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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/24 08:30:12 初中作文

篇一:Will you remember me

小学英语话剧Will you remember me? My best friend? 作者:Wilson Chan Scene 1 两人背靠背在树下,发誓要成为最好的朋友。

Fanta: You are my best friend, I promise.我发誓,我们是最好的朋友

Rever: You know, I would be your best pal, forever. 我会是你最好的伙伴,你懂的。

Fanta: And we are deskmates, forever! 而且我们是永远的同桌!


Scene 2


Fanta: Yeah! I get a full mark! 耶!我考了满分。

Rever并没有祝贺Fanta,而是把试卷压在手臂的下面,趴在桌面上小声哭泣,Fanta从旁边看到,她才考了59分。Fanta 安慰她的好朋友。

Fanta: Don’t be sad! Try again and let’s get a full mark together.

Rever: Em. (擦干眼泪,一起做作业)

Scene 3


Rever(来自:WwW.smhaida.Com 海达 范文 网:do,you,remember,me): Yeah! I get a full mark!耶!我考了满分了! (很开心地抱住Fanta) Fanta: So what? 那有怎么样? (推开Rever, 然后气愤地走开)。

Rever: What’s the matter with her?她怎么回事啊? (看到她的试卷,拿过来一看,是99分。好像明白了什么事。)

Scene 4

老师在上表扬考得好的学生,重点表扬了Rever, 但没有表扬Fanta。 Miss Lee: Rever gets the highest score in our class. Congratulations!

Rever 得了全班最高分,祝贺她!


Scene 5


Rever: Wait. Wait me.等等我。 (Fanta没有理会,继续往前走,Rever追了上去。) Fanta: Go away! 走开!(Rever 一脸疑惑)

Rever: What’s wrong? We’re best friends! 怎么了?我们是最好的朋友啊! Fanta: Not any more! I hate you, I hate your highest score! I don’t want to see you again! 再也不是了!我讨厌你!我讨厌你的最高分!我不想再见到你了!(转身走人)


篇二:Do you remember what you were doing译文


People often remember what they were doing when they d of .


In America,, many people remember what they were doing .在美国,例如,很多人能够回想起他们在1968年4月4日正在做什么。 This was an important events in

American history.在美国现代历史上,这是一个重要的日子。

, Dr Martin Luther Martin



Although some people may not

remember who killed him, they

remember what they were doing when they heard the news.尽管有些人们会不记得谁杀了他,但是他们记得他们当他们听到这个消息时,当时正在干什么。 Robert Allen is now , but he was


小学生. " I was at home with my

parents,"Robert remembers.我和我的父母在家里。罗伯特回忆道。

We were eating dinner in the kitchen when we heard the news .我们正在厨房里吃饭当我们在收音机上听到这个消息。

The news reporter said,"Dr. King died just 10 minutes ago!"新闻报道员说“马丁死于10分钟之前”。

My parents completely !我的父母完全地了。

My parents did not talk after that, and we finished our dinner .我的父母在那之后没有讲话,我们在沉寂中吃完了我们剩余的饭。 , most Americans remember what they were doing when in New York was n


Even the date--September 11,2001-- most Americans.


This was a day Kate Smith will never forget.

这是凯特斯密斯将永远无法忘记的一天。 She s in her office near the two towers.她她2幢塔附近的办公室里。

the World Trade Center!我的朋友喊道有

that it was true.我起先不相信他,但之后我看窗外,意识到这是真的。

after that.” 在那之后我是如


篇三:Do you remember what you were doing教学设计

Do you remember what you were doing? 教学设计 Teaching aims:

1.Knowledge aims

A. Learn new words and phrases: kill , murder,hear about, the World Trade Center , destroy , terrorist , take place , national hero.

B. Read and understand the passage and finish the exercises .

2.Ability aims

A. Scan the passage and match the events and the dates.

B.Read and understand the passage and answer the questions raised by the teacher.

3.Mentality aims

A. Pay more attention to the important events in history .

B.Cooperate with each other actively.

Teaching important and difficult points:

1.Important points

A. Learn new words and phrases: kill , murder,hear about, the World Trade Center , destroy , terrorist , take place , national hero.

B. Read and understand the passage and finish the exercises .

2.Difficult points

Read and understand the passage and finish the exercises correctly in a limited time.

Teaching Procedure:

1. Greeting

T:How are you ?

Ss:I’m fine.Thanks .And you ?

T: I’m OK.I am very happy to meet you here.Are you happy? Ss:Yes.



T: I remember man first walked on the moon on July 20,1969. I remember Hongkong returned to China in 1997.I remember Macao returned to China in 1999. Do you remember anything important in history? If you do,can you tell me?

(Choose some students to tell me some important events)

T: Great! Today we are going to learn Do you remember what you were doing?

(Show the title on the screen)

In this article ,we can learn about some important events in history. First , let’a take a look at some pictures.

3.Learn new words and phrases

1.Present new words and phrases

( Show a picture of Martin Luther King)

T: Who is that man?

Ss: Martin Luther King.

T: Do you know anything about him?

(If students know about him , I will ask a student to tell me . If they don’t,I will tell them something about King and show them new words and phrases: kill , murder and hear about.I will go on like this.This is Martin Luther King .He was killed in Memphis on April 4,1968.Although many people don’t remember who murdered him , they remember what they were doing when they heard about the event)

T:What’s that?

(Show a picture of the World Trade Center)

Ss:The World Trade Center.

T:Where is the World Trade Center?

Ss: In the United States(America).

T: Can we see the World Trade Center in America now?

Ss:No,we can’t.

T:Why ?

Ss: It was destroyed by terrorists?

T:When did it take place?

Ss: On September 11,2001.

(Show new words : the World Trade Center,destory ,terrorist and take place)

T: Who’s that man?

(Show a picture of Yang Liwei)

Ss:Yang Liwei.

T:Can you tell me something about him?

S1: He is the first Chinese astronaut in space .He went into space on October 15,2003.His flight around the earth lasted about 22 hours.When he returned ,he became a national hero in China.

(Show some information about Yang Liwei on the screen to help the student to tell us the event.Show new phrase : national hero.)

2.Read new words and phrases

T: Read the new words and phrases twice together.

4.Read and understand

Step 1:Scan the passage

T:Scan the passage and match the events and the dates on the screen. (Before they do the exercise,I will tell them a scanning strategy .大家先看连线部分的右边,这些信息主要告诉我们事件发生的时间。那么,快速阅读的时候,需要大家直接把课文的时间全部找出来,然后再连线,这样不需要阅读全文也能作题,这就是快速阅读的技巧。)

Step 2:Read the passage

T:I will give you eight minutes to read the passage loudly ,then talk with your partners and answer the questions on the screen. (Show the questions on the screen.

1.Why do many American people remember April 4,1968?

2.Where was Martin Luther king killed?

3.What was Robert Allen doing when Martin Luther King was killed?

4.What did their teacher ask them to do then?

5 .Who destroyed the World Trade Center?

Was that a terrible event in history?

6.Who became the first Chinese astronaut in space?8.What did he became when he returned? )

Step 3: Read aloud the passage after the teacher

Step 4:Retell the passage

T:Retell the passage to your partners.

(Show the passage on the screen.

People often remember what they were doing when they heard the news of importnt events.For example ,many Americans remember April 4,1968,because on this day, Martin Luther King was killed in Memphis.

Robert was a student at that time ,but he remembers what he was doing when he heard the news.When he and his friends were having fun ,his teacher came and told them the news that King was murdered. King’s murder took place about 30 years ago .However,in more recent times,most Americans remember what they were doing when the World Trade Center was destroyed by terrorists on September 11,2001.

Not all events in history are as terrible as this. Many Americans still

remember what they were doing when man first walked on the moon on July 20,1969.In more recent history ,most Chinese remember what they were doing when YangLiwei went into space on October 15,2003.His flight lasted about 22 hours .When he returned ,he became a national hero in China.)


If time permits, have a brief summary about the new words and phrases.


Tell your partner an event that you remember well.

Give dates and say why you remember it, and what you were doing at the time when you heard the news.

篇四:Do you remember what you were doing教案

A Teaching Plan for Reading in Unit 5

Ⅰ. Teaching Contents:

Do You Remember What You Were Doing?

Ⅱ. Teaching goals and important points:

1. Help the Ss learn to grasp the main idea quickly.

2. Help the Ss have a further understanding of how the Past Continuous Tense is used in real situations.

3. Guide the Ss to describe an event orally and retell the whole passage.

Ⅲ. Teaching difficult points:

1. How to grasp the main idea of the text?

2. How to describe an event and retell the whole text?

Ⅳ. Teaching procedures:

Step 1 Presentation

Hello, boys and girls. I’m your new teacher today. I hope we will have a good time today. In our daily life, there are many things happening around us everyday. For example, in 2008, an unpleasant thing happened in Wenchuan, and many thousands of people died or lost their homes during the earthquake. This was a miserable time for people in Wenchuan, and people all over the world cried for them and prayed for them.When I heard the news, I was working in my office and I couldn’t believe it at first. But then, I realized it’s true. I felt very sad at that time.

So boys and girls, I guess,at that time, you were still a pupil, a 7 or 8 year-old boy or girl, but I’m sure you still remember this event. Right?(The Ss may respond saying yes or just nodding.)

T: Look at the picture. When did it happen?

Ss: On May 12th, 2008.

T: How did you feel when you heard the news?

Ss: I felt surprised and upset.

T: Where were you when you heard the news?

Ss: At home./At School./On the road./On my way to school....

T: What were you doing at that time?

Ss: I was having my lunch./I was watching Tv./I was riding my bike to school….

(Try to give as many students as possible some time to answer the question. )

Good. I can see that many students still remember this event and what you were doing during this event.


Step 2 Pre-reading

Ok, boys and girls, attention, please! I’d like all of you to close your books. Just look at the the two pictures on the screen. Now I’d like to ask you some questions.

Look at Picture 1. What can you see in the picture? A man is standing on the stage. I can see many other people around. Maybe he is making a speech. He seems like a leader. Do you know who he is?

Look at Picture 2. What can you see in the picture? I can see some smoke. I can also see

some tall buildings. I don’t know what are the names of the buildings. Maybe the building was taken down.

Now, boys and girls, please look at the screen, today we’re going to read a passage. The title is Do You Remember What You Were Doing? Just look at the title and the two pictures on the screen, can you guess what the text is about? Now, I will give you one minute to think about it. If you get the answer, please hands up!(Ask some students to guess what the text may be about, any answer will be ok.)


Step 3 Reading

1. Read the first sentence of each paragraph and see if their guess about the main idea of the

passage is right.


Now class, open your books on Page 38 and read the first sentence of each paragraph and see if your guess is right.Now I’ll give you 2 minutes.

Ok, have you finished? Now, tell me which group did a better job.

So the main idea of the passage is the 1st sentence of the text. Well, I think this sentence is a bit long and difficult to understand. Now, who would like to explain or translate the sentence for us? ……

2. Read again. (Scanning the text.)


Well, boys and girls, you did a very good job. Now, one more question, in the text, we can see two pictures, and through the pictures, we can know something may be happening in the pictures. Now,attention, please! This time I’d like you to read the text more carefully and tell me what are the two events in the passage. I’ll see who can find the answer more quickly. And also I’ll see who can describe the event in your own words.

3. Read the whole text carefully and finish off the exercises 2c and 2d.


Step 4 Post-reading

1.As we know, the main idea of the passage is that people often remember what they were doing when they heard the news of important events in history. And in the text, the author gives two examples.

Then I’d like to ask you another question, why did the author write the passage? Or, the purpose of writing. (写作目的) I think this may be a difficult and challenging question, but also a very important question. Now who would like to show your opinion?.....

The author wants to prove a fact.

The author wants to prove the fact that people often remember what they were doing when they heard the news of important events in history.



2. Language points.

Ask the Ss to scan the text again and find out the difficult points, and then study them together with other students with the help of the teacher .(分组找问题,看哪些句子或单词自己不太明白,然后一起解决,先采取同学互助的形式,实在解决不了的老师再介入。)


3. Find the sentences with the past continuous tense and try to translate them. (easy job)


4. Fill in the blanks according to the text.


5. Retell the text with the help of the teacher and then by themselves.



First, answer the following questions and then retell the text according to them.先简要回答下列问题,然后根据问题复述文章。

1. Why did the author write this passage?

2. What was the event?

3. When did it happen?

4. Where did it happen?

5. Who is Robert Allen?

6. What was he doing /Where was he when he heard the news?

7. How did his parents and he feel?

8. Another event.(what, when,where)

9. What was Kate Smith doing when he heard the news?

10. Kate Smith’s feeling when he heard the news.

Step 5. Homework

1. Surf the internet, find more information about Dr. Martin Luther King. Collect 5 sentences

about him.

2. Read aloud the text after the tape and try to retell the text.

3. Make notes about an event you remember well.

篇五:Don't you remember中英文歌词

Don't You Remember


歌曲:Don't You Remember



作者:Adele Adkins,Dan Wilson

制作人:Rick Rubin



《Don't You Remember》收录于2011年Adele的格莱美获奖专辑《21》中,普通版专辑第4首歌曲为录音室版本,豪华版中特别收录了现场Acoustic。曾在ITunes Festival,与2011年9月22日的 伦敦 皇家 艾伯特 厅的个人演唱会上进行现场演唱。


When will I see you again?


You left with no goodbye, not a single word was said

你不辞而别 一言未发

No final kiss to seal anything


I had no idea of the state we were in.


I know I have a fickle heart and bitterness

我知道我有一颗变化无常的心 还有心痛

And a wandering eye, and a heaviness in my head

还有看不透一切的双目 放不下一切的双手

But don't you remember, don't you remember?

但你难道不记得 难道你忘记了

The reason you loved me before,


Baby please remember me once more.


When was the last time you thought of me?


Or have you completely erased me from your memories?


Cause I often think about where I happen to roam(wander.drift.rambble.stray) 因为我经常不知我该去何处方能见你

the more I do, the less I know.

多的再多 却都没有结果

But I know I have a fickle heart and bitterness

And a wandering eye, and a heaviness in my head.

But don't you remember, don't you remember?

The reason you loved me before,

Baby please remember me once more.


I gave you the space so you could breathe,


I kept my distance so you would be free,

我离你远远的 让你不觉压抑

I hope that you find the missing piece to bring you back to me. 我希望你能找到爱情遗失的那一片 将你重新带回我的身边 Why don't you remember, don't you remember?


The reason you loved me before,


Baby please remember you used to love me.

BABY 为什么忘记你曾经爱过我

When will I see you again?

何时 才能与你相见
