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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/24 19:18:17 字数作文



The train shakes back and forth, its wheels making a loud noise against the tracks. Outside the window the freezing cold of winter rules. The carriage is filled with cold, ___1___ passengers.

Suddenly a little boy ___2___ his way through the grown-up legs and sits down by the window. He is all alone among the ___3___ grown-ups. What a brave child, I think. His father ___4___ very strange happens suddenly. The ___5___ little boy slides down from his seat and leans his hand on my knee. ___6___, I think that he wants to ___7___ me and return to his father, so I help him to stand up. But instead he leans forward and holds his ___8___ up towards mine. He wants to say something to me, I think. I lower my head to receive the ___9___. Wrong again! What I do receive is a ___10___ kiss on the cheek.

The boy calmly returns to his seat, leans back and continues looking out of the window. I am ___11___. What just happened? A child is kissing ___12___ grown-ups on the train. How can anybody want to kiss such a man that has so much beard? Soon enough, all of my neighbors are certainly ___13___. Nervous and a little surprised, we ___14___ at the father. When he sees our questioning ___15___ as he gets ready for his stop, he offers a clue(线索).

“He’s so happy to be alive,” the father says. “He has been very sick.”

Father and son ___16___ into the crowd moving toward the exit. The doors close and the train goes on. On my cheek I can still ___17___ the child’s kiss—a kiss that has triggered(触发) some soul-search inside me. How many ___18___ kissing each other from the joy of being alive? How many even give much thought to the privilege(特权)of ___19___?

The little kisser had taught us a sweet but serious lesson: Be careful you don’t let yourself ___20___ before your heart stops!

1. A. excited 2. A. feels 3. A. unfriendly 4. A. likes

B. tired B. fights B. friendly B. promises

C. pleased C. pushes C. angry C. chooses

D. surprised D. picks D. kind D. agrees

5. A. impolite 6. A. In no time 7. A. kick 8. A. eye 9. A. news 10. A. loud 11. A. pleased

B. serious B. For a moment B. strike B. ear B. message B. foolish B. shocked

C. lucky C. In a while C. kiss C. head C. kiss C. strange C. satisfied C. unknown C. scolded C. warn C. mouths C. disappear C. smell C. keep on C. living C. die

D. ugly

D. Once in a while D. pass D. lip D. fortunate D. interested D. familiar D. persuaded D. whisper D. whisper D. feeling D. follow D. feel D. insist on D. death D. sleep

12. A. well-known B. smart 13. A. praised 14. A. stare 15. A. glances 16. A. appear 17. A. touch 18. A. go around 19. A. a child 20. A. live

B. kissed B. smile B. anger B. get B. trust B. come at B. a kiss B. stop


1. B。根据前面的 cold 得出答案“又冷、又疲劳”的旅客。

2. C。根据下文,从大人的腿间“挤着往前走(push one’s way是固定短语)”。

3. A。根据上文“从大人腿间挤过去”和下文作者让他过去,他给作者一个吻作为谢意来判断,那些大人有些“不友好”。

4. C。根据四个选项和句子的意思,只有 chooses 符合句意。

5. B。从上文他想从那些不友好的大人的腿间挤过去来判断,小孩的脸是“严肃的”。 6. B。根据下文,作者“一下子”想起他想从我这儿“过去”并回到他爸爸跟前。 7. D。参考第6题解析的下半句。

8. C。从下文的“他想对我说什么来看”可判断是“头”倾向作者。 9. B。因为我以为他是想对我说什么,所以判断是“信息”。

10. A。根据四个选项,在脸颊上亲一个吻应该是“响亮的”,其余选项不符句意。 11. B。作者对一个陌生小孩突然吻自己感到“震惊”。

12. C。从上下文得知他们都是旅客,互相都不“认识”。 13. B。从上文可知“我周围的人也肯定被吻了”。

14. B。 因为作者对这件事感到惊奇,又因为他是个孩子,所以向他爸爸“微笑”。 15. A。因为都是陌生人,所以他爸爸带着质疑的眼光(glance)。 16. C。从下文“向出口走去”得出答案“消失在人群中”。

17. D。根据前后意思得出答案“作者还能感觉到小孩在脸上所留下的吻”。

18. A。 从上文“作者想象到,这孩子为了愉快地活着,到处吻别人不知多少次了”。 19. C。根据上文 being alive 得出答案。

20. C。根据下文的 your heart stops 来得出答案。



永丰二中 丁老师 QQ411921081


I played a racquetball(回力网球)game against my cousin Ed last week. It was one of the most ___1___ and tiring games I?ve ever had. When Ed first phoned and ___2___ we play, I laughed quietly, figuring on an ___3___ victory. After all, Ed?s idea of ___4___ has always been nothing more ___5___ than lifting a fork to his mouth. ___6___ I can remember, Ed?s been the least physically fit member in the family, and ___7___ proud of himself.

His big stomach has always ballooned out between his T-shirt and trousers. Although the family often ___8___ about that, Ed refused to buy a ___9___ T-shirt or to lose weight. So when Ed ___10___ for our game not only with the bottom of his shirt gathered inside his trousers but also with a stomach you could hardly ___11___, I was so surprised that I was ___12___. My cousin must have made an effort to get himself into shape. ___13___, at the point in our game when I?d have predicted(预计) the score to be about 9 to 1 in my favor, it was ___14___ 7 to 9 — and Ed was ___15___.

The sudden realization was painful. We ___16___ to play like two mad men. When the score was 16 up, I was having serious ___17___ about staying alive until 21 years old, let alone ___18___ that many points. When the game finally ended, both of us were lying flat on our backs, too tired to ___19___. In a way, I think we both won: I the game, but cousin Ed my ___20___.

1. A. encouraging B. hopeless C. surprising D. regular

2. A. declared B. mentioned C. persuaded D. suggested

3. A. unforgettable B. unexpected C. easy D. early

4. A. exercise B. preparation C. joy D. fitness

5. A. time-saving B. comfortable C. suitable D. effort-making

6. A. As soon as B. As long as C. When D. Since

D. eagerly 7. A. strangely B. personally C. reasonably

8. A. cared

(转 载于:wWw.SmHaIDA.cOM 海达 范文 网:the,train,shakes)

9. A. clean B. forgot C. quarreled D. joked B. larger C. straight D. darker

10. A. set out B. got ready C. arrived D. returned

11. A. notice B. admire C. believe

12. A. nervous B. curious D. measure D. speechless C. careless

13. A. After all B. As a result C. Above all D. At last

D. naturally

D. counting 14. A. mistakenly B. then C. instead 15. A. leading B. coming

16. A. pretended

17. A. thoughts C. waiting B. stopped C. continued D. decided B. doubts C. situations D. problems

C. receiving D. keeping 18. A. scoring B. completing

19. A. play B. start C. sleep D. move

B. respectC. support D. favor 20. A. friendship


Some myths are stories told since ancient times to explain the causes for natural happenings. The Greek myth that explains why there are changes of ___36___ is about Demeter, the goddess of the harvest. She had a daughter, Persephone, whom she loved very much. Hades, god of the underworld, fell in love with Persephone, and he asked Zeus, the ___37___ of the gods, to give Persephone to him as his ___38___. Zeus did not want either to disappoint Hades or to upset Demeter, so he said he would not agree to the marriage, but neither would he ___39___ it.

Hades, therefore, decided to take the girl without ___40___. When Persephone was picking flowers in the garden, he seized her and took her to the underworld. When Demeter ___41___ what happened to Persephone, she became so ___42___ that she caused all plants to ___43___ People were in ___44___ of starving.

But Demeter was determined not to let crops grow ___45___ her daughter, Persephone, was returned to her. ___46___, still not wanting to disappoint Hades, decided upon a condition for Persephone?s ___47___. She could go back to her mother if she had not ___48___ anything while she was in the underworld. Demeter ___49___ it because she did not know that Persephone had eaten several pomegranate(石榴) seeds in the underworld.

When Zeus __50__ this, he agreed that Persephone could spend part of the year with her __51__, but he added that since she had eaten the seeds, she must spend part of the year in the underworld. and so it __52__ that when Persephone is in the underworld, Demeter is sad and

therefore __53___ not let the crops grow. That is __54__ we have winter when plants do not grow. When Persephone returns, Demeter is __55__, it is spring, and plants begin to grow again.

36. A. periods B. seasons C. time D. age

D. fighter 37. A. winner B. ruler C. advisor

38. A. wife B. lover C. partner D. daughter

C. admit D. accept

D. permission 39. A. forbid B. forgive 40. A. arrangement B. warning C. reason

41. A. let out B. worked out C. thought out D. found out

D. serious

C. stop growing D. grow slowly 42. A. excited B. tired C. angry 43. A. grow fast B. start growing

44. A. danger B. hope C. turn D. case

45. A. since B. until C. after D. when

D. Hades 46. A. Persephone B. Zeus C. Demeter

47. A. return B. change C. marriage D. journey

48. A. stolen B. found C. eaten D. heard

49. A. understood B. refused

50. A. discovered B. studied

51. A. daughter B. mother C. doubted D. accepted C. forgot D. prepared C. god D. ruler

D. starts 52. A. works B. remains

53. A. should B. can C. happens C. dare D. will

C. why D. how

C. fresh D. happy 54. A. where B. because 55. A. nice

B. friendly

3.2005高考英语全国卷三(四川,云南卷)完形填空答案及解析(310字) Oldsmobile entered its space - and I shouted at her, “Can?t you see you?re notme enough space” Park father over.” Banging(猛推driver shouted back: “Make me!”

. Then one day, I thought, “What can I do?” I soon found 挡风玻璃):

Dear Yellow Oldsmobile,

I?m sorry mistress(女主人) shouted at yours the other day. She?s been sorry about it. I know it because she doesn?t sing anymore while . It wasn?t like her to scream . Fact is, she?d just

Your neighbor,

Blue Buick my windshield:

Dear Blue Buick, much farther over after this. I?m glad we can be

Your neighbor,

Yellow Oldsmobile

After that, whenever Blue Buick Yellow Oldsmobile on the road, their drivers waved cheerfully and smiled.

21.A.driven B.parked C.stopped D.stayed

22.A.complete B.Close C.narrow D.fixed

23.A.quite B.nearly C.seldom D.hardly

24.A.hurriedly B.first C.finally D.timely

25.A.as usual B.as planned C.as well D.as yet

26.A.run into B.run about C.run out D.run off

27.A.keeping B.saving C.offering D.leaving

28.A.mine B.hers C.itself D.ours

29.A.For B.With C.From D.Upon

30.A.room B.area C.front D.side

31.A.an instruction B.a result C.an answer D.a chance

32.A.put B.wrote C.sent D.discovered

33.A.working B.driving C.returning D.cooking

34.A.on end B.so long C.like that D.any more

35.A.hope B.know C.suppose D.suggest

36.A.comfort B.Help C.forgive D.please

37.A.office B.flat C.place D.garage

38.A.crazily B.Eagerly C.noisily D.early

39.A.neighbors B.friends C.drivers D.writers

40.A.followed B.passed C.found D.greeted


The train shakes back and forth, its wheels making a loud noise against the tracks. Outside the window the freezing cold of winter rules. The carriage is filled with cold, __1__ passengers.

Suddenly a little boy ___2___ his way through the grown-up legs and sits down by the window. He is all alone among the ___3___ grown-ups. What a brave child, I think. His father ___4___ very strange happens suddenly. The __5__ little boy slides down fromhis seat and leans his hand on my knee. ___6___, I think that he wants to ___7___ me and return to his father, so I help him to stand up. But instead he leans forward and holds his ___8___ up towards mine. He wants to say something to me, I think. I lower my head to receive the ___9___. Wrong again! What I do receive is a ___10___ kiss onthe cheek.

The boy calmly returns to his seat, leans back and continues looking out of the window. I am ___11___. What just happened? A child is kissing ___12___ grown-ups onthe train. How can anybody want to kiss such a man that has so much beard? Soon enough, all of my neighbors are certainly ___13___. Nervous and a little surprised, we ___14___ at the father. When he sees our questioning __15__ as he gets ready for his stop,he offers a clue(线索).

“He?s so happy to be alive,” the father says. “He has been very sick.”Father and son ___16___ into the crowd moving toward the exit. The doors close and the train goes on. On my cheek I can still ___17___ the child?s kiss—a kiss that has triggered(触发) some soul-search inside me. How many ___18___ kissing each other from the joy of being alive? How many even give much thought to the privilege(特权)of _19_? The little kisser had taught us a sweet but serious lesson: Be careful you don?t let yourself ___20___ before your heart stops!

1. A. excited B. tired C. pleased

2. A. feels D. surprised B. fights C. pushes D. picks

B. friendly C. angry D. kind 3. A. unfriendly



英 语










I.听力 (共9题,满分10分)

第一节:信息填空(共6小题, 每小题1分,满分6分 )



Hello and welcome to a Renaissance art tour of Italy. I just want to introduce the course and

talk about some of the things we will be doing here in Florence during our time together. Well, as

you know, this course is to ________1__________of not only Renaissance art, but also the culture

and history of this wonderful period. This course is designed to help you _______2_________

some of the most wonderful achievements of Renaissance art in Florence and the works of many

of the city’s ______3___________like Leonardo Da Vinci and Michelangelo, Brunelleschi,

Masaccio, Donatello, Botticelli—all in five days! While most of our time will be spent looking at

the works in their _________4__________at the city’s museum, galleries and churches, some of

our time will be spent attending lectures. Please note that all the lectures _______5_________here

in the Harold Acton Library. After lunch we will have our first lecture, Florence and the

Renaissance, with Marcello Bellini. Marcello is _______6_________Florentine history and his

lectures are never dull.

第二节:听力理解(共3小题, 7-8每题1分,第9题2分,满分4分)


7. What did Colonel H Nelson Jackson decide to do by automobile(汽车)?


8. When did he arrive in New York?


9. Why did the woman give him wrong directions?


II. 语言知识及运用(共三节,满分55分)

第一节:单项选择(共10小题,每小题1分, 满分10分)

10. We have various summer camps for your holiday. You can choose ____________ based on

your own interests.

A. either B. each C. it D. one

11. Come and see me whenever _____________.

A. you are convenient B. you’ll be convenient

C. it is convenient to you D. it will be convenient to you

12. --What was the party like?

-- Wonderful! It is years ________________ I enjoyed myself so much.

A. after B. since C. when D. before

13. _________ around the Water Cube, we were then taken to see the Bird’s Nest for the 2008

Olympic Games.

A. Having shown B. To be shown C. Having been shown D. To show

14. The book became a best seller after it __________ last month.

A. came up B. came out C. came about D. came across

15. If we had taken such an effective measure much earlier, the river ________ so seriously now.

A. is not polluted B. would not have been polluted

C. had not been polluted D. would not be polluted

16. In China today, students who are intended to study abroad _________ almost 10 percent and

most of them choose to go to developed countries, like US, Australia, UK and so on.

A. make up B. stand for C. turn up D. build up

17. --When did you meet Charles for the first time?

-- It was last summer _________ I had a business trip in Shanghai.

A. that B. which C. when D. what

18. To tell you the truth, if it were not for the fact that you ________ my daughter, I would not

take such pains to serve you.

A. were B. have been C. had been D. are

19. Jane’s pale face suggested that she ________ ill, and her parents suggested that she _________

a medical examination.

A. be; should have B. was; have C. should be; have D. was; has

第二节 完形填空(共15小题,每小题2分,满分30分)

The train shakes back and forth, its wheels making a loud noise against the tracks. Outside

the window the freezing cold of winter rules. The carriage is filled with cold, passengers.

Suddenly a little boy way through the grown-up legs and sits down by the

window. He is all alone among the grown-ups. What a brave child, I think. His father

strange happens suddenly. The boy slides down from his seat and leans his hand on my

knee. For a moment, I think that he wants to stand up. But instead he leans forward and holds his something to me, I think. I lower my head to receive the . Wrong again! What I do receive

is a kiss on the cheek.

What just happened? A child kissing a(n) grown-up on the train. How can

anybody want to kiss such a man that has so much beard? Soon enough, all of my neighbors are

duly(有计划. Nervous and a little surprised, we at the father. When he sees our

questioning ―He’s so happy to be alive.‖ the father says. ―He has been very sick.‖

Father and son the crowd moving toward the exit. Then doors close and the

train goes on. On my cheek I can still the child’s kiss.

20. A. tired B. excited C. pleased D. surprised

21. A. feels B. winds C. picks D. pushes

22. A. kind B. friendly C. angry D. unfriendly

23. A. likes B. prefers C. chooses D. agrees

24. A. sick B. lucky C. serious D. ugly

25. A. beat B. strike C. kiss D. pass

26. A. eyes B. head C. ear D. lip

27. A. news B. message C. kiss D. opinion

28. A. loud B. foolish C. strange D. fortunate

29. A. unknown B. smart C. well-known D. familiar

30. A. praised B. kissed C. scolded D. persuaded

31. A. glare B. warn C. whisper D. smile

32. A. anger B. mouths C. feeling D. glances

33. A. appear B. back C. disappear D. follow

34. A. touch B. trust C. smell D. feel

第三节 语法填空 (共10小题,每小题1.5分,满分15分)



Do you always feel ___35___ a hard job to express yourself in daily life? Sometimes we

are so influenced by the deeply rooted culture of conservatism(保守主义)—that means, we are too

introvert to express our inner feeling. Even sometimes our heart has been so filled by

____36_______ certain emotion, we are still controlling ___37_____so as not to leak out our

―secret‖ from heart. We spare no effort to do this just ____38_______ we are afraid of the

―embarrassed moment‖. ____39____ after this ―say I love you affair‖ I began to know that the

―embarrassed moment‖, which has become the _____40_____(big) barricade(障碍) for most of us,

is just our ____41________(imagine) enemy. It is only after you took this step that you can realize

____42______ difference it can make. ______43____(speak) out your inner feeling won’t make

you feel ashamed, on the contrary, it ___44_______(show) your honesty and the feeling brought

by open up communication is really great. We need to pick up our courage to express our feelings.

Even some brief words are enough to break ice and tear down walls.

III. 阅读 (共两节,满分40分)

第—节 阅读理解 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)


Every day I come across lots of advice on how to be greener. Start your own vegetable

garden. Make biodiesel (生物柴油) in your back yard. Go out in the middle of the night and paint

bike lanes on the street.

About every time I see these tips, I ask myself, "Who the hell has the time for that?‖ And

then I think all the ungreen things I do, like buying a book on Amazon even though I live a three

–minute walk from a bookstore. Or ordering overpackaged takeout instead of cooking my own

food. Flying instead of taking a train. Driving instead of walking. I would love cut back on these

things, but I don't have the time. Haste, as it turns out, makes waste.

This is a vicious circle of overwork and consumption that we have created for ourselves. The long hours we in the United States work -- some 300 more per year than western Europeans mean we are more likely to rely on "convenience" and disposable items, such as heavily-

packaged fast foods and single -use goods. Many people had told me they were "too pressed for

time even to recycle." Moreover, our long work hours allow us to produce and buy more "stuff,"

resulting in a greater pressure on resources and an inevitable stream of more waste.

Europeans produce about half the air pollution, use half the energy, throw away half the trash,

and produce half the carbon dioxide per capita as Americans do. If those in Western Europe

worked as many hours as Americans did, they would consume about 30 percent more energy. If

Americans were to reduce their working hours to Western European levels, they could reduce their energy needs by some 20%.

What would happen if we make an effort to slow down just a little bit in an attempt to save the planet? Would our businesses break down? Would America become a Third World nation?

Or would we find that we’re able to get by just fine? Maybe we’d have less stuff, but more time to enjoy the company of our friends and families. More time for hobbies and exercise. More time to spend on being a citizen, not producer or a consumer. Would that be so bad?

45. According the writer, what is an ungreen thing?

A. Taking a bus instead of driving.

B. Ordering a Chinese takeout instead of cooking by oneself.

C. Growing vegetables in the garden instead of buying them in the market.

D. Buying a book in a nearby bookstore instead of on the Internet.

46. If Americans and Western Europeans worked the same hours, who would use more energy?

A. Americans. B. Western Europeans.

C. They use the same amount of energy. D. It is not clear.

47. Which of the following is not the result of longer work hours?

A. Stronger consumption. B. Higher production.

C. Recycling of household rubbish. D. Using more disposable items.

48. Which of the following proposals would be supported by the writer?

A. A 9-hour working day. B. A 6-day work week.

C. A 3-week annual vacation with pay. D. Higher per-hour productivity.

49. What is the best title?

A. Lazier, greener B. Shorter work hour, more leisure

C. Longer work hour, more money D. Less consumption, less rubbish


Why should mankind explore space? Why should money, time and effort be spent exploring and researching something with so few apparent benefits? Why should resources be spent on space rather than on conditions and people on Earth? These are questions that, understandably, are very often asked.

Perhaps the best answer lies in our genetic makeup(基因构成)as human beings. What drove our ancestors to move from the trees into the plains, and on into all possible areas and environments? The wider the spread of a species, the better its chance of survival. Perhaps the best reason for exploring space is this genetic tendency to expand wherever possible.

Nearly every successful civilization has explored, because by doing so, any dangers in surrounding areas can be identified and prepared for. Without knowledge, we may be completely destroyed by the danger. With knowledge, we can lessen its effects.

Exploration also allows minerals and other potential resources to be found. Even if we have no immediate need of them, they will perhaps be useful later. Resources may be more than physical possessions. Knowledge or techniques have been acquired through exploration. The techniques may have medical applications which can improve the length or quality of our lives. We have already benefited from other including improvements in earthquake prediction, in satellites for weather forecasting and in communications systems. Even non-stick pans and mirrored sunglasses are by-products of technological developments in the space industry!

While many resources are spent on what seems a small return, the exploration of space

allows creative, brave and intelligent members of our species to focus on what may serve to save us. While space may hold many wonders and explanations of how the universe was formed or how it works, it also holds dangers. The danger exists, but knowledge can help human being to survive. Without the ability to reach out across space, the chance to save ourselves might not exist.

While Earth is the only planet known to support life, surely the adaptive ability of humans would allow us to live on other planets. It is true that the lifestyle would be different, but human life and cultures have adapted in the past and surely could in the future.

50. Why does the author mention the questions in Paragraph1?

A. To express his doubts.

B. To introduce points for discussion.

C. To compare different ideas.

D. To describe the conditions on Earth.

51. What is the reason for exploring space based on Paragraph2?

A. Humans don't like to stay in the same place.

B. Humans have the tendency to fight.

C. Humans may find new sources of food.

D. Humans are nature-born to do so.

52. The underlined word "spin-offs" in Paragraph 4 probably refers to_________.

A. potential resources

B. unexpected benefits

C. survival chances

D. physical possessions

53. What makes it possible for humans to live on other planets?

A. Our genetic makeup.

B. Resources on the earth.

C. The adaptive ability of humans.

D. By-products in space exploration.

54. Which of the statements can best sum up the passage?

A. Space exploration has created many wonders.

B. Space exploration provided the best value for money.

C. Space exploration may help us avoid potential problems on Earth.

D. Space exploration can benefit science and technology.


The chances are that you made up your mind about smoking a long time ago – and decided it’s not for you.

The chances are equally good that you know a lot of smokers – there are, after all about 60 millions of them, work with them, play with them, and get along with them very well.

And finally it’s a pretty safe bet that you’re open-minded and interested in all the various issues about smokers and non-smokers—or you wouldn’t be reading this.

And these three things make really important today.

Because they mean that yours is the voice – not the smoker’s and not the anti-smoker’s—that will determine how much of society’s efforts should go into building walls that separate us and how much into the search for solutions that bring us together.

For one sad result of the emphasis on building walls is the different uses of millions of



永丰二中 丁老师 QQ411921081


I played a racquetball(回力网球)game against my cousin Ed last week. It was one of the most ___1___ and tiring games I?ve ever had. When Ed first phoned and ___2___ we play, I laughed quietly, figuring on an ___3___ victory. After all, Ed?s idea of ___4___ has always been nothing more ___5___ than lifting a fork to his mouth. ___6___ I can remember, Ed?s been the least physically fit member in the family, and ___7___ proud of himself.

His big stomach has always ballooned out between his T-shirt and trousers. Although the family often ___8___ about that, Ed refused to buy a ___9___ T-shirt or to lose weight. So when Ed ___10___ for our game not only with the bottom of his shirt gathered inside his trousers but also with a stomach you could hardly ___11___, I was so surprised that I was ___12___. My cousin must have made an effort to get himself into shape. ___13___, at the point in our game when I?d have predicted(预计) the score to be about 9 to 1 in my favor, it was ___14___ 7 to 9 — and Ed was ___15___.

The sudden realization was painful. We ___16___ to play like two mad men. When the score was 16 up, I was having serious ___17___ about staying alive until 21 years old, let alone ___18___ that many points. When the game finally ended, both of us were lying flat on our backs, too tired to ___19___. In a way, I think we both won: I the game, but cousin Ed my ___20___.

1. A. encouraging B. hopeless C. surprising D. regular

2. A. declared B. mentioned C. persuaded D. suggested

3. A. unforgettable B. unexpected C. easy D. early

4. A. exercise B. preparation C. joy D. fitness

5. A. time-saving B. comfortable C. suitable D. effort-making

6. A. As soon as B. As long as C. When D. Since

D. eagerly 7. A. strangely B. personally C. reasonably

8. A. cared

9. A. clean B. forgot C. quarreled D. joked B. larger C. straight D. darker

10. A. set out B. got ready C. arrived D. returned

11. A. notice B. admire C. believe

12. A. nervous B. curious D. measure D. speechless C. careless

13. A. After all B. As a result C. Above all D. At last

D. naturally

D. counting 14. A. mistakenly B. then C. instead 15. A. leading B. coming

16. A. pretended

17. A. thoughts C. waiting B. stopped C. continued D. decided B. doubts C. situations D. problems

C. receiving D. keeping 18. A. scoring B. completing

19. A. play B. start C. sleep D. move

B. respectC. support D. favor 20. A. friendship


Some myths are stories told since ancient times to explain the causes for natural happenings. The Greek myth that explains why there are changes of ___36___ is about Demeter, the goddess of the harvest. She had a daughter, Persephone, whom she loved very much. Hades, god of the underworld, fell in love with Persephone, and he asked Zeus, the ___37___ of the gods, to give Persephone to him as his ___38___. Zeus did not want either to disappoint Hades or to upset Demeter, so he said he would not agree to the marriage, but neither would he ___39___ it.

Hades, therefore, decided to take the girl without ___40___. When Persephone was picking flowers in the garden, he seized her and took her to the underworld. When Demeter ___41___ what happened to Persephone, she became so ___42___ that she caused all plants to ___43___ People were in ___44___ of starving.

But Demeter was determined not to let crops grow ___45___ her daughter, Persephone, was returned to her. ___46___, still not wanting to disappoint Hades, decided upon a condition for Persephone?s ___47___. She could go back to her mother if she had not ___48___ anything while she was in the underworld. Demeter ___49___ it because she did not know that Persephone had eaten several pomegranate(石榴) seeds in the underworld.

When Zeus __50__ this, he agreed that Persephone could spend part of the year with her __51__, but he added that since she had eaten the seeds, she must spend part of the year in the underworld. and so it __52__ that when Persephone is in the underworld, Demeter is sad and

therefore __53___ not let the crops grow. That is __54__ we have winter when plants do not grow. When Persephone returns, Demeter is __55__, it is spring, and plants begin to grow again.

36. A. periods B. seasons C. time D. age

D. fighter 37. A. winner B. ruler C. advisor

38. A. wife B. lover C. partner D. daughter

C. admit D. accept

D. permission 39. A. forbid B. forgive 40. A. arrangement B. warning C. reason

41. A. let out B. worked out C. thought out D. found out

D. serious

C. stop growing D. grow slowly 42. A. excited B. tired C. angry 43. A. grow fast B. start growing

44. A. danger B. hope C. turn D. case

45. A. since B. until C. after D. when

D. Hades 46. A. Persephone B. Zeus C. Demeter

47. A. return B. change C. marriage D. journey

48. A. stolen B. found C. eaten D. heard

49. A. understood B. refused

50. A. discovered B. studied

51. A. daughter B. mother C. doubted D. accepted C. forgot D. prepared C. god D. ruler

D. starts 52. A. works B. remains

53. A. should B. can C. happens C. dare D. will

C. why D. how

C. fresh D. happy 54. A. where B. because 55. A. nice

B. friendly

3.2005高考英语全国卷三(四川,云南卷)完形填空答案及解析(310字) Oldsmobile entered its space - and I shouted at her, “Can?t you see you?re notme enough space” Park father over.” Banging(猛推driver shouted back: “Make me!”

. Then one day, I thought, “What can I do?” I soon found 挡风玻璃):

Dear Yellow Oldsmobile,

I?m sorry mistress(女主人) shouted at yours the other day. She?s been sorry about it. I know it because she doesn?t sing anymore while . It wasn?t like her to scream . Fact is, she?d just

Your neighbor,

Blue Buick my windshield:

Dear Blue Buick, much farther over after this. I?m glad we can be

Your neighbor,

Yellow Oldsmobile

After that, whenever Blue Buick Yellow Oldsmobile on the road, their drivers waved cheerfully and smiled.

21.A.driven B.parked C.stopped D.stayed

22.A.complete B.Close C.narrow D.fixed

23.A.quite B.nearly C.seldom D.hardly

24.A.hurriedly B.first C.finally D.timely

25.A.as usual B.as planned C.as well D.as yet

26.A.run into B.run about C.run out D.run off

27.A.keeping B.saving C.offering D.leaving

28.A.mine B.hers C.itself D.ours

29.A.For B.With C.From D.Upon

30.A.room B.area C.front D.side

31.A.an instruction B.a result C.an answer D.a chance

32.A.put B.wrote C.sent D.discovered

33.A.working B.driving C.returning D.cooking

34.A.on end B.so long C.like that D.any more

35.A.hope B.know C.suppose D.suggest

36.A.comfort B.Help C.forgive D.please

37.A.office B.flat C.place D.garage

38.A.crazily B.Eagerly C.noisily D.early

39.A.neighbors B.friends C.drivers D.writers

40.A.followed B.passed C.found D.greeted


The train shakes back and forth, its wheels making a loud noise against the tracks. Outside the window the freezing cold of winter rules. The carriage is filled with cold, __1__ passengers.

Suddenly a little boy ___2___ his way through the grown-up legs and sits down by the window. He is all alone among the ___3___ grown-ups. What a brave child, I think. His father ___4___ very strange happens suddenly. The __5__ little boy slides down fromhis seat and leans his hand on my knee. ___6___, I think that he wants to ___7___ me and return to his father, so I help him to stand up. But instead he leans forward and holds his ___8___ up towards mine. He wants to say something to me, I think. I lower my head to receive the ___9___. Wrong again! What I do receive is a ___10___ kiss onthe cheek.

The boy calmly returns to his seat, leans back and continues looking out of the window. I am ___11___. What just happened? A child is kissing ___12___ grown-ups onthe train. How can anybody want to kiss such a man that has so much beard? Soon enough, all of my neighbors are certainly ___13___. Nervous and a little surprised, we ___14___ at the father. When he sees our questioning __15__ as he gets ready for his stop,he offers a clue(线索).

“He?s so happy to be alive,” the father says. “He has been very sick.”Father and son ___16___ into the crowd moving toward the exit. The doors close and the train goes on. On my cheek I can still ___17___ the child?s kiss—a kiss that has triggered(触发) some soul-search inside me. How many ___18___ kissing each other from the joy of being alive? How many even give much thought to the privilege(特权)of _19_? The little kisser had taught us a sweet but serious lesson: Be careful you don?t let yourself ___20___ before your heart stops!

1. A. excited B. tired C. pleased

2. A. feels D. surprised B. fights C. pushes D. picks

B. friendly C. angry D. kind 3. A. unfriendly



永丰二中 丁老师 QQ411921081


I played a racquetball(回力网球)game against my cousin Ed last week. It was one of the most ___1___ and tiring games I?ve ever had. When Ed first phoned and ___2___ we play, I laughed quietly, figuring on an ___3___ victory. After all, Ed?s idea of ___4___ has always been nothing more ___5___ than lifting a fork to his mouth. ___6___ I can remember, Ed?s been the least physically fit member in the family, and ___7___ proud of himself.

His big stomach has always ballooned out between his T-shirt and trousers. Although the family often ___8___ about that, Ed refused to buy a ___9___ T-shirt or to lose weight. So when Ed ___10___ for our game not only with the bottom of his shirt gathered inside his trousers but also with a stomach you could hardly ___11___, I was so surprised that I was ___12___. My cousin must have made an effort to get himself into shape. ___13___, at the point in our game when I?d have predicted(预计) the score to be about 9 to 1 in my favor, it was ___14___ 7 to 9 — and Ed was ___15___.

The sudden realization was painful. We ___16___ to play like two mad men. When the score was 16 up, I was having serious ___17___ about staying alive until 21 years old, let alone ___18___ that many points. When the game finally ended, both of us were lying flat on our backs, too tired to ___19___. In a way, I think we both won: I the game, but cousin Ed my ___20___.

1. A. encouraging B. hopeless C. surprising D. regular

2. A. declared B. mentioned C. persuaded D. suggested

3. A. unforgettable B. unexpected C. easy D. early

4. A. exercise B. preparation C. joy D. fitness

5. A. time-saving B. comfortable C. suitable D. effort-making

6. A. As soon as B. As long as C. When D. Since

D. eagerly 7. A. strangely B. personally C. reasonably

8. A. cared

9. A. clean B. forgot C. quarreled D. joked B. larger C. straight D. darker

10. A. set out B. got ready C. arrived D. returned

11. A. notice B. admire C. believe

12. A. nervous B. curious D. measure D. speechless C. careless

13. A. After all B. As a result C. Above all D. At last

D. naturally

D. counting 14. A. mistakenly B. then C. instead 15. A. leading B. coming

16. A. pretended

17. A. thoughts C. waiting B. stopped C. continued D. decided B. doubts C. situations D. problems

C. receiving D. keeping 18. A. scoring B. completing

19. A. play B. start C. sleep D. move

B. respectC. support D. favor 20. A. friendship


Some myths are stories told since ancient times to explain the causes for natural happenings. The Greek myth that explains why there are changes of ___36___ is about Demeter, the goddess of the harvest. She had a daughter, Persephone, whom she loved very much. Hades, god of the underworld, fell in love with Persephone, and he asked Zeus, the ___37___ of the gods, to give Persephone to him as his ___38___. Zeus did not want either to disappoint Hades or to upset Demeter, so he said he would not agree to the marriage, but neither would he ___39___ it.

Hades, therefore, decided to take the girl without ___40___. When Persephone was picking flowers in the garden, he seized her and took her to the underworld. When Demeter ___41___ what happened to Persephone, she became so ___42___ that she caused all plants to ___43___ People were in ___44___ of starving.

But Demeter was determined not to let crops grow ___45___ her daughter, Persephone, was returned to her. ___46___, still not wanting to disappoint Hades, decided upon a condition for Persephone?s ___47___. She could go back to her mother if she had not ___48___ anything while she was in the underworld. Demeter ___49___ it because she did not know that Persephone had eaten several pomegranate(石榴) seeds in the underworld.

When Zeus __50__ this, he agreed that Persephone could spend part of the year with her __51__, but he added that since she had eaten the seeds, she must spend part of the year in the underworld. and so it __52__ that when Persephone is in the underworld, Demeter is sad and

therefore __53___ not let the crops grow. That is __54__ we have winter when plants do not grow. When Persephone returns, Demeter is __55__, it is spring, and plants begin to grow again.

36. A. periods B. seasons C. time D. age

D. fighter 37. A. winner B. ruler C. advisor

38. A. wife B. lover C. partner D. daughter

C. admit D. accept

D. permission 39. A. forbid B. forgive 40. A. arrangement B. warning C. reason

41. A. let out B. worked out C. thought out D. found out

D. serious

C. stop growing D. grow slowly 42. A. excited B. tired C. angry 43. A. grow fast B. start growing

44. A. danger B. hope C. turn D. case

45. A. since B. until C. after D. when

D. Hades 46. A. Persephone B. Zeus C. Demeter

47. A. return B. change C. marriage D. journey

48. A. stolen B. found C. eaten D. heard

49. A. understood B. refused

50. A. discovered B. studied

51. A. daughter B. mother C. doubted D. accepted C. forgot D. prepared C. god D. ruler

D. starts 52. A. works B. remains

53. A. should B. can C. happens C. dare D. will

C. why D. how

C. fresh D. happy 54. A. where B. because 55. A. nice

B. friendly

3.2005高考英语全国卷三(四川,云南卷)完形填空答案及解析(310字) Oldsmobile entered its space - and I shouted at her, “Can?t you see you?re notme enough space” Park father over.” Banging(猛推driver shouted back: “Make me!”

. Then one day, I thought, “What can I do?” I soon found 挡风玻璃):

Dear Yellow Oldsmobile,

I?m sorry mistress(女主人) shouted at yours the other day. She?s been sorry about it. I know it because she doesn?t sing anymore while . It wasn?t like her to scream . Fact is, she?d just

Your neighbor,

Blue Buick my windshield:

Dear Blue Buick, much farther over after this. I?m glad we can be

Your neighbor,

Yellow Oldsmobile

After that, whenever Blue Buick Yellow Oldsmobile on the road, their drivers waved cheerfully and smiled.

21.A.driven B.parked C.stopped D.stayed

22.A.complete B.Close C.narrow D.fixed

23.A.quite B.nearly C.seldom D.hardly

24.A.hurriedly B.first C.finally D.timely

25.A.as usual B.as planned C.as well D.as yet

26.A.run into B.run about C.run out D.run off

27.A.keeping B.saving C.offering D.leaving

28.A.mine B.hers C.itself D.ours

29.A.For B.With C.From D.Upon

30.A.room B.area C.front D.side

31.A.an instruction B.a result C.an answer D.a chance

32.A.put B.wrote C.sent D.discovered

33.A.working B.driving C.returning D.cooking

34.A.on end B.so long C.like that D.any more

35.A.hope B.know C.suppose D.suggest

36.A.comfort B.Help C.forgive D.please

37.A.office B.flat C.place D.garage

38.A.crazily B.Eagerly C.noisily D.early

39.A.neighbors B.friends C.drivers D.writers

40.A.followed B.passed C.found D.greeted


The train shakes back and forth, its wheels making a loud noise against the tracks. Outside the window the freezing cold of winter rules. The carriage is filled with cold, __1__ passengers.

Suddenly a little boy ___2___ his way through the grown-up legs and sits down by the window. He is all alone among the ___3___ grown-ups. What a brave child, I think. His father ___4___ very strange happens suddenly. The __5__ little boy slides down fromhis seat and leans his hand on my knee. ___6___, I think that he wants to ___7___ me and return to his father, so I help him to stand up. But instead he leans forward and holds his ___8___ up towards mine. He wants to say something to me, I think. I lower my head to receive the ___9___. Wrong again! What I do receive is a ___10___ kiss onthe cheek.

The boy calmly returns to his seat, leans back and continues looking out of the window. I am ___11___. What just happened? A child is kissing ___12___ grown-ups onthe train. How can anybody want to kiss such a man that has so much beard? Soon enough, all of my neighbors are certainly ___13___. Nervous and a little surprised, we ___14___ at the father. When he sees our questioning __15__ as he gets ready for his stop,he offers a clue(线索).

“He?s so happy to be alive,” the father says. “He has been very sick.”Father and son ___16___ into the crowd moving toward the exit. The doors close and the train goes on. On my cheek I can still ___17___ the child?s kiss—a kiss that has triggered(触发) some soul-search inside me. How many ___18___ kissing each other from the joy of being alive? How many even give much thought to the privilege(特权)of _19_? The little kisser had taught us a sweet but serious lesson: Be careful you don?t let yourself ___20___ before your heart stops!

1. A. excited B. tired C. pleased

2. A. feels D. surprised B. fights C. pushes D. picks

B. friendly C. angry D. kind 3. A. unfriendly
