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篇一:牛津版英语8A Unit1知识点

Unit 1知识点

1. 数字+more = another +数字

E.g. three more+名词复数 = another three +名词复数

2.maybe adv. ―也许、可能‖,在句中作状语,相当于perhaps,常位于句首. may be中,may是情态动词,be是动词原形,两者构成完整的谓语形式,与主语形成系表结构,意为―也许是、可能是‖。 Maybe和may be可相互转换。

he is taller than me

He may be in the office.= Maybe he is in the office. 他或许在办公室。 You may be right.= Maybe you are right. 你或许是对的。

3.an honest boy 一个诚实的男孩 a dishonest boy 一个不诚实的男孩

4.have problems (复数)(in) doing sth. = have trouble(不可数) (in) doing sth. = have difficulty (不可数)(in) doing sth. 做某事有困难

5.tell lies 说谎 tell stories 讲故事 tell jokes 讲笑话 lie v.动词, 躺 lie ---lay--lain lie v. 说谎 lie-lied-lied n.名词,谎话 tell lies 说谎

6.one of +形容词最高级+可数名词名词复数 E.g. one of my best friends one of the tallest boys

7. has 动词,―长着,‖在句中作谓语动词; with 介词,―长着,戴着‖,在句中作定语 wear 动词,―穿着,戴着‖,在句中作谓语动词; in 介词,―穿着‖,在句中作定语

1) My sister has short hair. 动词,长着,做谓语动词

2) The girl with short hair is my sister.介词,长着,做定语,修饰the girl,不可用has,因为句中已经有谓语动词is 3)My sister wears small round glasses. 4)The girl with small round glasses is my sister.

课本例句:She’s a small girl with a ponytail.(page14)(作定语)

8. say a bad word about sb.说某人的坏话 ―众说纷纭‖

① say +说话内容E.g.say a bad word about sb; say to oneself 自言自语; ② speak +English语言; 打电话;作演讲 ③ talk with/to sb.; talk about sth.

④ tell sb sth.; tell sb. (not) to do sth.;tell stories/jokes/lies 讲故事/讲笑话/说谎

9.true adj.正确的,真实的 truly adv.(副词)真实地 truth n. 真相,真理,事实 tell the truth

10.sb.worry about sth./sb. =sb. be worried about sth./sb. 某人担心某事/某人 sth. worry(worries三单/worried过去式) sb.某事让某人担忧 E.g. Something worries me.(something 不定代词做主语,谓语动词用三单)

11.look smart in his small round glasses 戴着圆圆的小眼镜让他看起来很神气 sb. look +adj.+in sth. = sth. look +adj.+on sb.

13.be famous to 对于......很出名 be famous as 作为.....出名 be famous for 因为.....很出名

14.listen to sb. carefully 认真地听某人讲话 careful adj. 认真的,仔细的 adv.carefully <反> adj. careless 粗心的 adv.carelessly

15.luck n. 运气 Good luck to you.祝你好运。 lucky adj. 幸运的--luckily lucky dog adv. unlucky adj.不幸的

16.take part in +比赛/活动= join in +比赛/活动 ―参加......‖ join +组织/sb. ―加入‖ join a English club

join sb. in doing sth. 加入某人做某事

17.smile v.& n. 微笑 adj. smiling 微笑的 smiling eyes wear/have a smile on one’s face 面带微笑

18.care vi/vt:关心,关注,在意 还可作名词,译为“小心,照料” 形容词形式有两个:careful(小心的,仔细的),careless“粗心的”; 其对应的副词形式为:carefully “小心地,仔细地”,carelessly“粗心地”。 【扩展学习】 care常见的短语:

care for照顾;take care注意,当心;

care about关心;关怀;take good care of= look after well照顾


使役动词let have,其后可接动词原形、形容词或名词作宾语补足语。make具体用法如下:

(1) make+sb./sth.+adj. “使某人或某事变得...” I’ll make it easier.我将使他变得更容易些。

(2) make+sb./sth.+n. “使某人或某物成为....”

(3) make sb. do sth. “让/迫使某人做某事”

20. patient n. 病人 adj.有耐心的

<反> impatient 没有耐心的,急躁的 an impatient teacher

21.形容词中比较级和最高级需要双写最后一个字母,再加er/est 大(big)热(hot)天,一个穿红(red)衣浑身湿(wet)透的伤感(sad)胖(fat)子想要变得又瘦(thin)又苗条(slim)

22.what be sb。like ?问某人的长相或品格

what do(does) sb. look like?仅询问某人的长相

what do(does) sb. like?问某人喜欢什么



1. We’ll try our best to do the work with ___ money ___ people.

A. few, little B. a few, a little C. less, fewer D. fewer, less

2. Now more and more Chinese people are ___ enough to buy cars.

A. rich B. weak C. poor D. strong

3. What about ___ football?

A. to play B. play C. playing D. play

4. - Look! This sweater is beautiful.


A. Why not try it on B. Why not try on it

C. Why not trying it on D. Why not trying on it

5. What will you do if it ___ tomorrow? 主将从现

A. rain B. rains C. will rain D. is raining

6. The more , the ___.

A. good B. best C. better D. well

7. Max has a good sense ___ humor.

A. of B. with C. to D. for

8. Bill’s mother never goes to bed ___ he is back from school.

A. until B. as C. since D. if

9. -I think Miss Smith must be in her office. I have some question to ask her.

-No, she ___ be there. I’ve just been there.

A. can’t B. mustn’t C. needn’t D. won’t

10. Usually, Betty ___ colorful T-shirts in summer.

A. wears B. is dressed C. is wearing D. dresses

11. -Would you like some more tea? _____ , please. A. No more

B. Just a little C. I’ve had enough D. Yes, I would

12. Let’s stop ___. I know a good restaurant near here. A. to have a meal B. to have a rest C. having a rest D. having a meal

13. -Mum, may I have some cakes?

-Sorry, there’s ___ left in the box. I’ll go and buy some for you tonight.

A. nothing B. no one C. no D. none

14. I was born in Xuzhou ___ 4th May 1964.

A. at B. in C. on D. from

15. The weather in Beijing is colder in winter than ___ in Hainan. A.





1.能够听、说、读、写形容词的比较级形式:taller, stronger, older, younger和shorter.

2.能够用句型:I?m … cm tall.He?s/She?s … cm tall.”来描述自己和他人的身高。

3.能用句型“You ?re taller than your brother.I?m older than you.”进行年龄和身高的比较。







长度单位cm的完整形式centimeterr 的发音是本课时教学的难点


1.教师准备录音机和本课时录音带、Let?s learn单词卡片.






一、Warm-up and revision


2、教师谈话: Happy new year! This year, we?re one year older than last year. Are you taller than last year? Are you heavier than last year?


(1) Measure(测量):教师出示测量身高和体重的量器,提问:“How tall are you? How heavy are you? Let?s measure.然后请两名学生上前,帮他们测量身高,并公布测量结果:He /She is … cm tall.


(3) 引导学生比较两人的身高:… is taller than …. … is shorter than …. 并由此引出单词的


(4) 讲解比较级的简单构成。再让学生写出下列词的比较级形式:young old strong thin big small heavy

(5) Let's chant 放本课时Let's chant部分的录音,学生先静听一遍,再跟录音轻声吟唱一遍。


Let's learn

(1) 出示Let?s learn 图,先教师带读单词,再指名认读。

(2) 操练单词:a.师生对反义词。



(3) 教师问:How tall are you? How heavy are you? Who is taller than you? Who is heavier than you?引导学生用I?m … cm tall./kg.. … is taller/heavier than me.来回答。注意教读kg,,的原形kilogram。

(4)同桌对话:I?m …cm tall. I?m …kg. I?m … than you. You?re … than me.不知道自己身高体重的同学可以用教师准备的测量器具量一量。


(6)听Let?s learn 录音,跟读,再自己练习读,同桌分角色读。



(1) How ____ (tall)are you? I?m 112 cm _____(tall).

(2) I?m _____(tall) than my brother.

(3) Wu Yifan is 160 cm ____(tall).

(4) My brother is ____(young) than me.

(5) Who is ____(old) than you?

(6) Amy is ____(small) than Sue.

2.Let?s play.

(1)教师请四名同学到前面,示范让学生理解Line up from…。然后发指令,让学生做动作。


五、Consolidation and extension

(1)在作业本上书写Let?s learn的五个四会单词。


(3)比较自己的一家人,并尝试写一篇小短文。如:There are three people in my family. My dad is taller and stronger. My mom is younger than my father. I?m shorter than my dad but taller than my mom..






一、Warm-up and revision

(1)复习Let's chant部分的歌谣,播放录音,让学生跟着音乐有节奏地念。念完后提问:Who is tallest? Who is shortest?Who is smallest?

(2)Guessing game:教师用描述班上某位同学的特征,如:He is tall and thin. He is taller than … and thinner than…。Who is he? 请学生猜猜说的是谁。在猜的过程中还可提问:Is he taller/… than …?


(1) 指几名学生全班同学介绍自己家人的情况,再同桌相互说一说。

(2) Let's try

教师放录音,学生看图选择正确答案,并从听觉上进一步感知主要句型。录音内容如下: There are three elephants in a zoo. Father Elephant is taller and older than Mother Elephant. Mother Elephant is smaller than Father Elephant. She is stronger than her son. Son Elephant is younger but taller than his mom and dad. Which picture is the Son Elephant?


Let's talk

(1)教师指着一名身高超过自己的学生说:I?m 150 cm tall. You?re taller than me. I?m thorter

than you. How tall are you? 待该生回答后,教师接着说:Oh, you?re … cm taller than me. 然后板书这组对话并重点领读最后一个句子。

(2) 师出示事先收集的名人图片,问:How tall/ heavy/old is …?也可让学生介绍自己所知道的名人。引导学生进行比较,如… is 4 cm taller than …. … is two years old than …。 在师生对话的过程中,注意重点复习年龄的询问和表达方法。

(3)出示Let?s talk 部分对话,先让学生试读,再放录音,学生跟读。跟读时提醒学生注意模仿语音和语调。然后两人一组分角色朗读。



Group work

教师出示表格,并将学生分成四人一组,布置活动任务:Survey your classmates and make a report.先请一组基础较好的学生示范,再分组活动。活动过程中强调学生一定要用英语进行交流。

四、Consolidation and extension

(1)做英语练习册上Part A 部分相关练习,并抄写四会句子。

(2) Task time

要求学生回家后测量自己的房间、床及书桌或其它物品的大小尺寸,并写出完整的句子,如“My room is 4 m long and 2 m wide. 教师可先以教室内的物品为例,给学生做个示范。






一、Warm-up and revision

(1)复习Let's chant部分的歌谣,播放录音,让学生跟着音乐有节奏地念。并引导学生根据实


(2)Guessing game:教师用描述班上某位同学的特征,如:He is tall and thin. He is taller than … and thinner than…。Who is he? 请学生猜猜说的是谁。在猜的过程中还可提问:Is he taller/… than …?


(1) 指几名学生全班同学介绍自己家人的情况,再同桌相互说一说。

(2) Let's try

教师放录音,学生看图选择正确答案,并从听觉上进一步感知主要句型。录音内容如下: There are three elephants in a zoo. Father Elephant is taller and older than Mother Elephant. Mother Elephant is smaller than Father Elephant. She is stronger than her son. Son Elephant is younger but taller than his mom and dad. Which picture is the Son Elephant?


Let's talk

(1)教师指着一名身高超过自己的学生说:I?m 150 cm tall. You?re taller than me. I?m thorter than you. How tall are you? 待该生回答后,教师接着说:Oh, you?re … cm taller than me. 然后板书这组对话并重点领读最后一个句子。

(2) 师出示事先收集的名人图片,问:How tall/ heavy/old is …?也可让学生介绍自己所知道的名人。引导学生进行比较,如… is 4 cm taller than …. … is two years old than …。 在师生对话的过程中,注意重点复习年龄的询问和表达方法。

(3)出示Let?s talk 部分对话,先让学生试读,再放录音,学生跟读。跟读时提醒学生注意模仿语音和语调。然后两人一组分角色朗读。



Group work

教师出示表格,并将学生分成四人一组,布置活动任务:Survey your classmates and make a report.先请一组基础较好的学生示范,再分组活动。活动过程中强调学生一定要用英语进行交流。

四、Consolidation and extension

(1)做英语练习册上Part A 部分相关练习,并抄写四会句子。

(2) Task time

篇三:新人教版八年级Unit 3测试及答案

Unit 3 I’m more outgoing than my sister

☆重点归纳☆话题 Personal traits 个人特点


项目 1. Talk about personal traits 谈论个人特点

2. Compare people 比较人之间的异同

词汇 1.character性格(outgoing爽直的, serious严肃的, wild卤莽的, smart 机敏的) 2.athletic体格强健的 3.common共同的 4.necessary必须的 5.both两个都 6.however然而 7.though纵然 8.laugh 笑 9.care对…注意 10.mean 表示…的意思 11.friendship友谊

12.information消息 13.schoolwork功课 14.twin sister孪生姐妹 15.hers她的 16.physics 物理 17.interest 爱好 18.primary school小学 19.different views不同的观点

短语 1.be good at擅长 2.be the same as…与……一样 3.be different from 与……不同 4.enjoy/stop doing sth喜欢/停止做某事 5.more /less than 超出…/不足于… 6.look different / the same 看起来不一样/一样 7.most of 大多数 8.in some ways在某些方面 9.two years ago两年前


1.She’s much taller and a little more outgoing than me.

2.My hair is much too shorter than her hair/ hers .

3.Liu Ying is not as good at sports as her sister.

4.My friend , Zhang Ming is the same as me. We both enjoy going to the parties.

5.--Do you look the same? --No, I am a little taller than her. He is quite different from me. 语法

要点 1.(much/much too/a little) 单音节形容词 ﹢er/ier ﹢than

2. (much/much too/a little)more ﹢多音节形容词原形﹢than

3. (not) so/as…as…


例1 ______he is a beginner, ______he speaks English very well.

A. Although , but B. Although , /

C. /, although D .But, /

【解题思路】选B。此题考查转折连词“虽然…但是…”。although , but 不能在同一个句子中共用。

例2 I am good at____ , But Li Lei is good at _____ .

A. Chinese, play computers

B. Chinese, to play computers

C. Chinese, playing computers

D. China, play computers

【解题思路】选C。此题考查be good at的用法, at后跟名词或动名词。

例3 Larry is much taller than ______ in my class.

A. all students B. any student

C. any other student D. other students

【解题思路】选C。此题考查连词than两边的对等性, 句中 Larry与 any other student对等,但包含在A.B中,并与D不对等。

例4 He is ________ a teacher. He loves his students like a father.

A. over B. really C. more than D. better than

【解题思路】选C。此句意为“他不只是个老师,他像慈父般爱学生”。more than还有“超过、多于(over)”的意思。more…than意为“比 多”,中间常插入多音节或部分双音节形容词或副词的原级,用于比较级的句子。

例5 The Yellow River is _____ the Changjiang River.

A. longer than B. as long as

C. not so long as D. not long as

【解题思路】选C。此题考查基本的地理知识,即长江和黄河的长度。这是每个学生起码应掌握的内容,也是素质教育的要求。as…as构成同等比较级;not as(so)… as 意为“不及….”。 ☆单元评价☆


一、根据句意及首字母提示填空,完成下列句子。 ( 5分)。

1.B _____ Lily and Lucy are outgoing. They have lots of friends.

2. Edison showed great i_______________ in science when he was a little boy.

3. Nina went to school t ________________she didn’t feel very well today.

4. I’m d_________________ from Rick. He is a little calmer than I.

5. It’s not polite (礼貌的) to l__________________ at others when they make mistakes (错误).

二、用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。 (10分)

6.Tom is much ___ than Sam. ( cool )

7. My hair is a little ____ than hers. ( short )

8. Pedro is _______ than Paul. ( funny )

9. Li Ping is a little than me. ( outgoing )

10. Which is ____________________ in China, tea or coffee? ( popular)

11. Tina is much _______ than Tara. ( athletic )

12. Liu Li is a little than her sister. ( quiet )

13. Ruth is _____ than any other girl in my class. ( serious )

14. Java has hair than Mary. ( curly )

15. Paul is than Pedro. ( thin )

三、单项选择 选出能填入各句中相应空白处的最佳答案。( 10分)

16. Liven is than I am.

A. funny and outgoing

B. more funnier and outgoing

C. funnier and more outgoing

D. more funny and outgoing

17. Tina is better at physics than Tara.

A. more B. much C. very D. a lot of

18. Li Ping and Li Ming black eyes.

A. has both B. have both

C. both have D. both has

19. My brother is more outgoing than me.

A. more B. most C. a little D. little

20. I a primary school student two years ago.

A. was B. am C. be D. were

21. Here are photos of twin sister and .

A. me, I B. my, me C. me, my D. I, me

22. My friend is as me. We are both quiet.

A. as same B. so same

C. the same D. no the same as

23. She likes singing, dancing and talking with others.

But I often stay at home and read books. So I am

______than her.

A. funnier B. quieter

C. more outgoing D. wilder

24. My father never eats junk food, and he exercises

every day. So he is ______ .

A. unhealthy B. healthy C. serious D. smart

25. Liu Ying is not __ good at sports __ her sister.

A. much, than B. a little C. as, so D. so, as

四、英汉互译 根据汉语提示完成各句。(15分)

26. 蒂姆留的头发比萨姆短。

Tim has hair Sam.

27. 萨姆比汤姆安静得多。

Sam is much _____ than Tom.

28. 我们俩都喜欢运动,尽管她看上去比我更健美。

We ______ like sports , ____ she looks than me.

29. 蒂娜更外向一些,泰拉更严肃一些。

Tina is , but Tara is .

30. 莉莉是我最好的朋友,和我相比她更镇静一些。 Lily is my best . She is me.

31. 他们俩都喜欢参加晚会。

They both enjoy .

32. 戴夫擅长打篮球。

Dave is playing basketball.

33. 我妈妈没有爸爸高。

My mother is not my father.

34. 霍莉比玛利亚滑稽,她喜欢讲笑话。

Holly is very than Maria. She jokes.


My cousin is than me. He is a ______ boy. He always helps others.


Tom is very in his class,


37. 我和刘英都有黑色的眼睛。 than

Liu Ying and I black eyes.

五、 组词成句。 (10分)

38. sister, outgoing, I’m, than, more, my

39. is, as, me, friend. My, same, the


40. photos, me, my, here, of, are, sister, twin, and

41. both, enjoy, football, we, games, watching

42. friend, likes, the, to, as, best, Holly’s, do, same, things, does, she


heavy outgoing funny popular athletic

kind useful beautiful friendly

thin cheap smart small

43. You should study English hard. I think English is .

44. An elephant is much than a horse .

45. My cousin is good at his schoolwork. He is really .

46.My friend Tim plays basketball every day. He is

than me.

47. Molly is always ready(乐意的)to help others. She is quite .

48. This T-shirt is too expensive. Do you have a one ?

49. Mary likes students and teaches well. She is one of

teachers in our school.

50. Tom and Peter are twin brothers. In some ways they

are different. Tom is quieter, but Peter is .

51. Tony is than any other student in our class. He always makes us laugh.

52. I hope Beijing isgetting more and .


七、完型填空 从各题A、B、C、D中选择最佳答案。(10分)

Coffee has been a part of people’s lives for

thousands of years, and it is still one of the world’s

favorite __53_ . Here is a story of coffee and __54_ it

was discovered.

The story __55__ us coffee was __56__ in Africa long, long ago. One day a farmer was __57 _ his goats, and he saw them __58__ some berries(咖啡豆) from a plant. The goats become very

__59__ after they ate the berries. The man often felt tired, __60_ he decided to try the berries, too. To his great __61__ , he didn’t feel tired any more. Coffee plants were thus ( 因此 ) discovered. The coffee was taken from Africa to other __62__ in Europe and America. After that farmers started to grow coffee plants especially in South America.

53. A. plant B. fruit C. drinks D. food

54. A. how B. why C. what D. who

55. A. says B. speaks C. talks D. tells

56.A. discovered B. made

C. bought D. tasted

57. A. eating B. teaching C. watching D. watering

58. A. eat B. pick C. breathe D. cook

59. A. tired B. active C. ill D. sleepy

60. A. but B. or C. because D. so

61. A. disappointment B. joy

C. surprise D. effort

62. A. countries B. continents

C. parts D. species

八、阅读理解 阅读短文,从A、B、C、D中

选出最佳答案。 ( 10分)


The meeting lasted three hours. Mr. Jackson looked at the clock on the wall. It was a quarter to eight. “The last bus started fifteen minutes ago,” thought the man, “It means I’ll have to stay in a hotel tonight.”

Mr. Jackson always drove home after work. He lived outside the city. There was something wrong with his car these days, so he had to take a bus to his office. That afternoon, he had to discuss something important with others, so he couldn’t catch the bus. At last the meeting was over. It began to snow after he came out of the warm office. He wanted some warm food and soup first. Most restaurants were full of people and he went into a small one. The waiter came up quickly and showed the menu to him.

“Some hot soup, please.” said Mr. Jackson.

About twenty minutes later, the young man brought the soup to him. When Mr. Jackson was

drinking, he found something in it. “Come here, boy,” he called out, “Look! There’s a gray hair in my soup!”

“ It’s very strange, sir,” said the waiter. “ It’s usually a fly, I remember.”

63. Mr. Jackson usually went home__________.

A. by bus B. by car C. by bike D. on foot

64. ________, so Mr. Jackson had to stay in the hotel.

A. The last bus left

B. The meeting was very important

C. Something was wrong with his car

D. It was very cold that evening

65. The last bus started at __________.

A. 7:30 B. 7:45 C. 8:00 D.8:30

66.Mr. Jackson wanted some hot soup first because_______.

A. the restaurant was very cold

B. he was hungry

C. there was few people in the restaurant



1阅读短文,判断句子的正误,符合内容的打√否则打X Ann and Amy are sisters . Ann is 13 . She’s 2years younger than Amy .But she’s taller than Amy . Amy is 45kg. She’s 1kg heavier than Ann . Amy likes sports . She does sports every day . So she’s stronger than Ann . Amy has short hair , but Ann has long hair. They often wear the same size shoes . They wear size 36 . They love each other .

( )1.Amy is two years older than Ann .

( )2.Amy is taller than Ann .

( )3.Ann is heavier than Amy .

( )4.Amy is stronger than Ann .

( )5.Amy’s hair isn’t longer than Ann’s .

2阅读短文,判断句子的正误,符合内容的打√否则打X I have a friend . He is Peter . He’s 165 cm . I’m156cm . He is taller than me . But I’m stronger than Peter . I am 53 kg. He is 50kg . His head is smaller than my head . Peter has a brown dog . His dog is thinner than my dog . My dog is black . We often play football in the park .

( )1.Peter is my brother .

( )2.I am 9 cm shorter than Peter .

( )3.Peter is stronger and heavier than me .

( )4.My head is bigger than Peter’s head .

( )5.Peter’s dog is not thinner than my dog .

3阅读短文,判断句子的正误,符合内容的打√否则打X Today is Friday . The weather is fine . Everyone is

______ 年_______ 班 姓名__________

happy because they are going to take a trip . But Tom is sad because his leg hurts . He can’t go with his classmates . He has to stay at home . He is going to read some books .

( )1.It’s Sunday today .

( )2.It is fine today .

( )3.Everyone is sad in Tom’s class today .

( )4. Tom and his classmates are going to take a trip .

( )5.Tom is sad because his leg hurts .


In winter , the weather is very cold . Some people feel sick in the cold weather . If you don’t wear enough (足够的)clothes , you will have a cold . How do you feel if you have a cold ?You will be very tired . Your head may hurt badly . You may have a fever . But don’t worry if you are sick , go to see a doctor . Take some medicine and stay in bed for a few days . And drink more hot water . Then you will get well soon .

( )1.It is warm in winter .

( )2.Some people feel sick in winter .

( )3.If you have a cold you will be excited .

( )4. If you are sick , you should see a doctor .

( )5.When you’re sick you should drink cold water . 5阅读短文,判断句子的正误,符合内容的打√否则打X

Today is Sunday . I get up early . But I feel sick . My head hurts . Maybe I have a cold . I am so sad . I’m going

to the bookstore to buy a book . But I’m very tired . I can’t go now . Mother asks me to stay in bed and take some medicine . So I watch TV. I am happy . Because the TV show is very funny .

( )1.I get up early , because today is Saturday .

( )2.I feel sick . My head hurts .

( )3. I’m tired . I can’t go to the bookstore to buy a pen .

( )4. I am going to see a doctor .

( )5. I’m sad because the TV show is not very funny . 6阅读短文,判断句子的正误,符合内容的打√否则打X I am Jim . Yesterday was Sunday . I walked to my grandma’s home . It was her birthday .I bought many fruits and a big cake in the morning . My mother cooked ,lunch . We were happy .

( )1.It was Saturday yesterday .

( )2.Jim went to his grandpa’s home on foot .

( )3. It was Jim’s grandpa’s birthday .

( )4. Jim bought many fruits and a big cake .

( )5. Jim’s father cooked lunch .

7阅读短文,判断句子的正误,符合内容的打√否则打X We had a long holiday . It was seven days . I went to Hainan with my parents . My grandparents live in a beautiful village in Hainan . We visited them . WE went to see the blue sea every day . WE swam in it . We went fishing , too . My grandma cooked good food for us . The

seafood s good . I like it . WE took many pictures . I was excited .

( )1.We had a short holiday .

( )2.I went to Hainan .

( )3. We visited my grandparents .

( )4. WE rowed a boat in the sea .

( )5. We took may pictures there .

8阅读短文,判断句子的正误符合内容的打√否则打X Dear Joe ,

How are you ? My sister and I are having our holiday . Yesterday we went to the library . We went there by bus . We read story-books dad had lunch there . The food was delicious . It was cheap , too . We went shopping in the afternoon . I bought a pair of shoes . I was very tired . We are going to learn skating and do many other things during the holiday . We are sure we’ll have a good time .

How about your holiday ? Please write to me soon .


( )1.Alice and her sister are having their holiday .

( )2.They went to the library on foot .

( )3.They read story-books and had lunch in the

library .

( )4.Joe bought a pair of shoes .

( )5.Alice was very tired .


9、阅读短文判断句子正误,符合内容的写T否则写F。 Dear Sarah ,

Last Monday was a school holiday . My friends and I had a great day at Zhongshan Park . The park is very big . We can do many things there . I flew kites with John and Zhang Peng . Liu Yun ,Amy and Chen Jie sang and danced . We were all very happy .

At 12 o’clock , we had lunch . We had some fruit , some juice and hamburgers . In the afternoon , we drew some pictures of the trees and flowers in the park . On Tuesday we put the pictures on the wall in our classroom . do you like going to the park ?

Wu Yifan

( )1. Wu Yifan flew kites with John and Zhang Peng .

( )2.The boys danced in the park .

( )3. In the afternoon, they took a picture of the trees

and flowers in the park.

( )4.They put the pictures on the wall in their classroom .

( )5.They had a good time at Zhongshan Park .


新版八年级(上)英语测试题(Unit 3)



school student when I was seven years old.

he didn’t feel well yesterday.


5.He was so funny that 6.It’for students to finish homework on time.

girl. She likes to stay with her friends and enjoys talking.

his brother.

his parents like English very much.


1.He is 2.The boy enjoys 3.He doesn’(dance)

4.Did you have fun 5.Nelly practiced (clean) his room on weekends.


8.It’s necessary for us 9.He is 10.I’m (good) at physics than my sister.


1.I like singing. My sister likes singing,too.(合并为一个句子)

My sister and I 2.Sue is twelve years old. Gina is fourteen years old.(合并一个句子)

Sue is Gina.

Gina is Sue.

Sue isn’t Gina.

Gina isn’t Sue.

3.I think he is good at playing soccer.(改为否定句)

I he good at playing soccer.

4.John enjoys swimming. Peter enjoys swimming,too.(合并为一句)


5.Jim is twelve years old. Tim is twelve years old,too.(合并为一句)

Jim is Tim.

6.Huang lei isn’t good at tennis as Larry.(同义句)

Larry is Hunag Lei.

提问) the English Study Center for primary school student?

8.Larry works harder than Huang Lei.(改为否定句)

Larry harder than Huang Lei.


( )1.She is talented music but I am good sports.

A.in, at B.at,in C.at,at D.in,in

( )2. Li Hua’s shoes are as _______ as Zhang Hui’s.

A. cheap B. cheaper C. the cheaper

( )3..—Are you relaxing yourself here ? —Yes. It is _______to walk slowly along the river.

A. fantastic B. boring C. Bad D. terrible

( )4.It’s very important for him me laugh.

A.to make B.making C.makes D.made

( )5. _________you don’t give up(放弃),your dreams will come true.

A. As long as B. As soon as C. As well as D.As often as

( )6.She is similar her mother.

A.to B.with C.of D.in

( )7.I don’t really care if my friends are the same me or different me.

A.as,as B.from,from C.as,from D.from,as

( )8.If you want to be a student helper,please call him 443—5667.

A.at B.in C.of D.on

( )9.This is my friend. He is less outgoing than I am.

A.much B.much more C.more D.very

( )10.Mr Bean enjoys .

A.to tell,to laugh B.tells,laugh C.telling,laugh D.telling,laughing

( )11.Tara and her sister quiet and they sports.

A.are both,both like B.are both, like both C.both are, both like D.both are,like both

( )12.If you want to be a student helper, you must be good A.at B.with C.for D.in

( he can do many things.

A.Though,but B.Though,/ C./,though D.But,though

( )14.Tom can play drums,but Sam can play tennis.

A.the,the B.the,/ C./,the D./,/

( )15.Lily’s books are new than . A.we B.us C.our D.ours

( )16. —Have you seen the funny movie Let the Bullet Fly?

—Yes,it made me ___________ many times.

A.laugh B. cry C. Sleep D. sing

( )17. It’s important _________ us _________ _English well.

A. of; learning B. for; to learn C. Of; to learn D.or; learning

( )18. Betty and Mary are in _________ school,but they are in __________ Classes.

A. same;different B. same;the different C. the same; the different D. the same;different

( )19.—Let’s go shopping at the new mall. —Why not shop online? It’s ____.

A. expensive B. more expensive C. Less expensive D. less cheapest

( )20. Now, some robots(机器人) are ____________ to do the same things ______ people. .

A. enough smart;as B. enough smart;for C, smart enough;as D: smart enough;with

( )21. He is__________ outgoing student

A. a,with, B.an,with C.a,of D.an,of

( )22. The fantastic music made the students______relaxed.

A. feel B. feels C. felt D, to feel

( )23. Someone says“ Time is money. “But I think time is_________ important than Money.

A. least B. Much C. even more D. much least

( )24. My friend likes singing and talking with others. But I often stay at home to watch TV. So my friend is________ than me.

A. quieter B. more serious C. more outgoing D. more wilder

( )25,The girl shorter hair is Lisa.

A.has B.have C.with D.and


An English traveller found that he had only 1 to buy the ticket to go back home. As he knew that it would him only two days to to England, he decided that he could easily do . So he bought a ticket and the ship. It was time lunch. He didn’t go to have it. In the evening, he said that he didn’t feel and went to bed early, the next day he was hungry that he couldn’t stand(忍受) it .

“I’m going to eat,” he said. “Even if they throw me sea.” After he ate everything the waiter (侍者) put in front of him and he was ready for the coming trouble. “Bring me the bill (账单),” he said. “The bill,sir?” said the waiter. “There isn’t any bill.” Was the answer. “On the ship meals are included (包括) in the money for the ticket.”

( )1. A.moneys enough B. a lot of money C.enough money D.enough moneys

( )2. A.spend B.carry C.bring D.take

( )3. A.get to B.arrive C.reach D.get

( )4. A.with food B.without food C.with foods D.without foods

( )5. A.got in B.got on C.got off D.got at

( )6. A.to B.have C.for D.for a

( )7. A.trouble B.well C.good D.better

( )8. A.too B.so C.such D./

( )9. A.not any longer B.no longer C.any longer D.no long

( )10. A.into B.on C.in D.onto

VI、阅读理解(10分) some ways they look the same, in some ways they look different. Both of them have tall buildings and wide streets, although some buildings in Shanghai are taller than in Beijing. They are both important in China. Beijing is the capital of China, there are more places of interest there, but Shanghai is the biggest city in China. Now they are becoming more and more important in China.

( ) 1. Some buildings in __________ are taller than in Beijing.

A. Shanghai B. Xi’an C. Tianjin D. Chongqing

( ) 2. Shanghai is the _____city in China.

A. tallest B. biggest C. smallest D. busiest

( ) 3. The underlined word “point” means _______.

A. 想法 B. 点 C. 内容 D. 主意

( ) 4. Beijing has more _________ than Shanghai.

A. places of interest B. buildings C. wide streets D. people

( ) 5. Which of the following statements is right according to the passage?

A. Shanghai is the capital of China B. The buildings in Beijing are taller than in Shanghai

C. Shanghai is the largest city in China. D. Shanghai has more places of interest.


请以“My Best Friend”为题写一篇短文,介绍一下你最好的朋友。


I.1.mirror 2.primary 3.though 4.heart 5.laugh 6.necessary 7.outgoing 8.than 9.Both


II.1.funnier 2.swimming 3.dancing 4.learning 5.dancing 6.clean 7.to win 8.to learn

9.different,differences 10.better

III.1.both like 2.younger than; older than; as old as; as young as 3.don’t think,is

4.Both,and,enjoy 5.as old as 6.better at tennis than 7.What does,need 8.doesn’t work

IV.1—5AAAAA 6—10ACAAC 11—15ABBBD 16—20ABDCC 21—25BACCC


