作业帮 > 体裁作文 > 教育资讯


来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/24 04:28:50 体裁作文




Sample 1

Directions: You and your friend have just finished a course and you

want to arrange a party. You’ve had a meeting and made a list of your

requirements. You’ve heard that your friends, Anna and Jack, who

attend a nearby school, had a party on a boat last term and you want

to ask them all about it. Read your notes carefully. Then write a letter

to Anna and Jack telling them what you want to do and asking for

information and advice. Remember to write the letter in no less than

120words on the answer sheet.

Our requirements are the following: there are 20 to 30 people to

attend the party and we want to start it at 9 pm; some cold drinks

are preferred and we need a place to dance. Is it possible for us to

hold our party on the boat? Moreover, could you tell me how many people

the boat can hold? What about the transportation to the river? Is it

convenient? How about the food and the music? In addition, do we have

to prepare for them by ourselves? Above all, how much does your party

cost? Do you think it is worthwhile to hold the party on the boat?

What are your opinions?

Your opinions and comments will be of great value to our coming

party. We are looking forward to your reply. Best wishes to you! Yours sincerely George

Sample 2

Directions: Write on the topic given below in no less than 150 words

on the answer sheet. In your essay, you should first outline your ideas,

and then given examples.


Topic: what, in your opinion, is the best way to keep fit and healthy?[参考范文]

Nowadays people are becoming increasingly aware of the importance of health. What is the best way to stay fit and healthy? In my opinion, good exercises and diet are two major ways to stay fit and healthy. First, enough time should be set aside for persevering in exercises in addition to sleep and rest. Second, you must give up the habits that damage your health, such as smoking and drinking too much alcohol.

As mentioned above, the best way to keep fit and health is to do regular exercises. Just as the Chinese proverb goes, “life lies in exercises”, exercises never fail to make us stronger and more energetic. Moreover, mental health, in my mind, is also of vital importance. If you feel happy, you can eat well, sleep well, and your body is sure to be in an excellent condition. Moreover, prevention is also important, and one should have a physical check regularly in a hospital for being strong and healthy.

Health is the most valuable possession a person experts in his life. Try every means to keep fit is our advice to the people who want to live a happy life in this beautiful world.



1. 作文分类


2. 评分标准

Task I 应用文评分标准


1. 本题满分为10分。

2. 评分时,先根据文章的内容和语言初步确定其所属档次,然后以该档次的要求来衡量、确定或调整本档次,最后给分。

3. 词数少于80的,从总分中减去2分。

4. 如书写较差,以致影响阅卷,将分数降低一个档次。












Task II 议论文评分标准


1. 本题满分为20分。

2. 评分时,先根据文章的内容和语言初步确定其所属档次,然后以该档次的要求来衡量、确定或调整本档次,最后给分。

3. 词数少于120的,从总分中减去2分。

4. 如书写较差,以致影响交流,将分数降低一个档次。












3. 写作技巧

1) 应用文


启示(Notices): 遗失启事,招领启事,迁移启事,更正启事。 海报(poster)

便条和留言条:请病假,请事假,感谢条,转告电话,约会,辞别。 备忘录



Work for Yourself

After graduated,people are always faced with two alternatives:working for themselves or someone else.Both of the two sound reasonable.While I tend to be in favor of the later.

From my perspective,working for myself.definitely is worse than working for someone else.Because you will have to deal with plenty of problems and risks by yourself,if you choose to start your own business.Lacking of experience,financial support and so on can always be fatal to your career.On the contrary,if you find a job in a proper company,there’s no need for you to worry any more,and you just need to work hard.Whats more,when working for others,you will acquire how to cooperate with others and increase your sense of responsibility,which are both great qualities.

All in all,working for someone else is equipped with much more advantages than for yourself.It can not only prevent yourself from unnecessary risks but also promote you improving yourself.



Task I (10 marks)

Directions: You are required to write a Notice in about 100 words to inform the students and English teachers of a lecture on American Liberal Education by Prof. Gilbert in the English Department Hall. Please wri on the Answer Sheet.

Task II (20 marks)

Directions: For this part, you are required to write a composition on The Anti-Addiction System. You should write at least 120 words and please write it on the Answer Sheet.

Now in China the anti-addiction system and a “real name checking” system have been adopted in Cyber cafes to prevent players under 18 from becoming addicted to online games. What do students think about this system? What is your opinion about this?

Part VII Writing

Task I


We are very honored to have Prof. Richard Gilbert from Harvard University to give us a lecture on American Liberal Education. Prof. Gilbert, who graduated from Standford in 1979 and received his Ph.D. in Education from Harvard in 1984, has been conducting research and teaching international students in Harvard for more than 20 years. He has become a leading expert in this field and has published several books and numerous papers on liberal education and education policy. His humorous and thought provoking speech will surely benefit all the audience.

The lecture will be given in the English Department Conference Hall from 2:30 to 4:30. p.m., Friday afternoon, November 16, 2007. All the teachers and students are welcome.

English Department

Task II

The Anti-Addiction System

Now in China, the adoption of the anti-addiction system and a “real name checking” system in netbars has led to a heated debate among students. Some say that students' self-discipline is very limited and now at least 14 percent of the urban teenage players are addicted to the Internet and some children even repeatedly disappear from home to spend their nights at local Internet cafes, and play truant from school also. Therefore, they have failed quite a few school exams. In this sense, the new policy can prevent minors developing online addiction.

Others claim that the anti-addiction system is only a means to an end and cannot remove the root of the online addiction completely and they believe the

key is to guide the minors to improve their self-control and balance their work and play.

In my opinion, the latter point hits home for me because it cuts to the chase. However, education is a long process and takes time, which means before education produces effects on children, some supplementary measures should also be taken to speed up the process and the anti-addiction system is one of them.




Task I

Dear Tom,

As you know ,I’m organizing a two—day debating contest which is to be held on May 1-2, I am working on a schedule for it now and I will have to send it by E-mail tomorrow. I need some new ideas urgently. Please help me out and give me some fresh ideas by tomorrow morning. Meanwhile, would you please contact some of our teachers and invite them to be judge? Let me know their names by Friday. Thank you.

Task II

Report on the Changes of Fashion for Young People in Recent Years in China Introduction

This report sets out to present how fashions for young people have changed in recent years in China.


According to my survey, I have found the following three points:

1、 Nowadays, the young are seeking for individuality instead of uniformity in the old days and they want the clothes to be unique.

2、 Thanks to the mass data, the young people are deeply influenced by the fashion trend throughout the word. The North Korean style in hugely popular among them in recent five or six years.

3、 The general trend is to be casual and simple.


Therefore, it can be concluded that the young people in China now are looking for individuality, casualness and they would like to follow the fashion abroad.


Task I

To: the Personnel Director and the Training Manager

From: assistant to the Customer Service Director

Date: 23 June 2009

Subject: decreasing sales

As requested by the Customers Service Director , I have done a survey concerning our decreasing sales. This survey shows that our staff are not interested in helping customers and they are unhappy in their jobs. Therefore, our sales have been decreasing for several months.

I think we should give bonuses to the best seller every month to improve our staff’s enthusiasm. What’s more, we should have some special offer every day to attract more customers.

Task II

Take My Advice on How to Control Stress

As the competition between students increases, more and more students feel stressful about their course. As far as I’m concerned , we can take the initiative to reduce the stress.

Firstly, make a plan for everyday study. For instance, you keep learning English for two hours every day, and within the two hours, you will learn 10 new words and read 2 articles. This way you can learn more than 1000 words three month later and your reading ability will improve as well. Therefore, you don’t have to stay up late before the English examination. As long as you keep learning every day, you will find you are well prepared for the exams already. Secondly, do something else to divert your mind before exams. For example, if you can play piano, play your favorite songs for one or two hours and you will feel relaxed.

To conclude, keep learning regularly and cultivate a hobby and you will find yourself relaxed about your course.






2015 National English Competition for College Students (Level C - Preliminary)


Part I Listening Comprehension (30 marks)

Section A (5 marks)


Section B (10 marks)

6—10 DADBA 11—15 BCACD

Section C (5 marks)

16—20 CDBAD

Section D (10 marks)

21. record and share 22. legal ownership 23. apply for 24. distinctive signs

25. are arising 26. imported from 27. being sold cheaply 28. trade is fair

29. should be followed 30. suffering from

Part II Vocabulary, Grammar & Culture (15 marks)

Section A Vocabulary and Grammar (10 marks)

31—35 BDDCB 36—40 ADCBD

Section B Culture (5 marks)

41—45 BACCB

Part III Cloze (10 marks)

46. neither 47. relatively 48. in 49. illegal 50. at

51. tremendous 52. accidents 53. greater 54. opposite 55. unable Part IV Reading Comprehension (35 marks)

Section A (5 marks)

56. F 57. T 58. T 59. F 60. T

Section B (10 marks)

61—65 DGAFB Section C (10 marks)

66. Because of its centrality as well as restricted access.

67. The Yongle Emperor.

68. It is 961 meters (long).

69. It covers an area of 1,110,000 square meters.

70. It is comprised of not only the residences of the emperor and his consorts but also venues for religious rituals and administrative activities. Section D (10 marks)

71. measuring/gauging 72. assesses 73. genetic 74. than 75. scores

Part V Translation (15 marks)

Section A (5 marks)

76. 歌剧是一种将音乐、歌唱和戏剧融合于舞台的艺术形式。最初的歌剧表演出现在十七世纪初期的意大利。这些表演基于希腊神话,伴有简单的曲调。早期的歌剧编者称他们的工作为“通过音乐表现的戏剧”,因为他们觉得音乐是传递思想和情感的关键。虽然最初的歌剧只为贵族表演,但从十八世纪开始,歌剧也开始为公众表演。

Section B (10 marks)

77. His performance at school has not lived up to his parents’expectations.

78. His greatness lies in his life-long perseverance in the pursuit of his goal.

79. When you take a positive attitude towards life, life will take on a new look.

80. The Ministry of Education requires that extra-curricular activities be made part of school life.

81. The only thing that matters is to return home safe (and sound). Part VI Error Correction (10 marks)


83. 在is后加a

84. 去掉up

85. √

86. in→with

87. meaning→meaningful

88. bad→good

89. possibly→possible

90. So→But

91. dream后加of

Part VII IQ Test (5 marks)

92. A night mare.(双关,一匹“夜马”,即“噩梦”一词。)

93. B(单词构成了有意义的句子;字母构成了有意义的单词。)

94. 小道消息;传言

95. 10。(本题为两组数据:4、6、10、18和5、8、14、26;每个数字系由前一个数字乘2 后再减2 获得。如4X2=8-2=6;5X2=10-2=8。)

96. B(前图与后图的区别均是方向对调,最后一行小图颜色对换。) Part VIII Writing

I. (10 marks) II. (20 marks) (Omitted)



1. 本题满分为I 10分;II 20 分,按四个档次给分。

2. 评分时,先根据文章的内容和语言初步确定其所属档次,然后以该档次的要求来衡量、确定或调整本档次,最后给分。

3. I 词数少于80 或多于120的,II 词数少于120或多于160的,从总分中减去2分。

4. 如书写较差,以致影响阅卷,将分数降低一档。


第四档(很好):I 9-10分;II 16-20 分


第三档(好):I 6-8 分;II 11-15 分

基本符合写作格式的要求,有个别地方表达思想不够清(来自:WWw.SmhaiDa.com 海达范文网:大学生英语竞赛作文)楚,文字基本通顺、连贯,有少量词汇和语法错误。

第二档(一般):I 3-5 分;II 6-10 分


第一档(差):I 1-2 分;II 1-5 分



