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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/24 04:20:49 体裁作文

篇一:May Day-作文

五一节即将来临,每年此时社会上总有一些呼声,希望能把现在的三天假期回复到原来的七天。请你就此用英语写一篇120词左右的短文,谈谈你对这些呼声的态度并且说明理由。 注意:短文开头已给,不计入总词数;

As is often the case (情况常常如此), with the approaching of May Day holiday, plenty of people have expressed their dissatisfaction with the current arrangement. They advocate (倡议;提倡) that the holiday should be lengthened (使延长)from the current (当前的;如今的) three days to seven days. From my point of view, I strongly support the suggestion and the following reasons can well account for (对…做出解释;) it.

For one thing, should we have a relatively (相对地;相当地) long May Day holiday, it is likely that we could have ourselves fully relaxed, which to some degree/extent (在某种程度上) will guarantee (保证;担保) us to get refreshed (清爽的;精神振作的) and well prepared for the future studies. For another thing, we can have a flexible (灵活的) schedule and more chances to get close to society and nature, and thus not only can we broaden our horizons but also acquire/obtain (获得) some updated knowledge that can hardly be learned from textbooks.

As is mentioned above (From what is said above 如上所述) , it is obvious that the advantages of lengthening the holiday far outweigh (胜过;超过) its disadvantages.



提示词:truck 卡车 goods 货物 suddenly 突然


One day , Tom and Jack went to school happily. While they were walking along the street, they saw a truck with a lot of goods. Suddenly , two big boxes fell down on the road .They shouted to the driver, but the driver didn’t hear them .So they called the police and asked the police for help .In the end, they found the driver with the help of the police . The police and the driver thanked Tom and Jack very much. Then they said goodbye to the police and the driver and went to school happily.

What good boys they are ! We should learn from them .


One day, Xiao Ming and Xiao Hua were on their way home after school. They were walking and talking happily. Suddenly a truck went past fast. They saw two boxes fall off the truck. They shouted to the driver, but the driver couldn’t hear them. Luckily, they wrote down the number of the truck. And then they called the police. Soon the police and the driver of the tuck came. Xiao Ming and Xiao Hua returned the boxes to the driver. The driver was very thankful to them. And the police spoke highly of them(高度赞扬) .Then they left happily.

What good boys they were! We should learn from them.



One day, Jim saw a bird in the tree. It was very lovely .So he decided to catch the bird. His brother saw what he wanted to do. He ran to Jim as quickiy as possible and asked Jim not to catch the bird. At that time, they saw two children flying a model plane happily. They wanted to make a model plane instead of catching the bird. So Jim and his brother began to make the model plane


carefully . They were very interested in it. The model plane was made successfully in a few minutes. In the end ,Jim and Dave went to fly their own model plane happily.

I think birds are our good friends .Everyone should protect them.


One day, Xiao Ming was playing under a big tree. He saw a bird in the tree. So, he wanted to catch it. When he shot it, his elder brother Xiao Jun ran to him and stopped him. Xiao Ming was unhappy .So Xiao Jun took him home. On their way home, they saw two boys flying the model plane. Xiao Ming was interested in it. He asked Xiao Jun to make a model plane for him. So, Xiao Jun showed Xiao Ming a picture of plane. Then, they began to make the plane model according to the picture, After a while, the model plane was finished, they flew it in the sky together.

How happy they were playing!



It was a sunny day, a woman took a walk with her pet dog . When they walked along the street, they saw a man riding his bike. He rode very slowly , because he carried a big box on his bike. Suddenly, something in the box fell down on the road. But the man didn’t know. The woman saw what happened and shouted to him. But he didn’t hear the woman . Then the woman told his dog to stop the man quickly. The dog ran so fast that he caught up with the man soon. The man didn’t realize he lost his bag until the woman returned the bag to him . He thanked the woman and her dog’s very much .

I think we should help each other. Our world will be better and better .


One day ,a woman was walking on the road with her dog. They walked while they saw a man ride past with some boxes on his bike. The man rode so fast that he didn’t notice what had happened. The woman shouted at the man, but he didn’t hear. The woman let her dog to catch the man . Luckily, the dog did it. After a while, the man came back. He thanked the woman and her dog again and again.

We should help each other when we are in trouble.




It was a beautiful sunny day. Jim felt very bored because nobody played with him. He found a tap. He turned on the tap and played with it. He felt very happy and cool . Later on , It was time to have dinner. He ran away quickly and forgot to turn off the tap . A small boy came here. He saw water running and turned off the tap quickly. Then he put up a piece of paper on the wall. There were some words on the paper “Please save water.” When Jim saw the paper , he felt sorry for what he did.

I think saving water is very important. We should learn from the young man.


One day, Sam turned on the tap and played with water , but he forgot to turn off the tap when he left .The water didn’t stop running until another boy found it. He turned it off and put up the sign“Please save water.” When Sam went there again , he saw the words ( He noticed the sign) . Water is the most important for everyone. All of us should try our best to save water! (80词) 5.

范文1 It was a sunny day. Xiao ming and his friends were playing football happily. Suddenly they saw a man with a big bag running in a hurry .The man looked nervous. Xiao ming and his friends thought the man must be a thief. So they came up with a good idea to catch him. They played football towards the man . The man fell down the ground . In the end the policemen got there and caught the man with their help.

What clever boys they are! We should learn from them .


It is a sunny day . Many boys played football after school in the park . Suddenly , a thief ran towards them, they saw the thief hurried to run with a bag . A man was following the thief at the moment and shouted “ Catch the thief “ . Tom aimed at the thief and kicked the ball . The ball hit the thief in time.The thief fell down. Then two policemen ran to them , and caught the thief . A policeman said thanks to Tom .


What a clever boy Tom is ! We should learn from him. When people are in danger,we should keep calm and try to help them as possible.



One day,a black cat and a white cat were playing near the river.The black cat saw some fishes in the river. So he wanted to catch them. But he was so careless that he fell into the river. The white cat couldn’t save the black cat, because he couldn’t swim. Then he run to a goose and asked for help as quickly as possible. The goose jumped into the river and swam to the black cat. The black cat was saved in the end.

What a good goose! Wer should learn from him


One day , A white cat was playing on the bridge with a black cat . They were very happy . They caught the fish in the river together. But unluckily ,the black cat fell down the river by mistake. The white cat was afraid of it. So she decided to ask others for help. She saw a goose .It said : “My friend fell down the river just now .He needed help .” So the goose went to the river .Then the goose saved the black cat .The black cat was really lucky .They said thanks to the goose . The goose said it’s his duty.

According to the story ,we know we should give our hands when others need heip.



It was a sunny day , Lily walked to school .While she was walking on the road, she saw a blind man with a walking stick. The blind man wanted to go across the river. But he couldn’t find the bridge. He walked straight and would fall into the river. Lily ran to him and asked him to stop walking .She told the man where the bridge was, then she helped the blind man to walk across the bridge . The blind man was very happy and said thanks to Lily .Lily said goodbye to the blind man


and went to school happily.

If someone needs help,we should try our best to help him. Then our world will be better and better.


Mary is a good girl, and she always helps others. One day, while Mary was walking, she saw a blind man trying to cross a river , but he didn’t find the bridge. Instead, his walking stick knocked something hard. The blind man thought that must be the bridge and began to walk. He didn’t realize it was only a stone. At that time, Mary ran towards him in a hurry and prevented him from being in danger. She led him to the bridge, and let him follow her to cross the river. In the end, the blind man reached the other side of the river safely. He thanked the girl a lot and they said goodbye to each other.

What a great girl! We should learn from her.


handkerchief手绢 umbrella雨伞 tie …to 把…捆在… stick 拐杖

On a rainy day. There were few people in the street because of the rain. Tom went to school with an umbrella. After a while he found an old man without a raincoat or an umbrella in the street. The old man was wet, then the boy wanted to use the same umbrella with him. But the umbrella was short, so the boy came up with a good idea. He tied the umbrella to the old man’s stick, then they walked together. I think the boy is a good and clever student, we should learn from him. We should take care of the old. It’s import for us to help each other.


A good Child

John saw an old man while he was walking home. The old man looked worried. John asked him what was wrong . He told John that he lost the way, his home was on the No. 1 Street, but he didn’t know how to get there. John asked a policeman the way to the No1. street and the 5




Everybody needs sleep. Sleep helps us to restore(恢复) many body functions. For example it helps us to recover from tiredness. Sleep can also organize memories, as well as help us to recover memories. After we learn something new, sleep may solidify the learning in our brain.

How much sleep do we need then? It depends on a number of factors. Generally for adults, 7 to 8 hours a night appear to be the best amount of sleep, although some people may need as few as 5 hours or as many as 10 hours of sleep each night. Teenagers may need about 9 hours of sleep per night. For children, 10 or more hours should be needed every day.

Unfortunately, nowadays many students don’t have enough time to sleep. According to a recent survey, most middle school students only have an average of less than 7 hours’ sleep each night, much less than required. Some students, especially some of those who are preparing for the entrance examinations for higher schools, sleep for only four to five hours every day, according to the researchers.

The government has called on schools and teachers “to reduce the students’ burden”. But some education experts suggest that more measures be taken to assure the students’ sleeping time.


1. 概括上文中的内容,该部分词数大约30;

2. 阅读上文后,谈谈你的感想,该部分词数大约120:

(1) 学生睡眠不足的主要原因:

(2) 就如何改变现状提出你的建议。



2. 阅读下面短文,然后按照要求写一篇150词左右的英语短文。

Friends play an imprtant part in our lives. We all like to make friends, but in fact we often don’t clearly understand how to do it. While we get on well with a number of people, yet these people are probably not your ture friends. In fact most people usually have very few friends in life. For example, a person usually has less than 6 friends although he knows a lot of people.

It is always true that two people like each other and enjoy being together, but beyond that, the degree of intimacy(亲密) between them and the reasons why they share their interests are quite different. When we make friends, we take into account(考虑) things like age, race, interests, economic condition, social position, and intelligence. Although these factors are not of great importance, it is more difficult to get on with people when there is a marked difference in age and background.

Some friendly relatinships can be kept on argument and discussion, but it is

usual for close friends to have similar ideas and beliefs, to have attitudes and interests in common. It generally takes time to reach this point. And the closer people become, the more they depend on one another.

Friends have to learn to put up with annoying habits and accept differences of opinions.


(转 载 于:wWW.smHAida.cOM 海达范文网:what,a,day写一篇作文)

1. 30;

2. 谈谈你对交友的看法,并包括如下要点,该部分次数大约120:

(1) 你认为怎样的朋友才是真正的朋友?

(2) 作为学生,你在交友时应该考虑哪些因素?



3. 阅读下面短文,然后按照要求写一篇150词左右的英语短文。

It goes without saying that English plays an important role in our modern society. English is an international language. Wherever you go, you can hear English spoken by many people. From this point of view, it is true that English is important to our daily life. Learning English is like learning to swim or learning to play ball. We are like the man who thinks he can learn to swim only by reading books about swimming. In fact, we learn by doing. The grammatical rules are valuable as we need some assistance. In the same way, advanced instructions about swimming are helpful as we learn something from actual experience in the water. But reading books never makes a swimmer and learning rules never makes a practical linguist. The regular procedure in learning English involves listening first, to be followed by speaking. Then comes reading, and finally the writing of the language. The way you learn English is much the same as the way you learned your own language. First of all you must listen and then repeat and repeat until you can use the language easily. In other words, you have to build up language habits in English just as you build up English habits in your own language. To sum up, we must bear in mind that nobody can learn to swim for you. Nobody can learn to play ball for you. Nobody can learn Englsh for you. It’ up to you. You must learn for yourself and you will learn if you really want to and are willing to practice.









A car needs gas to run and your body also needs food to work for you. Eating the right kind of food is very imortant. It can keep your body strong, so you should take care of what you eat.

There are four main food groups altogether. The dairy products group has food like milk. The other three groups are the meat and fish group, the fruit and vegetable group, and the bread and rice group. Each meal should have at least one food from all the four main groups. With all these food together you will be given enough energy during the day.

It is easy to get into bad eating habits. You may eat your breakfast in a hurry to get to school on time. Or you may not have time for a good lunch. It may seem easy to finish your supper with fish and chips all the time. But you will find yourself tired during these days and you can not think quickly.

Watching what you eat will help keep your body healthy and strong. It is also good to take some exercise. It will help you eat more if you take a walk or play games in the open air. Having a good eating habit with some exercise is the key to your health.










The way people spent their vacaton changed a great deal in the 1900s. In 1990, 40% of the people spent their vacations at home, but the figure dropped to 9% in 1999. It seemed that people were becoming more and more mobile, and they wanted to explore the entertainment in the outside world. The seaside still has its varied attractions to people. The rate dropped slightly from 38% in 1990 to 30% in 1999. But there might be a tendency of further decresing in the future because of the pollution. Now a great number of people spend their vacations traveling abroad. The rate in 1999 doubled as compared with 1990. And the tendency will be continuing because more and more people can afford the overseas journeys. There are two main benefits for tourism. The first and most obvious one is the economic benefits which come to the host country. It is usually people from better-off countries that can afford to travel, and they bring with them a lot of money to the cuntries they intend to visit. The second is that tourism increases international understanding and friendship between

peoples of different countries.










On Keeping a Dairy in English

Keeping a dary in English is one of the effective ways to improve our English writing ability. Compared with other forms of writing, it is shorter and takes less time. It can help us to develop the habit of thinking in English. If we persist in this practice, gradually we’ll learn how to express ourselves in English. In keeping a diary in English we certainly run up against a lot of difficulties. In the first place, it often happens that we have trouble finding appropriate words and phrases to give expression to our mind. Secondly, there are many idiomatic ways of saying things in Chinese. And it is extremely hard for us to put them into English properly. Surely, there are some other roadblocks we may come across in keeping a diary in English. As far as I’m concerned, my suggestion is that we should always have a notebook and a Chinese-English dictionary within easy reach. Whenever something beats us, we can first put it down in our notebook and then consult our dictionary. We can also turn to our English teacher for help, if necessary. In short, I believe that it is of great use to keep a diary in English for the development of our writing skills.










1.Sleep is important for everybody, though people may need different amount of time to sleep. Students need 9 or more hours to sleep every day. But, unfortunately, many students don’t have enough sleep.

There are several reasons for this. First, the students are burdened with too much homework. Every day middle school students have to do the exercises on different sujects, which usually take them several hours in the evening. Second, students have to get up very early—usually earlier tan most workers—so that they can get to school on time. What makes it worse is that their teachers and parents care much less about their sleep than their study.

This will be harmful to their health. Measures must be taken to improve the situation. First, less homework should be given to the students. Secong, more attention should be paid to their health. Third, the living conditions for them shoukd be improved.

2.Making friends seems to be more difficult than we think. Although many people have many friends in life, they know they are actually not their true friends.

Ture friends are the ones who can often sense and share your happeiness and sorrow, like your brothers and sisters. They will help you when you have difficulties and feel happy when you succeed. True friends may also have different opinions, but they usually make a discussion instead of arguing or fighting.

When I make friends, the first thing I take into account is age because different ages mean different topics for discussion. In my opinion, most of us can hardly ignore generation gap during making friends with others. The second is sex. In China, boys don’t usually make friends with girls because they always have different interests and hobbies. Meanwhile, girls always feel it incnvenient or difficult to talk freely to boys.

3.English is an international language because it has been used by most of the nations in the world. If we know English well, we can communicate with foreigners and do business with other countries. Learning English is like learning to swim or learning to play ball. We muse practice a lot.

To a Chinese, learning English well is not easy. But I managed to overcome the difficulties. The spelling and meaning of words may be the first difficulty. But I found my own way to deal with them. As to spelling, I never copied a word again and again to remember it, but tried to find its relevance to the sund. As to the meaning, I often put the word into the sentence to learn its meaning. Grammar may be another difficulty. But I’ve also got it over by spending much time reading the articles written in English.

Overcoming all these difficulties requires perseverance. Perseverance is an important reason why I can learn English well.





1. 简述你写信的目的及你对场所的选择;

2. 说明你的理由(从便利性,专业性等方面对这两个场所进行对比)

To whom it may concern:

I’ve learned that an art exhibition is to be held and that you’re collecting suggestions on its location. I’m writing this letter to share with you my opinions. In my opinion, it is more advisable to hold the art exhibition in Shanghai Museum than in community libraries. My reasons are as follows. On one hand, it is more convenient for people to get to Shanghai Museum which is located in the center of the city. And the museum is much more spacious than community libraries, which provides visitors with a more comfortable environment for appreciating art.

On the other hand, as a well-known museum, Shanghai Museum is more professional and experienced in holding art exhibitions. Its professional security guards and advanced facilities can better protect those famous paintings from being damaged or stolen.

Therefore, I suggest the exhibition be held in the museum. Wang Min

解析: 总评:

本次高考题目以书信的方式考查观点论述的表达,属于常见题型。题目要求中交待了背景,同时,题目还明确要求了书信的内容中要包括目的、观点、理由等方面,难度适中。 细评:


范文按照书信的形式,首先要提出给收信人,To whom it may concern这里表示的是敬启者,是在读者身份不明时用在信件、通知和证明书开头的套语,也是除了Dear xxx之外英语书信的常见用语。



第二段明确提出了自己的观点,用了it is more advisable to do...句型,表明“??是更合理的”,

常用在提出建议时。段落最后用My reasons are as follows.“我的理由如下”作为一个过渡句引出下面的理由论述。

第三、四段用on one hand... on the other hand... “一方面??;另一方面??”进行连接,层次清楚。在论述观点时连词的使用可以使逻辑显得更清晰。第三段从便利性角度进行分析,博物馆交通更便利而且环境更舒适,其中用到了which引导的非限定性定语从句。第四段从专业性角度说明博物馆的优势。 最后一段用therefore简单总结并重申自己的观点。 2013年广东省高考英语作文:按照要求写一篇150词左右的英语短文

第二节 读写任务(共1小题;满分25分)


To many people even the word “work” sounds unpleasant ,not

necessarily because they are lazy. The same man, who dislikes his job in the factory or even in the office ,may work hard at the weekend ,painting the house or digging the garden.

What is the reason ,then ?In most cases ,it is because these people simply do not enjoy the Job they are doing .It does not give them any real satisfaction .It may be quite easy ,like making up wooden boxes ,but it is very boring.Very often they are doing a job which is just a small part of a much larger one ,such as attaching a door handle to a car .But the part they play in actually making the car is so small that they can never say :I have made something ! Yet in modern society somebody has to do ordinary jobs such as cleaning streets because this

Is the way society is organized ,No matter how ordinary a job is, it plays a part in society and therefore deserves our due respect. Society cannot function a single day without the “dull and boring” jobs. [写作内容]

1. 以约30个词概括上文的主要内容。

2. 以约120个词谈谈你对平凡工作的想法,内容包括:(1) 描述清洁工工作的艰辛;ks5u

(2) 假如没有清洁工,环境会变得如何? (3) 你对平凡工作者的看法。


1. 作文中可以使用亲身经历或虚构的故事,也可以参照阅读材料的内容,但不得直接引用原文中的句子。

2. 作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称。 [评分标准]




请以“One Thing I’m Proud of”为题,用英语写一篇100---120个词的短文,记述一件你自己认为得意的事情。要求如下: 1.记述事情的经过;

2.简要说明你感到得意的原因或从中得到的启示。 注意:文章的标题已给出,不计入词数。 One Thing I’m Proud of


One Thing I’m Proud of

I still remember how I became a good table tennis player. The first day I went to high school, I saw some of my classmates playing table tennis. Amazed at how skillful they were, I was determined to be just as good. Later on, I often watched them carefully to learn their techniques. Then I kept practicing until I became confident enough to challenge the good players. At the end of the term I became one of the best players in my class.

I am really proud of this experience, because it helps me realize that we all can fulfill our potential and achieve our goals through hard work. It also helps me better understand the proverb "Practice makes perfect.”



星光中学(Xingguang High School)近期举行了一次登山活动。假定你是学校英语报记者,请写一篇短文,报道此次活动。内容包括: 1. 时间与地点:4月10日,大青山(Daqing Mountain); 2. 活动的过程;

3. 你对于这次活动的评论。 注意: 1. 词数120左右。

2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 【参考范文】 In order to encourage the students to take outdoor exercise, our school organized a mountain-climbing on April 10. Hundreds of us took part in it. It was a nice day. At 8:00 am, we gathered at the foot of Daqing Moutain and set out for the top in high spirits. All the way we were chatting, singing and laughing, enjoying the fresh air and the beautiful scenery. When some fell behind, others would come and offer help. About 2 hours later, we all reached the top. Bathed in sunshine, we jumped and cheered with joy.

The activity benefited us a lot. Not only did it get us close to nature and give us relaxation from heavy school work, it also promoted the friendship among us. What a wonderful time!



? 个人的优势介绍(如性格、特长等)

? 组织校内的活动的设想(如举办讲座、英语晚会等) ? 组织校际交流活动的设想(如举办辩论赛、演讲比赛等) ? 表达竞选的愿望。 注意:

1. 词数不少于100;

2. 请勿提及真实学校姓名

3. 可适当的加入细节,以使内容充实,行文连贯; 4. 开头、结尾已给出,不计入总词数。 参考词汇:

副主席:vice president 竞选: run for

Good afternoon, my dear friends,

My name is Li Jin,

Thank you. 【2013·四川卷】书面表达(共35分)

某中学生英文报近期开辟专栏,讨论学习习惯问题,请你结合自身学习实际,按一下提示,用英文为该专栏写一篇稿件。 1. 说明学习习惯与学习效果之间的关系;

2. 介绍一种好的学习习惯并提出养成该习惯的建议; 3. 描述自己在学习习惯方面存在的某个问题并给出改进措施 注意:

1. 词数120左右,开头语已为你写好 2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯 3. 文中不得透露个人姓名和学校名称

It’s useful and necessary to discuss learning habits.


It’s useful and necessary to discuss learning habits. As we all

know, good learning habits can make your study go to succeed. As a student, we should pay more attentions to our habits which we develop in our study.

I’m sure “repeat” is a best habit. Do you develop the habit?

If we want to improve our study, we should repeat what the teachers taught us again and again, and then we can understand or remember the knowledge which the teachers demand us to master. How to develop the habit? the first step, set a timetable, and stick to carry out the plan, don’t stop. When I do my homework, I often make mistakes with carelessness,

how to overcome the shortage? I think I should think about it over and over as long as I do my homework. And then I do it little by little. Maybe in this way I can correct my mistakes.

【2013·山东卷】 写作(满分30分)


1. 未及时回信的原因;

2. 你假期的打算(如做兼职、旅行、做志愿者等) 注意:1. 词数:120-150; 2 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

【参考范文】 Dear Tom,

How are you doing? You asked me in your last letter about my plan for the coming summer vacation. I am sorry that I didn’t reply without delay. How I wish I would read and reply your email as soon as I received it. However, I was busy preparing for my final exam at that time, which is vital for me. As a result, I had no choice but to completely focus on my study, for which I am very sorry. I hope you can understand me. During the holiday, I am going to do a part-time job. On the one hand, I can earn some money to reduce the burden of my family. On the other hand, I accumulate the social experience, which does good to my future life. At the same time, I will not forget to go over my lesson. I will spend a instructive holiday. How will you spend your holiday? I hope you have a good time.

These are my plan for the summer vacation. What’s yours? I am looking forward to your earliest reply.


Lin Hua


Section C (25 marks)

Directions: Write an English composition according to the instructions given below.


Match winner loser result


1.自己或他人的一次经历; 2.你的感受。 注意:

1.必须使用所给4个关键词; 2.词数不少于120个;


One possible Version

Last week, a football match was held between we Class One and Class Two.

The players from both sides are all excellent basketball players, so the match went on fiercely at first. At last the result is: the winner is Cass Two, and we were the loser.

We didn’t win the match, but we didn’t lose heart. One the one hand, we think that friendship comes first, and match comes second. On the other hand, since we all tried our best, we had no regret. In our life we may meet many failures, as long as we try our best, there’s no need feeling regret for these failures. What’ more, we should analyze the reasons of failure to get success for the next time.

In a word, success is important, so is failure, because it’s the mother of success.


请根据你对以下两幅图的理解, 以“Actions Speak Louder than Words”为题, 用英语写一篇作文。



We all know that “sticks and stones may break our bones”, but we should also be aware that words can hurt people, too.

注意:①无须写标题,不得照抄英语提示语; ②除诗歌外,文体不限;




One possible version:

My classmate admires my fluent English very much and I usually feel encouraged by his compliments.

One day, when we learned the new word “eccentric” in class, we were asked to make a sentence with it. I volunteered to do it by saying “My deskmate is an eccentric boy whose clothes never fit him.” Hearing this, the whole class burst into laughter and my deskmate’s face turned red. After class, I learned from the teacher that my deskmate would have dropped out of school if he hadn’t been helped by others. My mindless words must have hurt him deeply. Not until then did I realize words could be powerful in both positive and negative. We should avoid hurting others if we can’t always be encouraging when we speak.


假定你是李华,自制一些中国结(Chinese knot)。给开网店的美国朋友Tom写封信,请他代卖,要点包括: 1.外观(尺寸、颜色、材料) 2.象征意义 3.价格




【参考范文】 Dear tom,

How are you? I wonder if you could sell some Chinese knots for me. I made them myself with red



Writing 1 年中考英语最有可能考的书面表达30

假设你拥有三到四天的假期,你可以选择去你想去的任何一个地方,请以“My dream holiday”为题写一篇英语短文,描述你梦想的假期。要求:】

My dream holiday

Everyone has a dream holiday. I hope I can go on a trip to France, because it is a romantic country full of love, flowers and wine.

On the first day, I would go to Paris to visit the famous Eiffel Tower. I want to get to the top of it and have a bird’s-eye view of this modern city. When enjoying the beautiful scenery on the top of the tower, I would be very excited to scream “France! I love you!” The next day, I’d like to enjoy the local French food. I think it will be the most delicious food I have ever eaten. On the last day, I would buy a lot of presents for my friends. Then I would come back by plane.

The trip to France would be one of the most meaningful experiences and I think I would never forget it.Writing 2

规划人生,成就未来。请以“My dream”为题写一篇英语短文,描述你梦想的工作。

My dream

Everyone has his or her dream. My dream is to be an English teacher.

There are three reasons for this. First, I want to teach English because I like English very much. I think teaching English is very interesting. If I became a teacher, I would be friendly to my students. Second, I’d like to be around students and watch them grow and improve. Third, teachers have two long vacations in a year and these two vacations would offer me the chance to keep on learning and traveling.

But teaching is no easy job at all. I must study hard to get more knowledge so that I can help my students learn well and make my dream come true.

Writing 3

生活中充满了爱,有父母的爱,有兄弟姐妹的爱,有朋友的爱,有老师的爱??以“Love” Love

Mother’s Love is the most important thing in my life. It made me know what kind of person I should be.

When I was 8 years old, I was very naughty. And one day I broke my neighbor’s window. At that time I was too afraid to tell anyone except my mother. She wasn’t angry with me but talked to me kindly. She told me that I should try to be an honest person and I should be brave to face my fault. Then she took me to the neighbor’s and I said sorry for what I had done. To my surprise, my mother also said sorry to my neighbor.After that I know how important it is to be an honest person. I also understand what real love is.

Writing 4 My Best Friend

My best friend is my classmate, Li Mei. She is a beautiful girl with big eyes and long hair. She is neither tall nor short. She likes dancing very much. She started dancing when she was six years old.

Li Mei is a warm-hearted girl. She is keen on helping other people. Both teachers and our classmates like her.

I showed no interest in learning in the past. After learning why, Li Mei helped me with my studies. With her help, I became interested in learning and made great progress. And we became good friends after that.

Writing 5


My first experience in English corner

It was a beautiful Sunday. Our teacher told us that there would be an English corner after class. I set off soon after the last class in the afternoon.

To my joy, the English corner had just been on for a few minutes. I joined them in their talk. At first, I was afraid that my English was so poor and limited that I couldn’t follow them or make myself understood. I was also afraid that someone might laugh at me. But a smiling face here and an encouraging nod there soon put me at ease. I became bolder and came to speak English with them freely.

The day was unforgettable. I learned a lot of knowledge and made a lot of friends. Through practice, we all improved our English. Though we spoke only in simple English, we all believe that tomorrow we will make greater progress

Writing 6

学校生活有时让你开心,有时让你烦恼,作为学生的你一定有不少感想吧。请你以“My feelings to the school life”为题写一篇短文,简要谈谈你自己的感受。词数:80左右。

My feelings to the school life

My feelings to the school life are changeable.

When I do well in the exams, I feel excited and happy. But I often feel sad when I do badly in exams. If I spend lots of time doing my homework, I will feel bored and unhappy. My parents are always strict with me. But if they don’t understand me, I will be very disappointed. I like playing with my friends and it makes me relax.

In short, my feelings to the school life are a very important part of my life. I love my colorful and interesting school life.

Writing 7



I will enter senior high school in September. I therefore plan to do something useful during the summer vacation in order to help me adapt to my new school life.

First of all, I will spend almost a month reviewing what the teachers taught me in junior high school. In addition, I am going to take more exercise, which will help keep me physically strong. Most importantly, I will make myself well prepared by previewing the lessons in senior high school so that I can have a better understanding of them.

I do hope that I will live a wonderful life after implementing the above plans.

Writing 8

英语课堂上,老师要求学生就"与人相处"的话题展开讨论。请根据以下你所在小组的讨论结,以"How to get on well with others"为题,写一篇英语短文。

As we all know, good relationship can make us happy and comfortable. But how do we get on well with others?

First of all, we should respect others. Everybody has their own way to do things, so we should understand each other. Besides, it's important for us to communicate with each other. We can share happiness and sadness with our friends. What's more, we should be kind to others and try to offer necessary help to those who are in trouble.

In my opinion, treating others in an honest way is also a good way to get on well with others. I am sure these suggestions will help us to get along well with others.

Writing 9


Hi, Jing,

My problem is my parents. All of my classmates have mobile phones. They phone each other, surf the Internet and play games. I’m always asking my parents for it. But they refuse again and again. None of my friends have got such terrible parents. For this reason, I can’t study hard. Do you think I’m right? What shall I do?HelenHi! Helen,

If you have more questions, please ask me.

Yours, Jing

Hi! Helen,

Glad to hear from you, but I'm afraid you are wrong.

In my opinion, we students should pay attention to study. Mobile phones are not necessary for us. They're not like books and pens. You should understand your parents and do what they ask you to do first. Now public phones can be found everywhere. If you have to make a phone call, you may use them. You'd better have a talk with your parents and tell them you won't ask them for it any longer. Besides, work hard on your lessons and read more interesting books. Last but not least, you may also tell your problem to your teachers and friends if necessary. I'm sure they'll help you. If you have more questions, please ask me.

Yours, Jing

Writing 10

请以“如何保护自己”为题,写一篇不少于60个词的短文,标点符号不占格。 提示:自我保护是青少年需要掌握的重要技能。请谈谈你在生活中怎样进行自我保护(可结合生活中的某一个情景或具体事例,如:面对灾难如何自救,如何预防受骗或侵害,如何避免生活中的意外,等等)。

How to protect myself

As a student, I think it important for us to protect ourselves from dangerous situations. For example, if I am in a fire, first of all, I must calm down as soon as possible, for panicking is of no

help. Then, I’ll call 119 immediately because it is the most effective way to save myself. As well as that, it is best to take the stairs instead of elevators. I think, with positive attitude and careful preparations, I will be able to protect myself from fires.

Is a Training Class or Family Teacher Necessary?

More and more middle school students are going to all kinds of training classes or having family teachers at the weekend. There are two different viewpoints about it.

Some thinks it necessary. Firstly, it’s more effective to study with a teacher than by themselves. Secondly, it can strengthen what is learnt in class. Besides, they can learn a lot more. Others think it unnecessary. For one thing, students can easily form the habit of dependence. For another, students need time to relax from time to time. What’s more, the purpose of many training classes and teachers is to make money.

In my opinion, whether a training class or family teacher is needed just depends. If you are really very weak at or interested in a certain subject, maybe it’s OK for you. But be sure to choose a good and suitable class or teacher, otherwise it would be a waste of time and money.

Writing 12

How To Keep Healthy


How to Keep Healthy

As we all know, it is very important to keep healthy. But do you know how to keep healthy? Firstly, I think we must have enough food to keep us healthy. Breakfast is necessary. It gives us energy for morning. We must also have the right kind of food. Remember to eat more fruit and vegetables, but less junk food. Don’t forget to wash your hands before meals. Secondly, it’s necessary for us to take exercise. Exercise will keep us active and strong. Thirdly, I think staying up is bad for our health. If we can’t get enough sleep. We may have a headache. We should go to bed early and get up early. Lastly, listen to music or chatting can also make us feel relaxed. Writing 13

著名作家Francis Bacon曾说过:“ Reading makes a full man.”可见,阅读对于每个人的成长都有着举足轻重的作用。

Reading Makes a Full Man

Reading is very important in our life. We can get knowledge through reading. It can not only open our minds but also make us more intelligent. Besides, reading is also one of the most important ways to learn a foreign language like English.

Textbooks, newspapers, magazines and other kinds of reading materials can help us know more about the outside world and help us grow into an excellent person.

I’m planning to read at least 5 books in the coming holiday. And I’ll spend more time reading every day in my senior high school life. Reading makes a full man! Let’s start reading now. Writing 14


1. What would this holiday celebrate?

2. How would you celebrate it?

3. Would there be any special food or symbols for your holiday?

Reading Day

I love reading, and I often read in my spare time. So if I were able to invent a new holiday, I would invent a Reading Day.

In my opinion, reading should be an important part of our lives. It can help people become knowledgeable. When one is upset, it can help him or her calm down and feel more comfortable. If all the people in our country read from now on, the quality of the citizen will improve. As a result, our country will become stronger and stronger.

But to my disappointment, nowadays, adults in China hardly ever have time to read. Instead, people always look at their mobile phones or computers in public. Reports also show that people in China read fewer books than those in other countries.

So I strongly suggest that we should have a Reading Day in China. What a big day!

Writing 15

随着空气质量的恶化,阴霾天气现象出现增多,危害加重。近期我国不少地区雾霾天气日渐增多。人们出行戴上了口罩,有的学校还取消了户外活动。为了提高同学们的环保意识,你们班将要举行“环保从身边做起”的主题班会, 参考范文

Hello, everyone. It’s nice to speak about what we can do to protect the environment. First, to reduce air pollution, we should walk or ride a bike instead of taking a taxi or a private car, and take a bus when travelling a long distance. Second, we should reduce the waste we produce. For example, both sides of the paper must be used. Then, try to chew less gum, and rubbish should be sorted and recycled or reused. Last, we must plant as many trees and flowers as possible around our houses. Thus, we can not only make our environment beautiful but also can make our air clean and fresh.

That’s all, thank you.


Learn to express thanks

Good morning, boys and girls!

The topic of my speech today is “Learn to express thanks”. We find most Middle School students don’t show any sense of “Thanks”. They think that they are certain of eating well and wearing fashionable clothes.

As Middle School students, we should learn to express thanks. We should thank our parents for supporting us to go to school. And we should express thanks to our hardworking teachers who teach us much knowledge. Besides, our friends always give us encouragement and help.

In a word, we are lucky in everything. But we should learn to express thanks. In the future, I should study harder to repay our parents and teachers. I should go to my friends to share their happiness and sadness.

Thank you for your listening!

Writing 17

“赠人玫瑰,手有余香”,帮助别人的快乐会让我们的生活变得更美好。你曾经帮助过别人吗?请以 I enjoy helping others为题写一篇短文。
