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股票 :

1. stock, share

常见银行术语英汉对照 ...

public bond 公债

stock, share 股票

debenture 债券 ...

2. equities

金融英语词汇-侨源山庄业主论坛-广州房地产门户-搜... ... 回报率 rate of return

股票 equities

违约 default ...

3. stock

托业词汇:财务及投资 ...

revenue 收益;岁入;税收

stock 公债;证券;股票

withdrawl 收回;取回;撤回;提款 ...

4. share

Fanicial English : A Jetp... ... hed-e mutual fund 对冲式共同基金 share 股票

valuation 股价


Seven things to do while waiting for someone 等人时可做的7件事

Life is filled with more instances of waiting than actually doing what we were waiting for. We all have gone through the irritating period of waiting for someone who is a regular late comer. These times come quite often in life and can be made exciting and productive instead of boring and restless if you follow these 7 tips given below.


1. Edit pictures


In this era of smartphones, you can’t really get bored while awaiting someone. However, if you are fed up of playing games and chatting aimlessly online, you could download a host of exciting photo editing apps. They are great fun to use on pictures and one can keep editing for hours altogether, it’s that addictive.


2. Observe people around you


A great exercise to do is to observe people around you. This doesn’t mean that you stare at them. Keep glancing at their actions, expressions and voices. Surely you would be able to find something new, interesting and amusing from such observations.


3. Close your eyes


If you are in a public place or on a transport vehicle, ensure that you are not wearing any expensive jewelry and clutch your purse before doing this exercise. Close your eyes, massage your temples and eyes and rotate your neck. This is an excellent relaxation technique to calm your nerves.


4. Chew gum


Purchase a pack of gum or keep one handy in your purse at all times so that you can chew on a gum while waiting for your not so punctual colleague or friend. This will be like an exercise for your jaw and facial muscles that will help in toning the fat on the face.



5. Keep a small book or Rubik cube handy


You could always store away a small book or Rubik cube in your purse if your profession demands many instances of waiting around. Banish boredom with these 2 items that will keep you intellectually and mentally stimulated.


6. Explore your surroundings


You may have been at that very place numerous times, but never really explored it. Use this extra time constructively by roaming around in the area and knowing new things about it. Traveling, how much ever far away or nearby, is always novel and exciting.


7. Try to compose a poem


Put your creative juices to good use by trying to bring out the poet in you. You could use your frustration over waiting and use mockery of the late-comer as an inspiration for your poem or even the surroundings. Make rhyming lines and make yourself laugh over how silly you may be sounding.


篇三:常用英语口语 (19)

381. My brother is see king a job. 我弟弟正在找工作。

382. Nancy will retire next year. 南希明年就退休了。

383. Neither you nor he is wrong. 你没错,他也没错。

384. Opportunity knocks but once. 机不可失,时不再来。 385. She dressed herself hastily. 她匆忙穿上衣服。

386. She hired a car by the hour. 她租了一辆按钟点计费的汽车。 387. Someone is ringing the bell. 有人在按门铃。

388. The Smiths are my neighbors. 史密斯一家是我的邻居。 389. These shoes don't fit right. 这双鞋不太合适。

390. This is only the first half. 这才是上半场呢。

391. This pen doesn't write well. 这钢笔不好写。

392. Would you like a cup of tea? 你想喝杯茶吗?

393. You really look sharp today. 你今天真漂亮。

394. Another cat came to my house. 又有一只猫来到我家了。

395. Check your answers with mine. 把你的答案跟我的核对一下。 396. Don't keep the truth from me. 别瞒着我事实真相。 397. Everything has its beginning. 凡事都有开端。

398. He came to the point at once. 他一下子就说到了点子上。 399. He fell behind with his work. 他工作落后了。

400. He is the happiest man alive. 他是世界上最快乐的人。


Lesson 19

NASA Missions-the Space Science

Enterprises Ahead

1 In the decade ahead we have the opportunity to address many of these exciting and engaging issues, developing missions to gain new Answers and enrich the story.


There will be twists and turns along the way, unexpected discoveries that will show us the Universe is not quite the way wo thought.

这个过程会很坎坷,意外地发现会让我们知道这个宇宙不是我们想的 那样.

And there will almost certainly be difficulties .


Developing new tools to (来自:WwW.smhaida.Com 海达 范文 网:19用英语怎么写)expend the frontiers of the known is always challenging.


But a coherent, practical, and affordable strategy is feasible. 但是一个相关性的,实用性的,负担得起的战略可行.

NASA's Space Science Enterprise can provide more precise answers to Fundamental questions about the formation and evolution of the Universe,



how the Sun influences Earth, the history of planets and satellites in our Solar system, and the occurrence of life either in our tiny region of space or in the larger neighborhood of our Galaxy.


The Program: 2000-2004


2 Missions and programs expected to start or be enhanced in 2000-

任务和项目都期盼在2000~20004年开始或提高科学目标局的 2004 will contribute to achieving the Enterprise Science Goals. 贡献.

GOAL 1-Understand how structure in our Universe(e.s.clusters of galaxies) emerged from the Big Bang. 目标1、明白宇宙大爆炸是怎么样形成的。

3 Direct observation of the most distant galaxies to pin down the epoch of galaxy formation is of critical importance. 直接观察最遥远的星系可追溯到星系形成的史诗是鉴定的重要性。 This must be carried out at near-intrared wavelengths required a telescope with a large aperture(to provide sensitivity to

faint objects) and superb angular resolution(to observe structure in distant objects).

这必须靠近距离红外线的波长和一个有着大口径和一个好角度分辨 率的(去观察遥远目标的结构)的望远镜。(去看清模糊的目标) This is a prime motivation for the Next Generation Space Telescope (NGST).


NGST collaborative Far-Infrared and Submillimeter Telescope(FIRST).


Measuring at longer wavelengths where many galaxies emit most of their radiation, FIRST will be superb at finding high redshift galaxies,complementing NGST searches in the nearinfrared.

测量远处的大部分星系发射出它们的辐射,远处红外线和亚毫米的望 远镜会一流的找出高的轰响移动的星系,补充下一代太空望远镜在近 红外区的探索。

In addition, the Constellation X-ray mission will find distant clusters via their X-ray signatures, measuring their distance and heavy element content and tracing the history of cluster formation.

另外,X光的星座可以发现远距离的X特征的光束,测量它们的距 离和重要的元素内容并且追溯到构造群的历史。

--------------------------------------------------- 7 A new research and analysis initiative ,astrobiology ,has been developed to expand exobiology research and invest in areas of evolutionary biology ,in part ,to further our understanding of how life may persist and evolve to become a global force .


This objective of astrobiology is to reconstruct the conditions on the early earth ,including sun-earth interactions ,that were required for the origin of life and determine the nature of processes which govern the evolution of life .


Two approaches to learn about life on early earth are to investigate the geological record and use the genetic record ,contained in contemporary microorganism ,to characterize traits of our microbial ancestors.


篇五:话题 19 如何用英语描写世界与环境

话题 19 如何用英语描写世界与环境 The world and the



假如你叫李华,你和笔友 Jane 互寄了全家的合影。Jane 看了合影后来信问为什么你

注意:1 2.开头已给出,不记字数;

3.参与词汇:计划生育 family program,独生子女 the only child

Dear Jane,

Thank you for your letter and the photo of your family.Now I am writing to tell you why I am the only child in my family.

_____________________________________________________________________ 第一步:认真审题,提炼要点




1.grow very fast

2.control the rapid increase of population/control the birth rate

3.one child for each couple

4.get/receive/better education,get more love from the family

5.selfish/lonely/not independent/depend more on their parents

6.should make more friends


1.The population of China is growing very fast.

2.The government has begun to control the rapid increase of population.

3.A couple has only one child.

4.The child can get more love and more chances to get better education.

5.The only child is sometimes selfish,not so independent and feels lonely.

6.I hope every child should learn to make more friends.


Dear Jane,

Thank you for your letter and the photo of your family.Now I am writing to tell you why I am the only child in my family.

As you know,the population of China is growing very fast.In order to control the rapid

increase of population,in the 1980s the government began to put into practice a family program — one child for each couple.As a result,most families have only one child.

Most people are in favor of the program because the child can get more love from the family and more chances to get better education.While others are against it,for the only child is selfish,and not so independent.Sometimes they feel lonely.I think,every only child like me should learn to make more friends.

Hope that we write more often.Best wishes.


Li Hua


人口的增长一直是世界关注的问题,请根据以下提示,以“A Sharp Increase in World Population”为题写一篇 120 词左右的短文。内容应包括以下要点:

1.世界人口的第一个十亿是从有生命之初直到 1830 年。该过程历时两百万年。

2.世界人口迅速增长,1930 年达到 20 亿,而 1960 年则达到 30 亿,间隔只有30 年,此后的人口增速更加疯狂,1975 即达到 40 亿,间隔只有 15 年。


4.措施:我们应该把人口增长控制在一定范围内,否则,地球将无法承受爆炸的人口。 范文:

A Sharp Increase in World Population

According to the figures given,progress in science and the improvement of living conditions have led to the rapid growth of the world population.It took at least two million years from the beginning of human life to the year 1830 for the population of the earth to reach one billion.After that,the world population increased rapidly,adding up to two billion in 1930,while in 1960 the next billion Was formed,only within 30 years.From then on the global population was on a crazy rise,amounting to 4 billion in 1975,with only 15 years afterwards.

Two reasons might be considered to account for these great changes in the world population.To begin with,with the development of science and technology in the field of medicine,the birth rate is continuously climbing.To make things worse,some countries,especially developing countries,seldom take any birth control policy.On the other hand,the death rate is steadily declining because of improved living standards.

In the future,we must take effective measures to control world population growth.Otherwise,the world would not be able to put up with the exploding population. 点评:



悉尼是澳大利亚重要的商业、贸易和旅游中心。请你根据下列表格的提示写一篇有关悉尼的短文。(字数:100 左右)



Sydney is an important commercial,industrial and tourist centre.It lies on the southeast coast of Australia.It has an area of 35,059 square miles.The population of it is more than three million.In Sydney you can enjoy some famous sights,such as harbor,Sydney Harbor Bridge and Opera House.There are many places such as cinemas,night clubs,zoo parks and beaches in Sydney.The popular sports are surfing and swimming.
