's different from our old home in America. Our new house is white, and

the old one is red. The walls of my bedroom are blue. My mother is watering some flowers. My father is repairing a car. I'm going to do my homework.

Please write back soon.



1. What school is Tom in?

A. No. 5 Middle School. B. No. 6 Middle School.

C. No. 7 Middle School. D. No. 16 Middle School.

2. Who's Tom's best friend?

A. Li Lei. B. Lucy. C. Jim. D. John.

3. What color are the walls of Tom's bedroom?

A. Red. B. White. C. Blue. D. Yellow.

4. What's Tom's father doing?

A. Fixing a plane. B. Watering some flowers.

C. Fixing a car. D. Repairing a bike.

5. Where's Tom from?

A. England. B. Australia. C. America. D. Canada.

( 6 )


Some students are in Han Meimei's house. They are talking about many

篇四:北师英语 7A 讲解及试题和答案Lesson 1 Hello,My name is Melissa

Unit 1 Meeting people

Lesson 1 Hello,My name is Melissa



【课内基础训练】 Ⅰ.英汉互译。

⒈your name ⒍看图片 ⒉be from ⒎遇见你 ⒊her nationality ⒏美国 ⒋the United Kingdom ⒐哪儿 ⒌11 years old ⒑俄国 Ⅱ.写出下列词的缩写形式。

⒈I am ⒌It is

⒉you are ⒍They are ⒊He is ⒎We are ⒋She is ⒏What is

Ⅲ.根据句意及首字母提示补全单词。 ⒈Hello,My n is Melissa. ⒉How do you s that? -R-A-C-H-E-L.

⒊N to meet you,too. ⒋Where are you f ?

⒌I’m Chinese. I’m from C .

⒍He is from A .He is Austrialian. ⒎We are 11 years o . ⒏-What’s h name? -Melissa.

⒐They are from Japan. They are J .

⒑Bill Gates is from the United stares. He is A . Ⅳ.用所给词的适当形式填空

⒈We are (Chian).

⒉The girl speaks (France). ⒊Japanese speak (Japan).

⒋ (Ausitralia) are from Ausitralia. ⒌Tom is from (American). ⒍She is from (Russian). ⒎How (do) you spell that? ⒏Nice (meet) you.


⒈PRC ⒎PLA ⒉ID ⒏HK ⒊WTO ⒐VIP ⒋UFO ⒑am ⒌UN ⒒pm ⒍NBA ⒓USA Ⅵ.单项选择。

( )⒈- do you spell your name? -J-J-M.

A. What B. How



【词汇突破】 ⒈name n.名字

name 名词,意为“名字” family name 姓 given name 名字 full name 全名


too意为“也”,一般用于肯定句,常放在句尾。例如:Nice to meet you,too.认识你也很高兴。

⒊归纳英文缩略词 USA 美国 UK英语 UN 联合国 WTO 世界贸易组织 CCTV 中央电视台 ABC 美国广播公司 BC 公元前 CD 光盘 ATM 自动柜员机 ⒋国家、国籍及语言 China Chinese Chinese America American English (the U.S.A)

England Englishman English (the U.K) (British)

Austria Austrian English Japan Japanese Japanese France French French Canada

Canadian Canadian

【句式讲解】 ⒈My name is Steven. I’m Ding Lin.


C. Why D.o

( )⒉They speak A. China B. Japan C. Australia D.Chinese

( )⒊-Where Bill from? -He’s from Canada.

A. is B. are C. do D.does

( )⒋The are from A.Japan; Japanese B. Japanese; Japan C.Canada; Canadian D. Canadian; Canadian

( )⒌-Where is Rachel from? -.

A. Canada B. a Canada C. a Canadian D. Canadians

( )⒍ am a girl(女孩)。

A.I;my B. My;I C. My; my D. .I;I

( )⒎-Hello! Nice to meet you. -A. Thank you B. OK

C. Nice to meet you,too. D. The same to you

( )⒏向别人介绍自己时,你应该说:

A. I’m ? B. What’s your name? C.Hi! D. Hello!

Ⅶ.根据中英文提示补全句子。 ⒈很高兴认识你,史蒂文。

Nice you,Steven. ⒉你怎么拼写它?

do you it? ⒊你从哪儿来?

are you ? ⒋比尔·盖茨来自美国。

Bill Gates the United States. ⒌我们是中国人。

We . ⒍-你叫什么名字? -我叫吉姆。

―What’s name? ― Jim. ⒎你是哪国人?

What’s your ? ⒏梅丽莎11岁了。

Melissa is 11 . 【综合能力提升】 Ⅷ.完型填空。

Hi, My name Melissa. I’m the United States.


My name is?和I’m?,它们是用来介绍自己或回答What’s your name?这一问句的。

⒉ What’s your name? (1)what的用法

①what 代词,意为“什么”。常用来对事物、职业、名字提问。

②what常与time,corlor连用,对时间、颜色提问。 (2) your代词,“你的,你们的”,是形容词性的物主代词,其后接名词。

(3) What’s your name?是用来询问对方的姓名的句型。回答时常用下列方式中任一种: ①My name is ? ②I’m ? ③直接说出名字。 (4) What’s=what is ⒊Nice to meet you!

此句是双方初次见面时常用的问候语。其答话为: Nice to meet you,too.

还有下列打招呼时的问候语: ①Glad to meet you. ②Glad/Nice to see you. ③How do you do?

【难句攻克】 Where are you from? 你从哪儿来? I’m from China. I’m


American. John is from the United Kingdon. He’s . My friend Rachel is from . Canadian. Dimitri is from Russia. friend be from意为“从?来”,是“?Hu Peng is from China. He’s Chinese. Akiko is from Japan. She’s .

( )⒈ A.am B.is C.are ( )⒉ A.to B.for C.from ( )⒊ A.British B.Chinese C.American ( )⒋ A.Canadian B.Canada C.Japan ( )⒌ A.He’s B.She’s C. She ( )⒍ A.Your B.My C.I

( )⒎ A.Japan B.Japans C.Japanese Ⅸ.阅读理解。

Jane is my friend. She is from the USA.. She is a student. She is in my class. She has a brother. His name is Tom. He isn’t a student. Her mother’s name is Amy. She is from Canada. She is a teacher . She works in Beijing.Her father isn’t a teacher .He is from the United States. He works in Shanghai. His name is Jim Green. 根据短文内容回答下列问题。 ⒈Where is Jane from?

⒉Is Jane a student?

⒊What’s her brother’s name?

⒋Is her brother a student?

⒌ What’s her mother’s name?

【课标经典试题】 Ⅹ.单项选择

( )⒈He from China.

A.are B.is C.do

( )⒉Where Lily and Lucy from?

A.is B.come C.are

( )⒊―Where is Beijing?

―It’s China.

A.to B.in C.on

( )⒋ do you live and language can you speak?

A.Where;what B.What;what C. What;where

( )⒌―Is he from American?

― .But he studies in China.

A.Yes,he does B. Yes,he is C.No,he is

( )⒍Tom is from .

A.Japan B.French C.Chinese

( )⒎We are from China and we Chinese.

A.say B.talk C.speak

( )⒏ Toronto is in .

A.France B.Canada C.America


人”。与come from同义。两个短语都表示某人来自某地。如:

He is from Guangzhou. 他是个广州人。 He comes from Australian. 他来自澳大利亚。

【语法归纳】 动词be

动词be是英语中很重要的一类动词,它的具体形式是is,am,are。例如:I am Chinese.我是中国人。You are American.你是美国人。He is American. 他是美国人。 动词be的用法



⒊动词be用法口诀。 我用am,你用are,is跟着他,她,它,复数都用are。


Unit 1 meeting people

Lesson 1 Hello,My name is Melissa

Ⅰ.⒈你的名字 ⒉来自于 ⒊她的国籍 ⒋英国 ⒌11岁 ⒍look at the photo(s) ⒎meet you ⒏the United States ⒐where ⒑Russia

Ⅱ.⒈I’m ⒉you’re ⒊He’s ⒋She’s ⒌It’s ⒍They’re ⒎We’re ⒏What’s Ⅲ.⒈name ⒉spell ⒊Nice ⒋from ⒌China ⒍Australia ⒎old ⒏her ⒐Japanese ⒑American

Ⅳ.⒈Chinese ⒉French ⒊Japanese

⒋Australian ⒌America ⒍Russia ⒎do ⒏to meet

Ⅴ. ⒈中华人民共和国 ⒉身份证 ⒊世界贸易组织 ⒋不明飞行物 ⒌联合国 ⒍全美篮球协会 ⒎中国人民解放军 ⒏香港 ⒐贵宾 ⒑午前,上午 ⒒午后,下午 ⒓美国

Ⅵ.1-5 BDABA 6-8 BCA

Ⅶ.⒈to meet ⒉How,spell ⒊Where ,from ⒋is from ⒌are Chinese ⒍your,I’m ⒎nationality ⒏years old

Ⅷ.⒈B ⒉C ⒊A ⒋B ⒌B ⒍B ⒎C

Ⅸ.⒈She is from the USA. ⒉Yes,she is. ⒊His brother’s name is Tom.⒋No,he isn’t. ⒌Her mother’s name is Amy. Ⅹ.1-5 BCBAB 6-8 ACB





Look at the girl. She is eleven. Her name is Wang Fang. I am eleven, too. My name is Kate. Wang Fang and I are good friends. She is in Class Nine, Grade Seven. She is Number 8 in Row 5. I am in Class Ten, Grade Seven. I am Number 9 in Row 5. We are at school today(今天) ( )1.How old is Wang Fang?

A.She is nine. B.She is twelve. C.She is ten. D.She is eleven.

( )2.Wang Fang and I are _____. A.girls B.boys C.teachers D.twins ( )3.What grade are Wang Fang and I in?

A.Grade Seven B.Grade Eight C.Grade Nine D.We don’ t know. ( )4.Wang Fang is my _____.

A.good teacher B.good friends C.brother D.sister ( )5.Where are Wang Fang and I today?

A.In a park. B.At home. C.In the playground. D.At school.



Hello! My name is Sun Wei. Here is an American boy. His name is David Smith. He is twelve. And I am twelve, too. David is in Class Three,Grade One. I am in Class Three,Grade One, too. He is Number Eight , Row Five. I am Number Five, Row Four. 1.David _____ an American boy. 2.His _____ _____ is Smith.

3.Sun Wei and David are in Class _____, Grade _____. 4.____ is Number Eight. 5.______ is Number Five.


I’m Sally. I’m in Class 6. I’m a girl. I’m twelve. Look at that girl! She is my friend. She is Joan. Look at that bike! It’s her bike. And my bike is at home. That woman is her mother. She’s an English teacher. Joan looks like(看起来像)her mother.

根据短文内容,选择正确答案。 1. My name is ______.

A. Joan B.Sally C.Tom D.Joan’s friend 2._____ bike is at home.

A.My B.Her C.Her mother’s D.His 3.Sally is _____.

A.in Class 6 B.a girl C.twelve D.A, B and C 4.Joan’s mother is a _____.

A.man B.girl C.teacher D.doctor 5.Sally and Joan are _____.

A.brother and sister B.teachers C.friends D.sisters

(4 )

阅读理解,T or F。

My name is Lucy Miller. I'm an English girl. I'm thirteen years old now. I'm at school now. Look! This is my school — No.10 Middle School. I'm in Class 3, Grade 1. I have a good friend at school.. She is a girl and her name is Lingling. She's not at school today. I think she's at home. My English teacher is Mrs Zhang. She's a very good English teacher.

( )1.Lucy is a Japanese girl.

( )2.Lucy's family name is White. ( )3. Lucy is in Class 3, Grade 1 . ( )4.Lucy's good friend is a boy. ( )5.Lingling isn't at school today.

( )6.Mr Zhang is Lucy's English teacher.

(5 )

阅读下面的短文, 判断正误,正确的在题号前的括号里填T,错误的填F.

Her first name is Alice. Her last name is Smith. Her phone number is five-four-six-eight-three-two-nine. His first name is Bob. His last name is Green. His phone number is five-two-eight-four-six-two-six. ( )1.Her first name is Smith. ( )2.His last name is Green. ( )3.Her last name is Smith.

( )4.Alice’s phone number is 5484626. ( )5.Bob’s phone number is 5284626.

(6 ) 阅读下面的名片,回答问题:

(7 )

Sue Read is an English girl. She is thirteen. She's student. She's in No.2 Middle School. She's in Class Five, Grade One. Her brother is Tom Read. He's twelve. He is a student, too. But he's now in No.2. Middle School.

( )1. Sue and Tom A. Japanese B. American C. English

( )2. Sue is . A. Grade One B. Class Two C. Class Three

( . A. eleven B. twelve C. thirteen

( )4. isn't in No.2 Middle School. A. Sue B. Jim C. Tom

( )5. Tom and Sue . A. students B. brothers C. sisters

( 8)


Her first name is Allison, her last name is Jones. Her phone number is

five-four-five, five-five-four. His first name is Tom, his last name is Stovall. His phone number is seven-three-two, eight-six-nine-one.

( )1. Her name is Allison Jones. ( ) 2. Allison Jones is a boy.

( ) 3. His name is Tom Stovall. ( ) 4. His phone number is 545-545. ( ) 5. 732-8691 is her phone number.

1.Who lost a bike?

A.Betty. B.Jimmy. C.Bruce. D.David 2.Is the ring Betty’s?

A.Yes, it is. B.No, it isn’t. C.Yes, this is. D.No. It’s David’s. 3.What color is Jimmy’s new bike?

A.Green. C.White. C.Black. D.Red. 4.Who can you call for the backpack?

A.Betty. B.Jimmy. C.Bruce. D.David. 5.What is Bruce’s phone number?


B.892-02311. C.291-20845.



1.The watch is Mary’s. ( ) 2.The school baseball is Dale’s. ( ) 3.Mary’s phone number is 955-983657.( ) 4.Dale’s phone number is 955-983567.


I’m Mary. I’m an American girl. This is my bedroom. You can see a small(小的)bed, a desk,a chair and a light(灯). Some books are on the desk. A white ball is under(在??下面)

the chair. Look at the wall(墙)! You can two maps and three photos. The big(大的)photo is a picture of my family. I like(喜欢)my room.

1.This is ______ bedroom.

A.me B.Mary C.Mary’s D.my 2.A small bed, a desk and a chair ______ in her bedroom. A.be B.is C.are D.am 3.The ball is ______.

A.black B.red C.white D.yellow 4.Two maps are ______.

A.on the desk B.on the wall C.on the bed D.on the picture 5.The books are on the _____.

A.bed B.chair C.desk D.ball


1.Is this Mary’s ID card? ____________________ 2.Is that Jack’s bag? ____________________ 3.What’s the card number? ____________________ 4.What’s Jack’s family name? ____________________ 5.What’s Jack’s phone number? ____________________ 6.What color is the bag? ____________________


This is a picture. It’s a classroom. It’s a big room. In the picture, you can see a table, four desks and eight chairs. You can see a girl and two boys, too. Three books are on the table. A pencil case is on a desk. Two pens and two rulers are in the pencil case. A schoolbag is behind(在??之后)a chair.

The girl is Lucy. She is twelve. The boy is Tom. He is thirteen. The other(另外的)boy is Jack. He is eleven. They are in Class 2, Grade 7. They are good friends.Their teacher is Mr. White. He is not here.

1.It is a picture of______.

A.a boy and a girl B.desks and chairs C.pens and pencils D.a classroom 2.The two rulers are _______.

A.in the pencil case B.on the desk C.behind the chair D.on the floor 3.Who is eleven?

A.Jack B.Tom. C.Lucy. D.Mary 4.How many people are there in the picture?

A.Two. B.Three. C.Four. D.Fine.


I’m a boy. My name’s Tom Green. I’m nine. I’m in Class 5 Grade 3. My telephone

number is 5578234. I have a good friend. His name is Bill. He is eight. His phone number is 5298674.He has a pencil case. It’s very nice. I have a pencil case, too. But it’s not nice. 1. Is Tom Bill’s good friend? ________________________ 2. What’s Bill’s phone number?________________________ 3. Is Bill’s pencil case nice?________________________ 4. Is Tom’s pencil case nice?________________________

5. What’s Tom’s family name? _______________________________


Hello! My name is Li Yang. I’m a Chinese boy. I’m twelve. I’m a student at No. 4 Middle School. I have many friends in my class. Bob is one of my best friends. He is from the USA. He is eleven. He has a cat, its name is Dick. We like it very much.

根据短文内容判断正(T) 误(F)。 ( ( ( ( (

)51. Li Yang is from the USA. )52. Dick is Li Yang’s best friend. )53. Li Yang and Bob are in the same class. )54. Dick is a cat. )55. Bob is twelve.


My name is Helen. I’m seven. Dale is my brother. He’s eleven. We are in the same school. My mother is a teacher. She teaches English. She is a teacher in our school. My father is a doctor in a big hospital. I have a dog. Its name is Ben. We are good friends. ( ( ( ( (

)56. Dale and Helen are _________________________.

A. brother and sister A. an English teacher A. Dale’s sister

B. friends B. a doctor

C. students

D. both A and C D. eleven

)57. Dale’s mother is ______________________.

C. a student

)58. Ben is the name of _________________________.

B. Helen’s dog B. a doctor B. students

C. Helen’s mother D. Dale’s father C. a student C. at home

D. eleven D. friends

)59. Helen is ____________________________.

A. an English teacher A. in the same school

)60. Dale, Helen and their mother are ________________________________.


Tim, Sonia, Jim, Tina, Jenny and Ann are in the classroom. They find(发现) a pencil-box, a ruler, a pencil and a notebook on the desk. Tim asks Sonia, "Is this your pencil?" Sonia answers, "Yes, it is. Thank you." Tim asks again, "Hi, Jim! Is this your
