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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/24 11:27:31 作文素材


Estimates of English Speakers from 1950 to 2050

This graph illustrates the changes in the estimated number of English speakers over the period from 1950 to 2050. In this graph, English speakers are divided into three groups:L1 speakers, L2 speakers,L3 speakers.

From the graph, we can see the number of EFL speakers fluctuate sharply most, starting from

about 400 million and reaching the peak of 900 million.L2 speakers will show a threefold increase, from less than 200 million to around 600 million. L1 speakers increase midly compared with other groups. In the 100 years spanning from 1950 through 2050, it is estimated that the number of L1 speakers will increase from a little over 200 million the number of 500 million.

What has caused these changes on earth? From my perspective, after the Second World war, the U.S became the leader of the world depending on its powerful militaries and strong economy. What’s more, having proceeded the new era, we other countries must keep pace with the

economic globalization. Therefore, it’s conceivable why English proved to be the global language. Good times don’t last long. China and other emerging economies play an increasing important role on the world stage. English also has a certain inhibition.

An excellent language will never fade away. As for us, the importance of learning English already need wordy, not only for us, but for our motherland.



















'Money for entrance' lurks in college admissions

Updated: 2013-07-23 15:30

( Xinhua)

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BEIJING - As colleges in China begin delivering letters of admission, some parents cannot wait to make a deal with them -- like spend 1 million yuan ($162,000) buying a place for their child.

If their child has failed to perform well in June's national college entrance exam (CEE) and their scores have not met the college's standards, money is another option.

Though the "money for entrance" practice is prohibited by China's educational authorities, it in fact still happens.

Searching on the Internet, many websites offered advice to parents on how to place their child in major colleges using money.

Xinhua reporters spoke to an agent whose details were on a website titled "qiuxiaojiaoyu" and asked the price for entering a college.

Prices vary for different colleges, the agent calling himself Chen said via the telephone. When mentioning a major college in Nanjing, in east China's Jiangsu Province, the reporter was quoted 1 million yuan. Chen promised a full refund if the student was not enrolled.

The price was confirmed by a member of staff at a college in Nanjing, who refused to be named. "The price was about 200 or 300 thousand yuan last year, but it has surged to at least 1 million yuan as the available quota has been cut to one fifth from last year," he told the reporter.

Places being traded are widely believed to come from various "reserve plans" of colleges.

In China, colleges are given by the provincial government a fixed total quota when recruiting new students. They must recruit most students openly according to their CEE scores.

However, they are also allowed to independently recruit a small percentage of students, which used to be 5 percent of the total quota, who do not qualify in terms of their CEE scores but are "excellent" in other fields such as art or sport.

The "reserve plan" or "independent recruit plan," which is legal is widely used in Chinese colleges.

It is just a "small percentage" that breed corruption in educational fields, said Yin Fei, associate professor with the School of Education Science under Nanjing Normal University.

Through various reserve plans, colleges can decide the candidates

internally, thus rich parents are carrying to colleges bags of cash so their child can get in through a plan, an unnamed parent in east China's Shandong Province told reporters.

Another unnamed college staff member in Shandong revealed that his college earns more than 10 million yuan each year by trading entrance places included in the reserve plan.

"The 'money for entrance' practice has infringed upon the legal rights of most of students and blemished the fairness and justice of the CEE," said Yin.

According to a circular issued in May by the Ministry of Education, it ordered colleges to reduce the 5 percent quota for the reserve plan to 1 percent.

The ministry also said it prohibits and will seriously investigate colleges' illegal practice of "money for entrance" and students involved will not get registered.

The original intention of various reserve plans is to enhance the

independence of colleges in recruiting, have a balance of where students come from and give opportunities to those who lack scores but are outstanding in other areas, according to Yin.

"However, in actual implementation, the quota for the plans are often goods traded between the rich and the powerful and a 'cake' shared by a small group with prestige," said Yin.

Zhang Yangsheng, a researcher of the Jiangsu Institute of Educational Science Research, said the most important way to curb the "money for entrance" practice is transparency, including publicizing information of all students recruited through the reserve plan and explain the reasons why they were recruited.

Zhang advised educational authorities to specify information transparency measures in relevant policies and regulations.

"Educational fairness is the cornerstone of social fairness as well as the duty and meaning of education. This bottom line must be stuck to." said Yin.

Protecting our environment through innovation

Updated: 2013-07-22 17:25

By Edmond Alphandery ( chinadaily.com.cn)


Whilst discussing the global environmental outlook on CO2 emissions and climate change, it can be difficult to give a positive viewpoint.

As progress is being made in renewable energy, investments into other key technologies are beginning to struggle. Public investment in research and development and pilot

projects has decreased by more than 30

percent compared to R&D in the 1980s.

And still, whilst the energy technologies for

climate mitigation are becoming more popular,

energy production from fossil fuels remains the

dominant source and is continuing to grow;

even in Europe which has started importing coal

from the US.

There has been a shale gas revolution in North America. Through the depression of world coal

prices and wider use as it is exported away from Edmond Alphandery, director general the US, shale gas is having a negative impact on-duty of IEEPA Consultative Council, outside of the United States of America. For the chairman of the Euro50 group

first time in three years, the price of coal has

fallen to $100 per ton. Surprisingly, coal fired power stations are continuing to be constructed in Europe as the price of carbon drops and gas fired power plants are decommissioned. Conversely, European industrialists are fearful about the competitiveness of shale gas in the United States.

The continually increasing trend in the use of fossil fuels for global energy production is set to carry on well into the future. Not surprisingly in the International Energy Agency's report on "Energy technology perspective 2012", "the window of opportunity is closing rapidly for achieving the IEA +2 degrees Celsius scenario: the lack of progress in clean energy is alarming".

I am not very optimistic; however, I do agree that investing in clean energy can bring great benefits.

Firstly, as explained by the IEA, I believe that investing in clean energy makes sense. It has estimated that every dollar invested can generate 3 dollars in future fuel saving by 2050.

In its report on "sustainable low carbon city development in China", the World Bank adds that residing in a low carbon city leads to more livable and more competitive cities.

According to the World Bank "The good news is that action to achieve both globally relevant carbon emission reduction and local sustainable development are closely aligned".

But in order to face the huge challenges ahead to reduce CO2 emissions, I suggest that the issue as a whole needs addressing, in terms of supply and demand, to encourage green technologies and behaviors that "optimize the entire system".



在全国人民讨论习主席提出的“中国梦(Chinese dream)”之际,我校学生会开展一次“少

年梦(Pioneer dream)”的演讲。请根据个人情况写一篇你的“少年梦”,具体要求如下:

1. 团结同学、乐于助人、和睦相处;

2. 善于学习,争取在班里名列前茅;

3. 每天锻炼身体,保持饮食平衡;

4. 热爱劳动,每天应当打扫好教室和家里,帮助父母做家务;

5. ......


1 What’s your pioneer dream?

2 How do you do?

3 What are you going to plan?

Pioneer dream

When Chairman Xi mentioned “Chinese dream,”we are talking about our“Pioneer dream” in

our school. As a good student,______________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________















“Ideals and Daydreams”

The image shows a man sitting on a snail, which is moving slowly, while indulged in the imagination of riding a very fast horse. The man is holding a book containing his thoughts on ideals and dreams. The indication is that it is no use daydreaming if you want to achieve more.

Simply dreaming about an action cannot make the action happen. If one cannot put into practice what one dreams about, then such dreams will not come true. You must take actions to make your ambitions possible. If you are satisfied just by sitting and daydreaming, allowing life to pass by slowly without doing anything substantial, then you will lose your potential to achieve great goals. For example, thinking about passing an exam but not studying and only daydreaming that you pass the exam will not give you good grades and even lead to future problems.

If you want to achieve great things in life, then you must act positively. Your ideals will not be realized by simply just daydreaming.


According to a survey of 1,132 Chinese teens from 16 to 18 years old, 88 percent of them reply that they expect their parents to stop helping them financially by the age of 25, while only 6 percent think that they still rely on their parent’s financial support over 25. Again, 6 percent assert that they would like to live off their parents as Neets. (Not in Education, Employment or Training)

Generally, young people seek an independent life upon graduation from the universities in China. They take on full-time jobs, live away from their parents, and finance their own life. If they cannot afford it, they would rather live in the rented apartments or loan some money from the bank. This is a typical pattern how the Chinese younger generation grows up.

However, the recent economic recession and high unemployment rate have influenced their outlook on the traditional values and their expectations, a minor group of people take for granted their excessive financial dependence upon their parents. They hold their parents must be responsible for caring for them and helping them get through the difficulties.

Moreover, the Neets group emerged as a result of long-time over-indulgence on the part of parents and the lack of ability to manage a reasonable consumption. The changing mindset of these teenagers implies that it is essential to make them aware of the importance of being self-reliant and how to prepare for the harsh economic circumstances.

Chinese aging population is expanding fast. According to the figures in the graph, by 2000 China’s population ages 65 and older was almost 90 million, and the elderly could number well over 300 million by 2050.

This surprising demographic transformation has been mainly caused by a significant increase in the country’s life expectancy. The improvement in living standard, nutrition, and access to better medical care all enable people to live a longer life. Moreover, China’s one-child policy is also a contribution to the phenomenon.

With the rapid growth of the aging population, China now faces new challenges in economic and social development. On the one hand, more and more “empty-nest” parents will appear at countryside, as their children often migrate to cities for employment. On the other hand, the labor force will suffer a dramatic decrease by 2025.

Since the impact of the aging population will not fade in the foreseeable future, the government should take some effective measures to care for the elderly, such as bettering their welfare, and healthcare and medical insurance. Only by addressing these situation can China continue to keep the social and economic development and stability.


I can make black tea From ChenShuang

My mother works very hard. I want to make a cup of black tea for mom. What do you need? Oh! We need a cup,sugar,hot water,tea and spoon.

First, put two spoons of tea into a cup. Then, add some hot water. After that, put a cup of sugar into cup. Finally, mix them with a spoon together, and drink them with a spoon. My mother says:“Yum!”I am very happy! Now can you make a black tea?

My family

I have a big family. There are five people. I , my father, my mother and my sisters, my father is the oldest .My sister is younger than me .I was older than my younger sister. My father is fatter than my sister. My mother is fatter than me .My older sister is shorter than my father.

This is my big family.

In 2050 I will


In 2050 I will be a good teacher. I will work in Qing Hua at Mars, People won’t on the earth, They will on Mars, too. I will have big house and fly car on the Mars. In the house, there will have a robot ,if I feel thirsty it will give me water. I will have a girl or boy. My husband will be a pilot. On Mars. There won’t have thieves. Of course, there won’t have policeman either. We will very happy.

On my birthday

Li Mengwei

My birthday is on June 7th.When my birthday I invited many friends to my home. My mother cooked much food and bought a big cake for me.

Then we sang a birthday song. I blew (blow) out the candles and made a wish. Finally we ate the cake. We had a good time.

In 2050 I will… In the 2050, people will go to the moon. They will drive a spaceship. I won't go to school. I will become a vet. I will work hard. I will help many animals.


I will be a good vet. I will very happy.
