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篇一:Look at this elephant 教学案例

Look at this elephant 教学案例

祁阳县长虹街道明德小学 张逆伦


教学内容:湘少版 四年级英语上册 Unit3 Part A and Part B



授课对象是四年级学生,他们经过一年的英语学习,会说一些简单的常用语;能理解一些简单的课堂用语;能听、说、读、写一些简单的单词,如dog ; 会进行简单的对话,What’s this? It’s a dog.


(1)知识目标—巩固学过的单词elephant monkey tiger bird big beautiful 学习新单词mouse funny strong small 能理解,会说句型 Look at this ,it’s a dog.

(2)能力目标 —能准确表达动物类单词和描述性单词;能根据图片描述动物的特征,并作出动作。


教学重点 准确运用形容词big small strong funny beautiful来描述动物 教学难点 运用所学形容词对动物进行描述,区别this和 that

教学思路 本节课运用唱歌的形式打开了活跃轻松的课堂气氛,用图片激起了学生的学习兴趣,接下来以参观动物园全面了解所学内容,一个个的幻灯片更细致地让学生轻松学习动物单词和描述性单词,最后是快乐的游戏让所学知识得到强化

教学用具 单词图片 图片单词 动物玩具 动物头饰 磁带 课件

教学手段 教学中使用动物玩具和动物图片进行直观教学法,还用了游戏法


教学课时 1课时


Step 1 Warming up

1. Sing a song “Good morning”

2. Greeting.

3. Use four animal toys to ask students like this” What’s this? It’s a tiger” Step 2 Let’s learn

1. T: Where are there many animals?

Ss::In the zoo

T:Now ,Let’s go to the zoo.(幻灯片1)

2. Show four pictures, Let’s Ss introduce animals in the pictures in English “It’s a tiger/a monkey /a bird /an elephant” . At last ,show the picture of mouse ,Its pronunciation and writing is similar to mouth teach the word by comparing them.

3. Play a game ( find friends )




T: What’s this ? Ss: It’s an elephant.

T: It’s big. (幻灯片2)

展示老鼠图片给学生们,让举手的一个学生戴上老鼠头饰表演并学习big.的反义词small, 如果模仿得很像,同样及时给予一颗小星星表扬。并进行这样的对话:

T; What’s this ? Ss: It’s a mouse.

T: It’s small. (幻灯片3)

展示猴子图片给学生们,让举手的一个学生戴上猴子头饰表演并学习funny., 如果模仿得很像,同样及时给予一颗小星星表扬。并进行这样的对话:

T: What’s this ? Ss: It’s a monkey.

T: It’s funny. (幻灯片4)


T: What’s this ? Ss: It’s a tiger.

T: It’s a strong.(幻灯片5)

T: What’s this ? Ss: It’s a bird.

T: It’s beautiful. (幻灯片6)

5.Let’s practice the phrases


a big elephant a small mouse a funny monkey

a strong tiger a beautiful bird(幻灯片7)

Step 3 practice



Step 4 Let’s listen and say

1.区别this和 that

老师手里拿着大象玩具,老师指着说:This is an elephant.

学生手里拿着老鼠玩具,老师指着说:That is a mouse.

小结:this—指较远的人或物 that—指较远的人或物(幻灯片7)

2.讲解句型 “Look at …,it’s …

老师指着手里的大象玩具,说:Look at this elephant, it’s big 。 老师指着学生手里的老虎玩具,说:Look at that tiger , it’s strong。 用同样的方法练习这个句型

3.Listen and repeat

Open your books page 9 par t A ,first listen to the tape carefully,

then listen and repeat.

4. 老师带读,学生跟读做动作

Look at this elephant, it’s big.

Look at that tiger , it’s strong.

Look at this bird, it’s beautiful.

Look at that monkey, it’s funny.

5. 学生齐读并做动作

Step 5 Give advice

T: Since animals make our life colorful,what should we do? S:We should take care of them and regard them as our friends . Step 6 Draw a conclusion

本节课我们用图片和动物玩具复习了elephant monkey tiger bird big单词,学习了mouse funny strong small,运用游戏法强化句型Look at this elephant。



篇二:elephant 歌词

Damien Ric歌曲Elephant,Elephant在线试听,Elephant歌词下载,Elephant在线试听,MP3免费下载。百度音乐为你提供Elephant高品质的音乐享受。

《Elephant》歌词 — Alexandra Burke

You wanna talk, you wanna talk about it

Wanna talk, you wanna talk about it? (eh, eh, eh)

You wanna talk, you wanna talk about it,

Wanna talk, you wanna talk about it? (eh, eh, eh)

( ) you ( )?

( ) was your ( )?

Small talk, small talk you wanna ( )?

You getting( ), ( ) ( )

No kiss, no ( ), just ( )

And I just can't ( ) ( )

How it all ( ) ( ) ( )

And when I ( ) ( ) you right now

It's ( ) ( )

I know ( ) going on with

That's going on with you

I think you should tell me

You've got nothing ( ) ( ) ( )

Ah, there's an elephant standing in the ( )

Ah, though we're all ( )

It's not ( ) me and you

You wanna talk, you wanna talk about it,

Wanna talk, you wanna talk about it? (eh, eh, eh)

You wanna talk, you wanna talk about it?

There's an ( ) in the room

Oh you wanna, wanna ( )?

Well your talk is ( ) ( ) just say

You say you're sorry, say you're to ( )

And you ( ) and you ( ) you'll change

And I just can't ( ) ( )

How it all ( )( )( )

And when I ( ) ( ) you right now

It's ( ) ( )

I know ( ) going on with

That's going on with you

I think you should tell me

You've got nothing ( ) ( ) ( )

Ah, there's an elephant standing in the room

Ah, though we're all alone

It's not just me and you

You wanna talk, you wanna talk about it,

Wanna talk, you wanna talk about it? (eh, eh, eh)

You wanna talk, you wanna talk about it?

There's an elephant in the room

And it's ( )me, there's no room to ( )

( ) me ( ) ( )the ( )( )( ) And I just can't see,( )it's ( ) me

( ) ( ), I can't ( )

You wanna talk, you wanna talk about it

Wanna talk, you wanna talk about it? (eh, eh, eh)

You wanna talk, you wanna talk about it

Wanna talk, you wanna talk about it? (eh, eh, eh)

There's an elephant in the room

Elephant - Alexandra Burke

You wanna talk, you wanna talk about it

Wanna talk, you wanna talk about it? (eh, eh, eh)

You wanna talk, you wanna talk about it,

Wanna talk, you wanna talk about it? (eh, eh, eh)

How you doing?

How was your day?

Small talk, small talk you wanna play?

You getting further, further away

No kiss, no hug, just blank

And I just can't figure out

How it all turned upside down

And when I look at you right now

It's strange cause

I know something going on with

That's going on with you

I think you should tell me

You've got nothing left to lose

Ah, there's an elephant standing in the room Ah, though we're all alone


It's not just me and you

You wanna talk, you wanna talk about it,

Wanna talk, you wanna talk about it? (eh, eh, eh) You wanna talk, you wanna talk about it? There's an elephant in the room

Oh you wanna, wanna explain?

Well your talk is cheap cheap just say You say you're sorry, say you're to blame

And you promise and you swear you'll change And I just can't figure out

How it all turned upside down

And when I look at you right now

It's strange cause

I know something going on with

That's going on with you

I think you should tell me

You've got nothing left to lose

Ah, there's an elephant standing in the room Ah, though we're all alone

It's not just me and you

You wanna talk, you wanna talk about it,

Wanna talk, you wanna talk about it? (eh, eh, eh) You wanna talk, you wanna talk about it? There's an elephant in the room

And it's crushing me, there's no room to breath Got me backed against the wall back there And I just can't see,cause it's blinding me Coming closer, I can't relax

You wanna talk, you wanna talk about it

Wanna talk, you wanna talk about it? (eh, eh, eh) You wanna talk, you wanna talk about it

Wanna talk, you wanna talk about it? (eh, eh, eh) There's an elephant in the room

篇三:shooting an elephant

What does the Elephant Stand for?

Background information : Britain conquered Burma over a period of sixty-two years, during which three Anglo-Burmese Wars took place and incorporated it into its Indian Empire .Burma was administrated as a province of India until 1937when it became a separate ,self-governing colony. George Orwell wrote the story in 1936, which is a very time for Burmese having great hatred toward Britain. It?s a period of intense anti- European sentiment.

In the story the writer gave us five vivid scenes as follows.

A. The scene of the writer being mocked by the locals -------It created a

pseudo morph that the writer seemed complaining about the local people?s insults towards him .Actually it is a misunderstanding of writer?s purpose, which only by giving objective facts to reveal he could fully understand people?s sentimental insults on him.. As a sub-divisional police officer of the town, he was an obvious target for Burmese. It shows people?s great hatred on Britain.

B. The scene of the wretched prisoners ---------He felt an intolerable sense of guilt

when the writer depicted the scene. Despite the local people?s insults on him, he still confirmed that imperialism was an evil thing .It?s a comparison of writer?s attitudes towards Burmese and colonist. “I was all for Burmese and all against imperial power.” That clearly shows the writer?s distinct political stance. Therefore we can understand why the writer was subjected to constant baiting and mocks by local people. Here we can also see the narrator?s dilemma. The different attitudes towards Britain and Burmese aroused our curiosity and provoked us to deliberate on the reason.

C. The scene of the dead Indian coolie-------It depicted the elephant?s savage

damage in the town but meanwhile it revealed the misery of the working people there. An elephant ravaging bazaar is a tiny incident itself, which yet made the writer recognize the real nature of imperialism. D. The scene of people’s following when writer ready to shoot the

elephant -----The scene impressed me most not only because of its vividness but also the mentality development of two kinds of groups: the Burmese and the writer. At first, the writer didn?t intend to shoot the elephant out of sympathy. But meanwhile the writer was propelled by ever–growing followers towards the elephant .The Burmese felt excited and showed a lot of interest on the writer shooting the elephant. At this time the narrator seems like a leader of an army with a rifle, but he almost had no actual right and freedom. He was just the puppy of imperialism. Eventually he determined to shoot the elephant not as what he said is he wanted to avoid being laughed at by Burmese .The real implication is that he wanted to arouse colonists? introspection. The dilemma he encountered was to blame themselves .It is the tyrant that destroyed his own freedom. The tyrant initially sent the writer do on the will of

imperialism. He seemingly was the leading actor of the piece, but in reality he was nothing but an absurd puppy push to and fro by the will of the locals. By enforcing the strict British rule, he is forfeiting his freedom while currently oppressing the Burmese .A call to end imperialism “shooting an elephant”, ironically, the real intention is that he wanted to appeal to the British to cease colonialism to maintain their “freedom”.

E. The scene of the dying elephant’s final struggle-----The writer spent much

space describing the elephant?which was not easy for locals to repel thoroughly. Burmese they felt helpless but also had uplift in anti –imperialism during the scenes.

Conclusion: As far as I am concerned, the elephant in the story is the symbol of imperialism .They share many similarities just mentioned above the paragraph. Shooting an elephant virtually is to end imperialism on the will of the Burmese. The writer showed his rage against the evil (empire)-spirited beast (elephant) implied in his writings. The writing style of this story is very much like as the Marrakech. They show the writer?s political stance in an lucid and ironical way by illustrating objective facts. The sympathy on Burmese and great hatred on Britain is a comparison of revealing writer?s stance. Appeal Britain to cease imperialism is to liberate them to get freedom ironically.

篇四:The elephant is big

1. The elephant is big.大象大。

2. The bird is small.小鸟小。

3. The panda is fat.熊猫胖。

4. The monkey is thin.猴子瘦。

5. Look at the elephant. Its nose is long. Its tail is short.看看大象。它的鼻子长。它的尾巴短。

6. Look at the rabbit! Its ears are long. Its tail is short.看看兔子!它的耳朵长。它的尾巴短。

7. How many monkeys are there ?那有多少猴子?

—There are ten monkeys.那有十只猴子。

8. Where does a fish live?—In a river.鱼居住在哪里?在河里。

9. Where does a bird live?—In a tree.小鸟住在哪里?在树上。

10. Where does a panda live?—In a forest.熊猫住在哪里?在森林。

11. What do they eat?他们吃什么?

—Monkeys eat bananas.猴子吃香蕉。

—Tigers eat meat.老虎吃肉。

—Cats eat fish.猫吃鱼。

—Cows eat grass.牛吃草。

篇五:芭堤雅大象宾馆(Elephant Guesthouse)

芭堤雅大象宾馆(Elephant Guesthouse)


中文名称 芭堤雅大象宾馆 英文名称 Elephant Guesthouse 酒店星级 1星级 地理位置 芭堤雅中央区 酒店地址 110/1 soi Kaaotalo sukumvit road nongprue banglamung chonburi 20150, 南芭堤雅, 芭堤雅, 泰国 周围景观 皇家花园芭莎购物中心、信不信由你博物馆、家乐福超市、Big C超市、泰国热带水果园、芭堤雅海滩、莲花超市、阿卡莎人妖秀、Central Festival、皇权免税店、蒂芬妮人妖秀


1. 非常nice的酒店,坐落的位置不错,出门就有很多生活设施 2. 周边有些餐厅不错,很易喝点小酒,晚上人也不少 3. 电视很棒,小孩子很喜欢在电视前面看,很温馨 4. 幼儿0-2岁在不加床的情况下可免费入住




酒店交通比较方便,以各主要景点的距离如下: 家乐福超市:打车7分钟,车程约3.6公里

皇家花园芭莎购物中心:打车12分钟,车程约4.7公里 皇权免税店:打车8分钟,车程约4.1公里 莲花超市:打车14分钟,车程约6.0公里

Central Festival:打车11分钟,车程约5.1公里 Big C超市:打车13分钟,车程约7.3公里 芭堤雅海滩:打车11分钟,车程约5.1公里 蒂芬妮人妖秀:打车8分钟,车程约4.4公里 泰国热带水果园:打车11分钟,车程约6.1公里 信不信由你博物馆:打车12分钟,车程约4.8公里 阿卡莎人妖秀:打车14分钟,车程约8.0公里

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