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篇一:How to Make a Good Speech

If you are a student who wants to find a good job after graduation, you have to take a job interview and make a presentation or a speech. How to make yourself impressed and present an impressive speech in front of interviewers. What you should pay special attention to? Here are some instructive suggestions:

1. Prepare: Plan ahead and think about what you are going to say. In the words of Mark Twain, it usually takes more than three weeks to prepare a good impromptu speech.

2. Know your subject: You may be very high in IQ and very good in writing, but always ensure you know the subject and have background information at hand for question time.

3. Know your audience: Find out who you will be addressing so that you can tailor your comment accordingly. Clients, bankers, professors and managers, for example, require a 9zyl.com different approach to that needed for classmates at an in-house gathering.

4. Make a point: Keep your speech short and concise and have a few clear points that you need to convey. Emphasize these and tone down on any oral paraphernalia that will confuse the message.

5. Practice: Never meditate your speech in heart as your delivery will become stilted, but do rehearse it a few times in front of the mirror, your partner or your dog.

6. Stay calm: A little nervous energy can enhance your speech, but too much can be disastrous. Do not rely on alcohol for help, no matter how much you need Dutch courage. Take a deep breath and keep a clear head.

7. Eye contact: Creating a personal rapport with your audience is a skill that separates gifted speakers from the mundane. If the thought of looking into a sea of faces scares you, adjust your gaze regularly at different points in the room to create the same effect.

8. First impression: Your initial impression is vital when making a public presentation. Find out about dress codes at the venue so that you look your best and, if possible, check the microphone beforehand to ensure you know how to use it.

9. Vary tone and body language: Monotony kills a speech. Nerves cause your vocal chords to restrict, raising the pitch of your voice. Make an effect to breathe deeply and enunciate clearly. Plopping your ttyul.com arms down will distract your listeners but natural, descriptive movements can enhance meaning.

If you follow the simple suggestions above, you would find that a public speaking or presentation is just a piece of cake. Once it’s done, you may find that it’s a enjoyable process so that you may have desire to make more speeches.

篇二:Try to make a good speech

Try to make a good speech

Nowadays, many people don't like the speech, maybe they lack the confidence, or the subject of them speech isn't attractive. But if you want to be a successful person, what should you do? Here are some suggestions on how to make a good speech.

First of all, preparation is essential in making a good speech, this is the key to every successful speech. Second, write the main points of your speech on note cards. This will be helpful in case you momentarily forget while speaking. Third, Practice until you are completely familiar with your speech. For example,Rehearse your speech for friends or family, and ask for feedback to improve.

When you having a speech, make certain your speaking clearly and slowly enough to be understood. And try to make your speech rhymes and humor. Keep your speech reasonably short to avoid losing the audience .

If you follow these simple steps, you will see that you don’t have to be afraid of public speaking. In fact, you may find the experience so enjoyable that you ask to make more speeches! Give it a try and see what happens.I can bet that you will have a great results!

篇三:How to make a public speech

How to make a public speech

Nowadays,we make and listen to speechs almost

everyday,but how can we make a good speech? In my opinion ,there are several vital factors when it comes to make a public speech..

Before the speech,we have to make preparations.

First of all,we are supposed to kown who our audiences are and what their attitudes、interests are. Secondely ,the article .we should consider the content of the speech,what things do we want to talk about,is it interesting,and so on.Besides,we should consider the length of the speech which we want to give.It should not be too long in case of bore others.howover,too short is also not good.

When we are making the speech,the most

important thing is to be confident.And we’d better speak as loudly as possible and as clearly as possible if we need to speak English whether they are long sentences or only a few simple words

during your speech.What`s more ,we can make interaction with the audiences by letting them

answer some questions.

篇四:How to make a speech



? Remember: an excellent speech does not require a brilliant orator - you can do it. Winston Churchill is commonly regarded as one of the greatest speakers in the English language, yet he regretted the lack of practice in public speaking that he would have gained had he gone to university and he suffered from a slight lisp and a stammer. The key is preparation.

? You are probably making this speech at an event which has a programme which has been published beforehand. So make sure that the title of your speech is catchy and then people will be looking forward to it even before the event. ? Making a good speech starts weeks before with thorough preparation. You should have been thinking of themes and points, noting down ideas and sources, crafting phrases and sentences.

? The best speeches tell your audience things they didn't know and/or give them insights they didn't have. So:

o In respect of the first, research some salient, accurate and up-date facts and figures.

o In respect of the second, look at the subject differently - think 'out of the box'.

? You should have finalised the notes or text or slides at least the day before, so that you can concentrate on reading through the material, becoming very familiar and comfortable with it, and thinking about the actual delivery. ? Remember: expectation shapes reality. This means that, to some extent you can have won or lost your audience even before you are really into your speech. If people think you're going to be good, that will help them to perceive you as good. So your biographical details in the programme material and how the chair introduces you are both important and you can influence them. Conversely, if people think you're going to be poor, that will condition them to seeing you as poor. So never begin by saying that you were unsure why you were invited to speak or what you should say and, unless it is obvious (for

instance because you have a terrible cold), never admit to feeling anxious, unsure or unwell.

? Once you are called upon to

how to make a speech

make your speech, pause for a couple of moments before actually starting your delivery. If you've had to walk up to a platform or over to a rostrum, this gives you time to steady your breath. If you are nervous as a speaker, it gives you time to take a few shallow breaths and calm those nerves. In any event, it gives the audience an opportunity to settle down and focus on you and your message. But the pause should be a few seconds only. ? If you are not using a microphone, be aware of the need to speak sufficiently loudly that the furthest member of your audience can hear you clearly. Take the opportunity to move around a little which will help to command attention. ? If you are using a microphone, speak at normal volume, but a little more slowly and distinctly than if you were not using amplification. Don't move around because you'll leave the microphone behind (unless it is fixed to you). ? You should convey a sense of enthusiasm for the subject. This will effect your delivery and how your speech is received.

? Occasionally alter the speed, volume and tone of your delivery. Speaking

slower or faster and quieter or louder and being more cheerful or more serious all adds dramatic effect and keeps the attention of your audience.

Regularly sweep your eyes left-centre-right and back and front-middle-rear and back, so that you engage all members of your audience. The actor Tom Cruise once told an interviewer: "A lot of the time, what acting is really about is meeting someone's eye" - the same is true of public speaking.

? It is good to use your hands expressively - but do not wave your arms around which will make you look manic.

? Never apologise for your nervousness or your material. You and your speech are probably better than you appreciate but, in any event, if you don't advertise any weaknesses in your style or content, they probably won't be noticed. ? Don't make a rambling opening. There is nothing worse than the speaker who ? starts with something like: "When I was asked to speak on this subject, I wondered what to say .."

? Make a dramatic opening which seizes the attention with the very first words. This might be a stirring statement: "This year we are going to make a fundamental transformation of our whole organisation". It might be a challenging question: "How can we turn ourselves into an even more successful organisation?" Whatever you do, don't ask a question that invites a

cynical answer from your audience: "Are we the best organisation in the country?"

? Have a very clear structure. A good technique is to tell your audience what you are going to say, tell them, and then tell them what you have said. A good structure is for the core message to be three linked points which can be sub-divided as necessary.

? Another possible structure which can work well, if it is appropriate is, to use a narrative or a story. Stories really engage listeners and give a speech direction and flow. For instance, you might be describing how you chose your career or enjoyed a holiday or how a company found success or came to change strategy.

? If you use a narrative structure, you don't necessarily have to begin at the chronological start. When I gave a speech on the life and wartime exploits of my father-in-law - a night fighter pilot in World War Two - I did not begin with his birth and upbringing but with the night that he scored his first victory. Having begun with a dramatic entry point, you can then jump back to the

chronological beginning of the story and work forwards. Many novels and films use this structure and it can work for speeches too.

? If you use a narrative structure, you don't necessarily have to finish at the chronological end. You might want to conclude your speech at a dramatic high point - such as when you or the company achieved a particular success - and leave the aftermath to come out in the question and answer session which usually follows a speech. It can be very effective to leave an audience wanting more (rather than the frequent experience of wanting the speaker to hurry up and finish!).

? If it is appropriate, use PowerPoint. It ensures that you stick to your structure and that the structure is clear to your audience. It looks professional and you can use images as well text.

? PowerPoint slides should not consist of simply a few words or conversely a mass of text. Three or four bullet points of four or five words each is ideal. ? Put the main verb early in the sentence, especially if it is a long sentence. So, not: "When we have all the facts and we have considered all the options, we shall make our decision". But instead: "We shall make our decision, when we have all the facts and we have considered all the options" .

? Consider the use of short sentences or even short phrases for dramatic effect. Examples of short sentences: "Failure is not an option" or"The place is here.

? The time is now. The prize is great". Examples of short phrases: "Never again", "No excuses". Use striking adjectives and adverbs. Not simply: "We face many challenges"

but "We face many exciting challenges". Not simply: "We will work on our problems" but "We will work energetically on our problems".

Consider the use of striking images in the form of metaphors or similes. For example: "an iron curtain" (Winston Churchill, 1946), "a paper tiger" (Mao Zedong, 1946),"the axis of evil" (George Bush, 2002).

? Make moderate use of alliteration in phrases or sentences. For example, some ?

phrases: "broadband Britain", "the digital divide", "silver surfers". For example, some sentences: "The ballot is stronger than the bullet" (Abraham Lincoln, 1856) or "Now let us fulfil our mandate and our mission" (Gordon Brown, Labour Party Conference 2002) or "At our best when at our boldest" (Tony Blair, Labour Party Conference 2002).

? Consider the use of rhyme. For example: "We will fight to show that we are


? Use contrasts. For example: "Politics is war without bloodshed, while war is

politics with bloodshed" (Mao Zedong, lecture, 1938) or "Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few" (Winston Churchill, House of Commons, 1940) or "Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country" (John F Kennedy, inaugural address, 1961) or "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere" (Martin Luther King, letter from jail, 1963).

? Make temporal comparisons. For example: "When the company was first

founded .." or "When we first moved to this office .." and "Many challenges are still the same" or "The situation now is so different".

? Make geographical comparisons. Compare and contrast your situation with

other companies or other organisations or with other regions or other countries. What does this tell us?

? Use three-part lists. For example: "Government of the people, by the people,

and for the people" (Abraham Lincoln, 1863) or "I see one-third of a nation ill-housed, ill-clad, ill-nourished" (Franklin D Roosevelt, second inaugural address, 1937) or "The ultimate case for the third way is that it works - good values, good vision, good policies" (Bill Clinton, Labour Party Conference 2002). Technically this figure of speech is called a tricolon. Tony Blair was particularly fond of it.

? Very occasionally, consider a longer list. For example, a list of four: "We shall

fight on the beaches; we shall fight on the landing grounds; we shall fight in the fields and in the streets; we shall fight in the hills" (Winston Churchill, House of Commons, 1940). Another example, this time of five parts: "Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe to assure the survival and the success of liberty" (John F Kennedy, inaugral address, 20 January 1961).

? Repetition can be very effective. Martin Luther King was the absolute master

of judicious repetition. For example: in his Washington speech of 28 August 1963, he used the phrases "I have a dream .." and "Let freedom ring ..." again and again (seven times and eight times respectively). The same technique was used by Barack Obama in his speech following the 2008 New Hampshire primary when he repeatedly used the phrase "Yes we can".

? Use short, pithy quotes. Clever people over the years have created witty

aphorisms, so you should borrow them when it is appropriate. For many examples click here.

? Try humour - not by telling a story or a joke as such, but by using a short,

witticism. For example: "I don't mind how much my ministers talk, as long as they do what I say" (Margaret Thatcher, 1980). A little humour in the opening sentences of a speech relaxes the audience and positions them onside with the speaker. Humour in the last sentence or two of a speech leaves the audience with a warm feeling towards the speaker.

? Self-deprecating humour - that is, humour at the expense of the speaker -

often works well. Consider these example: President Ronald Reagan reassuring an audience: "I know you fellows think I'm lazy, but this week I've really been burning the midday oil" or former Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher telling a Conservative Party Conference that, on the way to the event, she had seen a cinema advertising "The Mummy Returns".

? Try puns. For example: "Vodafone is now the largest telephone company in the

UK which makes its Chief Executive the Lord of the Rings". Another example: TUC General Secretary Tony Monks, when asking for the President of the European Commission Jacques Santer to include a particular provision in a measure, said it would be known as "the Santer clause".

篇五:How to Make a Speech

How to Make a Speech

For each day, you may spend an average of 30 percent of your day in speaking. You have to communicate with your parents, classmates, teachers in your daily life. In the future, you must talk to the colleagues, superiors, and employees and customers. Still other times, you may be asked to make presentations in public, or to speak to other groups of people outside of your living surroundings. You may play different roles to speak in different situations. However, what really matters is how you speak,not much you speak. Now let's look at the ways for speech delivery.

A.Before the speech, you should have a good preparation. I.Know your topic, make a good outline and write your speech.

Before the speech,first, you should know what you will say, what is the point you want your audiences to know.

Second, writing a speech is in many ways like writing a paper, except that there is no penalty for spelling and punctuation errors. Try not to use words you are not comfortable pronouncing or don't know the meaning of because it can lead to a less fluently delivered speech.

Something you also should know is that assess how much time your speech should take. if you don't have a time limit, try to keep your speech brief yet informative. Also, think about your audience and let your perception of the audience shape the tone of your speech as you write it.

A good speech never comes out of an aimless mind. Actually, it always has a specific objective. Speech objective is often decided by given position you are in, and by the special requirement from outside factors. The function for outline is to help the speaker to develop his purpose in a systematic way. For that reason, it's highly necessary to work out a good outline for the speech. Sometimes, you can write the outline on a note card acts as a reminder -in case you might forget some contain halfway through.

II.The context should show up to give, not to take.

Often people give presentations to sell products or ideas, to get people to follow them on social media, buy their books or even just to like them. These kinds of speakers “takers,” and audiences can see through these people right away. And, when they do, they disengage.

“We are highly social animals,” says Sinek,a famous speaker. “Even at a distance on stage, we can tell if you’re a giver or a taker, and people are more likely to trust a giver — a speaker that gives them value, that teaches them something new, that inspires them — than a taker.”

III.Relax before you go on, turn nervousness into excitement.

Have you noticed that reporters interviewing Olympic athletes before and after competing were all asking the same question? “Were you nervous?” And all of the athletes gave the same answer: “No, I was excited.” These competitors were taking the body’s signs of nervousness — clammy hands, pounding heart and tense nerves — and reinterpreting them as side effects of excitement and exhilaration.

When you’re up on stage you will likely go through the same thing. That’s you should say to yourself out loud, “I’m not nervous, I’m excited!”

IV.Take deep breath before the speech

In order to relieve your tension, you should arrive the place earlier where you are going to make the speech. Try to collect some information about your listeners and get familiar with your situation. Besides, taking some deep breaths which is a practical way to make you feel relaxed before you start your speaking.

B.During the speech, be confident.

I.Don’t talk right away.

You should never talk as you walk out on stage. A lot of people start talking right away, and it’s out of nerves. That communicates a little bit of insecurity and fear.

Instead, quietly walk out on stage. Then take a deep breath, find your place, wait a few seconds and begin. It sounds long and tedious and it feels excruciatingly awkward when you do it,but it shows the audience you’re totally confident and in charge of the situation.

II. Make eye contact with audience members one by one.

Scanning and panning is your worst enemy, it looks like you’re looking at everyone, it actually disconnects you from your audience.

It’s much easier and effective, if you directly look at specific audience members throughout your speech. If you can, give each person that you intently look at an entire sentence or thought, without breaking your gaze. When you finish a sentence, move on to another person and keep connecting with individual people until you’re done speaking.It’s like you’re having a conversation with your audience,You’re not speaking at them, you’re speaking with them.

This tactic not only creates a deeper connection with individuals but the entire audience can feel it.

Eye -contact is an important means to express your confidence. Physiologically and psychologically speaking, when a speaker reads out his speech he has to focus his eyes on what has been written on the paper, for fear of stumbling over some technical terms and expressions. For that reason, the speaker could barely spare any time to establish eye contact with his audience. However, this will disappoint his listeners, who have come not just to listen to the speaker, but to have a kind of non-verbal communication with him. A lack of eye contact on the speaker's part will certainly affect the listeners' comprehension and interest for the speech.

III. Speak unusually slowly.

When you get nervous, it’s not just your heart beat that quickens. You’re words also tend to speed up. Luckily audiences are more patient and forgiving than we know.They want you to succeed up there, but the more you rush, the more you turn them off, If you just go quiet for a moment and take a long, deep breath, they’ll wait for you. It’s kind of amazing.

It’s impossible to speak too slowly on stage. It’s incredible that you can stand on stage and speak so slowly that there are several seconds between each of your words and people… will… hang… on… your… every… word. It really works.

IV.Have a pause in the right time.

Pausing in a speech is beyond the notice of many speakers,even some business communication textbooks forget to mention that. In fact, pausing plays an important role which helps to generate the audience's attention when one speaks. Many inexperienced speakers are often too nervous to pause, which make their listeners feel tired, but affect their understanding of the points-listeners need time to digest what the speaker has said.

Some authentic speeches with transcriptions can be used as listening materials to let students analyze the transcription's details after listening and to think about the prosody features that deserve attention. From the specific transcription, it is straight-forward to provide the stress patterns and useful expressions that students can benefit, rather than just let them listen to something and finish some comprehension questions as a method of testing whether students can comprehend the listening or not.

V. Ignore the naysayers.

Dismiss the people furrowing their brows, crossing their arms or shaking their heads “no.” Instead, focus only on your supporters — the people who are visibly engaged, enjoying your presentation and nodding “yes.” If you find the audience members who are positively interacting with you, you’ll be much more confident and relaxed than if

you try to convince the naysayer

VI.Say thank you when you’re done.

Applause is a gift, and when you receive a gift, it’s only right to express how grateful you are for it. This is why Sinek always closes out his presentations with these two simple yet powerful words: thank you.They gave you their time, and they’re giving you their applause.That’s a gift, and you have to be grateful.
